

Grape Breeding for the
Prairies: Inheritance of
Resveratrol production in hybrid
2008/09 Annual Project Summary for The Alberta Horticultural Growers Congress and Foundational Society
By Tyler Kaban
University of Saskatchewan
Breeding Overview
Over the last three seasons, I was able to perform multiple controlled crosses utilizing parent vines of diverse genetic backgrounds. Research started in my last year of undergraduate studies has continued
employment with the Fruit Program and now as a graduate student. In 2007, with the help of summer staff, 300 vines from controlled crosses were planted in the U of S hort field plots. Of those
vines two promising genotypes have
Figure 1. Promising red-fruited (Valiant x
Kay Gray) seedling showing greater
hardiness (and quality traits), C-16
hardiness than its parent Valiant. Fruit
which will be described in detail and a
quality is similar to its paternal parent ‘Kay Gray'.
red-fruited (Valiant x Kay Gray) seedling
Cluster size is small because
the plants are very young. Currently,
which produced fruit for the first time this
there are no red grape varieties for the
year. This genotype was the hardiest of
all the first generation crosses to Valiant and proved to be hardier than Valiant
itself having flowered above the snow
Due to the low level of hardiness
line following the 2008/2009 ‘test winter'.
observed in the Valiant-cross, first
This genotype may prove useful in
generation seedlings, I decided to return
further breeding.
back to crosses with pure Vitis riparia to maintain greater hardiness in progeny. The first step was to select local V. riparias
characteristics; many genotypes with


little to no ‘herbaceousness' (a common
off type flavour in wild grapes) were selected, cloned and used in controlled crosses. I have also utilized superior male V. riparias in breeding; the pollen parent of C-16 is a male Manitoba V. riparia that I found growing in an above-ground planter outside the university library, I reasoned that if it could survive -45°C with its roots above ground it must be very hardy! Instead of using inferior ‘quality' parents like Concord or Fredonia-types, I decided on the best, low acid and neutral flavoured Swenson and French hybrids available, preferably those that already have some V. riparia in their backgrounds. I have also used pure Vitis vinifera (Pinot Noir, Merlot, Riesling, Cabernet) in some crosses and those will remain in pots in the greenhouse for future breeding. Not all crosses have been directed to wine grapes, I am also looking at producing hardy juice and table grapes; I have
bred a promising seedless (Valiant x
Figure 2. Block 4 grape seedling nursery
Petite Jewel) seedling that will be used
planted in 2008 & 2009 (Top); newly
in further table grape breeding.
broken soil in. Block 4 ready for 2010's seedlings (Bottom).
In 2008, 3,000 experimental grape vines were planted in Block 4 of the hort field
plots and this year (2009) another 4,000 were added. Next year, I hope to plant
Details on some exciting
another 3,000 vines, this time with
promising second-generation material based on ‘C-16', a promising female
vine. I have crossed C-16 with some of
I was able to identify the superior grape
the best interspecific grape hybrids
seedling – accession ‘C-16' which arose
from a cross I performed between Vitis
‘Severnji' and a Vitis riparia male pollen
Minnesota's grape breeding program in
parent. This breeding was done as part
of my undergraduate thesis project (also
hardiness with high fruit quality. It is in
funded by the Alberta Hort Congress)
second generation crosses like these
and is a continuation of the effort to
that segregating populations begin to
breed high quality grapes for the
throw out the ‘good stuff'. I look forward
Canadian Prairies.
to evaluating these promising crosses in the future.


‘C-16' has proven to be a superior Vitis
riparia x F1 in that it not only possesses excellent fruit quality characteristics
Accession C-16 flowered for the second
herbaceousness), moderate acidity and
season this year (2009) and despite the
high sugar (average 23° brix in 2008 &
2009) but the vine itself has many
summer, ripened ahead of both ‘Valiant'
desirable agronomic characteristics. C-
and Manitoba V. riparia. Figure 4
illustrates just how early-ripening this
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan through three
genotype is. In a ‘normal' year with
winters including last winter which was
adequate heat unit accumulation, C-16
may be capable of full ripeness by the
Saskatoon experienced 24 consecutive
last week of August; this year it was
days where temperatures were no
estimated to be 2 weeks earlier than
‘warmer' than -25°C! The majority of
Valiant. It was also observed that the
this cold-snap, saw temps in the -30's
fruit of C-16 ripens evenly from top to
with an absolute minimum of -42°C.
bottom (within and between clusters)
This past ‘test' winter was a welcome
achieving uniform ripeness throughout.
event in that it enabled the identification
Valiant by comparison began to ripen its
the truly hardy grape genotypes in the
bottom clusters first where heat had
field plots. Aside from pure indigenous
accumulated near the bare soil.
Vitis riparia, genotype C-16 was the only seedling to suffer little to no die-back
and flowered from the highest buds on canes trained up a 7' stake. For comparison, the standard Prairie-hardy genotype ‘Valiant' died back to the snow line under this period of extended cold, evidently lacking true ‘field' hardiness.
Figure 4. Vitis genotype ‘C-16' fruit ripening in comparison with hardy standards ‘Valiant' and Manitoba V. riparia. Note: C-16 has larger clusters on mature vines (Figure 7).
Figure 3. Vitis ‘Valiant' with dead canes above the snow. Vine is trained on a 7' bamboo stake shown centre, picture taken Aug. 20, 2009.


Figure 5. C-16 with ripe fruit at the top canes.
Figure 6. C-16 with even ripening fruit from top to bottom (Aug. 20, 2009); hardy well above the
snow line as well.
Figure 7. Unripe bunch of Vitis ‘Frontenac' on top comparable to ripe ‘C-16' (bottom) on
greenhouse-grown vines. To get large clusters like these in the field, vines must be fully mature and trained properly. Pictures taken on the same day- Sept. 20, 2009.
‘Frontenac', the
vines to ripen its canes and drops its
leaves; last year (2008) being fully
Minnesota is aprox. 25% Vitis vinifera,
defoliated and dormant by Oct. 10 while
3% V. labrusca, 50% V. riparia with
Valiant still possessed green leaves and
lesser amounts of other Vitis spp. like V.
rupestris, V. aestivalis, V. berlandieri and V. cinerea. This type of genetic
Planned research for 2009/2010
background maximizes the adapted alleles from the North American species
The purpose of my graduate research
(especially Vitis riparia) which provides
project is in part to determine if C-16 is a
hardiness and disease resistance and
superior breeding parent (combining
minimizes the negative influence of V.
abilities) compared to other standard
labrusca on flavour quality. ‘Frontenac'
Vitis riparia x F1's like Valiant, Beta, ES
is said to possess ‘Vinifera-like' flavour
8-2-24 and Frontenac. I will also look at
quality with only a theoretical quarter of
some of the heritabilities of fruit quality
its genome comprised of Vitis vinifera
traits like pH, sugar content (°Brix), acidity (TA) and the ‘functional' trait,
Likewise, accession ‘C-16' is comprised
of aprox. 25% Vitis vinifera, and 50% V.
compound will give prairie grapes a
riparia but contains no Vitis labrusca in
commercial advantage filling a valuable
its background, therefore has no
potential to carry off-flavours associated with this species. The rest of C-16's
Resveratrol is an ‘inducible' trait that
pedigree is filled by V. amurensis
needs some sort of stimulus to elicit its
another super hardy grape species from
production in grape skins. The chosen
Asia. In fact it may be favourable,
elicitor for this project is UV-C radiation.
This past winter with the help of your organization's
from both Vitis riparia and Vitis
amurensis that makes C-16 better
departmental grant, two 60watt UV-C
adapted to the mid to high latitudes of
lamps were purchased for this purpose
the Canadian Prairies than the most
and assembled in a proper work station
Northern Vitis riparia ecotypes. In
addition, C-16 has ‘Precose de Malingre'
Analytical (HPLC) equipment was also
in its background which is a super-early
purchased so that the resveratrol
ripening V. vinifera, this vine is also the
content of harvested fruit can be
ancestor of the most notably early-
analyzed in the second phase of my
Angevine, Sigerrebe, Ortega, Perle de Csaba and Agria. The ability to ripen earlier than Valiant and Manitoba V. riparia makes C-16, a potentially valuable
Canadian Prairies. In Saskatoon over the last three growing seasons it has been observed that C-16 not only ripens its fruit first but its also one of the first
Labrusca= 1%
Riparia= 50%
Figure 7. Genetic background of (C-16 x Frontenac Gris) progeny; maintaining a similar
Figure 8. Ultraviolet lamps used in resveratrol
pedigree to Frontenac.
induction experiments
Summary of Grape crosses:
2007: 14 types of crosses using
Cultivar Development
the following parents:
The experimental design of my thesis
project utilizes a half-diallel mating
scheme. This past winter I was able to
complete all the crosses with an excess
amount of seed resulting from the C-16
x Frontenac Gris cross (extra seedlings
will be planted directly in the field plots
next spring). As mentioned earlier, both parents have desirable traits and I
believe that their offspring could be a
good step toward cultivar development.
Somerset Seedless
Frontenac Gris is a grey mutation (sport)
of Frontenac so it actually breeds like a
V. riparia
white grape meaning that its offspring
will carry recessive alleles for white fruit
colour. I am optimistic that the above cross could produce an even hardier
2008: 8 types of crosses using the
following parents:
characteristics as the early ripening trait of C-16 could help in producing progeny
of much lower fruit acidity and like
flavoured. In the next year this breeding
strategy and hypothesis will be tested.
Himrod Louise Swenson Sabrevois Selfed Eona Selfed Valiant
V. riparia
2009:31 types of crosses using the
following parents:
(Riparia K x Pinot Noir)
DG Riparia
DM 8521-1
New York Muscat
ES 10-18-28 ES 2-8-1
The parents used in the breeding
ES 8-2-24
program represent a wide range of
ES 8-2-43
hardy and semi- hardy varieties
useful for wine, juice and table grapes. Some crosses may result
in hardy offspring but others will
Louise Swenson
likely require another generation or
Petite Jewel
2 before hardiness for Prairie
Riparia A
conditions can be restored.
Riparia I Riparia J
Previous to this project, grapes have not been bred at the
Riparia K
Riparia L
Thus, these crosses represent the
Selfed ES 8-2-24
start of an entirely new breeding
St. Croix
Steuben Valiant
I wish to thank the The Alberta
Horticultural Growers Congress and Foundational Society and the
Planned for 2010: 21 types of
U of SK's Department of Plant
crosses using the following
providing 45% of funding for my
stipend and research expenses. Also, ‘Garden's Alive' (a US
company from Ohio) is providing
10% of the funding.
(C-16 x ES 8-2-24) (C-16 x Frontenac Gris)
I am planning to graduate in Fall or
Winter of 2010, at which time I will send a completed copy of my
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