Patient Surgery Information
Pre/Post-Operative Surgery Instructions
Thank you for choosing the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic for your healthcare needs. It is our privilege to serve you and your family.
Your surgery is scheduled on _ at the following location: St. Anthony Hospital - 5th Floor Surgery - 1000 N. Lee, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 - 405.272.6608 St. Anthony Midtown Surgery Center - 1110 N. Lee, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 - 405.979.7820 The Surgery Center - 1106 W. MacArthur, Shawnee, OK 74804 - 405.395.5750
Your surgeon is :
Your surgery coordinator is: Phone: 405.272.6027 ext. _
Your post operative follow-up appointment is scheduled for:
Please read this entire packet well in advance of your surgery!
General SurGery InformatIon
• Request for specific dates for surgery should be made immediately. The process of pre-certifying and
scheduling your surgery usually takes 5 business days. Please allow 5 days before calling the office after you have given us your preference of surgical dates. If you have not heard from our schedulers in 5 business days, please call them. They may need your assistance with the pre-certification process.
• A
"no SHoW" for surgery cancels your relationship with this clinic.
48 hour notice is required to change or
cancel a surgery.
• PleaSe take a PHoto ID anD all InSurance carDS to SurGery WItH you.
• Surgery times can vary from early morning to late afternoon. Call the assigned surgery center the day be-
fore surgery to confirm your arrival time. Call on Friday for a surgery scheduled on a Monday.
• If you are a foster parent to the child having surgery, please bring all placement papers and make sure that
the judge or county director has signed off on the consent that was faxed to your caseworker. Without this
information surgery
cannot be performed.
• A $25.00 prepaid fee is required for ANY documents (FMLA, Insurance, etc.) that need to be filled out by
a doctor. For disability papers, there is a $45.00 prepaid fee. All forms must be turned in 10 days prior to surgery to be filled out on time.
• For additional information, please visit our website at www.okcent.com
Pre-SurGery InStructIonS
• Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. This includes water, coffee, food, gum,
candy, and chewing tobacco.
• Refrain from alcohol or illegal drug use two days before your surgery.
• If you become ill with flu, fever, congestion in your lungs or skin problems at the operative site, call our office.
• Shampoo your hair and bathe or shower with an antibacterial soap the morning of your surgery. Do not use
any hairspray or gels. You may also brush your teeth, but please, don't swallow any water.
• Do not wear make-up or any jewelry the day of surgery.
• Contact lenses cannot be worn during surgery. Be sure to bring a case to keep your lenses in during your
• Please, make arrangements to have someone drive you home and assist you at home for the first 24 hours
• STOP taking any medications that include aspirin or blood thinners that can increase the risk of bleeding 7
to 10 days prior to surgery. Tylenol may be taken as a substitute for aspirin or ibuprofen.
• It is important that your surgeon as well as the anesthesiologist is aware of your current medications and
medical history. You will meet your anesthesiologist the day of surgery.

PreScrIPtIon refIll PolIcy - PleaSe reaD tHrouGHly
Prescription refill requests should be faxed (405.272.8311) from your pharmacy between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. and 10:00a.m. on Fridays. It is often neces-sary for your physician to review your chart before a refill can be authorized. It is the policy of the Oklaho-ma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, PC, to authorize prescription refills during normal office hours only. Narcotic prescriptions will not be filled at night, on weekends or over the phone. Please be considerate and aware of this policy.
meDIcatIonS tHat can IncreaSe rISk of BleeDInG
All patients anticipating surgery MUST stop taking any source of aspirin or any other drugs which may interfere
with the blood clotting mechanism. Aspirin is a very strong anticoagulant which causes profound bleeding prob-
lems in individuals, therefore, patients muSt stop taking all aspirin containing products 7-10 days prior to surgery
and for 2 weeks after surgery. Tylenol may be taken as a substitute. The following list, though comprehensive,
may not be complete. Please check with a pharmacist when in doubt of the bleeding factor of any medications.
Aminosalicylate Sodium
Prevacid Naprapac
Indomethacin Sodium
Salicylsalicylic Acid
Soma Compound w/
Excedrin Migraine
Goody's Extra Strength
St. Joseph Adult Aspirin
fInancIal InformatIon
Prior to scheduling surgery, we will check with your insurance company for information regarding the type of and the extent of your coverage.
If you have any questions regarding the following information about your insurance coverage, please contact your insurance company directly. Their phone number should be on your insurance card.
• Amount of your deductible• Amount of deductible that you have met• Deductible to be paid up front.
• Your out of pocket expenses• Co-pay• What percentage insurance pays• Effective date to current date of Insurance• Pre- Authorization Requirements• Pre-existing Clause• In Network/ Out of Network• Primary/ Secondary Insurance
This information is required to avoid conflicts. This will be processed with the information given to us by you.
PleaSe take PHoto ID & all InSurance carDS to SurGery WItH you
SurGery center locatIonS anD maPS
I-40 Westbound
Exit Western Ave, North to 10th Street, turn right.
13th ST.
10th ST.
Exit Western Ave, North to 10th Street, turn right.
I-235 Southbound
Exit 10th Street. West to Lee, turn left.
I-235 Northbound
Exit Harrison Ave/Downtown. West to 6th Street,
North on Walker to 9th Street, turn left.

St. anthony Hospital
St. anthony midtown Surgery center
Address: 1000 N. Lee - Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Address: 1110 N. Lee - Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Phone: 405.272.6608
Phone: 405.979.7820
The surgery department is located on the 5th floor of
Valet parking is free and no tipping is required. Valet
the main hospital. Valet parking is free and no tipping
parking is open from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m., Monday
is required. Valet parking is open from 9 a.m. through
through Friday, and is located at the west entrance
4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and is located at the
of the building. You may also park in the Bone & Joint
east entrance of the building. You may also park in
Parking Garage which is connected to the building.
parking lot which is east of St. Anthony Hospital.
Vascular Institute
Inpatient Visiting
Outpatient Services
the Surgery center in Shawnee
Address: 1106 W. MacArthur - Shawnee, OK 74804 (NW corner of MacArthur and J.D. Kethley Blvd.)
Phone: 405.395.5750
The Surgery Center is located at the NW Corner of MacArthur and J.D. Kethley Blvd. Parking is available in front of the building.
From the East:
From the North:
From Eufaula, take I-40 west (toward Oklahoma City) From Chandler, take Rt.18 south past I-40Take the Kickapoo Street Exit (Exit 185)
Cross I-40 to MacArthur Blvd in Shawnee
Go south on Kickapoo Street
Go west on MacArthur (past Oklahoma Baptist Univ.)
Go west on MacArthur (past Oklahoma Baptist Univ.)
From the South:
From the West:
From Rt.177 north
From Oklahoma City, take I-40 east
Take the MacArthur Street Exit
Take the Kickapoo Street Exit (Exit 185)
Go east on MacArthur
Go south on Kickapoo Street
(just past airport)
Go west on MacArthur (past Oklahoma Baptist Univ.)

meet our SurGeonS
David Hunter, M.D., F.A.C.S., has been in practice in Oklahoma City since 1981. He re-ceived both his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, continuing on there for post graduate training in surgery. He then completed three years specialized training in otorhinolaryngology at the Universities of Oklahoma and Alabama, as well as a fellowship in facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Beverly Hills, California.
Dr. Hunter is genuinely concerned that his patients enjoy the highest quality of life pos-sible. He and his staff understand that physical appearance has a tremendous impact on an individual's feelings of self worth. In addition to Dr. Hunter's board certification by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, staff members also have special training and expertise in cosmetic surgery.
In addition to his private practice, Dr. Hunter served as Chief of Staff (2003 and 2004) and was Chief of Surgery (2001 and 2002) at St. Anthony Hospital. In 1999, he helped establish the Craniofacial Center at St. Anthony. As a key member of this highly skilled team of specialists, Dr. Hunter's expertise is surgical approach and closure during neu-rosurgery, including craniofacial and transphenoidal procedures.
Keith F. Clark, M.D., F.A.C.S, Ph.D., completed his medical degree at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1978. After a surgical internship at the William Beaumont Hos-pital in Detroit, Michigan, in 1979, he attended the University of Iowa at Iowa City. There, he completed his otorhinolaryngology residency in 1983. He received a Ph.D. in laryn-geal physiology in 1999 at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Clark is a Fellow of the Amer-ican Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, the Triologic Society, and the American College of Surgeons. He is also a member of the Oklahoma Academy of Otolaryngology and the Oklahoma County Medical Society.
Dr. Clark is published in both clinical and research medical literature. He has also served as associate editor for the Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Journal and cur-rently reviews articles submitted to several ENT journals.
Prior to joining the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, Dr. Clark worked at Univer-sity Hospital and Children's Hospital of Oklahoma, treating a wide variety of both adult and pediatric problems including laryngotracheal reconstruction, treatment of vocal fold paralysis, laser surgery, treatment of the professional voice, Botox injections for la-ryngeal dystonias, airway problems and endoscopic sinus surgery.
Brent Scott, D.O., received his medical degree from Oklahoma State University–College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1998. He then completed his residency in otorhinolaryngol-ogy–head and neck surgery at Freeman Hospital in Joplin, Missouri, in 2003.
After his residency, Dr. Scott completed a fellowship in head and neck surgery and ad-vanced rhinology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, in 2004.
Upon completing his fellowship, Dr. Scott entered into a solo practice in otolaryn-gology in Woodward, Oklahoma, where he has been serving the people of north-west Oklahoma. In 2009, Dr. Scott joined the staff of the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic to focus his efforts on caring for patients with head and neck cancer. Dr. Scott is a member of the American Osteopathic College of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Sur-geons, the American Academy of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgeons, the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, the Oklahoma State Medical Association and the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association.

Troy E. Major III, DO, received his medical degree from the University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri, in 2000. He then completed his residency in otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery at Freeman Hospital in Joplin, Missouri, in 2005.
Following his residency, Dr. Major completed a fellowship in cosmetic surgery at the English Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. He then returned to his home state and was in private practice in Cape Girardeau for four years prior to joining the staff of the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic in August, 2010. Since joining the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, Dr. Major has extensive training in Balloon Sinuplasty and special interest and expertise in Moh's closure.
Dr. Major is board certified by the American Osteopathic Board of Otolaryngology-Fa-cial Plastic Surgery. He is a member of the American Osteopathic College of Otolaryn-gology-I-lead and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the American Osteopathic Association.
Chad D. Willis DO, received his medical degree from Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Center for Health Sciences in 2005. He then completed his residency in Des Peres Hospital in St. Louis, MO, in 2010.
During his residency he became Chief Resident of Des Peres Hospital for the period of 2009-2010. He also attended Cameron University in 1998 and received his Bachelors of Science Degree in Chemistry. Staying abreast of the latest advances in the field of otolaryngology, Dr. Willis has continued his education by attending conferences at Baylor School of Medicine, St. Louis University School of Medicine and the University of Iowa's Carver College of Medicine. Dr. Willis has contributed numerous articles to the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association Journal.
Prior to joining the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic in November of 2011, Dr Willis practiced in Lawton, OK. Dr. Willis is board certified by the American Osteopathic Board of Otolaryngology. He is a member of the American Osteopathic College of Otolaryn-gology Head and Neck Surgery, and the American Osteopathic Association.
ProfeSSIonal aSSocIatIonS
The physicians of the Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic are members of the following
professional associations:
aBout tHe oklaHoma cIty ear, noSe & tHroat clInIc
The Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic is a premier provider of adult and pediatric ear, nose and throat
care. The unique qualifications of our physicians and staff allow us to provide comprehensive care for wide
range of ear, nose and throat conditions, including ear infections, ear tubes, strep throat, hearing loss, snoring
and other sleep disorders, hoarseness, speech and language issues, facial plastics and reconstruction surgery,
head and neck cancer surgery, allergy services and more.
center of Sinus excellence
If you're frustrated by a stuffy nose, sinus congestion, allergies, difficulty breathing through your nose or other
bothersome symptoms, Oklahoma City ENT Clinic can offer relief. Our advanced sinus treatments – many of
which are not available elsewhere in the area – can help most patients breathe easier without the pain and
down-time of traditional sinus surgery. You'll receive exceptional sinus and allergy care at the Oklahoma City
Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, through the very latest treatments and technologies such as In-Office Balloon Sinuplas-
ty procedure.
ct and ultrasound Services
The Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic strives to provide the most up to date, cost effective, and safe
services to our patients. That is why we have installed a Xoran CT scanner in our Oklahoma City office. CT scans
are integral to proper diagnosis and treatment. Our in-office scanner offers low dose radiation, high quality
imaging and real-time diagnosis.
In addition to our CT services that we perform in office at the Oklahoma City ENT Clinic, we also have the ability
to provide ultrasound services to our patients for the diagnosis of thyroid disease, salivary gland disease, and
neck mass detection.
our mission
Our team provides patient centered, evidence based, cost effective healthcare to all patients.
For you, for your family…You can place your trust in Oklahoma City ENT knowing that every treatment or procedure is supported by years of intensive education, training and clinical experience.
For you, for your family…You can place your trust in Oklahoma City ENT knowing that we work with our patients as partners in their care. We approach medicine from an evidence-based foundation and recom-mend treatment plans based on each individual's unique needs.
For you, for your family… We respect your time and run our practice accordingly We have staff members who speak SpanishWe accept most major insurance plansWe are affiliated with St. Anthony Hospital for inpatient and outpatient procedures
contact us
Oklahoma City Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic
535 NW 9th Street, Suite 300
Dianne Hunter - 405.272.6027 ext. 104
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
Thomas Purvis - 405.272.6027 ext. 114
Phone: 405.272.6027 Fax: 405.272.8311
Website: okcent.com
Tia Davis - 405.272.6027 ext. 103Jill Smith - 405.272.6027 ext. 102
Find us on Facebookfacebook.com/okcent
Source: http://www.okcent.com/web/index.php/download_file/view/82/133/
Personalised, Serendipitous and Diverse Linked Data Resource Recommendations Milan Dojchinovski and Tomas Vitvar Web Intelligence Research Group Faculty of Information Technology Czech Technical University in Prague Abstract. Due to the huge and diverse amount of information, the ac-tual access to a piece of information in the Linked Open Data (LOD)cloud still demands significant amount of effort. To overcome this prob-lem, number of Linked Data based recommender systems have been de-veloped. However, they have been primarily developed for a particulardomain, they require human intervention in the dataset pre-processingstep, and they can be hardly adopted to new datasets. In this paper, wepresent our method for personalised access to Linked Data, in particularfocusing on its applicability and its salient features.
Sample Information • Raw commingled cow milk must be used. The sample spot is darker than or equal to the control spot. • Samples must be refrigerated and tested within three days of collection. • Thoroughly mix the sample before testing.• DO NOT use abnormal-looking milk. The sample spot is lighter than the control spot.