Light-assisted therapy in dermatology the use of intense pulsed light (ipl)

Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
Light-assisted therapy in dermatology: The use of intense pulsedlight (IPL)
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, 93042 Regensburg, Germany
Received 21 September 2009; accepted 8 January 2010
Light is electromagnetic radiation and human beings encounter it on a number of levels. The versatility of the
cutaneous biological effects allows the medical utilization of light to be used as a potential diagnostic and therapeutictool. In almost all cases the light used is restricted to certain wavelengths and defined photophysical parameters.
In terms of diagnostic purposes photo testing, Wood's light diagnostics and fluorescence diagnostics are frequentlyused tools. The therapeutic use of incoherent light can be divided in four main groups: (1) UV phototherapy,(2) photodynamic therapy (PDT), (3) treatment with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and (4) treatment with intensepulsed light (IPL). Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices use flashlamps and bandpass filters to emit polychromatic,incoherent, high-intensity pulsed light of a determined wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration. Similar tolasers, the basic principle of IPL devices is the selective thermal damage of the target structure. This review summarizesthe practical use of IPL devices and the current literature on IPL with regard to the treatment of unwanted hairgrowth, vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, acne vulgaris, and as a light source for PDT.
& 2010 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Keywords: Light source; IPL; Laser; Dermatology; Vascular lesions; Pigmented lesions; Hair removal; Skin
absorption of pulsed radiation was described in detailin 1983 In 1990, Goldman and Eckhouse described
Light is electromagnetic radiation. If a range of
a new high-intensity flashlamp as a suitable tool for
wavelengths is emitted, the waves are incoherent.
treating vascular lesions. This led to IPL being launched
Examples of incoherent light sources are broadband
commercially as a medical device in 1994 IPL devices
ultraviolet (UV) light sources, low pressure fluorescent
use flashlamps and computer-controlled capacitor banks
lamps, high pressure mercury/xenon lamps, light-emitting
to generate pulsed polychromatic high-intensity light.
diodes (LEDs), and intense pulsed light (IPL) devices.
The emission spectrum of IPLs ranges from 500 to
The use of polychromatic infrared light was first
1300 nm. With the aid of convertible cut-off filters, IPLs
introduced in 1976 by Muhlbauer et al. for the treatment
can be adapted to the desired wavelength. In IPL devices,
of vascular malformations The photothermolysis of
as is the case in lasers, the basic principle is the absorption
pigmented structures, cells, and organelles by selective
of photons by endogenous or exogenous chromophoreswithin the skin and the transfer of energy to these
chromophores. This transfer generates heat and subse-
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quently destructs the target structure. As IPL devices emit
1615-1615/$ - see front matter & 2010 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
a spectrum of wavelengths the three key chromophores,
Comparison of IPL vs. laser technology.
hemoglobin, melanin, and water, can be activated with asingle light exposure. The choice of suitable cut-off filters
is determined by the patient's skin type and the existing
skin condition. Depending on the particular device, the
Inconsistence of emitted
pulse duration can be set in the millisecond (ms) range.
spectrum and fluence
The combination of particular wavelengths, pulse dura-
Pulse duration: in ms range
tions, pulse intervals, and fluences facilitates the treat-
ment of a wide spectrum of skin conditions, such as acne
Smaller spot size
vulgaris, pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, unwanted
High weight of handpiece
hair growth, photodamaged skin, scars , and angioker-
atomas However, the wide range of selectable
treatment settings carries the risk of evoking side effects
because of nonspecific thermal damage, especially for
High skin coverage rate
untrained physicians and even more, for non-medical
staff. This situation is even more complicated as a large
Gel application required
number of IPL devices exist and comparison of IPLs on
Direct contact of handpiece to
the basis of their wavelength spectrum, fluence ranges,
pulse durations, etc. does not provide any evidence for
Economics Robust technology
their clinical effectiveness. A serious comparison is more
complex and should account for the fluence per area
Lower purchase price
for every emitted wavelength, for every possible pulse
duration, and for every possible pulse shape against the
background of the real on-off time, fluence, and spectral
aDisallows observation of immediate local response.
jitter during an impulse. For example, the emission of asigmoidal-shaped pulse is disadvantageous because sucha pulse means a shift in the spectral and fluence
(RCT) or controlled trials (CT). The level of evidence
distribution within the pulse. Eadie et al. measured
reached is IIB.
the spectral and temporal characteristics of an IPL device
Cameron et al. compared in a split-face study with
and showed a shift in spectral distribution within a pulse
female participants (n=9) a diode laser (Lightsheer EC,
and between the pulses, which is caused by a variable
current delivered to the xenon flashlamp. Favorable
20–45 J/cm2, pulse duration: 30 ms) with an IPL device
characteristics of IPLs are a large capacitor bank allow-
(Luminette, Lynton Lasers, Cheshire, UK; lem=625–
ing a constant current to be delivered to the flashlamp
1100 nm, 32 J/cm2, pulse train: 8 4 ms, total train time:
and thus the emission of a roughly square-shaped pulse.
95 ms). Six weeks after the treatments (three treatments
Also desirable is the omission of wavelengths beyond
at six-week intervals), IPL therapy and laser had
950 nm as higher wavelengths are preferentially absorbed
substantially reduced the hair count (average hair counts
by water and therefore contribute to significant epidermal
in a 16 cm2 area; laser vs. IPL vs. control: 42.4 vs. 38.1 vs.
heating. A comparison of IPL characteristics with the
45.3 (baseline) and 10.4 vs. 20.4 vs. 44.7 (after treatment)).
laser technology is given in .
Despite subjecting the patients to higher pain scores and
The following sections discuss the current literature on
more inflammation, laser was preferred by five patients;
IPL for the treatment of unwanted hair growth, vascular
two preferred IPL and one had no preference.
lesions, pigmented lesions, acne vulgaris, and photoda-
A randomized split-face comparison of facial hair
maged skin as well as light sources for photodynamic
removal was conducted by McGill and co-workers
therapy (PDT) and skin rejuvenation. Where available,
using an alexandrite laser (GentleLASE, Candela Corp.,
we focus on controlled studies comparing IPL devices to
Wayland, MA, USA; lem=755 nm, 15 mm spot size,
the respective standard treatment.
fluence: 10–30 J/cm2; pulse duration: 3 ms) and an IPLdevice
650–1100 nm, fluence: 16–42 J/cm2; 3 pulses of 55 ms,delay: 20 ms) in women (n=38) with polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS). The authors reported that alexan-drite laser treatment resulted in longer median hair-free
Hair removal is clearly a key indication for IPL
intervals than IPL therapy (seven weeks vs. two weeks;
devices A number of medical publications document
po0.001). The decrease in hair counts was significantly
the effectiveness of IPL treatment for hair removal, yet
higher after alexandrite laser treatment than after IPL
only few provide data from randomized controlled
therapy at one, three, and six months (52%, 43%, and
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
46% vs. 21%, 21%, and 27%; po0.001). Patient
pigmented lesions. Q-switched laser systems are clearly
satisfaction scores were significantly higher for the
the method of choice for the treatment of benign pig-
alexandrite laser (pr0.002). The authors assumed that
mented, non-nevomelanocytic lesions. Nevomelanocytic
the specific wavelength, short pulse duration, and single
lesions are generally not a routine indication for laser
pulse delivery of the alexandrite laser is responsible for
treatment. However, several reports indicate the effec-
higher follicular destruction. Unfortunately, no histolo-
tiveness of IPL devices in the treatment of pigmented
gical investigations were done and the treatment
lesions. These indications should only be treated by
duration was not documented. Toosi et al.
board-certified dermatologists as the first and foremost
compared the clinical efficacy and side effects of an
step is a doubtless diagnosis of the entity to be treated
alexandrite laser (Cynosure Inc., Westford, MA, USA;
and the exclusion of a malignant process.
lem=755 nm, pulse length: 2 ms, spot size: 10 mm,
Li et al. studied the safety and efficacy of an IPL
fluence: 16–20 J/cm2), a diode laser (Palomar Medical
device (Lumenis One, Lumenis Inc., Santa Clara, CA,
Technologies, Burlington, MA, USA; lem=810 nm,
USA; fluence: 13–17 J/cm2; 560/590 nm filters, double
pulse duration: 12.5 ms, fluence: 40–64 J/cm2) as well
pulse or 590/615/640 nm filters and triple pulse, 3–4 ms
as an IPL device (Medical Bio Care, Sweden; filter:
pulse duration; 25–40 ms pulse delay) in the treatment
650 nm, fluence: 22–34 J/cm2, double pulse, pulse dura-
of melasma in Chinese patients (n=89). The patients
tion: 20 ms, delay: 10–40 ms) for hair removal in 232
received four IPL treatments at three-week intervals.
patients. Six months after treatment (3–7 sessions), no
69 out of 89 patients (77.5%) showed 51–100%
significant difference could be seen between the average
improvement according to the overall evaluation by
hair reduction of IPL (66.9717.7%), alexandrite
dermatologists. Self-assessment by the patients indi-
cated that 63 of 89 patients (70.8%) considered there
(p=0.194). The incidence of side effects was significantly
had been a 50% or more improvement. Melasma area
higher after diode laser treatment (p=0.0001). In a CT,
and severity index (MASI) decreased substantially from
Amin et al. evaluated the efficacy of an IPL device
15.2 to 4.5.
(red filter), an IPL device (yellow filter), a 810 nm diode
The effectiveness of combined IPL and Q-switched
laser, and a 755 nm alexandrite laser in patients (n=10)
ruby laser (QSRL) therapy in Korean women (n=25)
with unwanted hair on the back or thigh. Hair counts at
with facial pigmentary disorders was determined by
one, three, and six months after the second treatment
Park et al. According to their results, 19 out of 25
showed a significant decrease in hair counts (approxi-
patients (76%) reported a good to excellent response.
mately 50%) for all light devices (no statistical
Two independent physicians assessed that 15 out of 25
difference). An evidence-based review published in
patients (60%) showed a 76–100% improvement,
2006 summarizes 9 RCTs and 21 CTs on the efficacy
whereas 19 out of 25 patients (76%) showed an
and safety of hair removal by means of ruby,
improvement of at least 50%. Side effects were minimal.
alexandrite, diode, or Nd:YAG lasers or IPL (for IPL
Galeckas et al. conducted a multiple-treatment
only 1 RCT and 1 CT) Based on the data available
split-face comparison using a flashlamp-pumped pulsed
for IPL, the authors concluded that no sufficient
dye laser ((FPDL), Perfecta, Candela Corp., Wayland,
evidence exists for long-term hair removal after IPL
MA; lem=595 nm, fluence: 36 J/cm2, pulse duration:
treatment. Bjerring et al. compared the effectiveness
10 ms) with a compression handpiece vs. an IPL device
of an IPL device (Ellipse Relax Light 1000, Danish
(Starlux, Palomar Medical Technologies, Burlington,
Dermatologic Development, Hoersholm, Denmark;
MA, USA; lem=525–1200 nm, fluence: 35.6 J/cm2, pulse
lem=600–950 nm; 10 48 mm spot size; 18.5 J/cm2) to
duration: 10 ms). Ten patients were treated three times
a normal mode ruby laser (Epitouch, ESC Sharplan, Tel
at three to four-week intervals. One month after the
Aviv, Israel; lem=694 nm, spot size: 5 mm, pulse
final treatment, improvement was assessed by blinded
duration: 0.9 ms) in a split-face study for hair removal
investigators who reported 86.5% vs. 82.0% for FPDL
in 31 patients (three treatments). The authors reported
vs. IPL for dark lentigines, 65.0% vs. 62.5% for light
an average hair count reduction of 49.3% (IPL) vs.
lentigines, 85.0% vs. 78.5% for vessels o0.6 mm, 38.0%
21.3% (ruby laser) after three treatments and concluded
vs. 32.5% for vessels 40.6 mm, and 40.0% vs. 32.0%
that IPL treatment was 3.94 times more effective for hair
for texture. Mean third treatment times were 7.7
removal than ruby laser therapy.
(FPDL) vs. 4.6 (IPL) min (p=0.005). Mean pain ratingswere 5.8 (FPDL) vs. 3.1 (IPL) (p=0.007). The rate ofside effects was lower with the IPL (infraorbital edema:50% vs. 0%, post-treatment purpura 10% vs. 0%;
Pigmented lesions
FPDL vs. IPL).
Bjerring et al. evaluated the effectiveness of an
The fact that IPL devices emit light pulses within the
IPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish Dermatologic Devel-
ms range makes them second best for the treatment of
opment, Hoersholm, Denmark; lem=400–720 nm; spot
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
size: 10 48 mm; pulse duration: 2 7 ms, delay: 25 ms;
spectrum including the near infrared range, which could
fluence: 10–20 J/cm2) in the treatment of lentigo solaris
be a reason for the lower clearance. Bjerring et al.
(18 patients) and benign melanocytic nevi (8 patients).
treated 15 patients with dye laser-resistant PWS
Two months after a single treatment, evaluation by
four times with an IPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish
means of close-up photographs showed a pigment
Dermatologic Development, Hoersholm, Denmark;
reduction in 96% of the patients and an average
lem=555–950 nm; spot size: 10 48 mm; pulse duration:
clearance of 74.2% for lentigo solaris and 66.3% for
13–22 J/cm2).
melanocytic nevi.
reported 7 out of 15 patients exhibiting a lightening ofmore than 50%, which corresponds with our ownexperience. No scarring was observed, hypopigmenta-
tion (9%) or hyperpigmentation (3%) occurred onlyrarely. McGill and co-workers compared a pulsed
Vascular malformations are another key indication
dye, an alexandrite, a KTP, and a Nd:YAG laser as well
for IPL therapy. The mechanism of the action of IPLs is
as an IPL device (Lumina, Lynton Lasers, Cheshire,
related to their selective absorption by hemoglobin
UK; lem=550–1100; spot size: 10 10 mm, fluence:
within the blood vessels. The thermal effect of IPLs on
28–34 J/cm2, double pulsed;10 ms delay) in a split-lesion
skin vessels (diameters: 60, 150, 300, 500 mm) was
modus in patients (n=18) with PWS. In this study, the
calculated for different wavelengths by Ba¨umler et al.
alexandrite laser (GentleLASE, Candela Corp., Way-
by means of the finite element method (pulse
land, MA, USA; lem=755 nm, pulse duration: 3 ms)
duration: 30 ms; fluence: 15 or 30 J/cm2). These authors
was the most effective and resulted in fading PWS in 10
found that the investigated spectra provided homoge-
patients, although both hyperpigmentation (n=4) and
neous heating in the entire vessel that was sufficient for
scarring (n=1) were frequent. IPL resulted in PWS
coagulating vessels 460 mm. There is evidence in the
fading in six patients, the KTP and Nd:YAG lasers
literature for successful treatment of essential telangiec-
(Laserscope UK Ltd., Cwmbran, Gwent, Wales, UK;
tasias rosacea , port-wine stains (PWS)
lem=1064 nm) were the least effective with fading seen
nevi angiomas and
in two patients for both systems; five patients showed
erythrosis For the treatment of essential telangiec-
further PWS fading after double-passed PDL (SLS
tasias, PWS, and rosacea, the level of evidence IIB
Biophile, Wales, UK; lem=585 nm, pulse duration:
0.45 ms) treatment.
Laser Dermatology (ESLD) published guidelines forthe use of IPLs in the treatment of vascular malforma-tions .
There is evidence in the literature for the successful
treatment of rosacea. Papageorgiou et al. assessed
Regarding PWS, two works provide data from
the efficacy of an IPL device (Quantum SR, Lumenis,
controlled side-by-side comparisons of IPL and the
London, UK; lem=560–1200 nm, spot size: 34 8 mm,
standard therapy with the dye laser . Faurschou
double pulses of 2.4 and 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0 ms (depending
et al. treated 20 patients with PWS in a side-by-side
on the skin type), fluence: 24–32 J/cm2) for the treatment
trial with a pulsed dye laser ((PDL), V-beam Perfecta,
(four treatments at three-weeks interval) of stage I
Candela Corp., Wayland, MA, USA; lem=595 nm,
rosacea (flushing, erythema, and telangiectasia) in 34
pulse duration: 0.45–1.5 ms) vs. IPL (StarLux, Palomar
patients. Photographic assessment showed significant
improvement of erythema (46%) and telangiectasias
lem=525–1200 nm, pulse duration: 5–10 ms, fluence:
(55%). The severity of rosacea was reduced on average
7–14 J/cm2). The researchers found that both PDL and
by 3.5 points on a 10-point visual analog scale (VAS).
IPL significantly lightened PWS, whereas median
The results were sustained at six months. Side effects
clinical improvements were significantly better with the
were minimal and self-limiting.
PDL (65%) than with the IPL (30%). The lower
Schroeter et al. approved these positive results in
effectiveness of the IPL in that paper might be explained
the treatment of rosacea, testing the effectiveness of
by the fact that the authors did not only include
IPL devices (PhotoDerm VL or Vasculight, Lumenis,
previously untreated (n=8) but also previously treated
lem=515–1200 nm; pulse duration:
(n=12) patients in this study without distinguishing
4.3–6.5 ms; fluence: 25–35 J/cm2) in the treatment of
between the two groups. Also Faurschou et al. used an
facial telangiectasia in rosacea patients (n=60). On
IPL that emitted light of 500–670 and 870–1400 nm.
average, 4.1 treatments were applied per area (n=508)
Therefore, the IPL used by Faurschou et al. divided
and clinically, as well as photographically, evaluated.
the applied energy over a much broader wavelength
A mean clearance of 77.8% was achieved and was
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
maintained for a follow-up period averaging 51.6
angiomas. Patients with telangiectasias, cherry angio-
months (range: 12–99 months). Within this remarkable
mas, or leg veins o1 mm were more satisfied after IPL
long follow-up period, only 4 of the 508 treated areas
treatment, whereas patients with leg veins 41 mm were
showed recurring lesions. Minimal side effects occurred.
more satisfied after Nd:YAG treatment. The Nd:YAG
In a randomized controlled single-blind split-face
treatment was reported as being more painful.
trial, Neuhaus et al. compared a pulsed dye laser
Retamar et al. investigated the effectiveness and
(PDL, spot size: 10 mm, fluence: 7 J/cm2, pulse duration:
safety of an IPL device (515–1200 nm) in the treatment
6 ms) with an IPL device (560 nm filter, pulse train: 2.4
of linear and spider facial telangiectasias in 140 patients.
and 6.0 ms, delay: 15 ms, fluence: 25 J/cm2) in the
In this study, the response of 94 (67.1%) patients was
treatment of facial erythematotelangiectatic rosacea.
excellent (80–100%), 43 (30.7%) was good (40–80%)
Patients (n=29) underwent three-monthly treatment
and 3 (2.1%) had poor clearance (o40%). Post-
sessions. In this study, PDL and IPL therapy signifi-
treatment side effects were minimal and transient.
cantly reduced cutaneous erythema, telangiectasia, andpatient-reported associated symptoms. No significant
difference was noted between the PDL and IPLtreatments.
There is evidence in the literature for successful
treatment of erythrosis. Madonna Terracina and co-workers used IPL (fluence: 9–12 J/cm2, pulse
duration: 10–20 ms, spot size: 20 50 mm) in thetreatment of face and neck erythrosis in women
There is evidence in the literature for successful
(n=22) and men (n=12). Patients underwent five
treatment of telangiectasias. In a randomized split-
treatments at intervals of three weeks. In 22 patients, a
lesion trial, Nymann et al. compared the efficacy
total regression of the erythrosis was achieved after five
and side effects of a long-pulsed dye laser ((LPDL),
applications, while the erythema persisted in five
V-beam Perfecta, Candela Corp., Wayland, MA,
patients after the end of treatment. Wenzel et al.
USA; lem=595 nm, pulse duration: 6–20 ms; fluence:
reported successful treatment of patients with progres-
6–12 J/cm2) with an IPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish
sive disseminated essential telangiectasia (n=4) and
Dermatologic Development, Hoersholm, Denmark;
erythrosis interfollicularis colli (n=5) by means of an
lem=530–750 or 555–950 nm; spot size: 10 48 mm;
IPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish Dermatologic Devel-
pulse duration: 10–20 ms; fluence: 8–20 J/cm2) in pa-
opment, Hoersholm, Denmark; lem=555–950 nm; spot
tients (n=13) with telangiectasias after radiotherapy for
size: 10 48 mm; pulse duration: 14–18 ms; fluence:
breast cancer. Patients underwent three split-lesion
11.7–17 J/cm2). According to their results, clearance
treatments at six-week intervals. The authors reported
rates were 76–90% in six out of nine patients, 51–75% in
median vessel clearances of 90% (LPDL) vs. 50% (IPL)
two patients, and 50% in one patient. For both
(p=0.01) three months after treatment. LPDL treat-
indications, 2.8 treatments were applied on average.
ments were associated with lower pain scores than IPL
Adverse events were rare, only one patient suffered from
transient crusts and blisters, which resulted in transient
differ significantly, more patients preferred the LPDL
hypopigmentation; another patient showed transient
(n=9) to IPL (n=2) (po0.01). Bjerring et al.
evaluated the effectiveness and side effects of the sameIPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish Dermatologic Devel-opment, Hoersholm, Denmark; lem=555–950 nm; spotsize: 10 48 mm; pulse duration: 10–30 ms; fluence:
IPL as a light source for photodynamic therapy
10–26 J/cm2) in patients (n=24) with facial telangiecta-
of non-melanoma skin cancers
sias. In total, 2.5470.96 treatments were conducted atone-month intervals. 79.2% of the patients obtained a
PDT is an approved treatment option of non-
more than 50% reduction in the number of vessels, and
melanoma skin cancers such as actinic keratoses (AK)
37.5% obtained a reduction between 75% and 100%
or superficial basal cell carcinomas Aminolevulinic
two months after the last treatment. Side effects were
acid (ALA) or its methyl ester (MAL) are prodrugs that
rare (moderate erythema and edema), and no scarring or
are converted into their active form, i.e. protoporphyrin
pigmentary disturbances occurred.
IX (PpIX) within the altered epidermal cells . The
In a prospective side-by-side study, Fodor et al.
major absorption bands of PpIX include 410, 504, 538,
compared an IPL device (Vasculight, Lumenis, London,
576, and 630 nm and are therefore particularly suitable
UK; filter: 515, 550, or 570 nm, fluence: 15–38 J/cm2;
for the activation with broadband IPL. Both ALA and
pulse duration not stated) to a Nd:YAG laser in patients
MAL are used for PDT in combination with IPL, e.g.
(n=25) with telangiectasias, leg veins, or cherry
for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
Pain is a major side effect of PDT and is dependent on
absorption leads to the generation of reactive oxygen
the type of photosensitizer (PS) used, the treatment area
species (ROS) with subsequent bactericidal effects.
and the type of lesion treated
Another pathway is based on the selective photother-
Our group compared the efficacy and painfulness of
molysis of blood vessels that supply sebaceous glands,
an IPL device (Energist Ultra VPL, Energist Ltd,
which reduces the sebum secretion rate. A third
Swansea, UK; 610–950 nm, two pulse trains, each 15
mechanism of action requires an exogenous PS which
pulses of 5 ms, delay: 20 ms, fluence: 40 J/cm2 per pulse
is applied to the skin surface. The PS accumulates in the
train) to a standard light source for PDT, a LED-system
sebaceous glands and leads to the destruction of
(AktiLites, Galderma, France; 63573 nm, 50 mW/cm2;
sebaceous glands after light activation . The use
37 J/cm2), in a prospective randomized controlled split-
of IPL offers the possibility to match the absorption
face study In 25 patients with AK, topical PDT was
peaks of the porphyrins and hemoglobin and may be
applied followed by a re-evaluation of up to three
therefore a suitable tool for acne treatment. In a
months. According to our results, IPL use for PDT is an
randomized split-face trial, Yeung et al. evaluated
efficient alternative for the treatment of AK, resulting in
the effect of IPL therapy alone vs. MAL–PDT–IPL vs.
complete remission and cosmesis equivalent to LED
control on moderate acne vulgaris in Asian patients
irradiation but with significantly less pain (VAS: 4.3
(n=30) with skin type IV or V. Incubation time was
(IPL) vs. 6.4 (LED); po0.001). Kim et al.
30 min in the PDT group. IPL treatment (Ellipse Flex,
performed a clinical and histopathological trial (n=7
Denmark; lem=530–750 nm; spot size: 10 48 mm;
ALA–PDT using an IPL device (Ellipse Flex, Danish
pulse duration: 2 2.5 ms, delay: 10 ms; fluence: 7–9 J/
Dermatologic Development, Hoersholm, Denmark;
cm2) was applied four times at three-week intervals. The
lem=555–950 nm; spot size: 10 48 mm; pulse duration:
response was evaluated by two blinded investigators
20–30 ms; fluence: 12–16 J/cm2, two passes) as a light
based on photographs 4 and 12 weeks after the final
source in the resolution of AK (n=12 lesions). Eight or
treatment. In this study, a significant reduction of non-
12 weeks after treatment, the clinical response was
inflammatory lesions was observed in the MAL–PDT
assessed and histopathological examinations were con-
group (38%, pr0.05) and IPL groups (43%, pr0.01),
ducted on clinically resolved lesions. Six out of 12 (50%)
whereas the control group showed an increase of 15%
lesions showed clinical clearance after one single
of non-inflammatory lesions 12 weeks after treatment.
treatment, but histological examinations showed that
No statistically significant differences existed between
only 5 of the 12 (42%) lesions had been removed.
the intervention groups (PDT: 65%; IPL: 23%) and the
Complications, such as pigmentary changes or scarring,
control group (88%) in the mean reduction of inflam-
were not observed. These results show that studies using
matory lesions. However, 25% of patients treated with
different IPL devices are not comparable. Especially
PDT withdrew because of treatment-associated discom-
if treating an oncologic indication such as AK, the
fort. Sami et al. compared the effectiveness of PDL,
physician has to know the exact dosimetry which makes
LED, and IPL (lem=550–1200 nm, fluence: 22 J/cm2,
the used light source an effective one. Therefore more
pulse duration: 30 ms) treatment in a controlled
controlled and systematic studies that define the effec-
randomized clinical trial. Patients (n=45) with moder-
tive photophysical parameters for different IPL devices
ate to severe acne were randomly divided into three
are needed. LEDs or gas-discharge lamps are currently
equal groups (PDL vs. IPL vs. blue-red combination
the standard light sources for PDT of non-melanoma
LED). Clearance of Z90% of lesions was achieved
skin cancers. However, even a laser (e.g. FPDL) can be
after 4.171.4 (PDL) vs. 672.1 (IPL) vs. 1073.3 (LED)
used as a light source. From a physical point of view
sessions (one treatment per week). At mid-point
lasers have advantages over IPL due to their reliable
evaluation, the percent reduction in acne lesions was
dosimetry and to the fact that coherence accounts for
Z90.0% (PDL) vs. 41.7% (IPL) vs. 35.3% (LED). All
a higher penetration depth.
treatments were well-tolerated. Taub comparedthe
for ALA–PDT in treating moderate to severe acne
vulgaris. Patients (n=22) were randomly assigned toIPL
(lem=600–850 nm),
Targeting acne by laser or light devices is widely
(lem=580–980 nm) and bipolar radiofrequency (RF)
accepted in the literature. Two mechanisms of action
energies, or blue light (417 nm). Each patient received
target acne lesions: a photodynamic effect is evoked by
three ALA–PDT sessions at two-week intervals. Follow-
the use of both UV light and visible light that is
up evaluations were conducted one and three months
absorbed by porphyrins (PpIX, coproporphyrin III;
after the final treatment. The author reported that
absorption peaks: 400, 510, 542, 578, 630, and 665 nm)
ALA–PDT with activation by IPL provided better,
that are produced by Propionibacterium acnes. This
longer-lasting, and more consistent improvement than
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
RF-IPL or blue light activation. Chang et al.
following treatment, the patient should avoid sunlight
or, at least, use sufficient UV protection during this
Dermatologic Development, Hoersholm, Denmark;
lem=530–750 nm; spot size: 10 48 mm; pulse duration:
Recent information in terms of hazard analysis and
2 2.5 ms, delay: 10 ms; fluence: 7.5–8 J/cm2) in female
determining of safety measures for IPL use are given
patients (n=30) with mild to moderate acne. One side of
the face was treated with benzoyl peroxide gel only andon the other side, IPL treatment was also applied. Afterthree sessions in three weeks, no significant difference
could be detected with regard to a possible reduction ofinflammatory lesions on either side of the face. How-
The effectiveness and safety of IPL devices in a variety
ever, red macules, irregular pigmentation, and skin tone
of skin conditions has been proven by a large number of
improved in 63% of the laser-treated sides vs. 33% on
studies. Many controlled trials attest a similar effective-
the control side.
ness of IPLs to lasers. Others show that the lasers are
The heterogeneous results in current clinical trials
clearly superior. Vascular lesions as well as hypertri-
show that acne treatment with IPL is far from being a
chiosis are deemed to be the key indications for IPL
standard treatment. Most studies lack sufficient treat-
treatment. The major advantages of IPLs are their
ment durations and follow-up periods. This is highly
large spot size together with their versatility and their
relevant, particularly with regard to the treatment
comparatively low purchase price. However, large
impact against P. acnes and inflammatory acne lesions.
controlled and blinded comparative trials with an
P. acnes levels only remain reduced if light treatments
extended follow-up period are needed to provide a
are applied over a longer period of time, similar to the
greater number of evidence-based data.
need for prolonged courses of antibiotics.
Licht-assistierte Therapie in der Dermatologie: Einsatz
Safety aspects of IPL treatment are comparable to
von hochenergetischen Blitzlampen (IPL)
laser treatment Both verbal and writteninformation on the nature of IPL treatment, the chance
Die vielfa¨ltigen biologischen und physikalischen Ef-
of success, and alternative treatment options have to be
fekte, welche aus der Interaktion zwischen Licht als
provided. Signed informed consent of the patient is
elektromagnetische Strahlung und unserer Haut als
mandatory. Possible therapy sequelae, such as blister-
Grenzorgan hervorgehen, lassen sich sowohl diagnostisch
ing, purpura, or crusting, and potential side effects, such
als auch therapeutisch nutzbar machen. Hierbei entschei-
as erythema, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation,
det die Fragestellung bzw. die Indikation u¨ber das zu
atrophia, scarring, hypertrophic scarring, or keloid
verwendende Lichtspektrum und die Dosimetrie. Zu
formation, as well as the risk of infection should be
diagnostischen Zwecken findet Licht maßgeblich in Form
mentioned. Diagnosis and clinical appearance have to
der Phototestung, der Fluoreszenzdiagnostik und als
be documented in the patient record. Photo documenta-
Wood-Licht Verwendung. Der therapeutische Gebrauch
tion is mandatory prior to each single treatment. For
inkoha¨renten Lichtes kann in vier Hauptgruppen un-
IPL treatment itself, an optical coupling gel needs to be
terteilt werden: (1) UV-Phototherapie, (2) Photodyna-
applied and eye protection with the appropriate goggles
is mandatory . However, polychromatic light cannot
Leuchtdioden (light-emitting diodes, (LEDs)) und die
be filtered out as effectively as monochromatic light so
Behandlung mit hochenergetischen Blitzlampen (intense
that the goggles that now comply with the safety
pulsed light, (IPL)). Bei IPL-Gera¨ten wird mittels
standards need to be improved. More rapid shutting
wechselbarer Lichtfiltersa¨tze das von Blitzlampen emit-
glasses are currently being developed and it is hoped
tierte polychromatische, inkoha¨rente Licht auf den
that they might provide a solution to this problem.
gewu¨nschten Spektralbereich eingeengt. Das Wirkprinzip
Whenever treatment parameters are introduced for the
von IPL-Gera¨ten basiert auf der bedingt selektiven
first time, they should be tested on an inconspicuous site
thermischen Scha¨digung der Zielstruktur und a¨hnelt
within the treatment area and the skin reaction should
damit dem Wirkprinzip der Lasertechnologie. Die
be observed. If a melanocytic lesion is apparent within
¨ bersichtsarbeit fokussiert auf den Einsatz
the treatment area, the nevus should be omitted from
von IPL-Gera¨ten in der Dermatologie. Neben den
the treatment or covered with wet white gauze or
grundlegenden physikalischen Aspekten werden die
non-absorbent white paper. If desired, the treated
wichtigsten Indikationen (unerwu¨nschtes Haarwachstum,
area can be cooled after IPL therapy. For 8 weeks
pigmentierte La¨sionen, vaskula¨re Malformationen, Akne
P. Babilas / Medical Laser Application 25 (2010) 61–69
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Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 1 (2003): 295 - 307 INDOLEALKYLAMINES IN MUCUNA SPECIES N. J. Szabo Tropical and Analytical Toxicology Core Laboratory, Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology, University of Florida, P.O.Box 110885, Gainesville, FL 32611-0885, USA E-mail: [email protected]
A Guide to the Diagnosis & Management of Myasthenia GravisJoël Oger, MD, FRCPC, FAA. Dr. John Newsom-Davis 1932-2007 Expert reviews: J. Newsom-Davis CBE, MA, FRCP, FRS, Design & illustration: L.Waters, MFA, MScBMC, Waters Biomedical Acknowledgements:I thank Talecris Biotherapeutics for making this booklet possible through an unrestricted educational grant, and Kim Fisher, PhD, for her support. I would also like to thankLori Waters for the illustration and design.