Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
A Multidisciplinary Reviews Journal
ISSN: 0970-4140 Coden-JIISAD
Indian Institute of Science
One Size does not Fit All—The Future of Cancer Therapy
Sujaya Srinivasan and Kumaravel Somasundaram*
Abstract Cancer is a complex disease where normal cells of the body are
transformed such that they begin to divide in an uncontrolled manner and can even invade other tissues in the body. Cancer can occur in many differ-ent tissues in the body, each requiring different forms of treatment. It is a dis-ease that is caused by changes or mutations in genes, leading to a cascade of other genetic changes in the body. There is a high degree of genetic het-erogeneity in tumors of a single type of cancer, which might explain why each patient responds to standard treatments dif erently. This makes it necessary to tailor treatments for cancer patients based on the molecular profiles of their tumors. This is the idea behind personalized medicine, where patients are treated based on their individual genetic changes or molecular profiles. In this paper, we look at some of the molecular profiles that are commonly used
Mutation: It is a permanent
in dif erent types of cancers, and some personalized therapies that already
change in the DNA sequence
exist. In addition, we also attempt to predict how cancer treatment wil be
of a gene resulting in a defec-tive gene and can alter the
revolutionized by some of the new technologies that are emerging today.
amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by the gene
Keywords: Cancer, oncology, personalized medicine, targeted therapy, gene signatures, molecular
resulting in the production of
signatures, genomics, next generation sequencing
a non functional protein.
Prognosis: It is a prediction
of the probable course and
1 Heterogeneity of Cancer
Due to this heterogeneity, even within a single
outcome of a disease or the
Cancer is a disease of the cells in the body, where
type of cancer, for example breast cancer, mortal-
likelihood of recovery from a disease.
the normal processes of cell division and cell death
ity and prognosis of patients differ widely. Some
go awry. Cells divide uncontrollably and live for-
patients respond very well to standard surgery,
Genetics: It is a branch of
ever. It is estimated that 1 in 3 individuals develop
chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, while
biology that deals with the molecular structure and
cancer at some time in their life. According to the
the same treatments are ineffective in others. On
function of genes, heredity,
medical journal Lancet, it is estimated that in India
the other hand, patients who do not have very
and variation in living
alone, 555,000 people died of cancer in 2010.1
aggressive forms of cancer are overtreated with
Cancers can develop in various tissues in the
standard chemotherapy regimens, which may lead
Epigenetics: It is the study of
body, and can manifest themselves in different
to other undesired side-effects. Cancer research
heritable alterations in gene
ways. Cancer is caused by mutations in genes that
over the last decade has uncovered that not one,
expression or cellular pheno-type caused by mechanisms
can further lead to other genetic and epigenetic
but many genes can play a role in cancer devel-
other than changes in DNA
changes. In spite of a few genetic and epigenetic
opment and progression. This explains why some
changes that dominate a particular cancer, each
patients require different forms of treatment,
Gene: It is a molecular unit of
tumor differs from the rest. Study of tumors shows
which are not based on the phenotype or mani-
heredity of a living organism
that there is a lot of genetic heterogeneity among
festation of the disease, but on their underlying
and is a segment of DNA on a
them, leading to subtype classifications on the
genetic or epigenetic changes.
specific site on a chromosome that is responsible for an
basis of molecular profiles. We therefore need to
inheritable trait.
understand cancer as an accumulation of acquired
2 The Impact of Genomics Research
Department of
and inherited gene mutations, in addition to epi-
on Cancer
Microbiology and Cell
genetic changes that could be caused both by both
The main goals of cancer therapy are focused on
Biology, Indian Institute
interactions in the tissue microenvironment as
prevention, detection and treatment. In order to
of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.
well as the external environment.
treat cancer effectively, it is necessary to look at the
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
Sujaya Srinivasan and Kumaravel Somasundaram
entire genome as a whole, rather than individual
for pathologists to distinguish between Grades
It is a discipline in genetics
genetic changes. In a disease like cancer, due to
3 and 4, which are malignant forms of glioma.
concerned with the study of
the genomes of organisms.
the heterogeneity of genetic changes, the taxon-
Grade 3 glioma, also known as anaplastic astro-
The field includes efforts to
omy and classification of tumors is increasingly
cytoma (AA), is less malignant and aggres-
determine the entire DNA
depending on molecular profiles, rather than mor-
sive, whereas Grade 4 glioma, also known as
sequence of organisms and
fine-scale genetic mapping.
phologic characteristics. This means that genomic
glioblastoma (GBM), is extremely aggressive and
and proteomic profiles of patient tumors can help
has very poor prognosis. We have developed a
It is the study of all the pro-
decide what type of treatment they should receive,
molecular signature based on microRNA expres-
teins expressed by a given cell,
and predict the prognosis of patients.
sion that can accurately classify Grade 3 and 4
tissue, or organism at a given
time. Given time and under
Personalized medicine is a form of therapy
tumors.2 The expression profiles of 23 microR-
that uses the information about a person's genetic
NAs is used to accurately classify anaplastic astro-
and protein profile to diagnose and treat a disease.
cytoma (Grade 3) and glioblastoma (Grade 4)
It is a small RNA molecule
This form of medicine is especially promising for
samples (see Figure 1). We have also developed
encoded by the DNA, highly
a disease like cancer, which exhibits a large degree
a signature based on microRNA expression that
conserved and can regulate
the expression of genes.
of heterogeneity. Personalized medicine aims to
can sub-divide GBM patients into high-risk
end the idea that one treatment can work for all
and low-risk groups, and predict survival.3 Sev-
It is a large molecule composed
patients, and attempts to find therapies that fit the
eral mRNA signatures have also been developed
of one or more chains of amino
individual needs of a patient.
for GBM4,5 that can help in prognostication and
acids in a specific order, which
is determined by the RNA
The idea behind personalized medicine is that
derived from a gene. Each pro-
a patient's genomic (genetic changes in DNA),
Over the last decade, several research groups
tein like a hormone, enzyme, or
transcriptomic (RNA levels) and epigenetic (her-
have developed molecular signatures for various
antibody has unique functions.
itable changes in gene expression without changes
cancers, but very few of these have been used in the
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):
It is a nucleic acid containing
in the underlying DNA) profiles are characterized
clinic. A signature that is developed in one patient
the genetic instructions used in
from which target biomarkers that are known to
cohort, very frequently needs to be validated in
the development and function-
be involved in cancer development and progres-
another patient cohort, due to the underlying het-
ing of all known living organ-
isms and it consists of two long
sion are identified. Identification of these criti-
erogeneity of tumors and use of different platforms
polymers of simple units called
cal genes that play a key role in carcinogenesis
for the validation process. Unless these signatures
nucleotides, with backbones
involves many scientific challenges. Once these
are applicable in widely varying cohorts of patients
made of sugars and phosphate
groups joined by ester bonds.
gene targets are identified, drugs that target these
and tested in multiple cancer centers, clinicians are
genes can then be developed.
unable and reluctant to use them on patients.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA):
It is very similar to DNA, but
Several examples of personalized medicine
Despite the difficulties in translating molecular
differs in a few important
exist in clinics today. Most of them involve some
signatures from research labs to the clinic, there are
structural details and is usually
form of molecular profiling to decide the type
a few success stories. The Onco
type DX™ Breast
single-stranded, while DNA is
usually double-stranded in the
of treatment that should be given. In some cases,
Cancer Assay and the Onco
type DX™ Colon Can-
cell. RNA is transcribed from
a group of genes that is known to be deregulated in
cer Assay (Genomic Health, Redwood CA), Mam-
DNA by enzymes called RNA
the specific cancer, or is a "signature" of a certain
maPrint® for breast cancer (Agendia, Amsterdam,
polymerases and it carries the
information from a gene to
subtype of the cancer is profiled to better classify
The Netherlands) and the Breast Cancer Gene
form a protein.
the tumor. This subtyping not only helps in decid-
Expression ratio (HOXB13:IL17BR) test (Quest
Molecular signature:
ing treatment, but in some cases is also able to
Diagnostics, Lyndhurst, NJ) are used by oncolo-
It is a set of genes, RNA tran-
predict the prognosis of the patient. In other cases
gists to help decide treatment. In glioblastoma,
scripts, proteins, genetic vari-
ants or other variables that can
of targeted therapy, a certain gene or protein is
the methylation status of the MGMT gene is used
be used as markers for a par-
overexpressed (present at a much higher level than
to determine if temozolomide (a chemotherapy
ticular cell or tissue phenotype,
normal) in tumors, and a drug that targets this
drug) treatment will be effective.
such as a presence of a cancer.
specific gene can be used to inhibit tumor progres-
The Onco
type DX® Breast cancer test is a diag-
Polymerase chain
reaction (PCR):
sion. Some examples of molecular signatures and
nostic test that helps identify the subset of women
It is a molecular biology
targeted therapy are discussed in the next section.
with early-stage, estrogen-receptor positive and
technique to amplify a single
lymph-node-negative stage I and II breast can-
or a few copies of a piece of
DNA across several orders of
3 Molecular Signatures for Cancer
cer that are likely to benefit from adding chemo-
magnitude, producing thou-
Diagnosis and Prognosis
therapy to regimen, which includes Tamoxifen, an
sands to millions of copies of
Molecular signatures of tumors aim to clas-
anti-estrogen agent. This test also helps assess the
a particular DNA sequence.
sify tumors into sub-classes, predict prognosis
probability of cancer recurrence, which is also a
Real-time polymerase chain
and decide treatment. They can provide a more
factor in deciding treatment. The assay quantifies
reaction (Real-time PCR):
It is a molecular biology
accurate means of classification, where histopa-
the expression of 21 genes in breast cancer tissues
technique based on the PCR,
thology-based grading is ambiguous or difficult.
by Real-time PCR.6
which is used to amplify and
For example, in glioma, which is a cancer of the
type DX™ Colon Cancer Assay is a test
simultaneously quantify a
targeted DNA molecule.
glial cells in the brain, it is particularly challenging
that provides information to clinicians on the
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
The Future of Cancer Therapy
Figure 1: Heat map showing expression profiles of 23 microRNAs that can be used to classify anaplastic
astrocytoma (grade 3) and glioblastoma (grade 4) samples (red indicates that the miRNA is over expressed,
and green that it is under expressed).
Source: Modern Pathology (2010) 23, 1404–1417; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2010.135.
likelihood of disease recurrence in Stage II/III
substances that block the growth and spread of
colon cancer and the likelihood of tumor response
cancer by interfering with specific molecules
to standard chemotherapy regimens. It consists of
involved in tumor growth and progression". Tar-
a 761 gene assay based on RT-PCR.7
geted cancer drugs that have been approved by the
The MammaPrint® Test for breast cancer is
FDA for use in various cancers include those that
based on microarray technology, and uses the
inhibit molecules involved in cell growth, prolif-
expression of 70 genes to predict which early-stage
eration and angiogenesis, and those that promote
breast cancer patients aged 61 years or younger are
death of cancer cells or stimulate the immune sys-
at high-risk for recurrence or metastasis following
tem to destroy cancer cells.
surgery, irrespective of estrogen receptor status or
The aim of targeted therapy is to target cancer
prior treatment. The outcome of the test is to pre-
cells, without affecting normal cells. For example,
dict if a patient is at a high or low risk of distant
if a protein is known to increase cell prolifera-
recurrence. If the patient is classified as low risk
tion in a certain type of cancer where it is overex-
by MammaPrint®, they are treated with tamoxifen
pressed, but is not expressed at all or at a very low
or other hormones. High-risk patients are treated
level in normal cells, a targeted drug can be devel-
with aggressive chemotherapy in addition to hor-
oped against that protein which would inhibit
uncontrolled cancer cell growth, but would have
The Breast Cancer Gene Expression Ratio
no effect on normal cells.
(HOXB13:IL17BR) developed by Aviara DX and
One of the first success stories for targeted
licensed by Quest Diagnostics is a test is used in
therapy for breast cancer was Herceptin (Trastu-
patients that are lymph node-negative and estro-
zumab), which targets the HER2 protein. HER2 is
gen receptor-positive to predict the risk of disease
a gene that is highly expressed in some breast can-
It refers to the method of detecting antigens like
recurrence. It measures the ratio of expression of
cers, and is known to promote cell proliferation
proteins in cells of a tissue
two genes, HOXB13 (overexpressed in tumors) to
and migration, making the cancer highly malig-
section by exploiting the
IL17BR (under expressed in tumors) to determine
nant and aggressive. Trastuzumab is a monoclonal
principle of antibodies binding specifically to anti-
the risk factor of a patient, and helps clinicians in
antibody that interferes with the HER2 protein,
gens in biological tissues.
deciding the course of treatment.
preventing cells from proliferating in an uncon-trolled manner. In a routine clinical lab, patient
Fluorescence in situ
4 Targeted Therapies for Cancer
tumors are tested for the overexpression of the
It is diagnostic method
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the
HER2 through immunohistochemistry (IHC) or
utilizing fluorescently labeled
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United
in situ hybridization (FISH). Those
DNA probes to detect a specific genetic material or
States defines targeted therapy as "drugs or other
patients who show an overexpression of HER2 are
nucleic acid in a cell.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
Sujaya Srinivasan and Kumaravel Somasundaram
Table 1: Drugs currently approved for targeted therapy for cancer.
Gastrointestinal stromal
tumor, chronic myeloid
leukemia, etc.
BCR-ABL and Src family
BCR-ABL and other
Monoclonal antibody
NSCLC, pancreatic
Monoclonal antibody
HNSCC, colorectal
Monoclonal antibody
renal cell carcinoma
kidney, pancreatic
binding protein-12
medullary thyroid
cutaneous T-cell
retinoid X receptors
retinoid X receptors
retinoid acid receptors
acute promyelocytic
Proteosome inhibitor
multiple myeloma,
mantle cell lymphoma
peripheral T-cell
colorectal, kidney
VEGFR, PDGFR, Raf kinases Small molecule
renal cell carcinoma,
tyrosine kinases
renal cell carcinoma,
renal cell carcinoma
Monoclonal antibody
B-cell non-Hodgkin
Monoclonal antibody
Tyrosine kinase: It is
Monoclonal antibody
an enzyme that can
Monoclonal antibody
transfer a phosphate
group from Adenosine
Source: Fact sheet on Targeted Cancer Therapies—NCI.
5-triphospahte (ATP) to a
protein by a process called
phosphorylation, which forms
treated with Herceptin in combination with other
ABL that is formed when a portion of chromo-
a important mechanism of
chemotherapy or hormonal agents.
some 9 and a portion of chromosome 22 break
communication of signals
within the cell.
Gleevec is another cancer targeted therapy
off and switch places. ABL is a tyrosine kinase
drug that has been around since the 1990s. It was
that is involved in signalling pathways control-
Chromosome: It is an
originally developed as a drug against the tyrosine
ling cell proliferation. In the BCR-ABL fused gene,
organized structure of DNA
and protein found in cells
kinase ABL that is activated in chronic myeloid
ABL signalling is constitutively active, promoting
and is a single piece of coiled
leukemia (CML). The Philadelphia chromosome
proliferation. Gleevec works by targeting the ABL
DNA containing many genes,
or Philadelphia translocation, which is commonly
protein and inactivating the signals that increase
regulatory elements and other
seen in CML, is a result of the fusion gene BCR-
cell proliferation.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
The Future of Cancer Therapy
In the last decade, there have been several tar-
as in the 1000 genomes project to identify com-
geted therapies that have been approved for vari-
mon SNPs, the scientist could opt for a low cover-
ous cancers. Table 1 has a list of these therapies
age of 5x for each genome and look for common
and the cancers they have been approved for.
variants across multiple samples.
Patient tumor samples are tested for specific tar-
Next generation sequencing (NGS) technolo-
gets, to decide if the patient would be a good can-
gies promise to change the landscape of personal-
didate for the targeted drug in combination with
ized medicine and take it to a new level. The cost of
other therapies.
sequencing the human genome in the early 2000's was around 100 million dollars, whereas the cost
5 Applications of Next Generation
of sequencing a single individual's genome has
Technologies to Cancer
now come down to a few thousand dollars (See
Figure 3). With the cost of genome sequencing
When the human genome was sequenced in
coming down rapidly, it is possible to envision a
the early 2000s, the technology used was Sanger
day not too far away when every individual can
sequencing, which was costly and time-consuming.
have their genome sequenced as part of routine
Sanger sequencing is frequently referred to as "first
clinical lab tests, and the results are used by doc-
generation sequencing". "Second generation" or
tors to tailor treatments for them. This is espe-
Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies
cially true for a disease like cancer that exhibits a
overcome the scalability limitations of Sanger
high degree of heterogeneity. Doctors can decide
sequencing by allowing millions of sequencing
the combination of drugs that are likely to work
reactions to happen in parallel. Next generation
for the specific patient based on his genomic, epi-
sequencing methods generate millions of short
genomic and transcriptome profile.
reads, which then need to be aligned to generate
It refers to a set of all
the entire sequence (see Figure 2). There is a lot
6 Future Path for Personalized
RNAs expressed in a given organism or tissue or cell at
of flexibility to fine-tune the degree of resolution
Medicine in Cancer
a given a time.
for an experiment. For example, in order to
With the advent of new technologies that are bring-
detect variants with a high confidence, a scientist
ing down the cost of sequencing human genomes,
would design an experiment to have the genome
it is no longer a fantasy to imagine that every indi-
sequenced at 50x coverage, which means, that
vidual can have their genome sequenced. In the
every base, on average, was covered by 50 short
future, it is possible to imagine that everyone car-
reads. On the other hand, if the experiment
ries a smart card with their sequenced genome on
involves sequencing a large number of genomes,
it, and doctors can then use this information to
Figure 2: An overview of next generation sequencing technologies.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
Sujaya Srinivasan and Kumaravel Somasundaram
Figure 3: Cost of sequencing human genomes over the past decade. In 2001, the cost of sequencing a
whole human genome was around $100 million. The cost has steadily decreased and the current cost of
sequencing a human genome is now less than $10,000.
Source: NHGRI, NIH.
Figure 4: A future that uses genome smart card which helps in personalized treatment.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
The Future of Cancer Therapy
determine possible risk factors and tailor thera-
are predisposed to certain diseases. Despite the
pies that would be effective for them. In the con-
challenges, the rewards are enormous, and if the
text of oncology, it is possible that in addition to
promise of personalized medicine is fulfilled, we
using information from the genome, the doctor
can all look forward to better and healthier lives.
would also order a transcriptome profile of the tumor sample. This would help the doctor decide
which targeted therapies, if any would be effective
Authors thank DBT, Government of India for
to combat the disease, and what combination of
financial support. Infrastructural support by
drugs to use (Figure 4).
funding from ICMR (Center for Advanced studies
While this reality is possibly not far away, we
in Molecular Medicine), DBT, DST (FIST) and
should also be cautious to recognize the challenges
UGC to department of MCB, Indian Institute
we would need to face on the way. While many
of Science is acknowledged. We also thank Irene
gene signatures and biomarkers have been identi-
Rosita Pia Patric for the technical assistance. K.S. is
fied in cancer research labs around the world, most
a J. C. Bose Fellow of the Department of Science
of them have not been translated into practice in
and Technology.
the clinic. The reasons for this are manifold—lack of validation in multiple patient cohorts, variabil-
Received 7 September 2012.
ity in results, lack of standardization in clinical lab testing and the underlying nature of the disease
that makes it difficult to find common features
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across large patient cohorts. In addition, trans-
representative survey. Lancet.
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lation of research into the clinic requires a con-
2. Rao, S.A., V. Santosh, and K. Somasundaram,
certed effort and collaboration between bench
wide expression profiling identifies deregulated miR-
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biostatisticians and clinicians, so that meaningful
p. 1404–17.
results are obtained. The initial costs of setting up
3. Srinivasan, S., I.R. Patric, and K. Somasundaram,
A ten-
the infrastructure required to support personal-
microRNA expression signature predicts survival in
ized medicine are also a consideration, especially
glioblastoma. PLoS One.
6(3): p. e17438.
in developing countries like India. There are also
4. de Tayrac, M. et al.,
A 4-gene signature associated with clin-
ethical issues to be considered, such as, who would
ical outcome in high-grade gliomas. Clin. Cancer Res. 2011.
have access to information about an individual's
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predisposition to a certain disease or condition,
5. Colman, H. et al.,
A multigene predictor of outcome in
especially with respect to insurance companies
glioblastoma. Neuro. Oncol, 2010.
12(1): p. 49–57.
and employers.
6. Cobleigh, M.A. et al.,
Tumor gene expression and progno-
It is clear that personalized medicine, if it
sis in breast cancer patients with 10 or more positive lymph
becomes a reality, has a lot of benefits for patients,
nodes. Clin Cancer Res, 2005.
11(24 Pt 1): p. 8623–31.
with better treatment and fewer side-effects. It is
7. Clark-Langone, K.M. et al.,
Biomarker discovery for colon
also a boon for care-givers, who can customize
cancer using a 761 gene RT-PCR assay. BMC Genomics,
treatments for their patients, based on their indi-
8: p. 279.
vidual conditions. In addition to treatment, doctors
8. van ‘t Veer, L.J. et al.,
Gene expression profiling predicts
can also advise their patients on lifestyle changes
clinical outcome of breast cancer. Nature, 2002.
and preventive measures that they can take, if they
Ms. Sujaya Srinivasan received her B.E in
Dr. Kumaravel Somasundaram is a Professor
Electronics and Communications Engineer-
at Department of Microbiology Cell Biology,
ing from the University Visveswaraya College
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
of Engineering in Bangalore, and subse-
He did his Veterinary Medicine degree (1985)
quently a MS in Computer engineering from
from Madras Veterinary College, Masters
the University of Maryland, College Park. After working in
in Biotechnology (1987) and PhD in bacterial genetics
the computer industry at Intel Corporation in California
(1993) from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India.
for 9 years in various capacities, she obtained her MS in
His post-doctoral training was between 1993 to 1999 at
Bioinformatics from Johns Hopkins University in 2010.
Northwestern University and University of Pennsylvania.
She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Indian
The major focus of his laboratory is genetics of brain
Institute of Science. Her interests are in using computa-
tional methods to analyse and interpret high-throughput "-omics" data from biological experiments, especially in cancer.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science VOL 92:3 Jul.–Sept. 2012
BIODIVERSITY IN THE LAND OF THE MAKUSHIS: Biodiversity and Community Based Ecotourism Madewini River (CEIBA Biological Center), Guyana Rupununi River (Karanambu Trust), Guyana Faculty: Godfrey R. Bourne, PhD & Lucy Spelman, DVM BIOL 4905X & 6905X (3 lab credits) STRUCTURE AND ITINERARY 2–19 January 2013
Dr. Daniel Brandt, Executive Director Campo Behavioral Health 424 N. Mesilla Street Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005 E-mail Address: [email protected] April 19 - 21, 2010 Program Surveyed: Developmental Disabilities Waiver Service Surveyed: Community Living (Supported Living & Independent Living) & Community Inclusion (Adult Habilitation) Stephanie R. Martinez de Berenger, M.P.A., GCDF, Healthcare Surveyor, Division of Health Improvement/Quality Management Bureau