
SJIF Impact Factor 2.026
ejpmr, 2015,2(6), 141-146
Research Article
Gopalakrishnan et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Resea
N 3 294-3211
Subarayan Bothi Gopalakrishnana*, Thangaraj Kalaiarasib
a*Senior Professor of Chemistry and Controller of Examination, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil,
Kanyakumari-629 180, Tamil Nadu, India.
bAssistant Professor of Chemistry, Kalasalingam University, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education,
Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil-626126, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Correspondence for Author: Subarayan Bothi Gopalakrishnan
Senior Professor of Chemistry and Controller of Examination, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari-629 180, Tamil Nadu, India.
Article Received on 22/08/2015 Article Revised on 15/09/2015 Article Accepted on 07/10/2015
The fruits of Cucumis trigonus Roxb. was analysed for the hepatoprotective activity against albino rats with liver
damage induced by rifampicin-isoniazid. Rifampicin (RIF) plus isoniazid (INH) treated rats showed significant
increase in the levels of serum enzyme activities, reflecting the liver injury. The ethanolic extract of the fruits of
Cucumis trigonus showed normalization of body weight, biochemical parameters like serum glutamic oxaloacetic
transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), serum alkaline phosphatase (SALP), γ-
glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), total bilirubin (TB), total protein (TP) as well as the levels of liver homogenates,
Lipid peroxidase (LPO), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GRD), superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase (CAT) and reduced glutathione (GSH). The effects of ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus
(100 mg/kgbw ip 250 mg/kgbw ip & 500 mg/kgbw ip) was compared with that of the standard drug, silymarin. The
ethanolic extract showed significant hepatoprotective activity in 500 mg/kg ip dose. The hepatoprotective activity
has also been supported by histopathological studies of liver tissue.
KEYWORDS: Hepatoprotective, Cucumis trigonus, Histopathology.
Cucumis trigonus (Fam. Cucurbitaceae) is commonly
Rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH), the two front-line
known as "Thummittikai" in Tamil, "Bitter gourd" in
drugs have been used in the treatment of tuberculosis,
English, and "Vishala" in Sanskrit. The fruits of
that is known to be potentially hepatotoxic. Rifampicin,
Cucumis trigonus are reported to be useful in treating
which is generally co-administered with isoniazid in the
leprosy, jaundice, diabetes, and other abdominal
treatment of tuberculosis, is toxic to hepatocytes. A meta
disorders. Cucumis trigonus fruit is shown to possess
analysis of studies involving the use of a multiplicity of
various activities such as antidiabetic activity[7], anabolic
antituberculosis drug regimens predominantly in adults
activity[8], cardioprotective activity[9], analgesic and anti-
have shown an incidence of liver injury of 1.1 % in
inflammatory[10], and diuretic activity.[11]
patients with RIF alone, 1.6 % in patients with INH
alone, and 2.55 % in patients with RIF plus INH.[1]
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extracts of the
Reactive oxygen species play a key role in RIF-INH-
fruits of Cucumis trigonus and Cucumis sativus against
induced hepatotoxicity.[2] Since oxidative stress has been
paracetamol-induced toxicity in albino rats have been
regarded as the major mechanism of antituberculosis
already performed by our group.[12, 13] In the present
drug-induced hepatotoxicity[3], antioxidants might be
study hepatoprotective activity studies of the ethanolic
used as potential antihepatotoxic drugs against RIF-INH
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus on RIF-INH-
caused liver injury.[4]
induced liver toxicity in albino rats have been carried
A major defense mechanism involves the antioxidant
enzymes, including SOD, CAT and GSH-Px, which
convert active oxygen molecules into non-toxic
Collection of plant materials
compounds.[5] The pathogenesis of the hepatotoxicity is
The fruits of Cucumis trigonus was collected in the
involved in all the hepatic cell types via death and
month of March from Alangulam, Tirunelveli District,
regeneration processes, and liver diseases often progress
Tamil Nadu and identified by Prof. P. Jayaraman, Plant
from subclinical icteric hepatitis to hepatic fibrosis,
Anatomy Research Centre, West Thambaram, Chennai-
cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.[6]
600 045, Tamil Nadu, India (Reg.No of the
authentification certificate: PARC/2013/2048).
Gopalakrishnan et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Experimental animals
Group VI: Received 2.5 mg/kgbw ip of silymarin
Male wistar albino rats weighing 150-200 g were used
(Standard drug) and simultaneously received 50
for hepatoprotective studies. The animals were fed with
mg/kgbw ip per day of RIF + INH each by ip route for
standard pellet diet supplied by Hindustan Lever Ltd.,
Kolkata, India and fresh water ad libitum. They were
housed in standard stainless-steel cages at a 12 h cycle of
At the end of 21 days, all the animals were sacrificed by
light and dark. Room temperature was kept at (25° ±
cervical decapitation. Blood samples were collected, and
3°C), humidity maintained at 50 %.
the serum was separated by centrifuging at 2500 rpm for
15 min and analyzed for the various biochemical
Drugs and chemicals
parameters. Body weights of the rats were measured
Rifampicin and isoniazid were purchased from Micro
daily for 21 days. Daily changes in body weights were
Labs, India. Silymarin was obtained as gift sample from
Ranbaxy (Devas, India), Standard kits of SGPT, SGOT,
SALP, bilirubin and total protein were obtained from
Assessment of liver damage
Jain Scientific Industries, Moradabad, India. All other
Liver damage was assessed by the estimation of serum
reagents used for the study were of analytical grade.
activities of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
(SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT),
Preparation of extract
serum alkaline phosphatase (SALP), γ- glutamyl
The collected fruits were cut into pieces, shade-dried at
transpeptidase (GGTP), total bilirubin (TB), conjugated
room temperature and powdered. The dried fruit
bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, total protein (TP),
albumin, and globulin according to the method by using
petroleum ether (40°- 60°C), benzene, chloroform,
commercially available test kit.[16-22] Lipid peroxidase
ethanol and water by using Soxhlet apparatus. The last
(LPO)[23] glutathione peroxidase (GPx)[24] glutathione
trace of solvent was removed under reduced pressure
reductase (GRD)[25] superoxide dismutase (SOD)[26]
distillation and then vacuum dried. The dried crude
catalase (CAT)[27] and reduced glutathione (GSH)[28]
ethanolic extract was used for the study.
were estimated in liver homogenate.
Acute toxicity
Histopathological studies
Acute toxicity study was performed for the ethanolic
The livers were removed from the animals and the
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus as per OECD
tissues were fixed in 10 % formalin for at least 24 h.
guidelines.[14] Albino rats received 2000 mg/kgbw ip of
Then, the paraffin sections were prepared (Automatic
the ethanol extract. The animals were observed for toxic
tissue processor, Autotechnique) and cut into 5 µm thick
symptoms continuously for the first 4 h after dosing. The
sections using a rotary microtome. The sections were
rats were continuously observed for their mortality and
then stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin dye and studied
behavioural response for 48 h and thereafter once in a
for histopathological changes, such as fatty changes,
day for 14 days. There was no mortality recorded.
necrosis, vacuole, space formation, loss of cell
Therefore the drug should be free from toxicity.
boundaries for microscopic observations.
Statistical analysis
Induction of experimental hepatotoxicity
The values were expressed as Mean ± SD. Statistical
Each 50 mg/kgbw ip of RIF + INH solutions were
analysis was performed by one way analysis of variance
prepared separately in sterile distilled water. Rats were
(ANOVA) followed by Tukey multiple comparison test
divided into nine groups, each group consisting of six
and data on liver weight variations were analyzed using
Student‟s „t‟ test. The levels of significance were
Group I: Control received the vehicle viz. normal saline
mentioned as * P ≤ 0.05, ** P ≤ 0.01.
Group II: Received 50 mg/kgbw ip per day of RIF +
INH each by ip route for 21 days.
Rifampicin is a first line drug used in the treatment of
Group III: Received 100 mg/kgbw ip of the ethanolic
tuberculosis and leprosy. It possesses the ability to
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus and
eliminate semi dormant or persisting organism. Short
simultaneously received 50 mg/kgbw ip per day of RIF +
course chemotherapy containing rifampicin and isoniazid
INH each by ip route for 21 days. (Low dose).
in combination has proved to be highly effective in the
Group IV: Received 250 mg/kgbw ip of the ethanolic
treatment of tuberculosis, but one of its adverse effects is
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus and
hepatotoxicity. RIF-induces cytochrome P450 enzyme
simultaneously received 50 mg/kgbw ip per day of RIF +
causing an increased production of toxic metabolites
INH each by ip route for 21 days. (Moderate dose).
from acetyl hydrazine (AcHz). RIF can also increase the
Group V: Received 500 mg/kgbw ip of the ethanolic
metabolism of INH to isonicotinic acid and hydrazine,
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus and
both of which are hepatotoxic. The plasma half life of
simultaneously received 50 mg/kg ip per day of RIF +
AcHz (metabolite of INH) is shortened by RIF and AcHz
INH each by ip route for 21 days. (High dose).
is quickly converted to its active metabolites by increasing the oxidative elimination rate of AcHz, which
Gopalakrishnan et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
is related to the higher incidence of liver necrosis caused
Administration of RIF + INH combination only, showed
by INH and RIF in combination. Damaged hepatocytes
a significant derangement of liver function as assessed
or biliary epithelium may release cell constituents (e.g.
by change in serum enzymes SGOT, SGPT, SALP,
enzymes) into blood resulting in increased levels of these
GGTP, TB, TP, albumin, globulin as well as the levels of
analytes. The more commonly measured „liver‟ enzymes
liver homogenates, LPO, GPx, GRD, SOD, CAT, and
are alanine aminotransferase (ALT, formerly SGPT),
GSH and also liver histopathology.
aspartate aminotransferase (AST, formerly known
Table-1 shows the levels of SGOT, SGPT, SALP, GGTP
SGOT), serum alkaline phosphatase (SALP), and γ-
in the serum and bodyweight. There was a significant
glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP).
increase in the levels of SGOT, SGPT, SALP, GGTP in
Although there will be an increase of AST and ALT in
serum of rats treated with RIF + INH when compared
heart and liver diseases, total bilirubin (TB), a byproduct
with that of the control rats. Whereas the levels of body
of the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver is a good
weight in RIF + INH treated rats were decreased. There
indicator of liver function. High levels will cause icterus
is a gain in body weight in all the drug treated groups.
and are indicative of damage to the liver and bile duct.[29]
Pretreatment of rats with the ethanolic extract of the
The estimation of GGTP level is a valuable screening
fruits of Cucumis trigonus caused a significant reduction
test with high negative predictive value for liver disease.
in the levels of enzymes leading to a significant reversal
of hepatotoxicity.
TABLE 1: Effect of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus on the body weight and other
biochemical parameters on rifampicin-isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
Body weight
(mg/kg ip)
Initial weight
Final weight (g)
/ loss () (g)
Values are Mean ± SD of 6 animals in each group. Statistical analysis ANOVA followed by Dunnett t-test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 as compared with normal control to liver damaged control; #P<0.05; ## P<0.01 as compared with liver damaged control to drug treated animal. ns: not significant. Table-2 shows the changes in the levels of total bilirubin,
protein, albumin, and globulin (p < 0.05). Interestingly,
conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, total
in the RIF + INH-induced rats, the levels of total
protein, albumin, and globulin in the serum of different
bilirubin, conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin,
experimental rats. In comparison with the control group,
total protein, albumin, and globulin in the liver could be
in the RIF + INH treated rats, significant increase in the
normalized by the pretreatment with the ethanolic extract
of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus. 500 mg/kgbw ip of
unconjugated bilirubin (p < 0.01) were noticed.
Cucumis trigonus showed better activity.
There was a significant reduction in the levels of total
TABLE 2: Effect of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus on the biochemical parameters on
rifampicin-isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
(mg/kg ip)
Values are Mean ± SD of 6 animals in each group. Statistical analysis ANOVA followed by Dunnett t-test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 as compared with normal control to liver damaged control; #P<0.05; ## P<0.01 as compared with liver damaged control to drug treated animal. ns: not significant.

Gopalakrishnan et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Table-3 shows the levels of LPO, GPx, GRD, SOD,
dependent. The hepatoprotective role of the ethanolic
CAT, and GSH in the liver homogenate. The level of
extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus might be due to
lipid peroxide sharply increased (6.93±0.013 nm
the antioxidant potential of the drugs.[30]
MDA/mg protein (p < 0.01) after RIF + INH
intoxication. However, the levels of GPx, GRD, SOD,
The ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus
CAT, GSH decreased after RIF + INH intoxication. The
improved liver function by decreasing the serum
administration of all the three doses, viz, the low dose,
enzymes SGOT, SGPT, SALP, GGTP, TB, conjugated
moderate dose, and high dose of Cucumis trigonus
bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, LPO. However, the
decreased the level of LPO and increased the levels of
levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, GPx, GRD,
GPx, GRD, SOD, CAT, GSH (p < 0.01). Among the
SOD, CAT, and GSH are increased. This indicates the
three different doses, 500 mg/kgbw ip dose showed
protective effect over liver and improvement in its
better activity than the standard drug, silimarin, in the
functional efficiency.
case of LPO and GRD. The protective effect was dose-
TABLE 3: Effect of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus on the liver homogenate biochemical
parameters on rifampicin-isoniazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
(mg/kg ip)
(nm MDA/mg
(U/mg protein)
(U/mg protein)
(U/mg protein)
(µg/mg protein)
Values are Mean ± SD of 6 animals in each group. Statistical analysis ANOVA followed by Dunnett t-test.
*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 as compared with normal control to liver damaged control;
#P<0.05; ## P<0.01 as compared with liver damaged control to drug treated animal; ns: not significant.
Histopathological examination
In histopathological studies of liver [Figure 1], the
control showed normal gross appearance; dark maroon color of liver having smooth surfaces, microscopically
normal lobular appearance having normal central vein, normal hepatic cells each with well-defined cytoplasm, prominent nucleus, well brought out central vein, normal architecture of liver, radiating cords of hepatocytes, and normal portal tract. RIF + INH treated rats showed moderate to severe liver damage characterized by disarrangement of normal hepatic cells, vacuolization, loss of cell boundaries, space formation, and crowding of
central vein marked level of fatty changes or
Control group
degeneration and centrilobular hepatic necrosis of the
liver cells. RIF + INH and low dose (100 mg/kgbw ip) of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus
showed minimal necrosis, mild inflammation and less steatosis. RIF + INH and moderate dose (250 mg/kgbw ip) of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus showed slight recovery and evidence of regeneration in some hepatocytes. RIF + INH and high dose (500 mg/kgbw ip) of the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigonus showed significant recovery showing absence of necrosis, space formation and vacuoles. RIF + INH and silymarin (2.5 mg/kg ip) showed normal liver architecture and occasional inflammatory cells with no traditis or necrosis.
RIF + INH (100 mg/kg ip)

Gopalakrishnan et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
EE - Ethanolic extract, CT - Cucumis trigonus, RIF-
Rifampicin, INH – Isonizid, CV - Central vein, H -
Hepatocyte, N - Nucleus, FC - Fatty changes, NC -
Necrosis, V - Vacuole, SF - Space formation, LCB -
Loss of cell boundaries.
Hepatotoxicity occurs significantly with anti-TB drugs.
The present study proves that the ethanolic extract of the
fruits of Cucumin trigonus shows significant protective
action against the hepatotoxicity induced by the drugs
used in the treatment of tuberculosis. However, treatment
RIF + INH + EE of CT (100 mg/kg ip)
of these extract completely protected the liver cells. GC-
MS analysis indicated the presence of bile acids, carotenoids, antibiotics, steroids and phorbol ester in
Cucumis trigonus.[31] Hence the hepatoprotective effect of the extract may be due to the presence of one or more phytochemical constituents present in the Cucumis trigonus which scavenged the free radical offering hepatoprotection. Thus the ethanolic extract of the fruits of Cucumis trigouns which are useful in controlling hepatic injury in drug induced hepatotoxicity. Isolation and characterization of the active principles may yield good hepatoprotective drugs.
RIF + INH + EE of CT (250 mg/kg ip)
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The Pineal Gland, LSD, and Serotonin - Updated: Thursday July 16, 1998 at 12:31 PM The Pineal Gland,LSD and Serotonin by Russ McClayhttp://taolodge.com.tw/Alternative version: http://taolodge.com.tw/pineal_frames.htmlOriginally written: March 19, 1976 From a pharmacology paper prepared at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California Dedicated to John Blofeld
AP® STATISTICS 2011 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 2 Intent of Question The primary goals of this question were to assess students' ability to (1) distinguish an experiment from an observational study; (2) critique statistical information, in particular whether or not researchers are justified in making a specific conclusion based on the given information; (3) recognize and describe a potential problem with a study that lacks random assignment or blinding. Solution Part (a):