
Noise ± 0.35 x 10-5 Drift ± 3 x 10-5A/h Powerful Software Superb Performance HPLC The Adept Series of ers: Adept Series HPLC systems and modules offer top ■ The CE 4100 dual piston, fully compensated solvent grade performance, are economically priced and delivery pump with a new stepping motor drive and designed for all applications including method microprocessor control system offers accurately development, quality control, pharmaceutical and ion controlled flow rates from 0.001 to 10mL/min.
■ The CE 4200 dual wavelength UV-Visible detector A revolutionary new UV-Visible Dynamic Absorbance covers the wavelength range 190-700nm with Detector (DAD), offers all the spectral capabilities of a exceptionally low noise, ±0.35 x 10-5 A, peak to peak, Photodiode Array Detector (PDA), with greatly and incredibly low drift of ±3 x 10-5 A/h, both improved performance when used as a variable measured at 230nm. Full programming using up to wavelength detector (VWD).
6 wavelengths is standard. For measurements at asingle selectable wavelength, the CE 4201 detector Pumps, detectors and system control modules may be has excellent performance. stacked vertically for the smallest possible spacerequirement or in lower profile where space permits.
■ The CE 4201 UV-Visible variable wavelength detector is a high performance detector for State of the art design, based on 30 years of HPLC monitoring at a single wavelength in the range 190 design experience, is combined with up to the minute to 700nm. Noise and drift are both excellent at software, designed to operate in Windows XP, but may ±1x10-5 A and ±1x10-4 A/h respectively.
also be used with Windows 98 and 2000. It offers theeasiest possible use with full system control, spectral ■ The CE 4300, WaveQuest, Dynamic Absorbance and data processing.
Detector (DAD), is an ultra fast scanning UV-Visibledetector, range 190-700nm with the spectral Ultra Fast Scanning Detector capabilities of a Photodiode Array (PDA) detector. It has superior performance when used as a Variable breakthrough in UV-Visible detector design. A true Wavelength Detector, and offers major cost saving.
alternative to Photodiode Array detectors. ■ CE 4900 PowerStream system manager is Super fast wavelength scanning, produces a UV spectrum in 200 ms. Powerful spectral processing developed by Cecil Instruments R & D department software for R&D, method development, purity and is supplied complete with a system manager determination etc. interface module. The software, operating inWindows XP or Windows 98 or 2000, offers full Absolutely top performance as a variable wavelength system control and complete data processing, with detector, with data processing by PowerStream an ease and clarity unmatched by other HPLC software, another Cecil Instruments development. PowerStream – System Manager Convenient Operation PowerStream is an entirely new chromatography PowerStream is easy to use, with a fully interactive management system developed by Cecil Instruments.
graphical interface and display, providing full method Comprehensive data processing, spectral processing development with customised parameters, data and full control of Adept HPLC modules is provided.
capture and full manipulation of data andchromatograms. All data may be saved.
PowerStream, developed to operate in Windows XP, All chromatograms are captured for live screen display may also be used with Windows 98 and 2000, during a run.
facilitates simple organisation of chromatographyresults and methods and provides digital control for a wide range of peripherals.
A method creation, storage and recall system provides Operation is remarkably easy and help screens provide accurate and repeatable chromatogram acquisition.
a complete operating guide.
Methods define all chromatography parameters, aswell as automating analyses and presenting results.
Complete FlexibilityThe complete range of chromatographic applications Method creation is simple and convenient. Firstly may be undertaken. Pumps may be fully programmed select all the hardware to be used for the experiment, for any required gradient and the gradient profile may then add any of the following parameters as required: be overlayed on stored chromatograms for accurate Timed events, Integration parameters, Calibration mixture or flow adjustments. Mid elution wavelength curves or Reporting parameters.
control of the programmable UV detector is provided.
Calibration curves, using any number of standards, Clear Screen Presentation may be computed and plotted for each component of The composite screen below shows the stages in interest and may subsequently be used to determine quantifying Pyrene in a chromatographic separation the concentration of unknown samples.
using external standards.
Comprehensive integration parameters are provided,which allow accurate peak area and heightcalculations. Retention times for all peaks aretabulated.
Ultra Fast Scanning Superb Performance Powerful Software Total Flexibility Excel ent Reliability Expandable Systems Analytical Isocratic This simple system is ideal for routine isocraticseparations and quality control applications. Highsensitivity is provided by the Adept CE 4201 UV-Visiblevariable wavelength detector and precise delivery ofthe mobile phase is provided by the Adept CE 4100solvent delivery pump.
The Adept CE 4100 dual piston pump delivers flowrates from 0.001 to 10mL/min with a maximumoperating pressure of 40MPa. The pump head isconstructed with ceramic inserts to provide bio-compatibility. The system may be upgraded to providedata processing. The system is supplied completewith column mounting panel and cover with Rheodyneinjection valve fitted with a 20 µL loop, solvent andpipe organiser CE 4033 and installation kit 4150 01 00.
Analytical Isocratic With Data Processing This system uses the Adept CE 4100 dual piston pumpand the Adept CE 4200 dual wavelength detector foradded flexibility and is provided with PowerStreamdata processing software and interface unit, CE 4901.
The interface unit is placed at the base of the stack forconvenience and minimum space requirement.
The CE 4901 PowerStream software operating inWindows XP may also be used with Windows 98 or2000. It offers the same data processing power as theCE 4900 software but unlike the latter, offers no systemcontrol. The system is supplied complete with columnand valve mounting panel, Rheodyne injection valvewith 10µL loop, solvent and pipe organiser CE 4033, 8µL x 10mm cell and installation kit 4150 01 00.
As an alternative, the CE 4900 PowerStream systemwith full system control, may be used to allow forexpansion of the system at a future date.
The system is shown with a column oven CE 4651,which must be ordered as extra if required.
Automatic Analytical IsocraticRoutine analysis of large numbers of samples may be System control and data processing are provided by carried out using this system, which requires minimum PowerStream software and interface CE 4900. The operator attention. elegant, powerful and very easy to use softwareoperates in Windows XP.
The supplied CE 4800 automatic sample injectoraccommodates up to 128 samples and offers a wideflexibility of sampling, analysis, delay and washvolumes.
The system uses the Adept CE 4100 dual piston pumpwith delivery speeds from 0.001 to 10mL/min.
The detector is the Adept CE 4200 dual wavelengthdetector with a low noise level of less than ± 0.35 x 10-5Apeak to peak and incredibly low drift of ± 3 x 10-5A/ h attemperature equilibrium. The standard 8µL x 10mmflowcell is supplied together with a column mountingpanel and cover. The system is supplied complete withsolvent and pipe organiser CE4033 and installation kit 4150 01 01.
Analytical Binary GradientA gradient analytical system is shown here togetherwith an oven for three columns, which must beordered as extra if required.
Two Adept CE 4100 dual piston pumps, with flow ratesfrom 0.001 to 10mL/min and a maximum operatingpressure of 40MPa, are used with the supplieddynamic mixer CE 4120.
The Adept dual wavelength UV-Visible detector CE4200 is used with an 8µL x 10mm flowcell. A columnmounting panel, fitted to the detector, carries thecolumns and the Rheodyne injector valve which issupplied complete with a 20µL loop. A cover for thecolumn is provided.
At the bottom of the stack, shown here, is the interfaceunit of the CE 4900 PowerStream system manager.
The software provides full system control and dataprocessing using Windows XP, 98 or 2000.
Results may be printed on any printer supported by theWindows operating system.
The system is supplied complete with solvent and pipeorganiser CE 4033, and installation kit 4150 02 00.
ADEPT SYSTEM 5: Analytical Ternary GradientThis system uses three Adept CE 4100 pumps, each providing flowrates from 0.001 to 10mL/min. A dynamic mixer CE 4130 isprovided. The system may be stacked vertically, as shown. Alower profile configuration is shown in the picture on page 2.
The Adept CE 4200 dual wavelength, programmable, scanningdetector is supplied with an 8µL x 10mm flowcell. The detector isfitted with the column mounting panel which carries the Rheodyneinjection valve with a 20µL loop. The solvent bottle and pipe co-ordinator, CE 4033, is supplied and the system is complete withthe installation kit 4150 03 00.
The PowerStream system manager, CE 4900, is supplied for fullsystem control and data processing. The software operates inWindows XP, 98 or 2000. The interface unit is designed to mountin, or at the bottom of the stacks as shown here.
ADEPT SYSTEM 6: Automatic Analytical Binary GradientTwo Adept CE 4100 pumps are stacked on top of the CE 4900PowerStream system manager interface. These pumps eachdeliver at flow rates of 0.001 to 10mL/min and are connected to adynamic mixer CE 4120 placed on top of the dual wavelengthdetector CE 4200, which is stacked above the pumps.
The system stack is topped by the solvent bottle and pipe co-ordinator CE 4033, with the dynamic mixer beside it.
The automatic sample injector CE 4800 which accommodates 128samples completes the system, which is supplied with installationkit 4150 02 01.
The very high performance of the detector, with exceptionally lowdrift, provides a very stable system for extended measurements.
Full system control and data processing are provided by thePowerStream system manager and software.
The system is supplied complete with installation kit 4150 02 01.
ADEPT SYSTEM 7: Binary Gradient – Low CostThis system is the lowest cost binary gradient system. Consistingof two Adept CE 4100 pumps with analytical heads providing flowrates from 0.001 to 10mL/min. System control is provided by theAdept CE 4201 variable wavelength detector.
Gradients may be set from the control panel of the Adept CE 4201detector, which allows up to 10 timed events to be programmed.
An 8µL x 10mm pathlength cell is provided together with a columnmounting panel with Rheodyne valve and 20µL loop.
The system may be used with a pen recorder for economy, butmay be upgraded at a later date, by the addition of a PowerStreamsystem manager with data processing.
ADEPT SYSTEM 8: Ion ChromatographySingle column ion chromatography or methodsrequiring a suppressor module are both possible.
The sensitive conductivity detector, CE 4710, with twelveranges from 0.01µS to 5000µS, houses the measuringcell in a thermostatted environment. The suppressormodule CE 4715 is available but is not provided.
Solvent delivery is by the CE 4100 dual piston pump. ARheodyne injection valve is provided fitted with a100µL loop. A CE 4601 heated column oven is supplied,also a CE 4033 solvent bottle and pipe guide organiser.
Data processing and system control are provided bythe CE 4900 interface and software. Installation kit 415005 00 is supplied with the system.
For increased sensitivity, a solid phase chemicalsuppressor module CE 4715, is available. ADEPT SYSTEM 9: Refractive Index : IsocraticThis system is for use with compounds with lowabsorptivity in the UV-Visible range. The Adept CE 4100dual piston pump provides flow rates from 0.001 to10mL/min and a maximum operating pressure of 40MPa.
The detector is the Adept CE 4700 differential refractiveindex detector, which is highly stable and sensitive.
Temperature control ensures stability of the system.
The CE 4900 PowerStream system manager is providedfor data processing on a PC workstation.
The system is supplied complete with solvent and pipeorganiser CE 4033, column mounting panel and columncover with a Rheodyne injection valve fitted with a 20µLloop and installation kit 4150 01 00.
The system is ideal for work with samples such assugars, polymers, organic acids and triglycerides.
ADEPT SYSTEM 10: Automatic Ternary GradientThis system is shown here with a column oven, whichmust be ordered as extra if required. The CE 4800Automatic sample injector, fitted with its own injectorvalve, is supplied with this system.
Three Adept CE 4100 dual piston pumps, with flow ratesfrom 0.001 to 10mL/min and a maximum operatingpressure of 40MPa are supplied, and a dynamic mixer CE4130. The Adept CE 4200 dual wavelength UV-Visibledetector is provided, together with an 8µL x 10mm flowcell,column mounting panel and column cover.
At the bottom of the stack is the interface unit of the CE 4900PowerStream system manager. The software providessystem control and data processing and operates inWindows XP. The system is supplied complete with solventand pipe organiser CE 4033, and installation kit 4150 03 01.
IntegrationThis chromatogram shows theseparation of a four componentmixture that has been integratedusing the integration parametersshown in the bottom window.
The components are defined byretention time but not yetidentified and named in the peaktable, the peak starts and endsare also defined and tabulated.
The integrated peak areas andpeak heights are calculated andincluded in the peak table but thechromatogram has not yet beenquantified by reference to acalibration curve. The dialoguebox provides a means of quicklyre-scaling the axes of thechromatogram if required.
Selecting a ComponentIntegration parameters are rapidly accessed for change, using a dialoguebox that allows individual parameters in the integration process to bemodified. By selecting a component in the peak table it is instantlyidentified in the graphical display, using a colour infill, so that peak startand end points, using the current integration parameters can be viewedand quickly optimised. The four components of the chromatogram areidentified and named in the component table. Peak number 3 (pyrene)has been quantified by reference to a calibration curve.
Automatic Baseline Tangential Skimming Exponential Skimming Selectable Peak Detection SensitivityHELP SCREENS Complete Operating Guide CalibrationPowerStream will automaticallydefine a time window in which apeak should appear, to becorrectly recognised and namedin the component peak table. Thewidth of the time window is setafter measuring the widest halfwidths of the asymmetricalpeaks, i.e. on the widest trailingside of the peak. The defaultvalue can be changed by the user.
When a peak is highlighted in thepeak component table, the timewindow is displayed super-imposed on the appropriate peak. If this peak has beencalibrated, the concentration,peak height and area tables aredisplayed, together with theassociated calibration curve, asshown in the lower window. Inthis case a linear curve fit waschosen. A choice of linear,quadratic or cubic fit is provided.
Report Format ingThe final report may be user configured and a template defined to includeas much information as is required. The format has four segments to asingle page, the header information, the chromatogram, the results tableand a footer. Each section can be sized and their contents defined, easilyand rapidly using dialogue boxes.
Should a larger chromatogram format (up to a whole page), or all and everydetail of the results be required, a second page may be additionally defined.
Ion ChromatographyThis screen shows the excellentseparation chloride, nitrite, bromide andnitrate by Adept System 8.
The first window shows thechromatogram of the 4 ions at aconcentration of 20mg/L. Thesecond window shows the samechromatogram expanded. This illustrates thelow noise background and hencethe potentially high sensitivitywithout ion suppression.
The third window shows repeatseparations concentrations, superimposedwith an offset. The retentiontime repeatability is better than 1second in 5 minutes i.e. 0.3%.
The final window shows a tableof standards and the fit used.
The curve is for one component,for the quantitation of unknownsamples.
Dual Piston Pump – CE 4100The new Adept CE 4100 pump with stepper motor driveprovides superb flow precision, with software drivecompensation reducing pulsing to negligible levels.
Flow rates from 0.001 to 10mL/min are selectable in0.001mL steps with pressures up to 40MPa available.
The pump heads, using ceramic inserts, are inert andbio-compatible.
Pumps may be programmed from their keypad, using the4 line LCD display of menus, prompts, parameters, etc.
Two pumps may be controlled by the CE 4201 detectorto form gradients without system control byPowerStream.
Semi-preparative Pump – CE 4150This dual piston pump is available in the same sizestackable module as the CE 4100 analytical pump.
The pump provides flow rates from 0.001 to 50mL/minat pressures up to 15 MPa The pump head uses ceramic inserts and is bio-compatible.
Dual Wavelength UV Detector – CE 4200The Adept CE 4200 is a detector of the highestspecification and versatility, covering the range 190 to 700nm, with an optical bandwidth ofapproximately 8nm. Operation is by a keypad and 4line LCD display of menus, prompts, parameters,wavelength, absorbance etc. It may also form part ofany system controlled by PowerStream software.
Dual wavelength operation allows two wavelengths tobe monitored simultaneously with their ratio alsobeing available. Full programming using up to sixwavelengths is also possible from the control panel.
Noise and drift performance are of the very highestorder, ±0.35 x 10-5A peak to peak, and ±3 x 10-5 A/hrespectively, with straylight less than 0.02%. Up to 30methods may be created and stored passwordprotected, ensuring reproducible conditions whenrecalled. An auto switch-on programme savesoperator time during warm-up.
Variable Wavelength UV Detector – CE 4201The Adept CE 4201 detector is designed to monitor anysingle wavelength in the 190-700nm range. Opticalbandwidth is approximately 8nm and stray light is lessthan 0.02%.
Calibration and test are automatic at switch-on.
Software for validation procedures is available.
Flowcells may be changed easily and withoutalignment adjustments and the Deuterium lamp isguaranteed for 1500 hours, or 1 year, and is fitted withan hours counter.
Noise and drift performance are of a very high order. < ±1 x 10-5A peak to peak and < ±1 x 10-4A/h respectively.
An automatic switch-on program is provided to saveoperator time during warm-up.
Refractive Index Detector – CE 4700The Adept CE 4700 differential refractive indexdetector is suitable for compounds which show noactive absorption in the UV region such as sugars orpolymers. The highly stable detector is operated by akeypad and 2 x 16 character LCD display The flowcell is temperature controlled and drift andnoise are of a low order.
A built-in solenoid valve enables the reference cell tobe conveniently flushed or filled. The unit is suppliedwith a column mounting panel and cover.
The signal output may be processed by PowerStream,or connected to a recorder or integrator.
Conductivity Detector – CE 4710The CE 4710 conductivity detector converts an AdeptHPLC Quantification of anions, cations, metals, organic acidsand surfactants is possible with solid phase chemicalsuppression (SPCS) down to ppb levels; without SPCSdown to the ppm range.
The 0.5µL cell is temperature controlled to ±0.05ºC inits enclosure. A solid phase chemical suppresser module CE 4715 isavailable using two cartridges, one providessuppression while the other is equilibrated or replaced.
Fluorescence Detectors – CE 4500 / CE 4501The CE 4500 shown here is a dual monochromatorfully programmable detector, each monochromatorcovering the range 200-600nm, using an adjustablefrequency Xenon lamp. Flowcells of 4, 8 and 24µL irradiated volumes areavailable. The detection sensitivity is better than 100fgAnthracene in methanol using a 24µL flowcell.
The CE 4501 is a filter detector for use where a lowercost is required. The lamp flash frequency is adjustableand the same 4, 8 and 24µL flowcells may be used.
Sensitivity is better than 0.2pg Anthracene in methanol,using excitation at 254nm and a 24µL flowcell.
PowerStream Interface – CE 4900PowerStream is the powerful new chromatographysoftware, developed by Cecil Instruments R & D, for HPLCsystem control and data processing. It is used in conjunctionwith DataStream software, also developed by CecilInstruments, to provide data transfer and comprehensivedisplay, processing and manipulation of spectral scans.
The PowerStream system manager interface unit, shownhere, is designed as a space saving stackable module.
The unit is supplied whenever CE 4900 PowerStreamsystem control and data processing are required.
When system control is not required, PowerStream CE 4901 isprovided, with an interface module without the control feature.
Auto Sample Injector – CE 4800 The CE 4800 is an auto sampler of the very highestprecision. It accommodates 128 samples in a 16 x 8sample tray.
A positive displacement technique ensures accuracyby reducing effects of viscosity and cavitation. Thepiston action of the hollow sample vial cap is used todisplace the sample after the cap has been penetratedby the sampling needle.
The auto sampler is ideal for QC applications requiring thehighest precision, better than ± 0.2%. Provision is madefor manual sample injection and a refrigerated sampleoption is available operating in the range 4ºC to 40ºC.
Dynamic MixersBinary and Ternary dynamic mixers are available for gradient formingat pressures up to 40MPa. The CE 4120 and CE 4130 are for binary andternary mixing respectively and are made from stainless steel andmeasure only 8cm x 10cm for convenient mounting on the detector.
For bio-compatibility mixers CE 4121 and CE 4131 are available in PEEKand operate up to pressures of 12MPa.
Column Temperature ControlThe conveniently small CE 4651 heated oven provides temperaturesbetween 30ºC and 80ºC, for all normal columns and guard columns.
The temperature is stable to within ±0.2ºC over 24 hours.
The CE 4650 Peltier heated and cooled oven offers a temperature rangeof 5ºC to 60ºC. Both ovens are excellent value and require a benchspace only 10cm x 10cm and attach to the side of any Adept systemstack. They are designed for safety with electronics protected fromflammable solvent leaks.
Temperature Control for Three ColumnsThe CE 4601 heated and CE 4600 heated and chilled ovens arealternatives to the ovens above. They accommodate up to threeanalytical or preparative columns. The CE 4601 is required with IonChromatography System 8.
Provision is made for mounting a Rheodyne injector and also a columnswitching valve. A leak detection system with adjustable threshold isfitted.
Solvent DegassersTo enhance performance by reducing bubble formation two vacuumsolvent degasser units are offered; the CE 4040 for up to four solventlines and the CE 4020 for two channel operation. Each line can handleflows of 5mL/min and channels may be connected in parallel forincreased flow rates. Gas is removed to better than 1ppm at 1mL/min flow rate reducingbaseline fluctuations and improving sensitivity. Solvents are only incontact with PTFE and PEEK, so the units are inert to HPLC solvents.
Solvent Reservoir OrganiserThe CE 4033 is a solvent reservoir organiser for 3, one litre, calibratedsolvent reservoirs and is designed to fit neatly on top of the UVdetector units.
The unit is fitted with a lifting handle and a pipe guide to organise thesolvent pipes from the bottles.
The unit allows free access to the column, injector valve and flowcell.
Universal UV/Visible DetectorWaveQuest the ultra fast scanning Dynamic AbsorbanceDetector (DAD) is a major advance in UV-Visibledetector design, offering the capabilities of aPhotodiode Array (PDA) detector, with greatly improvedperformance when used for chromatogram monitoring.
Very high speed scanning of eluting peaks, "on thefly", makes purity checks, the determination ofoptimum monitoring wavelengths for unfamiliar peaks(lambda max scans), and component identification ofpeaks using library spectra all possible, withconsiderable cost saving.
Ultra Fast Wavelength Scanning One Detector Covers All UV Applications WaveQuest the CE 4300 Dynamic Absorbance Detector A single beam Photodiode Array Detector (PDA), used (DAD) is a powerful ultra high speed scanning for method development and other R & D, will often be alternative to Photodiode Array detectors. replaced by a dual beam UV variable wavelengthdetector for routine monitoring, when the developed Method development, purity determination, other R&D method is adopted, because of the poor drift and Variable Wavelength Monitoring are possible to performance of single beam PDA detectors. Their the highest quality.
performance can be as much as 20 times worse. TheDynamic Absorbance Detector has a double beam optical system with very high all round performance, spectrophotometer concept with ultra fast wavelength and exceptionally low drift.
scanning over the range 190-700nm. Scans at up to1000nm/s provide UV spectra in only 200ms.
The CE 4300 may therefore be used for methoddevelopment, purity determination, etc. and also as a Powerful signal processing software enables very high high performance UV detector for variable wavelength quality ‘on-the-fly' scans to be triggered by eluting peaks without peak degradation. Eluting peaks may beintegrated by PowerStream software at the same time WaveQuest, which is less expensive than a PDA as purity and identification work is carried out.
detector, therefore has a double cost advantage.
Spectral data is transferred by DataStream software toa PC workstation for spectral manipulation andprocessing. The software offers library facilities andthe export of data. All data may be stored on disk.
Fast Scans of Narrow PeaksThe ultra high speed scanning of the CE4300 is shown. A very fast binaryseparation was carried out, on a Cecilgradient elution system 4S, of sixteenpolyaromatic hydrocarbons, designatedby Protection Agency as priority pollutants.
The time for the elution was less than 4minutes, using a 5cm column with a 3micron packing.
Several of the peaks have widths athalf height less than 1.5 seconds. Thespectra of all peaks are displayed inreal time and are shown hereoverlayed in groups of four.
Peak Impurities RevealedThis chromatogram appears to be athree component mixture.
Purity checks were made with ultra fast "on-the-fly" scans on theascending and descending sides ofeach peak. Peaks 1 and 2 gaveidentical spectral scans on each side,but peak 3 gave totally differentspectra from its two sides indicating amajor impurity producing the scanshown in red. Scans were comparedby normalising and overlaying.
Despite the impurity, peak 3 appearsvisually symmetric and it's calculatedasymmetry factor was close to 1.00.
Compound IdentificationThe identity of the 16 peaks in the chromatogram shown was carried out by comparing the spectra with reference libraryspectra, which had been previously scanned and stored in the spectral library facility of the Adept System 4S used.
The spectrum from the reference library which matched the spectrum of peak 8, is shown and is then superimposedon the scan of peak 8. Clearly there is a close match and a programmed calculation of the match, or similarity, gavea match index of 996.5 as shown.
Excel ent Analytical PrecisionThe excellent precision of AdeptGradient System 4S, which uses theWaveQuest CE 4300 Ultra fastscanning detector is demonstrated byseven repeat injections and elutions ofa soft drink.
The results are shown here in overlay,each chromatogram being offset by50mA. The phosphate buffer :methanol baseline was recorded first,and is shown on this plot.
The result for the component Caffeineis shown in a summary reportcomment. This shows excellentreproducibility of 0.33% RSD.
Simultaneous 4 Wavelength MonitoringThe traces shown here were obtainedby wavelengths simultaneously for a tenminute period of an elution.
The experiment was carried out usinga Cecil Adept System 4 with aWaveQuest, CE 4300, UV-Visibledetector in its variable wavelengthdetector mode.
The very fast operating speed of thedetector results in excellent qualitypeaks, captured in real time byDataStream, shown here in overlay.
This mode of operation is alsoavailable on the CE 4200 detector.
Selecting SystemsThe table shows a selection of the most popular systems which when ordered come complete with everythingneeded to make a fully working chromatographic system. Other systems may be made to user requirements byselecting from the full Adept range.
Degasser units should be ordered separately Ovens, heated, or chilled and heated, should be ordered separately; but are supplied with System 8 The systems listed provide: All the modules to assemble the complete system All interconnection and power cables All pipes and tubing Solvent reservoir and pipe organiser, 3 solvent bottles with drilled lids Standard flowcell Dynamic mixer – binary or ternary Rheodyne valve and 20µL loop – except automatic systems which have their own valve Column and valve mounting panel where appropriate Sample injection syringe Solvent inlet filters Computing integrator option enabled, where appropriate Isocratic Systems SCANNING INTEGRATOR Binary Gradient Systems SCANNING INTEGRATOR Ternary Gradient Systems SCANNING INTEGRATOR System Modules and Components Al units are provided with mains cable, spare fuses and operating manual. Al systems are supplied with connecting cables.
Systems may be ordered with a WaveQuest, CE 4300, ultra fastscanning detector in place of the CE 4200 Variable WavelengthDetector.
Solvent pump with analytical bio-compatible pumphead with ceramic inserts.
To order such a system place ‘S' after the system number – e.g. Adept System 2S. Such systems are indicated in the ‘choice' table on page 17.
Semi-preprative pump, with bio-compatible pumphead with ceramic inserts.
Isocratic Systems UV detector, dual wavelength, programmable.
Complete with air test cell.
UV variable wavelength detector. Complete with air CE 4100, CE 4201 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, CE 4050 column mounting panel, Rheodyne valve Ultra fast scanning absorbance detector.
with 20µL loop, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 01 00 Analytical with Data Processing programmable and scanning.
CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, CE 4901 Fluorescence detector, filter wavelength selection.
software and interface, CE 4050 column mounting panel, Rheodyne valve with 20µL loop, CE 4033, Column oven, heated and chilled, for 3 columns.
installation kit 4150 01 00 Column oven, heated, for 3 columns.
Automatic Analytical Standard column oven heated and chilled.
CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, CE 4800, Standard column oven, heated.
CE 4900 software and interface, CE 4051 column mounting panel, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 01 01 Refractive index detector.
Conductivity detector Electrochemical detector Auto-injector with injection valve.
Binary Analytical 2 x CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, Fraction collector CE 4120, CE 4900 software and interface, CE 4050 column mounting panel and cover, Rheodyne valve PowerStream software and interface for system with 20µL loop CE 4033, installation kit 4150 02 00 control and data processing. PowerStream software and interface for data Ternary Analytical processing only.
3 x CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, Dynamic mixer, stainless steel, binary systems.
CE 4130, CE 4900, CE 4050 column mounting panel and cover, Rheodyne valve with 20µL loop, CE 4033, Dynamic mixer, PEEK, binary systems.
installation kit 4150 03 00 Dynamic mixer, stainless steel, ternary systems.
Dynamic mixer, PEEK, ternary systems.
2 x CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, Solvent degasser, two channels.
CE 4120, CE 4800, CE 4900, CE 4051 column mounting panel, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 02 01 Solvent degasser, four channels.
Solvent reservoir and pipe organiser for 3 solvents.
Binary Gradient – Low Cost 2 x CE 4100, CE 4201 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, Column mounting panel and column cover with CE 4050 column mounting panel and Rheodyne valve Rheodyne injector valve fitted with 20µL loop.
with 20µL loop, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 02 00 Column mounting panel and cover.
Automatic Ternary Solid-phase chemical suppressor.
3 x CE 4100, CE 4200 with 8µL x 10mm flowcell, 1200 07 70 8µL x 10mm path length flow cell.
CE 4130, CE 4800, CE 4900, CE 4050 column panel and cover, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 03 01 4µL x 5mm path length flow cell.
1200 07 73 1mm pathlength preprative flow cell.
Ion Chromatography 1200 07 74 12µL x 7mm pathlength flowcell.
Ion Chromatography 30µL x 10mm pathlength flowcell.
CE 4100, CE 4710, CE 4600, CE 4900, CE 4033, Rheodyne Installation kit for isocratic systems.
valve with 100µL loop, installation kit 4150 05 00 4150 01 01 Installation kit for automatic isocratic systems.
Installation kit for binary gradient systems 4150 02 01 Installation kit for automatic binary systems.
Refractive Index – Isocratic 4150 03 00 Installation kit for ternary gradient systems.
CE 4100, CE 4700 with divided flowcell, CE 4900 software and interface, CE 4050 column panel, cover Installation kit for automatic ternary gradient and Rheodyne valve with 20µL loop, CE 4033, installation kit 4150 01 00 HPLC Pump CE 4100 Ultra Fast Scanning Detector – CE 4300 0.001 to 10mL/min in 0.001 steps Flow Reproducibility Littrow with 1200 l/mm holographic grating 4 line back-lit display Optical Bandwidth Full range of keys for menu and parameter Digital Resolution Wavelength Accuracy Fast number entry keys Over Pressure Cut-out Adjustable between 3 and 40MPa Low Pressure Cut-out Adjustable between 0 and 40MPa Material in contact with fluids Ceramic inserts - biocompatible Baseline Flatness ± 0.002A over most of range Check valves – ruby & sapphire <0.02% at 220nm and 340nm Better than ±0.5% at 2mL/min < ±0.5 x 10–5 A at 230nm, 2s air test cell 365 x 290 x 140mm, 7.5kg.
< ±5 x 10–5 A/h at 230nm, at equilibrium using Power Requirements 115V or 230V, 50/60Hz, 30VA Dual Wavelength, UV Visible Detector CE 4200 Calibration and Test Automatic at switch-on Four line display of parameters, menus,prompts, wavelength, absorbance etc.
Number of Peak Scans Up to 100 peaks for any single elution All specifications as for the CE 4201 with the following additional Multiple Scans of a Peak Up to 8 scans of any peak At start, set absorbance value, point ofinflection or at maximum ± 0.35 x 10-5 A at 230nm, 2s, using air test cell Up to 100 scans password protected ± 3 x 10-5 A/h at 230nm, 2s, using air test cell Up to 30 methods, password protected Dual Wavelength Operation Simultaneous measurements at 2 wavelengths.
365 x 290 x 140mm, 17kg Output of absorbance ratio for the 2 Power Requirement 115V or 250V, 50/60Hz, 50VA Noise, Dual Wavelength ± 2 x 10-5 A peak to peak 230/280nm 1s timeconstant Refractive Index Detector CE 4700 Drift, Dual Wavelength ± 1 x 10-4 A/h at constant temperature Programmed Operation Programs may be entered to change parameters, operating modes and select up to 6 different wavelengths in any time sequence.
Parallel printer port 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 seconds UV-Visible Detector CE 4201 -1V to +1V, 20 bit resolution 360 x 140 x 260mm, 9.5kg Double beam with 1200 lines/mm grating Power requirements 100-250V, 50/60Hz, 6VA Fluorescence Detector Dual Monochromator CE 4500 Wavelength Accuracy Wavelength Precision ± 0.1nm, single wavelength mode Optical Bandwidth 8nm approximately 10W Xenon flash lamp, frequencyprogrammable < 0.02%, 220nm Deuterium lamp with elapsed time indicator Excitation Monochromator 200-600nm, 12nm optical bandwidth, f 2.5 1500 hours or 1 year warranty Emission Monochromator 200-600nm, 12nm optical bandwidth, f 2.5 0.001 to 3A full scale in 11 ranges Wavelength Scanning Excitation and emission independently 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 seconds Four-line display of parameters, menus, Better than 100 fg Anthracene in methanol prompts, wavelength, absorbance etc.
Programmable Events All normal functions plus wavelength Fast Number Entry By use of special number keys programming up to 99 steps per program; 99 From keypad or by external source For up to 30 methods, security protected Input Contact Closures Autozero, event mark Second Order Filter Fast automatic insertion at 370nm 10mV, 100mV and 1V ± 1 x 10-5 A peak to peak, 220nm, 2s time Dimensions and Weight 457 x 420 x 160mm, 17kg Power Requirements 100/240V, 50/60Hz ± 1 x 10-4 A/h at constant temperature Better than 1%, 0.001 – 2A Fluorescence Detector Filter CE 4501 Automatic Power-up/Off Pre-programmed from keypad to save warm uptime 8µL x 10mm pathlength – normal 10W Xenon flash lamp, frequency 4µL x 5mm pathlength Wetted surfaces PEEK, Teflon and Fused Silica Other cells available 1-2000 mA in 11 ranges Refractive Index Sensitivity < ± 5 x 10-4 A, water to methanol at 350nm 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 seconds Flow Rate Sensitivity < ± 3.5 x 10-3 A, for flow change 1-2mL/min, Fluorescence Display 4, 8 and 24µL others available Two absorbance outputs and absorbance ratio Autozero, event mark to recorder. All data available to a PC.
Better than 0.2pg Anthracene in methanol 365 x 290 x 140mm, 17kg 20µL flowcell, 254nm excitation, 2 second time Power Requirements 115V or 230V, 50/60Hz, 50VA constant, 1mL/min flow, lamp flash frequency50Hz Dimension and Weight 365 x 381 x 146mm, 13.6kg.
Power Requirement Conductivity Detector CE 4710 Solvent Degassers CE 4020 / CE 4040 A.C. synchronous detection, 10kHz frequency Number of flow channels 4 (CE 4040), 2 (CE 4020) 0.01 – 5000 µS in 12 steps Flowrate each channel Offsets up to 10,000 µS To better than 1ppm at 1mL/min Up to 10 user defined methods 120 x 220 x 260mm, 6kg 25W, vulcanised to aluminium block Power requirements 150V or 230V, 200VA Teflon tubing encased in high thermal masshousing Set at 35ºC. User adjustable ambient to 60ºC Temperature Precision Surfaces Contacting Fluid 10mV, 100mV and 1V analogue and RS232 254 x 305 x 178mm, 5.9kg 120-240V, 50/60Hz, 100 Watts Electrochemical Detector – CE 4720 0.02 – 50nA full scale Offset Compensation 255 x 310 x 105mm, 5kgMeasuring cell 120 x 110 x 155mm, 1.5kg Automatic Sample Injector CE 4800 Number of Samples 128 in 8 x 16 sample tray Number of Injections per Vial 4 with 10µL loop, 3 with 75µL loopInjection Precision < ±0.30 RSD peak area, 10µL injections < 0.25% no rinse, < 0.004% with rinse Valves and Plumbing 316 s/s, Nitronic 60, PEEK, PTFE, Borosilicate glass and opaque polypropylene.
Low density polyethylene caps Storage for 10, 128 step methods Injection signal input, RS232c1EEE – 488, 4 user contact closures Refrigeration Option 4 to 40ºC, ±1ºC setting, ±1ºC precision Workstation Computer Specification 80 VA, 200 VA refrigerated, 47/63 Hz 12.7kg, 330H x 320W x 540D Column Ovens CE 4650 / CE 4651 Temperature Range 30ºC to 80ºC (CE 4651)5ºC to 60ºC (CE 4650) Temperature Stability ± 0.2ºC over 24 hours System Requirements 115V-230V, 150VA, 50Hz (CE 4651)230V, 50Hz (CE 4650) ■ Personal Computer with Pentium class processor Dimensions & Height 500 x 80 x 105 mm, 3.2kg (CE 4651) ■ Pentium 200 MHz or better 400 x 100 x 100 mm, 4kg (CE 4650) Column Ovens CE 4600 / CE 4601 ■ Microsoft Windows XP ■ Microsoft Windows 2000 ■ 128 MB of RAM or more Temperature range 10ºC above ambient to 120ºC (CE 4600)10ºC below ambient to 80ºC (CE 4601) ■ Hard-disk space required: 15 MB Time to stability from ambient 15 mins to 100ºC CE 4600 30 mins to 10ºC below ambient CE 4601 Provision for one each type Rheodyne ■ XGA or higher resolution monitor Solvent leak detector 64 levels, user selectable ■ Monitor resolution 1024 x 768 or better 190 x 230 x 540mm, 8kg Power requirements 230V, 50Hz, 550VA or 115V, 60Hz, 550VA ■ Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Cecil Instruments policy is one of continuous development. We therefore reserve the right to change specification without notice.


Cynthia.qxp 4/8/09 10:23 Page 32 Low temperature chemistry Keep your cooltechnology with Dr Cynthia ChallenerIorder to maximise selectivity for the desired prod- uct is paramount for the development of cost- according to the chemistry involved but carefulselection of raw materials, catalysts and solvents andthe use of certain pressures and temperatures oftenplay important roles.

AUTORESDepartamento de Control del Comité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica (CAAE).Departamento de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente Dirección General de Alimentación y Fomento Agroalimentario (SSA). LGM. FOTOGRAFíASDepartamento de Control del CAAE. Comisión Europea (nº 9, 18, 20, 21 y 23) DIRECCIÓN EDITORIALComité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica