Contemporary Mathematics
An Invitation to Toric Topology:
Vertex Four of a Remarkable Tetrahedron
Victor M Buchstaber and Nigel Ray
1. An Invitation
Motivation. Sometime around the turn of the recent millennium, those of
us in Manchester and Moscow who had been collaborating since the mid-1990sbegan using the term
toric topology to describe our widening interests in certainwell-behaved actions of the torus. Little did we realise that, within seven years, asignificant international conference would be planned with the subject as its theme,and delightful Japanese hospitality at its heart.
When first asked to prepare this article, we fantasised about an authorita-
tive and comprehensive
survey; one that would lead readers carefully through thefoothills above which the subject rises, and provide techniques for gaining sufficientheight to glimpse its extensive mathematical vistas. All this, and more, would beilluminated by references to the wonderful Osaka lectures!
Soon afterwards, however, reality took hold, and we began to appreciate that
such a task could not be completed to our satisfaction within the timescale avail-able. Simultaneously, we understood that at least as valuable a service could berendered to conference participants by an
invitation to a wider mathematical au-dience - an invitation to savour the atmosphere and texture of the subject, toconsider its geology and history in terms of selected examples and representativeliterature, to glimpse its exciting future through ongoing projects; and perhaps tolocate favourite Osaka lectures within a novel conceptual framework. Thus wasborn the
Toric Tetrahedron TT , which identifies aspects of algebraic, combinato-rial, and symplectic geometry as the precursors of toric topology, and symbolisesthe powerful mathematical bonds between all four areas.
The Tetrahedron is the convex hull of these
vertex disciplines, and every point
has barycentric coordinates that measure the extent of their respective contribu-tions. We introduce the vertices in chronological order (a mere two years separates
Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 57R19, 57S25; Secondary 14M25, 52B20,
53D20, 55P15.
Key words and phrases. Davis-Januszkiewicz space, Hamiltonian geometry, homotopy col-
imit, moment-angle complex, quasitoric manifold, Stanley-Reisner algebra, subspace arrangement,toric geometry, toric variety.
⃝0000 (copyright holder)
second and third), not least because time has acted like a Morse function in defin-ing a flow down the 1–skeleton, as
TT has emerged from the unknown. Such flowson convex polytopes play an important rˆ
ole in toric topology! Similar geometrical
analogies have suggested other useful insights as we continue to refine our under-standing of the Tetrahedron.
So our primary aim is to issue a concise invitation to the study of
T T , in which
we avoid many technical details and offer an abbreviated bibliography. By way
of compensation, we invite readers to sample influential publications for each of
the vertex disciplines, and several of the edges and facets. We propose one or two
which lie at their
source, and a few important
survey articles; the latter combine
expert overviews with comprehensive bibliographies. Throughout our discussion we
view the torus as a unifying force that maintains the integrity of the Tetrahedron,
and provides a bridge between its far-flung regions. The most common context
for its actions lies in the theory of manifolds, which arise repeatedly in singular,
smooth, and more highly structured forms.
Before accepting our invitation, readers might also like to consult web-based re-
sources which chart the rise of toric topology. These include: archives of Transpen-nine Topology Triangle meetings 18, 43, 56 and 59; the 2004 Keldysh CentenaryConference in Moscow; the Osaka meeting itself; and the Osaka City UniversitySummer School. There is also the Manchester Toric Topology Page, and the con-ference page for New Horizons in Toric Topology that is scheduled to take place inManchester during 2008. These may be found at
We assume that readers have a basic knowledge of algebraic topology. Never-
theless, we emphasise our convention that homology and cohomology groups
X) of a topological space
X are always
reduced, and that their unreducedcounterparts
X+) and
X+) require the addition of a disjoint basepoint. Thesame convention also holds for generalised theories such as cobordism and
During the last 18 months, many colleagues have helped us to prepare this work
(sometimes unwittingly) and we thank them all. Those who deserve special mentioninclude Tony Bahri, Galina Buchstaber, Kostya Feldman, and Taras Panov. Weapologise in advance to any whose work we have omitted or misrepresented; nodoubt such sins will be brought to our attention with due speed! We are alsograteful to the editors of these Proceedings and their counterparts at the AMS forall their support and encouragement.
In order to present our invitation on a suitably decorative background, we
offer some elementary observations on group actions. In spite of their simplicitythey have been prominent in toric topology throughout its development, and haverecently fed back into the original vertex disciplines to good effect. We thereforerefer to them in terms that anticipate their reappearance below.
The idea of a group
G acting on a set of elements
X has existed since Galois
ushered in the revolutionary era of abstract algebra in the 1830s. The case in which
X denotes a set of points and
G a group of symmetries was studied forty yearslater by Klein, and proved to be an equally dramatic catalyst for the developmentof geometry. We draw inspiration from both points of view — in particular, weconsider the poset
G) of subgroups of
G, ordered by inclusion
We write any
G-set as a pair (
X, a), where
a :
G × X → X is the function
g, x) =
g · x that describes the left action of symmetries
g on points
x. For each
x ∈ X, we denote its isotropy subgroup by
Gx ≤ G and its orbit by
Gx ⊆ X;so
G/Gx and
Gx correspond bijectively, and
Gw and
Gx are conjugate in
G forany
w ∈ Gx. The partition of
X into disjoint orbits is the
kernel of the quotientfunction
q :
X → X/G. A
section for
a is a right inverse
s :
X/G → X of
q, and isspecified by choosing a preferred representative
Gx) for each orbit;
s determinesa
characteristic function λs :
X/G → S(
G), by
Gx) =
Alternatively, suppose given a characteristic function
λ :
Q → S(
G) on an ar-
bitrary set
Q. The
derived set of
λ is defined by
λ) = (
G × Q)
/ ∼ ,
where the equivalence relation is generated by (
g, q)
∼ (
h, q) whenever
h ∈ λ(
λ) is a
G-set with respect to the canonical action
g · [
h, q] = [
gh, q], whoseisotropy subgroups are given by
h,q] =
h−1 for any
h ∈ G and
q ∈ Q. Theorbits are the subsets
h, q] :
h ∈ G}, and projection
→ Q onto the secondfactor is the associated quotient map; a canonical section is given by
q) = [1
, q]for any
q ∈ Q. By definition,
λ) is
initial amongst
G-sets (
X, aX ) equipped withfunctions
X → Q that are constant on orbits, and sections
sX :
Q → X such that
q) =
q) for any
q ∈ Q.
Simple calculation confirms that the constructions
λ) and
λs are mutually
inverse, and therefore that they establish a
fundamental correspondence betweencharacteristic functions and
G-sets with sections. In particular, every choice ofsection
s for (
X, a) leads to a
G-equivariant bijection
fs :
−→ X ,
g, Gx] =
g · s(
Gx). We refer to
λs) as a
derived form of (
X, a).
For any (
X, a) with section
s, we partition
X/G by the kernel of
λs, and pull the
partition back to
X along the projection
q. Similarly, for any characteristic function
λ :
Q → S(
G) we partition
Q by the kernel of
λ, and pull the partition back to
λ)along projection onto the second factor. These partitions are interchanged in theobvious fashion by the fundamental correspondence, and we refer to the blocks ofall four as
isotropy blocks.
Now suppose that
G is a normal subgroup, and consider the surjection
→ S(
G/K) of posets induced by taking quotients. Any characteristic func-tion
λ :
Q → S(
G) projects to
λK :
Q → S(
G/K), and gives rise to a surjection
rK :
→ D(
λK); by (2.1),
rK is equivariant with respect to the actions of
G and
G/K, and the canonical section
sK :
Q → D(
λK) is given by
rK · s. We may theninterchange the rˆ
oles of
G and
G/K, by starting with an epimorphism
e :
H → G
that has kernel
L, and lifting
λ to
λe :
Q → S(
H). We obtain compositions
−→ D(
−→ Q
−→ D(
−→ Q ,
which factorise and extend the original quotient function
q in turn. The correspond-ing compositions for
G-sets are
X → X/K → X/G and
Y → Y /L → (
Y /L)
In order to impose geometric flesh on these set theoretic bones, we proceed by
assuming that
a is a continuous action of the topological group
G on a topologicalspace
X. Every isotropy subgroup is necessarily closed, so the
characteristic mapλs :
X/G → C(
G) takes values in the poset of closed subgroups, and is continuouswith respect to the
lower topology on
G), whose subbasic closed sets are of theform
H↑ =
{J H ≤ J}. Thus
H↑) is closed in
X/G, and its inverse image
q is a component of the fixed point set Fix(
H) for any closed
H ≤ G.
Alternatively, suppose given a characteristic map
λ :
Q → C(
G) for some topo-
logical space
Q. The
derived space D(
λ) is obtained by topologising the derivedset (2.1) so that projection onto
Q is a quotient map; the inherited
G-action andcanonical section are then continuous, and
λ) is initial in the topological context.
The constructions
λ) and
λs are mutually inverse, and define a
topological correspondence between characteristic maps and
G-spaces with sections.
In particular, every choice of continuous section for an arbitrary
G-space (
X, a)leads to a
G-equivariant homeomorphism
fs :
−→ X ;
as before, we refer to
λs) as a
derived form of (
X, a). The closures of the isotropyblocks form coverings of
X and
λ) by fixed point sets, and are identified by thefundamental correspondence. The closures of the quotient blocks in
X/G and
Qcorrespond similarly.
As we explore
TT , we impose increasingly stringent geometrical conditions on
whose justification and significance will become apparent. The common philosophyis to view the quotient map
q :
X → X/G as a singular
G-bundle, and to interpretthe geometry of
X in terms of
G and
X/G using an appropriate derived form. Thisapproach has a long and distinguished history in equivariant topology, and featuresin attempts such as those of J¨
anich [
62] and Davis [
34] to classify Lie group actions
on smooth manifolds.
One additional aspect of the topological situation is important, namely the
interplay between homotopy theory and the action
a. For any topological group
G there exist various functorial models for a contractible space
EG on which
Gacts freely, and with closed orbits; any such
EG is final amongst well-behavedfree
G-spaces and
G-equivariant homotopy classes of maps. The quotient map
EG → EG/G is then a universal principal
G-bundle, where
EG/G =
BG is a
classifying space for
G, and unique up to homotopy equivalence.
X may be replaced by the homotopy equivalent
EG×X, on which
G acts freely by
g · (
e, x) = (
g · e, g · x). So projection onto the first factor representsthe homotopy class of maps to the final object, and classifies a principal
G bundleover the quotient
EG ×G X. The latter space is the
Borel construction on (
X, a),otherwise known as the
homotopy quotient, and is equivalent to
X/G when
G actsfreely on
X. In other cases,
EG ×G X has superior topological properties to
X/G,and toric topology deals as much with homotopy quotients as with orbit spaces.
These considerations illustrate the power of algebraic topology to generalise
constructions that are purely algebraic. Whenever
G is discrete, for example, the
cohomology ring
BG; Z) is isomorphic to the group theoretic cohomology of
In consequence, Milnor's original version [
74] of
BG stimulated the development of
continuous cohomology theory for topological groups.
Henceforth, we restrict
G to a compact
n–dimensional torus
T n unless otherwise
stated, on the grounds that toroidal symmetry is implicit in many physical systems
because the coordinates may be thought of as angles. We sometimes assume that
X is an object of a category that is particularly convenient for homotopy theory,
such as the
k-spaces of [
Examples. We now invite readers to consider three families of examples that
illustrate our background principles in action. The first is a local model for manyothers, and the second and third are generalised and extended later. All three arebased on the coordinatewise multiplication map
µ : C
n × C
n → C
n, defined by
, . . , yn, z1
, . . , zn) = (
, . . , ynzn)
for any
n > 0. We abbreviate the set
, . . , n} to [
n], and write the subspace
{z zi = 0 for
i /∈ ω} as C
ω ≤ C
n for any subset
ω ⊆ [
n]. Similarly, we denote thecompact torus (
ω by
T ω ⊂ (C
ω, as a subspace of
{z zi ̸= 0
} ⊂ C
ω. Finally,we write C
δ and
Tδ < C
n for the diagonal line and its unit subcircle respectively.
Example 2.1. Let
X be C
n, and
a :
T n × C
n → C
n the restriction of
µ. For
z ∈ C
n, the isotropy subgroup
T n is
T [
ω, where
ω is the unique subset of [
for which
z ∈ (C
ω; the orbit
T nz is the
ω –dimensional torus
T ωz. There is ahomeomorphism
h : C
n/T n → R
n to the non-negative coordinate cone, induced by
, . . , zn) = (
, . . , zn 2)
and the standard inclusion of R
n in C
n specifies a canonical section
s : R
n → C
The isotropy blocks are the subspaces (C
ω ⊂ C
n, whose closures C
ω are the fixedpoint sets Fix(
T [
ω). The blocks project to the interiors of the correspondingfaces R
ω of the polyhedron R
n, whose closures are the faces themselves. The
characteristic map
λs : R
n → S(
T n) assigns the subtorus
T [
ω to the interior of
the face R
ω, and the derived form associated to
s is the canonical homeomorphism
fs : (
T n × R
/ ∼ −→ C
Example 2.2. For any ordered pair (
p, q) of positive integers, let
p, q) be
the product of unit spheres
× S2
⊂ C
q+2 and
a the product action of
T p+1
× T q+1. The orbit space is homeomorphic to the product
∆p × ∆q of standardsimplices in R
× R
, by (2.3). Let
K be the 2–torus
T (
p, q)
< T p+1
× T q+1 of
( (
, . . , t1)
, (
, . . , t2
, t−1
∈ S1. Then
M (
p, q) =
p, q)
/T (
p, q) is a 2
nd stage Dobrinskaya tower
40], and is a 2(
p +
q)–dimensional smooth manifold, equipped with an action of
the quotient (
p +
T p+
/T (
p, q). The associated factorisation (2.2) takes
the form
p, q)
→ M (
p, q)
→ ∆p × ∆q; many homotopic sections exist for the
projection, because the product of simplices is contractible.
The isotropy blocks of
∆p ×∆q corresponding to subtori
T p+
q−k are the relative
interiors of the
k–dimensional faces, for 0
≤ k ≤ p +
q; their closures are the facesthemselves. The corresponding components of the fixed point sets in
M (
p, q) arelower-dimensional 1st or 2nd stage towers. The coordinates induced on
M (
p, q)take the form (
, . . , xn;
, . . , up), where
x lies in
∆p × ∆q and
u in
T p+
q; theyare singular over the boundary. All these structures on
M (
p, q) lift to naturally totheir counterparts in
× S2
By construction,
M (
p, q) is the projectivisation of the complex (
q + 1)–plane
bundle C
q ⊕ η over C
P p, where
η is the canonical line bundle. So
M (1
, 1) is a 2
stage Bott tower [
53], and is diffeomorphic to a Hirzebruch surface; it is also the
bounded flag manifold B2 [
24], consisting of flags 0
< L1
< L2
< C3 for which
L2 contains the first coordinate line; then (
u, v)
∈ T 2 acts on
L1 by (1
, v, uv), and
L2 by (1
, 1
, u). The case
q = 0 reduces to the quotient space
/Tδ, and is
diffeomorphic to C
P p.
In fact
M (
p, q) may be extended to a
kth stage tower, by iterating the projec-
tivisation procedure, and replacing C
q ⊕ η with a sequence of more general bundles.
The details are provided by Dobrinskaya [
40], and require care. The correspond-
ing bounded flag manifolds
Bk are significant contributors to complex cobordism
theory [
23], [
88], as we shall explain below.
Example 2.3. Let
X be C
0, and
a : C
× × (C
→ (C
0) the
restriction of
µ. The quotient space is the algebraic variety C
P n, on which thealgebraic torus (C
n acts with a single dense principal orbit. In this context, thetoric coordinates identify C
P n with an
equivariant compactification of (C
3. The Toric Triangle
We now invite readers to focus on the oldest facet of the Toric Tetrahedron,
which we label
ACS and call the
Toric Triangle. Each of the vertices
C, and
Srepresents appropriate aspects of a familiar discipline, whose key ideas and selectedliterature we introduce in this section. The edges of the triangle are populatedwith interdisciplinary work that involves two of the vertices in some proportion,and interior points represent activity that combines all three.
The first vertex A. This is the original vertex of the Triangle, and represents
algebraic geometry; or more specifically, the study of
toric varieties. These appear
to have been introduced in 1970 by Demazure [
37], whose work is therefore the
source of the entire Toric Tetrahedron. Demazure's constructions also became
known as
torus embeddings, and an early
survey was provided by Danilov [
33] in
1978. Twenty years later, Cox [
30] popularised the term
toric geometry for the
expanding array of ideas that surrounded the vertex, and updated his survey in
2002 to take account of developments in more distant regions of
TT [
The seminal books of Ewald [
44], Fulton [
50], and Oda [
82] presented the
topic to readers with little background in algebraic geometry, and showed singularexamples to be as important as those that are smooth; indeed, the term
toricmanifold is sometimes used to distinguish the latter. For the sake of brevity, werestrict attention to compact toric varieties, whether singular or smooth.
An essential ingredient of the toric geometer's worldview is the concept of a
complete fan (which we abbreviate to
fan henceforth). Every fan arises from
m > nvectors in the integral lattice Z
n < R
n, which determine
m positive half-lines knownas
rays; the rays intersect the unit sphere
⊂ R
n in
m points. Initially, weinsist that these be distributed so as to form the vertices of a simplicial subdivision
KΣ, none of whose faces contains antipodal points. The set of convex polyhedraobtained by taking the infinite cone on each face of
KΣ, with vertex the origin, isthen a
simplicial fan Σ. By convention,
} is included as the cone on the
emptyface ∅. If we allow the cones to be spanned by linearly dependent rays, we obtain
a less restricted notion of fan that is of sufficient generality for our purposes below;in every case, a fan decomposes R
n as a union of closed cones.
For any fan
Σ in R
n, we may construct a compact toric variety
XΣ. It is
covered by affine varieties
Xσ as
σ ranges over the cones of
Σ, where
Xσ and
Xσ′are glued along
Xτ whenever
σ and
σ′ have a common subcone
τ . The algebraictorus (C
n acts compatibly on the
Xσ, and therefore on
XΣ; in particular
}is naturally isomorphic to (C
n, and the action is by multiplication. Every conecontains the subcone
}, so
} is dense in
XΣ and forms the principal orbit ofthe global action. There is also a natural map of posets from the cones of
Σ tothe subtori of (C
n, ordered by inclusion. The construction of
XΣ in this fashionis tantamount to using the fan as a combinatorial blueprint for compactifying theprincipal orbit (C
n in such a way that coordinatewise multiplication extends toa (C
n-action. This viewpoint has been extremely influential during the growthof toric geometry.
XΣ to
Σ actually establishes a
fundamental varietal correspondence
between general fans and compact toric varieties, and the algebraic properties ofthe fan are reflected in the geometry of the corresponding variety. If
Σ is simplicial,for example, then the singularities of
XΣ are homeomorphic to finite quotients of
n, and the variety is an orbifold. If every cone is defined by rays that extend toa basis of Z
n, then
Σ is
regular, and
XΣ is smooth; and if
KΣ is the boundary ofa convex simplicial polytope, then
Σ is
polytopal, and
XΣ is projective.
One of Demazure's motivations for introducing toric varieties was his interest in
their algebraic isomorphisms, and he proved that Aut(
XΣ) is a compact Lie group
in any nonsingular case, with maximal torus
T n < (C
n acting by restriction.
Subsequently, his results were extended to toric orbifolds by Cox [
29], and to the
general case by B¨
The orbit space
QΣ of the maximal torus may be identified with a polyhedral
ball in R
n, whose bounding sphere is subdivided by the dual of
Σ. Every subspace
Xσ projects onto the dual of the corresponding face of
KΣ; in particular,
projects onto the interior of the ball. Following Fulton [
§4.1], for example, the
underlying topological
T n-space of
XΣ may then be expressed in derived form by
means of a homeomorphism
fΣ : (
T n × QΣ)
/ ∼ −→ XΣ.
The image of the associated section is known to algebraic geometers as a canonical
submanifold with corners, possibly singular, of
XΣ [
§1.3]. If
Σ is polytopal,
QΣ is the corresponding simple polytope.
Example 3.1. The simplest example of a toric manifold is, of course, given by
P n, whose fan may be taken to be the
n + 1 vectors
1,. . ,
j in R
it is regular and polytopal, being normal to the
n-simplex on 0,
e1, . . ,
en. More
generally, the vectors
1,. . ,
j form a fan
Σ for any nonnegative in-
w; it is simplicial, but regular only when
w = 1. For
w > 1, the correspondingtoric variety is an orbifold C
P n(
w, 1
, . . , 1), known as a weighted projective space,whereas the orbit space
QΣ is an
n–simplex for all values of
We describe generalisations of C
P n(
w, 1
, . . , 1) in
The second vertex C . The study of geometrical objects such as regular
polyhedra forms one of the oldest branches of mathematics, and reaches back thou-
sands of years. Nevertheless, we invite readers to consider combinatorial geometry
as the second vertex of
TT , on the grounds that we shall focus on those aspects of
the subject that have come of age since connections with toric varieties were first
discovered. The edge
AC was exposed in spectacular fashion by Stanley's solution
91] to one half of McMullen's conjecture in 1980; however brief, his work is the
source for the emergence and development of
C as an independent vertex.
Two of the most influential
surveys of polytope theory have been Gr¨
book [
54], and Ziegler's more recent lectures of 1995 [
99]. The latter is now quoted
by authors working in many areas of
TT , and emphasised the principle that
polytopes are by far the most amenable to general discussion. More specific to
the vertex
C itself is Stanley's key text [
92], where he transformed traditional
invariants of polytope theory into powerful algebraic machinery for the study of
abstract simplicial complexes
K. His pivotal construction was the
face ring R[
otherwise known as the
Stanley-Reisner algebra of
K, over a commutative ring
Whenever possible we write the vertices of
K as
v1, . . ,
vm, and the vertex set
V ; we also assume that the faces
σ ⊆ V include the empty face ∅. So
σ ∈ Kand
ρ ⊆ σ imply that
ρ ∈ K. For algebraic purposes we often insist that thevertices are graded by real dimension 2, and rewrite subsets
ω ⊂ V as squarefree
j in the polynomial algebra
V ) on the
vj . The face ring of
is then defined as the quotient
V )
ω /
∈ K), and the set of monomials divisible
by faces of
K forms an additive
In order to place McMullen's conjecture in context, we recall that the dual, or
polar polytope
P ∗, of any simple polytope
P is simplicial, and therefore boundedby a simplicial sphere
KP . For example, the
In is simple, and its polar isthe cross-polytope, whose boundary
KIn triangulates
Sn−1. This is also the dualityof (3.1), because
KP defines the normal fan of
P , whose rays may be taken to beintegral by small deformations of
P if necessary.
Historically, integral vectors
f (
P ) and
P ) were defined for simple polytopes
in terms of
KP , as follows. For any simplicial complex
K of dimension
n − 1, let
fjdenote the number of faces of dimension
j, for 0
≤ j ≤ n − 1, and write
f (
K) forthe vector (
, . . , fn−1); let
f−1 = 1 count the empty face. Then define integers
j for 0
≤ j ≤ n by the polynomial equation
j tn−j =
j (
t − 1)
−j ,
and write
K) for the vector (
, . . , hn). Finally, let the
g-vector g(
K) be given
by (
, . . , g[
n/2]), where
g0 = 1 and
gj =
hj − hj−1. In case
K =
KP , there is a
beautiful Morse theoretic argument [
17] involving flow along the 1-skeleton of
P to
show that the
Dehn-Sommerville equations
hj =
≤ j ≤ n
always hold. The case
n =
h0 is Euler's equation
j = 1 + (
Since 1959 [
90] it has been possible to characterise integral vectors that realise
f (
K) for some simplicial complex
K. The corresponding problem for simplicial
polytopes has a longer history, and the correct formulation was only achieved when
McMullen stated his conjecture in 1971 [
73]. Given an integral vector
h, he pro-
posed two requirements: firstly, that the Dehn-Sommerville equations (3.2) hold;
and secondly, that the associated
g-vector is of a combinatorial form referred to
by Stanley as an
M -vector. Stanley confirmed the necessity of McMullen's condi-
tions, by proving that
P ) is an
M -vector for any simple polytope
P . Sufficiency
was established simultaneously by Billera and Lee [
13], using completely different
methods. McMullen's characterisation is now known as the
The revolutionary aspect of Stanley's proof was his use of the toric variety
corresponding to the fan defined by
KP . By construction,
Σ is both simplicial andpolytopal, so
XΣ is a projective toric orbifold. The Danilov-Jurkiewicz theoremtherefore describes its rational cohomology ring by means of an isomorphism
KP ]
/J −→ H∗(
XΣ; Q)
J denotes an ideal generated by linear terms associated to the rays of
Σ is regular, the integral version of (3.3) also describes the cohomology ring
XΣ; Z). Stanley applied the
hard Lefschetz theorem to
XΣ; Q), and de-duced the existence of a 2-dimensional cohomology class
w with certain multi-plicative properties. His proof concluded by showing that the coordinates
gj ofthe
g-vector measure the ranks of the 2
j-dimensional components of the quotientring
XΣ; Q)
w), and therefore that
g is an
M -vector. In this context, theDehn-Sommerville equations are equivalent to rational Poincar´
e duality for
The Dehn-Sommerville equations actually remain true for a considerably wider
class of simplicial complexes, whereas restrictions on
g-vectors are less easy to
extend. For example, the conjecture that
K) is an
M -vector for every simplicial
K appears still to be open. Similar mystery shrouds the
f -vectors of convex
polytopes; an explicit classification was given by Steinitz [
93] for dimension 3 in
1906, yet the situation for dimension 4 remains obscure [
Since Stanley's initial applications, face rings with particular algebraic proper-
ties such as Cohen-Macauley or Gorenstein have become important test-beds for
commutative algebra [
18], and interest has grown in identifying simplicial com-
K for which Z[
K] is of a specific type. Relevant results include Reisner's
Theorem [
89], which supplies homological criteria for
K to be Cohen-Macaulay;
his criteria are satisfied by all simplicial spheres.
For any simplicial complex
K, the
face poset L(
K) contains the faces of
ordered by inclusion; the empty face is a minimal element, and the combinatorialtype of
K is determined by the isomorphism class of (
K). By analogy, the
combi-natorial type of an arbitrary polytope
P is defined to be the isomorphism class ofits
face poset L(
P ), which omits the empty face but includes the maximal face
Pitself. So for any simple polytope
P , the opposite poset
P ) is isomorphic tothe face poset
KP ). The
f -,
g-, and
h-vectors of
P are combinatorial invariants,because they depend solely upon
P ), as do our applications to toric topologybelow. We therefore deal only with combinatorial polytopes henceforth, on theunderstanding that they may be represented by face posets or affine realisations asthe occasion demands. We emphasise that
n–dimensional polytopes in R
n may becombinatorially equivalent, but not affinely isomorphic.
The third vertex S . The origins of symplectic structure may also be traced
back down the years, as far as the profound reformulation of Newtonian mechanicsthat was begun by Lagrange, and continued by Hamilton during the first halfof the 19th century. Hamilton's choice of coordinates
q and
p for phase space,representing position and momentum respectively, led eventually to the notion ofa symplectic manifold (
M, ω). The phase space
M is smooth, and
ω is a closed
non-degenerate 2-form, whose existence forces the dimension of
M to be even.
Typical examples of symplectic manifolds include the total space of any cotangentbundle, which admits a canonical
ω, and an arbitrary K¨
ahler manifold, equipped
with the imaginary part of the defining metric. The former example illustrates theimportance of noncompact phase spaces.
Many mechanical systems admit groups of symmetries, which may be inter-
preted as diffeomorphisms of
M 2
n; in the symplectic setting such symmetries pre-
serve the 2-form, and are known as
symplectomorphisms. Experience with classical
systems such as pendulums and spinning tops suggests that effective
actions of a compact torus
T k are important special cases, which require
k ≤ n
and determine a
moment map Φ :
M → R
k. Here R
k is realised as the dual Lie
algebra of
T k, and
Φ is constant on the
T k-orbits. When the phase space is com-
pact, Atiyah [
3] and Guillemin and Sternberg [
56] proved in 1982 that the image
M ) is always a convex polytope. These works are the
source of the third vertex
S, whose associated discipline is the symplectic geometry of toroidal symmetry,
moment maps, and convex polytopes.
The second edition [
6] of Audin's book offers an inspirational
survey of de-
velopments up to 2004. The overarching theme is Hamiltonian actions of tori,with special attention being paid to the half-dimensional case; in this situation,the real-valued coordinate functions of
Φ form a completely integrable system, andthe associated torus action is called
completely integrable. It follows that the fixedpoint set of any such action is nonempty, and that its elements are isolated.
An important technique in Hamiltonian geometry is that of
symplectic reduc-
tion, which compensates for the fact that the quotient of a symplectic manifold(
M, ω) by a Hamiltonian action of
T k need not be symplectic. Reduction involvesforming the level submanifold
Z =
x) of a regular value of the moment map,and imposing a symplectic structure on the quotient
Z/T k, which is better behaved,and at worst an orbifold. For each factorisation of
T k into a product of subtori,the reduction may be performed in corresponding stages. Symplectic reduction hasplayed an important rˆ
ole in fully understanding the relationship between the ver-
A and
S of the Tetrahedron, but enters rarely into our discussions below. We
therefore refer interested readers to [
6] for further details.
The edge AC . After the existence of a wider toric world was revealed in
91], the edge
AC was quickly colonised. One pioneer was Khovanskii, whose work
64], [
65] resonated with that of Stanley by introducing torus actions into problems
where none were initially apparent.
Every monomial in
n complex variables
z1, . . ,
zn may be written as
zα for
some integral vector (
, . . , αn). So any Laurent polynomial
f (
z) =
defines a finite set
A ⊂ R
n containing those
α for which the coefficient
cα ∈ C is
nonzero, and the
Newton polyhedron of
f is the convex hull of
A. Now suppose
Wf ⊂ (C
n is the complete intersection defined by a non-degenerate system
z) =
· · · =
z) = 0 of
k ≤ n polynomial equations, with respective Newton
∆1, . . ,
∆k. Khovanskii considered the problem of computing invariants
such as the arithmetic genus
Wf ) in terms of the number of integral points interior
to the
∆j; his results generalised Kushnirenko's theorem [
6] for the case
k, where
Wf is discrete. He proceeded by forming the normal fan
Σ of the Minkowski sum of
∆j, interpreted the corresponding toric variety
XΣ as the compactification of
n, and proved that the closure cl(
Wf )
⊂ XΣ is nonsingular and conveniently
embedded. He completed his computation by applying Ehler's description [
of the Chern classes of a nonsingular toric variety (now settled on the edge
AT ).
Additional details may be found in [
§5], for example.
A more unconventional topic on this edge was furnished by work of Sturmfels
and Sullivant[
94], who considered the
cut polytope Cut(
G) associated to an arbi-
trary finite graph
G = (
V, E), which is well-known in combinatorial optimization.
It is rarely simple for larger graphs, so the projective toric variety
XG determined
by its normal fan is usually singular. The authors carried out experimental calcu-
lations in the ring
XG : C), and discussed applications to algebraic statistics.
The edge AS . The importance of the edge
AS was demonstrated in 1988 by
Delzant's characterisation [
36] of non-singular projective toric varieties in terms
of symplectic geometry. For any
P with regular normal fan
P ), he
invested the toric variety
P ) with a symplectic form for which the action of
T n
is completely integrable, and deduced that the image of the associated moment map
P . His proof proceeded by identifying
P ) with the symplectic reduction
associated to the moment map
Φ : C
m → R
m−n of a certain (
m − n)–dimensional
K < T m that depends upon
P . Delzant also established the uniqueness of
his construction, by showing that any two compact, connected symplectic manifolds
with completely integrable torus actions are Hamiltonian diffeomorphic whenever
their moment maps have the same image.
The edge CS . The existence of the edge
CS emphasises the rˆ
ment map in linking classical examples of convex polytopes to the phase spacesof interesting mechanical systems. We shall discuss examples with a topologicalcomponent in Section 5.
We may also interpret Delzant's classification theorem as a
fundamental sym-
plectic correspondence between primitive polytopes and symplectic manifolds with
completely integrable actions. This has been extended to weighted polytopes and
symplectic toric orbifolds by Lerman and Tolman [
The facet ACS . A major occupant of this facet is the study of
A =
, . . , Lr} of subspaces
Lj < C
m, which began before the advent of toric
geometry, and may now be interpreted as a limit of activity within the interior
TT . The
source is Arnold's calculation of the integral cohomology ring of the
coloured braid group [
2] in 1969, which stimulated a rapidly expanding interest in
arrangements and their
complements C
L , denoted by
U (
A). Because they
arise as configuration spaces of various classical mechanical systems, their properties
are central to many problems in algebraic, combinatorial, and symplectic geometry.
An extensive general
survey was produced by Bj¨
orner [
14] in 1994, and several
other overviews are available.
In 1988 Goresky and MacPherson [
51] determined the additive structure of
U (
A); Z), as a direct sum of homology groups associated to the
poset I(
A). Subsequently, Cox [
30, Theorem 4.1] showed how to interpret Delzant's
constructions in terms of symplectic structure on the complements of a particular
class of complex arrangements; these are now of major importance to toric topology,
and will also be discussed in Section 5.
4. Vertex Four - Toric Topology
Overview. Many phenomena associated with the Toric Triangle refer to topo-
logical spaces that are equipped with additional geometric structure, and it is nat-ural to search for their analogues in a purely topological context. Such results arethe substance of
toric topology, our fourth vertex
T , whose convex hull with
ACSforms the Toric Tetrahedron.
The pioneering work is due to Davis and Januszkiewicz in 1991, whose paper
35] is the
source of toric topology. They introduced a class of well-behaved actions
a of
T n on 2
n–dimensional manifolds
M that are more amenable to topological
analysis than those of toric geometry. Here we make the additional assumption that
M and
a are smooth, although such considerations and their consequences were left
to readers in [
35]. The pairs (
M, a) are now known as
quasitoric manifolds, and
are defined by two conditions. The first is a weakening of the varietal structure by
requiring only that
a be
locally standard, and so ensures that
M/T n is a manifold
with corners; the second identifies the orbit space as a simple polytope
P n. Since
P n is contractible,
a admits many smooth sections.
The faces of the polytope are the closures of its isotropy blocks, amongst which
m facets
Fj are distinguished by their dimension
n − 1, and by the isotropysubcircles
T (
< T n associated to their interiors, for 1
≤ j ≤ m. Because
P nis simple, every face
G of dimension
n − d is a unique intersection
facets; the isotropy subtorus
T (
< T n associated to its interior has rank
d, andis the isomorphic image of the product
T (
F ). The facets lift to closed
submanifolds Xj ⊂ M of dimension 2(
n − 1), which are fixed by the circles
T (
Fj)for 1
≤ j ≤ m. The
Xj intersect transversally, and
G lifts to the closed submanifold
∩d X of dimension 2(
n − d), which we abbreviate to
⊂ M; it is fixed by
T (
Alternatively, suppose given a simple polytope
P n with
m facets
Fj, and a
characteristic map
λ :
P n → T (
T n) to the poset of subtori. Assume that the kernelof
λ partitions
P n by the interiors of its faces, and associates a circle
< T nto the interior of the facet
Fj, for 1
≤ j ≤ m. Finally, suppose that the productmap
→ T n is actually an isomorphism onto its image
G) for every
G =
P ; this is
condition (
∗) of Davis and Januszkiewicz, which
guarantees that
λ is determined by the circles
derived manifold of
λ is given by topologising (2.1) as
M (
λ) = (
T n × P n)
/ ∼ ,
where (
g, p)
∼ (
h, p) whenever
h ∈ λ(
p), and imposing the natural smooth struc-
ture suggested by Davis [
34]. The canonical
T n-action and the section
q) = [1
, q]
are also smooth, and
G) = (
T n/Tλ(
× G)
/ ∼ is a 2(
n − d)–dimensional
submanifold for any face
G; it is fixed by the
G). Conversely, any
quasitoric manifold (
M, a) with smooth section
s admits a characteristic map
λs :
P n → T (
T n), where
p) =
T (
G) for any
p in the interior of
These constructions are mutually inverse, and determine a
fundamental qua-
sitoric correspondence between characteristic maps and quasitoric manifolds. Inparticular, every choice of smooth section
s for an arbitrary quasitoric manifold(
M, a) leads to a
T n-equivariant homeomorphism
fs :
M (
−→ M ,
which may be upgraded to a diffeomorphism by appeal to [
34]. As in [
24], we refer
M (
λs) as the derived form of (
M, a).
The derived manifold (4.1) is a version of Vinberg's construction [
95], as
adapted by Davis and Januszkiewicz. The characteristic map depends only on thecombinatorial type of
P , and may be reformulated in terms of face posets as an orderreversing map
λ :
P n)
→ T (
T n), or an order
preserving map
λ :
KP )
→ T (
T n).
In the latter context, condition (
∗) specifies the values of
λ on arbitrary faces of
KP in terms of those on its
m vertices.
Whenever such
λ exist, we deem
P n and
KP to be
supportive, and describe
the associated
M (
λ) as lying
over P n. But there are many unsupportive simple
polytopes! An intriguing family of examples arises when
KP is the
cyclic polytope Cn [
99], for any number
k of vertices satisfying
k ≥ 2
n; in other
words, no quasitoric manifolds can lie over the dual polytopes.
In pursuing their cohomological calculations, Davis and Januszkiewicz defined
an auxiliary space
DJ (
K) for arbitrary simplicial complexes
K, and proved the sem-inal fact that
DJ (
K)+; Z) realises the Stanley-Reisner algebra Z[
K]. Whenever
P supports a quasitoric manifold (
M, a), they exhibited an isomorphism
KP ]
/J −→ H∗(
M+; Z)
35, Theorem 4.14], where
J is the ideal generated by the first Chern classes of
complex line bundles over
DJ (
KP ), associated to the isotropy subcircles of
a. This
is the toric topologist's version of the Danilov-Jurkiewicz theorem (3.3) for toric
varieties. It arises from the fibration
M −→ DJ(
KP )
−→ BT n,
which is built into Davis and Januszkiewicz's model for
DJ (
KP ) as the homotopyquotient
ET n ×T n M ; the homotopy type of the latter does not depend on thechoice of (
M, a). Philosophically,
DJ (
KP ) is the homotopy theorists' substitute for
P n, whose
T n-bundle
ET n × M → DJ(
KP ) desingularises the quotient map.
The construction of the second auxiliary space
ZK in [
35] was equally signifi-
cant, and closely related to that of the derived manifold (4.1). It admits a canonicalaction
a of
T m, whose orbit space
PK is the
simple polyhedral complex dual to
K =
KP then
PK =
P n for any simple polytope. When
KP is supportive, everycharacteristic map
λ :
PK → T (
T n) satisfying condition (
∗) determines a subtorus
< T m of dimension
m − n that acts freely on
ZK. The quotient
T m/K(
λ) acts on the orbit space
ZK/T m−n, which is readily identifiable with thederived quasitoric manifold
M (
λ). By varying the choice of
λ, we run through afamily of subtori
< T m in the poset
T (
T ), and the corresponding factorisa-tions
ZK → M (
→ P n display all possible quasitoric manifolds over
P n in theform of (2.2). From this point of view, the homotopy quotient
ET m ×T m ZK isa natural model for
DJ (
KP ), and may be identified with any
ET n ×T n M (
λ) byfactoring out the freely acting subtorus
The next major impact on the subject was made in 2002 by the
survey of
Buchstaber and Panov [
20], which contains a wealth of fascinating extensions, gen-
eralisations, and applications of the ideas of [
35]. Several of these were responsible
for establishing new regions of
TT , and are introduced in the context of the appro-
priate edges and faces below. So far as the vertex
T is concerned, Buchstaber and
Panov emphasised the importance of working with arbitrary simplicial complexes
K, and constructed both
DJ (
K) and the
moment-angle complex ZK by more direct
and functorial methods, as unions of subspaces indexed by the faces of
K. These
were developed in [
86] as diagrams over the
face category cat(
K), whose objects
are the faces of
K and morphisms their inclusions. In particular,
ZK and
were identified as homotopy colimits of certain
exponential diagrams, which now
underlie a homotopy theoretic industrial zone at the vertex
T .
Highlights. We have reached the most seductive passage of our invitation! As
the Toric Tetrahedron has acquired form and substance, new areas of toric topologyhave been revealed, spawning examples, insights, and results that illuminate manytopological phenomena. We present a small selection of our favourites.
1) Non-quasitoric manifolds. There is considerable insight to be gained from
understanding why certain families of likely-looking manifolds cannot be quasitoric.
We focus on the
Milnor hypersurfaces Hj,k, for 1
≤ j ≤ k. By definition,
Hj,k ⊂ C
P j × C
P k is the complex hypersurface dual to the tensor product
⊗ η2of the canonical line bundles over the respective factors. It has dimension 2(
k−1),and may be realised by projectivising the stabilisation
η⊥ ⊕ C
k−j of the orthogonal
complement of
η1 over C
P j. So its integral cohomology ring takes the form
x, y] (
, yk +
x +
· · · +
x is the pullback of the generator of
P j; Z) and
y ∈ H2(
Hj,k; Z) is thefirst Chern class of the canonical line bundle along the fibre. If
Hj,k is quasitoricthen its cohomology ring takes the form (4.2), and
yk−j (
yj +
x +
· · · +
xj)must lie in an ideal of
Hj,k; Z) generated by squarefree monomials and linearfactors. A straightforward calculation shows that this is impossible; so
Hj,k admitsno suitable action of
T j+
By way of comparison, consider the 2(
j +
k − 1)–dimensional quasitoric man-
Bj,k constructed in [
23]. It is the quotient of (
j × S2
k−1 by the (
j + 1)–
dimensional subtorus
T (
j, k)
< T 2
k of points
, . . , tj, tj+1
, . . , tj+1) :
ti ∈ T for 1
≤ i ≤ j + 1
T (
j, k) acts freely. Projection onto (
j shows that
Bj,k is the projectivisationof the complex
k-plane bundle
γ⊥ ⊕ C
k−j over the bounded flag manifold
Example 2.2. So its integral cohomology ring takes the form
, . . , xj, y] (
xi − xi−1)
, yk +
xj +
· · · +
yk−jxj : 1
≤ i ≤ j)
xi is the pullback of the eponymous element in
Bj); Z), and
x0 = 0. Ashort calculation reveals that
yk−j (
yj +
xj +
· · · +
xj) now factorises as
yk−j (
y +
y − x1 +
. . (
y − xj−1 +
j (
Bj,k; Z). Note that
γj is the pullback of
η along its classifying map, whichinduces a monomorphism from (4.3) to (4.4) by mapping
x to
xj and fixing
2) Stably complex structures. Davis and Januszkiewic [
§6] showed that
every quasitoric manifold admits a stably complex structure, but did not remark
that many inequivalent choices are possible. On bounded flag manifolds
Bn, for
example, some structures bound and others do not [
27], with serious consequences
for complex cobordism. To be precise, we invest (
M, a) with an
24], by choosing orientations for
M itself, and for every facial submanifold
so there are 2
m+1 omniorientations in total. The normal 2–plane bundle of every
Xj ⊂ M is also oriented, and extends to a complex line bundle
σj over
M for 1
≤ j ≤ m, by the Pontryagin-Thom construction. An omniorientation givesrise to a unique isomorphism
τ (
M )
⊕ C
m−n ∼
j , and hence to a canonical
stably complex structure on
M .
The additional structure is captured by a
fundamental omnioriented correspon-
dence, between omnioriented quasitoric manifolds and
dicharacteristic homomor-
phisms ℓ :
T F → T n, where
F denotes the set of
m > n facets of an oriented
combinatorial polytope
P n, and
ℓ obeys the analogue of condition (
∗). There are
m such homomorphisms
ℓ for every characteristic map
λ :
P n → T (
T n), because
any isotropy circle
p) =
T (
F ) admits two isomorphisms
TF → T (
F ) from the
coordinate subcircle
T F ; there is one for each orientation of
T (
F ), corresponding
to the orientations of the
F )
⊂ M (
λ). Also,
ℓ is represented on Lie algebras by
an integral
n × m matrix, which may be refined to [
In :
Λ] for some
n × (
m − n)
Λ, by careful choice of bases. We label the pair (
P, Λ) as the
combinatorial data [
22] underlying the omnioriented quasitoric manifold
M (
Example 4.1. In the case of C
P 3, the polytope
P is
∆3 and
n is 3; so
m−n = 1
Λ is a 3–dimensional column vector. For the omniorientation induced by thestandard toric varietal structure, this vector is (
, −1
, −1)
t, whereas one of the 32alternatives yields (+1
, −1
, +1)
t. All three Chern numbers are nonzero in the firstcase, but zero in the second.
For the Dobrinskaya tower
M (3
, 3) of Example 2.2,
P is
× ∆3 and
n is 6;
m − n = 2 and
Λ is 6
× 2. The omniorientation given by
is induced by a toric varietal structure, and 3 of the 29 alternatives are given bynegating one or both of the columns.
3) Complex cobordism. The Thom spectrum
M U is universal amongst complex
oriented ring spectra, and is one of the most important objects in stable homotopytheory. Complex bordism
∗ (
· ) and cobordism
Ω∗ (
· ) are the associated
cohomology theories, and may be defined in terms of stably complex manifolds
as explained by Conner and Floyd [
28] and Quillen [
87] respectively. The coefficient
MU ) is isomorphic to
∗ (
S0), and abbreviated to
∗ ; this is the celebrated
complex cobordism ring, shown by Milnor [
75] and Novikov [
78] to be isomorphic
to a graded polynomial algebra Z[
zn :
n ≥ 1], where
zn has dimension 2
n. Sum and
product of cobordism classes are induced by disjoint union and cartesian product
of manifolds respectively. No truly canonical choice of polynomial generators is
known, although
zp−1 may be represented by C
P p−1 for any prime
p; the remaining
zn are represented by linear combinations of the Milnor hypersurfaces
Hj,k, where
j +
k −1. Such results are obtained by calculating Chern numbers, which completely
determine complex cobordism classes.
The essential feature of [
23] was to exhibit omniorientations of the
Bj,k to act
as substitutes for the Milnor hypersurfaces. It follows that every complex cobor-
dism class may be represented by a disjoint union of quasitoric manifolds. The
connected analogue is considerably more subtle, and relies on the construction of
connected sums that are compatible with omniorientations; this was finally achieved
in [
22], where every class of dimension greater than 2 is represented by an omniori-
ented quasitoric manifold. The analogous problem for connected algebraic varieties
remains unsolved, having been posed by Hirzebruch in 1958.
The value of these ideas lies in the principle that quasitoric representatives
M 2
n, a) offer an alternative source of discrete data for any complex cobordismclass. The fundamental omnioriented correspondence, for example, gives rise to
quasitoric combinatorial data (
P, Λ), whereas the isolated fixed points of any
T n-
action give rise to classical local invariants; theoretically, we may express the latter
in terms of the former. A crucial case is that of the
sign σ(
x) =
±1 of any fixed
x. Its expression in terms of combinatorial data was obtained by Panov [
and compares the global orientation of
M with the orientation of the tangent space
M ) induced by the
n incident facial submanifolds. Signs are therefore indispens-
able for formulating the connected sum of quasitoric manifolds [
22]. Alternatively,
x) compares the orientation underlying the stably complex structure on
M with
that induced on
M ) by the
T n-action; so
x) is always
positive when
M is
complex or almost complex.
The quasitoric manifolds
Bn were introduced to complex cobordism theory in
1986 [
88], as iterated sphere bundles with bounding omniorienations. They were
shown to represent the basis elements
bn for
∗ (C
P ∞), dual to powers
un of the
first cobordism Chern class. So their cartesian products
Bi × · · · × B
the basis elements
bi · · · b
· · · uik.
∗ (
BT k), dual to monomials
4) Hirzebruch genera. Classic genera associated to complex analytic manifolds
include the Euler characteristic and Todd genus. These were extended to almost
complex manifolds, and thence to complex cobordism classes, as they became ex-
pressible in terms of Chern numbers [
59]. In modern parlance, a
Hirzebruch genus
is a homomorphism
f :
∗ → R∗ of graded rings into any commutative
R∗, and
is equivalent to a formal group law over
R∗ [
79]. Historically,
f was specified by
a formal power series
t/ef (
t) in
R∗ ⊗ Q[[
t]], and
ef (
t)) was identified with the ex-
ponential of the formal group law as soon as the concept was available [
19], [
The construction and computation of genera and their equivariant analogues has a
long and illustrious history [
4], [
5], [
39], [
58], [
60], [
65], [
66], [
68], [
A prime example is the
universal toric genus Φ, which may be evaluated on
any 2
T k-manifold (
M, a) that carries a
T k-equivariant structure
cνon its stable normal bundle. Then
M, a, cν) is given by the geometric cobordismclass [
ET k ×T k M → BT k] in
BT k), and therefore takes the form
· · · uik ,
.0 is precisely the cobordism class [
M ] in
ΩU , and we may represent
by a
connected manifold that fibres over
Bi × · · · × B
with fibre
M . Crucially,
the base bounds, so we may relate the multiplicative properties of any Hirzebruchgenus to the
rigidity properties of its
T k-equivariant extension.
We may restrict attention to examples (
M, a, cν) for which
a has isolated fixed
points only, and
cν is the complement of an equivariant structure
cτ on its stable
tangent bundle; these include all toric and quasitoric manifolds. In order to in-terpret (4.5) in terms of local invariants at each fixed point
x, we require the sign
x) (in the alternative form above) and the weight vectors
x), . . ,
x) ofthe representation of
T k in
M ). The resulting localisation formula is
M, α, c
( [
, . . , un) )
x ranges over the fixed point set of
a and [
, . . , uj) is the appro-
priate multivariable
wj-series for the universal formal group law. The fact that the
irregular part of (4.6) must vanish imposes severe restrictions the possible signs and
weight vectors. The formula reduces to the
S1 version of [
25], and was obtained
by Krichever [
67] for almost complex manifolds (so
x) = 1). It was applied in
26] to determine the complex bordism classes of classical homogeneous spaces. For
quasitoric manifolds we have
k, and the signs and weights may be described explic-
itly in terms of the combinatorial data (
P, Λ); the descriptions simplify significantly
for projective toric varieties.
Masuda [
70] and Panov [
83] also obtained formulae evaluating Hirzebruch's
χy-genus in terms of combinatorial data. Both confirmed the well-knownfact that every smooth toric variety has Todd genus 1, in contrast to the arbitraryintegral values attainable on quasitoric manifolds.
5) cat(
-diagrams. The appropriate framework for the study of toric homo-
topy types is that of diagrams over the face category cat(
K), meaning covariant
functors such as the
exponential diagrams XK → top of [
86]. Here top denotes
a category of pointed topological spaces such as
k-spaces [
96], of which
X is an
object. Also,
XK (
σ) is the cartesian product
Xσ, and
XK (
σ ⊂ τ ) is the inclusion
Xσ → Xτ induced by assigning the basepoint to the additional coordinates. In case
X is the classifying space
BT of the circle, colim
BT K is precisely Buchstaber
and Panov's construction
BT σ for
DJ (
K) [
The corresponding descriptions of
ZK and its quotients is subtler - and more
revealing. Consider the diagram
T V K : cat(
→ top, for which
T V K(
σ) is thetorus
T V σ and
T V K (
σ ⊂ τ ) is the projection
T V σ → T V τ ; then colim
is a point. There is a more complex diagram
DK , for which
DK (
σ) is the subspace(
σ × T V σ of the product of 2-disks (
V , and
DV (
σ ⊂ τ ) is the correspondinginclusion (
σ×T V σ → (
τ ×T V τ . The projection
→ T V K(
σ) is a ho-motopy equivalence for every
σ, and induces a map colim
DK → colim
DK is Buchstaber and Panov's construction for
K [
20]. This exam-
ple shows how badly colimits behave under objectwise homotopy equivalences, butalso suggests a remedy. The
homotopy colimit of
T V K is defined by constructing a
cofibrant replacement diagram such as
DK , and taking its ordinary colimit; in otherwords, the simpler diagram provides a weak equivalence hocolim
T V K ≃ Z
This procedure always works in favourable circumstances, although finding an
appropriate cofibrant replacement may be difficult. For spaces
X such as CW-complexes, the exponential diagram
XK is already cofibrant, so we may also write
DJ (
K) as hocolim
BT K . On the other hand, any quotient of
K by a subtorus
T l < T V gives rise to a weak equivalence hocolim
T V/l ≃ Z
K /T l, where
T V /l(
T V σ/ Im(
T l).
In particular, this expresses any quasitoric manifold
M as a
homotopy colimit, and extends the corresponding result [
97, Proposition 5.3] for
toric varieties, where homotopy colimits and toric geometry were first associated.
The close relationship between derived forms and homotopy colimits actually hinges
on the fact that the
nerve of cat(
K) is the cone on the barycentric subdivision of
K, and may therefore be identified with the polyhedral complex
PK .
Homotopy colimits over cat(
K) are sometimes preserved by the standard func-
tors of algebraic topology, so long as they can be defined in the target category.
The consequences of these ideas are studied in [
85], along with many algebraic and
geometrical examples associated to the vertex
T .
6) Homotopy types. Explicit calculations of homotopy types fall into the three
standard categories of increasing complexity; rational,
p-adic, and integral.
The rational homotopy type of any simply connected space
X is most efficiently
encoded by Sullivan's minimal model, which is a well-structured commutative differ-
ential graded algebra that is quasi-isomorphic to the commutative cochain algebra
A∗ (
X) [
47]. Spaces whose minimal models may be constructed directly from
their rational cohomology algebras are known as
formal, and play a central rˆ
rational homotopy theory. Important examples include spheres, compact connectedLie groups, and compact K¨
ahler manifolds.
The rationalisation of any
DJ (
K) or quasitoric manifold
M retains significant
homotopy theoretic information. A result of [
76] confirms that
DJ (
K) is formal
for arbitrary
K, and is applied in [
85] to deduce the formality of
M ; indeed, the
argument extends to cases such as the torus manifolds of [
71]. By way of contrast,
moment-angle complexes cannot generally be formal, as follows from Baskakov's
discovery [
10] of nontrivial Massey products in their rational cohomology for certain
K. His calculations employed the bigraded chain complex of
ZK discussed in [
and have since been extended by Denham and Suciu [
38]. Minimal models for
DJ (
K) have been exhibited only for iterated joins of simplices and boundaries of
simplices [
76], in which case the cohomology ring is a complete intersection and
uniquely determines the simply connected rational homotopy type.
So far as
p-adic results are concerned, the
p-completion of
DJ (
K) is uniquely
determined by its mod-
p cohomology ring F
K] whenever
K is a join of skeleta of
simplices [
77]. This holds for any prime
p, and combines with the rational results
to show integral uniqueness for complete intersections.
The integral homotopy type of the
ZK has long been of interest to combinato-
rialists, as we shall explain in our discussion of the face
ACT . Work of Grbi´
Theriault [
52] showed that
ZK is weakly equivalent to a wedge of spheres whenever
K is obtained by iterated pushouts of
shifted complexes. We may then interpret
crucial elements of
K)) in terms of the homotopy quotient fibration
T m −→ ZK −→ DJ(
In particular,
K)) contains many Whitehead products, both iterated andgeneralised, that directly reflect the combinatorial structure of
The possibility of analysing
stable homotopy types has also been raised by
8], which considers homotopy decompositions of the suspensions
ΣZK and their
generalisations. These should be compared with earlier splittings of suspensions of
kth stage Bott towers into wedges of Thom complexes over lower stages [
27], and
analogous splittings for Dobrinskaya towers.
7) Oriented cohomology theories. The integral cohomology of any
DJ (
K) or
quasitoric manifold
M 2
n is free, so evaluating a complex oriented cohomology the-ory
· ) on either space is relatively straightforward. Nevertheless, it is conve-nient to assume that the coefficient ring
π∗E =
E∗ is concentrated in even dimen-sions, and free of additive torsion. Then
DJ (
K)+) is isomorphic to the facering
K], for example, because the corresponding Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral se-quence collapses. Given any simple polytope
P and dicharacteristic homomorphism
ℓ :
T F → T n, the cohomology ring of the derived quasitoric manifold is given by anisomorphism
KP ]
JE −→ E∗(
M (
J E is the ideal generated by the first
E-theory Chern classes of the
n complexline bundles of (4.2). These bundles are tensor products, so their Chern classes
embody the formal group law associated to
· ). The resulting formulae areconceptually straightforward, and have been obtained independently by Stricklandand the authors. Complex cobordism and complex
K-theory are good examples,involving the universal and multiplicative formal group laws respectively, althoughdetailed calculations with the former may require major technical expertise. Oneremarkable consequence is that the
∗ -module
∗ (
M ) is generated by embedded
quasitoric submanifolds for any quasitoric manifold
M .
Computing the
KO -theory of these spaces is much more difficult. A significant
start was made by Bahri and Bendersky [
7], who found a degree of order amidst
the algebraic chaos of their Adams spectral sequence approach. In particular, they
proved that
KO ∗(
M ) is additively isomorphic to a sum of
KO ∗-modules of two
types; namely
KO ∗(
i) for 0
≤ i ≤ n, and
P 2) for 0
≤ j ≤ n − 2.
The splitting depends only on the cohomology ring
M ; Z
/2), and leads to the
BB numbers p and
q, which enumerate the summands of the first and second type
respectively. More specific calculations were carried out in [
27] for certain families
of Bott towers, whose
KO ∗-algebra structures and BB numbers were determined.
The most general setting for these attempts is that of quaternionic oriented co-
homology theory, for which quaternionic cobordism
Ω∗ (
· ) is the universal exam-
ple. Neither the quaternionic cobordism ring nor the module structure of
Ω∗ (C
P n)
are known, so any applications to toric spaces are extremely interesting, but wellout of current reach.
5. New Faces - and Beyond
Having introduced the fourth vertex
T , we conclude our invitation by adver-
tising the seven new faces it defines, and speculating on future trends that shouldfurther increase the allure of the Tetrahedron.
The edge AT . Even before the vertex
T was properly identified, several toric
geometers had strayed along the edge
AT in their desire to investigate topological
invariants of toric varieties. For example, Ehler's formula [
43] for the Poincar´
duals of the Chern classes of a nonsingular toric variety was utilised in Khovanskii's
work [
65] on the edge
AC. His formula represents the dual of
τ (
M 2
n)) by the
sum of the fundamental classes
G) in
M+; Z), taken over all the
n−k)–dimensional facial submanifolds of
M . It extends immediately to quasitoricmanifolds, so long as
M is omnioriented and the
G) are invested with the inducedomniorientations. Indeed, the formula may then be interpreted in
computes the the duals of the universal complex cobordism Chern classes.
Toric topologists have also visited
AT , as exemplified by [
22]. The authors
prove that any complex cobordism class may be represented by the quotient of a
free torus action on a real quadratic complete intersection. The importance of the
real quadratic viewpoint has recently been emphasised by Bosio and Meersseman
16], in their construction of families of non-K¨
ahler complex manifolds using
The edge CT . Exploration of the edge
CT motivated much of Buchstaber
and Panov's survey [
20]. Their results include a notable generalisation of the Dehn-
Sommerville equations (3.2), for which they applied Poincar´
e duality to prove
j − hn−j = (
n−j χ(
− χ(
for any triangulated (
n − 1)–manifold
K, and 1
≤ j ≤ n. It follows that the
hj − hn−j are homotopy invariants, and independent of the triangulation.
This edge is also a natural habitat for Halperin's well-known
toral rank conjec-
ture, concerning the largest integer trk(
X) for which a finite-dimensional topological
X admits an
almost free T trk(
X)-action. Every isotropy subgroup is necessar-
ily finite, and the conjecture states that dim
X+; Q)
≥ 2trk(
X). If the conjecture
holds, then it follows from [
21] that any (
n − 1)–dimensional simplicial complex
on vertices [
m] satisfies the inequality
≥ 2
m−n − 1
ω ranges over the subsets of [
m], and the
Kω are induced subcomplexes.
K is the boundary of
∆n, for example, the right hand side of (5.1) is 1, andequality holds. Computer calculations confirming the exponential growth requiredby the conjecture for cyclic polytopes are currently in progress by Gadjikurbanov.
The edge ST . The edge
ST is becoming densely populated, as realisation
dawns that global properties of Hamiltonian actions are as much a part of equi-
variant topology as of the symplectic geometry that nurtured their growth. This
viewpoint is expounded by Guillemin, Ginzburg and Karshon [
55], who provide a
survey of many exciting aspects of
ST , and initiate several new ideas
that stray into adjacent faces of the Triangle.
For example, the famous Duistermaat-Heckman formula [
e⟨Φ,ξ⟩ωn = (2
is associated to the process of symplectic reduction, and is well known to math-
ematical physicists as the
exact stationary phase formula. Atiyah and Bott and
Berligne and Vergne proved that it is also a special case of a localisation formula
of equivariant cohomology that arises in the presence of isolated fixed points; fur-
ther explanation is given in [
55], for example. From this viewpoint, (5.2) is closely
related to the universal toric genus (4.6), as is evident from their formal similarity.
These considerations are relevant to the topology of symplectic circle-actions
on a compact symplectic
M . In dimension 4, McDuff proved that any such action is
Hamiltonian if and only if the fixed point set is nonempty, and gave a 6–dimensional
non-Hamiltonian example whose fixed point sets are 2-tori. Subsequently, Feldman
46] studied the case of isolated fixed points, and deduced that the Todd genus of
M is necessarily 1 or 0; if 1, the action is Hamiltonian, and if 0, it is not.
The facet ACT . This facet is home to the development of a special class of
subspace arrangements, as introduced on
ACS; here too, work represents the limitof activity within the interior of
TT .
For any subset
σ ⊆ [
m] we write the coordinate subspace
{z :
zj = 0 if
j ∈ σ}
Lσ ≤ Cm (otherwise known as C[
σ in Example 2.1). So an arbitrary sim-
plicial complex
K on vertices [
m] determines the
coordinate subspace arrangement
{Lσ :
σ /∈ K}, with complement
K). So
T m acts on
K) coordinatewise, and
we may interpret
U globally as a diagram of
T m-spaces on the category of subcom-
plexes of the (
m−1) simplex on vertices [
m], for every
m > 0. The relevance of
U to
TT is epitomised by [
20, Theorem 8.9], which establishes a natural
T m-equivariant
deformation retraction
U (
→ ZK. In other words, we may study homotopy the-oretic properties of moment-angle complexes purely in terms of coordinate subspacearrangements. In particular, we obtain smooth structures on the
Well before this link was established, Ziegler and ˇ
c [
101] brought the
theory of homotopy colimits to bear, and rederived Goresky and MacPherson's
algebraic decomposition of
U (
A); Z). For the case
U (
K), their ideas lie behind
our current formulation of
ZK as a homotopy colimit over cat(
K). For coordinate
subspace arrangements, the decomposition of
U (
K); Z) was also recovered in
11] by applying a theorem of Hochster, and the link with
ZK was exploited to
deduce the multiplicative structure; similar results were obtained independently by
Franz [
48]. The algebraic decomposition has recently been realised topologically,
by splitting
Further techniques of unstable homotopy theory are now being focused on
moment-angle complexes in this context. For example, iterated and generalisedSamelson products in the loopspaces
ΩZK are under consideration, and their rela-tionship with the geometry of the arrangement and the combinatorics of
K promisesto be particularly fruitful.
Other questions that were originally posed in the era of torus embeddings have
also been formulated and solved in the context of the facet
ACT . One such is the
weak Oda conjecture of 1978, concerning the factorisation of proper equivariant bi-
rational maps of nonsingular toric varieties into sequences of well-behaved blow-ups
and blow-downs. The conjecture may be approached using combinatorial topology,
because any
bistellar move on the simplicial complex
KΣ corresponds to a combi-
natorial operation on the fan
Σ, and thence to a blow-up and blow-down on
It was verified in 1997 by Morelli and W lodarczyk [
98], who proved that any two
regular fans in R
n are connected by a sequence of bistellar operations through reg-
ular fans. The result was then extended to other nonsingular varieties by a process
torification [
The facet AST . The facet
AST may not yet have acquired a distinctive
literature, but two topics suggest themselves as candidates.
For any symplectic manifold (
M, ω), let Diff(
M ) denote the group of diffeo-
morphisms of the underlying smooth manifold, and consider the subgroups
M, ω)
< Sym(
M, ω)
< Diff(
M )
of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms and symplectomorphisms respectively. Algebraic,
geometric and homotopy theoretic properties of these groups are discussed in Mc-
survey of 2003 [
72], but many questions remain open. It is therefore natural
to consider examples in which
M admits the action of a compact Lie group [
in particular, the situation for toric varieties and quasitoric manifolds has aroused
recent interest.
Harada and Landweber's study [
57] of the equivariant
K-theory of Hamiltonian
T n-spaces should also be located in this facet.
The facet CST . A beautiful circle of ideas that typify the facet
CST arises
from the action by conjugation of the unitary group
U (
n) on the vector space space
H of
n × n Hermitian matrices. The orbit
Hλ of the diagonal matrix
, . . , λn)is diffeomorphic to the (
− n)–dimensional flag manifold of complete flags in C
n,and admits a standard symplectic structure. The natural left action of
T n < U (
n)is Hamiltonian, and we may identify the corresponding moment map with the
restriction to
Hλ of
Φ :
H → R
n, which associates to any Hermitian matrix its
vector of diagonal entries. A classical theorem of Schur and Horn [
6] asserts that
the image
Hλ) is the convex hull of the
n! points obtained by permuting the
coordinates of (
, . . , λn) in R
n. The resulting simple convex polytope
Πn−1 is
the famous
permutahedron [
99], and a section for
Φ is given by lifting each of its
p to the corresponding diagonal matrix
Now consider the manifold
J 2(
n−1) of
n × n tridiagonal Hermitian matrices,
with distinct eigenvalues
λ1, . . ,
λn. According to [
15], there is a non-standard
λ that serves as a symplectic reduction; the restriction of
the symplectic form on
Hλ is non-degenerate, and the restriction of the momentmap is a completely integrable system. In particular,
J 2(
n−1) is a toric and qua-
sitoric manifold over
Πn−1. Furthermore, the permutahedron is the polar of the
barycentric subdivision of
∆n−1, and is therefore (
n − 1)-colourable. It follows
from [
35, Corollary 6.10] that
J 2(
n−1) is stably parallelisable, and hence of serious
interest to stable homotopy theorists.
The interior. The interior of
TT is relatively uncharted, but exploratory set-
tlements have been established and several further expeditions are under way.
Panov's work [
84] is a recent example, which aims to exploit the relative ease
with which topologists construct the factorisation
ZK → M → PK of (2.2) for any
quasitoric manifold
M . Analogues for algebraic varieties and completely integrable
torus actions were obtained by several authors in the early 1990s, as described by
Cox [
30]. The results may be interpreted as providing homogeneous coordinates
for the varieties in question, but depend on the notions of categorical quotient and
symplectic reduction respectively. Panov achieved a more satisfying unification by
adapting the concept of
Kempf-Ness set from the theory of algebraic group actions
on affine varieties, and applying it to the coordinate subspace pair (
U (
, ZK). His
procedure works for toric orbifolds, and is closest to the motivating example in the
case of projective toric varieties.
A more established exploration of the interior concerns the pursuit of
symmetry, first observed by theoretical physicists. Originally formulated as the
identification of partition functions on a pair of Calabi-Yau manifolds (
V, V ∗), the
subject became intertwined with toric geometry under the influence of Batyrev,
as summarised in his seminal paper [
12], for example. In 1999, Cox and Katz
published an entertaining
survey [
32] from the algebraic viewpoint.
A convex polytope
P in R
n is
reflexive if it is integral, contains the origin in
its interior, and has integral polar
P ∗; then
P ∗ is also reflexive. Following the con-
struction of [
64] in the case of a single generic hypersurface, Batyrev conjectured
that the corresponding pair (
XP , XP ∗ ) of toric varieties is mirror symmetric. By
stringy Hodge numbers for reasonable singular varieties, he proposed an
extension of the simplest topological test for smooth pairs (
V, V ∗) to be mirror sym-
metric, and proved that any (
XP , XP ∗ ) satisfies his test. Work on his conjectures
is ongoing. An inspection of the bibliography of [
49] confirms that the subject lies
close to the the facet
ACS; nevertheless, it has a small but significant
T -coordinate.
Many examples in mirror symmetry involve
toric orbifolds, which arise alge-
braically from a class of simplicial fans and topologically from characteristic func-tions that fail to satisfy Davis and Januszkiewicz's condition (
Example 5.1. Following Example 2.2, let
Z be
⊂ C
n+1, and
a the
coordinatewise action of
T n+1. For any vector
χ of positive integers (
, . . , χn+1),let
H be the subcircle
T (
< T n+1 of points
, . . , tχn+1) :
t ∈ T },
M the quotient space
/T (
χ); so
M is acted on by the quotient
Tχ =
T n+1
/T (
χ). In this case
M is the
weighted projective space C
P n(
χ), andreduces to the standard projective space C
P n in case
χ = (1
, . . , 1).
Weighted projective spaces have inspired an impressive literature of their own,
with links to each of the vertex disciplines; [
41] is a well-known
survey . Recent
work is increasingly topological, and includes the calculation [
9] of the equivariant
cohomology ring
H∗ (C
P n(
χ); Z); this doubles as a face ring for the weighted
quotient simplex of [
69], and is described by generators and relations in terms of
piecewise polynomials on the associated fan. It is also isomorphic to the Chow ring
of C
P n(
Further research into the algebraic topology of quasitoric orbifolds is under
active development, and includes applications of weighted lens spaces, homotopycolimits, weighted face rings, and the Bousfield Kan spectral sequence, togetherwith calculations in
K-theory and cobordism. The topic certainly appears to meritinclusion deep within the interior of the Tetrahedron.
So far as future trends are concerned, applications to the motion planning prob-
lem of robotics look especially intriguing. Moment-angle complexes
ZK are known
to engineers as configuration spaces of planar linkages [
61], and their
complexity measures the instability of algorithms for determining paths between
initial and final states of the system [
45]. Bounds on the topological complexity
depend on the homotopy type and cohomological structure of
ZK, and are therefore
within reach for certain specific
Beyond TT . Experience shows that toric objects provide concrete realisa-
tions of abstract concepts in all four vertex disciplines, which not only stimulatethe interests of experts, but are also attractive and comprehensible to a generalmathematical audience. Such reasons suggest that the study of
TT will continueto flourish. We therefore extend one final invitation to future authors, to engage inthe light-hearted but enlightening exercise of determining the toric coordinates oftheir own lectures and publications.
It seems likely that
TT will eventually be
subdivided as areas acquire sufficient
theory, literature, and distinction to merit a separate identity.
imagine notation to accommodate this process! It is also fascinating to speculateon whether additional vertices lie buried in the future — although mathematicaland theoretical physicists' increasing involvement suggests that vertex
P may soonemerge. We encourage readers to dream of a Toric Four-Simplex, and entertain uswith their fantasies at future toric conferences . .
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Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Gubkina Street,
Moscow 119991, Russia
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Source: http://higeom.math.msu.su/research/files/buchstaber-ray-tt.pdf
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Geobios 37 (2004) 631–641 A new large barn owl (Aves, Strigiformes, Tytonidae) from the Middle Pleistocene of Sicily, Italy, and its taphonomical significance Une nouvelle espèce d'effraie géante (Aves, Strigiformes, Tytonidae) du Pléistocène moyen de Sicile, Italie, et son importance taphonomique Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Torino, Via Accademia delle Scienze 5, 10123 Torino, Italy