Inspiring great places
Development plan

Case studies
The Landscape Institute is an educational charity and
04 Foreword by President
Neil Williamson, FLI, PLI
chartered body responsible for protecting, conserving
05 Preface
Alastair McCapra, Chief Executive Officer
and enhancing the natural and built environment for the
06 Strategic objective 1
Develop a growth strategy for membership, providing
benefit of the public. It champions well-designed and
a responsive service to members
well-managed urban and rural landscape. The Institute's
Strategic objective 2
Effectively promote landscape architecture as ‘the
accreditation and professional procedures ensure that
environment and design profession' to government, media, potential clients and other built environment
the designers, managers and scientists who make up the
professions and partners in the UK
08 Strategic objective 3
landscape architecture profession work to the highest
Develop clear and relevant policies that protect,
standards. Its advocacy and education programmes
conserve and enhance the natural and built environment and respond accordingly to public
promote the landscape architecture profession as one
09 Strategic objective 4
which focuses on design, environment and community
Uphold and advance standards of excel ence in professional education, practice and development
in order to inspire great places where people want to live,
Strategic objective 5
Establish excel ent operational mechanisms and
work and visit.
performance through the governance framework
Consolidated statement of financial activities
Sheffield Manor Fields
West Bromwich Town Square, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough
Council, committees and staff
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
⁄ Case study
The redevelopment of a former
army barracks in Munich,
Ackermannbogen, incorporated 2.3
hectares of green space. The project
demonstrates the benefits of green
infrastructure provision and the
skills of the landscape architect in
incorporating renewable energy
sources into the design of the
park. It features as a case study in
the Landscape Institute Position
Statement on Climate Change.
Credit: Gabriella Zaharias
¡ Case study
1 Case study
Student Landscape Institute
The Landscape Institute awards
Council (SLIC) continued to be
showcased the buoyant state
active in accredited schools
of the profession. Presented by
across the UK during 2007/8. SLIC
Channel 4 journalist Krishnan
exhibited student work at London's
Guru-Murthy, they comprised a
Cityscape in February, designed
total of 14 categories, including
a green space outside the British
design, planning and research with
Museum for London Architecture
40 schemes recognised as either
week, and hosted the LI's first
winner, highly commended or
video competition, "Its always on
commended. Winning schemes
⁄ Case study
my mind – landscape and me",
were as geographically diverse
The Landscape Institute
probing the student experience of
as the Dongtan Eco City in China
Competitions Office is running a
landscape. Winners were Kingston
and the Westergasfabriek Park in
major competition to regenerate
University's Matt Parker and Leo
Preston's Winckley Square. In
Thom with "Landscape in My
conjunction with Preston City
Radiohead" which can be viewed
Council, Preston Vision Board
and the Northwest Regional Development Agency it will breathe new life into the Victorian Square and encourage more people to use the area.
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
1 Case study
⁄ Case study
! Case study
The restoration of historic Barrow
The Landscape Institute's 2007
The Pennine Lancashire Squared
Park by LDA Design has served
Annual Conference was devoted
competition, run by the Landscape
as a benchmark for regeneration
to the theme of climate change.
Institute, aims to find the best
initiatives around the town. Winner
Keynote speaker was Environment
landscape architects and public
of the Heritage and Conservation
Secretary Hilary Benn MP, who
realm designers in the world to
category at the 2007 Landscape
said: "You bring together the skills,
create outstanding high profile
Institute Awards, the scheme has
knowledge and passion that we
spaces at the heart of six towns
enhanced the historic character and
need for the 21st century. We need
in Pennine Lancashire – Burnley,
qualities of the park, drawn more
you in the fight against climate
Accrington, Blackburn, Bacup,
visitors to it and enabled it to better
change. You can show people how it
Clitheroe and Nelson.
serve the needs of residents.
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Foreword by President
I was delighted to be elected President of the Landscape
We also embarked on another review – of our Pathway
Institute in July and would like to express my gratitude for
to Chartership. The Pathway is still new, but as the keystone
the work of my immediate predecessors who have devoted
of professional development, it was appropriate that we
considerable time and energy to developing the Institute over
undertook an early review at its first milestone to ensure
the past two years. The financial year 2007-8 has seen the
that it was working as intended and to pave the way for its
Institute continue along the path set out by my predecessor
future development . The report arising from this review was
as President, Nigel Thorne FLI, whose contribution to the
published recently.
Institute especial y in the areas of governance, education and
Last year also saw significant work by our newly-formed
membership development cannot be overstated.
Policy Committee. This has led to considerable progress in
The Institute has continued to invest in its many activities, our work on the role of landscape architects in tackling climate
enabling us to advocate the importance of wel -designed, wel -
change and developing green infrastructure.
managed landscape more effectively than ever before. We
Members and many others who have connections with
were delighted that the Secretary of State for the Environment,
the Landscape Institute wil already be aware that despite
the Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, gave the keynote address at our
al the excel ent work that was done in the 2007-8 year, our
Annual Conference in September 2007.
finances took a serious turn for the worse. Changes to the
A significant part of our work in 2007-8 was concerned
rules of gift aid, a rapidly-worsening business environment
with modernising the structures of the Institute. This required
and weaknesses in our own internal reporting mechanisms
the permission of the Privy Council to amend our Royal Charter, meant that the audited accounts for the year came as a very and extensive consultation was undertaken with members on
unpleasant surprise and meant that like many organisations in
this. The process of securing our new Royal Charter received
both the private and public sectors, we have been faced with
Privy Council consent in July 2008. The new charter will enable
the need to make serious reductions in the costs of running the
us to open up the Institute to a much wider membership and
Institute. The summary accounts are included in this Annual
enable us to engage much more effectively with our fel ow
Review. Appropriate measures have already been taken to
professions and the public at large.
ensure that we respond quickly to our new circumstances, and
The adoption of our new charter is an excel ent
that we have the structure as wel as the resources to deal with
opportunity to restate our main purpose which is to argue
what continues to be a difficult environment for the Institute as
the case for landscape in al its forms and to promote good
wel as our individual members.
management and design.
While a great deal of our work in the year ahead wil be
As wel as renewing our Royal Charter, we also
focused on financial matters, we wil not be neglecting the
completed a detailed and wide-ranging review of our
many positive things which have been set in motion in recent
membership. Adopted by Council in September 2007, the
years. Elsewhere in this report you will find our development
ninety-six recommendations have underpinned much of
plan which sets out our key objectives for the current financial
the work of the committees and staff for the latter part of the
year. I am confident that we will not only deliver on the majority
financial year. The thinking behind these recommendations
of the commitments made in this plan but become a slimmer,
will make for a much stronger organisation which is wel -
more responsive and more effective organisation, better
attuned to the needs and interests of our members
able than ever before to fulfil our charitable remit to support our members and argue the case for good quality landscape architecture for the benefit of al .
Neil Williamson, FLI, PLIPresident
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
This Annual Review reports on a year of activities before I joined the staff of the Landscape Institute in July 2008. The work of members and staff described here would do credit to an organisation many times our size.
Members and others wil be aware that since the end
of the operational year covered by this report, the financial position of the Landscape Institute has deteriorated significantly. The task for the coming year wil be to preserve and build on the work of previous years as far as possible, while maintaining a very tight financial discipline.
Despite our increased financial pressure, we are
continuing to work to the priorities set out in our agreed Development Plan, and I expect to have a lot of positive results to report to you at the end of the current year.
Alastair McCapraChief Executive Officer
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Strategic objective 1
Agreed priorities for 2008-9
The work of the Institute is governed by a five-year strategy
Landscape architects draw on a great diversity of skil s and
approved by the Landscape Institute Council. This report
knowledge to plan, design and manage landscapes that are
explains what has been achieved under the objectives of this
sustainable, aesthetical y pleasing and engender an enhanced
strategy and the agreed priorities for 2008-9.
quality of life. The Landscape Institute wil ensure that all appropriately qualified people are able to access Landscape Institute membership grades. In 2008/09 the Landscape Institute will:1. Initiate a major push on careers marketing through the
Develop a growth strategy for membership, providing a
creation of the I want to be a landscape architect campaign
2. Start a marketing drive to recruit more members
responsive service to members
3. Intensify work in accredited schools with students and
4. Implement member service related recommendations from
1. Investing in the next generation of landscape architects
the Membership Review
Sponsorship from CABE Space al owed the Institute to
5. Through the Technical Committee prioritise provision of
prepare a major recruitment campaign targeting 16 to 18
services to members including the publication of a new
year olds. I want to be a landscape architect was devised and
edition of GLVIA and the provision of more technical advice
researched in advance of a launch in May 2008.
and professional information on the website.
2. Expanding and improving membership
A Membership Review Group completed a major enquiry
into membership grades, benefits and overall structure. Ninety-six recommendations were accepted, including the creation of new academic and affiliate grades.
3. Working with student landscape architects
A free electronic membership option for students was
launched in April. The Education and Membership team
City Campus, Northumbria
was reorgnised to create a new post to work on the I want to
University. SLR Consulting Ltd – Photo James Brewer
be campaign to promote and support student membership and accreditation. The Student Landscape Institute Council exhibited at Citscape in February and ran the YouTube competition Its Always on my mind – Landscape and Me.
4. New courses accredited
Two new courses were accredited: the MSc in the
Conservation of Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes at the University of Bath was granted Candidate course status, and the BA Architecture and Landscape was formal y recognised as a pathway into the MA Landscape Architecture, the first course to be joint accredited with RIBA.
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Strategic objective 2
Plans for 2008-9
There has never been a more important time to promote the
Effectively promote landscape architecture as ‘the environment
role of landscape architecture because of growing social, political and economic concern over the use of our natural
and design profession' to government, media, potential clients
resources and development of sustainable communities. Landscape architecture is the profession best able to provide
and other built environment professions and partners in the UK
an holistic approach to creating places where people want to live and work both now and in the future. The Landscape Institute will promote landscape architecture as the profession
that works with communities to create places that respect
1. Media relations
their environmental context and contribute to a high quality of
Investment in increased media relations led to a significant
life, working with other bodies if col aborations progress our
increase in press coverage in the trade and professional
strategic objectives.
media as well as local news. The Annual Awards, work of the Competitions Office and national conference on climate
In 2008/09 the Landscape Institute will:
change were a particularly important part of this approach.
1. Fulfill commitments in the Communications Plan for 2008/9,
giving prominence to members and public champions. This
Secretary of State Hilary Benn opened the Annual
Conference: Climate Change – The Chal enge for Landscape — Media relations
Architecture. Together with a superb range of speakers,
Continuing to develop good relations with local, national
he effectively instigated the Institute's work in the area
and trade media.
of climate change leading to publication of the Position
Statement on this issue.
Three conferences: two on climate change and the annual
3. Competitions Office
conference on Housing, Land Use and Community; a key
There has been a significant increase in the number and
policy theme for the organisation.
range of competitions being run by the Institute.
— Competitions Office
4. Advocacy of LI policy
Development of work in this area includes the agreement
Greater emphasis was placed on advocacy in particular in
to run an international design competition for Pennine
responding to government consultations.
Lancashire Squared, a six-square chal enge due for
completion in March 2009.
Fol owing the annual Readers' Survey, major changes were
— Advocacy
made to the Institute's journal: Landscape resulting in a
As the Institute accelerates development of policy and
greater emphasis on detailed presentation of a lead story
response to consultation, it is also increasingly involved in
and the creation of a portfolio of images. eVista, the regular
government relations including membership of the All Party
email newsletter was completely revamped.
Parliamentary Group on Horticulture.
6. Awards
The Award have now become an annual event and this year
An area of major developments including the creation
were hosted by Channel Four presenter Krishnan Guru-
of twelve new websites for each of our branches,
Murthy. Submissions for the 2008 Awards were received by
further development of the Landscape Journal, weekly
the end of March and showed a 25% increase in the number
e-newsletters for members and a wider audience and
of applications.
the creation of a new corporate website and technical information service
2. Implement a Public Affairs Plan for 08/093. Establish the scope of col aborations with key stakeholders
and pin down the resources and processes needed,
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
including an international strategy.
Inspiring great places
3r's house in Il inois
Plans for 2008-9
The government's signing of the European Landscape
Develop clear and relevant policies that protect, conserve
Convention (ELC) has provided the impetus for placing landscape at the centre of al work being carried out within
and enhance the natural and built environment and respond
the natural and built environment. Every landscape forms the setting for the lives of the community concerned and
accordingly to public consultations
the quality of those landscapes affects everyone's lives. The Landscape Institute wil seek to ensure that al relevant government policies take account of the four general measures
set out in the ELC to:
1. Policy Committee
— Highways Agency, Roadside Facilities Review
— recognise landscapes in law
The Policy Committee was set up under the chair of Jon
January 2008
— establish and implement landscape protection,
Lovel . It has committed itself to developing a series of
— CABE Space, Public Realm Statements
management and planning policies
Position Papers which include climate change, green
— Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
— establish procedures for public participation
infrastructure, housing and the European Landscape
(DEFRA), Consultation on the review of schedule 9 to the
— integrate landscape into regional and town planning
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and a ban on the sale of
policies as wel as any other policies with a possible impact
2. Policy development
certain non-native species
— Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), Inclusive Design
Consultation Responses – April 2007 to March 2008
The Landscape Institute wil also develop policies to
The Landscape Institute, with guidance and contributions
demonstrate the profession's ability to intervene in the public
from its Policy Committee and a number of individual
— DEFRA, Third Sector Strategy
interest on key issues such as sustainability and climate
members, contributed to the fol owing consultations
— Natural England, Landscape Policy
change. In 2008 - 09 the Landscape Institute will:
conducted by central Government departments and
March 2008
1. Publish policy documents on housing, green infrastructure,
agencies during 2007 and 2008.
— Natural England, Strategic Direction Refresh
community development, health and the European
— CLG, Planning Policy Statement 4: Planning for Sustainable
August 2007
Economic Development
2. Undertake research to support policy.
— Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG),
3. Support branches in engaging with regional and devolved
Planning White Paper
nations policy.
4. Develop a policy on climate change.
— CLG, Communities England (what is now the Homes and
Communities Agency)
— Natural England, Climate Change Policy
October 2007
— CLG, Housing Green Paper
— CLG, Validation of Planning Applications: Guidance for Local
November 2007
— EU Environment Commission, Climate Change Adaptation
— Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform (BERR), Sustainable Construction Strategy
— Natural England, Housing and Green Infrastructure
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Strategic objective 4
Plans for 2008-9
We aim to identify, promote and encourage excel ence in the
Uphold and advance standards of excel ence in professional
practice and teaching of and research into landscape architecture, as well as in the professional standing, ability,
education, practice and development
performance and knowledge of the members of the Landscape Institute and their Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In 2008/09 the Landscape Institute will:1. Establish and promote new standards of practice to
2. Review the Code of Conduct
1. A new commitment to professional development
3. Implement a new CPD approach
A Head of professional development was recruited to
4. Develop the Pathway to Chartership (P2C)
develop the Pathway and CPD opportunities for members,
5. Implement standards for specialisms arising from the
and immediately began forging relationships with both
membership review
members groups and sister professional bodies.
6. Prioritise urban design in LI agendas.
2. First exams under the Pathway to Chartership The first Pathway examinations were run in May and
November 2007 and saw a pass rate averaging 80%. Examiners reported that successful candidates were able to clearly apply their knowledge to real life scenarios and were developing the habits of planning reflection and review.
3. Review of the Pathway to Chartership More than seven hundred members contributed to the first
milestone review of the Pathway to Chartership, responding to an online questionnaire or taking part in focus groups. The findings of the review were reported to Council in
October 2008 and are informing the future development of
Balcurris Park, Whitelaw Turkington.
Photo Whitelaw Turkington
2007 saw the number of members registering on the Pathway growing fast. By April 08, more than 574 people had begun on the Pathway, each supported by a ful y qualified landscape architect acting as their Mentor.
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Strategic objective 5
Plans for 2008-9
In 2008/09 the Landscape Institute will:
Establish excel ent operational mechanisms and performance
1. Implement the membership review and governance
changes and communicate these to members and others
through the governance framework
2. Increase trustee training, development and appraisal in light
of the governance changes
3. Adopt improved resourcing and management of IT4. Set and implement a plan to secure income growth and
2. The membership review
5. Support branches in getting members involved with the
1. The governance review
Changes to the LI's membership al ow the promotion of
In October 2007 the LI consulted with al members on a
a number of clear routes for entry, with scope for future
6. Establish excel ent operational mechanisms and
number of changes to the Royal Charter, prior to holding
development, while safeguarding the integrity of the
performance through the governance framework
a Special General Meeting held on 17 March 2008. These
profession. Among the ninety-six recommendations of the
changes were approved at the General Meeting and mean
that the Institute will be able to respond more quickly to the
— strengthening of the ful y qualified professional designation
changing environment and represent our members more
from Member of the LI (MLI) to Chartered Member of the LI
effectively. The most significant change is the move to a
new model of governance, with a smal er trustee body of
— renaming of the Associate grade to Licentiate;
12 supported by an advisory council made up of branch
— creation of the new grades of Academic Member and
representatives and members of the Institute.
Fel ow, for those involved in teaching or research; and
— a new Affiliate grade for those working in related areas who
wish to develop closer links with the LI.
Council also supported a move away from the LI's divisional structure towards a model based on specialisms, to reflect the
fast changing nature of the profession. The recommendations,
The Fairytale of Burscough Bridge,
and commensurate changes required to the charter, were
BCA Landscape. Photo BCA Landscape
approved after consultation in autumn 2007 alongside other changes to the charter.
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Consolidated statement of financial activities
For the year ended 31 March 2008
Ful audited accounts for 2007-8 can be downloaded from
Incoming resources from generated funds:
— Activities for generating funds
— Bank interest receivable
Incoming resources from charitable activities — Membership and examinations
— Communication and events
Other incoming resources
Total incoming resources
Resources expended
Charitable activities
— Membership and examinations
— Communication and events
Governance costs
Total resources expended
Net incoming/(outgoing) resources beforeother recognised gains and losses
Total funds at 1 April 2007As original y stated
Prior year adjustment
Total funds at 31 March 2008
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
As at 31 March 2008
Fixed assets
Tangible assets
Current assets
Cash at bank and in hand
Creditors: amounts fal ing due within one year
Net current assets
Net assets
Unrestricted funds:
— Designated funds
— Revaluation reserve
— General fund
Restricted funds
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
Council List
Staff List as of 31 March 2008
Nigel Thorne (PLI, FLI) President
Acting Director General – Claire Luxton
Kathryn Moore (PPLI) Immediate Past President
Director of Communications & Marketing – Paul Lincoln
Jo Watkins (MLI) Vice-President
Head of Advertising Sales – Peter Beecroft
Neil Williamson (FLI) Vice-President
Advertising Sales Executive – Jim Riches
Colin Goodrum (MLI) Honorary Treasurer
Communications & Marketing Officer – Malgosia Odell
Sean Rendall (MLI) Honorary Secretary –
Events & Competitions Officer – Sabina Mohideen
Resigned 19 September 2007
Media and Public Relations Officer – James Gosling
Keith Rowe (MLI) Honorary Secretary –
Jon Lovel , Chair
Archivist – Annabel Downs
Appointed 27 September 2007
Head of Library and Information Services – Kate Lander
Alison Campbel (FLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Director of Membership and Education – Suzanne Beard
Geraldine Donovan (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Membership Executive – Jac Harris
Ian Philips (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Membership Assistant – Susan Ayre
Michael Gibbs (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Head of Professional Development – Alex Whittaker
Rick Rowbotham (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Education and Examinations Executive – Martyn Holland
Roger Ayrton (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Committee and Office Manager – Elaine Storey
Nick Harrison (FLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Professional Relations Officer – Claire Jeffs
Catherine Neve (MLI) Ordinary Member (Management)
Policy and Public Affairs Officer – Stephen Russel
Hilary Ludlow (MLI) Ordinary Member (Science)
Finance Officer – Lesley Walters
Martin Leay (MLI) Ordinary Member (Management)
Finance Assistant – Patience Sibambo
Sue Jackson (MLI) Ordinary Member (Design)
Personal Assistant – Yvonne Matthews
Daniel Smith Associate Member
Policy Officers, Wales – Annie Millen
David Lewis Associate Member
Policy Officer, Scotland – Bob Cuddihy
Ian Lanchbury Student Member
Policy Officer, Northern Ireland – Ivor Williams
Alan Simson (FLI) Yorkshire Branch Representative
33 Great Portland Street
Susan Lowenthal (MLI) London and South East Representative
North East
Lee Jones (MLI) Wales Branch Representative
Northern Ireland
Nancy Corbett (MLI) North East Branch Representative
North West
Margaret Claridge (MLI) East Anglia Branch Representative
Yorkshire and Humber
Registered Charity 1073396
Simon Bel (MLI) Northern Ireland Branch Representative
East Midlands
Hamish Neilson (MLI) Scotland Branch Representative
All information correct as of 31 March 2008.
Chryse Tynsley (MLI) East Midlands Branch Representative
Copyright Landscape Institute
Andrew Wayro Midlands Branch Representative
East of England
Designed by Badrock Design
Rachel Fryers (MLI) North West Branch Representative
South East
Lionel Fanshaw (MLI) South West Branch Representative
South West www.lisouthwest.orgLondon
Landscape Institute
Annual review 2007–08
Inspiring great places
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