
Autumn UPDATE 2006
BdMax's Finishing Spray
ZeroInHuman Essence
Now is the time to consider the
On ready-to-pick gold kiwifruit, after two
benefits of using ZeroIn.
applications of ZeroIn a week apart,
followed by 10 days of rain, dry matter
ZeroIn is used in the last few
levels were .7% higher in the treated
weeks, prior to harvest, to
area. The TZI showed a 30% difference.
achieve a variety of outcomes.
Trials to date on kiwifruit have
shown that after two
applications, there is an
increase in dry matter after
rain, and an evening out the
dry matter levels over the
whole sample. This led to a
30% increase in the TZI (Taste
• Reduce fruit
Indicator), and the
payout. Trials are presently
underway to establish if this
Trials on ripening grapes in the Hawkes
‘evening out' effect occurs
• Hold fruit size
Bay showed that in the last month of
without rain.
growth with two applications of ZeroIn a
achieves its effects
week apart, bunch size remained the
naturally through focusing the
same, while the brix level rose normally.
plants' growth into the roots. This
Three rain events occurred during this
•98% protection
retards sap flow to the top of the
period. Bunch weight was expected to
plant, reducing water flow during
down to –2 C.
rise from 80 gms to 140 gms.
rain events. Positive ‘side
• Earlier harvest
effects' of this process are
• To reduce fruit bursting.
• Cost efficient
ZeroIn on Grapes
• Maintains fruit at its existing
• Brix level rises normally.
• Retards plants going to seed.
• Encourages root growth.
(This is enhanced with a further application after harvest)
has no withholding
period, and like all BdMax products is Bio-Groregistered and ACVM exempt.
Continued from Page One
This Seasons Experiments
at the BdMax Orchard
Now we have a 1 acre block of green
For dry matter & rain protection
kiwifruit , we have been able to carry out more intensive experimental trials,
250mls per ha for 2 applications 7 days
throughout the whole season.
apart, as soon as possible before rain
For autumn root growth
A spring program was carried on from
If used for the above then one more
September till the end of November. No
application at 250mls per ha, after
frosts where experienced through this
time. It is still too early for other results to be apparent.
If used just for autumn root growth, 250mls per ha for 2 applications 7 days
We have two trials running. One area has been sprayed monthly and the other two
weekly, since early December. We will be testing for the influence on dry matter
One litre will cover 4 hectares
and fruit size. Part of this trial was to
1 litre costs $240 /lt = $60 per app.
observe the influence of PhotoMax on bud set during low light. However we did
5litres costs $200/lt = $50 per app.
experience good light and heat during December.
Use Etherics 1000 once after the
We have trials of FruitMax being applied
program has finished. It can be included
monthly and two weekly from January.
with any other sprays.
This product is for enhancement of fruit size.
ThermoMax over FruitMax
Trials last season showed that where
What can you say about Echinacea Gold?
ThermoMax was applied just prior to
This is one of the best kept secrets
harvest, over an area sprayed withFruitMax, leaves began an early winter
defoliation, which saw the fruit size jump
Echinacea Gold helps build the immune
significantly, and the harvest date came
system, increase the lymphatic function
forward by a couple of weeks.
while providing anti bacterial and anti viral
We will be redoing this trial this season
properties. At the first sign of feeling a bit
on and off FruitMax sprayed areas.
off colour, reach for the Echinacea Gold.
Customers use this product to ward of
colds and sore throats. Because it helps
We have just started to trial ZeroIn's
build the immune system you are less
effect on the ‘evening out' of dry matter
susceptible to the change of season
readings. This is a little early for ZeroIn on green kiwifruit, however we would like
to clarify if it evens out the dry matter
readings without rain. We showed last year, that ZeroIn had a 30% benefit to
the TZI when sprayed before a significant rain event. We are hoping to have these
Living on your nerves?
results before the kiwifruit harvest begins.
Emotions running away with your life?
End of Season testing
Don't despair, the answer is right here.
The orchard is being divided into 7
Astral Coolers is a homeopathic remedy
maturity areas. We will pack fruit with
containing Nettle, Yarrow, Chamomile and
Seeka, so we should be able to get a
other common herbs. Astral Coolers has a
good range of quality feedback on these trials.
strong calming affect and literally tames your psychological side. With your emotions under control, enjoy a life that you control not one that always controls you.
Same idea - different outlook?
Back in October last year, my wife Ann
I was truly amazed at how interested all
spotted an advert in a farming paper
staff were to my presentation and the
"Farmlands" about something called
next problem was enticing head offices
biological controls using homeopathy. I
to accept us and assign what they call
contacted them and this started a great
Sku #. One staff member actually rang
friendship with the team at BdMax,
her head office and demanded sku
Glen, Caroline and Gillian.
numbers for several of the products
I am the worlds best skeptic and I was
namely Possum Chase, Bird Scare and
quickly pooh poohing this thing called
Cat Scat. This was granted and my first
homeopathy but on reflection why would
order was under my belt.
Hopefully gone are the days when toxic
prepared to advertise this tiny firm in Te
pesticides are the norm and organics
will be once again prove to be the right
I am a great one for computers and onto
the net and BdMax web site. Wow! Over
Now that I am finally convinced I
the next week I must have spent many
foresee a long lasting partnership
fascinating hours reading their pages
between BdMax and the Scarrows
and links to other articles.
Gradually I became convinced that I
I was truly amazed at how interested all
had to be part of this exclusive team.
staff were to my presentation and the
Contact by phone is not the best way to
next problem was enticing head offices
meet new people so on down to Te
to accept us and assign what they call
Puke from our home in Pokeno and way
Sku #. One staff member actually rang
up No3 Road and a face to face very
her head office and demanded sku
involved chat, left me still wondering.
numbers for several of the products
This ole fella takes a lot of convincing to
namely Possum Chase, Bird Scare and
something so radical as to what I was
Cat Scat. This was granted and my first
order was under my belt.
Ann and I spent many hours discussing
Hopefully gone are the days when toxic
BdMax and we invited Glen to come
pesticides are the norm and organics
and try to convince me.
will be once again prove to be the right
Those of you who have been fortunate
in meeting this dedicated young man
Now that I am finally convinced I
will understand how I felt. Very
foresee a long lasting partnership
impressed! I am a qualified nurseryman
between BdMax and the Scarrows
and Ann and I own a small nursery where we grow hoyas, begonias and orchids and we sell to the trade. This entails me loading up our Toyota van
and visiting various garden centres and nurseries that buy our plants ex van.
Etherics 1000 is important to the
Glen suggested that I sell their products
continual well being of your plants. A blend of all the Biodynamic preparations
and away I went on my first trip.
507 in one safe balanced
Thanks to very descriptive brochures
invigorating spray for plants and soil.
and a folder made by Gillian showing photos before and after of various
Etherics 1000 is supplied free of charge with most BdMax products, it is to be
products.ie. Frosted plants such as
applied 2-3days before every third spray
newly planted avocados burnt with frost
at the rate of 250ml per hectare.
alongside plants that had been sprayed with Thermo Max showing no damage.
D.Crawford – Avocado
"great results in frost protection
An autumnal warmer
trials to –3C. Our fruit set does
and frost protection
not seem to be any different than any one else's. The early fruit set held but the later set
Last winters trials showed
successfully increased the internal temperature of Avocados and kiwifruit it will perform the same way for other crops.
ThermoMax on Avocados
Average Readings across whole orchard
With autumn on our doorstep, and cooler
season has provided
weather and possible frosts about to arrive. An
anecdotal evidence that
application of ThermoMax will give the crop an
extra degree of protection, for three weeks or
blueberries, while the bees
so. You can also expect slightly earlier maturity.
are still working the crop, may reduce the number of
Applications of ThermoMax, the evening before
bees present. It appears the
a frost, has worked well in Spring. However with
birds and the bees are
larger canopies on now it would be better to
indeed very similar
have applications on for a day or so before
frosts if possible.
This phenomena has only been reported on blueberry
crops, as pollination takes
HB vineyard – Grapes
place while there is ripe fruit to be protected from birds.
"A -2°C frost came when we had three inch
No such effects have been
shoots. The leaves burnt off but the shoots
reported on strawberries
were fine. Regrowth was normal."
using BirdScare.
HB Vineyard – Grapes
If you have noticed any unexpected results please let
"A-2° frost caused some damage but the
vines recovered quicker than would be expected normally. We still managed to get a
Sth Auck. - Strawberries -
crop off that block for the first time. Previous
Will use again next year. No
years have seen the crop lost due to frost."
problems with ongoing fruit set still picking in late
Whangarei - Avocado
"Very satisfied. Trees appeared to have denser flowering and a heavier fruit set than those of a similar age in another block that were not sprayed with ThermoMax."
WhiteTail Spider
Towards the end of March, Glen will be
Whitetail's! just the word makes
traveling to the Hague in Europe for a
you shudder. Whitetail spiders
month, at the request of sponsors for
are nocturnal feeders and
the trials against the horse chestnut
prefer to live under dry bark and
bacterial infection. His time will be spent
plants (building sites are great
setting up the trials and systems of
for spiders) but will often be
spray application to be used for this
seen inside houses looking for
shelter from light after hunting at night. The spider often hides
Most of the trees are in urban settings
in clothing especially if it is left
and so the spraying of these very large
lying around on the floor.
trees presents some difficulty. The organic status of all the methods we are
Whitetail spiders feed only on
employing are proving very attractive to
other spiders and prefer the
all concerned. This season the trials
grey house spider, which build
have been enlarged significantly. At the
their zigzag webs on the
request of the city council the number of
outside of houses, fences and
trees in the trial has increased from 150
car mirrors. Like most insects
to 800. The trial has also been
the whitetail will only bite if
extended' to include controlling the
handled or provoked. Although
Mineer Moth, which began attacking the
describing the spider as
trees, some 15 years ago. Scientists
"poisonous" is not correct the
believe this insect infestation has
bite can be painful and turn
weakened the trees to the point the
bacterial infection can take hold.
Whitetail pepper is now
Therefore controlling it has become a
available in 100ml bottles.
Application is 2ml per litre of
Our experience with peppering insects
water. The spray can be misted
on kiwifruit, over the last 8 years or so,
both inside and outside of the
will hopefully come in very useful with
house on a monthly basis. As
this insect. A positive side of this
the pepper makes the spider
treatment is that as we must spray the
infertile the spray will only
whole tree, the council is funding the
require reapplication when new
required spray equipment.
spiders enter the area.
This ‘buy in' by the city council represents a significant development in
the acceptability of the project and the methods we are using to achieve our
in your feedback
It is with some degree of humor that we reflect on the difference in the response
Next time it is raining and you
we are receiving from the Hague City
are looking for an excuse not
Council, to how we were received, when
to do the book work, take a
we offered to help with the control of the
coffee break and fill in the
Painted Apple Moth in Auckland. No
Feed back from. This lets us
doubt just one of those ‘cultural' things.
know how you feel about the products and gives you a
Glen will be available via email while he
chance to ask any questions
is away, so please contact him on
Feed Back
that only ever pop up just
bdmax @xtra.co.nz
before you spray or when you
direct assistance. If the office is unable
are out in the middle of the
to answer your enquiry, we will forward
orchard, farm or vineyard. Just
them to Glen, and as soon as we obtain
tear the feedback form off and
an answer we will contact you.
post or fax back. Feed back forms can also be filled in on our web site.
Source: http://www.rimu.geek.nz/garuda/newsletters/Autumn%202006.pdf
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Drugs 2012; 72 (17): 2187-2205 Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved. Advances in Drug Development forAcute MigraineRyan J. Cady,1 Candace L. Shade2 and Roger K. Cady2 1 Center of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA2 Banyan Group, Inc., Springfield, MO, USA Triptans revolutionized medical recognition and the acute treatment of