Microsoft word - guideline_anaphylactic_reaction

Adopted BOD October 2005
Updated BOD January 2013
Guideline Statement for Treatment of Anaphylactic Reaction in the Surgical Patient
Anaphylaxis, also referred to as an anaphylactic reaction, is a response to an allergen,
such as latex, that is classified as a Type I hypersensitivity reaction.1 The onset of
anaphylaxis can be rapid, requiring the surgical team to act quickly to provide definitive
treatment to stabilize the patient's condition.
The following is a brief review of anaphylaxis, as it applies to the surgical patient
and the role of the Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) in the treatment of the patient.
The information is presented with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the
health care facility (HCF) to develop, approve and establish policies and procedures for
treating anaphylaxis in the surgical patient, according to established HCF protocols, state
and federal medical laws. HCFs should develop policies and procedures regarding the
duties of each person on the surgical team related to treating the patient for an
anaphylactic reaction.
The emphasis of this Guideline Statement and information contained herein is on
treatment of the patient who is experiencing anaphylaxis during surgery. The immediate
treatment of the individual in the field varies from the treatment the patient receives in
the operating room. Therefore, healthcare providers are referred to reviewing on a
personal basis the basic first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis that occurs outside of the HCF.
AST Guideline Statement
CSTs are qualified to identify the signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and
communicate this information to the surgical team. Additionally, they are qualified to
assist the surgical team in the treatment of the patient under the direct supervision of the
Pathophysiology of Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactoid Reactions
Anaphylaxis is a type of vasogenic shock that can present a range of signs and symptoms
from mild to acute respiratory distress accompanied by circulatory shock and collapse.7
The anaphylactic response is mediated by a Type I hypersensitivity reaction in which IgE
antibodies react to the allergen. This causes the release of the primary mediators of
anaphylaxis into the circulatory system: histamine, leukotrienes, BK-A, and platelet-
activating factor.9
Histamine, in combination with additional vasodilator substances, causes systemic
vasodilation, pooling of the blood in the peripheral circulatory system, and increased capillary permeability.3 The peripheral and visceral edema produce hypovolemia and shock, whereas arteriolar vasodilation dramatically decreases the systemic vascular
resistance. Due to the peripheral pooling of blood, the blood pressure can dramatically decrease in a very short span of time.
The vascular complications are accompanied by respiratory complications,
including airway constriction, due to swelling of the smooth muscles in the airway tract, bronchospasm, and angioedema. Angioedema of the pharynx, larynx and trachea produces upper airway obstruction, whereas bronchospasm and mucosal edema produce lower airway obstruction. Histamine tends to cause constriction of the large airway tracts and leukotrienes affect the smaller peripheral airways. The airway obstruction can be just as life threatening as a result of the laryngeal edema and/or bronchial spasm. Death usually occurs due to asphyxiation and/or circulatory shock.9
Anaphylactoid reactions, as the name indicates, resemble anaphylaxis; however,
the reaction does not depend on IgE antibodies reacting with an allergen.9 A particular drug can be responsible for causing the direct release of histamine from the mast cells into the circulatory system or activate complement. The key point to remember is that anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions exhibit similar signs and symptoms, and are equally life threatening. The incidence of anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions in the patient under anesthesia is approximately one in 4,500 and has a risk of mortality of 3% to 6%.12
The two primary causes of true anaphylaxis in the patient under anesthesia are
muscle relaxants and latex allergy with muscle relaxants.5 The estimated incidence of muscle relaxant-induced anaphylaxis is one in 6,500 patients and accounts for approximately 70% of perioperative anaphylactic reactions.9 The muscle relaxants indicated in clinical studies most responsible for reactions include succinylcholine, atracurium, vecuronium, and pancuronium.6
Latex allergy is the second most common cause of anaphylaxis during
anesthesia.15 The reactions involve a direct IgE-mediated immune response to the polypeptides in natural latex. Patients with spina bifida, spinal cord injury, and congenital abnormalities of the GU tract are at a high risk for latex allergy.10 By 2000, latex was reported to account for approximately 16.6% of anaphylactic reactions during surgery.6 The incidence of latex allergy in pediatric patients is approximately one in 10,000. 9 Treatment of the patient under anesthesia who experiences anaphylactic reaction to latex is the same as other forms of reaction. Individuals are referred to the AST Guideline Statement on Latex Allergy for additional information.
After muscle relaxants and latex allergy, antibiotics are targeted as the third
leading cause of anaphylactic reactions in the surgical patient.6 Drug allergies in the surgical patient are primarily due to antibiotics, mainly β-lactam antibiotics, including the penicillins and cephalosporins. Sulfonamide allergy is also fairly common in surgical patients. Keeping the incidence of drug-allergy-induced anaphylaxis in the surgical patient in perspective, up to 2% of the population is allergic to penicillin, but approximately only 0.01% of penicillin administration results in an anaphylactic reaction.9
The antibiotic commonly used for antibiotic prophylaxis in the surgical patient is
vancomycin and it is commonly associated with anaphylactoid reactions consisting of pruritus, erythema of the head and upper torso, and arterial hypotension.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
The most common clinical features of anaphylaxis during anesthesia are cardiovascular
and cutaneous signs and symptoms.9 However, cutaneous signs can be difficult to
identify, because the patient is draped. Additionally, while the patient is under anesthesia,
there is an absence of symptoms that the patient is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction.
The majority of surgical anaphylaxis occurs during the induction period when muscle
relaxants, sedatives, and opiates are administered.6 Latex allergic reactions tend to occur
during maintenance anesthesia with the possibility of a 30- to 60-minute delay.
Table 1 lists the clinical signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Table 1: Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis11
Body System
Signs and Symptoms
Urticaria, pruritus, facial edema
Hypotension, tachycardia
Bronchospasm, dyspnea, pulmonary
edema, hypoxia
Bolded words indicate primary signs for patients under general anesthesia.
Treatment in the Operating Room
When an anaphylactic reaction occurs, the first two immediate steps to take are
discontinuation of drug administration and administration of 100% oxygen.8
Table 2 provides the recommended drug therapy and other measures to be taken for
treating the patient.
Table 2: Treatment of Anaphylactic Reactions
Drug or Other Treatment
Drug Action
Antihistamine: H1 blocker
(Benadryl®) Epinephrine Vasoconstriction;
Dose depends on the
bronchial smooth muscles
severity of the reaction, but common dosage is 0.3 to 0.5 mL of 1:1000 IV, repeated at 5-10 minute intervals.12
Relax bronchial smooth
5-6 mg/kg IV over 20-30
muscles to treat
IV fluids: Lactated Ringer's Treat hypovolemia and
prevent circulatory collapse and shock
Ranitidine Antihistamine:
Hydrocortisone or
Hydrocortisone: up to 200
mg IV Methylprednisolone: 1-2 mg/kg IV
Note: Over time, aminophylline is being replaced by PROVENTIL ® (Albuterol).
Competency Statements
Competency Statements
Measurable Criteria
1. CSTs are qualified to handle and
1. Educational standards as established by
administer medications and solutions in the the Core Curriculum for Surgical O.R. under the direct supervision and order
of the surgeon, when treating a patient for
anaphylactic reaction.
2. Medications, including calculating
dosages and conversions, and preparation
2. CSTs can identify the signs and
and management of medications and
symptoms of anaphylactic reaction and
solutions, and anesthesia techniques are
communicate this information to the
included in didactic studies as a surgical
technology student.
3. Anaphylactic reaction and treatment of
the surgical patient undergoing a reaction
are included in the didactic studies as a
surgical technology student.
4. Handling and administration of
medications and solutions are practiced
with skill check-off exams in the mock
O.R. setting as a surgical technology student. 5. Surgical technology students handle and administer medications and solutions during clinical rotation, and are evaluated by preceptors and instructors on the proper handling and administering of the medications and solutions. 6. CSTs perform the handling and administration of medications and solutions in the perioperative setting as practitioners. 7. As practitioners, CSTs perform patient care duties by assisting the surgeon and surgical team during emergency situations,
including anaphylactic reaction. 8. CSTs complete continuing education to remain current in their knowledge of medications and solutions. 9. CSTs complete continuing education to remain current in their knowledge of surgical emergencies and treatment of the patient in the O.R.
1. Bochner BS, Lichtenstein LM. Anaphylaxis. N Engl J Med. 1991; 324: 1785-
2. Core Curriculum for Surgical Technology. 6th ed. Littleton, CO: Association
of Surgical Technologists; 2011.
3. Porth CM. Essentials of Pathphysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. 3rd
ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.
4. Frey K, Ross T., eds. Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A
Positive Care Approach. 4th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar; 2014.
5. Knowles S R, Weber E, Shear NH. Allergic reactions during general
anesthesia [Abstract]. J Allergy Clin Immunol.1996; 97: 344.
6. Lieberman P. Anaphylactic reactions during surgical and medical procedures.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002; 110(2): S64-S69.
7. Cohn SM, ed. Complications in Surgery and Trauma. Boca Rotan, FL: CRC
8. Mertes PM, Laxenaire MC. Anaphylaxis during general anesthesia: Prevention
and management. CNS Drugs. 2000; 14: 115-133.
9. Butterworth J, Mackey DC, Wasnick J. Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical
Anesthesiology. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2013.
10. Ricci G, Gentili A, Di Lorenzo F. Latex allergy in subjects who had undergone
multiple surgical procedures for bladder exstrophy: Relationship with clinical intervention and atopic diseases. BJU International, 1999; 84: 1058-1062.
11. Snyder K, Keegan C. Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist. 3rd ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2011.
12. Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL, eds. Sabiston Textbook
of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice; 19th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2012.
Benadryl is a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc. PROVENTIL a registered trademark of Schering Corporation.
MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM Mestizo Arts Platform (MAP): Innovación y investigación artística en ciudades como Amberes, Malinas, Gante, Turnhout (Bélgica), Rotterdam (Holanda), Buenos Aires y México DF. Una nueva corriente de artistas que tienen la mirada hacia el mundo entero. Una mezcla de teatro, baile, videoarte, etc. MAP va en busca de todo lo que se mueve en las ciudades a través de proyectos como Los Viernes MAF, BRAINS, MAPping, Studio Urbanization y Work in Progress. Todo este movimiento artístico fluye hasta juntarse en el anual Mestizo Arts Festival en octubre. MAP es un proyecto de Fiëbre, una asociación cultural y artística belga que tiene como punto de partida el mestizaje de culturas y disciplinas de arte, siempre buscando nuevas perspectivas, formas de presentación y de interpretación. Fiëbre organizó el primer Mestizo Arts Festival (entonces llamado Mestizo Club) en 2007. MAP fue creado en 2015 para juntar todos las iniciativas de Fiëbre en un concepto total. La riqueza de las ciudades nuevas en evolución contínua. Vivimos en un momento emocionante de la historia. Personas de todas partes se encuentran y conviven en un espacio geográfico compartido: la ciudad. Al mismo tiempo nuevas tecnologías les permiten de comunicar de forma constante con los paises de origen. Todo eso da una riqueza abundante de información y historias en las ciudades. "El Mestizo Arts Platform es como un atlas de aventura de nuestras ciudades híperdiversas. Al vagar por el laberinto que es la ciudad encontramos artistas con raíces en sus calles efervescentes que musan sobre qué significa para ellos la ciudad. MAP es una declaración de amor a la ciudad." Plataforma y festival artístico multidisciplinario. MAP es una plataforma para el intercambio de estrategias e impulsos creativos de artistas y compañías nacionales e internacionales. Con MAP queremos ofrecer un podio que refleja la contínua evolución de las ciudades, mediante conceptos y proyectos, presentaciones y coproducciones que representan nuestra visión innovadora acerca del arte urbano. "Proclamamos el arte, en todo tipo de voces y lenguas. Así reverbera en nuestras calles efervescentes donde brilla con orgullo y donde se oye artistas de diversas disciplinas que rinden honor a lo maravilloso y lo fuerte que es la ciudad." La mezcla, el encuentro y la polinización. Partimos de una mezcla rica (‘mestizo') de y un diálogo entre las formas de arte, las culturas, las organizaciones, los artistas y el público. Nos gusta ir hasta los límites de lo desconocido. "Buscamos una lengua en común, meneamos como locos entre registros y intermediamos como traductores entre las visiones del mundo. Los artistas te cuentan como ellos miran hacia la ciudad y te invitan a abrir la perspectiva." Communidad y cooperación. Más de 150 artistas y más de 50 socios dan su voz para celebrar con nosotros la riqueza cultural de las ciudades. Construimos puentes y reenforzamos vínculos entre artistas, casas culturales, asociaciones fuera del mundo artístico y, claro, los habitantes de la ciudad. "Te dio curiosidad? Pónte pues las botas en los pies, los binoculares en la nuca y abastécete de provisiones. No te asústes! El mugido y rugido intimidante de la ciudad requiere coraje y perseverancia. Pero, te rogamos: atrévete! Y crece con la ciudad. Sube a
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