
INCON-the newsletter of the Ireland Section of ISA.
Intelligent Valve Te
T rminals
Maurice Radford Receives
T chnical Talk, Dublin
Golden Achievement Award
The ‘Intel igent Valve Terminals', technicaltalk took place in Bewely's Hotel, Dublinon Tuesday 6th February 2007. The talk was presented by Mr. BrianReardon of FESTO. The talk gave aa TPhoto No. 2 - Maurice Radford step by step guide to integratingpneumatic solenoid valves into moderncontrol architectures from the basic ofsolenoid valves to web-based diagnostictools. Jim Long presenting Maurice Radfordwith the Golden Achievement Award.
Jim Long collected the award onMaurice's behalf at the ‘Fal Meeting' inHouston in October 2006.
"ISA, the international society for measurementand control, advances the technology and thecompetence and the careers of practitioners forthe benefit of industry and humanity." Jim Long & Brian Reardon District 12 Leadership
Photo No. 3 - tech talk on OEE The 2007 DLC will be held in St.
Petersburg, Russia on 25 and 26 May. Itwil be held at the Management TrainingCentre Hotel in the town of Pushkin on theoutskirts of St. Petersburg.
From L to R: Eamon Creech - Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd, Bil y Walsh – UCC, Liam Curham - speaker, Dataworks The main purpose of a DLC is to Train Ltd, Dominic Coveney - Schering Plough Ltd. Section Leaders and for Networking so Shane Robinson - speaker, Dataworks Ltd. that the volunteers can carry out their ISAroles in a better manner.
This presentation consisted of two 30minutes sessions. A case study focusingon machine fault & performance monitoring and a discussion sessionwhere the speakers shared the findings (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
of a recent study they carried out in & Performance Monitoring
partnership with Enterprise Ireland.
Effectiveness) & Performance Monitoring'technical talk took place in RochestownPark Hotel, Cork on Tuesday 20thFebruary 2007.
The talk was presented by Mr LiamCurham Technical Director, Dataworks Ltdand Mr Shane Robinson Senior Engineer,Dataworks Ltd.
Carrigrennan Waste Water
The secondary treatment is Treatment Plant, Cork
achieved by means of an activated sludgesystem which is carried out in SequenceBatch Reactors. Sludge, the by-product of The plant visit to ‘Carrigrennan Waste the treatment process, is pasteurised, Water Treatment Plant' took place on dried and turned into a granular Wednesday 14th March 2007.
material. The gas produced from thisprocess is used to heat the digesters andalso run the driers.
Each day around 8 tones of granules richin nitrogen and phosphorous areproduced agriculture as a fertiliser and soilconditioner.
An amenity area of 17 hectares has been provided surroundingthe plant, together with a two and a half-mile public coastal walkway.
preserved wetland areas for wildlife havebeen extended and enhanced and a Attendees of waste water plant visit major programme of landscaping andtree planting has been carried out.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant is part ofthe Cork Main Drainage Scheme, andcurrently can facilitate a population Photo No. 5 - Plaque Presentation to equivalent of 413,000.
designed in a modular format to al ow foreasy expansion to cater for futuredemands.
The plant which is highly automatedoffers primary and secondary treatmentand has been producing treated water to Bil y Walsh presenting plague to John Conroy, a very high standard since January with Derek O'Sul ivan Atlana Plant Visit
company. The plant was occupied onOctober 15th 2005 and the fol owing IDA Business & Technology
Park, Carrigtohill, Co.Cork

nine months of qualification andvalidation, The plant visit to ‘Atlana Pharma Limited Nycomed currently employ 74 people in (NYCOMED)' in Carrigtohil, Co. Cork Cork, at ful capacity this wil increase to took place on Tuesday 12th April 2007.
approximately 150. The plant is trulystate-of-the-art and includes the most Based in Konstanz, Germany, ALTANA modern equipment available for tablet Pharma was an international research- based pharmaceutical company, which,on January 1st 2007 was taken over by Nycomed's most important and successful product is Pantoprazole which is used inover 90 countries to treat acid-induced The combined group wil continue under the Nycomed corporate brand name and oesophagitis. Pantoprazole is marketed will be headquartered in Zurich, as Protium here in Ireland. Worldwide With more than 12,000 Pantoprazole sales in 2006 exceeded 2 people and a presence in about 50 bil ion and continue to rise. Nycomed is active within a range of therapeutic operating throughout Europe and in fast- growing markets such as Latin America, Russia/CIS and the Asia-Pacific region.
respiratory, pain and tissue management.
New products are sourced from our own Construction on the 14,000sq.metre research and from external partners.
Nycomed facility which includes buildingsfor tablet production, laboratories,administration, warehouse and utilitiescommenced on January 19th 2004 inCarrigtohil . The main project contractorwas a Joint Venture between Zueblin, aGerman construction firm and Cleary & ISA-The Instumentation, Systems and Doyle, a Wexford based Automation Society In order that the ISA Ireland section records Mr. Declan Lordan are accurate and up-to-date concerning our Douglas Control & Automation members throughout the country, it is important to let me know if you have: ISA Ireland Section Tel: (021) 4317001 Fax: (021) 4313603 2. Moved to a new employer 3. A new telephone number 4. A new fax number 5. A new e-mail address This will enable us to make sure that all correspondence from the Ireland section and the USA will reach you at the proper destination in time.
Euro Rates for ISA Membership:
1. Regular Membership 2. Senior Membership 3. Student Membership 4. Division Membership 4. Two year regular / senior a158.00
membership (save a12.00) 5. Three year regular / a225.00
senior membership (save a30.00) 5. Three year studentr Executive Commit ee ISA Ireland Section Brian Nolan
Barry Nugent
Mr. Brian Nolan - President
Mr. Billy Walsh - Public Relations
O'Shea Electrical, 021- 4510700 Officer. U.C.C., 021-4902144 Mr. Jim Long - President Elect, James
Mr. Terry McCarthy - Exhibition,
Connolly Memorial Hospital, 01-6565071 Insteco, 021-4883798 Mr. Barry Nugent - Secretary,
Mr. Eoin O'Riain - Web Site
Readout, 01-2822554
Mr. Declan Fleming - Treasurer
Schering Plough, 021-4329538
Mr. Peadar Walsh - Committee
Mr. Mark Roosli - Technical Program,
Jones Engineering. 021-4510700 Dataworks, 051-878555 Mr. Martin Almond - Committee,
Mr. Michael Meade - Education
Parsons 021-4547701 DPS Engineering. 021-7305030 Mr. Brian Curtis - Committee, DPS
Mr. Declan Lordan - Membership
Engineering, 021-4702939 Douglas Electronics, 021-4317001 Ms. Geraldine O'Donovan -
Mr. Bob Shine - Committee
(Retired), 021-4543722 Jacobs Engineering. 021-4356430 Mr. Dave Peyton - Committee
Mr. Kevin Dignam - Honors & Awards/
Carlow IT, 01-8406217 Past Section President,DPS Engineering. 021-7305034 Section Commit ee Members can be contacted at: ISA Ireland Section P.O.Box 203 Eglinton St., Cork isaire [email protected] [email protected] The views expressed in INCON are not necessarily those of ISA or ISA Ireland



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