
Abstracts og program
Forskningens Dag 30. april 2009
Forskningens Dag 2009 er tilrettelagt af:
Molekylærbiolog, Torben Lüth Andersson, Hæmatologisk Afdeling Overlæge Henrik Krarup, Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling Seniorforsker Birgitte Schantz Laursen, Forskningsenhed for Klinisk Sygepleje Biostatistiker Claus Dethlefsen, Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter Kommunikationsmedarbejder Peter Friis Jeppesen, Afdelingen for Universitetshospitalsanliggender ISBN: 978-87-90880-19-4
Velkommen til Forskningens Dag 2009
Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
Velkommen til endnu en Forskningens Dag på Aalborg Sygehus. Vi håber, at arrange-mentet også i år vil give ansatte i det nordjyske sundhedsvæsen, politikere og samar-bejdsparnere et indblik i de mangeartede forskningsaktiviter, der finder sted på hospi-talet i samarbejde med den øvrige del af Århus Universitetshospital.
Til formiddagens program, har vi inviteret minister for sundhed og forebyggelse, Jakob Axel Nielsen, professor dr. med., Povl Riis, professor, dr. med., Henrik Toft Sørensen og læge, dr. med. og hjerneforsker, Peter Lund Madsen. Alle vil de holde interessante oplæg over temaet "Når forskere bliver uredelige".
Efter frokost vil sygehusets egne forskere præsentere igangværende eller nyligt afslut-tede projekter i form af foredrag eller postere. Vi har i år modtaget 87 abstracts, og af dem er der udvalgt 12, som vil blive præsenteret mundtligt i to parallelle sessioner, i henholdsvis Medicinerhusets auditorium og kantine. Til sammen viser de et bredt spektrum af forskningsområder fra klassisk lægevidenskab over biomedicin/biotekno-logi til humanistisk forskning med fokus på kvalitative forskningsmetoder.
Størstedelen af de øvrige abstracts vil blive præsenteret som postere. Læg derfor vejen forbi Medicinerhusets fællesarealer og mød forskerne bag.
Vi håber, du får en god og inspirerende dag og ser frem til livlige diskussioner med aktiv deltagelse af alle.
8.30-8.40 - Velkomst
v. Hans Gregersen, forsknings- og innovationschef, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
8.40-9.00 - "Fremtidens sundhedsvæsen"
v. Jakob Axel Nielsen, minister for sundhed og forebyggelse
9.00-9.50 - "Videnskabelig uredelighed - begreber, kontrol og forebyggelsesmuligheder"
v. Povl Riis, professor, dr. med.
9.50-10.20 - Kaffepause og posterpræsentationer
10.20-11.10 - "Lancetsagen"
v. Henrik Toft Sørensen, professor, dr. med.
11.10-11.25 - Spørgsmål og diskussion
11.25-11.55 - "Hjernen og kreativiteten"
v. Peter Lund Madsen, læge, dr. med. og hjerneforsker
12.00-12.45 - Frokost og posterpræsentationer
12.45-13.55 - Parallelle foredragssessioner
13.55-14.20 - Kaffepause og posterpræsentationer
14.20-15.30 - Parallelle foredragssessioner
15.40-15.50 - Præmiering af bedste postere
15.50-16.00 - Afslutning
v. Hans Gregersen, forsknings- og innovationschef, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
Program for foredragssessioner
Foredragssession 1A - Auditoriet, Medicinerhuset kl. 12.45-13.55
Moderator: Overlæge, ph.d. Mette Nørgaard,
Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling
Kl. 12.45-13.05
Abstract # A: En vurdering af den diagnostiske værdi af 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanning på patienter mistænkt for
Forskningsbioanalytiker Majbritt Frost, (Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 13.10-13.30
Abstract #B: Anthropometry and Body Fat, and Venous Thromboembolism: A Danish Follow-up Study
Klinisk assistent Marianne Tang Severinsen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 13.35-13.55
Abstract #C: Design and analysis of Q-RT-PCR assays for haematological malignancies using mixed effects
Biostatistiker Martin Bøgsted, (Hæmatologisk Afdeling og Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter, Aalborg Sygehus)
Foredragssession 2A - Auditoriet, Medicinerhuset kl. 14.20-15.30
Moderator: Ledende bibliotekar, cand. scient. bibl. Conni Skrubbeltrang,
Kl. 14.20-14.40
Abstract # G: Endoskopisk versus åben venehøst ved bypass-kirurgi på hjertet. En randomiseret undersøgelse
Ledende overlæge Jan Jesper Andreasen (Hjerte-lungekirurgisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 14.45-15.05
Abstract # H: Does a Ball Blanket Influence HbA1c Levels in Patients With Chronic Non-malignant Pain? Preli-
minary Results of a Controlled, Randomised and Double-Blinded Clinical Trial
Sygeplejerske / psykoterapeut Inger Kirstine Nielsen, (Tværfagligt Smertecenter, Anæstesien)
Kl. 15.10-15.30
Abstract # I: Det mobile hjerte-lunge-maskine team
Overlæge Benedict Kjærgaard, (Thoraxkirurgisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Foredragssession 1B - Kantinen, Medicinerhuset kl. 12.45-13.55
Moderator: Ledende Overlæge Ole B. F. Nielsen
Kl. 12.45-13.05
Abstract # D: Differential Effects of Morphine and Oxycodone in experimentally evoked Cutaneous and Vis-
ceral Hyperalgesia
MSc. Pharm, PhD studerende Anne Estrup Olesen, (Mech-Sense, medicinsk Gastroenterologisk afdeling,
Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 13.10-13.30
Abstract #E: Detection of cell-free methylated DNA in plasma
Biokemiker Inge Søkilde Pedersen, (FBE Klinisk Biokemi Syd; Afsnit for Molekylærdiagnostik, Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 13.35-13.55
Abstract #F: Kontaminering af operationshandsker ved operation med ventilindlæggelse
Overlæge, klinisk lektor Preben Sørensen, (Neurokirurgisk, Aalborg Sygehus)
Foredragssession 2B - Kantinen, Medicinerhuset kl. 14.20-15.30
Moderator: Biostatistiker Søren Lundbye-Christensen
Kl. 14.20-14.40
Abstract # J: Preadmission Use of Statins and Outcomes after Hospitalization with Pneumonia
Afdelingslæge, Klinisk Lektor, ph.d. Reimar W. Thomsen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Kl. 14.45-15.05
Abstract #K: Kan neonatale risikofaktorer og udviklingsundersøgelse ved 3-års alderen forudsige psykomoto-
risk udvikling ved 5 år hos meget for tidligt fødte børn?
Specialeansvarlig fysioterapeut Hanne Algreen Agerholm, (Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen, Aalborg
Kl. 15.10-15.30
Abstract #L: Fisk, fiskeolie og hjertesygdom
Professor Erik Berg Schmidt (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Mundtlig præsentation
A. En vurdering af den diagnostiske værdi af 18F-FDG PET/CT-
scanning på patienter mistænkt for ovariecancer
Auditoriet, kl. 12.45-13.05
M. Frost1, V.Prakash1, V. Iyer1, R. Fisker2, E. Søgaard-Andersen3, K. Nielsen4, I. Noer1; 1. Nuklearmedicinsk
afdeling; 2. Radiologisk afdeling; 3. Gynækologisk afdeling; 4. Patologisk Institut, Aalborg Sygehus, Denmark.
At undersøge den kliniske/diagnostiske værdi af en 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanning på kvinder med mistanke om
ovariecancer samt at undersøge om 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanningen kan anvendes til stadieinddelingen på
ovariecancer patienter.
Materiale og metode
Mulig anvendelse af scanningen blev afdækket i en tværsnitsundersøgelse på kvinder mistænkt for ovariecancer.
18F-FDG PET/CT-scanning blev sammenholdt med de histologiske fund. Dataindsamlingen på Aalborg sygehus
startede januar 2008 og er uafsluttet. Der er indsamlet 27 prospektive patienter (gennemsnitsalder 64 år),
mistænkt for ovariecancer med Risk of Malignancy Index >200.
Resultaterne fra scanningen blev klassificeret som benign eller malign og sammenholdt med intraoperative fund
samt histologisk vurdering. Ovariecancerne blev stadieinddelt via PET/CT-scanningen ud fra modificeret FIGO
klassifikation, og sammenholdt med den histologiske FIGO klassifikation.
Foreløbige resultater viser god korrelation mellem PET/CT-scanningen og det patologiske resultat.
18F-FDG PET/CT-scanning har en sensitivitet på 92 %, og en specificitet på 71 %. Parret McNemar x2 test viste
ikke en signifikant forskel mellem 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanning og histologien (p=0,3750). 18F-FDG PET/CT-
scanning fandt maligne tumorer i 16 patienter samt benigne tumorer i 11 patienter. Histologien fandt maligne
tumorer i 13 patienter samt benigne tumorer i 14 patienter.
Ved stadieinddelingen var 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanningen overensstemmende med histologien i 59 % af tilfældene.
18F-FDG PET/CT-scanningen har høj diagnostisk kvalitet på patienter mistænkt for ovariecancer. Scanningen
er en anvendelig præoperativ billeddiagnostisk metode til at visualiserer maligne og benigne ovarietumorer ved
kvinder med mistanke om ovariecancer og en RMI >200. Desuden giver 18F-FDG PET/CT-scanningen yderligere
oplysninger om metastaser ved stadieinddelingen af ovariecancer patienter.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsbioanalytiker Majbritt Frost, (Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse:Cand. Scient. San
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99323920
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Overlæge Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
B. Anthropometry and Body Fat, and Venous Thromboembolism: A
Danish Follow-up Study
Auditoriet, kl. 13.10-13.30
Marianne Tang Severinsen, Søren Risom Kristensen, Søren Paaske Johnsen, Kim Overvad
Abstract: Background: Obesity is associated with venous thromboembolisme (VTE). Most previous studies on obesity and risk of VTE are based on measurements on body mass index which correlate well with body fat content in adults, but it do not consider the distribution of the body fat. Aim: To investigate the association between anthropometric variables (weight, body mass index (BMI), total body fat, waist circumference and hip circumference) and the risk of VTE among middle-aged men and women. Methods: From 1993 to 1997, 27,178 men and 29,875 women, between 50 and 64 years of age and born in Denmark, were recruited into the Danish prospective study Diet, Cancer and Health. Detailed data on anthropometric variables has been obtained by trained laboratory technicians at base-line. A total of 641 verified incident VTE events were identified among the participants before the end of June 2006. We used Cox regression models to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) for VTE, according to anthropometric variables among men and women, adjusted for smoking, physical activity, body height, and, among women, use of hormone replacement therapy. Results: We found a significant positive association between VTE and all measurements of body size, including body weight, BMI, total body fat, waist circumference and hip circumference, among middle-aged men and women. Conclusion: Peripheral as well as central obesity is strongly related to VTE among middle-aged men and women.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk assistent Marianne Tang Severinsen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse:Cand. Med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 69 19
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
C. Design and analysis of Q-RT-PCR assays for haematological
malignancies using mixed effects models
Auditoriet, kl. 13.35-13.55
Martin Bøgsted 1,2,3; Charlotte Mandrup 1; Anders Petersen 1; Steffen Falgreen 1,2; Hans Erik Johnsen 1,3;
Anne Bukh 1,3 and Karen Dybkær 1,3 1 Department of Haematology, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University
Hospital 2 Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital 3 MSCNET is a
translational programme studying cancer stem cells supported by the EU FP6.
The recent WHO classification of haematological malignancies includes detection of genetic abnormalities
with prognostic significance. Consequently, an increasing number of specific real-time quantitative reverse
transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR) based assays are in clinical research use and needs quality
control for accuracy and precision. Especially the identification of experimental variations and statistical
analysis has recently created discussions. The standard analytical technique is to use the Delta-Delta-Ct
method. Although this method accounts for sample specific variations such as RNA purification, it does not
account for other experimental effects as variations in cDNA synthesis, amplification efficiency and assay
To obtain an assessment of the accuracy and precision of the assays a novel approach for the statistical analysis of Q-RT-PCR has been developed based on a linear mixed effects model for factorial designs. The model consists of an analysis of variance where the variation of each fixed effect of interest and identified experimental and biological nuisance variations are split. Hereby it accounts for varying efficiency, inhomogeneous variance, repeated measures correlation and experimental variations. The modelling approach has been used to conduct fold change analysis on microRNA (miRNA) expressions in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). In particular it was demonstrated that results obtained from global miR expression arrays (Exiqon) could be reproduced and validated by Q-RT-PCR.
Indsendt af: Biostatistiker Martin Bøgsted, (Hæmatologisk Afdeling og Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse:MSc, PhD E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans Erik Johnsen og Erik Berg Schmidt
D. Differential Effects of Morphine and Oxycodone in
experimentally evoked Cutaneous and Visceral Hyperalgesia
Kantinen, kl. 12.45-13.05
Anne Estrup Olesen, Camilla Staahl, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Asbjørn Mohr Drewes.
Chronic pain associated with hyperalgesia can be difficult to treat with traditional µ-opioid agonists. Previous
studies have shown more beneficial effects of oxycodone compared to morphine in clinical hyperalgesia.
The aim was to investigate differentiated effects of morphine and oxycodone after experimentally evoked
Twenty-four healthy volunteers were randomized to equipotent treatment with morphine (30 mg, p.o.) and oxycodone (15mg, p.o.) or placebo in a crossover study. Visceral sensitization was induced by esophageal acid and capsaicin perfusion. Skin sensitization was induced by capsaicin cream on one forearm and areas of secondary hyperalgesia to brush and von Frey hair stimulation were measured. Experimental pain models including heat stimulation in normal skin, muscle pressure and esophageal mechanical, heat and electrical stimulations were applied.
Areas of hyperalgesia assessed with Von Frey hair were not reduced by any of the opioids after skin sensitization (P=0.6), whereas the areas of allodynia assessed with brush was increased by morphine (P=0.02). Oxycodone was superior to morphine in normal skin heat stimulation (P=0.04) and in muscle pressure stimulation (P<0.001). In the esophageal experiments oxycodone showed better analgesic effect compared to morphine to the heat (P=0.003) and electrical (P=0.04) stimulation. Differentiated effects of morphine and oxycodone were found in response to skin, muscle and esophageal pain stimulation. As these data supports previous investigations in chronic pain patients, the present study seems to act as a translational model between experimental and clinical conditions.
Indsendt af:
MSc. Pharm, PhD studerende Anne Estrup Olesen, (Mech-Sense, medicinsk Gastroenterologisk afdeling,
Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26281305
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn Mohr Drewes
E. Detection of cell-free methylated DNA in plasma
Kantinen, kl. 13.10-13.30
Inge Søkilde Pedersen (1), Henrik Krarup (1), Ole Thorlacius-Ussing (2), Poul Madsen (1) (1) Afsnit for
Molekylærdiagnostik, FBE Klinisk Biokemi Syd, Aalborg Sygehus Nord (2) KirugiskGastroenterologisk Afdeling
A, Aalborg Sygehus Syd
Abstract:Detection of cell-free methylated DNA in plasma is a promising tool for tumour diagnosis and monitoring. Due to the very low amount of cell-free DNA in plasma, sensitivity of the detection methods are of utmost importance. The vast majority of currently available methods for analysing DNA methylation are based on bisulphite-mediated deamination of cytosine. Cytosine is rapidly converted to uracil during bisulphite-treatment, whereas 5-methylcytosine is only slowly converted. Hence, bisulphite-treatment converts an epigenetic modification into a difference in sequence, amenable to analysis either by sequencing or PCR based methods. However, the recovery of bisulphite-converted DNA is very poor. Here we introduce an alternative method for the crucial steps of bisulphite removal and desulphonation, vastly improving recovery. The method is based on strong alkaline desulphonation in combination with magnetic silica purification of DNA. This method allows low levels of DNA to be easily and reliably analysed, a prerequisite for the clinical usefulness of cell-free methylated DNA detection in plasma.
Indsendt af:
Biokemiker Inge Søkilde Pedersen, (FBE Klinisk Biokemi Syd; Afsnit for Molekylærdiagnostik, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse:Cand. Scient. i Humanbiologi, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 9932158085
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Henrik Krarup
F. Kontaminering af operationshandsker ved operation med
Preben Sørensen, Tove Ejlertsen, Dorte Aaen, Kate Poulsen
Infektion med bakterier er en hyppig årsag til komplikationer ved ventilbehandling af hydrocefalus. Det er
velkendt at den overvejende del af infektionerne skyldes lavvirulente bakterier, som normalt er til stede på intakt
Det er mest sandsynligt at ventilerne bliver kontaminerede i forbindelse med operationen enten ved at
ventilmaterialet kommer i kontakt med patientens hud, eller kontamineres via urene handsker eller instrumenter.
Dette studie blev gennemført for at afklare i hvor stort omfang operationspersonalets handsker er
kontaminerede under ventilanlæggelse.
Metode: Ventiloperationerne blev gennemført idet alle anerkendte forholdsregler til at forhindre ventilinfektion
blev respekteret. Der blev blandt andet anvendt profylaktisk intravenøs antibiotika, lukket operationsstue og
dobbelthandsker. Alle kirurger var erfarne ventiloperatører.
Indgrebene blev indledt med at hudincision, dissektion og tunnelering blev udført. Herefter afsatte operatør,
assistent og operationssygeplejerske aftryk af begge handsker på agarplader. Yderhandskerne blev herefter
udskiftet inden ventilmaterialet blev pakket ud og implanteret.
Agarpladerne blev inkuberet i 6 dage i både aerobt og anaerobt.
Resultater: 10 operationer blev gennemført, og aftryk fra 10 kirurger, 10 operationssygeplejersker og 3 assistenter blev undersøgt, i alt 23 aerobe og 23 anaerobe plader. Alle kirurgernes handsker var kontaminerede med Propionebakterium Acnes og med Coagulase negative Staffylokokker i 80 % af tilfældene. Operationssygeplejerskernes handsker var kontaminerede i 60 % af tilfældene. Alle assistenter havde ligeledes kontaminerede handsker. Konklusion: Undersøgelsen dokumenterer at et betydeligt antal af operatørhandsker er kontaminerede med bakterier kort tid efter at operationen er startet, og altså i stand til at kontaminere ventilmaterialet, såfremt handskerne ikke var blevet skiftet inden ventilmaterialet blev håndteret. Der er tale om et pilotstudie, men giver alligevel en mulig, simpel og logisk forklaring på hvorfor et så stort antal ventiler ender med at blive inficeret.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge, klinisk lektor Preben Sørensen, (Neurokirurgisk, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99332741
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Preben Sørensen
G. Endoskopisk versus åben venehøst ved bypass kirurgi på hjertet.
En randomiseret undersøgelse
Auditoriet - 14.20-14.40
Jan Jesper Andreasen, Vytautas Nekrasas, Claus Dethlefsen.
Baggrund: Endoskopisk veneudtagelse fra benet (EVH) under en koronar bypass operation i hjertet (CABG) er
blevet udviklet i udlandet med henblik på at reducere risikoen for udvikling af sårproblemer. Op imod 30 % af
CABG patienterne oplever efter anvendelse af den åbne operationsteknik (OVH) væsentlige sårproblemer på
Formålet med denne undersøgelse var at sammenligne EVH med konventionel OVH. Vi ønskede at sammenligne
forekomsten af sårkomplikationer.
Metode: 132 elektive patienter som skulle gennemgå førstegangs CABG blev randomiseret til enten EVH eller
OVH af et kort venestykke fra benet i perioden april 2004 – juni 2007.
Resultater: Gruppene var præoperativt sammenlignelige. Det tog lidt længere tid at udtage venen endoskopisk,
men EVH-gruppen oplevede signifikant færre infektiøse og ikke-infektiøse sårproblemer. De havde endvidere
behov for betydeligt færre ekstra besøg i ambulatoriet, hos egen læge eller af hjemmesygeplejen (2 besøg
efter EVH versus 79 besøg efter OVH). Infektionsraten efter EVH og OVH var hhv. 0 % og 11 %. Den samlede
sårkomplikationsrate (cellulitis, purulent infektion, sårruptur og hudnekrose) var 3 % efter EVH og 27 %
efter OVH (p<0,001). Indlæggelsestiden var den samme. EVH gruppen havde færre smerter postoperativt, og
patienterne i denne gruppe var mest tilfredse med det kosmetiske resultat.
Konklusion: EVH medfører sammenlignet med OVH ved CABG betydeligt færre sårproblemer og behovet for
ekstra besøg hos læge og/eller af hjemmesygeplejen efter udskrivelsen reduceres markant. EVH implementeres
nu som rutine i hjerte-lungekirurgisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus. En sundhedsøkonomisk analyse er under
Indsendt af:
Ledende overlæge Jan Jesper Andreasen, (Hjerte-lungekirurgisk afdeling , Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse:Overlæge, ph.d studerende
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322964
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jan Jesper Andreasen
H. Does a Ball Blanket influence HbA1c levels in patients with
chronic non-malignant pain? Preliminary results of a controlled,
randomised and double-blinded clinical trial
Auditoriet, kl. 14.45-15.05
I.K. Nielsen, M.E. Jorgensen, A.S. Olesen, V. Pedersen,
The Ball Blanket is reported to increase sleep quality and health related quality of life and reduce pain and
anxiety in autistic children (Christiansen and Dalsgaard, 1994). In the present study, it was examined if the
Ball Blanket would increase sleep quality, reduce pain and increase health related quality of life in patients with
chronic non-malignant pain. A physiological parameter was included to examine its usefulness in reflecting
stress. The study is approved by the Danish Ethical Committee (2007).
The study was controlled, double-blinded and randomised. Thirty patients were included. The Ball blanket
(PROTAC TM) or a control blanket of same colour and weight was distributed to patients at random by a
secretary. VAS-pain scores, and sleeping quality were registered daily. SF-36 questionnaires were answered
monthly, blood samples were drawn monthly and analysed for HbA1c-levels.
Pre-levels of HbA1c did not differ significantly between groups (mean±STD, Control=0.0515±0,00213,
Experimental=0,0515±0,0328, p>0.6, t-test). No significant differences between groups were found at start, at
4 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks (p>0,03, t-test). Overall, HbA1c levels in the control group kept fairly constant
whereas HbA1c levels in the experimental group fluctuated and showed a tendency to decrease at the end of the
Further analysis of data will hopefully give some indications whether the Ball blanket affects HbA1c levels,
pain, health related quality of life and sleep quality in patients with chronic malignant pain and thus qualify its
usefullness as an aid in the clinic. The present data need to be confirmed before a conclusion can be made.
Indsendt af:
Smertesygeplejerske / Psykoterapeut Inger Kirstine Nielsen, (Tværfagligt Smertecenter, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse:Sygeplejerske, Intensiv specialuddannelse, Psykoterapeut
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99336000
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Anders Schou Olesen / Anders Larsson
I. Det mobile hjerte-lunge-maskine team
Auditoriet, kl. 15.10-15.30
Benedict Kjærgaard. Er et uddrag af en del artikler fra de senere år med ret mange medforfattere
Baggrund: Arbejdet blev oprindeligt opstartet med henblik på at kunne redde vanskeligt flytbare personer med
svær hypotermi indlagt på perifere sygehuse. Dybt hypoterme med hjertestop kan af og til reddes ved hjælp af
en stationær hjerte-lunge-maskine, men det er problematisk at overflytte patienten.
Metode: I et samarbejde med industrien, Falck og Flyvevåbnet udviklede vi et mobilt system til at behandle og
transportere patienter på extra corporal cirkulation (ECC). Et antal grise blev nedkølet og under behandling
med ECC transporteret med ambulance og helikopter for at udvikle systemet.
I 2004 begyndte afd. T at tilbyde en udrykningsservice. Behandlingen af hypoterme blev sat mere i system end
tidligere, og det blev oplagt at udnytte systemet til patienter med hjerte-lunge-svigt af anden årsag. Yderligere
dyreforsøg forbedrede behandlingen af patienter med hjertestop på grund af lungeemboli. Apparaturet blev
forbedret i samarbejde med industrien.
Resultater: Det årlige antal henvendelser har været fra 15 det første år til 30 sidste år. I alt har der været 114 tilfælde i de 5 år. Der var 63 med hypotermi, de øvrige var hjerte- og lungesvigt. 58 personer overlevede. I 28 tilfælde var redningshelikopteren i brug. Der har været flere bemærkelsesværdige eksempler. I 2 tilfælde af hypotermi og i 2 tilfælde af lungeemboli havde fagfolk endda erklæret personen død, men alle blev senere udskrevet til eget hjem. Systemet har været brugt til transportere patienter med hjertestop til både Skejby og Rigshospitalet fra andre sygehuse. Konklusion: Ved forskning og samarbejde er det muligt at redde mange
Indsendt af:
Overlæge Benedict Kjærgaard, (Thoraxkirurgisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse:Speiallæge i thoraxkirurgi, i parenchymkirurgi, obertsløjtnant i flyvevåbnet
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 40 86 50 47
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jan Jesper Andreaen
J. Preadmission use of Statins and Outcomes after Hospitalization
with Pneumonia
Kantinen, kl. 14.20-14.40
Reimar W. Thomsen, Anders Riis, Jette B. Kornum, Steffen Christensen, Søren P. Johnsen, Henrik T. Sørensen
Abstract: Background: While some experimental and clinical research suggests that statins improve outcomes following severe infections, the evidence for pneumonia is conflicting. Methods: We conducted a population-based cohort study of 29,900 adults hospitalized for the first time with pneumonia between 1997 and 2004 in Northern Denmark. Data on statin and other medication use, comorbidities, socioeconomic markers, laboratory findings, bacteremia, pulmonary complications and death were obtained from medical databases. We used regression analyses to compute adjusted mortality rate ratios (MRRs) within 90 days and relative risks (RRs) of bacteremia and pulmonary complications following hospitalization for both statin users and nonusers. Results: 1,371 (4.6%) pneumonia patients were current statin users. Mortality among statin users was lower than among non-users: 10.3% vs. 15.7% after 30 days and 16.8% vs. 22.4% after 90 days, corresponding to adjusted 30- and 90-day MRRs of 0.69 (95% CI, 0.58-0.82) and 0.75 (95% CI, 0.65-0.86). Mortality decreases associated with statin use remained robust in various subanalyses and in a supplementary analysis using propensity-score matching. Adjusted RRs for bacteremia and pulmonary complications among statin users were 1.07 (95% CI, 0.69-1.67) and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.42-1.14). Conclusion: The use of statins is associated with substantially lowered mortality following hospitalization with pneumonia. If confirmed by randomized trials these results would have large clinical and public health implications, given the availability, low cost and low risk of side effects of these drugs. [Published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, October 2008]
Indsendt af:
Afdelingslæge, Klinisk Lektor, ph.d. Reimar W. Thomsen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326904
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
K. Kan neonatale risikofaktorer og udviklingsundersøgelse ved 3
års alderen forudsige psykomotorisk udvikling ved 5 år hos meget
for tidligt fødte børn?
Kantinen, kl. 14.45-15.05
Fysioterapeut Hanne Agerholm, Specialist i pædiatrisk fysioterapi Overlæge Finn Ebbesen, professor
Meget for tidligt fødte børn med gestationsalder < 32 uger kræver ofte intervention fra fysioterapeuter og
ergoterapeuter. Formålet med denne undersøgelse er at beskrive en regional kohorte af meget for tidligt fødte
børn mht. psykomotorisk udvikling ved 3 og 5 år, at identificerer nogle af de risikofaktorer, der har betydning
for psykomotorisk udvikling ved 5 år samt at udvikle en model til vurdering af de identificerede risikofaktorer.
175 børn født i Nordjyllands Amt blev undersøgt ved 3 og 5 år. Materialet blev inddelt iht. gestationsalder,
enkelt/flerfold fødsel, køn, Apgar score, abnorm ultralydsskanning af CNS, respiratorisk distres syndrom,
bronchopulmonal dysplasi, sepsis, trivsel og forældrenes socialgruppe. Statistisk analyse blev lavet ved hjælp
af multivariabel logistisk regression. Undersøgelsen ved 3 år identificerede 87/97 børn under observation for
udvik-lingsproblemer eller med udviklingsproblemer med høj sensitivitet (90%) og moderat specificitet (73%).
Faktorerne dreng, abnorm ultralydsskanning af CNS og lav socialgruppe hos forældrene blev identificeret som
signifikante prediktorer for ufavorabel psykomotorisk udvikling. En model til vurdering af prediktorerne blev
lavet vha. en grafisk præsentation af multivariabel logistisk regression. Vi konkluderer, at der er sammenhæng
mellem resultatet af undersøgelserne ved 3 og 5 år iht. normal psykomotorisk udvikling og udviklingsproblemer,
mens børn til observation for udviklingsproblemer er mere uforudsigelige. De er et potentiale if. indsats
for at undersøge hvad, der har betydning for deres senere udvikling. Validering af modellen til vurdering af
risikofaktorerne kan ske ved at benytte den til meget for tidligt fødte børn i fremtiden og sammenligne den med
bør-nenes udvikling ved 3 og 5 år.
Indsendt af:
Specialeansvarlig fysioterapeut Hanne Algreen Agerholm, (Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen, Aalborg
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99321193
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jane Andreasen
L. Fisk, fiskeolie og hjertesygdom
Kantinen, kl. 15.10-15.30
Erik Berg Schmidt
Der er en vis evidens for at indtagelse af fisk nedsætter risikoen for hjertesygdom, hvilket tilskrives indholdet af
polyumættede fedtsyrer, såkaldte n-3 fedtsyrer eller synonymt hermed omega-3 fedtsyrer i fisk. Indholdet af n-3
fedtsyrer er størst i fede fisk som sild, makrel, laks og ørred.
Den videnskabelige baggrund for undersøgelserne heraf strækker sig 40 år tilbage og blev startet netop på
Aalborg Sygehus af lægerne Bang & Dyerberg fra klinisk-kemisk afdeling. Denne forskningstradition er fortsat
lige siden og har været centreret omkring klinisk biokemisk afdeling og i de senere år Lipidklinikken, og har
resulteret i flere disputatser, ph.d-forløb og et stort antal artikler.
En række store kliniske undersøgelser har vist at indtagelse af n-3 fedtsyrer enten i form af fed fisk eller fiskeoliekapsler reducerer risikoen for hjertesygdom. Effekten er mest overbevisende dokumenteret blandt personer med allerede eksisterende hjertesygdom.
Mekanismerne bag den tilsyneladende gunstige effekt af n-3 fedtsyrer på risikoen for hjertesygdom er givetvis multifaktoriel. n-3 fedtsyrer er således vist at have antiateroskerotiske, antitrombotiske og antiarrytmiske effekter.
Indlægget vil efter en historisk indfaldsvinkel give en kort status for resultaterne af de store kliniske interventionsundersøgelsen, mulige tilgrundliggende effekter samt slutteligt give rekommendationer for indtagelse af n-3 fedtsyrer hos raske og hjertesyge.
Indsendt af:
Professor Erik Berg Schmidt, (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 68 99
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Erik Berg Schmidt
1) A comparison of the yield and speed of BACTEC Plus Aerobic/F
and Peds Plus/F blood culture bottles
Hans Linde Nielsen Overlæge, Jørgen Prag. Klinisk Mikrobiologisk afd. Regionshospitalet Viborg
Objectives: To examine the benefit of adding BACTEC Peds Plus/F bottle with 40 ml fluid to a standard blood
culture set consisting of a Plus Aerobic/F and a Plus Anaerobic/F blood culture bottle, both with 25 ml fluid.
The paediatric bottle is supplemented with animal tissue digest (0.1 % W/V) and has less sodium polyanethole-
sulfonate (0.02 % W/V contra 0,05 in Plus Aerobic/F) and recent studies suggest that ordinary blood cultures
only occasionally detect fastidious microorganism like Helicobacter spp. The aim of the study was to compare
the yield and speed of Plus Aerobic/F with the Peds Plus/F bottle.
Methods: During a one year period from June 2007 to July 2008 all blood cultures drawn at Viborg Hospital,
Denmark, were performed using a BACTEC 9240 automated blood culture system. Blood from patients with
suspected septicaemia were drawn inoculated in the Plus Aerobic/F, Plus Anaerobic/F and Peds Plus/F blood
culture bottles and incubated for 144 hours.
Results: The department received 7500 blood culture sets consisting of all three bottles. Each bottle respectively
contained a median volume of blood of 8.5ml, 8.5 ml and 3.5ml in the Aerobic, Anaerobic and Peds. A total
of 668 bacterial isolates were recovered per set, and of these were 491 (6.5 %) of clinical importance. Of these
were 279 (57 %) isolates found in both Aerobic and Peds, 74 (15 %) from Aerobic only, and 29 (6 %) from Plus
only corresponding to 2.5 times more blood volume drawn in the aerobic bottle. When bottles were positive the
median time to detection were 15.6 hours for the Aerobic and 14.6 for the Peds bottle (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Compared to the Plus Aerobic/F bottle, the Peds Plus/F bottle was not superior in recovering ordi-
nary or fastidious microorganisms. However, it detected bacteria one hour before. Addition of a third Aerobic
bottle with 8-10 ml blood to the standard Aerobic/Anaerobic blood culture set would probably increase the
detection rate of pathogenic bacteria by 1 % of the total number of blood culture sets taken. The cost of a third
vial will be around 400 € a year and then more expenses for identification etc.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk assistent Hans Linde Nielsen, (Infektionsmedicinsk Afd., Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326532
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Henrik Nielsen
2) Akut lungeskade: patogenese
Bodil Steen Rasmussen, overlæge, ph.d., Anæstesien Søren Naaby Hansen, forskningslæge, klinisk imm. afd. Jan
Jesper Andreasen, ledende overlæge, Thoraxkir. afd. Emmy Yoshinaka, afdelingslæge, Anæstesien Søren Risom
Kristensen, professor, Klin. Biokemisk afd. Erik Berg Schmidt, professor, Lipidklinikken Anders Larsson, profes-
sor, Anæstesien
Baggrund: Akut lungeskade ("acute lung injury", ALI) er en fælles betegnelse for de inflammatoriske og koagu-
lationsmæssige reaktioner, der ses i lungerne efter traume, større kirurgi og sepsis. ALI medfører hypoxæmi og
øger dermed risikoen for organdysfunktion. Patogenesen til udvikling af human ALI er ikke tilstrækkelig belyst.
Formålet er at klarlægge inflammatoriske reaktioner og koagulationsmekanismer i lungekredsløbet og i cellem-
odeller efter et veldefineret kirurgisk traume.
Metode: Halvtreds konsekutive patienter indlagt til hjertekirurgi med brug af hjertelungemaskine ("cardiop-
ulmonal bypass", CPB). Studiet er godkendt i Videnskabsetisk komite. Peroperativt anlægges katetre i arterie
pulmonalis (AP) og i venstre atrium ("left atrium", LA). Blodprøver udtages simultant fra AP og LA før CPB,
umiddelbart efter CPB = tiden "0", herefter 2, 4, 8, 16 og 20 timer efter CPB. Blodprøverne opbevares ved
-80ºC. Inflammatoriske mediatorer, koagulationsparametre og reaktioner i relevante cellemodeller analyseres
efter endt inklusion. Til vurdering af systemisk inflammatorisk respons og grad af hypoxæmi udtages venøse og
arterielle blodprøver dagen før operationen og 48 timer efter CPB, T-test anvendt (normalfordelte data).
Resultater: Studiestart 11. september 2008, aktuelt er 33 patienter inkluderet. Analyserne (AP og LA) forventes
afsluttet i april 2009. Venøse blodprøver viser stigning i leukocytter; 7,7±2,1 til 12,7±3,3 x 109/l (p<0,01) og i
C-reaktivt protein; <10 til 161±59 mg/l (p<0,001). Arterielle blodprøver viser fald i PaO2; 11,5±1,4 til 7,5±1,2
kPa (p<0,001).
Konklusion: Isolering af lungekredsløbet i denne humane model og visualisering af inflammatoriske processer
i cellemodeller kan bidrage til patogenesen ved udvikling af ALI. Derved skabes mulighed for medikamentelt at
forhindre/minimere udvikling af ALI.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge, ph.d., post-doc Bodil Steen Rasmussen, (Thoraxanæstesiologisk , Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Specialelæge i anæstesiologi, ph.d.
E-mail: bodil.steen.rasmussen / Telefon: 20116272
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor, overlæge, Anders Larsson
3) Amplification of respiratory induced arterial pressure variations
during spontaneous breathing – a method to assess fluid respon-
M. K. Dahl, J. Koefoed-Nielsen, S. T. Vistisen, A. Larsson
INTRODUCTION: Assessment of hypovolemia and fluid responsiveness in spontaneously breathing subjects
is often demanding. During controlled ventilation, increased arterial pressure variations have been shown to
indicate fluid responsiveness. However, during spontaneous breathing these variations are minor and difficult to
detect. We hypothesized that an inspiratory/expiratory resistor would amplify the intrathoracic pressure chang-
es and the arterial pressure variations during spontaneous breathing.
METHODS: In eight prone, tracheotomized, anesthetized and spontaneously breathing pigs 30% of the blood
volume was removed. In a randomized order they were breathing either through an inspiratory and/or an ex-
piratory resistor (7.5 cmH2O) or only through the tracheal tube. Hemodynamic and respiratory measurements
were performed at hypo-, normo-, 20% hyper- and 40% hypervolemia. Normo- and hypervolemia was restored
by a HES solution. Statistics: Non-parametric tests and linear regression. Significance level; p < 0.05.
RESULTS: Stroke volume was significant lower during hypovolemia. Values for systolic pressure variation (SPV) with expiratory resistor were 11 (9,12)% (median and interquartile range) during hypovolemia, 4 (2,5)% during normovolemia and 4 (2,5)% and 3 (2,4)% during 20% and 40% hypervolemia respectively. SPV without resis-
tor were 5 (3,7)%, 2 (2,3)%, 2 (2,2)%, and 2(1,3)%. There were statistical significant differences between the breathing modes at hypo- and 20% hypervolemia, and within the breathing modes between hypo- and normo-volemia.
CONCLUSION: Arterial pressure variations were amplified during spontaneous breathing by use of an expira-tory resistor, and were significantly increases during hypovolemia compares to normo- and hypervolemia. This could be useful when predicting fluid responsiveness during spontaneous breathing.
Indsendt af:
Læge i hoveduddannelse Michael Kanstrup Dahl, (Anæstesien Region Nordjylland, 4. afdeling, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Cand. med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 20715650
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Anders Larsson
4) An Endoscopic Method for Thermal and Chemical Stimulation of
the Human Oesophagus
Søren Schou Olesen1, Anne Estrup Olesen1,2, Flemming Gravesen1,2, Hans Gregersen1 & Asbjørn Mohr
Drewes1,2 1. Mech-Sense, Department of Gastroenterology, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital,
Denmark 2. Center for Sensory-Motor Interactions (SMI), Department of Health Science and Technology, Aal-
borg University, Denmark
Although robust and reproducible, previous methods for visceral thermal stimulation have lacked control of the
temperature rate and visual inspection of the organ. The aim of the present study was to develop a new method
for linear control of heat stimulation in the human oesophagus combined with endoscopy and to assess the re-
producibility of this method. In 12 healthy subjects three different linear increasing temperature ramps were ap-
plied in the distal oesophagus by recirculation of heated water in a bag. Prior to stimulation endoscopic exami-
nation was done to make sure no pathology was present and to verify the position of the bag. The temperature,
the time of stimulation and the area under the temperature curve (AUC) was measured at the pain detection
threshold (PDT). Thermal stimulation was repeated after perfusion of the oesophagus with acid. The method
was tested on two subsequent days to assess reproducibility. All subjects had a normal endoscopic examina-
tion. Between-days reproducibility was good for the three temperature ramps [all intra-class correlations (ICC)
> 0.6]. Following acid perfusion subjects tolerated less heat stimulation and a decrease in AUC (P=0.0003) as
well as in time to PDT (P=0.005) and temperature at PDT (P=0.0001) was seen after acid perfusion. The slow
ramp was the most sensitive showing a decrease in AUC of 29%. The present method was easily implemented,
robust and showed good reproducibility. It can be used to study basic pathophysiology of heat and chemical
evoked pain or pharmacological interventions in healthy controls and in patients with diseases involving the
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge, ph.d.-studerende Søren Schou Olesen, Medicinsk Gastroenterologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 60939714
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn Mohr Drewes
5) Antibiotikaimprægnerede dræn kan effektivt reducere fore-
komsten af bakterier i cerebrospinalvæsken fra eksterne ventrikel-
Preben Sørensen, Helga Gulisano, Tove Ejlertsen
Baggrund: Ventrikulostomi associerede infektioner (VAI) in eksterne ventrikeldrænage systemer er en velkendt
komplikation i neurokirurgi. Infektion i hjernens ventriklesystem er ofte forbundet med både øget morbiditet og
mortalitet, ligesom infektionen resulterer i et massivt forbrug af antibiotika og forlængelse af indlæggelsestiden.
Hyppigheden af VAI varierer i litteraturen fra 0% til 21,1 %, formentlig betinget af forskelle i definitioner og me-
Metode: Det drejer sig om en prospektiv undersøgelse med historisk kontrolgruppe. Kontrolgruppen er in-
kluderet i perioden 1.1.2001 til 31.9.2007, og hos disse patienter anvendtes standarddræn. Fra 1.10.2007 til
31.9.2008 anvendtes antibiotikaimprægnerede dræn (Bactiseal, Codman).
CSF-prøver blev udtaget dagligt fra drænagesystemet og blev udsået på agarplader og dyrket i 6 dage både
aerobt og anaerobt. VAI blev defineret som fund af vækst af bakterier på agarpladerne.
Resultater: I alt 485 patienter blev inkluderet i undersøgelsen. Der var ingen statistisk signifikant forskel imellem
de to grupper hvad angår køn, alder og diagnoser.
Standarddræn: 417 patienter. 97 patienter havde positive CSF-dyrkninger i løbet af drænageperioden svarende
til 23,3 %. 10 patienter havde mere end en infektion i drænageperioden.
De hyppigst forekommende bakterier var Propionebacterium acnes,og koagulase negative stafylokokker, som
tilsammen udgjorde 70,1 % af alle infektioner. Antibiotikaimprægnerede dræn: 68 patienter blev behandlet med
antibiotikaimprægnerede dræn. I 3 tilfælde (4,4%) blev der ved enkeltstående dyrkninger fundet bakterier. Det
drejede sig om Propionebacterium acnes i 2 tilfælde og koagulase negative stafylokokker i et tilfælde. Der blev
ikke observeret multiresistente bakteriestammer. X2 = 12,692; p< 0,001
Konklusion: Brug af antibiotika imprægnerede dræn medfører signifikant færre positive dyrkninger end stan-
darddræn. Denne undersøgelse skelner ikke mellem ventrikulitis, dræninfektion eller simpel kontaminering af
CSF-prøven, men eliminerer den høje forekomst af positive dyrkningsfund i CSF fra eksterne dræn og de deraf
følgende konsekvenser.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge Preben Sørensen, Neurokirugisk, Aalborg Sygehus
Uddannelse: læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322741
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Preben Sørensen
6) Array profilling to find direct microRNA targets
Anders Petersen,Finn Skou Pedersen, Karen Dybkær, Hans E Johnsen
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is a cancer originating from the B-lymphocytes. DLBCL has an inci-
dence of approximately 2.9 per 100,000. DLBCL can arise from lymph nodes (nodal manifestation) or other
tissues, e.g. mamma, liver or brain (extranodal manifestation).
A recent study has demonstrated a difference in gene expression between nodal and extranodal manifestations
biopsies of DLBCL
MicroRNAs are short non-protein coding RNAs about 21-23 nucleotides. MicroRNAs have been demonstrated to direct the binding of the RISC (RNA-inducing silencing complex) to the 3´UTR of specific mRNAs containing target sequences complementary to the microRNA. Thereby the RISC post transcriptional regulates the expres-sion of this mRNA. MiRNAs are estimated to regulate at least 30% of all genes in humans, the hypothesis of this project is: micro-RNA profiles differ among biopsies from nodal and extranodal manifestations of DLBCL resulting in differential targeting of mRNA pathways in nodal versus extranodal tissue. MicroRNA array are used to screen 50 biopsies that are carefully collected from patients in either a nodal or an extranodal localisation to identify differentially expressed microRNA between to two groups. Using QPCR the expression of four microRNAs has been shown to correlate to the array data. The same 50 tumors are analysed by Affymetrix DNA array to see the expression profiles these tumours Here we present a technique for finding direct mRNA target for specific microRNAs differentially expressed in groups of disease using gene profiling. A part of the scientific program CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innova-tion.
Indsendt af:
Ph.d. stud. Anders Petersen, (Hæmatologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand scient
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 22357065
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans E Johnsen
7) Blodets minutvolumen under ekstrakorporal cirkulation: hvad er
den optimale værdi?
Sisse Thomassen, afdelingslæge, Anæstesien William Bundgaard, perfusionist, Thoraxkirurgisk afdeling Jan
Jesper Andreasen, overlæge, Thoraxkirurgisk afdeling Anders Larsson, professor, overlæge,, Anæstesien
Bodil Steen Rasmussen, overlæge, ph.d., Anæstesien
Baggrund: Mange hjertekirurgiske operationer kræver anvendelse af ekstrakorporal circulation ("cardiopulmo-
nary bypass", CPB). Der foreligger ingen eksakt viden om det optimale blodflow under CPB. Over hele verden
anvendes et beregnet blodflow (2,4 liter/minut x m2 legemsoverflade). På Aalborg Sygehus monitoreres alle
hjertekirurgiske patienter med et kateter i arterie pulmonalis til måling af blodflow (liter/minut). Formålet med
undersøgelsen er at sammenligne det beregnede blodflow, som anvendes rutinemæssig i dag med det blodflow
patienterne præsterer forud for tilkobling af CPB. Hypotesen er, at det individuelt præsterede blodflow, er det
Metode: Tyve patienter indlagt til elektiv hjertekirurgi. Inklusionskriterier: alder 18-90 år og venstre ventrikels
uddrivningsfraktion >50%. Studiet er godkendt af Videnskabsetisk Komite, patienter inkluderes efter skriftlig
og mundtlig information. Patienterne randomiseres til én af to grupper; halvdelen starter med det beregnede
blodflow i 20 minutter efterfulgt af yderligere 20 minutter med det individuelt præsterede blodflow; den anden
halvdel af patienterne begynder med det individuelt præsterede blodflow efterfulgt af det beregnede blodflow.
Under forsøget registreres hjernes iltning ved hjælp af 2 sensorer påsat huden i panden ("near infrared spectro-
scopy", NIRS) med værdierne blindet for behandlere, middel blodtryk, syre-base status og kroppens samlede
iltforbrug kontinuerligt.
Resultater: Inklusion af patienter startede 1. januar 2009, i alt 4 patienter er inkluderet og studiet forventes
færdigt ultimo februar 2009.
Konklusion: Individuelle behandlingsformer har vundet indpas indenfor talrige kliniske specialer. Det individuelt præsterede blodflow forud for CPB har ikke tidligere været anvendt som mål for blodflow under CPB.
Indsendt af:
Afdelingslæge Sisse Thomassen, (Thoraxanæstesiologisk afdeling, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Speciall æge i anæstesiologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26167165
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor, overlæge, Anders Larsson
8) Blood Vessel Segmentation for Image-Guided Radiotherapy in
Ann Merete Duedal Jensen, Merete Martlev Jensen, Anne Sofie Korsager, Rikke Kristensen and Mick Lykkegaard
One of the main objectives in radiotherapy of cervical cancer is to treat lymph nodes that lie adjacent to the
iliac arteries and their branches. Today there is no validated method for segmenting blood vessels in the pelvis.
The aim of this study is to segment the iliac arteries and their branches that supply the uterus and thereby lo-
cate the lymph nodes. Four T2-weighted MR data sets from patients with cervical cancer are available. To inten-
sify the blood vessels in 3D images a multiscale vessel enhancement filter is used. To make use of most possible
information, a combination of the filtered and the original data set is applied in a region growing method for
segmentation. The accuracy of the fitting to the vessel wall and the possible segmented vessels are evaluated.The
performance of the segmentation on the combined data set was compared to the performance when segment-
ing on a filtered data set. The region in the combined data set is a more accurately estimate of the vessel wall
than the region in the filtered data set. Variability was observed in both segmented regions when comparing
these to the lumen of the vessel. In the final segmentation the common iliac arteries and a part of the internal
and external iliac arteries could be segmented. The fact that the region growing method does not segment the
branches of the internal iliac, and that the fitting to the lumen of the vessel varies is problematic if the segmen-
tation should be used in planning of radiotherapy.
Indsendt af:
Studerende Mick Lykkegaard Schmidt, (Onkologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bachelor i Sundhedsteknologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 20670014
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jesper Carl
9) Cancer Stem Cell Genes In B-cell Malignancies Analysed By Gene
Expression And Pathways Analysis
Kim Steve Bergkvist Hans Erik Johnsen Karen Dybkær Sørensen Kirsten fogd
One important property of stem cells is that of self-renewal and through this ability striking parallels can be
found between normal stem cells and cancer cells and its cell lines. Cancer cells have the ability to divide indefi-
nitely and spread to different parts of the body and start a new tumour, which ultimately results in self renewing
autonomous growing cancer cell lines.
Based on recent observations the hypothesis for this project is that "Malignant B cell tumours may include
minor populations of cancer stem cells with the potential of self-renewal controlled by genetic pathways which
may be expressed in embryonic and cancer cell lines".
Advanced characterization of B cells differentiation has resulted in new insight into pathogenesis of malignant B cell disorders. The possibility that a small subpopulation of B cells are specific cancer stem cells and that these cells can be successfully identified and isolated are the objective of this project. Novel global technologies analysing gene and membrane protein expression by DNA micro array and multiparametric flow cytometry now allow analytic strategies for identifying genes and genetic pathways associated with self renewal in B-cell cancer cell lines originating from leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma An important consequence of this theory is that therapeutic strategies should take a minor population of cancer-inducing stem cells into account because these could use a different mechanism of cell-cycle regulation making them resistance to treatment. A part of the scientific programme CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and In-novation
Indsendt af:
Civilingeniør Kim Steve Bergkvist, (Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Civilingeniør i bioteknologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: +45 26 59 61
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans Erik Johnsen
10) Daily online Image guided Radiotherapy for prostate patients
with STENT
Jane Nielsen, Martin Skovmos Nielsen and Jesper Carl
The possibility to give external beam radiotherapy with reduced margins has emerged during the last years. Vari-
ous techniques are available such at portal imaging, cone beam CT and stereo X-ray.
The use of daily online image guided positioning using stereo X-ray imaging was implemented in the department
using the Exactrac system with Robotics from Brainlab. At present time the technique has been applied to all
patients groups receiving treatment in the pelvic, Head and Neck (H&N) and cranial regions. Match between
reference DRR images from the treatment plan and stereo X-ray images are mainly based on the bony anatomy.
For prostate cancer patients, match on internal fiducial markers are used. Geometric precision in the Exactrac
system is very good. Independent checks using portal imaging demonstrated spatial precision in the range 0.2 –
0.3 mm. Intra fraction movements deteriorates this with a factor of ten, limiting margins to 3-4 mm. The use of
Robotics has the potential to reduce margins further compared to translation only.
For matching on internal organs the situation differs. Difference in rectal filling, between fractions may intro-
duce rotations of the prostate that exceeds the limits of Robotics with more than 10 degree. In cases where
large rotations of the prostate are present in the planning CT, systematic errors may be introduced into the
treatment plan. This implies that care should be taken to evaluate the planning CT for excessive rotation of the
prostate. In such cases the rectal filling should be cleared and a new planning CT performed.
Indsendt af:
Hospitalsfysiker Jane Nielsen, (Afdeling for Medicinsk Fysik, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Hospitalsfysiker
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322905
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jesper Carl
11) Determining the sensitivity of CT scanning in early detection of
subarachnoid haemorrhage
Søren Cortnum M.D*. ; Preben Sørensen M.D. • Department of Neurosurgery, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus Uni-
Objective: This study aims to determine the sensitivity of modern CT scanners in detecting SAH and to deter-
mine whether there is a continued need for lumbar puncture to exclude the diagnosis.
Materials and methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the neurosurgical unit at Aalborg Universi-
tyhospital from January 2000 to December 2005. The study population consisted of all patients referred to our
neurosurgical unit on suspicion of SAH or with verified SAH.
All medical records were reviewed together with results from CT scan, angiography and CSF analysis. Clinical
history, examination findings and time from onset of symptoms until CT scan ( days ) were recorded. Patients
with a negative CT scan had a lumbar puncture done.
Results: A total of 499 patients were included. In 203 patients the diagnosis was excluded by a negative CT scan
and negative lumbar puncture. 296 patients were found to have a SAH. In 295 of these patients the diagnosis
was based on a positive CT scan. In a single patient, on day 6, the diagnosis was based on a positive lumbar
From day 1 to day 5 CT scanning was found to have a sensitivity of 100 % and a specificity of 100 %. Overall, CT
scanning had a sensitivity of 99,7 % ( 95% CI: 98,1-99,99% ) and a specificity of 100 % ( 98,2-100% ).
Conclusion: CT scanning is excellent for diagnosing SAH. These data indicate that in the first days after ictus a
negative CT scan is sufficient to exclude SAH. Data do not allow for any specific cut-off point to be made. How-
ever data indicate it to be safe to leave out lumbar puncture in the first 3 days after ictus if CT scan is negative.
Indsendt af:
Hoveduddannelse i Neurokirurgi Søren Cortnum, (Neurokirurgisk afd., Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 27216597
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Preben Sørensen
12) Diabetes, Glycemic Control and Risk of Hospitalization with
Jette B. Kornum1, MD; Reimar W. Thomsen1, MD, PhD; Anders Riis1, MSc; Hans-Henrik Lervang2, MD, PhD;
Henrik C. Schønheyder3, MD, DMSc; Henrik T. Sørensen1, MD, DMSc 1Department of Clinical Epidemiology,
Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark 2 Department of Endocrinology, Aarhus University Hospital,
Aalborg and Aarhus, Denmark 3 Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg,
Objective: To examine whether diabetes is a risk factor for hospitalization with pneumonia and to assess the
impact of HbA1c level on such risk.
Methods: In this population-based case-control study we identified patients with a first-time pneumonia-related
hospitalization between 1997 and 2005, using health care databases in Northern Denmark. For each case, ten
sex- and age-matched population controls were selected from Denmark's Civil Registration System. We used
conditional logistic regression to compute odds ratios (ORs) as a measure of relative risk (RR) for pneumonia-
related hospitalization among persons with and without diabetes, controlling for potential confounding fac-tors. Results: The study included 34,239 patients with a pneumonia-related hospitalization and 342,390 population controls. The adjusted RR for pneumonia-related hospitalization among persons with diabetes was 1.26 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.21-1.31) compared with nondiabetic individuals. The adjusted RR was 4.43 (95% CI 3.40-5.77) for persons with type 1 diabetes and 1.23 (95% CI 1.19-1.28) for persons with type 2 diabetes. Dia-betes duration ≥10 years increased the risk of a pneumonia-related hospitalization (adjusted RR 1.37; 95% CI 1.28-1.47). Compared with persons without diabetes, the adjusted RR was 1.22 (95% CI 1.14-1.30) for diabetic persons whose HbA1c level was <7%, and 1.60 (95% CI 1.44-1.76) for diabetic persons whose HbA1c level was ≥9. Conclusions: Type 1 and 2 diabetes, are risk factors for a pneumonia-related hospitalization. Poor long-term glycemic control among patients with diabetes clearly increases the risk of hospitalization with pneumonia.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Jette Brommann Kornum, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand. med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 96310007
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
13) Diagnostic value of F18-FDG PET/CT in patients with the re-
vised definition of fever of unknown origin
N. Ketharanathan*(1), V. Prakash(1), E. Lorenz(2), S. Wig(3), R. Fisker(1), V. Iyer(1); 1. Aalborg University
Hospital, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Aalborg, Denmark 2. Sheffield University Hospital, Dept of Radiology,
Sheffield, United Kingdom 3. Sheffield University Hospital, Dept of Rheumatology, United Kingdom
Objectives: Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is an increasingly accepted indication for PET/CT where it has a rela-
tively high diagnostic yield. This study assesses its diagnostic value for the revised definition of FUO. Methods:
The revised definition of FUO is fever of greater than 38.3C for more than 3 weeks duration and an uncertain
diagnosis after comprehensive evaluation as an inpatient or outpatient for a minimum of 3 days or 3 outpatient
visits, having excluded immunocompromised states. 59 patients (pts) (F=35, age 18-92) with this definition
underwent PET with full diagnostic contrast enhanced CT. The value of PET/CT in determining the underly-
ing etiology of FUO was retrospectively evaluated by comparing the study findings with a final diagnosis. Final
diagnosis was formulated by 6 month clinical, imaging, microbiological and histopathological follow up. When
no cause was found by follow up, the negative study was considered a true negative. Results: Final diagnosis
was made in 35/59 pts. Diagnosis was reached in 86% of these pts with an abnormal study but only in 14% of
pts with a normal study. Underlying etiologies included vasculitides (14 pts), infectious foci (14 pts), neoplasm
(6 pts) and drug fever (1 pt). Before ordering a PET/CT, conventional CT or MRI was performed in 43 pts. We
considered that a PET/CT was essential to establish the final diagnosis in 15/43 pts (35%) with inconclusive CT
or MRI. Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET/CT contributed to establishing a final diagnosis in 64% of 47 pts with posi-
tive PET/CT findings and in 39% of all pts with the revised definition of FUO.
Indsendt af:
Reservelægevikar Nagulabaskaran Ketharanathan, (Nuklearmedicinsk Afd., Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Stud.Med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26245903
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
14) Dietary Intake and Incorporation of Marine N-3 Fatty Acids in
the Arterial Wall Does Not Correlate to Flow Mediated Vasodila-
R.Bülow, BLS, I.V.Aardestrup, BLS, T.Obel, MSc, J.J.Andreasen, MD, E.B.Schmidt, MD, Dept of Cardiology and
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Objectives: To determine flow mediated vasodilation(FMD), a measure of endothelial function and correlate
it to the content of marine n-3 fatty acids (EPA+DHA) in intima from a.mammaria interna (LIMA) and to the
dietary intake of EPA+DHA.
Methods: Twenty two patients with coronary artery disease (20 men and 2 women) mean age 65 years (range 48
to 79) were included. The subjects were examined the day before they underwent scheduled coronary artery by-
pass grafting (CABG). FMD was determined with B-mode ultrasound of the brachial artery. Results were given as
% increase in arterial diameter after ischaemia for 5 min. A small piece of intima from LIMA (5 mg) was obtained
during surgery. Furthermore, all subjects filled out a food-questionnaire concerning their intake of EPA+DHA.
Fatty acids were extracted from the intima, methylized and analysed by gas chromatography on a Varian 3900.
Results: The sample mean of FMD in the population was 2,5% (SD=2,5). Pearsons coefficient of correlation
between FMD and the content of EPA+DHA in LIMA was 0,145 (95% CI:]-0,294;0,534[, p=0,52) and between
FMD and dietary intake of EPA+DHA was 0,049 (95% CI: ]-0,381; 0,461[, p= 0,83).
Conclusion: There was no correlation between FMD and the content of marine n-3 fatty acids in LIMA and no
correlation between FMD and dietary intake of EPA+DHA. This study suggests that neither the content in LIMA
of EPA+DHA nor the dietary intake of EPA+DHA are correlated with endothelial function in patients with severe
coronary artery disease.
Funding: None
Indsendt af:
Bioanalytiker Rikke Bülow, (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bioanalytiker
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326886
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
15) Differential microRNA expression in Diffuse Large B-cell Lym-
phomas of Nodal and Extranodal manifestations
1C. Mandrup, 1M. Bøgsted, 2P. Johansen, 1A. Bukh, 1H. E. Johnsen and 1K. Dybkaer 1Department of Haema-
tology, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark. 2 Department of Pathology, Aalborg
Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark.
Recently, there has been a massive interest in microRNAs (miRNAs), a newly discovered class of small non-cod-
ing RNAs, of approximately 21-25 nucleotides. The miRNAs function as posttranscriptional regulators of gene
expression by interaction with partially complementary target sites in mRNA.
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas (DLBCL) is the most common subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, ac-
counting for 30-40% of all non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphomas. DLBCL is a heterogeneous disease characterized
by variable clinical outcomes. Manifestation at diagnosis may be nodal and/or extranodal. At present, there are
no known determinants for either of the manifestations, and no way to predict the potential progression from nodal to extranodal disease. The aim of this project was to analyse miRNA expression in nodal and extranodal DLBCL. Abnormalities in miRNA genetics and expression are known to affect initiation and development of human diseases, and miRNAs are anticipated to play a direct role in oncogenesis and differentiation. Therefore, we hypothesise miRNA to be important for both initiation and progression of DLBCL. A global miRNA screen of 50 snap-frozen DLBCL, identified differentially expressed miRNAs between the two manifestations. This result was validated by Taq-man RT PCR in the original 50 snap-frozen biopsies and a further validation in new material is pending. The difference between the two manifestations may provide extra information about this heterogeneously disease, and lead to further studies of the differentiated miRNAs to examine the step wise progression from nodal to extranodal manifestation. The work presented is a part of the scientific programme CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
Indsendt af:
Ph.d.-studerende Charlotte Mandrup Ozimek, Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus
Uddannelse: civilingeniør med speciale i Bioteknologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 51909816
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans E. Johnsen
16) Differential protein expression profiling of human cell lines in
Nikolai Lorenzen, Torben Andersson, Karen Dybkær Sørensen og Hans E. Johnsen Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Aal-
borg Sygehus, Aarhus Universitet, Forskningens Hus, Sdr. Skovvej 15, DK-9000 Aalborg Dep. of Haematology,
Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University, Forskningens Hus, Sdr. Skovvej 15, DK-9000 Aalborg.
The aim of this project is to develop a short, easy and straightforward reproducible mass spectral method, with
high performance, to achieve global protein profiles of human tissue. Analysis is performed by Surface En-
hanced Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS).
The project is in the pre-design phase concerning the adjustment of different analytical variables.
Three cell lysis strategies are used (1) TRIzol purification, (B), (2) Qiagen Mammalian Qproteome (C) and (3)
TRITON X-100 (A). The lysates of 10 different haematological related human cell lines are purified on three dif-
ferent SELDI-arrays: Q10 (anion exchange), H50 (reverse phase) and CM10 (cation exchange).
Each array is analyzed by a low and high mass range method. All SELDI-TOF results are analyzed simply by peak
count for S/N = 4. Results are compared and the method achieving highest number of peaks will be further
optimized and tested for reproducibility.
A) (Simpson, 2003) R. J. Simpson. Proteins and Proteomics – A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Labo-
ratory Press. Protocol 2, page 107-108. ISBN 0-87969-554-4.
B) Chomczynski, P. and Sacchi, N. (1987) Analytical Biochemistry 162, 156. "Single Step Method of RNA Isola-
tion by Acid Guanidinium Thiocyanate-Phenol-Chloroform Extraction."
C) Qiagen Mammalian Q proteome Kit cat no 37901, Qiagen
Indsendt af:
Molekylærbiolog Torben Lüth Andersson, (Hæmatologisk Afd / Hæmatologisk Forskningslab, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Laborant og Molekylærbiolog
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26854
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans E. Johnsen
17) Dynamic Seasonal Variation
S Lundbye-Christensen1, C Dethlefsen1, A Gorst-Rasmussen2, AL Christensen1,2 1 Department of Cardiology,
Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark 2 Depart-
ment of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Objectives: Time series of incidence counts often show secular trends and seasonal patterns. We present a
model for incidence counts capable of handling a possible gradual change in growth rates, seasonal patterns,
serial correlation and overdispersion.
Materials: We conducted a cohort study including 335,072 incidents of acute myocardial infarction occurring
from 1980-2008 period obtained from the Hospital Discharge Registry in Denmark. We analysed daily counts
including information on gender and age.
Methods: Dynamic models resemble ordinary time series regression models for counts. They differ in allowing
the regression coefficients to vary gradually over time. Inference in such models is by the Kalman filter, which
was invented by the Danish scientist Thorvald Nicolai Thiele in 1880. We have developed a statistical software
package, sspir, providing a language for analysing a range of dynamic models for count data.
Results: A dynamic model with a seasonal pattern and an approximately linear trend was fitted to the data, and
diagnostic plots indicated a good model fit. On average the dynamic model estimated a higher peak-to-trough
ratio than traditional models, and showed gradual changes in seasonal patterns. Analyses conducted with this
model provide insights not available from more traditional approaches. The post-hoc analysis suggests possible
causal factors and confounders.
Indsendt af:
Biostatistiker Søren Lundbye-Christensen, (Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand.Scient, PhD
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon:
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
18) En radiografisk undersøgelse af transplantationsmaterialets
volumenstabilitet efter sinusløftprocedure med partikuleret au-
tologt knogle fra hoftekammen eller underkæben blandet med Bio-
Oss i forskellige blandingsforhold
Thomas Jensen, Søren Schou, Patricia A. Svendsen, Graziella Andersen, Hans Jørgen G. Gundersen, Hendrik
Autologt knogletransplantat fra hoftekammen eller underkæben anvendes ofte til opbygning af kæbeknoglen.
Udtagning af autolog knogle kan imidlertid medfører en række komplikationer svarende til donorstedet og ofte
en betydelig resorption af transplantationsmaterialet. Bio-Oss, som er et bovint deproteiniseret knogleerstat-
ningsmateriale anvendes i stigende grad som transplantationsmateriale ved opbygning af kæbeknoglen med det
formål at reducere eller om muligt helt eliminere behovet for autologt knogletransplantat. Initiale undersøgelser
har vist, at kombinationen af Bio-Oss og autologt knogletransplantat reducerer resorptionen af transplantatet
og initierer mere nydannet knogle sammenlignet med anvendelse af henholdsvis Bio-Oss og autologt knog-
letransplantat alene. Det optimale blandingsforhold af autologt knogletransplantat og Bio-Oss er imidlertid
ukendt og er ikke tidligere blevet undersøgt systematisk på hverken mennesker eller dyr.
Undersøgelsens formål var at evaluere volumenstabiliteten af transplantationsmaterialet efter sinusløftprocedu-re med autolog knogle fra hoftekammen eller underkæben blandet med Bio-Oss i forskellige blandingsforhold. I alt 40 minigrise fik kæbeknoglen opbygget med knogle fra enten hoftekammen eller underkæben og Bio-Oss i forskellige blandingsforhold. Minigrisene blev aflivet efter 3 måneder. Standardiseret CT-skanning blev foretaget før og umiddelbart efter knogleopbygningen samt lige efter aflivning. Volumenstabiliteten af transplantations-materialet blev evalueret ud fra disse skanninger ved hjælp af stereologisk metode. Volumenstabiliteten af trans-plantationsmaterialet var statistisk signifikant influeret af blandingsforholdet af autologt knogletransplantat og Bio-Oss, men ikke det autologe knogletransplantats oprindelse. Kombinationen af Bio-Oss og autolog knogle synes derfor at mindske resorption af transplantationsmaterialet. Hermed sikres et bedre grundlag for indsæt-telse af tandimplantater.
Indsendt af:
Overtandlæge, ph.d.-studerende Thomas Jensen, (Kæbekirurgisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitet-
shospital, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Specialtandlæge i tand-, mund- og kæbekirurgi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 28 00
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Ledende overtandlæge Bjarne Neumann-Jensen
19) Eosinophilic Oesophagitis: A Multimodal Sensory Description
Anne Lund Krarup Peter Funch-Jensen Asbjørn Mohr Drewes
Eosinophilic oesophagitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the oesophagus. Patients often suffer from
dysphagia, a problem with potentially negative social consequences. The aim of this study was to describe the
basic sensory properties of the oesophagus in these patients using a multimodal pain model and compare them
to healthy matched controls. The study was performed on 15 patients with eosinophilic oesophagitis and 16
healthy volunteers. In the distal oesophagus the subjects were subjected to electrical, mechanical and thermal
pain stimuli once before and twice after an acid infusion. The participants were asked to score the sensations
evoked on a visual analog scale. At baseline there were no differences between patients and controls for any
stimulation type. Patients tolerated a less amount of acid (128mL versus 175mL P=0.019) and their acid sen-
sitivity scores were significantly higher (2.0 sec*cm. versus 1.6 sec*cm P=0.027). After acid administration the
pain thresholds differed significantly between the patients and the controls for mechanical and electrical stimu-
The pain thresholds in the control group decreased more than the thresholds in the patient group for mechani-
cal (P=0.046) and electrical stimulation (P=0.006). For thermal stimulation the pain thresholds were lowered in
both groups but the difference were only borderline significant (P=0.056). In conclusion, patients with eosi-
nophilic oesophagitis do not seem to differ from healthy volunteers regarding mechanical, electrical and ther-
mal pain stimuli. However these patients seem to be more sensitive to acid and react differently to multimodal
stimulation in the oesophagus after acid stimulation compared to healthy controls.
Indsendt af:
klinisk assistent Anne Lund Krarup, (Medicinsk Gastroenterologisk Afdeling ASS, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 28500582
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Asbjørn Mohr Drewes
20) Evidens for akupunktur til patienter med kvalme og opkastning
i forbindelse med kemoterapi? Et litteraturstudie
Birgith Pedersen, udviklingssygeplejerske, cand.cur., Lene Bundgaard Sørensen, sygeplejerske ambulatoriet,
Lisbeth Stricker, sygeplejerske stråleterapien, Hanne Lundbeck, sygeplejerske afsnit D1. Alle ansat i Onkologisk
Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, Aarhus Universitetshospital
Baggrund: Patienterne lider af kemoinduceret kvalme og opkastning trods behandling med moderne antieme-
tika. Udenlandsk forskning indikerer, at akupressur er effektiv ved første dags kvalme og at der er positiv effekt
af elektroakupunktur ved første dags opkastning. Med hensyn til elektroakupunkturs effekt, bygger resultaterne
dog på forskning før indførelse af moderne antiemetika i behandlingen. Desuden mangler vi viden om akupunk-
turstimulations virkning på forsinket kvalme og opkastning, som mange patienter er generet af.
Formål: At undersøge nyere forskningsresultater vedrørende akupunkturstimulation til patienter, der lider af
akut og forsinket kvalme og opkastning relateret til kemoterapi på trods af behandling med moderne antiemeti-
ka. Dernæst at undersøge, om der findes evidens for at anbefale én form for akupunkturpunktsstimulation, som
supplement til den medicinske standardbehandling.
Materiale og metode: Litteraturstudier på baggrund af søgning i med ordene acupuncture therapy,
nausea, vomiting, drug therapy, Neoplasms og chemotherapy inklusiv Mesh-ord. Inklusionskriterier er artikler
omhandlende voksne patienter, der lider af akut eller forsinket kvalme og eller opkastning grundet kemoterapi.
Patienter, der behandles med moderne antiemetika (5HT3-antagonister) sideløbende med forskellige former for
akupunkturstimulation på P - 6. Originalartikler fra 2000 og frem. Studier, der er udført som randomiserede
kliniske forsøg, publiceret på nordisk eller engelsk. I alt 6 artikler.
Resultat og perspektiv: Denne litteraturgennemgang viser, at der ikke for nuværende findes overbevisende argu-
menter for at indføre akupunkturstimulation generelt som supplerende behandling til patienter, der får højeme-
togen kemoterapi. Det kan dog argumenteres for, at akupressur med armbånd kan afhjælpe akut kvalme og
måske har effekt på forsinket kvalme hos kvinder.
Indsendt af:
udviklingssygeplejerske Birgith Pedersen, (Onkologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand.cur
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 9932 2925
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Peter Vejby Hansen
21) Feberkramper og kognitiv funktion: et prævalens studie blandt
Mette Nørgaard, Vera Ehrenstein, Barbara E. Mahon, Gunnar L. Nielsen, Kenneth J. Rothman, Henrik Toft
Formål: Der findes få data på langtidsfølgerne efter feberkramper. Vi undersøgte derfor sammenhængen mellem
feberkramper og kognitiv funktion blandt yngre mænd.
Studie design: Vi udførte et populationsbaseret studie ved at koble data fra Sundhedsregistre med sessionsdata
fra forsvarets 5. rekrutteringscenter på danske mænd født i perioden 1977-1983. Den kognitive funktion er på
sessionen målt ved hjælp af Børge Priens prøve, som er en intelligensprøve valideret til brug i grupper. Vi under-
søgte sammenhængen mellem feberkramper og kognitiv funktion overordnet samt opdelt efter alder på tids-
punktet for diagnosen af feberkramper. Vi justerede for potentielle konfoundere. Vi inkluderede ikke mænd med kendt epilepsi i analysen. Resultater: Blandt 18 276 værnepligtige, havde 507 (2.8%) en feberkrampe diagnose registreret. I forhold til værnepligtige uden feberkramper fandt vi en justeret prævalens ratio for at have en Børge Prien score i laveste kvartil på 1.08 (95% konfidens interval (CI): 0.94-1.25). De justerede prævalens ratioer (95% CI) var 1.38 (1.07-1.79) for feberkramper, der var diagnosticeret i alderen 3 måneder til <1 år, 0.98 (0.80-1.18) for feberkramper diagnosticeret i alderen 1 to 2 år, og 1.14 (0.79-1.66) for en diagnose i alderen 3 til 5 år. Konklusion: Samlet set fandt vi en begrænset eller ingen sammenhæng mellem feberkramper og kognitiv funk-tion.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge, ph.d. Mette Nørgaard, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326903
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Overlæge, ph.d. Mette Nørgaard
22) Forbedring af tumordiagnostik ved supersamling af PET-bil eder
Jørgen Erik Assentoft, Arne Andreasen og Jesper Skovhus
Til at forbedre cancer diagnostikken har Aalborg Sygehus to PET/CT-scannere.
PET-teknikken giver skarpe og veldefinerede billeder af områder med blodgennemstrømning (tumorer).
Opløsningen i PET-billeder er lav, teoretisk ikke bedre end 4 mm, men i praksis er opløsningen så dårlig som 8
mm. Gennem et eksperimentelt studie og gennem teoretiske overvejelser har vi fundet ud af, at dette skyldes en
støjkomponent, som kan elimineres.
Ved at opsamle flere sekvenser af PET-billeder, og bearbejde dem i en kraftig computer kan støjen mindskes
betydeligt (supersampling). Herved er man tæt på den teoretiske opløsning på 4 mm. Det er hér helt afgørende,
at denne forbedring af billedkvaliteten er opnået med eksakt samme mængde radioaktivitet som ved en normal
Ved "supersamplings" teknikken udføres der kun én CT-scanning. Røntgenbelastningen er uændret, og patien-
ten får den samme mængde radioaktivt stof. Det udnyttes bedre da den stråling som patienten under normale
omstændigheder vil udsende i venteværelset, mens der ventes på svar på undersøgelsen nu udnyttes konstruktivt
til at forbedre billedkvaliteten og dermed de diagnostiske egenskaber af PET/CT-scanningen.
Metoden er testet på fantom-modeller, hvor den har vist en forbedring af opløsningen ned til 4 mm. Det be-
tyder, at mindre tumorer kan visualiseres. Vi forventer, at metoden er særlig værdifuld ved tumordiagnostik i
hjernen. Man vil kunne se små tumorer/metastaser, som ellers ville være dækket af støj (falsk negativ), og støj-
elementer som ellers ville kunne fejltolkes som en tumor, vil være fjernet (falsk positiv).
Indsendt af:
Senior Clinical Scientist Jørgen ErikAssentoft, (Nuklearmedicin & PET/CT, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Medicoingeniør
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 61467298
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
23) Geometrical models for seasonal variation – a simulation study
Anette Luther Christensen 1,2 Claus Dethlefsen 2 Søren Lundbye-Christensen 2 1: Department of Mathema-
tical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 2: Department of Cardiology, Center for Cardiovascular
Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Introduction: Seasonal variation of the incidence of certain diseases has facilitated a need for statistical mod-
els to quantify the magnitude of seasonal variation. In particular the geometrical model derived by Edwards in
1961 is widely used and a modified version is implemented in Episheet. The model fits a single cycle sinusoidal
curve to data and estimate the relative risk as the peak-to-trough ratio. Three improvements have been pro-
posed to incorporate the varying length of months and varying population size as well as calculating a confi-
dence interval for the peak-to-trough ratio.
Objectives: We aim to evaluate geometrical models to determine the accuracy to quantify seasonal variation.
Materials and Methods: Datasets were simulated according to the following conditions:
• Constant population and length of month
• Constant population and varying length of month
• Varying population and constant length of month
For each situation we simulated 100,000 datasets for thirteen sample sizes varying from 25-100,000 and mag-
nitude of relative risk varying from 1.00-1.22. Then four geometrical models were fitted to each dataset to test
for significant seasonal variation.
Results: Models neglecting varying population and exact length of month detected a false seasonal variation in
18.6%-27.3% of the datasets simulated for a sample size of 3,000 at a significance level of 5%. All models had a
power less than 31% for sample sizes less than 500, when simulating datasets with a seasonal variation corre-
sponding to a relative risk less than 1.11.
Indsendt af:
Specialestuderende i statistik Anette Luther Christensen, (Institut for Matematiske Fag, AAU og Kardiovaskulært
Forskningscenter, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bsc
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon:
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
24) Hvor meget vejleder og underviser speciallæger på hospitaler?
- Indikatorer for speciallægers uddannelsesindsats, et kvalitativt
MD Merete Ipsen, Professor, ph.d. Berit Eika, Professor, Dr. med. Ole Thorlacius-Ussing & Professor, dr. med.
Peder Charles.
Introduktion: Det er hovedsageligt speciallæger, som uddanner yngre læger på sygehuse, og speciallægernes ud-
dannelsesindsats er tiltaget efter indførelse af den nye speciallægeuddannelse i 2003.
Speciallægernes uddannelsesindsats er ikke synliggjort i aktivitetsmålinger, som det kendes fra patientbehand-
ling og forskning. Det betyder, at uddannelsesindsatsen ikke altid bemærkes, hvilket kan nedprioritere uddannel-
sesarbejdet. Vores mål er at synliggøre uddannelsesarbejdet ved at udvikle målbare indikatorer for speciallægers
Metode: To kvalitative metoder blev anvendt:
• Semi-strukturerede interviews med 12 lægelige ledere, hvor vi spurgte: "Hvordan vurderer du mængden af
uddannelsesarbejde? Hvilket uddannelsesarbejde vægter du højest?".
• Strukturerede gruppemøder (Nominal Group Process) med i alt 24 speciallæger, hvor vi spurgte: "Hvordan
kan uddannelsesindsatsen måles i hverdagen? Hvad er væsentligt at inkludere i en måling?".
Alle deltagere var speciallæger i Uddannelsesregion Nord eller Øst. De blev udvalgt med spredning i stillingstyper og specialer (medicin, kirurgi, psykiatri og parakliniske) fra universitets- og ikke-universitetshospitaler. Begge datasæt blev induktivt analyserede, hvorefter begge datasæt indgik i en indholdsanalyse. Resultater:
• Fem strukturindikatorer synliggjorde den organisatoriske uddannelsesindsats, fx ratioen "antal speciallæger/
antal YL", antal vejlederkurser, og kompleksiteten af en uddannelsesopgave.
• Fire procesindikatorer synliggjorde den færdigheds-relaterede uddannelsesindsats, fx skemalagt tid til super-
vision og oplæring, og antal vejledermøder.
• Tre resultatindikatorer synliggjorde den sociale uddannelsesindsats, fx måling af uddannelsesklima, og vur-
dering af kompetenceopnåelses-hastighed.
Konklusion: De 12 målbare indikatorer viser tydeligt, at speciallæger og lægelige ledere på hospitaler inddrager mange perspektiver i uddannelsen af yngre læger. I klinisk praksis kan brugen af "uddannelses-indikatorer" synliggøre uddannelsesindsatsen og opprioritere uddannelsesarbejde. Studier med klinisk afprøvning af indika-torerne er i gang på Aalborg Sygehus.
Indsendt af:
Speciallæge, klinisk assistent Merete Ipsen, Afd. for Universitetshospitalsanliggender, Aalborg Sygehus
Uddannelse: Speciallæge in Øre-næse-halssygdomme.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 61271672
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans Gregersen
25) Hvordan kan information og vejledning øge patientens muligh-
eder for at mestre hverdagslivet med bivirkninger forårsaget af be-
handling med kemo og stråler?"
Udviklingssygeplejerske Birgith Pedersen SD-ledelse, Cand.cur. Onkologisk Afdeling; sygeplejerske Dorte Pal-
lesen Koktved, afsnit D2, Onkologisk Afdeling; Lene Lyngø Nielsen afsnit D1 Onkologisk Afdeling. Alle Aalborg
Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
Baggrund: En gennemgang af litteratur viser, at patienter, der får strålebehandling eller kemoterapi, oplever et
utal af akutte og kroniske bivirkninger, som kan påvirke dem fysisk, psykisk, socialt, åndeligt og eksistentielt.
Litteraturen viser også, at manglende information og vejledning om forventede bivirkninger skaber angst og
utryghed. Informationen og vejledningen skal variere over tid, skabe overblik samt give handlemuligheder, hvis
den skal støtte patienterne i at håndtere deres bivirkninger og den betydning bivirkningerne har i hverdagen.
Grundet udvikling i kræftbehandlingen og de samfundsmæssige krav om effektivitet bliver tiden med den en-
kelte patient kortere. Den korte tid sammen med patienten stiller øgede krav om at kunne individualisere støtte,
information og vejledning, så patienten bliver i stand til både at håndtere sin sygdomssituation og de behand-
lingsrelaterede bivirkninger i hverdagen.
Formål: Undersøgelsen sigter mod at forbedre sygeplejen indenfor sygeplejens selvstændige område og fokus er
at undersøge hvordan information og vejledning kan støtte patienternes mestring af hverdagslivet i forbindelse
med bivirkninger af kræftbehandling
Materiale og metode: Semistruktureret interview med 9 patienter udvalgt strategisk i forhold til alder, køn, sygdom og behandling. Interviewene analyseres og fortolkes på baggrund af Kvales tre fortolkningskontekster selvforståelse, kritisk commonsense-forståelse og teoretisk forståelse kombineret med Ricoeurs tre niveauer for tekstanalyse naiv læsning, strukturanalyse og kritisk fortolkning. Patienterne informeres jævnfør reglerne om informeret samtykke, og projektet overholder de etiske retningslinier i henhold til "Etiske retningslinjer for sygeplejeforskning i Norden. Tidsplan: Foretage interview og påbegynde analyse og fortolkning af materialet forår 2009
Indsendt af:
Udviklingssygeplejerske Birgith Pedersen, (Onkologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand.cur
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 9932 2925
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Peter Vejby Hansen
26) Hvordan oplever mænd med prostatacancer kontakten med
sundhedsprofessionelle og kan en online kontakt have en betydn-
Ph.d.-studerende C.D. Bjørnes, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital, Urologisk afdeling og Forsknings-
enhed for Klinisk Sygepleje. Professor C. Nøhr, Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Samfundsudvikling og Plan-
lægning. Forskningsleder C. Delmar, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital, Forskningsenhed for Klinisk
Sygepleje. Seniorforsker B.S. Laursen, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital,Forskningsenhed for Klinisk
Baggrund: Sygehusvæsenet er i dag karakteriseret ved kortvarige kontakter mellem patienter og sundhedsprofes-
sionelle. Forskning afspejler, at kvaliteten af kontakten har betydning for patienternes oplevelser af tryghed og
sikkerhed. Internationale studier viser at mænd med prostatacancer savner støtte og information i kontakten til
de sundhedsprofessionelle.
Formål: At undersøge, hvorledes danske mænd med prostatacancer oplever kontakten, når de gennemgår et
kirurgisk pleje- og behandlingsforløb kendetegnet ved korte kontakter.
Dernæst at undersøge om WEB 2.0-baserede it-redskaber kan understøtte kontakten mellem den enkelte pa-
tient og sundhedsprofessionelle.
Metode: Ved hjælp af et kvalitativt studie, med en hermeneutisk inspireret tilgang, afdækkes substansen og kom-
pleksiteten af de oplevede kontakters kvalitet.
Patientoplevelser genereres ved kvalitative dybdeinterview med semistruktureret interviewguide.
Med et klinisk interventionsstudie udvikles, implementeres og afprøves konkret et it-redskab, der baseres på
WEB 2.0 teknologi. Efterfølgende gennemføres en kvalitativ evaluering.
Projektets deltagere er mænd med prostatacancer, behandlet med prostatektomi ved indlæggelse under 5 dage.
Perspektivering: Projektet bidrager med ny viden om muligheden for at imødekomme patienters individuelle
behov for information, støtte og dialog, i en kontekst med kortvarige afgrænsede kontakter. Sammenhængen
mellem kvaliteten af kontakten, og patienters oplevelser af tryghed og sikkerhed, belyses.
Der indhentes ny viden om en stor og stigende gruppe af patienter; mænd med prostatacancer.
Det kønsspecifikke fokus leverer indlæg til forskningen om mænd som patienter.
Der udvikles et konkret arbejdsredskab for sundhedsprofessionelle i klinisk praksis. Perspektivet for implemen-
tering af it-redskabet er at undersøge om WEB 2.0 teknologi giver alternative og funderende muligheder for at
imødekomme patienternes individuelle behov for information, støtte og dialog.
Indsendt af:
Ph.d.-studerende Charlotte Dorisdatter Bjørnes, (Urologisk afdeling og Forskningsenhed for Klinisk Sygepleje,
Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: sygeplejerske, cand.cur.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 17 26
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Johan Poulsen, Charlotte Delmar
27) håndtering af den vanskelige luftvej på de danske intensivafde-
Jesper Hedegaard, Per Lambert
Metode:De ansvarshavende på hver intensiv afdeling i DK blev tilsendt et spørgeskema som de havde 14 dage til
at besvare anonymt.
Resultater: Svarprocent 72 %. 40 % havde ikke en vanskelig intubationsbakke på selve afdelingen. 74 % mente at det var ønskværdigt med en vanskelig intubationsbakke på intensiv afdelingen. 3 afdelinger havde bakken pla-ceret ca. 100m væk. Antal i % som udfører teoretisk undervisning i vanskelig luftvej: 25 % aldrig, 55 % sjældent. Antal i % som udfører praktisk undervisning: 17,8 % aldrig, 60,7 % sjældent. Antal i % som gennemfører luftvejs-relaterede kurser: Aldrig 30,8 %, sjældent 34,6 %, 21% gennemfører systematiseret undervisning i Cricothyro-tomi. Den mest anbefalede metode ved "KIM-KIT" situationen er percutan cricothyrotomi. 25 % foretager en systematiseret luftvejsvurdering på deres intensiv patienter, 7 % har en rubrik på deres inten-sivskema der angiver vanskelig luftvej.
Diskussion: DAS rekommanderer, at en vanskelig luftvejsbakke er umiddelbart i nærheden. I 3 tilfælde var vanskelig intubationsudstyret ca. 100m væk. Det kan betyde unødvendig ventetid.75 % angiver at det er ønsk-værdigt med en bakke til vanskelig intubation på intensivafdelingen.42 % angiver at de ikke har det. Denne svar procent kan vække forundring da det er afsnitsledelsen der besvarer spørgeskemaet. Konklusion: 40 % har ikke en vanskelig intubationsbakke på intensivafd. Indholdet opfylder ikke altid DAS/ASA-internationale guidelines. Oplæring i brug af udstyr og algoritme er begrænset. Der er kun i begrænset omfang fokus på håndteringen af vanskelig luftvej. Der er således flere punkter hvor standarden kan højnes.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Jesper Hedegaard, (4. afdeling , Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: anæstesilæge i hoveduddannelse
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 25308260
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Anders Larsson
28) Image Guided respiratory gating for lung cancer patient. Phan-
tom study.
Forfattere: Martin Skovmos Nielsen, Jane Nielsen, Jesper Carl
External radiotherapy for lung cancer is primary complicated by the respiratory motions of the lungs generat-
ing moving target volume. Dose coverage of the clinical target volume, CTV, can be obtained by using sufficient
margins including the internal target volume, ITV. Consequently lung toxicity would increase due to increased
treatment volume. To reduce the CTV to ITV margin, the motions of target volume must be monitored during
the treatment planning and treatment.
This technique uses the time depended CT scan to deliver a gated treatment plan. To verify the tumor position during the treatment, pair of stereoscopic images is acquired in predefined areas of the respiratory cycle. Image Guide Respiratory Gating is the solution where the external photon beam is delivered in predefined positions in the breathing cycle. Initially setup for treatment position, match between reference DRR images from the treatment plan and stereo X-ray images are mainly based on the bony anatomy. The use of external infrared, IR, body markers on mini pigs the vertically respiratory motions is monitored. Combined with 4D CT scan of the minipigs with NiTi Stent inserted the motions of the Stent relative to the external markers is known. The respiratory motion is transferred to a gating phantom to simulate the minipig. The cycles for beam on positions are defined from the TPS and verified with the stereoscopic images. With this method, dose to the target may be escalated, ensuring a local tumor control without increasing the toxicity of treatment
Indsendt af:
Hospitalsfysiker Martin Skovmos Nielsen, (Afdeling for Medicinsk Fysik, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand.Scient
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322906
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jesper Carl
29) Impact of F-18 FDG-PET for the clinical multidisciplinary evalu-
ation of dementia.
V. Prakash*1, K. Vestergaard2, M. Frost1, V. Iyer1, E. Steffenson3, E. Larsson3; 1. Aalborg University Hospital,
Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Denmark 2. Aalborg University Hospital, Dept of Neurology, Denmark 3. Aalborg
University Hospital, Dept of Radiology, Denmark
Objectives: Compared with conventional clinical evaluations, F-18 FDG-PET has been reported to improve the
diagnostic accuracy of dementia and defining the type. of dementia. We assessed the impact of PET on a multi-
disciplinary dementia clinic for patients with suspected dementia by comparing with the initial clinical evalua-
tion and paraclinical tests.
Methods: We included 16 patients (13 male:3 female, average age 63 years) who had suspected dementia and/
or unclear type of dementia when evaluatid en a dementia clinic. All patients had a neuropsychology examina-
tion, cerebrospinal fluid examination and MRI, including 7 with perfusion imaging. All patients had FDG-PET
scans with visual and automated analyses. At a multidisciplinary meeting attended by a neuroradiologist and
PET specialist , a pre-PET diagnosis, type of dementia and management plan was composed by a neurologist
on the basis of clinical assessment, MRI , neuropsychometry and cerebrospinal fluid results. This process was
repeated after PET review and the management plans were compared. Management impact was rated as nil (
discordant result ignored ), low ( PET concordant but no change in management ) , moderate (PET changed
diagnosis or dementia type or followup plan) and high ( PET changed diagnosis from normal to dementia or vice
Results: Management impact was nil in 0 patients, low in 9, moderate in 7 and high in 0.
Conclusions: F-18 FDG-PET changed management in 44 % of patients seen in a specialist multidisciplinary de-
mentia clinic. The majority of these changes were of a moderate level influencing the type of dementia diagnosed.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge Karsten Vestergård, (Neurologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Speciallæge i Neurologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99321936
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Flemming Bach
30) Impact of nutrition information and corporation with the staff:
M. Holst, B.A. Jacobsen, H. H. Rasmussen Centre for Nutrition and Bowel Disease, Medical Gastroenterology,
Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Background: Information and involving of patients in their own nutrition treatment is mandatory to improve
Objective: To evaluate patients' perception of the actual nutrition information given and the corporation with the staff.
Methods: A questionnaire based investigation among in-patients consecutively admitted to infectious, haema-tology- and gastroenterology department. The questionnaire included 11 questions concerning demography, nutritional parameters: weight loss, own perception of nutrition intake, information, corporation, motivation, and attitude to nutrition treatment. Questionnaires were filled in by patient or investigator. Results: The study included 81 patients (10 patients excluded). Fifty patients (62%) reported weight loss prior to hospitalization. Twenty four patients (30%), had written information about the clinical importance of nu-trition, and 54% were informed directly by the staff. Nearly all (95%) found sufficient nutrition important to obtain good health, and considered staff 's motivation necessary if nutrition intake was poor (90%). Dietary records were by 43 (53%) patients considered a helpful tool in order to visualize their daily intake, while 31 (38%) had no knowledge of dietary records. In case of severely decreased nutrition intake, implying risk to the patient's health, tube feeding was presumed acceptable by 66 (81%).
Conclusion: The majority of patients found nutrition important for recovery, even if this would imply tube feed-ing. Information and motivation by the staff as well as relevant tools were considered important; however the substance of these factors needs further investigation.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk Sygeplejespecialist i Ernæring Mette Holst, (Center for Ernæring og Tarmsygdomme, Medicinsk Gastro-
enterologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske, MKS
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326267
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn M. Drewes
31) Incorporation of n-3 Fatty Acid in Four Different Tissues in Cor-
onary Artery Bypass Patients
Inge V Aardestrup, BLS, [email protected], Rikke Bülow, BLS, [email protected], Søren Lundbye-Christensen, PhD, solc@, Erik B Schmidt, MD, [email protected] and Jan J Andreasen, MD, [email protected]. 1Dep. of Cardiology and Cardiot-
horacic Surgery, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Objective: Some evidence suggests that marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increase the vasodilatory
effect of vascular endothelium. Very few data exist about incorporation of marine n-3 PUFA in the vessel wall.
The aim was to study the incorporation of PUFA into the left mammary artery (LIMA) and compare the content
in LIMA to that of other compartments.
Methods: We examined 22 patients before and during scheduled coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Blood
samples for analysis of plasma phospholipids (PL) and plasma non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were collected on
the day of surgery. Pieces of LIMA intima and media and pericardial adipose tissue (PAT) were obtained during
CABG. The incorporation of the n-3 PUFAs, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the LIMA as well as in PAT, PL and NEFA was measured using extraction, methylation and analysis by gas chromatog-raphy. The correlation of EPA in the different compartments was described using Pearson correlation, and likewise for DHA.
Results: n-3 PUFA correlations between compartments EPA: DHA LIMA PL NEFA LIMA PL NEFA PAT 0.79* 0.71* 0.76* PAT 0.30 0.69* 0.83* LIMA 1.00 0.75* 0.73* LIMA 1.00 0.35 0.24 PL 1.00 0.98* PL 1.00 0.76* NEFA 1.00 NEFA 1.00 * Significant correlations p < 0.001, non-marked correlations p > 0.1. Conclusion: Significant correlation was seen between concentrations of EPA in LIMA, PL, NEFA and PAT, while DHA concentrations only showed significant
Indsendt af:
Forskningsbioanalytiker Inge Valbak Aardestrup, (Lidklinikken, Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bioanalytiker
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326886
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Erik Berg Schmidt
32) Incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids in the cell membrane
Overlæge Lone schmidt Sørensen, Kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afd. A Overlæge Karen Lindorff-Larsen, Kiru-
rgisk gastroenterologisk afd. A Overlæge Ph.D Henrik Højgaard Rasmussen center for ernæring og tarmssyg-
domme Professor Erik Berg Schmidt kardiologisk afd. og lipidklinikken Professor Overlæge Ole
Thorlacius-Ussing kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afd. A Annette Andreasen bioanalytiker lipidklinikken Inge Valbak
Aardestrup bioanalytiker lipidklinikken
Incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids in the cell membrane
The biological effects of fish oils are related to their content of omega-3 fatty acids that may be incorporated
into cell membranes in granulocytes where they influence receptor function, enzyme activity and the production
of lipid mediators. The cells from the immune system perform their functions through membrane-associated ac-
tivities like secretion of cytokines, antibodies, lymphocyte transformation and contact lysis. These functions can
be affected by changes in the membrane structure. It has been shown that this alteration of membrane struc-
ture by omega-3 fatty acid (eicosapentaenoic acid/EPA and docosahexaensyre/DHA) may reduce the frequency
of postoperative infectious complications. The purpose of this pilot study was to discover whether an omega-3
fatty acid (eicosapentaenoic acid/EPA and docosahexaensyre/DHA) enriched nutritional supplement given for 7
days before surgery would be sufficient to incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into cell membranes.
This study was performed before a major study was set up where 140 patients were given an omega-3 fatty acid
(eicosapentaenoic acid/EPA and docosahexaensyre/DHA) enriched nutritional supplement given 7 days preop-
eratively and 7 days postoperatively, to see if there was any reduction in infections complication after elective
colorectal surgery. The pilot study showed that 7 days is enough to ensure incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids
into cell membranes in granulocytes.
Indsendt af: Specialeansvarlig Overlæge Lone Schmidt Sørensen, (Kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afd. A, Aalborg Sygehus) Uddannelse: special læge i kirurgiskgastroenterologi, phd.studerende E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 86-954145 Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Ole Thorlacius-Ussing
33) Indførelse af et luftvejskoncept - Håndtering af uventet vanske-
lig luftvej – et fælles projekt i en hel region
Per Lambert og Susanne Algren
Introduktion: Sikkerheden omkring luftvejshåndtering kan forbedres, bl.a. med øget systematik og simulations-
træning af kritiske situationer(1). Processen med at indføre en systematisk håndtering af den uventede vanske-
lige luftvej i Anæstesien med 40.000 anæstesier årligt beskrives her.
Metode: Med basis i DDKM og en proaktiv tilgang til patientsikkerhed fulgte vi 4 trin til indførelse af luftvejs-
1: Udarbejdelse af retningsgivende dokumenter,
2: Implementering af retningsgivende dokumenter
3: Kvalitetsovervågning
4: Kvalitetsforbedring
Resultater: Retningsgivende dokumenter blev indført indeholdende en instruks, et actioncard og en standardi-
seret bakke med remedier til håndtering af den uventede vanskelige luftvej. Instruksen er opbygget med afsæt
i "Difficult Airway Society's" guideline(2). Instruksen blev publiceret på instruksportal og "actioncards" distri-
bueret. 30 standardiserede bakker blev placeret på udvalgte destinationer. Systematisk undervisning af uddan-
nelsestagende læger og sygeplejersker påbegyndtes. Derudover bliver efteruddannelse i luftvejshåndtering som
fuldskala-simulationstræning på Anæstesiens simulationscenter (CeMS) tilbudt. Spørgeskemaundersøgelse
gennemførtes hos afdelings- og afsnitsledelser omkring udformning, placering, vedligeholdelse og anvendelse af
bakkerne. Denne viste, at 50 % kendte og anvendte instruksen, 72 % anvendte bakkerne og 77 % havde bakke-
indholdet i orden.
Konklusion: Det lykkedes på få måneder at indføre en luftvejsalgoritme ud fra trin 1 og 2. Bakkerne benyttes ge-
nerelt, indholdet er i orden, og der er skabt kendskab til instruksens indhold. Det er dog en udfordring at få nye
tiltag implementeret hos erfarne klinikere. En ny kultur blandt læger for anvendelsen af selvevaluering på tværs i
en organisation er nødvendig. Opbygning af en sikkerhedskultur er krævende og ledelsesinvolvering nødvendig.
Referencer: 1. Rall M, Dieckmann P. Best Practice & RCA. Vol.19. No 4, pp.539-557, 2005, 2. Henderson JJ, et
al. Anaesthesia 2004; 59: 675-694.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge Per Henrik Lambert, (4. afdeling, AHØR og Hobro Anæstesi, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Speciallæge Anæstesi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99323010
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Anders Larsson
34) Inhibitory visceral pain modulation in a human experimental
pain model
Christina Brock, Søren Schou-Olesen, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Asbjørn M. Drewes
Introduction: The inhibitory controls of nociceptive neuronal excitability are manifest through either segmen-
tal control, higher cortical control or diffuse noxious inhibitory control. Descending inhibition and facilitation
of pain coexists, and the subjective experienced pain expresses a balance between these two phenomena. In
functional disorders, such as inflammatory bowel syndrome, impaired pain control is considered part of the
underlying pathogenesis. Materials and Methods: Psycho-physic pain assessment and evoked brain potentials
to electrical stimulation of the rectosigmoid were obtained from 15 healthy volunteers at baseline, before, 0 and 10 minutes after emerging the hand for three minutes in 2oC water. Results: The cold pressor test in-duced hypoalgesia to rectosigmoid electro-stimulation (P<0.001), reduction of the maximum sensory score to non-painful range (P=0.02) and prolonged time to reach maximum pain (P=0.003). Evoked brain potentials recorded 10 minutes after the cold pressor test increased amplitudes of the P1 (P=0.04) and increased both latency(P=0.03) and amplitude of the N2 (P=0.02) peaks. Inverse modeling found a significant reversible shift in dipolar activities 0 minutes after cold stimulation. Conclusion: The hypoalgesia, reflects an activation of the descending noxious inhibitory control. The increased latency of the late P2 component together with increased amplitude of the P1 and N2 peak reflect pain modulation due to activation of inhibitory control, supported by the dipolar source analysis. Thus the model resembles a surrogate-model mimicking functional gut disorders. In order to help this patientgroup the model can be integrated in future basic and pharmacological studies.
Indsendt af:
Christina Brock, (Medicinsk gastroenterologi, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Dyrlæge PhD studerende
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326246
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Prof Asbjørn M Drewes
35) Intraveneous N-3 Fatty Acid and Fatty Acid Profiles in Hemodi-
T. Madsen1; E.B.Schmidt1; J.H.Christensen2 1Department of Cardiology and 2Department of Nephrology,
Aalborg Sygehus, Aarhus University Hospital
Background: Hemodialysis (HD) patients are at increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Dietary intake of
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) may reduce the risk of SCD in high risk populations. Hemodialysis
patients have low n-3 PUFA status compared to healthy persons.
Aim: To investigate the acute effect of intravenously administered n-3 PUFA on the fatty acid profiles in plasma
and membranes in HD patients.
Methods: Forty-four HD patients were randomized to 100 mL of a lipid emulsion with a high content of n-3
PUFA (4g EPA+DHA) or placebo (saline). The infusions were administered during a standard HD session (25
mL/h). Blood samples were drawn immediately before (baseline) and after (t=4h) the infusions and t=48h. The
content of n-3 PUFA in plasma free fatty acids (FFAs), in plasma phospholipids, and in platelet phospholipids
was analyzed using gas chromatography, and expressed as % of total fatty acids.
Results: In the n-3 PUFA group, a large increase in EPA and DHA was seen in plasma FFAs after infusion. EPA
and DHA levels returned to baseline after 48 h. In plasma phospholipids a small decrease was seen at t=4 fol-
lowed by increase above baseline levels at t=48. In platelet phospholipids EPA and DHA increased at t=4h and
was still above baseline at t=48h. No statistically significant changes were seen in the placebo group.
Conclusion: A single dose of n-3 PUFA administered intravenously during HD primarily increased n-3 FFAs in
plasma, but also affected membrane n-3 PUFA content.
Indsendt af:
Madsen Trine, (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon:
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
36) Kan en behandlingspakke forebygge obstipation hos neuroin-
Hanne Mouritzen, Charlotte Daugbjerg, Mette Ring, Karin Kaasby, Vivi Pedersen
Baggrund og formål: Obstipation kan medføre intolerance over for mad, spændt abdomen, opkastning, uro,
alvorlige tilfælde af tarm-obstruktion eller tarmperforation, respiratoraftrapningsproblemer og længere in-
dlæggelse på intensiv afdeling (1, 2).
For at forebygge obstipation har vi sammensat en behandlingspakke(2, 3, 4, 5) med det formål at undersøge,
hvilken betydning "pakken" har, i forhold til at sikre patienten afføring < 96 timer efter indlæggelse.
Metodologi: Komparativt studie: 40 voksne, sederede, intuberede patienter indlagt med isoleret neurotraume
på neurointensiv afdeling. Retrospektiv gruppe (n=20): Osmotisk- peristaltikfremmende laksantia tre dage efter
indlæggelse på intensiv afdeling samt sondeernæring gennem ventrikelsonde.
Prospektiv gruppe (n=20): Osmotisk- peristaltikfremmende laksantia, vand i ventrikelsonden, fiberrig son-
deernæring samt flowchart til beslutningsunderstøttelse.
21 parametre registreredes dagligt i 8 dage.
Resultater (preliminære): Retrospektiv: 8 ud af 20 (40%) patienter havde afføring <96 timer efter indlæggelse.
Prospektiv: 17 ud af 20 (85%) patienter havde afføring <96 timer efter indlæggelse (p<0.01, gruppesammenlign-
ing). Retrospektiv: 10 ud af 20 (50%) patienter havde afføring <120 timer efter indlæggelse.
Prospektiv: 20 ud af 20 (100%) havde afføring <120 timer efter indlæggelse (p<0.001, gruppesammenligning).
Det gennemsnitlige antal timer indtil 1. forekomst af afføring var henholdsvis: Retrospektiv=129.88 og
Prospektiv=78.32, (p<0.001, t-test).
Konklusion: Patienter, der modtager den undersøgte behandlingspakke, har typisk afføring <96 timer efter
indlæggelse. Derudover har alle disse patienter afføring senest 120 timer efter indlæggelse. På den baggrund
konkluderes det, at behandlingspakken kan forebygge obstipation hos neurointensive patienter med isoleret
1. Patanwalam A.E. Pharmacotherapy, 2006, vol. 26, (7).
2. Ferrie S. Australian Crit. Care, 2007, vol. 20.
3. Dorman P. Intensive and Critical Care nursing, 2004
4. McKenna S.T. Australien Crit. Care, 2001, vol. 14, (1)
5. Lochs H. Clinical Nutrition, 2006
Indsendt af:
Intensivsygeplejejerske Hanne Aaris Mouritsen, (Anæstesien, 2. afdeling, NOTIA, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Intensiv specialuddannet sygeplejerske
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322764
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Anders Larsson
37) Koronar by-passoperation med eller uden brug af hjerte- lunge-
maskine? DOORS-projektet (Danish On-pump Off-pump Rand-
K Houlind1, BJ Kjeldsen2, S Madsen3, BS Rasmussen4, S Holme5, PE Mortensen4 for DOORS-gruppen
1Hjerte- lunge- karkirurgisk afd., Skejby Sygehus, Aarhus Universitetshospital 2Hjerte- lungekirurgisk afdeling,
Odense Universitetshospital, 3Hjerte- lungekirurgisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, Aarhus Universitetshospital,
4 Anæstesiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, Aarhus Universitetshospital, 5 Thoraxkirurgisk klinik, Gentofte
Formål: At sammenligne sikkerheden og effektiviteten af koronar by-pass operationer foretaget henholdsvis med
og uden brug af hjerte- lunge- maskine (HLM)
Baggrund: Iskæmisk hjertesygdom er en af de væsentligste årsager til død og invaliditet i den vestlige verden.
Koronar by-passoperation er en effektiv og sikker behandling til at bedre disse patienters livskvalitet og forbygge
dødsfald. Hvert år udføres denne operation på omkring 1 million mennesker, heraf 2000-3000 danskere.
Koronar by-passoperation har siden 1970érne hovedsageligt været udført ved hjælp af HLM, således at hjertet
kunne standses mens operationen udførtes. Der har været udbredt bekymring for, om brugen af HLM øger
risikoen for dødsfald og skader på hjerte og hjerne.
Gennem de seneste årtier er udviklet kirurgiske teknikker, der muliggør koronar by-passoperation uden brug af
HLM. Der mangler en systematisk og tilstrækkeligt stor sammenligning af resultaterne af de to teknikker.
Materialer og metoder: 900 patienter over 70 år randomiseres til at undergå koronar by-passoperation enten
med eller uden brug af HLM. Der anvendes on-line randomisering. Operationerne og den øvrige behandling
samt opsamling af kliniske og parakliniske data gennemføres efter standardiserede protokoller. Det primære
endepunkt er død og/eller apopleksi og/eller akut myokardieinfarkt indenfor 30 dage. Øvrige endepunkter om-
fatter livskvalitet i opfølgningsperioden, åbenhed af omkørsler ved angiografi efter 6 mdr. og samfundsøkono-
miske beregninger. Endepunkterne evalueres af blindede observatører. Analyser foretages efter intention-to-treat
Resultater: Alle patienter er inkluderet medio november 2008. Dataopsamling og analyse pågår og de første
resultater forventes klar i foråret 2009.
Indsendt af:
speciallæge, ph.d Kim Houlind, (Hjerte- lunge- kirurgisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: speciallæge, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 86-172102
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jan Jesper Andreassen
38) Kreativ forskning
Edith Mark
Som forskere kan eller skal vi ikke kreere en sandhed, der ikke findes. Vi skal derimod gøre vort ypperste for at
bringe en sandhed frem. Men vi kan godt anvende kreative forskningsmetoder.
Mange af de problemstillinger vi står overfor i sundhedsvæsnet er komplekse og kan bedst belyses v.h.a. kvali-
tative forskningsmetoder. Men ord har sin begrænsning. Visuelle og kreative metoder integreret med de mere
traditionelle tekstuelle metoder (f.eks. interview) og feltforskning kan derfor suppleres.
Med en fænomenologisk tilgang til at forstå, hvordan børn oplever at spise restriktivt, har jeg anvendt en me-
tode, der består af mange kreative indfaldsvinkler, som f.eks. tegning og modellering. Det har været et mål at få
børn til at udtrykke sig om livsfænomener, som vanskeligt kunne udtrykkes verbalt – f.eks. skam, afmagt og fryd.
På denne måde har min metode været både åben, original og kreativ.
I præsentationen vil det bl.a. blive diskuteret, hvorvidt forskeren påvirker børnene til at "lade fantasien løbe af
med dem", og om den kreative metode er et trick, som får børnene til at fortælle mere end de selv vil.
Indsendt af:
Post doc. i klinisk sygepleje Edith Mark, (Medicinsk Center, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske, cand.cur, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 9932 6021
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Charlotte Delmar
39) LDL cholesterol levels after discharge from an acute coronary
syndrome. A study from Northern Jutland, Denmark
Lotte H. Kobbelgaard, RN1, Martin M Petersen, MD1, Morten L. Jakobsen, BSc1, Erik B. Schmidt, MD1. 1
Department of Cardiology, Center of Cardiovasular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus Unviversity Hospital,
Objective: To study what percentage of patients reached the Danish goal of LDL-cholesterol < 2.5 mmol/L after
discharge from acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during follow-up by general practitioners.
Methods: All patients were discharged with Simvastatin 40 mg or a more potent statin. In the discharge letter to
the general practitioner it was pointed out that the goal for LDL-cholesterol was < 2.5 mmol/L, and that treat-
ment should be intensified if this was not achieved at a visit 3 months after discharge. All patients discharged
during 2006 living in our region were eligible. Data were obtained from data bases for three periods: 6-13
weeks, 6-26 weeks and 6-52 weeks after discharge. The latest laboratory result available was used for analysis.
If an LDL cholesterol value was not available, a total cholesterol < 4.5 mmol/L was considered acceptable.
Results: A total of 503 patients with ACS were included. One year after discharge from ACS, LDL cholesterol
values were available in 445 patients, total cholesterol in an additional 26 patients, while no follow-up lipid
values could be obtained from 32 patients.
In the period 6-13 weeks after discharge 44 % reached the goal, while 75 % had reached the goal 6-26 weeks
after discharge. At the end of the follow-up period (52 weeks) 82 % complied with the guidelines. Among those
(n = 85) who did not reach the goal 58 patients (12%) were still receiving 40 mg of simvastatin.
Conclusion: A relatively high percentage (82 %) of ACS patients obtained the goal for LDL cholesterol atfer one
Indsendt af:
Sygeplejerske Lotte Hessing Kobbelgaard, (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326892
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
40) Neuronavigation til biopsi af hjernetumorer
Jens Jakob Riis
Siden den stereotaktiske neurokirurgi opstod for mere end 100 år siden har teknikken undergået en betydelig
udvikling. Det er nu muligt vha stereotaksi at bioptere selv meget små tumorer og ramme meget nøjagtigt (feks
ved DBS i behandlingen af Parkinsons Sygdom).
Anvendelsen af først rammebaseret og siden rammeløs stereotaktisk neurokirurgi har gjort det muligt at bi-
optere fra hjernetumorer der f.eks er dybtliggende, beliggende i funktionelle(elokvente) områder, eksempelvis
sprogcenter) hvor mere radikal kirurgi ikke er mulig. Denne operationen er forbundet med lav mortalitet og
Nærværende studie på et patientmateriale fra Odense bekræfter, at metoden er sikker og med en meget høj sikkerhed for at udhente repræsentativt materiale. Metoden er kommet for at blive og kan udvikles yderligere. I forbindelse med den nye Kræftplan og dermed hurtigere udredning og behandling af patienterne, kan man forestille sig, at patienterne kan udskrives hurtigere end idag, f.eks. samme dag som biopsien fandt sted og den allerede i planlægningen af indgrebet anvendte MR- eller CT af cerebrum kan erstattes af funktionel MR for at reducere risikoen for læsion af de elokvente områder yderligere. Tillige, at lokalanæstesi og blokader af ansigtets følenerve (n. trigeminus)anvendes hyppigere end tilfældet er idag, - det kan også accelerere patientforløbet, da det er forbundet med mindre risiko og hurtigere restitution, end hvis man skal i fuld bedøvelse.
Indsendt af:
Afdelingslæge Jens Jakob Riis, (Neurokirurgisk Afdeling K, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand. med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 20207590
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Preben Sørensen
41) NiTi memory shape stent – en ny platforms teknologi til præci-
I Danmark forventes i 2009 mere end 37.000 nye tilfælde af kræft. To tredjedele af patienterne vil på diagno-
setidspunktet have en lokaliseret sygdom og dermed en mulighed for helbredelse. Næst efter operation er stråle-
behandling den behandlingsform, der helbreder flest patienter. Helbredende strålebehandling gives ved daglig
behandling i små doser. Før hver behandling skal det sikres, at behandlingsudstyret er rettet mod det kræftsy-
geområde i patienten. Variation i lejring af patienten og forskydning af kroppens organer reducerer muligheden
for at placere det kræftsyge område præcist. Traditionelt er anvendt store strålefelter for, at kompensere for
usikkerheden. Konsekvensen er at raskt væv medbestråles med øgede bivirkninger som konsekvens. En bedre
nøjagtighed vil modsat betyde reduktion i bestråling af det omgivende raske væv, og følgelig heraf en reduceret
risiko for bivirkninger. Indenfor de sidste år er udviklet præcisions behandlingsteknikker baseret på dels røntgen
gennemlysning og dels indsættelse af metalmarkører i kræftområdet. Metalmarkørerne er typisk små guldstifter
der kan implanteres i kræftvævet. Korrekt placering sikres ved at anvende markørerne som "sigtekorn" for stråle-
apparatet. Onkologisk afdeling udvikler sammen med et dansk firma en alternativ teknik, hvor de før omtalte
guldkorn erstattes af en lille Ni-Ti spiral, en såkaldt stent. Stent placeres via normale kropsåbninger inden stråle-
behandling påbegyndes. Når behandlingen er afsluttet kan stenten fjernes igen. Metoden er foreløbig afprøvet
i klinisk forsøg ved strålebehandling mod prostata kræft, samt i dyreeksperimentelle forsøg rettet mod behan-
dling af lungekræft. Præsentationen vil beskrive metoden, de foreløbige resultater og de muligheder, der ligger i
videre udvikling af denne teknologi.
Indsendt af:
Cheffysiker Jesper Carl, (Onkologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand Scient, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322890
42) NUTRICOUNTER: A Visual Tool Reduces Weight Losses
Rikke Vormstrup Knudsen og Inge Marie Ulrich
Background: In 2007 the urology department at Aalborg Hospital, Denmark, took part in a bladder cancer
project funded by the ministry of health. The project indicated a lack of focus on patients' diets and poor
documentation of nutritional intake. Moreover, it appeared that cystectomy patients sustained weight losses of
4-7kg during hospitalization. This prompted us to develop a new nutrition concept for our patients. We there-
fore devised a standard meal plan and guidelines on nutrition for cystectomy patients. This allows patients to
eat freely, with possible supplementation by gavage and/or parenterally to reach the requirement. Our work fos-
tered the idea for the NUTRICOUNTER system, which is a simple visual tool for use by patients and caregivers.
Aim: Developing an illustrative nutrition tool for both patients and caregivers.
Methods: Didactic materials were developed in the form of a folder showing the patient's nutritional needs on a day to day basis and a counter system (as in a board game) which illustrates the energy content of the various meals on offer. To explore the value of the educational tool, we prepared a questionnaire for caregivers, and through an audit we examined whether the introduction of NUTRICOUNTER had led to increased energy intakes and thus de-crease in weight losses.
Materials for patients include: • Oral and written information on the importance of adequate nutrition• Survey sheets/kJ tables where the food on offer is colour-coded using green, blue and red • Counters in three colours: • Daily forms to be completed using the counters, thus allowing the patient to see when nutritional needs have been met.
Materials for caregivers include:• Standard plan for recording of meals• Guidelines on nutrition • Evaluation form.
Results: The audit covered the period January 2006 through November 2008 in which 55 cystectomies were performed. Of the 40 nursing records available, 28 records validly recorded patients' weights at admission and discharge. The NUTRICOUNTER system is still at the testing stage, with eight patients having followed the sys-tem since July 2008. The results show a clear trend towards minimization of weight losses as a result of introducing NUTRI-COUNTER. Before July 2008, the audit showed weight losses of 4.4% during hospitalization as against only 0.8 % with NUTRICOUNTER.
Indsendt af:
Rikke Vormstrup Knudsen
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske
E-mail: [email protected]
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Johan Poulsen
43) Obesity at age 50 to 64 and Risk of subsequent Hospitalisation
with Pneumonia
Mette Nørgaard 1, Claus Dethlefsen2, Jette B Kornum1, Karen Margrethe Due2, Reimar W Thomsen1, Anne
Tjønneland3, Henrik T Sørensen1, Kim Overvad1,2,4. 1Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Denmark 2 Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Den-
mark 3Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark 4Department of Cardiology, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus
University Hospital, Denmark
Objectives: To examine the impact of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference on the risk of hospitalisa-
tion with pneumonia.
Methods: We followed 49,627 persons from the Danish "Diet, Cancer and Health" study, who were 50-64 years
old and free of hospital-diagnosed comorbidity at baseline.(1993-1997). We categorized BMI into five groups
(<22.5, 22.5-24.9, 25.0-29.9, 30.0-34.9, 35+) and waist circumference into quintiles. Data on pneumonia-
related hospitalisations up to 2008 were obtained from the National Patient Registry. We used Cox regression
analyses to compute incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for pneumonia according to BMI and waist circumference,
controlling for smoking and alcohol intake.
Results 1,130 (5%) men and 1,068 (4%) women had hospitalised pneumonia (median follow-up 11.5 and 11.7
years, respectively), corresponding to incidence rates of 4.3 and 3.4 per 1000 person-years. Compared with
men with a BMI of 22.5-24.9 the adjusted IRRs were increased for both low and high BMI: 1.4 (95% CI:1.1-1.7)
for BMI < 22.5, 1.1 (1.0-1.3) for BMI = 25.0-29.9, 1.5 (1.2-1.8) for BMI = 30.0-34.9, and 2.2 (1.6-3.1) for BMI
of 35+. For women the adjusted IRRs were 1.2 (1.0-1.4) for BMI < 22.5, 0.9 (0.7-1.0) for BMI = 25.0-29.9, 0.8
(0.7-1.1) for BMI = 30.0-34.9, and 1.2 (0.9-1.7) for BMI of 35+. IRRs of pneumonia among men and women in
the highest quintile of waist circumference were 1.8 (1.5-2.2) and 1.4 (1.0-1.9), respectively.
Conclusion: General and abdominal obesity increased the risk of hospitalised pneumonia. particularly among
men. Low BMI increased the risk of pneumonia among both gender.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Jette Brommann Kornum, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand. med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 96310007
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
44) Occurrence of seasonal variation in incident unprovoked ve-
nous thromboembolism in the Danish population
Anette Luther Christensen 1,2 Marianne Tang Severinsen 3 Claus Dethlefsen 2 Søren Lundbye-Christensen 2
Søren Risom Kristensen 4 1: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 2:
Department of Cardiology, Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital,
Aalborg, Denmark 3: Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark 4:
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Introduction: Incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE), i.e. deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary em-
bolism, is found to be higher in winter than summer. However, this variation may result from seasonal variation
in occurrence of diseases that provoke VTE. Knowledge about possible seasonal variation of incident VTE may
improve preventive strategies.
Objectives: We aimed to asses the occurrence of seasonal variation in incident unprovoked VTE using the Dan-ish population as a cohort. Materials and methods: A cohort consisting of the Danish population aged 20 or more from 1980-2008. We excluded subjects with a previous diagnosis of cancer or with any discharge diagnosis until three months before an incident VTE diagnosis. Daily data including information on gender, age and comorbid diseases are ana-lysed. A Poisson regression model adjusting for gender, age- and Charlson comorbidity index groups is fitted to data. Seasonal variation is modelled with a single cycle sinusoidal curve interacting with comorbidity groups. Secular trend is modelled with a restricted cubic spline. The relative risk is estimated by the peak-to-trough ratio with bootstrap bias-correcting 95% confidence intervals. Results: We identified 101,823 subjects having an incident discharge diagnosis of VTE using the Danish Nation-al Patient Registry. The estimated relative risk of incident rate of VTE for subjects without comorbid diseases was 1.18 (95% CI: 1.16-1.21), peaking in January, and 1.02 (95% CI: 1.00-1.03) for both remaining groups. Stratification on gen-der showed no significant difference in relative risk for any comorbidity groups. For subjects without comorbid diseases the relative risk tended to increase with age.
Indsendt af:
Specialestuderende i statistik Anette Luther Christensen, (Institut for Matematiske Fag, AAU og Kardiovaskulært
Forskningscenter,, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bsc
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon:
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
45) Parenteral ernæring til fastende patienter i VAC-behandling ved
mindre operative indgreb
Lotte Boa Skadhauge, sygeplejerske, stud. SD. Anita Tracey, sygeplejerske, SD
Patienter indlagt med mediastinit, som er i VAC-behandling (Vaccum Assisted Closure) lider vægttab under ind-
læggelsen. De faster hver 3. døgn til sårskift. Pga. det elektive operationsprogram og af hygiejniske hensyn sker
skiftningen ofte sidst på dagen. Patienterne føler utilpashed ved længerevarende fasteperioder. Indlæggelses-
forløbene er langvarige og komplicerede med fysiske, psykiske, sociale konsekvenser for patienten. Patienterne
indtager pga. de hyppige faste perioder ikke sufficient ernæring, hvilket kan nedsætte sårhelingsprocessen.
Problemstilling: Kan vi nedsætte vægttab og indlæggelsestid hos patienter med mediastinit i VAC-behandling
ved optimeret ernæringsterapi? Kan indgift af parenteral ernæring i faste perioden nedsætte perioden, hvor
patienten er i VAC-behandling?
Metode: Der er oprettet et tværfagligt ernæringsteam i afdelingen, og udarbejdet en ernæringsstandard, der
er godkendt af afdelingens læger samt narkoseafdelingen. Ernæringsstandarden er, at der opsættes parenteral
ernæring, når fasteperioden begynder og fortsætter til patienten kører på operationsgangen. Patienterne i VAC-
behandling vejes ugentlig og på udskrivelsesdagen for at registrere deres vægttab under indlæggelsen.
Indlæggelsestiden og perioden, hvor patienten er i VAC-behandling, registreres også. Alle data sammenlignes
med retrospektive data fra 1998-2008.
Resultater og Perspektivering: Patientens oplevelse af "at spise af sig selv" i fasteperioderne nedsættes ved til-
førsel af parenteral ernæring. Sårhelingen forbedres, så patienterne er i VAC-behandling i kortere tid og får en
kortere indlæggelse. Hvert år i januar måned med start i januar 2010, udregnes indsamlede data med henblik
på om denne intervention med tilførsel af parenteral ernæring er tilstrækkelig. Efter 5 år evalueres resultaterne.
Indsendt af:
Forskningssygeplejeske og Klinisk Undervisningsansvarlig sygeplejerske Anita Tracey, (Hjerte-Lungekirurgisk
afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: SD
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322993
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Overlæge Jan Jesper Andreasen
46) Patient experiences of undernutrition during hospital stay
M. Holst, H. H. Rasmussen, B. S. Laursen Centre for Nutrition and Bowel Disease, Medical Gastroenterology,
and Clinical Nursing Research Unit, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Background: Guidelines have been developed to prevent and treat undernutrition in hospitals. However, pa-
tients still develop undernutrition.
Objective: To obtain knowledge in hospitalized patient's experiences of being undernourished, in order to un-
derstand implications to care.
Methods: A semi structured qualitative interview study with hospitalized medical gastroenterology patients, at
severe nutritional risk.
Results: Twelve hospitalized patients, range 23-76 years were interviewed. Lack of appetite, bad taste and pain
were reasons for poor oral intake. Patient's problems with side effects to medication e.g. bad taste were not
expected to be taken care of. Patients hesitated to take pain medication because of side effects and because
it influenced their ability to participate actively in the treatment. The patients experienced feeling of life-threat
connected to severe weight loss. Overall, the patients could be divided in two groups: One "Passive group" was
characterized with fatigue, lack of concentration and short term memory. These were insusceptible for motiva-
tion to take joint responsibility for own nutritional care. The other, "Active group", found self-determination ex-
tremely important. Staff 's attention to their specific problem was found essential. The overall motivating factor
for the "Active group" was setting and achievement of goals.
Conclusion: Severely undernourished patients could be divided in a passive and an active group. These groups
should be attended to differently. The "Passive group" should be diagnosed and treated systematically, and en-
teral or parenteral nutrition is often needed. The "Active group" should be cared for with individual involvement
by physicians and nursing staff.
Perspectives: Results should be tested in other groups.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk Sygeplejespecialist i Ernæring Mette Holst, (Center for Ernæring og Tarmsygdomme, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske, MKS
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326267
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Asbjørn M. Drewes
47) Patienters tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet efter hjerteoperation
Khalil Ahmad1, Kirsten Fonager2, Jan Jesper Andreasen1, Søren Lundby3, Anker Vinding4, Claus Dethlefsen3,
Martin Agge Nørgaard1 1Hjerte-lunge kirurgisk Afdeling T 2Socialmedicinsk Enhed og Dansk Ramazzini Center
3Kardiovaskulært Forskningscenter 4Planlægning, kvalitet og analyse, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshos-
pital, Danmark
Baggrund: Studiet ønsker at belyse hvilke faktorer der påvirker hjerteopererede patienternes tilbagevenden til
Metode og materiale: Registerdata er indsamlet fra Beskæftigelsesministeriet, Danmarks Statistik, Vestdansk Hjertedatabase og CPR-registeret. Alle patienter opereret med by-pass, hjerteklap eller kombination heraf i peri-oden 1.1.2003 til 31.12.2007 i Aalborg, indgik i materialet. Patienter med multiple operationer og udlændinge uden dansk CPR-nummer blev ekskluderet. 810 patienter (19-64 år) udgjorde studiepopulationen. Studiepopulation blev beskrevet præoperativt, samt op til 1 år postoperativt mht. følgende variable: Operation-stype, Euroscore, køn, venstre ventrikelfunktion, bopælskommune samt modtagelse af sociale ydelser (SY). Resultater: Patienter modtog gennemsnitlig SY i 35 uger efter by-pass, 30 uger efter klapoperation og 39 uger efter by-pass + klapoperation. 1 år efter hjerteoperation modtog 57 % af mænd og 86 % af kvinder fortsat SY. Kvinder modtog gennemsnitlig SY i 40 uger efter by-pass, 36 uger efter klapoperation og 42 uger efter kombi-nationen. Mænd modtog SY gennemsnitlig 8 uger kortere. Alderen var positivt korreleret til varigheden af SY. Venstre ventrikel dysfunktion medførte 4-7 ugers forlængelse af SY. Diabetes, KOL og sternuminfektion øgede varigheden af SY ydelser. Euroscore var uden betydning. Der var forskel imellem forskellige bopælskommuner og gennemsnitlig varighed af SY (25-53 uger). Konklusion: Begge køn har uventet stor risiko for at have mistet deres tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet 1 år efter hjertekirurgi. Kvinders risiko er større end mænds. Præoperativ co-morbiditet øger varigheden af SY. Fundet af korrelation imellem bopælskommune og varighed af SY, afslører formentlig en mulighed for intervention.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Khalil Ahmad, (Thorax Kirurgisk Afdeling T, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: MD
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 25 75 42 28,
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Overlæge Jan Jesper Andreasen
48) PET-CT in colorectal cancer
Anders Christian Larsen, kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afdeling A, Aalborg Sygehus Julie Steen Pedersen, Nuk-
learmedinsk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus Victor Vishwanath Iyer, Nuklearmedicinsk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus Ole
Thorlacius Ussing, Kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afdeling A
Den nye kombination af integreret PET (Positron Emissions Tomografi) og CT-scanning: PET-CT har vist sig
effektiv i udredningen af recidiv ved en lang række kræftformer inklusiv gastrointestinal cancer. Den anvendes
desuden i udredningen af primært metastaserende cancer. Patienterne bliver henvist til PET-CT, når der klinisk
rejses mistanke om metastase i form af symptomer eller biokemiske markørstigninger og konventionel radiologi
i form af CT- og MR-scanning ikke kan afklare problemstillingen. Der eksisterer på nuværende tidspunkt ingen
klare retningslinier for hvornår PET/CT er indiceret og på hvilket tidspunkt den første scanning bør udføres. Det
er på nuværende tidspunkt uafklaret om PET-CT skal indføres rutinemæssigt i den primære udredning.
For at få et overblik over hvilke sygdomsmanifestationer og indikationer der er udført PET/CT på og hvad det
har fået af konsekvenser for den videre behandling fandt vi det nødvendigt at foretage et retrospektivt opgørelse
af de patienter med kræft i mavetarm kanalen som siden maj 2006 har fået foretaget en eller flere PET/CT scan-
ninger. I undersøgelsen blev de primære indikationer for PET-CT afdækket. Ud af 98 colorectal-cancer patienter
fik 47% foretaget en PET-CT på grund af uafklarede forhold på andre scanninger. 26% fik foretaget scanning på
grund af biokemiske markørstigninger. I 74% af tilfældene var der patologiske forandringer på PET-CT scannin-
gerne. I 54% af tilfældene medførte forandringerne ændringer i behandlingen.
Resultatet af denne opgørelse danner nu baggrund for flere protokollerede kliniske studier på Nuklearmedicinsk
afdeling og Kirurgisk gastroenterologisk afdeling A, Aalborg Sygehus.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk assistent Anders Christian Larsen, (Kirugisk gastroenterologisk afdeling A, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322070
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor, overlæge, dr. med Ole Thorlacius Ussing
49) Physical illness in mentally ill
Jens Ivar Larsen, Povl Munk-Jørgensen
The aims of the study: The aims of the study are to investigate the burden of physical illness
among patients with mental illness in a cultural perspective including the pathways to psychiatric care. Back-
ground: Physical illness is more common among patients with a mental disorder than it is in the general popula-
tion. Severe mental illness is a life shortening event with 12 to 20 years lost years of life. Cardiovascular disease
is the leading course, as it is in the general population, but patients with severe mental illness also have a higher
risk of serious infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis according to life style factors. Methods: The study
is internationally simultaneous carried out in Mental-health care centres in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland,
Nigeria, and Japan. During a one year period all admitted patients were assessed and a physical- and mental
health status was made both at the admittance and at the discharge. Results: Among patients with a psychotic
state the prevalence of Cardio-vascular disease was 13.8%, 10.3%, and 3.9% in Western-Europe, Nigeria and
Japan respectively. Among patients with an affective disorder the prevalence was 22.0%, 19.4%, and 23.7%.
Concerning diabetes the prevalence was 5.4%, 4.2, and 0.0% respectively for patients with psychosis and 4.8%,
6.1%, and 1.3% for patients with affective disorder, correlated for age the same pattern of distribution is found.
The patients with severe mental illness have the same amount of physical illness as the general population but
they have them at an earlier age, 45 – 55 years of age where as the peak among the general population is at the
age of 70 plus. Conclusion: It is relevant to talk about a burden of co-morbid physical illness especially connect-
ed to life style conditions among patients with a severe mental disorder. Cultural diversity is an important factor
concerning the diagnostic pattern of physical and mental diseases.
Indsendt af:
Overlæge, ekstern lektor Jens Ivar Larsen, (Psykiatrien Afdeling Syd, Psykiatrien)
Uddannelse: Speciallæge i psykiatri og almen medicin
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 96311451
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor, Povl Munk-Jørgensen
50) Plasma kalium udvikling efter hjertestop ved hypotermi og ved
Benedict Kjærgaard a, b Louise K. Jakobsen a, e Conny Nielsen a Peter J.T. Knudsen c Søren R. Kristensen d
Anders Larsson e The work is attributed to: a) Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Center for Cardiovascu-
lar Research, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark b) Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University,
Denmark c) Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Southern Denmark d) Department of Clinical Bio-
chemistry, Center for Cardiovascular Research, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark e) Anaesthesia
Research Unit, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, North Denmark Region, Aarhus University Hospital,
Aalborg, Denmark
Formål: I behandlingen af den tilsyneladende døde og hypoterme patient, er de almindelige "sikre dødstegn" en
dårlig indikator for, om der er chance for genoplivning. Det er alment accepteret, at en livløs person ikke længere
kan genoplives hvis plasma kalium er højere end 10 mmol/L.
Formålet med dette dyreforsøg er at undersøge biokemiske forandringer i den hypoterme og normoterme krop efter anoxisk cirkulationsstop.
Metode: Fem grise blev behandlet med heparin, koblet til hjertelungemaskine (HLM) og kølet ned til 20oC. Herefter blev de frakoblet HLM, hvorved de fik cirkulationsstop. Ved brug af intermitterende ekstern hjertemas-sage var det muligt at følge kaliumændringer i arterieblodet i op til flere timer efter hjertestop. En kontrolgruppe bestående af fem normoterme grise blev ligeledes behandlet med heparin og aflivet ved anoxi. Begge grupper blev efter cirkulationsstop kølet eksternt med is for at efterligne klinikken, hvor en person findes livløs i kolde omgivelser.
Resultater: I den hypoterme gruppe tog det ca. 3,5 timer før p-kalium oversteg 10 mmol/L. I kontrolgruppen var p-kalium over 10 mmol/L efter ca. 1 time.
Konklusion: Ved cirkulationsstop efter forudgående hypotermi hos grise, stiger p-kalium langsommere end hvis cirkulationsstop forekommer uden forudgående hypotermi. Lignende forhold gælder formentlig også hos men-nesker. Denne viden kan benyttes ved fund af en nedkølet tilsyneladende død person med lav p-kalium. I denne situation bør genoplivningsforsøg påbegyndes.
Indsendt af:
Stud. med. Louise Kollander Jakobsen, (Thoraxkirurgisk afd., Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Til og med 10. semester.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 24499232
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jan Jesper Andreasen
51) Postoperativ mobilisering af patienter med fuld sternotomi
Brocki, Barbara C; Skindbjerg, Hanne; Svalgaard, Marianne; Thorup, Charlotte B; Andreasen, Jan J.
BAGGRUND: Sternuminfektioner opstår hos 1-5 % af hjertekirurgiske patienter. Sternuminfektion mindsker
livskvalitet, øger morbiditet og mortalitet samt forlænger indlæggelsestiden. Få studier har undersøgt betydnin-
gen af mekaniske påvirkninger for udvikling af sternale komplikationer.
FORMÅL: at identificere mekaniske stress-faktorer, der medfører sternuminfektion og ustabilitet med den hensigt at udforme anbefalinger for postoperativ mobilisering af patientgruppen, samt at underbygge anbefalin-gerne med en sundhedsfremmende tilgang. METODE: databasegennemgang (1992-2007) CINAHL, PubMed, Cochrane og Pedro.
RESULTATER: 5 mekanismer er af betydning for belastning af sternum og operationssår: a) vedvarende hoste; b) hudtræk i såret, førende til barrierebrud samt sternumbelasting; c) hudtræk i såret ved hypertrofia mamma; d) belastning i sternoklavikulærled samt sternum ved belastning af armene eller ved stillingsændringer og e) kon-stant træk i thorax/ribben hos overvægtige patienter. KONKLUSION: fremtidige anbefalinger: 1.Undgå at føre begge arme bagud på samme tid i 10 dage 2.Mobilisering fra siddende til stående, løft og anden bevægelse, som belaster overkroppen skal foregå med albuerne ind til kroppen og kun til smertegrænsen i 8 uger 3.Udøv sternumstøtte i forbindelse med hoste 4.Ved bryststørrelse svarende til cup D og derover, bruges støttende BH
5.Albueteknik anvendes ved stillingsændringer fra liggende til siddende. 6.Patienter med BMI ≥ 35 og/eller ved vedvarende hoste skal benytte sternumsele. Perspektivering: anbefalinger implementeres i Hjerte- Lungekirurgisk afdeling T januar 2009. Implementerin-gen monitoreres med henblik på senere dokumentation af indsatsen. Det forventes at patienten oplever højere grad af bevægelsesfrihed og ansvar i den postoperative mobilisering, med bedre sundhedsrelateret livskvalitet til følge.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsfysioterapeut Barbara Cristina Brocki, (Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen, Aalborg Sygehus;
Hjerte- Lungekirurgisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus, Kardiovaskulær Forksningscenter, Århus Universitets Hospi-
tal, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: fysioterapeut
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322988
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jane Andreasen, Jan Jesper Andreasen
52) Quality of life before and after gastric banding
Pristed SG, Kroustrup JP, Larsen JF
Introduction: Surgery on the gastro-intestinal track has been used for many years to treat obesity. Gastric band-
ing has the advantage of maintaining gastric integrity while keeping the potential for readjustment of the band.
Obesity is associated with co-morbidities, social stigmatization and reduced health-related quality of life (HR-
QOL). The latter two problems are the main reasons for patients to want surgery.
Quality of life consists of multiple dimensions. The Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire is designed to pro-
vide an assessment involving generic health concepts unrelated to age, illness or patient condition. Emphasis is
placed upon physical, mental and social wellbeing.
Objective: To examine the changes in HRQOL after gastric banding, SAGB®.
Method: HRQOL was assessed using SF-36. The questionnaire was distributed to the patients three times: be-
fore surgery, one and five years after surgery.
Results: Before surgery the physical and mental health were significantly lower in the patients when compared
to norm-data from the Danish population. Physical function, role physical and vitality were significantly im-
proved one year after gastric banding. Individually based observations were compared using paired t-test. The
postoperative scores on physical function p<0.001, role physical p<0.001, bodily pain p<0.05, general health
p<0.001, vitality p<0.001 and social function p<0.05 were significantly higher when compared to preoperative
Conclusion: HRQOL was improved one year after gastric banding.
Perspective: A five year follow-up study will examine long-term changes in HRQOL. The temporary assessment
finds a tendency towards reduction in all but two of the eight scales as compared to scores one year after gas-
tric banding.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsassistent Sofie Gry Pristed, (Medicinsk Endokrinologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bioanalytiker, cand.scient.san
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 62 46
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Peter Laurber
53) Quality of treatment and prognosis for patients with schizo-
Pedersen C*, Johnsen SP , Nordentoft M¨, Mainz J. *Department South, Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, De-
partment of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, ¨Bispebjerg Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark
The design of an ongoing PhD thesis, 4 studies
Background: There is no known association between quality of treatment as registered in The Danish National
Indicator Project (NIP) – schizophrenia and prognosis for patients with schizophrenia although quality of treat-
ment has been measured in the NIP – schizophrenia since 2004 by the following process indicators: medication,
side effects, family intervention, psychoeducation and planned outpatient treatment after discharge from a
psychiatric hospital.
Aim: To investigate 1) the concurrent validity between registrations of process indicators in the NIP-schizo-
phrenia and medical records, 2) if there is an association between quality of treatment and crime rate among
patients with schizophrenia, 3) if there is an association between quality of treatment and mortality and 4) if
there is an association between time of hospitalisation and quality of treatment and, furthermore, if there is
an association between quality of treatment and risk of readmission to a psychiatric hospital for patients with
Study population: All 4 studies include all incident and prevalent patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (ICD-
10: F20.00-F20.99), age >18 years, who have been inpatients at a psychiatric hospital in Denmark in the period
1st January 2004 to 31st March 2006 (approximately 18,000 patients) and registered in the NIP-schizophrenia.
Indsendt af:
Ph.d.-studerende Charlotte Pedersen, (Afd. syd, Psykiatrien)
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 61307144
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jan Mainz
54) Revurdering af forenklet nyrefunktionsbestemmelse med 51Cr-
Lars Jødal, Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
BAGGRUND: Nyrefunktionsmåling (GFR-bestemmelse) er et vigtigt diagnostisk redskab, både for nyrepatienter
og ved dosering af bl.a. kemoterapi. Til pålidelig bestemmelse udføres GFR-måling ved injektion af et radioak-
tivt sporstof (51Cr-EDTA) efterfulgt af en række blodprøver udtaget over flere timer. En meget udbredt forenklet
teknik nøjes med blodprøver 3-4 timer efter injektionen. GFR-beregningen benytter da en korrektion for denne
forsimpling. De internationalt mest anerkendte korrektionsformler (Brøchner-Mortensen 1972 og 1974, for
hhv. voksne og børn) er imidlertid blevet anfægtet for at medføre undervurdering ved høj nyrefunktion.
FORMÅL: Til bestemmelse af GFR med den forenklede teknik at opstille en ny korrektionsformel på teoretisk
basis og validere denne tillige med de oprindelige korrektioner ved sammenligning med reference-GFR.
MATERIALE OG METODER: Nyrefunktionen blev bestemt hos 149 patienter og frivillige (46 kvinder, 71 mænd,
32 børn), hvor blodprøver blev udtaget 0-4 timer efter injektion af 51Cr-EDTA (reference-GFR). Parametre i kor-
rektionsformlen blev bestemt på basis af blodprøver 3-4 timer efter injektionen (estimeret-GFR).
RESULTATER: Den nye korrektionsformel er teoretisk bedre begrundet end de oprindelige korrektioner, og giver korrekte resultater for alle niveauer af nyrefunktion. I modsætning hertil medfører de oprindelige korrektions-formler undervurdering ved høj nyrefunktion, især hos voksne med stor kropsoverflade. For meget små børn ten-derer den oprindelige formel en overvurdering af normal GFR. Den nye korrektionsformel løser disse problemer og er fælles for børn og voksne. PERSPEKTIVERING: Med anvendelse af 51Cr-EDTA til pålidelig bestemmelse af nyrefunktionen med den foren-klede teknik bør de hidtidige korrektionsformler erstattes af den nye. Det er vores håb at denne vil blive interna-tional standard.
Indsendt af:
Hospitalsfysiker Lars Jødal, (Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand.scient, hospitalsfysiker
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99323549
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
55) Sertindole Causes Distinct Electrocardiographic T-Wave Mor-
Forfattere: Jimmi Nielsen M.D., Claus Graff MS, Thomas Hardahl MS, Mads P. Andersen MS, Jens Kristoffersen M.D., Jo-hannes J. Struijk PhD, Egon Toft M.D. DsMc, FESC, Jonathan M. Meyer M.D.
Background: Sertindole is an atypical antipsychotic drug that was withdrawn in 1998 due to concerns over risk
of Torsade de Pointes (TdP), and reintroduced in 2006 with strict ECG monitoring guidelines. Sertindole's pro-
pensity to prolong the QT interval relates to blockade of the HERG-encoded potassium channel, but there has
been limited detailed data on T-wave morphology changes, and how these might relate to any proarrhythmic
Method: Digital 12-lead ECG was recorded at baseline and at steady-state in 37 patients switched to sertindole.
ECG was analyzed for quantitative T-wave morphology changes and Fridericia-corrected QT duration (QTcF).
Results: Thirty of 37 patients had QTcF prolongation during sertindole treatment (81%), 32 patients (86%)
exhibited an increased morphology combination score (MCS) of T-wave morphology, and 35 of 37 (95%)
displayed either QTcF prolongation or an increased MCS score. From a baseline QTcF of 417 ± 21 msec, mean
QTcF prolongation during sertindole treatment was 19 msec [95% CI: 12 - 25 msec; p<0.001]. Seven patients
had QTcF shortening (mean 12 msec) during sertindole treatment, but in these cases a worsening of T-wave
morphology was identified.
Conclusion: Treatment with sertindole causes distinct T-wave changes and in some cases these changes occur
without concomitant prolongation of the QTcF interval. The use of T-wave morphology analysis may become
clinically relevant, particularly if shown to be associated with drug-induced arrhythmia risk.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Jimmi Nielsen, (Enheden for Psykiatrisk Forskning, Psykiatrien)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 25779926
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Povl Munk-Jørgensen
56) Significance of Exonic Splicing Enhancer (ESE) elements in HN-
PCC patients
Henrik Okkels*, Henrik Krarup*, Lily Li§, Philip Gordon§, William Foulkes§, Lone Sunde¤, Susanne Timshel$.
*Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aalborg Hospital, Denmark § Lady Davis Institute of Medical Research,
Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ¤Department of Clinical Genetics, Aarhus University Hos-
pital, Denmark. $HNPCC registry, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen.
Introduction. Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is a dominant heritable disease, which is
characterized by a complete lack of the ability to repair DNA injuries, known as MisMatch Repair (MMR) activ-
ity. The disease is caused by mutations in one or more of the MMR genes, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MLH3, PMS1
or PMS2. Screening of HNPCC families for mutations often identifies unique mutations that are clearly patho-
genic. However, several unclassified variants (UV) i.e. missense or silent mutations are detected. The causal
significance of these mutations for the family is uncertain. Recent publications indicate that UV's may be patho-
genic through the destruction of binding sites for the normal pre-mRNA splicing. That is, erroneous splicing is
induced as a consequence of mutations in Exonic Splicing Enhancer (ESE) sequences.
Materials and Methods. 14 patients participating in this study were HNPCC probands carrying a MSH6 UV.
The relevant mutations from each family were produced by site directed mutagenesis. Stitch PCR were used to
construct minigenes
(1-3 exons), with or without mutation. These minigene constructs were cloned into the pDONR221 vector.
After transformation and miniprep purification, the constructs were sub cloned into the pDEST12.2 vektor.
The pDEST12.2 minigene constructs were transfected into two cancer coli cell lines; CCL222, CCL225. After 48
hours the cells were harvested, and total RNA were purified. By RT–PCR and gel electrophoresis aberrant bands
should be detected.
Results. Analysis of the RT-PCR products is in progress.
Indsendt af:
Molekylærbiolog Henrik Okkels, (Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand. scient, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 21567
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Henrik Krarup
57) Stem cell derived transcription factors in B-cell oncogenesis
Malene Krag, Hans E. Johnsen and Karen Dybkaer Department of Haematology, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus
Transcription factors are involved in the regulation of gene transcription and thereby determine the phenotype
of the cell in which they are expressed. Normal cells gaining genetic and epigenetic alterations in their DNA and
in their gene regulation machinery can alter their cellular fate and become malignant transformed. The stem
cell derived transcription factors SOX4, POU2F2 and BACH2 are known to be important in B-cell differentia-
tion and B-cell malignancies. In silico analyses of these transcription factors indicate that they are differentially
expressed in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Furthermore, murine studies on retroviral
insertional mutagenesis demonstrate that these transcription factors are common integration sites in B-cell
lymphomas in general. Both of these observations lead to the hypothesis that transcription factors, central in
B-cell lymphoiesis and embryogenesis, regulate target genes with important impact on oncogenesis of DLBCL.
Only a few target genes for SOX4, POU2F2 and BACH2 are known. Therefore, the objectives of this study are I)
to identify new target genes and II) determine the dysregulation of specific target genes in DLBCL patients and
within normal B-cell subpopulations.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in combination with global techniques such as microarrays and gene specific techniques such as real time RT-PCRs are used to identify and determine dysregulation of target genes in DLBCL and normal B-cells. This could increase our knowledge of DLBCL initiation and development and also lead to better classification of DLBCL patients. A part of the scietific programme CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
Indsendt af:
PhD studerende Malene Krag Kjeldsen, (Hæmatologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand.acient.humanbiolog
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326839
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Hans E. Johnsen
58) Sygepleje i et stråleterapiafsnit
Udviklingssygeplejerske Birgith Pedersen, SD-ledelse, Cand.cur., Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
Baggrund: Sygepleje i et stråleterapiafsnit er meget fokuseret på den delegerede sygeplejeopgave "at give
strålebehandling med omhu og sikkerhed". Sygeplejehandlinger knyttet til dette område dokumenteres, hvo-
rimod sygeplejehandlinger der retter sig mod den selvstændige sygepleje og omsorgsaspektet i sygeplejen ofte
er fraværende i dokumentationen. Spørgsmålet er, om den manglende dokumentation er et udtryk for en
fraværende selvstændig sygepleje og omsorg eller om den blot finder sted som selvfølgeligheder, som tavs viden.
Formål: At undersøge:
1. hvad patienterne oplever særligt betydningsfuldt som modtager af sygepleje i stråleterapien
2. om der udøves selvstændig sygepleje på trods af manglende dokumentation
Materiale og metode: Postkort og breve skrevet af patienter. Analyseret og fortolket på baggrund af Steinar Kva-
les fortolkningsniveauer kritisk common sense forståelse og teoretisk forståelse.
Fund: Et centralt begreb i forbindelse med patienternes oplevelse af sygepleje og omsorg udtrykkes som "at være
i gode hænder". "At være i gode hænder" knytter sig til sygeplejerskens væremåde, som understøttes af underbe-
greberne "at smile" og at "se den anden som en person" samt til sygeplejerskernes specialespecifikke faglighed
med underbegrebet "at være kompetent".
Konklusion: Trods manglende dokumentation viser analyse og fortolkning, at der udøves stor grad af
selvstændig sygepleje i stråleterapien - idet sygeplejerskerne, ud over de instrumentelle handlinger knyttet til
strålebehandlingen, indgår i en professionel relation til patienter og pårørende. På trods af sygdommens alvor-
lige karakter er sygeplejerskerne i stand til at gøre strålebehandlingen til en positiv oplevelse ved at møde det
enkelte menneske og tilrettelægge sygeplejen med udgangspunkt i denne persons specielle situation.
Indsendt af:
udviklingssygeplejerske Birgith Pedersen, (Onkologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand.cur.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 9932 2925
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Peter Vejby Hansen
59) Sygepleje til pårørende hvis ægtefæl e har en kronisk lungelidelse
Udviklingssygeplejerske Hanne Clement Axelsen, Klinisk Undervisningsansvarlig Sygeplejerske Line Hust Stor-
gaard, Sygeplejerske Nicole Floú, Sygeplejerske Violeta Cmiljanic Winding. Lungemedicinsk Sengeafsnit,
Medicinsk Center Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital
Projektet er del af det fælles forskningsprojekt "Omsorgsetik i Klinisk Sygepleje", Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Univer-
Baggrund: Erfaringer fra sygeplejen på Lungemedicinsk Sengeafsnit og litteraturstudier viser et behov for profes-
sionel sygepleje til pårørende til kronisk lungesyge patienter. Sygeplejen fokuserer primært på patienten, og der
forefindes kun begrænset tilbud om støtte til pårørende. Derfor synes det relevant også at rette opmærksomh-
eden mod pårørende. Hovedparten af kronisk lungesyge patienter lider af KOL. Projektet afgrænser sig derfor til
pårørende til KOL patienter.
KOL rammer ikke kun patienten men hele familien. De pårørende bliver ofte socialt isolerede, mangler forståelse
fra omverdenen, føler sig trætte, angste og magtesløse.I projektet sidestilles pårørende og ægtefælle/samlever.
Fokus er derfor ægtefælle/samlevers perspektiv.
Formål: Projektet skal give viden og forståelse for, hvilken sygepleje pårørende til KOL patienter har brug for i
mødet med sygeplejepersonalet med henblik på at udvikle sygeplejen til pårørende.
Undersøgelsesspørgsmålet: Hvilke behov for sygepleje fremtræder hos pårørende, hvis ægtefælle har KOL, og
hvordan kan sygeplejersken inddrage denne viden, således at sygeplejen til pårørende udvikles?
Metode: Projektet har en fænomenologisk tilgang med sigte på pårørendes oplevelser. Undersøgelsen gennem-
føres som en kvalitativ undersøgelse med individuelle interview, efterår 2008. Interviewpersoner udvælges efter
inklusion - og eksklusionskriterier. Data analyseres og fortolkes, forår 2009.
Undersøgelsens resultat forventes at forelægge efterår 2009.
Perspektivering: Ved undersøgelsen forventes at fremkomme fund, der kan bidrage til at styrke og udvikle sygeple-
jen til ægtefæller til patienter med KOL. De fremkomne fund tænkes anvendt i klinisk praksis så fokus i højere grad
rettes mod pårørende til KOL patienter.
Indsendt af:
Udviklingssygeplejerske Hanne Clement Axelsen, (Lungemedicinsk Sengeafsnit Medicinsk Center, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Master i Læreprocesser
E-mail: / Telefon: 99326022
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jens Korsgaard
60) Meeting vulnerability and suffering. A Nordic research project
focusing on care and ethics
Anette Højer Mikkelsen, Charlotte Delmar, Birgith Pedersen, Charlotte Brun Thorup Aalborg Sygehus, Århus
Universitets Hospital, Denmark Ewa Rundqvist,Birgitta Andersson Mälardalens Högskola,Institut for Vård- och
Folkhälsovetenskap, Västerås, Sverige Kerstin Sivonen, Nanny Alenius-Karlsson, Christel Roberts Arcada Ny-
lands svenska yrkeshögskola, Helsingfors, Finland
Background: Professional care is informed by the patient's suffering and vulnerability, which appeals to the
nurse's professional ethics and morality. Several factors may contribute to a situation in which the patient's ap-
peal for help is overlooked or ignored. The nurse's ethical education and her exercise of care may be supported
or obstructed e.g. by her own vulnerability, or by a lack of opportunity to exercise care caused by demands on
efficiency, etc. Patients are furthermore demanding a better understanding of their experience of suffering and
being ill.
Aim: The objective is to increase our understanding of the ethics of care, and gain insight into the inner proc-esses affecting nurses, nursing students and patients in work conditions where care may be in risk of becoming marginalised.
Method: The study is within a phenomenological and hermeneutical frame. Qualitative interviews are made with 8 patients, 8 nurses and 8 nursing students from each of the participating Nordic countries (Sweden, Fin-land and Denmark).
Result: The results of analyses and interpretation are expected to be published ultimo 2009.
Perspective: This Nordic research network is expected to strengthen the care profile to the benefit of all patients in Nordic health systems.
Indsendt af:
Sygeplejerske og forløbskoordinator Anette Højer Mikkelsen, (Urologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: cand.cur
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322089
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Charlotte Delmar
61) Terapeutisk hypothermi efter hjertestop
Anders Bastiansen, Inge de Haas
Baggrund: I 2002 blev der i New England Journal of Medicine publiceret to randomiserede kliniske studier om-
handlende terapeutisk hypothermi efter hjertestop. Disse viste signifikant bedre overlevelse og cerebral funktion
for den gruppe der blev behandlet med hypothermi. I 2003 blev terapeutisk hypothermi inkorporeret i ILCORs
(International Liaison Commitee on Resuscitation) retningslinjer og i 2005 implementeret på Thorax Intensiv
Afsnit(TIA), Aalborg Sygehus. Formålet med undersøgelsen er at se, hvordan det går disse patienter samt at
undersøge om behandlingen er tilfredsstillende implementeret.
Metode: Retrospektiv opgørelse af patienter indlagt på TIA til terapeutisk hypothermi efter hjertestop. Be-
handlingen har siden opstart været protokolleret. I vores projekt undersøger vi, hvordan patienterne initielt
præsenterede sig, samt hvordan deres cerebrale funktionsniveau var ved udskrivelse fra TIA og 6 måneder efter
udskrivelse fra hospital. I denne patientkategori er tiden en vigtig faktor, og vi undersøger derfor tidsfaktoren for
flere endepunkter herunder tid fra Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) til nedkøling <34 grader som led
i kvalitetssikring af behandlingen.
Resultater: I alt 70 patienter er behandlet med terapeutisk hypothermi. Data er ved at blive indsamlet og re-
sultaterne forventes at foreligge i april 2009.
Konklusion: Prognosen for patienter der indbringes med hjertestop uden for sygehuset har tidligere været særde-
les ringe. Behandling med hypothermi er meget ressourcekrævende, og det er derfor vigtig at påvise den gavnlige
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Anders Bastiansen, (Anæstesien, 6. afdeling, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 22643010
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Bodil Steen Rasmussen
62) The Danish Hospital Licence Consortium
Ilse Schødt, Danish Regions, Copenhagen Denmark, Conni Skrubbeltrang, Medical Library Aalborg Hospital,
Denmark, Hanne Christensen, Medical Library Viborg Regional Hospital, Denmark.
In this poster we describe the conditions and how we have collaborated with Denmark's Electronic Research
Library, the Danish regions and the County Councils to find a model for giving access to electronic resources for
all health care personnel in Denmark.
The new regional structure in 2007 implied.
• new institutional quality-indicators
• better welfare for the citizens – such as better information on preventive medicine
• better quality for people working in the public health service
• more evidence based treatment
In spring 2005 The Federation of County Councils chaired a group of appointed medical librarians represent-
ing each of the five new regions. The task-force was to consider an economically responsible model for access
to electronic journals, databases and medical textbooks for health care personnel in all Danish hospitals and in
the primary care sector.
Methods: During the years 2005-2006 we mapped whether hospitals had access to electronic resources or not.
We examined the economic conditions and how resources were prioritized and made a list of basic products.
We used the experience from parallel projects in Norway and Sweden. Although Denmark is a small country
there were many "white spots" where doctors and other health care personnel did not have access to electronic
resources. They had difficulties with updating their professional knowledge and they could not easily find infor-
mation about evidence-based treatment methods.
Results: January 2007 the Regional Licence Consortium could welcome Danish hospitals and general practice
to more than 3.000 electronic journals and eight databases.
Indsendt af:
Ledende bibliotekar Conni Skrubbeltrang, (Medicinsk Bibliotek, Aalborg Sygehus, Århus Universitetshospital)
Uddannelse: Cand.Scient.Bibl.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326821
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Conni Skrubbeltrang
63) The effect of different doses of marine n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids on serum concentrations of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-
macroglobulin in healthy subjects.
Annette Andreasen1, Jes Vogt1, Vibeke L. Andersen1, Tina Obel2, Jeppe H. Christensen3, Erik B. Schmidt1,2
1Department of Cardiology, 2 Center for Cardiovascular Research 3 Department of Nephrology. Aalborg,
Århus University Hospital, Denmark
Objective: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) and
α2-macroglobulin may affect stability of atherosclerotic plaques and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may protect against atherosclerosis. The aim was to investigate the effect of marine n-3 PUFA supplementation on serum MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-macroglobulin. Methods: Healthy volunteers (n=60) were randomized to receive capsules containing either 6.6g marine n-3 PUFA/day, 2.0g marine n-3 PUFA/day or control capsules (olive oil). Serum MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-macroglobulin was measured at baseline and after supplements. Results (medians and ranges): There were no statistically significant changes in serum levels of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-macroglobulin within and between the three treatment groups.
2.0g n-3 PUFA/day
Baseline 12 weeks
Baseline 12 weeks
(201;448) (323;609)
(233;511) (323;545)
(169;306) (277;445)
(159;192) (152;195)
(152;188) (162;188)
(165;202) (147;194)
(1.31;2.06) (1.31;2.03)
(1.29;1.69) (1.25;1.51)
(1.32,1.61) (1.25;1.56)
Conclusion: Supplementation with marine n-3 PUFA in doses of 2.0 and 6.6 g/day for 12 weeks had no effect on serum levels of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-macroglobulin in healthy subjects. The possible protection offered by marine n-3 PUFA against plaque rupture is therefore unlikely to be mediated through a change in serum lev-els of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and α2-macroglobulin.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsbioanalytiker Annette Andreasen, (Lipidklinikken, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Bioanalytiker
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326886
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
64) The effect of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on plasma
myeloperoxidase levels in healthy adults.
Jakob Stegger (a, b), Vibeke L. Andersen (a, b), Jes Vogt (a, b), Tina Obel (b), Jeppe H. Christensen (b, c), Erik
B. Schmidt (a, b) a) Department of Cardiology, Aalborg, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark b) Center for
Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark c) Department of Nephrology, Aal-
borg, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Objective: To examine the effect of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) supplementation in low or
high doses on plasma levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in healthy individuals.
Background: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and MPO, which is secreted primarily from
activated neutrophils and monocytes, has pro-inflammatory properties and has been linked with both initiation
and propagation of atherosclerosis. Marine n-3 PUFA has anti-inflammatory properties, but whether n-3 PUFA
affects plasma levels of MPO is largely unknown.
Methods: In a controlled trial 60 healthy adults were randomized to three groups receiving either 2.0 g PUFA,
6.6 g PUFA or placebo (olive oil) for 12 weeks. Blood samples were drawn at baseline and after exposure.
Plasma levels of MPO were measured using a MPO ELISA-kit (from Mercodia, Upsala, Sweden) with specific
mouse monoclonal antibodies.
Results: The plasma MPO concentrations (μg/L) at baseline were 36.9 ± 9.4; 36.2 ± 7.1 and 35.4 ± 11.3 (for
high dose-, low dose- and placebo-group, respectively). After 12 weeks of supplementation we found no sig-
nificant changes in plasma MPO in any of the groups (36.1 ± 8.6; 37.0 ± 8.2 and 34.4 ± 11.1, respectively) or
between groups.
Conclusion: Supplements with n-3 PUFA has no effect on plasma levels of MPO in healthy adults.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk assistent Jakob Stegger, (Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand. Med.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 22292585
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Prof. Erik Berg Schmidt
65) The risk of cholecystitis in patients with cancer: a population-
based cohort study in Denmark
Reimar W. Thomsen, Henrik F. Thomsen, Mette Nørgaard, Karynsa Cetin, Joseph K. McLaughlin, Robert E.
Tarone, Jon P. Fryzek, Henrik T. Sørensen
Background Little information is available on the incidence of cholecystitis among patients with cancer.
Methods We conducted a population-based historical cohort study of 51,228 patients with incident cancer,
identified in medical databases of Western Denmark between 1995 and 2003. A general population compari-
son cohort of 512,280 persons was assembled using the Danish Civil Registration System. The occurrence of
cholecystitis in the two groups was determined by linkage to the regional Hospital Discharge Registry.
Results We identified 230 incident diagnoses of cholecystitis in our cancer cohort during 130,185 person-years,
corresponding to an incidence rate of 1.8/1000 person-years. After adjustment for confounders, the relative
risk (RR) for cholecystitis among cancer patients compared with the general population cohort was 1.38 (95%
confidence interval (CI) 1.20-1.58). Overall, the RR for cholecystitis was doubled during the first six months
after cancer diagnosis (RR=1.95, 95% CI 1.50-2.54), after which the RR declined but remained greater than 1
throughout the rest of the follow-up period (RR=1.23, 95% CI 1.05-1.45). Pancreatic, colorectal and thyroid
cancer compared to other tumor types conferred an especially high risk for subsequent cholecystitis.
Conclusion Cholecystitis occurs more frequently among cancer patients than in the general population, par-
ticularly within the first six months after a cancer diagnosis. Clinicians who treat cancer patients should remain
vigilant about this type of infection. [Published in Cancer, December 2008]
Indsendt af:
Afdelingslæge, Klinisk Lektor, ph.d. Reimar W. Thomsen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326904
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
66) The role of alternative transcripts of PRDM1 in B cell differen-
tiation and malignancies
Maria Bro Kloster, Karen Dybkær Sørensen, Hans Erik Johnsen
The terminal differentiation of B cells into plasma cells is driven by expression of the positive regulatory zinc
finger domain protein 1 (PRDM1) and through its transcriptional repression of target transcription factors.
PRDM1 maps to the chromosomal region, 6q21-q22.1, that is a frequently deleted region in diffuse large B cell
lymphomas (DLBCL) and belongs to the PRDM gene family of transcription repressors that is characterized by
a PR domain at the N-terminus and a DNA-binding Krüppel-type zinc finger domain at the C-terminus.
Fourteen alternative transcripts of PRDM1 have been predicted but only PRDM1α and PRDM1β have so far
been identified experimentally. PRDM1β is functionally impaired and differs from PRDM1α by lacking 101 amino acids at the N-terminus and having a disrupted PR domain. It has been demonstrated that these tran-scripts are differently expressed in DLBCL, and it is suggested that PRDM1β has the potential to interfere with PRDM1α, blocking for the functional PRDM1α. This observation leads to the hypothesis that different alterna-tive transcripts of the same gene have an impact on the expression of target genes. The objectives of this study is to 1) identify alternative transcripts of PRDM1 in specific B cell subpopulations and to 2) demonstrate the impact of these alternative transcripts on the expression of target genes, PAX5, c-MYC, and CIITA. The objectives will be pursued by determining mRNA expression levels for PRDM1, PAX5, c-MYC, and CIITA by microarray and q-PCR. Resulting protein levels of PRDM1 will be determined by Western blot and PRDM1-DNA interaction by ChIP analysis. A part of the scientific programme CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and In-novation.
Indsendt af:
Ph.d-studerende Maria Bro Kloster, (Hæmatologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Civilingeniør medicinsk bioteknologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 27105138
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans Erik Johnsen
67) The role of miRNA in B-cell differentiation and malignancies
Hans E. Johnsen og Karen Dybkær Sørensen
Deregulated B-cell differentiation and activation are common in B-cell lymphomas and leukaemias and are
reflected in tumor cells apparently stalled at a particular stage of differentiation of normal B-cell development.
Oncogenic hits might, however, occur at an early stage of B-cell differentiation, followed by subsequently differ-
entiation before final malignant transformation results in tumor growth and end-stage B-cell differentiation.
The hypothesis of this project is that 1) specific microRNA- and their target gene- signatures are presents in the
pre-malignant transformed tumor cells and 2) aberrant microRNA- and target gene- signatures can be observed
when comparing every step of the normal B-cell differentiation with the corresponding steps in B-cell malignan-
It has recently been shown that a specific miRNA signature persists during B-cell differentiation, with a highly
unique profile in the GC-lymphocytes. However, the full extent and function of miRNA during B-cell differentia-
tion and malignancies are not understood.
The objectives of this project are to identify the specific microRNA and target gene signature persistent for pre-
malignant differentiation conditions and for every step in the differentiation process in normal and malignant
B-cells. This will be pursued by 1) Comparing miRNA and target gene expression data from normal subpopu-
lations to different B-cell malignancies representing distinct stages of B-cell differentiation; thus compare CLL
with naïve B-cells and GC-cells, DLBCL with GC-cells and MM with plasma-cells. 2) Performing functional
analysis of the involved miRNA and their target genes by "interaction-fishing".
This is a part of the scientific programme CHEPRE supported by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology
and Innovation.
Indsendt af:
Ph.D. studerende Maria Bach Laursen, (Hæmatologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Cand. Scient. i molekylærbiologi
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 22469794
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Hans E. Johnsen
68) The validity oftuberculosis ICD-10 diagnoses in the Danish
population-based National Patient Registry
Leegaard A, Vinther PM, Sanden AK, Thomsen RW.
OBJECTIVE: Large health care databases hold a huge potential for surveillance and epidemiological research
in respiratory infections including tuberculosis (TB). Testing the validity of infection codes in the databases is
essential to accurately identify infected patients. We examined the validity ICD-10 diagnoses of TB, A15-A19, in
the Danish National Patient Registry.
STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We reviewed a sample of 100 hospital records of patients living in North
Jutland County, Denmark, registered with a first-time inpatient or outpatient hospital diagnosis of TB in the Pa-
tient Registry between 1994 and 2006. The positive predictive value (PPV) of a first-time principal or secondary
hospital diagnosis of TB for having active TB was estimated. We defined active TB based on updated references.
RESULTS: Overall, 65 of 100 patients had a correct diagnosis of first-time active TB resulting in a PPV of 65%
(95% confidence interval (CI): 54.8-74.3). When we divided the patient sample into principal (first-coded) and
secondary diagnoses, we found that 56 out of 70 principal TB diagnoses and 9 out of 30 secondary TB diag-
noses were correctly diagnosed corresponding to PPVs of 80.0% (95% CI: 68.7-88.6) and 30.0% (95% CI: 14.7-
49.4), respectively. 35 patients were rejected because of coding errors (n=6), suspected but dismissed diagnosis
of TB (n=17), or having previously but not currently active TB (n=12).
CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the validity of principal ICD-10 diagnoses of TB in the Danish Nation-
al Patient Registry is sufficient for future population-based studies of risk and prognostic factors for TB.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsvikar Anne Leegaard, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26792990
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
69) Transferring evidence based nursing from one context to anoth-
er – from diabetes care to psychiatric nursing
Rikke Jørgensen
In mental health nursing practice in Denmark there is no tradition for empirical research as the basis of psy-
chiatric nursing – unverified theories or general consensus of good clinical practice are often the foundation
of psychiatric nursing. Developing new research-based interventions/methods is time consuming and requires
academic skills. Occasionally interventions/methods developed in other fields, seem promising and relevant for
one's own practice. Still it is important to investigate if the intervention/method is transferable from one field to
The method Guided Self-Determination(GSD) is developed, evaluated and implemented in difficult diabetes
care and facilitates meaningful and efficient problem solving between patient and health care professional. Ac-
knowledging that the method GSD possibly is usable in psychiatric care induced following process:
Firstly a pilot study was conducted aiming at investigating the interaction between patients diagnosed with
schizophrenia and psychiatric nurses to detect if patterns discovered between patients and providers in diabe-
tes care also were at play in psychiatric care. Secondly the worksheets from the method GSD were adjusted to
patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and afterwards a qualitative evaluation of the method was conducted with focus on patients life skills. Results showed that GSD has a positive influence on the patients' life skills. Currently a randomised controlled study investigates if the method GSD has effect on the outcomes insight, self-esteem, recovery, psychopathology and social functioning. If the method GSD proves effective in the care of patients with schizophrenia, it is ready for further research on implementation in mental health nursing prac-tice.
Indsendt af:
Forskningssygeplejerske og ph.d. studerende Rikke Jørgensen, (Enheden for Psykiatrisk Forskning, Psykiatrien)
Uddannelse: Sygeplejerske, Cand.Cur.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 22726977
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Professor Povl Munk-Jørgensen
70) Treatment with PTH (1–34) Improves Three-Dimensional
Microstructural Properties of Regenerated Bone in a Rabbit Tibial
Lengthening Model
Ramune Aleksyniene, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen, Henrik Eckardt, Kristian G. Bundgaard, Martin Lind, Ivan Hvid
Since the approval of parathyroid hormone (PTH) as an anabolic treatment for osteoporosis, PTH has increas-
ingly been investigated for bone repair and regeneration. The microstructure of newly formed bone during
distraction osteogenesis treated with PTH has yet to be studied. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to
investigate the effects of intermittent PTH (1–34) treatment on the microstructure of regenerated bone after
distraction osteogenesis in rabbits. After tibial mid-diaphyseal osteotomy the callus was distracted 1 mm/day
for 10 days. The rabbits were divided in to 3 groups, which daily received a PTH (1-34) 25µg/kg injection for 30
days, a saline injection for 10 days and a PTH injection for 20 days, or a saline injection for 30 days. The new-
trabecular structure of the regenerate was assessed by micro computed tomography (µCT). In all 51 specimens
were scanned and evaluated morphometrically using three different volumes of interests. The investigated µCT
parameters included trabecular number, trabecular thickness, trabecular separation, bone volume fraction,
bone volume, connectivity density, and degree of anisotropy. The results showed that intermittent treatment
with PTH during distraction osteogensis resulted in a significantly higher trabecular number, a more isotropic
trabecular orientation, a higher connectivity density, and a higher bone mass. We also found that the newly
regenerated calluses treated with PTH were more mature than the non-treated calluses. In conclusion: treat-
ment with PTH resulted in an enhanced microstructure of the newly regenerated bone indicating that PTH has a
potential role as a stimulating agent for distraction osteogenesis.
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge, ph.d. Ramune Aleksyniene, (Nuklearmedicinsk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99323139
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jens Brøchner-Mortensen
71) Tværfaglig Rehabilitering efter Operation for Lungekræft
Brocki, BC- forskningsfysioterapeut, Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen Rodkjær,L - specialeansvarlig syge-
plejerske, Hjerte- Lungekirurgisk Afdeling Nekrasas, V - overlæge, Hjerte- Lungekirugisk Afdeling Jakobsen, ML
- BSc, Kardiovaskulær Forskningscenter Dethlefsen, C - MSc, Phd, Kardiovaskulær Forskningscenter Andreasen,
J - Udviklings- og forskningsansvarlig, MLP, Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen
BAGGRUND: Radikalt opererede lungekræftpatienter rapporterer om respiratoriske problemer, forringet fysisk
funktionsniveau og nedsat livskvalitet. Studier viser, fysisk aktivitet influerer positivt på livskvalitet.
Studiet er et randomiseret kontrolleret stratificeret, enkeltblindet studie, som undersøger effekten af fysisk træn-
ing og dyspnøhåndtering på livskvalitet og fysisk formåen for radikalt opererede lungekræftpatienter. Inklusion
af de 70 deltagere forventes afsluttet juni 2009.
METODE: Interventionsgruppen deltager en gang ugentligt i et 10 ugers holdtræningsforløb baseret på aerob-
/og styrketræning samt dyspnøhåndtering suppleret med hjemmetræning. Træningsintensitet er 60- 80% af
arbejdskapaciteten. Kontrolgruppen modtager engangsinstruktion i ovenstående. Alle deltagere tilbydes op til 3
individuelle samtaler med sygeplejerske.
Målinger ved inklusion og efter 4 måneder: livskvalitet (SF-36), gangdistance (6 minutters gang-test) og lunge-
funktion (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC). Sygeplejesamtaler registreres.
FORELØBIGE RESULTATER: Begge grupper viser let fremgang ved alle målinger. Der er ingen forskel ved måling
af gangdistancen og FEV1. Forskellen mellem intervention (N=21) og kontrol-gruppen (N=20) er: FVC 4% ( 12%
vs.8%), SF-36 fysisk funktion 8% (16% vs. 8%), SF-36 psykisk velbefindende -11% (5% vs. 16%). Kvinderne rap-
porterer generelt ringere psykisk velbefindende end mænd. Alle tilfælde af sekundær cancer ses hos kvinder, som
rapporterer ringere psykisk velbefindende, sammenlignet med kvinder eller mænd med primær lungecancer (-4%
vs. 10%, mænd 13%).
KONKLUSION: Foreløbige resultater viser ingen særlig forskel mellem interventions- og kontrolgruppe. Kvinder
med sekundær lungecancer rapporterer ringere psykisk velbefindende.
PERSPEKTIVERING: Længere overlevelsestid for cancerpatienter øger behov for postoperative interventioner til
forbedring af livskvalitet. Dette studie vil bidrage til den kliniske evidens på området.
Indsendt af:
Forskningsfysioterapeut Barbara Cristina Brocki, (Ergoterapi- og Fysioterapiafdelingen, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: fysioterapeut
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99322988
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Jane Andreasen
72) Use of photosensitizing diuretics and risk of skin cancer: a pop-
ulation based case control study
Annette Østergaard Jensen, PhD,a, b Henrik Frederik Thomsen, PhD,a Malene Cramer Engebjerg, MSc,a Anne
Braae Olesen, PhD,b Henrik Toft Sørensen, PhD, DMSc, a and Margaret R. Karagas, PhD c (aDepartment of
Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus C, Denmark; bDepartment of Dermatology, Aarhus
University Hospital, Aarhus C, Denmark; cDepartment of Community and Family Medicine, Section of Biosta-
tistics and Epidemiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA)
Background: Diuretics have photosensitizing properties. However, little is known about how these diuretics af-
fect the risk of skin cancers.
Aim: In North Jutland County, Denmark, we investigated whether use of photosensitizing diuretics were asso-ciated with an increased risk for developing basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM). Methods: From the Cancer Registry we identified primary cases of BCC, SCC and MM during the period of 1989-2003. We selected four population controls for each case from the Danish Civil Registration System, matched on age and gender. Prescriptions for photosensitizing diuretics prior to cancer diagnosis were ascer-
tained in the county's Prescription Database. We used conditional logistic regression to compute incidence rate ratio (IRR), controlling for the chronic medical conditions and for previous use of oral glucocorticoids.
Results: We found an increased risk of SCC (IRR of 1.79 (95% CI: 1.45-2.21)) and MM (IRR of 1.43 (95% CI: 1.09-1.88)) among users of combined amiloride and hydrochlorothiazide therapy. An increased risk of MM (IRR of 3.30 (95% CI: 1.34-8.10)) was found among users of indapamide. We found little associations with risk of BCC. Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence that the use of some photosensitizing diuretics is associated with an increased risk for SCC and MM of the skin.
Indsendt af:
Læge, ph.d. Annette Østergaard Jensen, (Klinisk Epidemiologisk Afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Læge, ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99326906
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Mette Nørgaard
73) Videolaryngoscopi med GlideScope
Ulla Lei Larsen Niels Eykens Hjørnet Per Lambert
Introduktion: Trods omhyggelig præoperativ vurdering af luftvejene kan der ved intubation forekomme uventet
vanskelig luftvej. Ved direkte laryngoskopi kan oversigten, beskrives i henhold til Cormack-Lehane gradueringen
(CL). Flere producenter har præsenteret et videolaryngoskop. Vi har afprøvet et, GlideScopet. Undersøgelser [1]
har vist at GlideScopet har forbedret visualiseringen af stemmeridsen under intubation. Vi har afprøvet Glide-
Scopet på 24 elektive patienter.
Metode: GlideScopet anvendtes på patienter, som mødte til elektive ØNH-indgreb.
Ved det anæstesiologiske tilsyn scores patienter efter Simplified Airway Risk Index (SARI) [2]. Patienter med SA-
RI-score < 4 blev medtaget, da patienter med højere SARI-score sædvanligvis fiberskopisk intuberes. Anæstesien
indledtes med remifentanil og propofol, mhb på applikation af lidokain 4% endotrakealt foretages først direkte
laryngoskopi (DL) med Macintosh laryngoskop og patienternes CL grad blev noteret. Efter manuel ventilation
blev laryngoskopi og intubation foretaget ved hjælp af GlideScopet (GS) og den nu opnåede CL-grad noteres.
Resultater: Alle 24 patienter blev uproblematisk intuberet med GlideScopet. Hos 16 patienter fandtes samme
CL-score, nemlig 1. Hos de øvrige 8 patienter, med højere CL-score fandtes bedre indblik med glidescopet.
Diskussion: GlideScopet har vist sig at kunne reducere CL-scoren, og dermed forbedre indblikket hos de 8 pa-tienter, der havde en score over 1, og vi har kunnet intubere alle patienter, uden komplikationer. Konklusion: GlideScopet kan være en gevinst ved elektive indgreb på en ØNH-afdeling, hvor der forventes over-hyppighed af vanskelige luftveje.
Referencer: 1. Sun DA et al. Br J Anaesth 2005;94:381-4. 2. el-Ganzouri AR et al. Anesth Analg 1996;82:1197-204.: 3. Malik AM et al. Anesth Analg 2007;104:1610-1
Indsendt af:
Reservelæge Niels Eykens Hjørnet, (ØNH-Anæstesi, Anæstesien)
Uddannelse: Læge
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 26416061
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen:
74) "♥KOST" – validering af et nyt og enkelt kostskema
Anne-Mette Haugaard, Lone J. Bjerregaard, Anja Grøn Knudsen og Erik Berg Schmidt.
Baggrund: Hjertekarsygdom er den hyppigste dødsårsag i Danmark. Mange faktorer kan påvirke risikoen for
hjertekarsygdom, herunder kostens fedtkvalitet og indhold af frugt og grønt, fisk og fuldkornsprodukter.
For at kunne vejlede personer i kostomlægning, er det essentielt at få en god vurdering af personens kost. Sæd-
vanligt anvendte kostundersøgelsesmetoder er desværre meget besværlige i klinisk praksis. Det er derfor betydn-
ingsfuldt at udvikle et bedre redskab til vurdering af kostvaner.
Formål: At validere et nyudviklet og lettilgængeligt kostskema "♥KOST" sammenlignet med et allerede valideret
kostfrekvensskema "Inter99".
Metode: Rekruttering og intervention er udført ved Lipidklinikken, Aalborg Sygehus, hvor i alt 200 deltagere
(100 hjertepatienter og 100 raske) har gennemført studiet. Deltagerne har udfyldt "♥KOST" og Inter99 på
Lipidklinikken i forlængelse af hinanden under instruktion af klinisk diætist. Efter en måned har de raske delt-
agere fået tilsendt og genudfyldt "♥KOST". Af den raske population er 50 deltagere randomiseret til at få taget
blodprøver med henblik på at validere "♥KOST" ved hjælp af udvalgte objektive biomarkører, lipider, s-fosfolip-
ider (fedtsyrer) og β-caroten. Herudover er der inkluderet 40 raske kvinder, som har udfyldt "♥KOST" to gange
og "Inter99" én gang. Hos disse er der endvidere taget fedtvævsbiopsi med henblik på at validere "♥KOST" i
forhold til deltagernes fiskeindtag over en længere periode. Studiet foregår i samarbejde med Hjerteforeningen.
Resultater: Resultater forventes at foreligge i foråret 2009 og vil blive præsenteret.
Indsendt af:
Klinisk diætist Anne-Mette Haugaard, (Lipidklinikken, Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Sygehus)
Uddannelse: Klinisk diætist
E-mail: [email protected] / Telefon: 99 32 68 96
Forskningsansvarlig på afdelingen: Erik Berg Schmidt
ISBN: 978-87-90880-19-4
ADOLESCENCIA La adolescencia es una etapa crucial y critica durante el desarrollo de la vida de todo ser humano, y es considerada como un periodo de transición en el desarrollo entre la niñez y la edad adulta, donde existen cambios físicos, sociales y emocionales. Los cambios biológicos que se generan en el interior del cuerpo tienen una gran repercusión en el exterior y éstos son notables. Aquí encontrarás en que consisten dichos
Conceptualizing disease: building unifying models to support the development of PROs and cost-effectiveness analyses. A case study in Alzheimer's Disease (AD)Wild D, Mealing S, Gallop K, Nixon A, Lloyd A, Briggs A, Sculpher MOxford Outcomes Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom INTRODUCTION Conceptual models are used in Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) research to explore a