
More than twenty years ago, four college students asked each other:
What if we could offer children from under-resourced communities individualized attention before they enter kindergarten, giving them the critical academic and social skills—the ‘jumpstart'—they need to succeed?

The idea took hold and by 2015, Jumpstart had trained more than 40,000 college students and community volunteers, preparing over 87,000 children for kindergarten success. Jumpstart's program is replicated across the country in 14 states and the District of Columbia. We leverage partnerships with higher education institutions, Head Start, community-based preschools, and school districts to create sustainable solutions in order to close the kindergarten readiness gap.

Dear Friends,
What was true when four college students founded
Not only did over 90% of Jumpstart children make
Jumpstart 23 years ago is still true today: at the heart of
kindergarten readiness gains last year, but 96% of our
Jumpstart's unique and effective program is a dedicated
Corps reported that they would recommend serving with
and caring adult who forms a trusting relationship with a
Jumpstart to their peers, a strong predictor of our future
child. Something magical unfolds each time a Jumpstart
ability to serve more children in the neighborhoods where
Corps member enters a classroom to the shouts of
we're needed most.
"Jumpstart's here!" Time and time again, we have seen
We are filled with gratitude for your dedication, generosity,
how Jumpstart's training, intentional curriculum, and
passion, and trust in us. We have made great progress
individualized attention encourage children to thrive.
together and yet we are called to do more. Our work is
In the following pages you will get to know some of the
more important than ever and we're honored to have you
incredible people who helped bring the Jumpstart program
to life for 11,500 children across the country this year. It's
Yours in service,
stories like these that inspire us every day, and we know that you will be inspired too.
As we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, we know that none of them would be possible without your support. Jumpstart's year, from start to finish, was punctuated by momentous highlights. We were honored
and filled with pride when President Obama and the First
President & CEO
Family served alongside Jumpstart Corps members on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. We cheered when over 2.3 million people came together for Read for the Record day to call attention to the importance of early literacy. And we celebrated when we learned that the Center for High Impact Philanthropy named Jumpstart a "high impact opportunity" for donors who want to invest in early learning.

Puts Children First
On the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, President
books, the First Family created notecards for a matching
Obama underscored his commitment to both national
game used throughout Jumpstart's school year program in
service and early education by rolling up his sleeves to cut,
which children pair the correct uppercase and lowercase
glue, and prepare materials for Jumpstart classrooms in
letters in an effort to build alphabet knowledge. President
the greater Washington, D.C. area. The First Family joined
Obama's commitment to children's literacy, education,
Jumpstart Corps members to assemble books for Jumpstart's
and service was clearly demonstrated on the MLK Jr. Day of
writing center. Each blank book serves as a canvas for
Service and it was an incredible honor to welcome the First
children to explore the use of print and the meaning of words
Family into the Jumpstart family.
by writing and illustrating their own stories. In addition to the
A brighter future is ours to write. Let's begin this new chapter – together – and let's start the work right now.
- President Obama, 2015 State of the Union Address
Photo Credit: Getty Images
4,200 Corps members
The Heart of Jumpstart
Jumpstart is fueled by the core
Jumpstart is unique in that it places
adult-child interactions all contribute
belief that providing high-quality
teams of adults - who undergo
to the progress a child makes toward
educational opportunities to all young
extensive training and ongoing
children contributes to breaking
coaching - into preschool classrooms
Our curriculum is specifically designed
the cycle of poverty. With more
across the country several times
to focus on the key skills that research
than six million children across the
each week. Jumpstart's consistent
shows are critical in supporting
country living in poverty, the need for
routine, low adult-to-child ratios,
children's language, literacy, and
programs that prioritize kindergarten
and a combination of child-initiated
social-emotional development.
readiness is at an all-time high.
activities and intentional
14 states plus DC
To maximize our impact and to
name, and understand the causes
our work every day. This allows us
demonstrate true leadership in
and consequences of emotions.
to document a child's progress
the field, we're always looking for
In addition to keeping apprised of
and kindergarten readiness gains
innovative ways to improve our
the latest research and participating
throughout his or her participation
program. This year, we've deepened
in numerous studies by independent
in Jumpstart, giving us the data we
our attention to vocabulary and
researchers, organizations, and
need to ensure a high-quality
comprehension while incorporating a
universities around the country,
program for all of the
new emphasis on language skills that
Jumpstart embeds evaluation into
children we serve.
support a child's ability to recognize,
Scribbles to Novels
Jumpstart's Scribbles to Novels galas are our largest fundraising events, taking place in Boston, New York City, and San Francisco
each spring. Across the country, we unite prominent authors, celebrities, and leaders in early childhood education to underscore
the importance of literature in children's lives. From breathtaking views to inspiring stories and new friendships,
the 2015 events collectively raised over $2.2 million.
Here are some of the highlights from our signature events:
MFS Investment Management was
Two lucky guests won the opportunity to
Jumpstart staff and guests were
honored for donating over $2.8 million
work out with actor Hugh Jackman.
encouraged to dress in theme at the
to Jumpstart over the past 10 years.
San Francisco Zoo.
Actress Brooke Shields and fashion
Guests were treated to an Authors
photographer Nigel Barker (above)
Corps member Andrea Cerecedes
Panel featuring Anita Diamant
smiled for the camera on the red carpet.
led a group sing-along to a favorite
(above), Marja Mills, and Lois Lowry.
Jumpstart nursery rhyme, "Looby Loo."
Pulitzer Prize winners, Nicholas D. Kristof
Corps member Jacqui Ferraiolo
and Sheryl WuDunn, extolled the
New York Times best-selling author,
shared her passion for Jumpstart and
impact of early education advocates
Cheryl Strayed (above), got "WILD"
how she honors her mother's legacy
and highlighted Jumpstart's part in the
chronicling her emotional journey
every day in the Jumpstart classroom.
movement for early education.
along the Pacific Crest Trail.
Gil Zamora pictured with his
Jumpstart partner child in 2000
Gil Zamora:
A 15-Year Reflection
"We had the opportunity to make
Gil is proud to be a first-generation
a difference," Gil Zamora eagerly
Mexican-American and the first in
replied when asked why he joined
his family to go to college. Once at
Jumpstart 15 years ago at San
SFSU, Gil was motivated to give back
Francisco State University (SFSU). "I
to the community. Because of his
learned so much about the different
upbringing, Gil was able to identify
communities and people of San
with many of the Jumpstart children
Francisco while serving in preschool
and families. He fell in love with the
classrooms throughout the city. In
Jumpstart program.
college, you get so caught up in your
Jumpstart sparked Gil's lifelong
own little bubble. Jumpstart made
interest in and advocacy for
sure that didn't happen to me."
early childhood education. Upon
Gil was raised in Lynwood, California,
graduating from SFSU, Gil moved to
a city in the Compton area of Los
Oakland, California where he worked
Angeles. In the 1990s, it was an area
as a program coordinator for a family
impacted by gang violence, social
literacy program serving high-risk
protests, and community uprisings. "I
communities. He went on to earn his
was in 4th grade the night the Rodney
Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing,
King riots started," Gil said. "I was one
is currently a development manager
of about three students that showed
for HealthConnect One in Chicago,
up to school the next day because
Illinois, and serves on Jumpstart
education was that important to my
Chicago's Young Professionals
mom. But when the Compton Fashion
Board. "Jumpstart shaped my values,
Center across the street from my
influenced my career, and deepened
elementary school went up in flames,
my appreciation of and respect for
we were all scared, and my mom
different cultures. Jumpstart shaped
came to get me right away."
what I value as a person and as a professional."
Fall is our favorite time of year at Jumpstart. Classrooms across the country are filled with children, college students are back on campus, Corps member training is underway, and Jumpstart's Read for the Record® is just around the corner! Jumpstart's national campaign, Read for the Record, mobilizes millions of children and adults to celebrate literacy by participating in the largest shared reading experience. On October 21, 2014, over 2.3 million people around the world united to read the children's book, Bunny Cakes, by Rosemary Wells.
This year's celebrity ambassador, actor Josh Duhamel, brought a whole new level of excitement to the campaign, donning a pink bunny suit while handing out copies of Bunny Cakes on Venice Beach in California. To no surprise, Josh's bunny suit did not go unnoticed, catching the attention of many popular media outlets such as E!, People, and US Weekly. Josh also helped spread the word about the importance of high-quality early education through various appearances, including a live reading of Bunny Cakes at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, which was featured on The Meredith Vieira Show. Josh joins a roster of celebrity Read for the Record supporters, including Tiffani Thiessen, Justin Bieber, Mary-Louise Parker, LL Cool J, and Jumpstart national board member Bridget Moynahan.
#ReadfortheRecord reached
500,000+ people read
2,386,836 people across
over 10 million people
Bunny Cakes online
every U.S. state and over 20
countries joined in on the fun
As a new dad, I'm proud to be part of a campaign that advocates early education for all children. The best part of our day is story time with Axl.
Thanks to the many government agencies, individuals, foundations, and corporations who believe in our mission, the Jumpstart program reached nearly 11,500 children across the country in 2015.
Richard W. Goldman
Tristin and Martin Mannion
Family Foundation
May and Stanley Smith
United Way of Greater Atlanta
Corporation for National and
Greg and Tracy Johnson
in partnership with the Joseph B.
Community Service –
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
MFS Investment Management
Whitehead Foundation
Foster Grandparents
Kay and Anjan Mukherjee
The Pinkerton Foundation
Corporation for National and
$50,000 - $99,999
New York Community Trust
Community Service –
Chris and Loretta Stadler
National Direct AmeriCorps
$100,000 - $249,999
The Rose Hills Foundation
DC Office on Aging
Silver Giving Foundation
First 5 Los Angeles
The Baupost Group
The Stocker Foundation
Georgia Commission for Service
and Volunteerism
The Stuart Foundation
Massachusetts Service Alliance
CVC Capital Partners
The David Tepper Foundation
W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone
Missouri Community
The Eisner Foundation
Service Commission
Franklin Templeton Investments
Dee and Jimmy Haslam III
$25,000 - $49,999
New York City City Council
Helios Education Foundation
Heckscher Foundation
New York City Department
Joshua and Anita
of Youth and Community
Lorie Almon and Mitch Bompey
Bekenstein Charitable Fund
David Humphrey and
Amelia Peabody Foundation
The Marrus Family
New Yorkers Volunteer
The Arthur M. Blank Foundation
Insurance Industry
Serve DC – The Mayor's Office
Charitable Foundation
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
LEGO Community Fund U.S.
Robert and Christine Small
Lissy Family Fund
Caitlin and Ian Blasco
Jumpstart is honored by its continued partnership with Seyfarth Shaw. Employees have supported Jumpstart in multiple ways, including generous donations and valuable in-kind support. Additionally, Seyfarth Shaw employees have dedicated countless hours to Jumpstart as board members and as event host committee members.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Jenny Villegas was a Jumpstart Corps
shared with her the work I was doing
member at the University of Southern
with my own partner children, my
California in Los Angeles. Thirty miles
mom knew exactly what Jumpstart
away, in Santa Ana, her brother,
was and how lucky Daniel was to
Daniel, was a Jumpstart student.
be a part of it. During his time in
Jenny and Daniel's parents came
Jumpstart, we both saw improvement
to the United States in search of
in Daniel's oral language, alphabet
a better life for their children. "My
knowledge, and writing skills. He
parents are both working class,
loves going to school, reading, and
low-income immigrants from Mexico,"
spending time with his friends."
Jenny explains. While money has
After school, Jenny aspires to be a
always been tight and her parents
teacher. "Jumpstart was the perfect
didn't have a lot of time to spend
way for me to get real classroom
reading to their children or helping
experience and work in a community
them with homework, Jenny was
that I could identify with. South
determined to become a first-
Los Angeles reminds me a lot of
generation college student. "I have
my home in Santa Ana. They have
always understood education as a
similar challenges, but they also have
way out of poverty - a way for my
resilience, great food, rich culture,
family to become successful."
and space for transformative change.
When Jenny's mom found out that
I think it's awesome that Daniel and I
Jumpstart was going to be at Daniel's
could both be part of the Jumpstart
school, she called Jenny immediately,
program, experiencing two sides of
full of excitement. "Because I had
United Way of Greater Atlanta was a founding partner of Jumpstart's work in Atlanta and has granted nearly $500,000 in support of Jumpstart since 2008. Through its Smart Start Initiative, United Way has showcased Jumpstart to its partner organizations and engaged other community organizations in Jumpstart's Read for the Record® campaign, among other high visibility projects in the city.
The Boeing Company
Tufts Health Plan Foundation
Robert and Kathy Ceremsak
Holly and David Bruce
Robert and Jennifer Waldron
Philip and Alicia Hammarskjold
Coastland Capital - Gordy and
The Walther Foundation
Ann Johnson Foundation
Khristine Holterman & Derek and
The Charlotte Foundation
Zeist Foundation, Inc.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
Chris and Keena Clifford
James Tyree Foundation
The David B. Gold Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Joshua and Rosy Cohen
A. L. Mailman Family
Rupert and Maryellie Johnson
Paul and Sandy Edgerley
Foundation, Inc.
Kyong Chung Coleman and
Max and Nancy Justicz
Leslie Abbey and Steve Dietz
Kaiser Permanente
Vijay and Swati Advani
The Community Foundation for
The Kaplen Brothers Fund
Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine
Andrew & Melora Balson
Greater New Haven
Mark and Lydia Kennelley
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Stephanie and John
Kenneth Rainin Foundation
John and Judy Angelo
Kilpatrick Townsend &
The Ludcke Foundation
Dale Atkins-Rosen and Rob Rosen
The Kimball Family Fund
The Morris and Gwendolyn
Bain Capital Children's Charity
Cafritz Foundation
Bill and Vicki Barke
Laura Ensler and David Rivel
Pitney Bowes Foundation
Deb and Steve Barnes
Lawrence J. and Anne
Polk Bros. Foundation
Bernstein Family Foundation
F.A.O. Schwarz Family Foundation
Rubenstein Charitable
BJ's Charitable Foundation
Finnegan Family Foundation
Robert T. Keeler Foundation
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Liberty Bank Foundation
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Dana and Rob Smith
Bright Horizons Family Solutions
Lily Auchincloss Foundation
Jim and Letetia Callinan
Richard A. Friedman
Linde Family Foundation
Solon E. Summerfield
Foundation, Inc.
Lisa and David Carnoy
Bennett Lindenbaum
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
The Stringer Foundation
Cerberus Capital
Kristin and Doug Londal
Grable Foundation
Theodore Edson Parker
Lucy Green and Mark Flannery
Capital Group has been a strong supporter of our work in Southern California for the past 13 years, donating over $1.3 million in support of Jumpstart's programming. In addition to being a generous financial supporter, employees have also shared their time, talents, and influence. Capital Group is particularly special to Jumpstart as it hosted a round table discussion group with foundations and other prospective supporters in 2006 that led to hiring the first Southern California-based Jumpstart staff member. We are honored to have Brad Barrett, Senior Vice President at Capital Group, serving on the Southern California Advisory Board.
Ann and John Daley
Foundation Limited
Metka and Jack Daly
John and Lynda Marren
James and Julia Davidson
The MAT Charitable Foundation
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Timothy and Melissa Draper
Mr. Owl Foundation
Wellington Management
Community Foundation
Terrence and Nicola Mullen
Beth and Michael Fascitelli
NewAlliance Foundation
FieldPros, Inc.
William and Sakurako Fisher
Jed and Deb Plafker
Community Foundation
PNC Financial Services Group
Molly Wythes and
The Fund for Greater Hartford
Tom and Jill Pulley
Publix Super Market Charities
Gabrieli Family Foundation
Benjamin Rasmussen
Nancy P. Marriott Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Jamie and Bobbie Gates
Alan Riffkin and Anne Turner
Abbot and Dorothy H.
The Reebok Foundation
Stevens Foundation
Blair and Jackie Hendrix
Linda and Thomas Rizk
Richard and Bonnie Reiss
Benjamin and Elizabeth Adams
Beth and Kevin Hoffman
Robins Kaplan LLP
Rivel Research Group, Inc.
Allen H. & Selma W. Berkman
Michael and Barbie John
John and Mary Franklin
Joseph and Deborah Robbins
American Eagle Outfitters
Foundation, Inc.
John F. Ryan and Sara Klein
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Saab Family Foundation
Apple Matching Gifts Program
David and Alexandra Kamin
Philippe and May Seeman
Michael and Nelly Arougheti
Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Sharyar and Laura Aziz
Rebecca Schechter
Douglas and Shawn Mackenzie
Robert and Heather Selvaggi
Grace Mao and Dan Reid
Mark and Donna Bolender
John and Gabriela Sipe
Starbucks Coffee Company
Elizabeth Marcellino
Charles H. Revson Foundation
Gordon and Nicole Smith
State Street Foundation, Inc.
William and Irene Marsh
Claneil Foundation
Alison Mass and Sal Bommarito
Christopher Colpitts
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Massachusetts Convention
Cove Street Capital
State Street Matching
Wells Fargo has been instrumental in Jumpstart's work and fundraising efforts in Northern California for ten years, donating over $350,000. Not only is Wells Fargo a strong supporter of Jumpstart's programming in the San Francisco Bay Area, but also a longtime backer of Jumpstart's annual fundraising gala, Scribbles to Novels, in addition to Jumpstart's Read for the Record® campaign. We are also incredibly grateful to have Rosy Cohen, a managing director at Wells Fargo, serving on Jumpstart's Northern California Advisory Board.
Connecting with Shahnaz and MarcoShahnaz Terzi is one of 120 Jumpstart
"Every child is different, so I tried
I'm a more effective
Corps members at the University of
various techniques with Marco in
Pittsburgh. She is studying to become
order to keep him engaged. If he
team player, a solutions-
a pediatric speech-language
couldn't remember a particular
pathologist and joined Jumpstart not
letter, I would provide prompts or
oriented problem
only to gain experience working with
sounds such as making a snake with
solver, and I have
young children, but to also give back
my hands for the letter ‘S.' After just
to the Pittsburgh community.
a few weeks of Jumpstart sessions,
more confidence in my
Marco is a 4-year-old boy in Shahnaz's
I was so excited to see Marco's
ability to effectively
Jumpstart classroom at the Crescent
progress. He smiles often, is talking a
Early Childhood Center. When
lot more, and has made incredible
communicate with
Shahnaz first met Marco, he was very
advancement with his letters. Now
children, a skill that
soft spoken, liked playing by himself,
when we go over the spelling of his
wasn't interested in reading, and
name, he shows an interest in learning
I didn't have before
didn't talk very much. While Shahnaz
his letters, an interest that I had never
didn't take it personally, she made it
seen before. He asks questions when
meeting Marco and
her mission to find a way to genuinely
we read books, participates with his
becoming a Jumpstart
connect with Marco.
classmates, and makes eye contact with others."
Corps member.
Family Child Care InitiativeJumpstart is committed to developing new, innovative ways to prepare as many children as possible for kindergarten. Through our Family Child Care Initiative, Jumpstart Corps members deliver our proven curriculum to children who are cared for in a licensed childcare setting. We convene a group of Family Child Care educators with the children they serve and Jumpstart Corps members conduct sessions in a large group setting. Last year alone, this new program allowed us to reach 145 more children in Massachusetts who lack access to a more structured preschool classroom experience.
As a proud partner of City's First Readers, a New York City Council initiative, we have the privilege of working alongside other partner organizations across the city, such as Literacy Inc. and the New York Public Library, that share our core belief that equal opportunity in education contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty. The initiative brings together multiple early childhood education community agencies to work toward a common goal of providing high-quality literacy programs for children ages 0-5. Through this initiative, we give children and their families better access to programs and services that develop and strengthen literacy skills. Some of the highlights of our work include Jumpstart Regional Vice President Kerri Osborne addressing City Council members on the importance of supporting early childhood education, Jumpstart staff organizing literacy-based community events, and Corps members delivering the Jumpstart program to children who we wouldn't have otherwise been able to reach.
The Carol C. McMullen
Steven A. Tananbaum
Charitable Foundation
Jules and Eddie Trump
Linda and Arthur Carter
U.S. Bank Foundation
University of Southern California
Good Neighbors Campaign
The Charlie Kaplan Fund of the
Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family
Ushkow Foundation Inc.
Chavez for Charity
EJ and Lori Whelan
The Children's Workshop
$1,000 - $4,999
FoundationStephen Chuck
Sharon Aiuvalasit
Alexander, Aronson,
Finning & Co., P.C.
Combined Federal Campaign
American Honda Foundation
Comcast Corporation
Dana and Brahm Cramer
David and Lisa Barse
David Humphrey and Markella Zanni
Garry and Shira Berger
have been involved with Jumpstart
Madeleine Dassule
Paul Bidwell-Hanson
since 2013. Shortly after getting
Blue Cross Blue Shield
to know the organization, David
Allison Devore and Ross Levinsky
became a member of Jumpstart's
Joseph and Lorraine Bolus
National Board of Directors and
Bill and Kate Duhamel
eagerly signed on to be the co-chair
The Boston Foundation
of what would be the most successful
Kaija and Peter Braus
Wendy and Doug Eisenberg
Scribbles to Novels fundraising event
Rose Else-Mitchell and Greg Hill
Jose Briones Jr. and Silvia Briones
that the organization has ever hosted
Brady and Andrea Enright
in Boston. Whether they're visiting
Robert and Milano Buckley
a Jumpstart classroom to see our
Roderick and Jill Burns
work firsthand, establishing new
Jo Anne and Jack Faer
relationships, or hosting committee
Albert Cappelloni
meetings at their home, the
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Humphrey family is incredibly special
Robert Carlock and Jen Rogers
Charlotte Ferretti
to the Jumpstart family.
David Carmel and
Kirsten Axelsen Carmel
Sangster Family Foundation
David Flannery and
Edward and Anne Jamieson
John McGuire Jr.
Emily and James Satloff
Amy Wilson Flannery
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Mary Foss-Skiftesvik
Marlane Melican and
Ellen and Steven Segal
Todd and Patricia Foster
The John Buck Company
Russell and Carin Fradin
Bruce and Holly Johnstone
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
SFA Properties LLC
FRB Boston SR&C Events Fund
Jill and Sam Sheppard
Marilyn Friedman and
Ross and Emily Jones
Sidley Austin LLP
Linda and Michael Frieze
John Sigel and Sally Reid
The Friezo Family Foundation
Kristin Keaschall
Sandy and Jeff Monassebian
Stefanie and Robert Skinner
Carol and Benjamin Monderer
Jill and Robert Smith
Keller Knapp Realty
Dan Solomon and Mindy Berman
George Wasserman
Margaret Nelson and
Family Foundation
Southern California
Gilder Foundation Inc.
King Printing Co., Inc.
Brian and Heather Nester
Speramus Foundation
Klein Family Charitable Fund
Mark Nieker and Nancy Siadek
The Grainger Foundation
Marilyn Lyng O'Connell
Michael Sternklar
Eldridge and Kirsten Gray
Rita O'Connor and
Peter and Lori Stokes
Anna Kovner and Seth Meisel
Matt and Tami Stolte
Michele and Ross Greenburg
Mr. & Mrs. William O'Leary
Sullivan Construction
Sean and Jacqueline Griffiths
Melanie Ladhabhoy
Frances Sweeney and
Lars and Cristina Haegg
Lainoff Family Foundation
Francis L. Fraenkel
SWIFT Community Affairs
Donald and Kathleen
Thomas and Jill Pappas
Ford and Roula Tamer
Pat Covelli Foundation
Richard J. Harrington
Patricia and Liam Patrick
Maureen Leary-Jago and
Rhonda and Stratton Heath
Norman and Lillian Peck
Ann and Rob Tirschwell
Pete and Rebecca Helme
Lance Leener and
Milena and David Perez
Dana and William Herrman
William H. Herrman
Amnon and Shana Levy
Robert Pressimone
David R. and Susan Tunnell
Karen Hershey and Larry Green
Steve and Lila Lewallen
United Way of the
Jean Hill and Larry Schultis
Mary Alice and Ken Lewis
Michael and Tracy Roberge
National Capital Area
Stephen and Melanie Hoenig
Susan and Elihu Rose
Dale and Stephen Hoffman
Michael and Lauren Marrus
Josh and Yael Rosen
Andrew and Shannon Hsu
Christina and James Huang
William and Leigh Matthes
Ruth and Allen Ziegler Foundation
News Corp has been a strategic partner and funder of Jumpstart since 2014 when it announced a substantial two-year commitment in support of Jumpstart's program across the country. Through their philanthropy and leadership, News Corp has helped bring Jumpstart to more children across the country while also engaging its employees through opportunities such as Jumpstart's Read for the Record®.
United Way Suncoast
Adrian and Elizabeth Zackheim
Lorenze Zimmerman
Franklin Templeton Investments
David and Carolyn Wasserman
Gansevoort Park Avenue
Betty Sugarman Weintraub
Riva Aelyon/HerLens
Kent and Meghan Weldon
Christopher Wendel
Corbin's Crusaders Sports Club
Wheelock College
Dempsey & Carroll
Ashley and Paul Widboom
Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Byron and Anita Wien
The Book Vine for Children
Gilda Dobrica/ProSwim NYC
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Brad Benson Hyundai
Armand D. Domalewski
Bridgeport Bluefish
Ella Fitzgerald Foundation
C. Wachtelhausen Photo
JoAnn Esposito/Adam Their
Lakeshore Learning
Essex House New York
Jennifer Marrus celebrated her 22nd year with Jumpstart this fall. In 1994, Jen was introduced
to Jumpstart when she was a student at Harvard Business School, recognizing early on that
investing in children pays huge dividends in the future. As a resident of New York, Jen helped
build a solid foundation for Jumpstart's work in the Tri-State area, introducing scores of new
supporters and volunteers to the Jumpstart family. She was a founding member of the Local
Advisory Board and its chair for eight years, joining the National Board of Directors in 2008.
Ten years ago, Jen helped produce the first ever Scribbles to Novels gala, which is now one
of Jumpstart's signature events. Most recently, she helped launch our annual Fall Luncheon to
further build the Jumpstart network in New York City. Jen stops at no obstacle to advance
high-quality early learning and we are incredibly grateful for her support.
Merck, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, has selected Jumpstart as a "Neighbor of Choice." As a new sponsor, Merck employees didn't waste any time getting involved and giving back. Through back-to-school supply drives and volunteer events during which employees put together literacy and language resources to distribute to Jumpstart families, Merck employees are helping us prepare the 1,400 children we serve in the Boston area for kindergarten and beyond.
New York City Football Club
Triboro Quilt Manufacturing
Amnon and Shana Levy
Lyons Den Power Yoga
The Stadler Family
Manhattan by Sail
Westport Police Department
Jennifer K. Marrus
Rita Olinsky, M.A.
Chef John McCarthy
Porter House New York
Tiny's and the Bar Upstairs
Riverside Symphony
Molina Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Salvietti
Tribeca Film Festival
Jumpstart alumnus and current Site Manager Kyle Pilon is a member of the Coalition for New Britain's Youth in Connecticut, a citywide collaborative committed to improving the lives of New Britain's youth, ensuring that children have what they need in order to succeed in all areas of life. As a member of the Chronic Absenteeism Committee, Kyle works with school districts to track absenteeism among preschool students with the goal of identifying patterns of chronic absenteeism earlier in a child's school career. Kyle is not only able to share lessons learned with our valued preschool partner staff but he is also able to better support his Jumpstart Corps members as we work to understand the challenges facing many of the families that we serve across the country.
Losing Myself in Service
I am Ms. Wilma Jones and I'm currently serving as a Corps member
with the Jumpstart DC Community Corps program. I would like to thank
the Committee on Housing and Community Development for giving me
the opportunity to speak on how the funds received from the DC Office
on Aging have been beneficial toward the Jumpstart DC Community
Corps program and most of all myself.
Teaching is my passion. I am fortunate now to use my professional he
background in education to help preschoolers excel in the classroom. T
Jumpstart DC Community Corps program allows me to give back to my
community as the District of Columbia has given to my family over the
past several years. The children I serve, the teachers I work with, and the
team members I share this awesome experience with inspire me daily.
I feel a great sense of pride. As senior citizens we are not given many
opportunities to use the skills and wisdom we have acquired over our
Jumpstart's Community
lifetimes to give back to our communities. The Jumpstart DC Community
Corps program began in
Corps program gives us that pride and opportunity.
2004 and offers a unique opportunity for adults of
I leave you with the words of Mahatma Gandhi, the preeminent leader of
any age to get involved in service.
the Indian independence movement: "The best way to find yourself is to
en fortunate to lose myself
lose yourself in the service of others." I've be
This is the testimony of Wilma Jones, a Jumpstart
in serving the future of this city: the preschoolers we work with in the
DC Community Corps
Jumpstart DC Community Corps program.
member, to the Council of the District of Columbia Committee on Housing and Community Development.
Atlanta Advisory Board
Former Senior Managing Director,
Chris Stadler, Chair
Yendelela Neely Anderson,
Managing Partner,
CVC Capital Partners
Jennifer K. Marrus
Michael A. Davis Jr.
Partner, Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
President & CEO,
Curriculum Associates
Chair, Georgia Early Education
Alliance for Ready Students
Northeast Advisory Board
Betty S. Weintraub
Mark Polebaum, Chair
Principal, Carmel Asset
Northern California
National Early
Advisory Board
Thomas G. Connolly
Gordy Holterman, Chair
Dale Atkins-Rosen, PhD
Managing Director,
W. Steven Barnett, PhD
Douglas Clements, PhD
Molly F. Collins, EdD
Managing Director, Bain Capital
Linda M. Espinosa, PhD
Roberta Golinkoff, PhD
President & CEO, Franklin
Rebecca Schechter
Charlotte Ferretti
Resources, Inc.
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD
Jackie Jenkins-Scott
Tri-State Advisory Board
Chief Executive Officer, Bright
Sharon Lynn Kagan, EdD
Horizons Family Solutions
Brad Coleman, Co-Chair
Southern California
Deborah Leong, PhD
Navid Mahmoodzadegan
Molly C. Wythes, Co-Chair
Christopher J. Lonigan, PhD
Managing Director, Moelis &
Elizabeth Marcellino, Chair
Kelly Maxwell, PhD
Dale Atkins-Rosen, PhD
Mariela M. Paez, EdD
Jennifer K. Marrus
Manuel C. Camargo, Jr.
Robert C. Pianta, PhD
Arthur J. Rolnick, PhD
Organizational Development &
Judith A. Schickedanz, PhD
Philanthropy Executive
Marlene Zepeda, PhD
Bridget MoynahanActress, Star of CBS' Blue Bloods
2015 Financials
Revenue Breakdown
Operating Ratios
Net Assets
Increase from FY14
To view our full audited financials, please visit jstart.org.
Jumpstart &
San Francisco
State University
Partner to Equip
Andrew Ryan grew up in Lowell,
"disgusting" during dramatic play
Jumpstart at San Francisco
Massachusetts. He was a below
time, unknowingly using a vocabulary
State University partnered
average fifth grade student who
word from the week before. It's
with the EDVance
had no drive or desire to do well in
about Sophie running back into the
program through the
school; slowly, he was falling behind
room to give her ‘Jumpstart friend'
Marian Wright Edelman
in comparison to his peers. That is,
Jill a hug. It's about Ana Cara's eyes
Institute to pilot a teacher
until he met Mrs. Reid. "She pushed
lighting up with curiosity when we
preparation program.
me and motivated me to want to
introduce a piñata for the first time.
This work directly supports
know and learn more. She made me
And it's about the huge smiles on the
Jumpstart's strategic plan
excited to learn, and although I didn't
children's faces when they see the
goal of making a positive
realize it at the time, it was a huge
red Jumpstart shirts coming down the
impact on the early
turning point in my life. When I thought
hallway on Jumpstart days."
education workforce. The
about the role Mrs. Reid played in my
It's moments like these that
community has embraced
life, it made me realize that I too can
reinforce why Andrew and 4,200
Jumpstart's program and
make an impact on someone else's
Corps members across the country
believes that it will make
life. Jumpstart gave me the chance
invest so much time in preparing
a long lasting impact on
today's youngest learners for a
the kindergarten readiness
While Jumpstart is working toward the
better tomorrow.
of young children by
day every child enters kindergarten
preparing highly trained
"I love and cherish every minute I get
prepared to succeed, Andrew has
teachers. In the 2015-2016
to work with the children we serve
seen firsthand that it's the little things
program year the pilot
and I know I'm not alone in saying
that make a big difference.
will expand to include
that. I'll never forget how the children
30 Corps members serving
"It's about Ja'marri learning that
we served have changed my life.
10 classrooms.
if you get your mitten wet, you
Even if Ja'marri, Haxiel, Sophie, and
need to leave it out in order for
Ana Cara don't remember my name,
it to dry. It's about Haxiel yelling,
I'll never forget theirs!"
308 Congress St.
100 Edgewood Ave.
900 N. Franklin St.
Atlanta, GA 30303
Chicago, IL 60610
New York, NY 10018
1625 W. Olympic Blvd.
1101 14th St. NW
San Francisco, CA 94111
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Washington, DC 20005
Source: https://www.jstart.org/sites/default/files/Jumpstart%20FY15%20Annual%20Report%20updated.pdf
U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright Mol Pharmacol 67:513–522, 2005 Printed in U.S.A. Identification of Amino Acid Residues in the Insect SodiumChannel Critical for Pyrethroid Binding Jianguo Tan, Zhiqi Liu, Ruiwu Wang,1 Zachary Y. Huang, Andrew C. Chen,Michael Gurevitz, and Ke Dong Departments of Entomology (J.T., Z.L., R.W., Z.Y.H., K.D.), Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior (Z.Y.H.) andNeuroscience Programs (K.D.), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan; United States Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Research Service, Knipling-Bushland U.S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory, Kerrville, Texas (A.C.C.); andDepartment of Plant Sciences, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (M.G.)
CB2 agonists C4T Approaches ECS endocannabinoid system CB1 cannabinoid receptor 1 CB2 cannabinoid receptor 2 C4T S.C. a r.l. MAGL monoacylglycerol lipase V.le della Ricerca FAAH fatty acid amide hydrolase