Microsoft word - comparative analytical final report 2007-2008

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Profile of Visitors
Mode of Transport
Mode of Transport to Lesotho by Region of Residence and Sex
Length of Stay by Country of Residence
Length of Stay by Purpose of Visit
Source of Information about Lesotho by Country of Residence
Activities Engaged in While in Lesotho
Activities Engaged in by Top 10 Source Markets
Number of People in a Group by Popular Tourist Attractions
Problems Encountered by Age and Sex
Evaluation of Facilities and Border Officials
Evaluations of Current Visit by Country of Residence
Evaluation of current Visit by Age and Sex
List of Tables
Table 2: Visitors by Mode of Transport to Lesotho, Sex and Region of Residence
Table 3: Top 10 Source Markets by Length of Stay
Table 4: Distribution of Visitors by Length of Stay by Purpose of Visit
Table 5: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Source of Information
about Lesotho, August – September 2007
Table 6: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Source of Information
about Lesotho, December 2007 – January 2008
Table 7: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Accommodation and
Purpose of Visit
Table 8: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engaged in by Sex, August – September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors'
Table 9: Percentage Distribution of Activities engaged in by age, August –
September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Surveys 18
Table 10: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engages in while in
Lesotho by Source Markets, August – September 2007
Table 11: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engages in while in
Lesotho by Source Markets, December 2007 –January 2008
Table 12: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engaged in by
Tourist Attractions visited, August – September 2007
Table 13: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engaged in by
Tourist Attractions visited, December 2007 – January 2008
Table 14: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Country of
Residence and Tourist Attraction visited
Table 15: Percentage Distribution of Visitors who came as Groups by attractions Visited, August - September 2007 and December 2007
– January 2008
Table 16: Type of Problem Encountered by Period of Survey
Table 17: Distribution of Problems Encountered by Age
Table 18: Evaluation of Officials, Facilities and Services,
August - September 2007 and December 2007 - January 2008
Table 19: Expenditure by Top 10 Source Markets, August –
September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008
Table 20: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of Current Visit and Region
Table 21: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of Current Visit and Sex, August - September 2007 and December 2007 –
Table 22: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of Current Visit and Age, Aug-Sep 2007 and Dec 2007-Jan 2008
List of Figures
Figure 1: Age and Sex Distribution, August – September 2007
Figure 2: Age and Sex Distribution, December 2007 – January 2008
Figure 3: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Country of Residence and Region, August – September 2008 and December 2007 –
Figure 4: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Type of Accommodation
Used, August – September 2007
Figure 5: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Type of Accommodation
Used, December 2007 – January 2008
Figure 6: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engaged in, August
- September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008
Figure 7: Percentage Distribution of Individual Visitors by Popular
Attractions, August – September 2007
Figure 8: Percentage Distribution of Individual Visitors by Popular
Attractions, December 2007 – January 2008
Figure 9: Percentage Distribution of Visitors who came as Families
by Popular Attractions Visited
Figure 10: Problems Encountered, August – September 2007
and December 2007 – January 2008
Figure 11: Percentage Distribution of Types of Problems Encountered
Figure 12: Percentage Distribution of Expenditure by Source Markets, August – September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008
Visitors Segmentation
This report is a comparative analysis of information gathered from the August –
September 2007 Visitors' Survey and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors Survey.
The analysis revealed that, during the former survey, 1340 respondents were covered;
while the number of respondents covered during latter declined by 351 to 989.
Regardless of the period of the Survey, there were more Male visitors received than
Females. Analysis by Age shows that, greater proportions of visitors were clustered
between ages 30 and 39. Furthermore, visitors during the two studies were dominated
by Whites followed by Blacks, Indians, Asians and Coloreds in descending order. The
leading Source Markets for visitors to Lesotho were South Africa, Germany, United
Kingdom, United States, Holland and France.
Length of Stay
Information on the Length of Stay of visitors is useful in developing marketing
strategies that can promote longer stays in a destination. This often translates into
higher occupancy rates and consequently more revenue accrued. It is therefore crucial
to uncover this type of information for the benefit of the Tourism Sector in Lesotho.
The results from both Surveys indicate that, overall, the most common Length of Stay
was 1-3 nights. According to August – September 2007 Survey, the highest Average
Length of Stay was observed among visitors from Australia, United States, Canada,
France and Germany while during December 2007 – January 2008 Survey, visitors
from Australia, United States, Spain, United Kingdom and France were observed to
have had higher Average Lengths of Stay.
Accommodation Utilisation and Expenditure
In order to determine the most preferred types of Accommodation Establishments,
visitors were asked to indicate the type of Accommodation they used during their stay
in Lesotho. More than half of respondents stayed at Hotels/Lodges while in Lesotho.
Caravans and Camp sites were least used. This coincided with the fact that, the largest
share of expenditure by Visitors during the two Surveys was Accommodation and
Food & Drinks. Expenditure on Handicrafts, Shopping and Packaged-tours was very
minimal. On the other hand, South Africa remained the top most source of
Expenditure during both studies separately. However, it was evident that United
States and European countries we dominating the other potential sources of
Expenditure. Generally speaking, visit to Lesotho was prompted by Holiday, Business
and Visiting Friends and Relatives in descending order.
Mode of Transport and Source of Information
The Surveys also collected information on the Mode Transport used to get to Lesotho.
Road Transport was commonly used (more than half) by visitors as compared to Air
Transport. This was the case regardless of Sex, Country of Residence and time of the
Survey. One of the functions of the Corporation is to market Lesotho as a preferred
destination hence information on Visitors' Source of Information about Lesotho is
crucial to the design of effective marketing strategies to be used. Close to one quarter
of total visitors stated Friends and Relatives as their major Source of Information
about Lesotho. Other common Sources of Information were Tour Operators, Print Media, Electronic Media, General Knowledge and Lesotho Tourism brochures. Exhibitions were the least Source of Information for both Periods.
Popular Attractions and Activities Engaged-in
Respondents were further asked to indicate the most preferred Activity Engaged in
while in Lesotho; and for both periods Sight-seeing dominated due to the terrain and a
wide variety of flora in Lesotho. For adventure enthusiasts, 4X4 Trekking and Pony
Trekking were the major Activities Engaged in without taking into consideration the
time of the Surveys. Analysis by Country of Residence indicates that, South Africans
dominated in all Activities with the exception of Pony Trekking and Bird-watching
whereby Hollanders and visitors from the United Kingdom respectively were on the
lead. On the other hand, results show that Katse Dam, Mohale Dam, ‘Maletsunyane
Falls, Sani Pass, Oxbow, Mahlasela Afri Ski and Malealea were the most popular
Attractions Visited during both survey periods.
Problems Encountered
Hospitality and good quality services are the major contributors for the growth of the
tourism industry hence the information on Problems Encountered by Visitors during
their stay in Lesotho is important. For both periods, very few people indicated that
they experienced problems while in the Country. Stone throwing was found to be the
most common problem During August – September 2007 while Begging was most
prevalent during December 2007 – January 2008. Analysis by Sex reveals that, Males
were more prone to Begging as opposed to their Female counterparts who were more
prone to Stone throwing. This may be due to the fact that, beggars are mostly herd
boys who normally ask for minute items from visitors such as cigarettes.
Service Standards and Experience of Visitors
In order to assess the quality of tourists' facilities, visitors were further asked to grade
them together with border officials based on their personal views. It was found out
that, Border Officials were graded as either Good or Very good; while Fuel Stations
and Lesotho Roads were leading under Poor and Very Poor. Overall impression of
visitors about Lesotho was measured through a question on whether visitors' current
visit was worthwhile. During the two Surveys, Scenery, Friendliness of Basotho plus
their Culture were reported to have been the reasons that made visits to Lesotho
worthwhile regardless of Sex and Age.
Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation
specific time for instance; day, month and
(LTDC) through the Department of
year; purpose of visit and demographic
Research and Development is mandated to
characteristics of visitors.
among others; ensure provision of statistical
information requirements for the tourism
Visitors' Surveys are conducted during peak
sector in Lesotho. To fulfill this mandate,
seasons when a destination has an influx of
the Peak Season Visitors' Surveys were
visitors to maximize the response rate.
introduced by LTDC in December 2005.
According to the Monthly Arrival Statistics,
The Surveys are meant to capture visitors'
Lesotho usually experiences peak seasons
perception about Lesotho and to gauge the
during the Easter Holidays i.e. March –
Corporation's efforts in promoting Lesotho
April; August –September popular for 4X4
as a tourist destination. They cover among
trekking, pony trekking and sporting
others demographics of the visitors, country
including skiing and golf, and the Festive
of residence; attractions visited and activities
Season in November – January. In August –
engaged in while in the country; problems
September 2007 and December 2007 –
encountered; evaluation of tourist facilities
January 2008, the Department of Research
and service; expenditure on among others
and Development conducted the Visitors'
accommodation, souvenirs, shopping; mode
Survey and decided to make a comparative
of transport to Lesotho and their sources of
analysis of the two studies. This report
information about Lesotho. This
presents analysis of the Surveys, conclusion
information complements the Monthly
and recommendations to guide tourism
Arrival Statistics which give an indication of
planning, marketing and investment
the total number of arrivals to Lesotho in a
promotion strategies.
A structured questionnaire was designed
were also allowed to do so with the guidance
together with its manual in consultation will
of the enumerator.
key stakeholders such as the Bureau of
Statistics (BoS), Central Bank of Lesotho,
For previous surveys, the Stratified Random
Immigration, Lesotho Revenue Authority
Sampling was adopted whereby every 5th
(LRA) and Road Fund. Ten (10) enumerators
person was interviewed. The problem with
were then trained and there after assigned to
this method is that for Ports which are not
administer the questionnaire at the six (6)
too busy, there were days when enumerators
Ports of Van Rooyen Gate, Maseru Bridge,
did not get respondents. It was therefore
Ι International Airport,
important to adopt another sampling method
Maputsoe Bridge, Caledonspoort and Sani
that would best suit the situation at hand.
Pass. LRA officials were responsible for
Extreme Case Purposive Sampling was
administering the questionnaire at
therefore adopted for the August –
Ramatseliso's Gate in Qacha's Nek. Eligible
September 2007 and December 2007 and
respondents were those holding foreign
January 2008 Visitors' Surveys. The
passports and enumerators were requested to
limitation with this type of sampling lies with
interview the respondents and fill the
the fact that the quality of information
questionnaire accordingly. Respondents who
collected depends on the enumerator's
wanted to fill the questionnaire themselves
discretion to select the best respondents.
However this was taken care off during the
their second homes and are highly unlikely to
training of enumerators which included a
visit tourist attractions and experience
practical at Maputsoe Bridge and
problems while in Lesotho.
For people traveling in groups of less than
The power of Purposive Sampling lies in
ten (10) people, one member of the group
selecting information-rich cases related to the
was interviewed but for those in larger
central issues under study. This type of
groups, two (2) or three (3) people were
sampling method involves using the
interviewed on behalf of the whole group.
enumerator's common sense and the best
During the August – September 2007
judgment in choosing the most suitable
Visitors' Survey, 1340 questionnaires were
respondents for the survey. The enumerator
filled while 989 questionnaires were filled
had to choose potential tourists amongst all
during December 2007 – January 2008
visitors with foreign passports. This had to
Visitors' Survey. Microsoft Office Access
be done to minimize non response errors
was then used to capture the collected
especially amongst South African black
information and Crystal Reports was used
population who come to Lesotho to visit
Profile of Visitors
Age and Sex
climate therefore visitors might not have been
The total numbers of respondents covered willing to visit the country during that period. during August – September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Analysis of Age and Sex is presented in Figures Surveys were 1340 and 989 respectively. These 1 and 2 below. The Figures show that, for both numbers show that, the number of visitors Survey periods, the distribution pattern of declined by 26.2 percent (351 visitors) in the visitors by Age and Sex was the same. The latter survey. This decline could be attributed majority of visitors were aged 30-39 years for to the fact that, during December 2007 both sexes. In terms of Sex, the number of Lesotho experienced an unstable political males was higher in all the age groups.
Figure 1: Age and Se x Dis tribution,
Figure 2: Age and Se x Dis tribution,
Aug - Se p 2007
De c 2007 - Jan 2008
while Asians constituted the least (0.30 percent
Sex and Race
in August –September 2007 and 1.11 percent
Table 1 presents the distribution of visitors by December 2007 – January 2008) proportions Race and Sex for the two periods. It portrays of visitors. The results further reveal that, that, greater proportions of visitors were whites there were no colored recorded in August - with 50.37 percent during August – September September 2007 Visitors' Survey while in 2007 Visitors' Survey and 85.24 percent during December 2007 - January 2008 Visitors' December 2007 - January 2008 Visitors'. Blacks Survey 0.30 percent of the visitors were registered the second position in both periods colored. On the other hand, the Sex accounting for 4.55 percent and 8.80 percent for distribution shows that, regardless of the August - September 2007 Survey and December period of the Survey, Males dominated among 2007 - January 2008 Survey respectively. Indians all the Race categories. ranked third with 1.94 percent during August -
September 2007 Survey and 2.43 percent during
December 2007 - January 2008 Visitors' Survey
Table 1: Visitors by Race and Sex, August-September 2007 and
December 2007-January 2008
August 2007 - September 2007
Total 548
December 2007 - January 2008
Total 350
1.3 Country of Residence and by Americas and lastly Asia. Among
Africans, South Africa constituted the largest
In order to be able to identify the source
share of visitors (49.70 percent in August –
markets for arrivals to Lesotho so as to guide
September 2007 Survey and 51.77 percent in
the tourism marketing strategies, information
December 2007 – January 2008 Survey)
on country of residence was also collected from
while from the Americas visitors from
the Surveys. The distribution of visitors by
United States dominated with 6.64 percent
Country of Residence and Region in Figure 3
and 4.75 percent visitors in August -
shows that, Africa registered the highest September 2007 Survey and December 2007 number of visitors regardless of the period of
- January 2008 Survey respectively.
the Survey. This was followed by Europe then
Figure 3: Percentage Distribution of Visitors By Country of Residence
and Region, Aug - Sep 2007 and Dec 2007 - Jan 2008
A ugust-September 2007
December 2007-January 2008
Among the Europeans, Holland registered the
Female counterparts during the two periods.
highest number of visitors in August - Further analysis by Race revealed that, September 2007 Survey while in December
Visitors to Lesotho during those periods
2007 - January 2008 Survey more visitors came
were dominated by Whites and very few
from Germany. Generally, the main source
Coloreds visited the Country during the same
markets for visitors to Lesotho were South
times. With reference to Country of
Africa, Germany, Holland, United States of
Residence, visitors from the African Region
America and United Kingdom for both Surveys.
were mainly from South Africa while among
Europeans, the majority came from
Germany, Holland and the United Kingdom.
According to the results, there were more
The main Source Markets for visitors to
respondents registered during August – Lesotho were South Africa, America, September Visitors' Survey than during Germany, Holland and United Kingdom. December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Survey.
Male visitors dominated as compared to their
2. Mode of Transport
2.1 Mode of Transport to Lesotho
visitors by Region, Sex and Mode of
by Region of Residence and Sex
Transport used to arrive in Lesotho. Road
Information on Mode of Transport is crucial
transport was commonly used by Visitors to
for proper planning of smooth and effective
Lesotho than air transport regardless of
transport system that provides convenience for
region. Analysis by sex depicts that, there
tourists. For instance, in order to improve the
were marginal differences on the type of
transport connections, this kind of information
transport used by male and females.
is important. Table 2 shows the distribution of
Table 2: Visitors by Mode of Transport to Lesotho, Sex and Region of Residence
Female Male
Total 110
3. Length
3.1 Length of Stay by Country of Markets is presented in Table 3 below. The
Average Length of Stay for all visitors as
One of the factors that contributes to increased
revealed by the results of August - September
revenue in the Tourism Sector is increased
2007 Visitors' Survey was 6 nights and 5
Length of Stay of visitors within a destination.
nights according to December 2007 - January
Analysis of Length of Stay by Top 10 Source
2008 Visitors' Survey results.
Table 3: Top 10 Source Markets By Length of Stay
Top 10 Source Markets, August 2007 - September 2007
57 - 91 92+ Total
247 663 136
9 1,152 7.10
Top 10 Source Markets, December 2007 - January 2008
250 413 126 44 21 19 4 5 882 4.17
1 Average length of stay is calculated as the number of visitors multiplied by corresponding number of nights spent,
divided by the number of overnight visitors
The Table also shows that day visitors Length of Stay for Top 10 Source Markets constituted significant numbers of 247 (28.3
was 7 nights during August - September 2007
percent) and 250 (21.4 percent) for August -
Survey and then decreased to 4 nights during
September 2007 Survey and December 2007 -
December 2007 - January 2008 Visitors'
January 2008 Survey respectively. The Average
3.2 Length of Stay and Purpose of 2008 respectively. A decline of 9.43
percentage points was observed among those
Table 4 presents the distributions of visitors by
who spent 1-3 nights between the two survey
Length of Stay and Purpose of Visit. It shows
periods. Visitors who came for Holiday to
that, the most common Lengths of Stay for
Lesotho accounted for the largest shares of
visitors were Day Visit followed by 1-3 and 4-7
68.43 and 71.39 percent during August –
nights regardless of the period of Survey and
September Survey and December 2007 –
Purpose of Visit. Visitors who spent 1-3 nights
January 2008 Survey respectively. Business
accounted for the largest shares of 54.93 and
Visitors ranked second followed by those
45.50 percent of total visitors in August –
who visited Friends and relatives then by
September 2007 and December 2007 – January
those who came for Religion purposes.
Table 4: Distribution of Visitors by Length of Stay by Purpose of Visit
August – September 2007
VFR Holiday Business
Other Response Total
8 736 54.93
3 0 0 67 5.00
1 0 1 34 2.54
1 0 0 35 2.61
0 0 0 7 0.52
% of Total
8.43 68.43 20.90
1.27 0.15 0.82 100.00 100.00
December 2007 – January 2008
VFR Holiday Business
Other Response Total
0 450 45.50
0 161 16.28
2 0 0 53 5.36
0 0 0 4 0.40
0 0 0 2 0.20
% of Total
11.93 71.39 13.25
2.83 0.20 0.40 100.00 100.00
countries for both periods. Important to
Analysis of Length of Stay above shows that the
note is that, the higher the number of
majority of visitors stayed in Lesotho for 1-3
Visitors received from a particular Country
nights and very few visitors spent 57-91 nights
does not necessarily imply higher Average
even though they came for different Purposes.
Length of Stay. This due to the fact that even
Average Lengths of Stay indicate that, among
though South Africa accounted for the
the Top 10 Source Markets, Visitors from
largest share of Visitors, its Average length of
United States, United Kingdom and Australia
Stay was lower as compared to the afore
stayed longer than other visitors from other
mentioned countries.

Source of Information about Lesotho
4.1 Source of Information about Operators, which were the most Common
Lesotho by Country of Residence
Sources of Information about Lesotho might
The Corporation is mandated to market have known about Lesotho from Exhibitions Lesotho locally and internationally. In order to
especially the Main Source Markets e.g.
determine the effective marketing strategies to
European and American countries.
be applied, statistics on Source of Information
about Lesotho are necessary. Tables 5 and 6
Analysis by Country of Residence revealed
show that, the most common Sources of that, the most common Source of Information about Lesotho were Information about Lesotho for visitors from Friends/Relatives, Tour Operators, Print media,
Africa was General Knowledge for both
Electronic Media, General Knowledge and periods while for Europeans Tour Operators Lesotho Tourism brochures. Visitors who got
were the most common Source of
information about Lesotho from Information. Lesotho Embassies were the Friends/Relatives accounted for the largest main Source of Information for visitors from shares of 24.06 and 23.48 percent during August
America. As for Asians, Lesotho Embassies
- September 2007 Visitors' Survey and were the most common Source of December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Survey
Information about Lesotho according to the
respectively. Very few visitors (0.6 percent in
results of August – September 2007 Visitors
August – September 2007 Survey and 0.49
Survey while during December 2007 -
percent in December 2007 – January 2008
January 2008 Visitors' Survey, General
Survey) heard about Lesotho from Exhibitions.
Knowledge was the most common source of
However, this observation does not rule out the
possibility that Friends/Relatives and Tour
Lesotho Information and Crafts display at the 2006 Indaba Exhibition
Picture taken by LTDC
Table 5: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Source of Information about Lesotho, August – September 2007
Centre Exhibitions
Knowledge Other Response
63.39 56.52 53.57
61.20 50.72 50.00
8.74 5.80 3.57
3.28 3.62 3.57
24.59 34.06 39.29
14.75 18.12 17.86
Percent of
11.20 8.45 1.71 12.67 1.35 1.71 0.61 24.60
17.63 14.69 4.10 1.29
Table 6: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Source of Information about Lesotho, December 2007 – January 2008
Centre Exhibitions
Knowledge Other Response
60.77 55.71 57.69 57.80 37.50 66.67 50.00 64.36 27.10 73.89 77.59 77.78 57.27
0.00 0.00 1.73 0.00 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.73
50.00 53.18 25.00 66.67 50.00 55.36 25.70 68.15 72.41 72.22 51.67
1.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.72 0.00 0.24
0.00 0.00 1.38 0.00 3.18 0.00 5.56 0.97
3.85 2.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.81 1.40 0.64 3.45 0.00 2.52
6.92 7.14 7.69 8.67 37.50 8.33 0.00 9.00 5.61 3.82 5.17 0.00 7.07
0.58 12.50 8.33 0.00 3.46 2.34 0.64 1.72 0.00
25.00 0.00 0.00 5.54 3.27 3.18 3.45 0.00 5.04
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08
Asia 3.08
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00
3.85 2.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.08 2.34 0.64 5.17 5.56
Europe 29.23
5.78 0.00 0.00 16.67 5.88
21.50 8.92 5.17 5.56 9.91
6.94 0.00 8.33 0.00 4.84
20.56 2.55 0.00 0.00 7.47
12.50 0.00 0.00 5.19 11.21 7.64 1.72 5.56 6.99
19.23 8.67 12.50 16.67 33.33 8.30 11.68 1.91 5.17 5.56 8.77
Percent of
Total 10.56
Accommodation Used by Age 2007 Visitors' Survey, significant
There is a variety of Accommodation proportions of visitors stayed at Establishments available in Lesotho ranging Friends/Relatives and Guest houses for from Lodges, Hotels, Inns, Bed & Breakfast,
all age groups except those aged 0 to 14
Home stays, guest House and Backpackers. years. The results of December 2007 – Figures 4 and 5 below show the distribution January 2008 Survey indicate that, of visitors by type of Accommodation considerable proportions of visitors stayed Establishment used and Age. The results in Guest Houses, Camp Sites and show that, the majority of visitors stayed in Friends/Relatives. This was observed in Hotels and Lodges regardless of Age and all age groups except from age group 00-period of survey. During August - September
Figure 4: Percentage Dis tribution of Vis itors by Type of
accom m odation Us ed, Aug- Sep 2007
Figure 5: Pe rce ntage Distribution of Vis itors by Type of
accom m odation Use d, Dec 2007- Jan 2008
5.2 Accommodation by Purpose September 2007 Survey and 70.80 percent
of Visit
during December 2007 – January 2008
Table 7 shows that, among visitors who Survey. Caravans and Campsites were stayed in Hotels and Lodges, those who came
mostly occupied by Holiday travelers
for Business purposes constituted the largest while Churches and Schools were mainly proportions of 61.72 percent during August –
occupied by visitors who came for religious purposes
Table 7: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Accommodation and Purpose of Visit
August – September 2007
Place of Stay
Business Religion Other Response Total
25.42 54.58 61.72
5.88 0.00 54.55 52.96
Caravan/Camp 1.69 4.89 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.87
Church/School 2.54 1.02 3.79 58.82 0.00 0.00 2.39
Relative/Friends 48.31 2.55
5.88 100.00 18.18 7.96
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.76
0.00 0.00 9.09 14.65
5.88 0.00 9.09 5.92
8.31 69.15 20.42 1.20 0.14 0.77 100.00
December 2007 - January 2008
42.55 66.10 70.80
0.00 62.76
13.36 3.54 7.14 0.00 0.00 10.38
Church/School 1.06 0.34 0.88 25.00 0.00 0.00 1.34
3.77 1.77 3.57 0.00 0.00 7.57
2.91 1.77 3.57 0.00 0.00 2.93
5.32 8.56 5.31 14.29 0.00 0.00 7.94
2.05 4.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.20
5.32 1.03 5.31 14.29 0.00 0.00 2.56
1.88 6.19 3.57 0.00 0.00 2.32
71.31 13.80 3.42 0.00 0.00 100.0

Activities Engaged in While in Lesotho
6.1 Activities Engaged in by Sex
engaged in during the same period were
Table 8 below presents the activities that Canoeing (0.27 percent) and Sporting visitors engaged in while in Lesotho by sex. (1.29 percent). All these features are The table shows that Sight-seeing was the clearly portrayed in Figure 6 below. most preferred activity during the period August – September 2007 with 27.69 percent,
The Table further shows that for both
then 4X4 trekking with 20.00 percent and Males and Females, Sight-seeing was the Pony trekking coming as the third preferred most common activity for the two surveys activity with 17.16 percent. Canoeing was the
although the percentages were slightly
activity that tourists least engaged in followed
higher during August – September.
by fishing with 0.15 percent and 0.22 percent
However, the second choice for Females
respectively. As for the December 2007 – was Pony Trekking for August -
January 2008 Visitors' Survey, the leading September and Hiking for the period
tourist activity was Sight-seeing (33.80 December – January. With regard to
percent) followed by Hiking (14.78 percent) Males, the second most preferred activity
and 4X4 Trekking (13.11 percent) was 4X4 Trekking for both periods.
respectively. The activities that tourists least
Table 8: Percentage Distribution of activities Engaged in by Sex, August –
September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Surveys.
Aug – Sept Dec 2007 – Aug – Sept Dec 2007 – Aug – Sept
Dec 2007 – Aug – Sept Dec 2007 –
24.09 14.26 12.42
14.78 17.00 13.71
4X4 Trekking
16.97 11.68 21.99
27.55 33.84 28.20
No Activity
No response
Figure 6: Percentage distribution of Activities Engaged in, August-
September 2007 and December 2007-January 2008
Activities Engaged in by Age
The second most preferred activity
Analysis by Age is presented in Table 9 below.
differed by age and period of survey, for
It shows that the most popular activity was instance during August – September, the Sight-seeing amongst all age groups for both second most popular activity for those surveys except for those aged less than 25 aged less than 25 year was Hiking (22.01 years during August – September 2007 percent) then Pony Trekking (18.12 Visitors' Survey who had Pony Trekking as percent) for those aged 25 – 44 and then the most popular activity they engaged in. 4X4 Trekking for ages over 45 years.
Table 9: Percentage Distribution of activities engaged in by age, August – September
2007 and December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Surveys.
Sept 2007
Sept 2007
Sept 2007
26.42 17.02 18.12 12.61 13.48 6.78 7.41 5.43

22.01 21.28 13.98 15.55 10.78 10.85 14.81 8.70
10.28 3.00 5.15 2.70 4.84 1.85 4.35
4X4 Trekking
13.21 9.57 16.69 12.71 27.21 15.50 29.63 14.13
0.00 0.35 0.14 0.42 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.63 4.96 1.71 5.67 2.45 7.36 1.85 11.96
0.63 3.19 2.28 3.57 1.23 2.91 0.00 0.00
0.63 1.06 0.29 2.21 0.00 1.55 0.00 2.17
3.14 1.42 8.13 1.16 3.92 1.74 3.70 0.00
20.13 23.76 27.10 32.04 30.88 40.12 33.33 48.91
1.89 2.13 2.71 5.36 4.17 5.04 1.85 2.17
No Activity
2.52 0.35 2.14 0.53 1.23 0.58 1.85 0.00
No response
3.77 1.77 2.85 0.84 0.49 1.16 1.85 2.17
During December 2007 – January 2008
Visitors' Survey, the second most preferred 6.3 Activities Engaged in By
activity was Hiking for those aged less than 45
years and 4X4 Trekking for those aged over Top 10 Source Markets
45 years just like during the period August –
According to the August – September
2007 Visitors Survey, South Africa was
the leading source market and also the
These results show that although the beauty only African country in the Top 10 Source of the country was the leading activity that Markets. Tables 10 and 11 below present attracted tourists to Lesotho, adventure the Top 10 Source Markets to Lesotho by activities such as 4X4 Trekking, Pony the Activities they engaged in while in Trekking and hiking were also of great interest
Lesotho during the two periods.
to tourist coming to Lesotho. These activities
are propelled by the country's terrain which According the analysis in Table 10, South best suits the undertaking of such activities. Africans constituted the highest number The activities that visitors least engage in were
in all activities except for Pony trekking
found to be Canoeing and Fishing.
where Holland led with 20.00 percent
followed by South Africa with 18.70 percent. It can also be seen that amongst the top 10 country during August – September 2007 Visitors' Survey, Canoeing was undertaken by South Africans only. Looking at 4X4 Trekking which was been found to be one of the leading activities, the table shows that visitors from Germany were with 12.29 percent second to South Africa in this activity then followed by the United Kingdom and United States with 6.70 percent and 5.03 percent respectively.
With regard to Sight-seeing, visitors from
Pony trekking at Semonkong
Picture taken by LTDC
the United States constituted the second



highest with 7.74 percent, followed by those from Holland and the United Kingdom accounting for 7.63 percent and 7.31 percent respectively. Looking at the analysis for the period December 2007 – January 2008 in Table 11, South Africa was still leading in all activities followed by Germany except for Bird Watching where by the United Kingdom accounted for the second highest. It is further revealed that, unlike in August – September 2007 Visitors' Survey when South Africa was the only African country among the top 10 source markets, for the period December
2007 – January 2008, Botswana and Namibia
Enjoy skiing at Afri Ski
Picture taken by:
were also amongst the Top 10 Source Markets
to engage in tourism activities while in
Visitors from Australia were most likely to
engage in activities such as Camping, Pony
Trekking and Bird Watching during August –
September 2007 Visitors' Survey and to also
engage in Fishing, Hiking and Pony Trekking
during December 2007 – January 2008
Visitors' Survey.
6.4 Activities Engaged in by
Attractions Visited
Tables 12 and 13 present Activities Engaged in by Attraction Visited during the two periods under study. The table shows that Sight-seeing was the leading activity even though there were some slight differences at some attraction. Table 12 shows that Pony trekking and Hiking were the most common activities Engaged in at Malealea during the two periods, while Sani Pass was mostly visited for 4X4 Trekking. Katse and Mohale
Dams were mostly visited for Sight-seeing Boating at Mohale Dam Picture taken by: LTDC
during August – September 2007 Visitors'
Survey while Canoeing surfaced during
December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors'
Survey as shown in Table 13.

Biking adventure at Baboon's Pass
Picture taken by: LTDC
Table 10: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engages in while in Lesotho by Source Markets, August – September 2007
Canoeing Bird Biking
Table 11: Percentage Distribution of Activities Engages in while in Lesotho by Source Markets, December 2007 –January 2008
Source Markets
Canoeing Bird Biking
Table 12: Percentage distribution of Activities Engaged in by Tourist Attractions visited, August – September 2007
Attractions Visited Trekking Hiking Camping
Climbing Canoeing Watching
Katse Dam
Mohale Dam
Thaba Bosiu
3.57 17.86 10.71 25.00 7.14 0.00
Sani Pass
10.00 20.00 12.22 20.00 6.67 0.00 3.33 0.00
Mahlasela Afri ski
Nature Reserve
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
National Park
0.00 37.50 12.50 12.50 0.00 0.00 12.50
Bokong Nature
0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
No Attraction
0.00 1.55 0.00 1.55 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.52
Table 13: Percentage distribution of Activities Engaged in by Tourist Attractions visited, December 2007 – January 2008
Trekking Hiking Camping Trekking
Climbing Canoeing Watching
Seeing Other
Katse Dam
Mohale Dam
Thaba Bosiu
1.90 0.00 0.93 0.82 5.41 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64
Sani Pass
11.43 7.64 20.56 4.92 13.51 20.00 2.50 1.69 2.94 8.33 3.66
49.05 41.09 13.08
0.00 0.73 0.00 0.41 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64
Nature Reserve
0.00 1.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64
National Park
0.95 2.91 1.87 2.05 2.70 0.00 5.00 1.69 2.94 0.00 0.79
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64
No Attraction
0.00 0.00 0.83 22.03
2.94 12.50 11.13
August – September 2007 Visitors' Survey
During the August – September 2007 Visitors'
unlike those age 25 years and above who
Survey, Sight-seeing was the most preferred indicated that Sight-seeing was their most activity followed by 4X4 Trekking then Pony
preferred activity during the same period.
Trekking, while in December 2007 – January
Sight-seeing was also the leading activity
2008 Visitors' Survey Sight seeing was still for the December 2007 – January 2008 leading followed by Hiking and then 4X4 Visitors' Survey amongst all age groups Trekking. It was further established that followed by Hiking for those less than 45 Canoeing was the least undertaken activity years and 4X4 Trekking for those 45 years during the two periods. The majority of Males
just like Females mostly preferred Sight-seeing
and 4X4 Trekking came in second for Males
Even though South Africans dominated in
while Pony Trekking during the August – all activities, Europeans engaged more in September 2007 Visitors' Survey and Hiking activities such as Pony Trekking, 4X4 during the December 2007 – January 2008 Trekking and Sight-seeing while the Visitors' Survey came in second for Females.
Americans were second to the South
Africans in Sight-seeing.
Visitors at ages less than 25 years had Pony Trekking as their leading activity during
Biking & 4X4 Trekking at Baboon's Pass near Ha-Ramabanta
Picture taken by: LTDC
7. Attractions
7.1 Attractions Visited by Source from Europe. This observation was true
to all attractions except for Malealea,
Table 14 below presents Tourist Attractions Liphofung, Bushmen Paintings and visited during August – September 2007 Dinosaur footprints where the Europeans Visitors' Survey and December 2007 – were the majority followed by the January 2008 Visitors' Survey by Source Africans. It is also important to note that Markets. The table shows that the majority of
visitors from Asia did not visit Thabana
visitors that visited Katse Dam during the two
Ntlenyana, the Sehlabathebe National
periods were from Africa followed by those Park and the Nature Reserves.
Table 14: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Country of Residence and Tourist
Attraction visited, August – September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008
Tourist Attraction Visited
Katse Dam
Mohale Dam
Thaba Bosiu
Thabana Ntlenyana
Sani Pass
Maletsunyane Falls
Mahlasela Afi ski
Ts'ehlanyane Nature
46.15 64.29 38.46 7.14 0.00 0.00 15.38
Sehlabathebe National Park
Bokong Nature Reserve
Bushmen Paintings
Handicraft Centers
On the other hand, Handicrafts Centres were
the other hand, Thabana Ntlenyana (40.00
the leading Attractions Visited with 31.75 percent) was the leading attraction for the percent for the Americans during August – Americans during December – January September 2007 Visitors' Survey followed by
followed by Kome (33.33 percent) and
Bushmen paintings and Morija with 25.81 then Ts'ehlanyane Nature Reserve (28.57 percent and 23.23 percent respectively. On percent).
Number of People in a Group
Number of people in a Group The Figures show that in August –
by Popular Tourist Attractions
September 2007, Katse Dam (10.68
The two surveys also captured information on
percent) was the most popular tourist
whether the visitors were traveling as attraction for the visitors who were Individuals, Family or Groups. Figures 7 and
traveling as individuals followed by Sani
8 below present the percentage distribution of
Pass (9.59 percent) then Malealea (8.93
visitors who were traveling as individuals by percent) while during December 2007 – the three most popular Tourist Attractions January 2008 Visitors' Survey, Malealea Visited during August – September 2007 and
was leading with 10.30 percent followed
December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' by Katse Dam and then Sani Pass with Survey.
8.18 percent and 7.88 percent respectively.
Figure 7: Percentage distribution of
Figure 8: Percentage Distribution of Individual
Individual Visitors by Popular Attarctions,
Visitors by Popular Attractions, Dec2007-
Aug-Sep 2007
On the other hand, Figure 9 below displays those who came as families during August information of visitors who came as families
– September 2007 Visitors' Survey while
during August – September 2007 and during December 2007 – January 2008 December 07 – January 08. The figure shows
Visitors' Survey, Katse dam was visited by
that Sani Pass was the popular Attraction for
Figure 9: Percentage distribution of Visitors who came as
Families by Popular Attractions Visited
Distribution of visitors who came as groups than 50 people who visited Sani Pass
by type of attractions visited during the two while in the December 07 – January 08
periods under study is presented in table 15 period, there was no group with more
below. It shows that during August – than 50 people.
September 2007, there was a group of more
Table 15: Percentage distribution of Visitors who came as Groups by attractions
Visited, August - September 2007 and December 2007 - January 2008
Number in groups
Groups of 10> Groups of 10 – Groups of 21 – Groups of 10
20 people
50 people
Tourist Attraction Visited
Katse Dam
Mohale Dam
Thaba Bosiu
Thabana Ntlenyana
Sani Pass
Maletsunyane Falls
Mahlasela Afi ski
Ts'ehlanyane Nature Reserve
Sehlabathebe National Park
Bokong Nature Reserve
Bushmen Paintings
Handicraft Centers
Furthermore, the Table shows that Malealea Malealea was their preferred hot sport was the most preferred tourist attraction during December 2007 – January 2008 during the two periods under study for people
Visitors' Survey. Families were most likely
in groups of 21 – 50. Groups of less than 10
to visit Sani Pass during August –
people mostly preferred Sani Pass, Katse Dam
September 2007 and the second most
and Malealea respectively during the two preferred was Katse Dam then Malealea periods. This finding is a reflection of what while in December 2007 – January 2008, was observed earlier under the analysis of Katse Dam was leading followed by Sani visitors who came as individuals and family Pass and then Malealea. As for people in members.
groups, those in groups of 21 – 50 people
chose Malealea as their leading attraction
while Sani Pass was the leading attraction
Visitors traveling as individuals were most for visitors in groups of less than 10 likely to visit Katse Dam during August – people. This was observed for both September 2007 Visitors' Survey while surveys.
9. Problems
Problems Encountered
decreased to 85.23 percent during
Visitors were further asked to state if they December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' experienced any problems while in Lesotho Survey. This means that the proportion of and 92.24 percent of the visitors who came to
visitors who experience problems was
Lesotho during August – September 2007 higher during December 2007 – January Visitors' Survey indicated that they did not 2007 (12.21 percent) August – September experience any problem while the number 2007 (7.39 percent).
Figure 10: Problems Encountered, August - September 2007
and December 2007-J anuary 2008
Begging with 25.0 percent during August
Types of Problems
– September and Stone throwing with
15.2 percent during December – January.
Table 16 shows that, amongst the visitors
that experienced problems, Stone throwing
was found to be the leading problem during
August – September 2007 with 33.1 percent
while during December 07 – January 08
Begging was the leading problem with 32.4
percent. The second leading problems were
Table 16: Type of Problem Encountered by Period of Survey
Car hi-jack was found to
Type of Problem
Aug – Sept 07 Dec 07 – Jan 08
be the least type of
Road Accident
problem that would occur
Health Problems
to visitors in while
Lesotho. It can also be
noted that problems such
Car hi-jack
as Pick pocketing doubled
during December –
Stone throwing
January from what was
No Response
The visitors also highlighted some of the – January 2008 Visitors' Survey. These
problems that they experienced while in problems included; reckless driving;
Lesotho even though they did not constitute border officials, lost trailer, toll gate staff,
significant proportions individually. This not welcomed by the community that was
problems were then put together under visited, network communication, border
"Other" and they constituted for 17.57 police harassment, VISA, plane that failed
percent during August – September 2007 to arrive and the absence of unleaded
Visitors' Survey and 20.39 percent for the petrol.
problems encountered during December 2007
9.3 Problems Encountered by 17.62 percent of the problems that
Age and Sex
Females experienced during August –
Analysis by Sex revealed that Females were September 2007 Visitors' Survey. On the more prone than Males to Stone throwing other hand, Begging was higher for Males than begging while Males were most likely to
than for Females with 28.30 percent
experience Begging than their Female during the same period. The same pattern counterparts. Stone Throwing accounted for was also observed for December 2007 – 33.33 percent while Begging accounted for January 2008 Visitors' Survey.
Figure 11: Percentage Distribution of Types of Problems Encountered by Sex
August - September 07 Female
August - September 07 Male
December 07 January 08 Female
December 07 January 08 Male
Road Accident Health Problem
Type of problem
With regard to Age, Table 17 below shows Visitors that least experienced problems that people aged between 25 – 44 years were
were those aged 65 + with 1.35 percent
most likely to experience a problem followed
during August – September 2007 Visitors'
by those aged 45 – 64, and this observation Survey and 3.77 percent for December was similar for the two periods under study. 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' Survey with.
Table 17: Distribution of Problems Encountered by Age
<25 years
Type of Problem
Sept 2007
Sept 2007
Sept 2007
Sept 2007
Road Accident
10.00 12.50 4.49 8.64 5.88 14.81 0.00 0.00
Health Problems
10.00 6.25 7.87 4.94 8.82 3.70 0.00 33.33
15.00 25.00 26.97 29.63 23.53 29.63 50.00 33.33
5.00 6.25 3.37 6.17 0.00 5.56 0.00 0.00
Car hi-jack
0.00 6.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.00 0.00 6.74 3.70 0.00 5.56 50.00 16.67
Stone throwing
25.00 6.25 33.71 14.81 41.18 14.81 0.00 16.67
30.00 31.25 14.61 24.69 17.65 22.22 0.00 0.00
No Response
0.00 6.25 2.25 7.41 2.94 3.70 0.00 0.00
13.51 10.06 60.13 50.94 22.97 33.96 1.35 3.77
experienced by visitors, while Car hi-
The results show that less than 10 percent of
jacking was very minimal in Lesotho.
visitors experienced problems while in Males are more likely than Females to
Lesotho. With regard to those who did experience Begging while Females
experience problems, Stone Throwing and experience Stone throwing than their male
Begging were the leading problems counterparts.
Evaluation of Facilities and Border Officials
10.1 Ratings
Officials, Facilities periods, Border officials recorded the
and Services
highest preference of either Good or Very
Visitors were also requested to grade Tourist
Good followed by Hotel Hospitality. Fuel
Facilities, Service and Border Officials based Stations and Lesotho Roads were leading on their personal views. Table 18 presents the
under Poor and Very Poor except for
results of the evaluation of Border officials, August – September 2007 Visitors' Survey Tourist Facilities and other services as graded
when Tourist Facilities had the second
by the visitors. It shows that during the two highest ratings under Poor and Very Poor.
Table 18: Evaluation of Officials, Facilities and Services,
August - September 2007 and December 2007 - January 2008
Evaluations August –September 2007
Poor Average Good Very
Border officials
0.90 1.49 14.03 46.27 36.19
Fuel Station
3.58 13.43 36.49 35.75 9.33
Hotel Hospitality
0.75 2.91 13.51 39.85 27.61
Lesotho Roads
0.75 5.07 20.07 37.91 14.03
Tourist Facilities
2.54 7.61 16.12 22.69 8.88
Other Services
0.45 0.00 0.15 0.22 0.60
Evaluations December 2007 – January 2008
Poor Average Good Very
Border officials
0.1 1.62 13.44 47.02 35.69
Fuel Station
2.63 6.47 14.16 16.58 6.47
Hotel Hospitality
0.51 2.12 10.52 35.09 31.55
Lesotho Roads
5.16 14.96 34.88 31.55 11.63
Tourist Facilities
1.01 4.55 16.78 33.97 18.50
Other Services
1.11 0.00 1.01 2.12 0.81
11. Expenditure
11.1 Expenditure by Source
source of expenditure compared to the
rest of the other Source Markets. United
Table 19 below indicates that there were States also remained the second main disparities in
Total Expenditure by Source source of expenditure for both studies
Markets between and within the Studies under
with 9.81 and 10.15 percent. Germany
investigation. Although there was a decline in
rose from a total share of Expenditure of
the total share of Expenditure by South 2.07 percent during the period August – African visitors from 61.98 percent during September 2007 to 9.63 percent during August – September 2007 Visitors' Survey to
the December 2007 – January 2008; a
56.10 percent in the December 2007 – shift that made it the third main source of January 2008 Visitors' Survey, it is evident Expenditure in the latter Survey. that South Africa has remained the main
Table 19: Expenditure by Top 10 Source Markets, August - September 2007
and December 2007 – January 2008
Expenditure by Source Markets
August - September 2007
December 2007 - January 2008
Total (M)
Total (M) Share
61.98 South Africa
1,101,051 56.10
9.81 United Kingdom
8.41 Holland/Netherlands 138,902 7.08
There were no African countries in the Top
both Surveys with the largest spending on
10 Source Markets during August – accommodation i.e. at least 50 percent. September 2007 Survey, while in the There was a slight difference on December 2007 – January 2008 Survey Expenditure on Food & Drinks; while Namibia and Swaziland were both at rank 8 Travel & Transport, Handicrafts, with 1.27 and 1.57 percent total share of Recreation, Shopping, Packaged-tours and Expenditure respectively and Zimbabwe at Other expenses were the least costs made rank 10 with 1.28 percent total share of in descending order as summarized in Expenditure. Generally, there was less Figure 12 below. This is an indication spending during the December 2007 – that visitors' spending on accommodation January 2008 Visitors' Survey compared to the
services including food and drinks was
previous survey.
greater than spending on any other
commodity say; handicrafts and recreation
Expenditure pattern on commodities based facilities. on Source Markets remained the same for
Figure 12: Percentage distribution of Expenditure by Source Markets, August-
September 2007 and December 2007-January 2008
Travel & Transport
Dec 2007 - Jan 2008
Expenditure. Similarly, spending on
South Africa remained the top most source of
Accommodation services including Food
Expenditure during for both Studies and Drinks was greater than spending on separately. However, it was evident that any other item such as Travel & United States and European countries such as
Transport, Handicrafts, Recreation
United Kingdom, Germany and Netherlands facilities, etc. were dominating other potential sources of
Evaluation of Current Visit
12.1 Evaluation of Current Visit by regions who indicated that their visit was
Country of Residence
worthwhile due to Scenery or beauty of
To find out the impression of visitors about the country and Friendliness of the people the country, respondents were asked to respectively; compared to 36.94 percent indicate if their current visits was worthwhile
and 34.28 percent who indicated the same
guided by the categories on the columns of reasons during the December 2007 - Table 20. During the two studies conducted,
January 2008 Visitors' Survey. Closely
Scenery (mountains and landscape) and the related to Scenery and Friendliness of Friendliness of the people were reported by all
Basotho was Culture which was the third
regions that were covered to have been the most reason that generally made the visit main reasons that made the visit to Lesotho to Lesotho worthwhile at around 15 worthwhile. In particular, there were 38.41 percent for both Studies. percent and 31.77 percent of visitors from all
Table 20: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of their Current Visit and
August – September 2007
Scenery people Business VFR
Other Response
December 2007 – January 2008
Although there were regional differentials and
total percentage share of visitors who
fluctuations between the two Surveys in pointed out that their visit to Lesotho was relation to Evaluation of the Current Visit; in
worthwhile due to Business opportunities
general terms the pattern remained stable i.e. from 7.36 percent during August – except for the non response rate to the September 2007 Visitors' Survey to 4.66 question in this regard, which dropped from percent during December 2007 - January an average of 0.40 percent to 0.09 percent. 2008 Visitors' Survey. Similarly, there was a significant decline in the
12.2 Evaluation of Current Visit by 37.77 percent and 5.35 percent
Sex and Age
respectively during the December 2007 –
Analysis on Evaluation of Current Visit was January; their Female counterparts further classified by Sex and Age; and the indicated that Visiting Friends & Relatives following observations were made. Scenery plus Culture were a package that made and the Friendliness of Basotho people their visit worthwhile at 6.72 percent and including their Culture remained the main 16.50 percent respectively during August reasons that made the visit to Lesotho – September Visitors' Survey while the worthwhile for both sexes during both studies
same statistics rose to 9.08 percent for
separately. While Males were generally Visiting Friends & Relatives and 18.16 intrigued by Scenery at 39.14 percent and percent for Culture in the other Survey. Business at 8.87 percent during August – The analysis is summarized from Table 21 September 2007 Visitors' Survey compared to
Table 21: Percentage distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of Current Visit and Sex,
August - September 2007 and December 2007 – January 2008
August - September 2007
Scenery People
Business Family Culture Other Response
Female 37.67 32.48 5.36 6.72 16.50
December 2007 – January 2008
Female 35.31 32.79 3.53 9.08 18.16
Table 22 on the other hand indicates that; Nonetheless, the disparities continued age-wise responses to the question on with the same revelation and emphasis Evaluation of Current Visit were clustered that indeed what made Lesotho a between ages 20 – 40 i.e. there were least preferred destination during the Surveys; responses for those who were aged 10 and 50
were the adventure and leisure
including those who did not indicate their age. opportunities it had to offer.
Table 22: Percentage Distribution of Visitors by Evaluation of Current Visit and Age,
Aug-Sep 2007 and Dec 2007-Jan 2008
August - September 2007
1.13 1.48 2.46 1.19 1.23 0.00 0.00
December 2007 – January 2008
According to analysis by Sex and Age,
Although there were Regional disparities and adventure and leisure opportunities fluctuations; Scenery, Friendliness of Basotho
remained the major reasons that generally
people and their Culture were generally what
made the visit to Lesotho worthwhile
made the visit to Lesotho worthwhile during during both studies separately. By and both August – September 2007 and large, Males were interested in Scenery December 2007 – January 2008 Visitors' and Business while their Female Surveys. There was a significant decline in counterparts indicated that Visiting the total percentage share of visitors who Friends and Relatives plus the Culture of pointed out that their visit was worthwhile Basotho were a package that intrigued due to business opportunities i.e. from 7.36 them. Even age-wise, the disparities percent during August – September 2007 continued to prevail with the same Visitors' Survey to 4.66 percent during revelation and emphasis that beauty, December 2007 - January 2008 Visitors' sociable people plus their culture made Survey.
Lesotho a preferred destination during the
Surveys; with the most responses clustered at ages 20 – 40.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Analysis made in this report suggests that the
came to Lesotho for Holiday, Visiting
two studies referred to here as Visitors' Friends & Relatives and Business Surveys had some differences and similarities
purposes. To counteract this pattern,
that define their specific characteristics in there is need to strategize on encouraging relation to tourism in Lesotho. For instance,
spending of visitors while in Lesotho
the Surveys were conducted during different particularly on souvenirs; while on the points in time of the year which could be one
other hand legal instruments that protect
of the major factors that contributed to visitors during their travel in the country among others the number of visitors that are looked at so that number of foreign were captured between the two studies. But,
packaged tours can be reduced.
once again tourism in Lesotho proofed to be
seasonal. Some of the activities engaged in Assessment of tourist facilities and service were popular or least popular to tourists providers based on visitors' personal during the period August – September 2007 perception suggest that they are generally and vice versa for December 2007 – January
acceptable. Nevertheless, the studies
2008. This implies therefore that tourism further revealed that among the problems product development should be designed to encountered by visitors Stone throwing make tourism in Lesotho a non-fluctuating and Begging continued to be leading. sector; highly dependent on perpetually This is an indication that unless there is increasing number of visitors coupled with institutional coordination and their increased length of stay for the sake of commitment, tourism in Lesotho may socio-economic growth.
never realize the heights it is envisaged to
reach. Challenges in this regard do not
Indeed, the statistics for December 2007 – only affect certain sectors of the January 2008 Visitors' Survey were lower than
population but everyone else; visitors
expected given that this is the Festive Season. themselves, government, service providers However, it remained evident that majority of
and the community. However, with clear
visitors who came to Lesotho during that structures that govern tourism such as period came mainly for Holiday (as was the Policies, Destination Management case in August – September 2007 Survey), or
Organizations e.g. LTDC; as well as Crisis
Visiting Friends & Relatives and Religion in Management Strategies in place; problems that order. On the other hand, revenue encountered by visitors or any tourism collected on accommodation and food & crisis are likely to be defeated especially if drinks remained high for both Surveys. This
they are based on explicit factual
was accrued largely by Hotels and Lodges information.
which were commonly used by visitors who
University at Albany, State University of New York Thyroid Function and Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Children Living Near a Chemical PlantMaria-Jose Lopez-Espinosa Debapriya MondalUniversity of Salford, [email protected] Ben ArmstrongLondon School of Hygiene & Tropical Science, [email protected] Michael S. BloomUniversity at Albany, State University of New York, [email protected]
⏐ PUBLIC HEALTH MATTERS ⏐ What Has a Decade of Daubert Wrought? Margaret A. Berger, JD Demands for tort reform may also have There have been changes within the judicial system that may be attributable to played a part in the Court's willingness to ac- opinions on the admissibility of expert testimony that began with the Supreme cept the Daubert case for review. There had