spring 2013 / 5773
AssociAtion for cAnAdiAn Jewish studies
AssociAtion des études juives cAnAdiennes
spring 2013 / 5773
Volume 27:1
Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service Award
conferred on professor ira robinson
Religion, the Association for Jewish
Studies and the Canadian Society for
The Association for Canadian
Jewish Studies is very pleased
to announce that Professor Ira Jewish Studies, to name a few. He is
Annual y or from time to time, the ACJS
Robinson of Concordia University in also recognized internationally as a
presents an award honouring an individual,
Montreal is the 2013 recipient of the dedicated and learned scholar.
group or institution that has contributed
significantly to Canadian Jewish studies. In
Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish
tribute to the scholarship of Louis Rosenberg,
Studies Distinguished Service Award.
as of 2008 the award became known as the
For over thirty years, Professor
"Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies
Distinguished Service Award."
Robinson has been a major pillar
of and contributor to the teaching
Louis Rosenberg was born in Poland in 1893
and educated in England. Upon his arrival
and scholarship of Jewish studies in
in Canada in 1914, he taught at the Tiferes
Canada. Throughout this time, his
Israel School in Lipton, Saskatchewan,
contributions have added to such
and was field inspector for the Jewish
Colonization Association's farm colonies.
areas as the history of Jews in Canada,
While in Saskatchewan, he published, under
Orthodox Judaism in North America,
the pseudonym Wat Hugh McCol um, a study
Hasidism, Judaism and science, and
of the concentration of wealth in Canada
entitled Who Owns Canada? (1935, 1947).
Jewish mysticism.
As an educator, Ira Robinson has
In 1939, he published his magnum opus on
Of his extensive list of publications, been a consistent and enthusiastic
Canadian Jewry, Canada's Jews (reprinted
several have been recognized for supporter of the promotion of Jewish
1993). Using census data in a comprehensive
and profound fashion, Rosenberg had few
their outstanding contributions: The studies across Canada. Teaching
peers in the area of the study of Canadian
Thought of Maimonides (1990), An at Concordia University, he is well
demography. In 1945, Rosenberg became
Canadian Jewish Congress's director (and
Everyday Miracle: Yiddish Culture in respected by students and faculty for
only employee) of the Bureau of Social and
Montreal (1990), Not Written in Stone: his contributions to a strong Jewish
Economic Research. His archives are located
Canadian Jews, Constitutions and studies program within the Department
in both Library and Archives Canada and the
CJC Charities Committee National Archives.
Constitutionalism in Canada (2003) of Religion. Students over the years
Rosenberg died in 1987.
and Rabbis and Their Community: have recognized the value of his
Studies in the Eastern European knowledge, style, and presentation. He
for more information on ACJS awards.)
Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, has always welcomed open discussions
1896-1930 (2007).
and provided frequent opportunities for
inside this issue
Furthermore, Professor Robinson students to express their thoughts and
Slate of Board Members 2013-2014.2
has been a regular contributor to explore specific areas of interest.
President's Message .3
several academic journals, such as
As a frequent public speaker,
ACJS Website & Mazal Tovs .3ACJS & CSJS Preliminary Conference Program .4
Studies in Religion, American Jewish he is recognized for his extensive
Concordia Institute: Working Papers in Canadian Jewish Studies .6
History, American Jewish Archives, and knowledge of Jewish affairs.
On the Bookshelf .7
Canadian Jewish Studies. He has also
We look forward to presenting
From Our Regions .8Concordia Student Journal for
been very active in several academic the Rosenberg Award to Professor
Canadian Jewish Studies .10Annual General Meeting Minutes .11
organizations, such the ACJS, the Robinson on June 3, 2013, at our
Open Board Meeting Minutes .14
Canadian Society for the Study of conference in Victoria, B.C.
Affiliated Societies and Institutions .16

President: Randal Schnoor
Vice-President: Barry Stiefel
The Association for Canadian Jewish
Treasurer: Emily Lam
Secretary: Janice Rosen
Studies/l'Association des études juives
Past President: Norm Ravvin
canadiennes was founded in 1976 as the Canadian Jewish Historical Society/
Société d'histoire juive canadienne. Its
Journal Editors: David Koffman and Stephanie Schwartz
Bulletin Editor: Susan Landau-Chark
goal is to encourage scholarly research in
Chair, Communities and Archives: Dara Solomon
Canadian Jewish history, life and culture
Chair, Membership: Steven Lapidus
through academic disciplines.
Chair, Programs & Conference: Rebecca Margolis
It is a national association with
Book Review Editor: Ira Robinson
Chair, Academic Committee: TBD
headquarters in Montreal and is affiliated
ProPosed slAte
Chair, Finance: TBD
with historical organizations and
Chair, Nominations: Barry Stiefel
institutions throughout Canada.
Acjs BoArd MeMBers
Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on
This newsletter is written for
Yiddish in Canada: Bernie Katz
organizations and individuals with a
particular interest in Canadian Jewish
Board members for 2013-2016
Comments, news, announcements, and
Robin Bergart (ON)
reviews can be emailed to Susan Landau-
Frank Bialystok (ON)
Chark at [email protected].
The ACJS website:
Board members for 2013-2015
David Koffman (ON)
Richard Menkis (BC)
Seymour Mayne (ON)
Stephanie Schwartz (QC)
Board members for 2013-2014
Pierre Anctil (QC)
Hernan Tesler-Mabe (ON)
notice to MeMBers
All membership renewals to the Association
The photo caption on page 7 of the autumn
Past President
can now be made online using Paypal. Simply
2012 bul etin was incorrrect. It should have
go to to renew. Also, if you
read: "Left to right: Sylvia
have a change of address, email or phone
Lustgarten, Bernie and Gilda
Bulletin Editor
number, please let us know by emailing Janice
Katz, Jack Lipinsky, and Susan
Rosen at [email protected].
Susan Landau-Chark
Shirley Muhlstock Brodt
Thank you to the fol owing institutions for their support of the Association for
Canadian Jewish Studies: Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies; Israel
and Golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies (York University); University of
Toronto Centre for Jewish Studies; and Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program
The ACJS Bul etin is published biannual y for
(University of Ottawa).
members of the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the ACJS. Please send all correspondence to ACJS/AEJC, 1455 de Maisonneuve West, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8. For membership details and rates, log on to
spring 2013 / 5773
Dear members and friends of the ACJS,
At our conference, we are
delighted to honour Professor
I hope you have had a chance to take a look at our
Ira Robinson of Concordia
new association website (see box below). Many have University, winner of the 2013 Louis Rosenberg
mentioned that they appreciate our fresh new look.
Distinguished Service Award in Canadian Jewish
Many thanks to Rabbi Arie Chark for generously
Studies. The ACJS proudly recognizes the
maintaining our site for the past two years. And
exceptional contribution Ira has made to the study
thank you to Robin Bergart for coordinating our new of Canadian Jewish life (see page 1 for details).
The preliminary program of the conference
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming
is contained in this bulletin and available on our
conference in Victoria, British Columbia (Monday
to Tuesday, June 3-4, 2013). We are delighted to
you to Rebecca Margolis for her efforts in putting
begin our conference just one day afterthis conference together.
celebrates its 150th
Although it is mentioned below, I would like
anniversary (it is the oldest synagogue in continuous
to congratulate Dr. David Koffman on his new
use in Canada). ACJS delegates in Victoria on June 2 faculty position at York University (I look forward
are invited to participate in the celebration.
to working with you) and to Professor Morton
There will be a parade through Victoria and
Weinfeld on winning the prestigious Marshall
a ceremony to commemorate the laying of the
Sklare Award for his outstanding scholarly
cornerstone as well as an "open house" following the contribution to the social scientific study of Jewry.
ceremony. In addition, we hope to hold one evening
of our conference in the synagogue.
Dr. Randal F. Schnoor
aCJs/aeJC Website updated
mazal tov!
The ACJS/AEJC launched a new website this year.
Professor morton Weinfeld of McGill
Many thanks to Rabbi Arie Chark for generously
University has won the 2013 Marshall
maintaining our site for the past
Sklare Award.
The Sklare Award is an annual honor
We hope this site will become
of the Association for the Social Scientific
a focal point for the Association,
Study of Jewry (ASSJ) which seeks to
attract new and returning
recognize "a senior scholar who has made
members, and make it easy
a significant scholarly contribution to the social scientific study
to find up-to-date information
of Jewry." Weinfeld will give his Sklare scholarly address at
about the Association and its
the annual meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies in
publications and annual conference.
Boston in December 2013.
On a rotating basis, we will feature different images from Canadian Jewish history and life. Perhaps they will inspire
Kudos and mazal tov to Dr. David Koffman,
your own research!
who has just been accepted for an assistant
Please contact Robin Bergart at
professorship in the Department of History
to send your feedback about the website. She invites your
at York University in Toronto. Upon tenure,
suggestions for changes, updates, and new content. She
David will become the J. Richard Shiff Chair
also welcomes your eagle eye to spot any errors.
for the Study of Canadian Jewry.
associaTion for canadian Jewish sTudies annual conference
congress for humaniTies and social sciences
canadian socieTy for Jewish sTudies annual conference
congress for humaniTies and social sciences
university of victoria
june 3-4, 2013
monDay, June 3
the university of Victoria i-witness Holocaust Field
ACJS room loCAtion: mCPherSon librAry 210
CSJS room loCAtion: mCPherSon librAry 219
Helga thorson (University of Victoria): The "I" in
I-witnessing: Personal Commitment and Change
8:30-10:00 am: annual general meeting, association Charlotte schallié (University of Victoria): Embracing
for Canadian Jewish studies
Challenges and Contradictions: The Field School in
10:00-10:30 am: Coffee break
sarah Jane Kerr-lapsley (University of British
Columbia): Comparing the Experience of the March
10:30 am-12:00 pm: aCJs session 1 issues in
of the Living and the I-witness Field School
Canadian Holocaust studies
amy Coté (University of Victoria): Analyzing Stories:
Zelda abramson (Acadia University): Things Aren't
Second Generation Canadian Jewish Writers and the
Always What They Appear to Be: Stories of Women
Holocaust Survivors Settling in Montreal
Jason michaud (University of Victoria): Preserving
adara goldberg (Vancouver Holocaust Education
Stories: Community Engagement Through the "Local
Centre): Losing their Religion: Converts and
Stories and Experiences of the Holocaust" Archival
Apostates After the Holocaust
Jason Chalmers (University of Ottawa): Canada and
the Expansion of Holocaust Memory: Three Cases
Chair: richard menkis (University of British Columbia)
1:30-3:00 pm: CsJs session 2 Jews in europe and
10:30 am-12:00 pm: CsJs session 1 Zionism and
Jordana de Bloeme (York University): ‘This Is Our
Home That We Built, and Our Land': The Vilna
Celia rothenberg (McMaster University): Israel-lite: A
Educational Society and Cultural Autonomy for a
New Kind of Zionism at an American Jewish Summer
"New" Jewish Future
Francisco peña (University of British Columbia,
aviva atlani (University of Western Ontario): Fictional
Okanagan): Cain and the Jews in Alfonso X of
Yiddish Characters in a Holocaust and Post-
Castille's General Estoria
Holocaust Setting
albert Kaganovitch (University of Manitoba): Forced
Chelsea Hemmings (Concordia University): The
Alliance: Russian Local Authorities and Jewish Elite
Bund: Its Historical Significance and Context
in a Belorussian Town
Chair: ira robinson, CSJS President (Concordia
3:30-3:45 pm: Break
12:00-1:30 pm: lunch break
3:45-4:45 pm: aCJs session 3 Canadian Jewish
1:30-3:30 pm: aCJs session 2 From i-witness to
Community activist: Canadian perspectives on
emily lam (McGill University): From the Old World to
spring 2013 / 5773
the New: Distinctive Dimensions of Place and Their
Industry: It's Nothing to Laugh At
Influence on the Identity and Authenticity of Klezmer
sivane Hirsch (Université de Montréal): Learning
Music in Early Twentieth-Century Jewish Montreal
about Quebec's Jewish Community's History, Culture
maxa sawyer (York University): The Voices of
and Religion: Curriculum and Teachers' Perception
Birthright Israel: Going Beyond the Jewish Homeland Chair: TBA
Narrative to Create a Realistic Relationship Between
the Jewish Canadian Diaspora and Israel
12:00-1:30 pm: lunch break
Chair: randal schnoor (York University)
1:30-3:30 pm: aCJs session 5 roundtable:
3:45-4:45 pm: CsJs session 3 early Jewish
problems of the personal
Janice rosen (Canadian Jewish Congress Charities
Daniel maoz (Concordia University): ‘We've Got Him
Committee National Archives)
Cornered in the Churchyard': Saving Jesus the Jew
Jennifer yuhasz (Jewish Museum and Archives of
from Christian Traditions
British Columbia)
robert Daum (University of British Columbia,
stephanie tara schwartz (Interactive Museum of
Vancouver School of Theology): Rabbinic Biography:
Law and Story in the Case of Zechariah ben
Chair: David s. Koffman (University of Toronto)
1:30-3:30 pm: CsJs session 5 issues in Kabbalistic
7:00 pm: aCJs evening program (free of charge)
sarah licha (Université de Montréal): La Kabbale
loCAtion: 5447 Cornett A125
intégrative de Rabbi Abraham Aboulafia: L'être
Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service Award to be
humain dans sa potentialité messianique
presented to Prof. Ira Robinson, Concordia University
ira robinson (Concordia University): Elijah de Vidas
and the Process of the Popularization of Kabbala in
tuesDay, June 4
the Sixteenth Century
ACJS room loCAtion: mCPherSon librAry 210
andrea gondos (Concordia University): Printing
CSJS room loCAtion: mCPherSon librAry 219
and Popularizing Kabbalah in Early Modernity:
R. Yissachar Baer as an Agent of Culture
8:30-10:00 am: open Board meeting, association for Justin Jaron lewis (University of Manitoba):
Canadian Jewish studies
Meanings of Shekhinah in Tosher Hasidism
Chair: Daniel maoz
10:00-10:30 am: Coffee break
3:30-4:30 pm: annual general meeting,
10:30-12:00 pm: aCJs session 4 Canadian Jewish
Canadian society of Jewish studies
ira robinson (Concordia University): Finding a Rabbi
for Quebec City: The Interplay Between an American
Rabbinate and a Canadian Congregation
The ACJS would like to extend a thank you
lillooet nordlinger mcDonnell (Independent
researcher): Lumbering into Canada: Leon Koerner
and Jewish Assimilation in British Columbia, 1939-
peter usher (Independent researcher): Jews and the
Military in Canada
Chair: Faith Jones (University of British Columbia)
10:30 am-12:00 pm: CsJs session 4 Jewish
literature and Culture
shana mauer (Hebrew University): A Reconsideration
of Jewish Power in Mordecai Richler's Novels
phil gold (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education): American Jews and the Comic
The Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies
Working Papers in Canadian Jewish Studies
the Concordia institute for Canadian Jewish studies announces the latest in its series of working papers in
Canadian Jewish Studies published online
Working Paper Number 4: Dr. Pierre Anctil, ","
March 8, 2013.
Earlier Working Papers include:
Working Paper Number 1: Dr. Sharon Gubbay Helfer, "
," December 13, 2012.
Working Paper Number 2: Dr. Ira Robinson,
Working Paper Number 3: Dr. Ira Robinson, "," February 6,
Please send manuscripts for consideration and any queries to .
Chaire de l'Université Concordia en Études Juives Canadiennes
«Working Papers» en Études Juives Canadiennes
Chaire de l'université Concordia en Études Juives Canadiennes annonce la dernière de la série de
«Working Papers» en études juives canadiennes qui sont publiés en ligne
Working Paper Number 4: Dr. Pierre Anctil, «,»
March 8, 2013.
Working Paper Number 1: Dr. Sharon Gubbay Helfer, «
,» December 13, 2012.
Working Paper Number 2: Dr. Ira Robinson,
Working Paper Number 3: Dr. Ira Robinson, February 6,
S'il vous plaît envoyez les manuscrits et des questions à [email protected].
spring 2013 / 5773
humorous) Jewish Canadian stories.
Keshev is the leading publisher
of international literature in Israel
focusing on the writings of poets.
pierre anCtil's new book,
Gartner, edited by Gabriel A. Sivan
Jacob-Isaac Segal; Un poète yiddish
(Jerusalem, Israel: Jewish Historical
de Montréal et son milieu (Presses
Society of England (Jerusalem
de l'Université Laval, 2012), was
Branch), 2013). Launched in
‘launched' in Montreal this past
Jerusalem this past
February at the Jewish Public
relates the hitherto
Seymour's book is part of a new
untold story of how
prose series devoted to the work
and why Jews left
of Nobel Prize winners and other
the British Isles to
acclaimed writers such as the late
settle in distant parts
great Polish author Czeslaw Milosz.
of the world, often
The original English edition
establishing the first permanent
Jewish communities in North
favourably reviewed across Canada
America, Australia, New Zealand and in leading newspapers and has South Africa.
also been positively noted online
The chapter on Canada, focusing in literary magazines both here in
Toronto Yiddishists will have
on the early British Jewish settlers,
Canada and in France.
the pleasure of attending its Toronto
explores the ease with which British
launch (with Pierre present) on
Jews were able to emigrate and
Sunday, June 9, 2013, at 4 p.m., at
integrate into Canadian society.
sonia ZylBerBerg has a new
the Beth David Synagogue. The book
story published in the current issue
launch will be the closing event of
the week-long Jewish Book Festival.
Professor seymour mayne
For information about the book
(Ottawa), the Association's 2009
recipient of the Louis Rosenberg
Distinguished Service Award, now
has 61 books to his credit.
Also there is a 3.5-minute video
Just before Purim, the Hebrew
of the Montreal launch (mainly
edition of The Old Blue Couch and
in French and with a poem read
Other Stories (original English
publisher, Toronto: Ronald P. Frye &
straight to an entertaining read:
Company), was published by Keshev, in Tel Aviv.
For those of you who attended
susan lanDau-CHarK has
the 2009 ACJS conference, Seymour
The story, called "Vashti to the
a chapter aptly titled "Canada" in
regaled the audience with the story
Rescue," is a broad retelling of the
the recently published The Jewish
of the old blue couch. Now Israeli
Book of Esther. It fills in the gaps
Emigrant from Britain 1700-2000:
audiences will have the pleasure
of "what happened to Vashti" and
Essays in Memory of Lloyd P.
of reading his delightful (and
presents a proactive Esther.
From our regions contributions to the local community and The East
to the field of Jewish history.
interactive museum of
The West
ontario Jewish archives
Jewish Historical society of
Ontario Jewish Archives Director Dara Dr. Stephanie Tara Schwartz is pleased
southern alberta - Calgary
Solomon told the ACJS about two to share some exciting news from the
exciting initiatives that will bring their Interactive Museum of Jewish Montreal
A number of this year's Jewish Historical collections out of the vault and into the (IMJM) with the ACJS community.
Society of Southern Alberta programs community.
Check out our new online walking
have been dedicated to the memory of
tour "Between These Walls: Hidden Sounds of Hazzanut in Montreal" This tour explores Montreal's cantorial tradition. It includes rare recordings and oral histories, providing a snippet of what the city's
Firstly, the Ontario's Ministry of synagogues looked and sounded like half
Culture, Tourism, and Sport awarded the a century ago. Stay tuned for the mobile
Jack Switzer, our esteemed colleague OJA a Museums and Technology grant version of the tour for use on tablets and
and past president who passed away in enabling the OJA to redesign its website, smart phones.
January 2012. This special programming which will include mobile accessibility,
Join us in Montreal for two exciting
began with the Annual General Meeting an online searchable database of the events in May:
presentation in October in Jack's OJA collection, and curated content
On Sunday, May 5, Sara Tauben,
memory, featuring recollections of the by subject. The new website will be Zev Moses and Stephanie Schwartz will
Shaarey Tzedec Congregation (1958-
launched in 2014.
be leading walking tours of Jewish Mile
1986), whose building has been slated
Secondly, the OJA has established End as part of Montreal's Jane's Walks.
for demolition. Plans are underway for a new school partnership initiative that .
an historic marker on the site.
brings the archives into classrooms
Sunday, May 12, is reCollection
This winter, JHSSA sponsored at Bialik Hebrew Day School and , a city-wide
the Jack Switzer Memorial Research
scavenger hunt for Montreal's Jewish
Workshops. This series of three meetings,
past, a joint venture between IMJM and
led by Glenbow archivist Doug Cass
the Jewish Public Library.
and JHSSA archivist Agi Romer Segal,
Launched in 2010 with and supported
highlighted the variety of archival
by the Jewish Community Foundation's
resources available to anyone interested
Connecting Through Culture grant
in local Jewish history.
program, IMJM collects, maps, and
On January 20, 2013, Michael
shares the history and experiences
Dawe, curator of history at the Red Deer Grade 3 students at Paul Penna Downtown Jewish of the Montreal Jewish community
Museum, presented an illustrated lecture Day School, November 2012.
through exhibits, walking tours and
about the early Jewish colony near Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day online and mobile technology. The
Pine Lake. Traces of the early Jewish School in Toronto. Classroom visits are IMJM has recently been lauded in the
homes have been uncovered, and further designed around the Ontario Ministry Forward,
research is ongoing. The fate of these of Education's 3rd and 4th grade
colonists was the topic of one of Jack's curriculum guidelines, highlighting , and
earliest articles for the JHSSA journal themes of immigration, urban versus T
Discovery in 1994.
rural development, and city building.
Our special tribute to Jack Switzer Students have enjoyed learning about .
will be held on May 13, 2013. The the local Jewish past while adding their
Visit us at . For
evening will be dedicated to Jack's many own anecdotes and stories.
news and events, follow us on
spring 2013 / 5773
community. The exhibit will also tell the called "The Jewish Catastrophe" and
stories of the women whose activities "The Great Terror."are sometimes forgotten. Documents,
This exhibit includes letters received
an update on 100+ years of the
photographs and artifacts from the by Jewish families in Saint John from
ste. sophie/new glasgow Jewish
Museum's archival collections will also relatives in Europe both before and
Farming Community –
be displayed. A professionally produced after the Second World War, as well as
a Historical exhibition
video will accompany the exhibit. This photographs of family members and will include photographs, excerpts from audio and video interviews with people
The presentation of this exhibition has audio interviews, home movies and who survived or escaped before it was been advanced until 2014. The location other material linked together with a too late. Production of videos related to has been changed to a venue in Montreal new narrative.
this exhibit has become an important part
(to be determined) instead of the village
In addition, many women in the of it because of its mission to educate the
of Ste. Sophie. These changes will Jewish community were skilled in public, especially young people, and as provide additional time for preparation the making of quilts, afghans, hats, a memorial to people who perished and of the displays and artifacts that will be
a celebration of those who got away.
used. In the future, the website
Gary Davis writes, "It must have
will continue to serve
been quite a shock, as well as a relief,
as a source for news and information
when in 1945 my great-uncle Joseph
as this exhibition develops. For further
Wiezel, co-owner with my grandfather
information, you may email Howard
of Wiezel Bros. Ltd. in Saint John,
received a telegram from Sweden dated
July 13. Its 11 words had a big impact. ‘LIBERATED CONCENTRATION
saint John Jewish Historical
society inc.
One of the executive of the Henrietta Szold Chapter
of Hadassah — Saint John, 1950.
MONEY.' It was signed by Michael
By Katherine Biggs-Craft, Curator
clothing and decorative items for their Fried, my mother's second cousin, homes and for the synagogue. Examples and was the beginning of a three-year
We have several research projects on the of women's creative handwork (e.g. correspondence during which Uncle go at the Saint John Jewish Historical tablecloths, needlepoint, knitting, sewing, Joe and his siblings sent financial and Museum at the present time. Two of the embroidery, painting and drawing) material help to Michael and tried to projects will result in museum exhibits, from the permanent collections and overcome immigration restrictions the other two into ongoing activities.
on loan from community members to bring him to Canada or the United will be displayed. This work will be States."
the Changing roles of Jewish Women/
accompanied by photographs of some of
About 100 of these documents
the threads of generations
the women who made these items. Some still exist, along with some from other
An exhibit telling the story of 18 decades of these creative skills came through the relatives of the Wiezel family from of Jewish women's history in Saint generations although many of these skills before 1939, and many post-War letters John will be shown from May 2013 are not practiced by many of the current and some photos from other relatives to April 2014. This exhibit tells the generation.
of the Wiezel family. Two cousins did
stories of the contributions of Jewish
eventually get to Saint John, and others
women – religious and domestic roles, new Holocaust memorial exhibit
to Montreal, Edmonton and elsewhere,
support of Jewish organizations, family Will Highlight local links
but Michael married and settled in
businesses, professions, and community The first phase of our Holocaust Memorial Sweden. and public service. It will incorporate Exhibit will be completed in time for our
Rose Wiesel and Albert Featherman
a series of fifteen display panels with 2013 opening at the end of May. The were survivors. They met at a displaced text and photographs. A special feature exhibit will focus on connections of Saint will highlight the accomplishments Johnners and other New Brunswickers to of many prominent women in the victims and survivors of what has been
Continued on page 10
The Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies
Student Journal of Canadian Jewish Studies
Call for Papers
the Concordia institute for Canadian Jewish
studies is happy to announce the Call for
papers for the next issue of the student Journal
1. Submission must be 15,000 words or fewer.
of Canadian Jewish studies.
2. All papers must be titled, proofread and should
conform to MLA guidelines (footnote system).
the student Journal of Canadian Jewish studies
3. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract
seeks articles and book reviews by students relating
(max. 300 words) and author's biography.
to the Jewish experience in Canada.
4. On the top of your submission please include:
your name, university and year; exact word
about the Journal: SJCJS is web-based, peer-
count; class for which the paper was written (if
reviewed and supported by the Institute for
written for a class); name of the professor to
Canadian Jewish Studies at Concordia University,
whom the paper was submitted.
Papers can be sent via email attachment to
Our goal is to attract a diverse audience and to
the deadline for
provide a forum for undergraduate and graduate
submissions is June 1, 2013.
students to contribute to the field of Canadian
Jewish studies.
All papers will be kept confidential by the editors.
Queries and comments can also be addressed to
past issues can be found at
Katherine Romanow, Editor, at
Continued from page 9
persons camp after the war. Their families
The stories of these and about ten and offices and other places of work of
were murdered in camps or in other others who came to New Brunswick Jewish residents of Saint John. atrocities. A photo taken at a wedding before or after the War, some of whom
In addition to research by members
celebration near Sighet, Romania, shows were able to evade the concentration of the Museum and the curator, in 2012
camps but who spent time in Canadian students working in the museum col ected internment camps, will become part data from our archives, conducted of the exhibit, along with educational and recorded oral interviews and took information about the Holocaust and its photographs of more than three dozen antecedents. We are trying to reach people structures that were once connected to to col ect as much information as possible. the Jewish community. Volunteer guides If you know of anyone connected to Saint took groups on walking tours in 2010. John or New Brunswick in this way, we
This year we will develop a brochure
would appreciate any information you and map to feature these locations for a can send.
self-guided exploration of Saint John
Wedding celebration near Sighet, Romania, mid-
history. We have also partnered with a
1930s. One of the people in this photograph survived the Holocaust and moved to Saint John.
Walking tour of Jewish sites in
local expert on walking tours who will
Central saint John
present a guided walk to some of these
Rose Wiesel with relatives and friends, We have been working for the last few locations in the summer of 2013.
including Abraham Ovics, another years developing a walking tour that survivor who lives in Edmonton.
highlights the former homes, businesses
Continued on page 15
spring 2013 / 5773
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m.
Randal Schnoor (President and Chair), Robin Bergart, Jason Chalmers, Paula Draper, Faith Jones, Bernard Katz, Michael Kent, David Koffman, Susan Landau-Chark, Jack Lipinsky, Sylvia Lustgarten, Richard Menkis, Ira Robinson, Janice Rosen (Secretary), Stephanie Schwartz, Gary Smolyansky, Barry Stiefel, Harold Troper, Peter J. Usher
Call to order:
Once all participants introduced themselves, the meeting began officially at 10:43 a.m.
minutes of previous meeting
This report was received with approval.
The 2011 Annual General Meeting minutes were approved, with a motion by Harold Troper. Faith Jones seconded.
membership report -
randal for steven lapidus, membership Chair
president's report - randal schnoor
Steven Lapidus reported that there are currently 78 paid-up
Randal noted the passing of Rabbi Gunther Plaut, followed two
members for 2012, an increase of 5 members since 2011. The
months later by his son, Rabbi Jonathan Plaut, who in 1977 was
membership breaks down as follows: Regular (and affiliates): 31;
the founding editor of our journal, then called the Canadian Jewish
Students: 13; Institutional members: 14; Seniors 19; and 1 Donor
Historical Society Journal. Also Allan Raymond and Jack Switzer
membership. The numbers have gone up from last year's 73
passed away this year.
members but have dipped from 2009 (131) and 2010 (148). Why? One reason suggested was possibly again because of a lag in
Paula Draper shared her recol ection of Rabbi Gunther Plaut's
Journal publication. Barry Stiefel suggested that the location of the
eulogy by his son. Bernard Katz recal ed to the group his suggestion
conference might affect membership from year to year because if
that a section of our website be a tribute area honouring these
more attend the conference in any given year, those individuals
people. Randal agreed that this was a good idea that should be
were likely to join in that year.
pursued with the webmaster.
In recent years ACJS has employed an assistant who has helped
Randal congratulated Stephanie Schwartz on her recent successful
with phone calls to lapsed members. We hope to continue to do
thesis defence and asked her to tel the group about her topic, which
that, as it is an effective tactic.
was on the meaning of diaspora from an Arab Jewish perspective and the concept of multiple homelands. David Koffman was
Susan Landau-Chark motioned to accept the report and Ira
congratulated on his recent PhD dissertation about encounters
Robinson seconded it. Passed unanimously.
between Jews and native Americans. It was also noted that last year, Steven Lapidus successfully defended his PhD.
treasurer's report - robin Bergart
A detailed written report was submitted to the participants and
It was noted that in the past year, there had been a lot of scholarship
is available on request. In summary the major expenses are the
about Canadian Jewish life, including Randal's contribution in the
Journal and the conference, which are around $5000 each. Robin
Journal of Contemporary Jewry. A special edition of the American-
had suggested previously that the Journal be exclusively available
based journal, Contemporary Jewry was devoted to the study of the
online, but this was controversial. She made the case that libraries
Canadian Jewish experience. The volume, guest-edited by Randal
and students are increasingly expecting online access.
Schnoor, was published in December 2011.
Other cost-cutting measures: Barry asked about the emailing of
This led to a webinar in April 2012 promoting the journal issue. It
the bulletin, raising the question of whether his request for emailed
went wel and is a good tool to promote scholarship. Ira is currently
bulletins was noted. It is difficult to indicate this preference when
editing a book about Jews in Canada, and the American Jewish
renewing via Paypal.
Yearbook, now revived, is soliciting articles from several ACJS members.
Conference costs are usual y about the same, aside from the
Vancouver conference, which received extra funding. Copyright
Jewish studies departments for display and to attract members.
fees income is going down, but our website is less expensive, and
Bernard Katz was basically in agreement with these ideas.
our annual accounting is done gratis by Gerry Silver.
The question arose as to whether there should be a wait period
Some money was deposited 20 years ago from the previous CJC
for putting the bul etin online. It had been done this way until
and the remainder of this money is in the assets of the Association.
now, but Richard Menkis and others were of the opinion that this
Also there were years when the Journal was not published or
delay should stop as the bulletin was an inducement to join the
was published as double catch-up issues, thereby causing a
Association. Resolved: We will put the most recent bulletin online
financial surplus. Also some of the money raised for the Vancouver
as a PDF now and will continue to do this with bulletins as soon
conference was a surplus.
as they are available.
The proposed budget mostly duplicates the budget from the past
Hesh, in conjunction with Randal, resolved to direct the Board to do
as suggested above regarding the emailing of the bulletins. David Koffman seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.
A motion to approve the budget was made by Robin and seconded
by Harold (Hesh) Troper.
Conference report - randal schnoor for
rebecca margolis, Conference Chair
Hesh also made a motion to thank and reappoint accountant Gerry
Discussion of this year's conference and of next year's in Victoria
Silver. Robin approved. Hesh seconded. Unanimously approved,
was tabled to the next day.
Gerry Silver was thus officially thanked and reappointed.
Journal report - randal schnoor for
Bulletin report - susan landau-Chark
rebecca margolis, Bulletin editor
Susan thanked Shirley Brodt for producing the Bulletin and Janice
As Rebecca could not be present, she sent in her report. The next
Rosen for allowing her to work on it while at CJCCC. Now that
issue, which wil be on the theme of Yiddish studies, wil be out in the
Shirley no longer works for CJCCC she was paid a flat fee for the
fall. Faith Jones reported that it will be a large issue, Approximately
latest bulletin. Susan hoped that this arrangement would continue.
three articles are still being awaited, but most are in. There will be
She urged people to be timely in their bulletin submissions.
nine articles, including Eiran Harris's bibliography of Hebrew typed materials in Canada.
Bernard Katz and Randal both commented on how good the bulletin looks.
The next journal editors are David Koffman and Stephanie Schwartz, for at least two issues. These are being planned as
(Susan makes a motion to accept the Bulletin report.)
"special" (themed) issues. One wil be a comparative issue on Jews in other nations, such as Argentina. The other wil be a comparative
Susan reported that Janice noted that the more complex database
issue about Canadian Jews and Canadians of other religions.
enhancements that Shirley did now cannot continue either, although
David noted that the Conference and the Journal were the main
Janice will continue making the updates. Ira Robinson noted that
communication vehicles for the Association, especial y the Journal,
there was no single person responsible for administrative matters.
and that it was therefore important.
It was decided to address and resolve this issue at the Open Board Meeting the next day.
Richard Menkis asked if people stil send in unsolicited articles and if al the submissions were expected to be thematic. David answered
Faith raised the issue of a completely electronic journal as well as
that the outstanding submissions were very old, so this was not
a newsletter again, agreeing with Robin's comments in the context
currently a problem. (Note: This issue was discussed further at the
of the budget.
Open Board Meeting the next day.)
Hesh suggested going immediately to the default of an emailed
On the subject of the Journal's back issues, Ira Robinson reported
bulletin, whether the member indicated a preference or not. Barry
that there were about a dozen boxes of them, totalling hundreds of
Stiefel added that we could send paper copies only to institutional
issues. His holdings even include some Canadian Jewish Historical
members so that they could display it. Janice suggested emailing to
Society journals. The more recent issues have fewer extra copies,
all who have email addresses but with a choice to get a mailed one
but for older ones there are sometimes over 100 remaining, and
indicated in the emailed bulletin. It would also be good to distribute
only one or two of these are sold per year. The question was
some to places such as the various Jewish archives and Canadian
asked whether to discard them or to keep 10 or 20 per volume.
spring 2013 / 5773
Even when we advertise their availability there are limited takers.
Bernard Katz noted that there was an insufficient number of
The Canadian Jewish Studies volumes are available in electronic
members on the Board, as 20 were needed, while there were 14 on
form, but the old CJHS Journal is not. It was noted that if all the
the slate. Randal was allowed to appoint five. As to be discussed in
volumes were scanned and available on the website, it would be a
the next item, a motion was made to reduce the number of Board
different situation. Randal expressed support for keeping no more
members to a minimum of six and a maximum of fourteen. David
than 20 of each issue and recommended looking into scanning the
Koffman asked if a motion to amend the bylaws could be made
ones which have not yet been done. Ira noted that he could make
before accepting the slate. Bernard Katz said that one could ask
a scanner available to Stephanie Schwartz, who volunteered to
for a suspension of the bylaw for the purpose of approving the
look into doing the scanning.
slate and that this suspension must to be passed by two-thirds of the voters. Hesh Troper asked if it were possible to agree to
The question of future issues being in hard copy versus online only
accept the slate with the proviso that the President regularize it
was tabled to the next day's meeting.
later. Bernard answered that the proper procedure was to move to suspend the bylaw regarding the number of members on the
election of the new slate - Barry stiefel
board for the purpose of the slate at this time only, May 30, 2012.
The new slate was printed in the recent Bulletin. It was pointed out
Hesh then moved and Bernard seconded the motion to do so. The
that one could not nominate additional members from the floor.
motion was passed unanimously. Following this, the vote on the
Robin Bergart was listed as remaining on as Treasurer, although
above proposed slate was approved unanimously.
she would like to step down when the opportunity became available. It was noted that members of the Executive Committee were
new Business
automatically members of the Board.
a) a motion to amend the Bylaws - Barry stiefel
proposed slate of aCJs Board members for 2012-2013
A revision was proposed to the Association's bylaws to make the Board more functional and efficient and to involve the Board
more in decision-making by reducing its size while still retaining a
President: Randal Schnoor
reasonable geographic representation from across the country. The
Vice-President: Barry Stiefel
full text of the proposed bylaw revision is available upon request.
Treasurer: TBD Secretary: Janice Rosen
The essence of the proposed bylaw revision was that the members
Past President: Norm Ravvin
of the Board be reduced from the present 20-35 to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 14.
Journal Editors: David Koffman and Stephanie Schwartz
In the ensuing discussion, David Koffman asked about the
Bulletin Editor: Susan Landau-Chark
implications of an insufficient number of people at a Board meeting,
Chair, Communities and Archives: Debby Schoctor
in terms of a quorum, and would the lack of a quorum slow down
Chair, Membership: Steven Lapidus
decision-making. The current bylaws state the Board's quorum is
Chair, Programs & Conference: Rebecca Margolis
eight, while the AGM quorum is 12. Hesh suggested that people
Book Review Editor: Ira Robinson
should be allowed to be part of a quorum via online access.
Chair, Academic Committee: TBD
Chair, Finance: TBD
Regarding geographic representation, Randal proposed to suspend
Chair, Nominations: Barry Stiefel
the rule saying that there could not be more than three members
Honorary Officer: Gerry Silver
from any province, saying there should be an exception for
Board members for 2012-2015
Ontario and Quebec, or else the by laws should do away with the
David Koffman (NY) Richard Menkis (BC)
requirement of representational balance. David proposed that Board
Seymour Mayne (ON) Stephanie Schwartz (QC)
members be conscious of geographic areas, but without legislating geographical balance. It was agreed that these issues have to be
Board members for 2012-2014
revised in the bylaws. The new phrasing should say: "Ef orts should
Pierre Anctil (QC) Hernan Tesler-Mabe (ON)
be made for the ACJS Board to represent all the regions but that the previous specific geographic obligations should be removed."
Board members for 2012-2013
Bernard Katz expressed agreement with this amendment.
Michele Byers (NS) Bernard Katz (ON) Barbara Schober (BC)Judith Cohen (ON) Goldie Morgentaler (AB) Alisa Siegal (ON)
Randal moved that the amendment be made as indicated above,
Gary Davis (NB) Messod Salama (NL)
Hesh seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
B) a proposal to establish an ad Hoc Committee
the committee excluded Hasidic Yiddish speakers. The answer
on yiddish in Canada - Bernard Katz
was in the negative. The committee was not designed to be
The full text of the proposal is available upon request. Bernard
specifically secular. It would not, however, address other Jewish
noted that the precedent for this type of ad hoc committee was Abe
heritage language cultures such as Ladino, as that would be a
Arnold's Archives and Communities Committee, which eventually
separate issue. Bernard moved that the ad hoc committee be
became a standing committee. He asked for approval in principle
established, and Sylvia Lustgarten seconded the motion. It passed
to establish this committee, with smal but reasonable national
representation. It would concern itself with issues around Yiddish education, life and culture. Michael Kent asked if the mandate of
The meeting then adjourned at approximately 12:10 p.m. r
8:30 A.M., MAY 31, 2012
Randal Schnoor (President and Chair), Robin Bergart, Bernard Katz, David Koffman, Susan Landau-Chark, Richard Menkis, Ira Robinson, Janice Rosen (Secretary), Stephanie Schwartz, Barry Stiefel, Harold Troper
Conference report, Discussion – randal schnoor
Some societies charge over $100. For the first time ACJS has joined
Rebecca Margolis reported to Randal prior to the present meeting
the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. In the past
that there were no problems aside from obtaining kosher catering.
ACJS paid only $20 per attendee. When CSSH raised this to $50
Randal reported that the Conference had gone well. Attendance at
this year, we joined the Congress, which is a saving over paying
the evening program attracted around 35 people. The issue of why
$50 per attendee, and our name appears in the affiliates list.
there had been no community program this year was raised. The reasons were because the location was so close to Toronto and
Proposed raise: From previous rate of (Members = $30, Non-M,
because Shavuot prevented a Sunday program; as a consequence
= $40, Retired members = $25, Retired Non-Members = $30, and
of these factors, outreach was not done.
Students and unwaged = $20), it was moved that we raise every category by $10. The proposal was moved by Bernard Katz,
Next year (2013) in Victoria we anticipate more community
seconded by Susan Landau-Chark, and passed unanimously.
involvement. The timing of the Conference there is tied to the Victoria synagogue's 150th anniversary of the laying of
Acceptance of Rebecca Margolis' conference report: Janice Rosen
Congregation Emanu-El's cornerstone. Sunday will be taken up by
motions, David Koffman seconds – passed unanimously.
the community with the community's own anniversary events, so an ACJS evening would have to be on Monday night. There should
Bulletin - Organization of Office Work and Logistics
be some local history presentation content in the sessions. The
In the current arrangement, two people are looking after the
possibility was raised of doing so in conjunction with a professor
cheques (Ira Robinson and Robin Bergart), while the database
at the University of Victoria who is having undergraduates write
is managed by Janice Rosen at CJCCC. Sophia Warshal (the
articles for an anniversary-associated publication.
assistant), who did mailings and made follow-up calls, is leaving her position, but hopefully another assistant can be hired. Various
Conference 2014: Barry Stiefel and Hernan Tesslar-Mabe are
emails on the website direct questions to different places.
preparing a comparative and contrastive Canadian-American Jewish cultural experience volume. Might this theme be worked
A dedicated bul etin email address is needed. One cannot send more
into the ACJS conference two years from now at Brock University
than forty emails at a time through Google or Hotmail because it is
in St. Catharines, Ontario, due to its proximity to the U.S. border?
considered spamming. We now have a Wordpress website, and the
Bernard Katz recalled a successful conference there in the 1990s
question was raised as to whether we could get an email address
with community involvement and suggested that they be involved
through this. Randal will inquire. The question was raised as to
whether there should be an email cc for all business, which Randal could check if needed. It was decided that using his regular email
Robin Bergart raised the issue of the cost of the conference. ACJS
address was simpler. Bernard recalled the problem of members
still charges $30 for members, which is among the lowest rates:
from previous years being owed journals from that year.
spring 2013 / 5773
Ira and Janice will meet soon to discuss the various issues and will
among the membership group and not circulated beyond the list,
circulate a list of the various responsibilities to the others involved.
without moderation necessary. Therefore, in the example of the
Ira, incoming chair of Canadian Jewish Studies at Concordia, will
JDL-sponsored lecture, it was not inappropriate to post the lecture,
look into getting part-time assistance for the ACJS again.
and the discussion that ensued was not a bad thing. So, should there be guidelines? A disclaimer in the message footer might be the
answer. The disclaimer would say something to the effect that we
Bernard Katz expressed concern that too many special issues
were providing a space for a conversation and are not responsible
would mean other papers would not be published – a concern for
for content. It should not be confined to current members only, and
young scholars in particular. Barry Stiefel also expressed concern
it would be difficult to update.
that the ACJS journal does not provide a forum for him to publish. Bernard also asked about the extent to which all the papers will be
Richard proposed the following motion: To follow the open forum
concerned with Canadian Jewish issues. David Kof man responded
model of H-Net for a year and see how it works. General agreement
that it was possible that unrelated unsolicited manuscripts would
for this idea was expressed. Randal wil continue to ponder the issue
be included in a special edition, based on the situation. Janice
of the Listserve and may share his thoughts by email.
asked if conference papers could be reflected more in the journal content. Randal noted that this was the basis of the Yiddish volume.
In addition, Stephanie Schwartz thought that a blog or Facebook
He agreed with Bernard's concern about a venue for unrelated
page would be useful. She might be interested in starting it after
papers. He suggested one thematic issue rather than two in order
more discussion.
to encourage more papers on other themes. Book reviews are to continue as before.
yiddish ad Hoc Committee
Bernard Katz requested feedback from members about the new ad
Regarding back issues, Richard spoke with Sara Tauben's daughter
hoc committee on Yiddish. He reported that this was not an initiative
Evelyn, who is willing to distribute free issues at Klez Canada in
requiring ACJS funds at this time. A question was raised as to the
Quebec. This could also be done at Ashkenaz in Ontario. It should
purpose of the commit ee. Bernard explained that he was concerned
be done with a label saying "Compliments of the Association," with
that the organized Jewish committee (CIJA) was not placing priority
a contact number. This idea was received with enthusiasm.
on the continuity of Yiddish life and culture. Harold Troper suggested that Bernard and Sylvia Lustgarten develop a more specific strategy
for action and report back to the Board. Stephanie suggested that
Statistics on the number of postings is visible on the Yahoo page.
Bernard speak to Rebecca Margolis. Richard Menkis suggested
There was a controversy last year over an advertisement for a
that the committee speak to Leo Davids.
Jewish Defence League-sponsored lecture. Randal felt that we needed to develop a rules-and-guidelines policy about drawing the
lines on political views. Bernard raised the example of discussing
Randal and Bernard and Barry wil consult about the need for
the issue of Israel "apartheid." Randal thought members could
have a civil conversation about something of this nature online. David agreed but stipulated that the messages should be private
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. r
Continued from page 10
partnership with
more than 900 burial records for the city directories from 1863 to 1999.
Canadian Jewish Heritage network
Shaarei Zedek Cemetery in Saint John. Researchers, particularly genealogists,
The Saint John Jewish Historical For each entry, the data includes, where will find this information very useful.
Museum was invited by Janice Rosen to available, the dates of birth, death and
We will continue to add data to these
share archival research on the Canadian burial, family relationships (parents, records as required and as time permits.
Jewish Heritage Network website. The spouses, siblings and children), obituary At some point we also hope to make our
Saint John Jewish Historical Museum is notices from Saint John newspapers and archival finding aids available through
the first Jewish archives outside Quebec photographs of the gravestones.
to post information on this site.
The second set is composed of
The link to the material currently
Two sets of records were uploaded. information on Jewish residents and available is
The first set of records is composed of businesses as recorded in Saint John
MonTrEal, QuEBEc H3G 1M8
aCJs/aeJC aFFiliateD soCieties & institutions
(Asterisks denote institutional members)
Canadian Jewish Congress Charities Committee
Jewish Historical society of southern alberta
Betty Sherwood, President
Dr. Norma Joseph, CJCCC National Archives Chair
Agi Romer Segal, Librarian and Archivist
Janice Rosen, CJCCC National Archives Director
1607 - 90th Avenue S.W.
1590 avenue Docteur Penfield
Calgary, AB T2V 4V7
Montreal, QC H3G 1C5
Phone: 403-444-3171; Fax: 403-253-7915
Phone: 514-931-7531 ext. 2; Fax: 514-931-0548
ontario Jewish archives
Canadian society for Jewish studies *
Brooky Robins, Chair
Professor Ira Robinson, President
Dara Solomon, Director
c/o Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
Concordia University
4600 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M2R 3V2
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Phone: 416-635-2883 ext. 5170; Fax: 416-849-1006
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2074; Fax: 514-848-8776
ottawa Jewish archives
Emily Leonoff, Archivist
Concordia institute for Canadian Jewish studies *
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Professor Ira Robinson, Interim Chair
Ottawa, ON K2A1R9
Interim Director, Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies
Phone: 613-798-4696 ext. 260; Fax: 613-798-4695
Concordia University
FA-101, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
Phone: 514-848-2424 ext. 2074; Fax: 514-848-8776
saint John Jewish Historical museum
Gary Davis, President
Katherine Biggs-Kraft, Curator
91 Leinster Street, Saint John, NB E2L 1J2
israel and golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish studies *
Phone: 506-633-1833; Fax: 506-642-9926
Professor Sara R. Horowitz, Director
763 York Research Tower
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Phone: 416-736-5823; Fax: 416-736-5344
university of toronto Centre for Jewish studies *
Professor Hindy Najman, Director
University of Toronto
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5016
the Jewish museum & archives of British Columbia/
100 St. George Street
Jewish Historical society of British Columbia
Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
Jennifer Yuhasz, Archivist
Phone: 416-978-1624
Vancouver, BC V5Z 3G9
Phone: 604-257-5199 (Skype-friendly); Fax: 604-257-5198
Vered Jewish Canadian studies program *
Professor Seymour Mayne, Program Coordinator
University of Ottawa
Jewish archives and Historical society of edmonton
70 Laurier Ave East, Room 354
& northern alberta
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
Jini Vogel, President
Phone: 613-562-5800 ext. 1148; Fax: 613-562-5990
Debby Shoctor, Archivist
10220-156 St., Suite 200
Edmonton, AB T5P 2R1
Phone: 780-489-2809; Fax: 780-481-1854
Jacobs Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics Myasthenia Crisis in Pregnancy Roopan K. GILL MD1*, Tung Thanh Cao NGUYEN MD, FRCPC2, Pierre J. HUARD MD, FRCSC3, Hisham A. KHALIL MD, FRCSC4 1The University of Ottawa Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Canada 2The University of Ottawa, Division of Neurology, Canada 3The University of Ottawa, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Canada 4The University of Ottawa, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Canada*Corresponding author: Dr. Roopan K. Gill, 211 Carleton Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y0J5, Tel: (613) 796-4307; Email: [email protected] Received: 07/17/2015 Accepted: 08/07/2015 Published: 08/14/2015 Copyright: © 2015 Roopan
Règlement intérieur au 29 mars 2016 Le règlement intérieur précise les conditions d'application des statuts. Il est adopté et modifié dans les conditions fixées par les statuts. Article 1 : Siège social Le siège social est situé 4 rue Chérubini, Paris 75002 Article 2 : L'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire Mission de l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire