Microsoft word - curriculum handbook 2015

Building strong relationships, strong values and strong minds.
Boyup Brook District High School has a long history of high academic achievement and a
culture within the school of high standards, reflecting the community's commitment to
excellence in all areas.
The Middle School has talented and professional staff who teach predominantly within
subject areas, and have a demonstrated commitment to the individual needs of our
The school consistently performs exceptionally well in State MSE (Monitoring Standards in
Education) testing, and national testing in the National Assessment Program in Literacy
and Numeracy. Results from State and National testing demonstrate that the school is
above average in student achievement and student progress.
Through small classes, combined with teaching and learning programmes devised by
experienced teachers, the school has clearly demonstrated over the years that it can
extend the academically talented, as well as cater for those students who are at
educational risk.
Our pastoral care programme offers a range of strategies to provide consistency in caring
for individuals and groups of students.
We offer a balanced curriculum that provides students with choices within some of the
Learning Areas. This handbook provides parents and students with information about the
upcoming school year and for 2015 Year 9 and 10 students, information about subjects
and selection for 2015. Teachers will discuss the curriculum options offered with students
to support them in making appropriate choices, and we encourage you to discuss choices
with your child and contact the school for more information if necessary. We also consider
the individual needs of students, so are open to discussion of individual pathways for
students, even though these may not be detailed in this handbook.
We thank you for your support of our school and its programs
Commencing in 2013, all Australian schools have been introducing the Australian
Curriculum across the ‘Phase One' Learning Areas (Science, Mathematics, English and
History). To ensure that this transition has progressed smoothly at Boyup Brook, we have
adopted a graduated approach to the Australian Curriculum. In July of this year, the
Curriculum Framework was replaced by the WA Curriculum and Assessment Outline as
the key Western Australian Curriculum Document for WA Schools. More information
about this change, and the legislated documents now used by all schools for Teaching,
Learning and Assessment, please see the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority
webpage -
The Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum has a focus on seven general capabilities that are embedded
where relevant and appropriate in each learning area. These capabilities are:
o Literacy; o Numeracy; o Information and communication technology competence; o Critical and creative thinking; o Ethical
o Personal and social competence and; o Intercultural
The Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline
This Outline currently describes curriculum in all Western Australian schools (both
Government and private) from K-10, in the Phase One Learning Areas currently
prescribed by the Australian Curriculum.
The learning areas are:
English Mathematics Science History
In 2015, as in 2013, a greater emphasis will be placed on the History component of the
curriculum, as the National Geography and Economics Curricula are made available to
schools throughout the year. Teachers will work from the Curriculum Framework to ensure
that other aspects of S&E are covered fully until the Australian Curriculum documents are
available. Students interested in pursuing Geography, Economics or other Society and
Environment based subjects in Year 11 and 12 will be able to work with their teacher to
ensure that they have covered the required content to be successful in these subjects at
Senior High Schools.
Other learning areas described in the Curriculum Framework will still be covered in the
curriculum, and schools will still be using the Curriculum Framework for the following
The Arts Health and Physical Education Technology and Enterprise
These Learning Areas underpin our popular ‘Options' programs for Years 7/8 and Options Selections for Years 9 and 10.
Assessment Guidelines have been provided by the Western Australian Curriculum and
Standards Authority (SCASA), and assess student achievement in line with the
Achievement Standards in the Australian Curriculum. Students will still be graded using
grades A – E, an A grade indicating excellent achievement of Year Level Content, B
indicating high achievement, C indicating satisfactory achievement, D indicating limited
achievement and E indicating very low achievement of what is expected for this year level.
Teachers use documentation provided by SCASA to judge student work samples and
provide grades to students.
Student Selections
All students from Year 7-10 have a basic compulsory curriculum. This involves studies in
the English, Health & Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Humanities
(Previously Society and Environment) Learning Areas. Year 9/10 students then select
extra subjects or options to complete their own timetable. Electives from the Arts,
Technology and Enterprise and Physical Education learning areas are offered on a
semester basis. Students participate in 4 electives of their choice for each semester.
The cost of these varies depending upon which selections the student actually chooses.
The cost of doing each of the electives is shown in brackets after the subject name. There
are electives available in each timetabled options slot which attract no charges.
Costs of Subject Selection
Parents make payments to the school based on the subjects
which their child chooses to study. These payments are
divided into two categories.
Contributions – These go towards the cost of textbook use and replacement,
photocopied materials and some materials consumed in classes. Contributions are
voluntary and currently have a limit of $235 per student.
Charges – A charge is payable if a student elects to participate in voluntary
activities. These include activities for which there is a specific cost such as
excursions, visiting performers or courses of study with a high cost of provision.
Subjects in which the student can elect to use higher cost materials will also attract
charges. An example of this would be a student who chose to make a stereo
cabinet in Woodwork. The full cost of the materials for the cabinet would attract a
charge. The costs of Socials and Graduation Dinners are also classified as
charges, and these can be paid at the time of the event. You will see the charge
that applies to each subject option after the title on the short introduction to each
While contributions are considered to be voluntary, there is an expectation by the government (and the school) that parents will pay both contributions and charges. Over many years this school has built up a wonderful range of resources through the payment of school fees and the efforts of the P & C. The continuing support of parents is requested to allow us to maintain these resources at a standard which will help your child to fulfil their potential.
Year 7 and 8 Curriculum
All students in Year 7 and 8 have a standard curriculum. This involves studies in the
English, Health & Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social
Sciences. Your child's contribution amount will be based on their year level, as the
maximum voluntary contribution differs for primary (Year 7) and secondary (Year 8)
students. This disparity will be phased out in the year that Year 7 students are officially
deemed part of secondary schools (currently 2015).
Year 7/8 students participate in a taster' course that exposes them to a range of options
in the Arts, and Technology and Enterprise learning areas. This allows them to develop
personal areas of interest for Year 9/10 electives. Courses are offered based on the
expertise amongst staff, and the interests of students, and may include:
Visual Arts; Music - band, instrumental; Performing Arts – drama; Computing; Design and technology - woodwork/metalwork/jewellery design; Home Economics - cooking/ sewing
These courses are designed to show students the range of subjects on offer at our school,
and to help them learn the basic skills necessary for success in their chosen electives in
Years 9 & 10. Although students do not get to choose these classes, we do tailor the
curriculum and projects to the interests of students in these year groups.
Year 9 and 10 Curriculum
All students in Years 9 and10 have a standard curriculum. This involves studies in the
English, Health & Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Humanities & Social
Sciences. This component of a student's timetable involves a contribution of $200.00.
Year 9/10 students then select extra subjects or options to complete their own timetable.
Electives from the Arts, Technology and Enterprise and Physical Education learning areas
are offered on a semester basis. Students participate in 4 electives of their choice for each
The cost of these varies depending upon which selections the student actually chooses.
The cost of doing each of the electives is shown in brackets after the subject name. Some
options attract no charges, and these are indicated on the sheet by an asterisk.
Not all options will be running in 2015. Please check the selection sheet for details.
When choosing options for Year 9 and 10 remember:
Golden Rules of Subject Selection
Choose subjects you are good at.
Choose subjects you are interested in.
Choose subjects you really want to learn.
How Not To Select Subjects
Friends - Your friends often have different abilities, interests and motivation to you.
Remember your friends are not YOU.
Teacher - Don't choose a subject because your favourite teacher may be teaching it.
Teachers are often given other classes or change schools.
Rumours – It is pointless doing a subject you are not interested in, not good at or not
motivated in because of rumours about excursions, the job market or a single lesson or activity.
"Boys Subjects / Girls Subjects" - There are no separate subjects for boys and girls.
If you are good at or interested in a subject then do it for YOU.
Learning Area Subjects
English (Compulsory 5 periods per week)
The English course follows the Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions of Languae,
Literature and Literacy for all students in Years 7-10. Students in each year level follow
the same course but are often grouped to work at different levels within the class
depending on their individual learning needs. Students work on a different theme each
term and work in different contexts within that theme. As in 2014, students will be
assessed in the areas outlined by SCASA – Writing, Reading & Viewing and Listening &
Years 7/ 8
Students study a general course of English involving reading novels, short stories,
advertising, poetry, media and film. The focus is on grammatical skills, structured writing
and exposure to a variety of text types.
Year 9
Students are encouraged to read widely and find information from a variety of texts to
apply in their writing. Students are expected to show a high degree of complexity in their
responses and begin to develop their personal voice, substantiating their own opinion. In
Year 9, students are encouraged to manage their time effectively to complete the more
complex tasks to a higher level.
Year 10
Students learn to write more extensively and critically analyse and compare text types.
Reader positioning in formal texts and the media is studied. Students will be assisted to
develop their skills in preparation for their chosen courses of study in Year 11 and 12.
Mathematics (Compulsory 5 periods per week) As specified by SCASA and in line with the Australian Curriculum, the Mathematics course is broken up into the Content Descriptions of;
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability
These content descriptions are covered in a series of units throughout the year, for all students.
Textbook and Written Mathematics
With the implementation of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum, the school has
purchased textbooks that cover content directly aligned with the Curriculum that is
prescribed by SCASA. A range of activities from these books are completed in each of
the Content Description Areas, with students provided with support or challenge materials
as needed. The current textbooks used by the school are from the Mathematics –
National Curriculum series by Dr Terry Dwyer.
The school currently subscribes to the "Mathletics" online programme from ‘Scaffold
Education' and this is used as a focus across all year levels and abilities. Online activities
are aligned with textbook curriculum being completed, so that students are able to
consolidate their knowledge. Teachers are able to place students in groups specifically
tailored to the aptitude and prior levels of achievement in all of the aspects of Mathematics
and once a topic is completed to a desired level of mastery they can be advanced to the
next level. This provides each student with an individual learning programme that can be
closely monitored and easily modified to cater for their own abilities and learning style.
Students are able to access this from home and are therefore able to catch up on missed
work or topics that need to be reinforced. The programme also features a "Live
Mathletics" component which enables students to reinforce their Mental Math skills by
competing against other students from around the world. In addition, the programme
provides relevant worksheets and activities tailored to each of the topics being presented.
All results and activities can be monitored daily by the teacher and may be reset or
appropriate remedial activities employed where required.
National Testing
In Term 2, all Year 7 and 9 students are required to sit the National testing programme
(NAPLAN) and leading up to this are provided opportunities to practise the types of
questions they will encounter in these tests.
Further Studies (Group A and B)
In Year 10 students identify their future Mathematics needs in their further studies or
career pathways and are placed accordingly in a programme that will suit their needs.
Tests and exams (Year 10) will make up the majority of the assessments for Mathematics.
Students will also be required to complete regular homework and assignments which will
be in line with the topics they are currently studying.
Science (Compulsory 4 periods per week)
Year 7
Term 1 is devoted to Transition Science where students are introduced to the laboratory,
equipment, texts, software and procedures that they will use over the coming 4 years.
They also learn about the role of Science in society, careers in Science and some of
history's important Scientists and their achievements. The aim at this point is to instil the
relevance and importance of Science, while awakening and focusing the student's natural
curiosity. Terms 2 – 4 extend this introduction to the subject under the headings of "Earth,
Sun and Moon", "Classification and Ecology" and "Mixtures, Solutions and Separations".
Year 8
During the year students will be introduced to the four main branches of Science –
Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences and Biology. They will also be familiarised with the
laboratory layout, equipment, safety precautions and some simple laboratory skills.
Especially important at this point is an introduction to "Science Inquiry Skills", as these
provide the basis for much of their future work. Topics covered include "Geology",
"Forces", "Cells, Organs and Systems" and "Matter".
This is a year of consolidation and extension, with students revisiting all four branches of Science at higher levels and in different contexts. With continued practice, students are expected to plan some of their own experiments and evaluate their efforts in a scientific manner. Much of the practical work is done in teams, and collaboration, cooperation, efficiency and safety are as important as ‘the right answer". In Chemistry, students take an in-depth look at the Periodic Table, the properties of different elements and compounds, atomic structure and the basics of writing equations. This is tied into the chemical nature of daily life, from the digestion of food to the combustion engine. Physics is treated in the context of Energy – its measurement, production and uses, and the properties of Light and Sound. Students also spend one term each on the topics of "Human Biology" and "Plate Tectonics". Curiosity, environmental responsibility, logical thinking and the ability to make informed judgements are all encouraged.
Students are prepared for Year 11 & 12 courses in Science or Agricultural Science. Chemistry is covered at a higher level again, involving more complex reactions, formulae and calculations as well as a refining of laboratory techniques. Much of the work is done in the context of Mining and Industry, and the course includes a visit to a working mine, including processing plant and laboratory. Preparation for possible studies in Human Biology is incorporated into a study of Genetics, and Physics is treated via studies of Forces, Motion and Energy. During Semester 2, students are taught in separate pathways. The VET pathway caters for those who plan to take vocational or non-ATAR courses in Year 11 and 12. The ATAR pathway is aimed at students moving on to Stage 2 and 3 Science subjects or other ATAR courses.
Humanities & Social Sciences (Compulsory 4 periods per week)
‘Humanities & Social Sciences' (previously the Society & Environment Learning Area)
develops students' understanding of how individuals and groups live together and interact
with their environment. Students develop a respect for cultural heritage and a
commitment to social justice, the democratic process and ecological sustainability. In
2015, the Australian History Curriculum is at the Centre of the H&SS Curriculum, with the
Curriculum Framework continuing to guide Geography, Economics and Civics &
Year 7
Introduction to Progress in Society
Provides students with an understanding of life in ancient civilizations around the world
and shows how these civilizations organised their societies (Ancient Egypt and Rome).
This unit is aligned to the new Australian History Curriculum.
People and Change
Students learn about how people influence the world they live in, and how circumstances
like communities and economies affect the choices of individuals. This unit covers
aspects of Economics, Geography and History.
Year 8
Introductory Geography
Students learn about world features of the natural environment and the ways people
interact with it. Emphasis is placed on developing Geography skills.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Helps students understand the issues facing indigenous cultures by looking at actions and
attitudes of all Australians in the past and present. Stereotypes and their origins are
examined in the light of learning about traditional aspects of the culture. This unit is
aligned to the cross-curriculum priorities of the new Australian Curriculum.
Progress in Society
Provides students an understanding of life in ancient civilizations around the world and
shows how these civilizations organised their societies (The Middle Ages). This unit is
aligned to the new Australian History Curriculum.
Year 9
World Environmental Issues
Students examine current environmental issues such as salinity and the greenhouse
effect faced by both Australia and other countries. The effects of these issues on society
will be looked into with students becoming aware of the impact individuals, groups and
organisations can have in creating and solving these problems.
Political and Legal Systems
Understand Australia's political and legal systems, which affect almost every aspect of
their lives. It provides a basic insight into how we are governed, how laws are made and
enforced. Students will study the court system.
Australian History
Explores the impact of how past events have shaped today's Australian Society. This unit
is aligned to the new Australian History Curriculum.
Year 10
Issues in Society
Students explore ‘poverty around the world' and examine how it affects people in their
communities. Students gain a deeper understanding of the causes of poverty and how it
leads to many human rights not being met. A main focus is how children are affected in
these countries by analysing child labour, child soldiers, and children in refuge and how
valuable resources are being used to fuel wars.
Australia in the International Community
Deals with international relationships and the ways countries interact at present and in the
past. Special attention is given to Australia's position in the international community. The
students will have a good understanding of Australia's position during the world wars and
other battles. This unit is aligned to the new Australian History Curriculum
Australian Economics
Examines Australia's economic system, stock market and the major economic issues
(unemployment, inflation and economic growth) we face.
History is aligned to the Australian Curriculum and explains aspects of 20th Century history
e.g. between the wars, popular culture and other experiences that laid the foundation for
Australia's national identity in the 21st Century.
Languages (2 periods per week)
Italian/ French (Year 7 and 8)
As the Australian Languages Curriculum is being developed, students will be working in
the Languages Subject (previously LOTE), recognised as an important part of any child's
education. In 2015, the Languages Australian Curriculum is in development and will be
implemented when it is available to schools. It is not simply a matter of "learning a foreign
language" and provides benefits in three major areas:-
(1) The experience of another culture in a safe environment – Australia is a multi-
cultural nation and the world beyond our shores is becoming more accessible to our students. A knowledge of the rich and varied culture of another country through participation in traditional activities, use of the language and a study of the lives of the population assists in promoting acceptance of other cultures.
(2) Improved understanding of your own language – Our first language is learnt
almost subconsciously as infants and is embedded by the time we begin formal education. When we learn another language we have the opportunity to examine how the various components of a language fit together and we are able to relate this back to our first language. This can sometimes alleviate misunderstandings, or fill in gaps formed during the process of learning our first language.
(3) Broadened career opportunities – Apart from the more obvious areas of
employment as an interpreter for government departments, media organisations, the travel and tourism industry and businesses, there are many organisations that value the ability of their employees to speak another language. It may not even be a skill that is likely to be called on in their particular industry; they simply see it as an indicator of cultural tolerance, mental dexterity and perseverance.
Year 7
Italian or French is compulsory for all Year 7 students, and is a continuation of their LOTE
studies in primary school Years 3 – 6. Lessons will have a blend of conversational
language and cultural studies with students being introduced to simple conversations on
familiar topics like school, food and family. They will also experience aspects of culture
through film, craftwork, cooking, research assignments and guest speakers. The option of
French or Italian can be negotiated on your child's enrolment at our school.
Year 8
Students will participate in French or Italian depending upon their primary curriculum
option. Parents can discuss options with the school on enrolment.
Year 9/10 Electives
Not all options will be running in 2015. Please check the selection sheet for details.
Some options attract no charges, and these are indicated on the sheet by an asterisk.
The Arts – Visual and Media Arts Units
Visual Arts ($40)
The emphasis in this course of study is to provide opportunities for students to develop
their drawing and painting skills. They will explore a variety of different art styles,
techniques and media in the development of mostly 2D visual art works. Students will
learn how to use, combine and manipulate the Elements of Art and the Principles of
Design to achieve particular effects in their Art. Programs are prepared in consultation
with the students so that individual needs are met and personal areas of interest are
pursued. This course is recommended for students who are considering studying Art in
Year 11 and 12.
Art and Design ($40)
This elective caters for students who are interested in more practical Art projects. They
will be given opportunities to develop their skills in creating and making mostly 3D
artworks using a variety of different techniques and media. Possibilities include pottery,
papier maché, mosaics, wire sculpture, beading and fabric dying and printing. Programs
are prepared in consultation with students so that individual needs are met and personal
areas of interest can be pursued. This course is designed to enhance students'
enjoyment of Art and Craft activities.
Digital Media ($40)
Digital Media introduces students to a range of digital media hardware & software. This
involves creating a variety of presentations for different target audiences or situations.
Digital Media provides a useful introduction to Digital Media in upper school. This unit
looks at Digital video cameras, and digital cameras and graphics programmes, which are
used to capture and manipulate graphics. The design and use of pixel graphics is
developed for different programmes such as Moviemaker, Pinnacle Studio, Fanta Morph,
Sony Vegas and Paintshop Pro X. Students will be expected to burn DVDs and video
For students who have a particular interest in the photography aspect of Digital Media, a
Digital Photography specialisation is available. This stream has a high practical content,
and the students are taken through directed activities to develop basic skills and
techniques in the use of Digital SLR cameras and manipulating these images with digital
photography software. As they move to higher levels, students will experiment with
advanced techniques such as cropping, dodging, burning and solarisation to use
photography as a medium of communication. Students will develop a portfolio of printed
work using a variety of media to demonstrate the techniques they have learnt.
The Arts – Performance and Music Units
Music (Nil Charge)
This course is designed for students wanting only to do a semester of music. It may run in
both semesters depending on numbers of students selecting the unit. Students will play
musical instruments of their own choice. These include the guitar, bass guitar, drums and
keyboard, and if inclined to do so, vocals. The opportunity to play in a group performance
is also available for those wishing to participate.
Specialist Performance and Recording (Nil Charge – Semester 2 only)
This year, we have introduced this specialist option to students who have an identified
passion for music. Students who study music or instrumental music in first semester can
be offered a place in this unit, and students who are currently involved can also select this
as an elective. Students in this unit work closely together in a group to develop their skills
in rehearsing and performing. We also work with them to hone their skills and
understanding in using and moving specialist performing equipment
Performing Arts (Nil Charge)
This elective combines the arts of drama, mine, scripting and performance in a general
course providing students with exposure to each. The course is practical in nature and
participation in all activities is integral. Costuming and staging of a performance will be the
culmination of this course. Students will complete reflection activities, review professional
performances and work towards completion of Drama 1A (a Curriculum Council Course of
Health and Physical Education – Specialist PE Units
Outdoor Education ($40 – Semester 1 only)
Outdoor Education involves the planning and preparation of an ‘Expedition into the
Outdoors'. Students who choose Outdoor Education should have a keen interest in the
following areas: Camp Cooking, Mapping, Tenting, First Aid and Environmental Studies.
The activities undertaken in Outdoor Education are Snorkelling, Canoeing and Bike
Education. Snorkelling will be offered in Term 1, Canoeing and or Bike Education in Term
Snorkelling involves the preparation for an expedition to the coast. Students study the
effects of being under water and practise the skills of snorkelling at the Town Swimming
Pool. They learn how to prepare themselves for an expedition and study the environment
they will be entering. An expedition may be offered for Canoeing on the Blackwood River,
and Bike Education around the outskirts of Boyup Brook towards the end of Term 2.
There is an additional cost for a Snorkelling Camp of approximately $30.
Physical Recreation ($40 – Semester 2 only)
Physical Recreation is a subject area that extends the Physical Education area of study.
Students who choose Physical Recreation usually have a keen interest in sport, physical
activity and games.
Students will be able to choose the type of activities undertaken which include: Indoor
Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Squash, Tennis, Badminton or Archery.
Health and Physical Education – Health Units
Personal Management (Nil Charge)
Students have the opportunity in Personal Management to further develop their attitudes
and values and the way they view themselves and others in their world. A variety of guest
speakers will challenge them to explore a range of subjects that influence health and well-
being, by providing both theory and practical sessions. Be brave and be prepared to
explore anything from reflexology to podiatry, massage to aromatherapy, cosmetics to hair
Technology and Enterprise – Computer Studies Units
Students may choose any, or a combination of, the following units when participating in
the Computer Studies option – your teacher will look at tailoring this option to student
interests and capabilities.
Computer Studies (Nil Charge)
Many jobs are embracing the technological benefits of computers. Employers will
therefore require their employees to be technologically literate and able to use computers
in the business. Computer Studies allows students to gain these skills. Students will use a
number of software packages and hardware to complete tasks. The emphasis is on
students learning how to operate the software packages. Students will also learn how to
selectively use the Internet for research and information gathering.
Students may also undertake several other modules throughout the course, depending on
student prior knowledge and interests. These include;
- Computer Systems Design
Students will learn about the components that make up an information system, using
computers. They will explore hardware, software, file management and communications
networks. An emphasis will be placed on getting students' hands dirty by constructing,
and repairing computers, installing relevant software and becoming familiar with operating
- Web Page Design
This unit explores and develops students' skills using the web authoring programme
‘Publisher 2000'. The set tasks will involve manipulating a variety of images using internet
resources and the digital camera. Layout design skills will be developed. Once the
students have mastered the basic application of Publisher, students will be taught aspects
of Macromedia Flash MX. This webpage authoring tool has created much interest in the
net from moving media to games on the net.
- Programming Principles
This unit introduces multimedia and animation software and interactive programming using
Gamemaker 5 and 6. This software is widely used in Australian schools. This course will
provide a good basis for students interested in programming applications for business and
Technology and Enterprise – Home Economics Subjects
Enjoying Foods (Semester 1 - $50)
This course is designed to build on those skills learned in the Year 7/8 Food Awareness
course by introducing students to a wide range of subjects relating to food preparation.
Both practical and theoretical areas of food preparation will be covered. Students will
evaluate and make comparisons between commercially prepared foods and home cooked
equivalents. Students will plan and prepare food for a variety of social contexts, including
snack foods, special occasion food, morning / afternoon teas and a family meal.
International Food (Semester 2 - $50)
Here is your chance to explore the world! Students get the opportunity to ‘visit' countries
of their choice and experience first hand the wonders of that country's food, plus gain a
variety of preparation skills that will assist them in the future. Students are exposed to a
large, unique and varied range of recipes.
Technology and Enterprise – Design and Technology (Workshop)
General Design and Technology ($50)
The Design and Technology area allows students to broaden their knowledge, process and practical skills using many different materials. Students are encouraged to develop design and problem solving techniques using these skills. Students will be provided with the opportunity to:
Increase their knowledge and literacy skills in technology
Develop expertise in the use of hand and power tools
Develop practical skills in all areas
Establish and develop safe working practices
As they develop their skills, students will be encouraged to be involved in project
development from the design to the construction stage. This will include the use of
specialised equipment – hand and power tools.
They will need to develop an understanding of dimensional workshop drawings and a
formal design approach through research and data gathering. The students should, by
Year 10, participate and work with a minimum of supervision, taking advantage of the
opportunity to assume greater responsibility for the design and construction of their own
Note: In both woodwork and metalwork, students will have the opportunity to take
advantage of the composite room and design projects, which involve metal, timber and
plastic. The charge for materials actually used will apply as students develop and
move into creating their own designs.
Following the establishment of safe working practices when handling machinery and
equipment, students will further develop their skill in working with wood, metal or plastics,
or a combination of these materials. They may work in any or all of the following areas:-

Concentrates on the design and creation of all types of ornamental accessories. Students
will be taught the basic techniques required including simple graphics, the use of non-
ferrous metals, marking out, filing, twisting of metals, and silver soldering. As their skills
develop, students will be expected to investigate and take greater responsibility for the
design and construction of their own products.
Following the establishment of safe working practices when handling machinery and
equipment, students will use both ferrous and non-ferrous metals to complete set tasks
involving sheet metal construction, shaping, threading, knurling and taper turning on the
metal lathe, hollowing and planishing. As with woodwork, students will then be able to
utilise their skills to design and construct their own projects.
Model Making
Students will be introduced to techniques, processes and materials used in model making.
The course is largely practical and expertise is developed through supervised activities.
Models can be constructed from a wide range of materials such as timber, metal, paper,
fabric and synthetic materials. The following is a brief list of activities that could be used in
the course:
trucks, cars, planes, trains, games, puzzles, furniture
gliders, rubber powered, motor powered, display
decorative items for the home, trophies
Students will use timber as a medium to develop their skills. Students will initially
complete set tasks and models. After achieving the necessary skill levels, they will then
design and construct their own projects from timber.
Furniture Making Option ($50)
The Furniture Making option is designed for students who want to learn the finer points of
designing, cutting, joining and finishing timber using hand tools, power tools and
machinery safely and confidently. An additional charge for materials actually used
may apply as students develop and move into creating their own designs.
Traditional woodworking skills as well as cabinet making techniques will be taught.
Students will learn a range of new skills that will enable them to design and build their own
unique, creative piece of furniture. This course will offer a taster for students interested in
a trade related career as well as those who have an interest in design and construction.
Individual Pathways
The school is now able to offer a number of options in regard to individual career pathways for both Year 9 and Year 10 students. Vocational Educational and Training Pathways include some of the following options:
‘Work Out' in a trade or industry of choice.
School Based Traineeships of one or two days per week in an industry of student
choice, e.g. Business, Automotives, Agriculture.
In developing an Individual Pathway the student, parents and the school would need to negotiate a plan linking the current timetable of the school with all other possible options. For further information on Individual Pathways, parents and students are encouraged to contact Anne Klaassen and Jamie Mawer. Please complete and return the Year 10 Student Career Pathways sheet in this pack.

Year 10 Students
Career Pathways
Student Name _
This sheet needs to be completed and returned by all 2015 Year Ten students.
By the time students are beginning Year 10 most have a generalised idea of their
career pathway in that they will know whether they need to go to University or TAFE or
will be seeking a traineeship / apprenticeship. Please indicate your preferred pathway:
1. University - Yes / No
2. TAFE - Yes / No
3. Traineeship/apprenticeship - Yes/ No
If you would like the school to arrange appropriate ‘Work Out' experience for one day a
week please indicate. Involvement in this programme is dependent upon students
meeting school requirements for attendance, work submission and maintaining a
negotiated grade average.
Yes / No
Mathematics and English
During Semester 1, students will continue to work on a program of Mathematics and
English that is differentiated based on student ability and previous achievement.
Following the Semester 1 student report, parents have the opportunity to meet with
teachers to discuss their child's chosen pathway for Year 11 and 12 and the
prerequisites for their chosen subjects.
At any time, parents are encouraged to meet with teachers to discuss student
achievement, and how the school is working with students to meet their needs.
Signed _ (Student)
Signed _ (Parent)
USERS GUIDE ICPC-2 PLUS This guide consists of five Sections outlining the advantages of coding andclassifying your data, giving guidelines to the use of ICPC-2 PLUS and anumber of Appendices which are updated with each release.You may print parts of the guide, the whole document (≈ 54 pages) or use itas an "on line" version on your computer screen.To navigate through the guide click the to jump to thatSection or Appendix.
POISONS HAVE BECOME THE LEADING CAUSE OF ACCIDENTAL DEATHPolypharmacy Internet Designer Drugs Chemicals are legal until legislated as illegalChemists in Eastern Europe and Russia are employed High school kids can buy on the internet "Legal" drugs for sale at the corner store Old friends like Methamphetamine and Cocaine are still around SOURCES OF TEEN DRUGS EROWIDDOCUMENTING THE COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HUMANS AND PSYCHOACTIVES