

Impressum: Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0, Neustiftgasse 17, 1070 Wien, Verlagspostamt 1070 Wien, Sponsoring Post GZ02Z033689 S. t0
World Summit on the Information Society
World-Information City
TUNIS 16-18 November 2005
BANGALORE 14-20 November 2005
P 02 The Black and White (and Grey) of
By Lawrence Liang
Options to traditional patents - The
west, too, is seriously experimenting
with alternatives
P 03 TRIPS into the Uncertain
By Corinna Heineke
P 04 Intellectual Property Rights and Wrongs
By Joseph Stiglitz
'Don't Copy That Floppy!': The
Propaganda of Digital Protectionism
P 05 Open Access to Science in the
By Peter Suber and
Subbiah Arunachalam
P 06 Schools and the African Digital
Information Commons
By Chris Armstrong
Brazil's Canto Livre Project: The
Emergence of Societys Creativity
P 07 Fragmented Urban Topographies and
Their Underlying Interconnections
P 08 Analogue to Digital: Valorising
Peripheries to Fear New Hydras
By Solomon Benjamin
P 10 Cities of Planning and Cities of Non-
Planning: A Geography of Intellectual
P 11 Disembedding from Psycho-Urban
By Ewen Chardronnet
P 12 Haussmann in the Tropics
P 13 The Camera is there, but where ist the
By Frederic Noronha
The booms, bubbles and busts of the digital networking revolution of
ideas, thoughts, and experiences - as songs, as computer programs, as
P 14 Autolabs, Cybermoholla
the 90s have ebbed into normality. The new logic of information economies
stories, as new processes how to make things better - is being prohibited
By Ricardo Rosas, Tatiana Wells and
is interacting with the full range of social and political contexts, producing
by proprietary claims of "data lords" who enforce dominion over their
new systems of domination but also new domains of freedom. It is now
own zones of the cultural landscape. This is accompanied by intense
By Richard Stallman
that from deep societal transformations the new informational lifescapes
propaganda efforts extolling the "evils" of sharing culture. There is no
start to emerge.
trespassing, and while their culture is ubiquitous around the globe, we
P 15 The Open Networks Declaration
· The Delhi Declaration of A New Context
are more and more restricted from making our own.
It has become necessary to highlight the strong normalizing forces that
· The Vienna Document
shape this process. This is not just a question of abstract information
Counter-movements that talk about the commons instead of proprietary
policy. The building of immaterial landscapes has very material conse
zones have been gathering strength around the globe. The goal is to
quences for social, cultural and economic realities. With digital restriction
devise new ways in which information can flow freely from one place to
technologies and expanded intellectual property regimes on the rise, it
another, from people to people. Instead of deepening fragmentation,
is an urgent task to develop new ways to protect and extend the wealth
information and cultures are held to be a resource produced and used
The glossary covers some terms often used in the current
of our intellectual and cultural commons.
collaboratively, rather than being controlled by particular owners. People
intellectual property debates. The terms and their definition
reflect an Anglo-American bias and need to be challenged
should be free to appropriate information as they see fit, based on their
by introducing other cultural experiences into the debates.
Human life is physical and informational at the same time, our physical
own historical and personal needs and desire, rather than having to
and cultural dimensions are mutually constitutive. Their interrelations
consume the standardized products of McWorld. More than ever
emerging from historical and local context are now more than ever
informational commons, accessible to everyone under conditions of their
influenced by global transformations in the info sphere. The term "glo
own choosing, are needed to help reconnect people bypassed by the
balization" describes a deep change in how physical and informational
standard flows of information and capital.
spaces are organized and how they intersect with one another to formlandscapes, both physical and informational. "Zoning", the establishment
In this paper, we bring together theoreticians and practitioners, artists
of domains governed by special rules, is a key concept to understand
and lawyers, programmers and musicians who offer a diverse critique
these new landscapes.
of the new regime of physical and informational zoning. This collectionof cultural intelligence looks into alternative models of how to reinvent
Physical space is increasingly fragmented into "export zones", special
cultural practices based on a collaborative plurality of commons and,
"safety zones", VIP lounges at transportation hubs, gated communities,
perhaps, imbue fragmentation of space with a new positive sense of
"no-go areas" and so forth. Just when for the first time in history a majority
shared differences. As each and every one of us produces culture in the
of humanity lives in cities, their form starts dissolving and is replaced by
course of our daily lifes, we are forced to choose sides: do we, in the
a patchwork of distinct sectors. Every city has places that are fully global
myriad of small acts that constitute life in the information society, enforce
alongside others which are intensely local, "first world" and "third world"
restrictions or enable access?
are no longer regional identifiers, but signify various patches within asingle geographic domain.
Vienna, October 2005
Informational landscapes are fragmented by similar processes. What
Director of Netbase/t0, Institute of New Culture Technologies.
used to be relatively open and accessible cultural spaces are increasingly
caved up in special administrative zones, privatized claims of intellectual
Lecturer in media economics at the Academy of Art and Design, Zurich, and co-founder of
property, and policed through the ever increasing scope of patents and
Ulrike Brückner : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
copyrights. What comes natural to people, to create, transform and share
By Lawrence Liang
In a broad historical and cultural view, copyright is a recent and
Alice Randall, a black American author, wrote a parody of "Gone
International, a group of left-wing artists, cultural theorists and
by no means universal concept. Copyright laws originated in
With the Wind" from the perspective of Scarlett OHaras Mullato
political activists that existed from 1958 to 1970, put all its
Western society in the Eighteenth century. During the Renaissance,
half sister. The estate of "Gone With the Wind" author Margaret
publications under anti-copyright terms that permitted anyone to
printers throughout Europe would reprint popular books without
Mitchell claimed that this was an infringement of copyright and
copy, translate and rewrite them even without authorization.
obtaining permissions or paying roy
obtained an injunction against the publication of
alties and copyright was created as a
the book. Fortunately in this case the court of
way to regulate the printing industry.
Copyright laws over time have been
appeal then overturned the injunction.
The Walt Disney Corporation founded much of its wealth
With the emergence of the concept
transformed from their original
on folk tales, such as "Snow White" and "Sinbad", by
of artistic genius, copyright became
purpose of regulating the publishing
In December 2003, a young artist DJ Danger
taking them out of the public domain and turning them
enmeshed with the general cultural
industry to instead regulating its
Mouse remixed an album called the "Grey Album"
into proprietary, copyrighted films and merchandise
understanding of authorship. Later, with
customers, artists and audiences.
from the "White Album" of the Beatles and hip hop
globalized capitalism, control over
artist Jay Z's "Black Album". Only 3000 copies
copyrighted works became centered
of the "Grey Album" were released and would
in the hands of media corporations instead of authors and artists.
probably have disappeared into obscurity, were it not for the fact
Even as the internet and digital media rendered distinctions
that two months later DJ Danger Mouse received a cease and
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, musicians and groups like
between original and copies largely obsolete, changes in the law
desist letter ordering him to stop any further distribution of the
Jon Oswald, Negativeland and the Tape-beatles advocated
tried to artificially maintain them. As a result, copyright laws over
album since it violated the copyright of the Beatles White Album,
"Plunderphonics", non-copyrighted music that mainly consisted
time have been transformed from their original purpose of
owned by EMI.
of experimental audio collages of pop music and broadcast sound
regulating the publishing industry to instead regulating its cus
tomers, artists and audiences.
This unofficial ban on the album was seen as an unfair violation
of creative expression by a number
Traditionally, copyright was of little relevance to cultural and artistic
of people, and a campaign called
Sebastian Lütgert : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
practice except in the realm of commercial print publishing.
Grey Tuesday, sponsored by
launched to ensure that the album
would still be available for people to
Authorship, originality and copyright are of no or little relevance
download via P2P networks. Over
in virtually all traditional forms of popular culture all over the world.
170 web sites offered to host the
Most folk songs and folktales, for example, are collective anonymous
"Grey Album", many of which later
creations in the public domain. Variations, modifications and
received cease and desist letters
translations are traditionally encouraged as part of their tradition.
from EMI. To date, the "Grey Album"
has been downloaded by over 1.25
The Walt Disney Corporation founded much of its wealth on
million users and continues in making
folk tales, such as "Snow White" and "Sinbad", by taking them
DJ Danger Mouse the top "selling"
out of the public domain and turning them into proprietary,
artists of the past year beating other
copyrighted films and merchandise products. Today, the company
contenders such as Norah Jones.
is one of the strongest backers and political lobby sponsors for
drastic copyright restrictions on digital media.
What then are our options in the face
of this onslaught of copyright law? We could of course reject the
In 1999, the novel "Q" appeared under the name of Luther
The same is true for many works considered part of the high-
legitimacy of these laws which impinge on freedom of speech
Blissett, known previously as the collective moniker of an Italian
cultural canon, crafted by unidentified, often collective authors:
and expression, but there is the danger of having to defend yourself
media prankster project. This allegorical account of Italian subculture
Homer's epics for example, or the "Tales of 1001 Nights" which
in a highly expensive law suit.
in the form of a historical thriller set in 16th century Italy, "Q"
were spread by storytellers and of which no authoritative, "original"
became a national no.1 best-seller and subsequently appeared
written version ever existed. Modern philology believes them to
This would still be a defensive move that relies on existing provision
in French, German and English translations. Obviously, the sales
be derived from Persian sources which in return were translated
of copyright law, which makes our choices rather restricted. There
didn't suffer at all from the fact that the imprint of the book
from Indian works.
is, however, another movement which is growing in popularity
permitted anyone to freely copy it for non-commercial purposes.
which recognizes the
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, original authorship was
need for a pro-active
Renaissance and baroque paintings were to a large degree collective workshop
book was not re
even rather more disregarded than encouraged. In the foreword
leased by an under
productions, and recycled conventionalized, emblematic pictorial motifs.
to "Don Quixote", Cervantes falsely claims that his novel was
building a public domain
ground publisher,
Rubens and Rembrandt were the most prominent practitioners of the workshop
based on an Arabic source. Literary works typically render them
of materials which can be
method, with author attributions of their work remaining unclear until today.
selves canonical by not inventing new stories, but rewriting existing
used in the future without
established pub
ones, such as the many adaptions of "Faustus" from Christopher
necessarily having to
Marlowe to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fernando Pessoa,
obtain prior permission from the copyright owner or having to pay
Einaudi in Italy, Editions du Seuil in France and Piper in Germany,
Alfred Jarry, Thomas Mann and Michel Butor.
hefty royalties. It seeks to counteract the unrestricted growth of
amongst others who apparently didn't mind giving up traditional
copyright. This movement is sometimes popularly called the
copyright-granted distribution models for a promising publication.
Until the 20th century and the rise of the recording industry,
copyleft movement. Its historical roots lie in free software (such
copyright played no major role for music and musical composition.
as Linux and GNU), but more recently, it attempts to broaden its
This introductory guide is meant for media designers, artists,
Musical themes were freely adapted and copied from one composer
scope and apply the principles of free distribution, usage and
musicians, producers of content, academics, researchers, etc.
to another. Bach's "Concerto in D Major BWV 972" for example
collaborative development, to all kinds of media. In addition, there
who are likewise interested in having their works widely circulated
is simply a re-orchestration of the ninth
is also an artistic tradition of non- and anti-
without too many restrictions. The model that it seeks to look at
movement of Vivaldi's "L'Estro Armonica".
With globalized capitalism, control over
is the idea of the "Open Content License". However, making your
Even as late as in the 19th century,
work available without placing restrictions does not mean that
copyrighted works became centered in
Beethoven didn't have to buy a license
The French late romantic poet Lautréamont
you abandon your copyright to the work. This guide will provide
the hands of media corporations instead
for writing the "Diabelli Variations", 83
wrote in a famous passage of his 1870 book
a set of options to assert some rights to your work. It will also
of authors and artists.
variations on a waltz written by the
"Poésies": Plagiarism is necessary, progress
introduce the new positive rights to share, distribute and change
Austrian Anton Diabelli. And finally the
implies it. It closely grasps an author's sen
being developing under copyleft.
entire genre of Blues music is, as a matter of fact, a variation of
tence, uses his expressions, deletes a false idea, replaces it with
only one song, the twelve bar harmonic scheme.
a right one.
Lawrence Liang is a researcher with the Alternative Law Forum,
Copyright was a non-issue in the visual arts, too, until recently.
Today, this reads like a precise description of how, for example,
Bangalore. His key areas of interest are law, technology and culture,
Renaissance and baroque paintings were to a large degree
free software development works.
the politics of copyright and he has been working closely with Sarai,
collective workshop productions, and recycled conventionalized,
New Delhi on a joint research project Intellectual Property and the
emblematic pictorial motifs. Rubens and Rembrandt were the
Inspired by Lautréamont and a study about gift economies by
most prominent practitioners of the workshop method, with author
the French anthropologist Marcel Mauss, the Situationist
attributions of their work remaining unclear until today. In 1921,
Kurt Schwitters called his own brand of Dada "Merz", derived
from the logo of the German bank "Commerzbank" which he had
used in a collage painting. Today's artists who do the equivalent
in the Internet risk being sued for copyright and trademark
Ever since personal computers and the Internet closed most of
the technical gaps that prevented media consumers from becoming
The recent changes in Indian patent law are a cause to reflect.
market of 50 million persons. In other words, if it has a monopoly,
media producers and receiver technology from functioning as
Will India embrace the most closed and proprietary models for
Novartis plans to price its new medicines so that they are too
sender technology (to cite the media critiques of Bertolt Brecht
controlling access to knowledge, or will it find a way to reconcile
expensive for more than 95% of the population. Giant corporations
and Hans Magnus Enzensberger from 1930's and 1970's),
its obligations under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with
and governments in North America and Europe have lobbied India
copyright has emerged as a deterrent against creativity rather
the need to protect human rights? Will India have the vision to
to adopt high levels of patented protection for medicines, seeds,
than an incentive for it.
explore the promise of new models for supporting creativity and
software and other technologies. The basic argument they advance
innovation? Or will it follow the worst impulses of increasingly
is that India will remain poor, unless it can provide the legal
The case of the graphic artist Kieron Dwyer shows what might
discredited systems for restricting access to knowledge?
protection that will support lucrative knowledge-based industries.
have happened to Kurt Schwitters if he had appropriated the
It is a seductive message, that has clearly resonated with some
bank logo nowadays. A year after Dwyer made comic books,
The Patent Act, as amended by Parliament in March, presents
of the elite policymakers. It has flaws, however.
t-shirts, and stickers with his version of the Starbucks logo, the
opportunities to move in very different directions. The amendments
company sued him. When the case was finally settled, Dwyer
to the Ordinance obtained by the left were substantive, and when
First, the United States and Europe are now engaged in a growing
was allowed to continue displaying his logo, but only in extremely
combined with other provisions of the Act, give the government
debate over the best ways to promote innovation. The idea that
limited circumstances. No more comic books, t-shirts or stickers:
considerable flexibility to protect consumers. The legal mechanisms
high levels of intellectual property protection are best is now
he may post the image on the web, but not on his own website,
under attack. Regardless of what is said in Delhi, back home
nor may he link from his website to any other site that shows the
wealthy countries are backing open standards for the Internet,
parody. (Sources:
In 2004, Novartis told the World Bank it considers India to be a
open-source software, open-access archives for publicly-funded
continued on next page

Sebastian Lütgert : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
scientific research, public domain databases like the Human
innovation from that for products providing hefty financial incentives
Genome Project or the HapMap Project and similar open initiatives.
for companies investing in R&D, without harming consumers.
Big successful companies like Cisco are alarmed at patent thickets
on software and computing technologies and IBM is undergoing
India now has many options. It can protect its own consumers
a profound shift in the way it thinks about intellectual property
through liberal compulsory licensing, but still allow Indian inventors
resources, which it now seeks to share.
to seek the higher levels of intellectual property protection in the
North American or European markets. It can even experiment with
The US Congress is debating whether or not to weaken patent
new ideas for collective management of patent rights, such as
protections on medicines. In key areas, such as parallel trade, the
the Medical Innovation Prize Fund, or the proposals for an essential
French government recently amended its patent law to extend
medicines patent pool. Fortunately for India, it has the legal tools
compulsory licensing to certain medical diagnostic technologies.
it needs. Soon a large number of compulsory licenses will be
The UK government recently implemented the European Unions
issued for products now manufactured in India, which are subject
directive to create mandatory compulsory licensing of genetically
to the mailbox patents. This will increase the familiarity with
modified corps. And the European Union is debating whether or
compulsory licensing and provide needed expertise in setting
reasonable remuneration to patent owners.
If it has a monopoly, Novartis plans to price its new medicines so There is also Article 92 of the new Act, which gives the
that they are too expensive for more than 95% of the population.
government the right to issue compulsory licenses to
address public health emergencies. This covers all
not its directive on database protection was a mistake and if it
medicines, without any prior negotiation with patent owners. In
should be scaled back or repealed.
a country with such serious medical needs, it promises to be a
Through copyright, patent and trademark
living provision.
law, it is possible to claim exclusive
Recently, a bill (HR 417) was introduced in the US Congress.
ownership of ideas and expressions.
The proposal would radically change the way medical R&D is
Traditionally, from this ownership, in analogy
financed in the US. It would eliminate all market exclusivity on
James Love is director, Consumer Project on
to physical property, the right to exclude
others has been derived. Over the last two
prescription medicines, in return for remuneration from a $60
Technology, an NGO focusing on IP policy, especially
decades an alternative practice of IP has
billion per year Medical Innovation Prize Fund that would be
related to healthcare.
been developed, which is not based on
distributed to companies that develop new medicines on the basis
the right to exclude, but on the right to
of the incremental healthcare benefits the medicines deliver. The
access. Many view this as a socially more
new US proposal shows one can separate the markets for
beneficial way to organizing scientific
innovation and cultural production in the
information age.
By Corinna Heineke
The call for a Development Agenda within the
stances as branded drugs, can legally produce
wish to purchase. The medicines shall, for exam
access for agricultural products and textiles and
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
cheaper versions of the same drug. Equally,
ple, be specifically labelled as having been
were faced with threats of trade sanctions, it is
is one of the latest efforts of countries of the
under the TRIPS-Agreement, governments are
produced under the compulsory licensing
only fair that they fight for the maintenance of
global South to curb the sweeping advance of
permitted to issue compulsory licenses to local
scheme. The decision implementing the
flexibilities both in TRIPS and recently the
intellectual property rights into all fields of knowl
generics producers for the production of generic
Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health also
Substantive Patent Law Treaty in WIPO. The
edge production. Brazil and Argentina filed a
versions of patented drugs in the case of a
requires an amendment of the TRIPS-Agreement
case of South Africa shows that to a degree
proposal for integrating the development dimen
national emergency or other circumstances of
itself so that the exportation of generic drugs
governments can protect basic rights to health
sion more fully into WIPOs mandate at the
extreme urgency or in cases of public non-
becomes legally possible. However, the deadline
care and food security if they use the flexibilities
organisations 31st General Assembly in
commercial use (Art. 31 (b)). Thus the Medicines
of 31 March 2005 once again passed due to
of TRIPS. However, it has to be cautioned that
September 2004. In this document these coun
Act in no way violates the TRIPS-Agreement
resistance from OECD-countries.
developing countries in the end agreed to the
tries demand more flexibility for developing coun
since the AIDS-pandemic constitutes a circum
TRIPS-Agreement because another discourse
tries to address public interest, for example in
stance of extreme urgency. However, the PMA
It is precisely these kinds of flexibilities that
has - under the structural adjustment programmes
public health issues, and to allow for policy space
claimed that the Medicines Act violated their
developing countries have had to fight for, even
of the IMF and World Bank - become hegemonic:
in regulating intellectual property. Particularly
constitutional rights to property. Interestingly,
though the TRIPS-Agreement allows for com
The idea that free trade generates welfare is
the Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) cur
the Treatment Action Campaign, which is fighting
pulsory licensing. Another flexibility provided in
inextricably interlinked with a discourse of mod
rently under negotiation in WIPO - and possibly
for affordable medicines for people with HIV and
the agreement is the non-patentability of plants
ernisation and economic development. It is this
taking intellectual property
which members can inscribe
development along an allegedly predetermined
rights beyond anything
in their national laws.
route that echoes in the demands of developing
Patented seeds will stop farmers from pursuing their century long practice of sharing,
existing today - is of con
However, Art. 27.3(b) states
countries when technology transfer and recog
developing and saving seeds from their own harvest.
cern to the two countries
that Members shall provide
nition of their rights over natural resources are
and the coalition of twelve
for the protection of plant
stipulated. While the countries right to determine
so-called Friends of Development that endorsed
joined the litigation as amicus curiae of the
varieties either by patents or by an effective sui
their own economic strategies cannot be denied
the original proposal.
Government of South Africa, could appropriate
generis system or by any combination thereof.
there has however been a process of commer
the constitution for its own case against the
The patenting of life forms such as micro-
cialisation in the name of development. Beside
It was the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects
pharmaceutical giants. It argued that proprietary
organisms dates back to 1980 when the US
the TRIPS-Agreement allowing the patenting of
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of the
rights in medicines question the constitutional
Supreme Court decided that the patenting of
life, the Convention on Biological Diversity, signed
World Trade Organisation (WTO), however, that
right to access to health care services (Section
life forms is legal if they have been modified from
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, codified this process
complicated the global scenery of innovation,
their natural state, can be technically mass-
of enclosure in that it transferred the sovereignty
creativity and access to knowledge ten years
produced and if they are used in technical appli
over genetic resources to the states. Previously,
earlier. Entering into force on 1 January 1995,
The case received enormous international rec
cations. In 1985 followed a patent on a geneti
seeds and other natural resources had been
it considerably shaped the conditions under
ognition, and public pressure from activists all
cally modified plant and in 1988 one on the so-
considered the heritage of humankind. With the
which policy debates regarding genetic resourc
over the world led the pharmaceutical complain
called cancer mouse. Patented seeds will in time
majority of genetic resources existent in countries
es, the protection of traditional knowledge as
ants to withdraw their court application against
effectively stop farmers from pursuing their cen
of the South, however, developing states came
well as access to medicines are taking place
the South African Government in April 2001.
tury long practice of sharing, developing and
to perceive their genetic resources as tradable
today. The TRIPS-Agreement obliges all member
But the case also revealed some loopholes in
saving seeds from their own harvest. This is
goods. The result of the state controlling access
states of the WTO to provide in their national
the TRIPS-Agreement itself. For the production
because the privatisation of the basic ingredient
to these resources is that the peoples that over
legislation for the patentability of products and
of generic drugs under a compulsory license
of agriculture ties in with an enormous advance
centuries developed seeds and discovered me
processes in all fields of technology (Art. 27.1).
shall be authorized predominantly for the supply
of monocultural, commercial seeds through the
dicinal remedies in the natural world are often
That is to say that the 148 WTO-members must
of the domestic market of the Member authorizing
so-called Green Revolution. With the spread of
deprived of their right to say no to the privatisation
grant patents on inventions in biotechnology,
such use (Art. 31(f)). That poses a difficult
these seeds, more and more farmers worldwide
of biological resources that they have used for
including patents on life forms such as micro-
problem for many, predominantly small developing
have become dependent on seeds sold by global
up to centuries.
organisms, as well as on pharmaceutical inven
countries that do not have their own production
agro-chemical giants such as Monsanto.
tions. Both kinds of patents have had serious
capacities for medicines because the possibility
While calls for recognising the health and food
effects, particularly in or for developing countries.
of granting compulsory licenses evades their
If developing countries wish to exclude plants
needs of the South in the IP-system are absolutely
policy scope. At the Fourth Ministerial Meeting
from patentability in order to prevent their farmers
justified in the face of poverty and appropriate
Take the case of South Africa for example. In
of the WTO in Doha, Qatar, in November 2001,
from facing such lawsuits they are required to
from a perspective of sovereignty over livelihoods,
1998 the South African Pharmaceutical
developing countries and NGOs therefore
implement an effective sui generis system for
caution needs to be exercised regarding the role
Manufacturers Association (PMA) and 41 phar
pushed for recognition of the problem and an
the protection of new plant varieties. But once
of the state in the enclosure of the commons
maceutical companies, launched a lawsuit against
amendment of the TRIPS-Agreement in order
again developed states push them to implement
and with respect to the kinds of technology
the South African Government over its Medicines
to allow generics producers to export their
the International Convention for the Protection
transferred. The advance of intellectual property
and Related Substance Control Amendment
products to poor developing countries. The
of new Plant Varieties (UPOV); an agreement
into all spheres of human subsistence will most
Act of 1997. The Act was aimed at making
subsequent Declaration on the TRIPS-
developed in the North that in its latest version
likely continue but the resistance of local peoples
medicines more affordable through the generic
Agreement and Public
and farmers can make the
substitution of off-patent medicines and medi
Health and its paragraph
TRIP towards an all-enclosing
The resistance of local peoples and farmers can make the TRIP towards an all-
cines produced under compulsory licenses as
6 instructed the TRIPS-
intellectual property regime
enclosing intellectual property regime one with an uncertain end.
well as through the parallel importation of pat
Council to find an ex
one with an uncertain end.
ented drugs from countries where these are sold
peditious solution for
at a lower price. In a country where in 2003 5.3
countries without manufacturing capacities in
from 1991 hinders plant breeding on the basis
million people or almost a quarter of the popula
the pharmaceutical sector. A 2002 deadline
of protected varieties and saving seed. The
Corinna Heineke is currently
tion were estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS
passed and blatant power-plays occurred until
implementation of UPOV is often pushed through
working on her PhD on traditional
and 40% of the population are considered poor,
an agreement was struck in August 2003. While
bilateral trade agreements between the US or
knowledge and intellectual
lowering prices for anti-retroviral and other med
developing countries managed to keep a limita
European Union and developing countries. Only
property rights. In the past she
icines is essential. The amended Medicines Act
tion of applicable diseases out of the agreement,
few countries have attempted to draft a legislation
worked on IPRs in Central
foresees, for example, that pharmacies would
international health advocates have criticised
of its own kind (sui generis) for the protection
America where she edited the
be obliged to sell a generic version instead of
the Public Health deal as too bureaucratic be
of plant varieties.
book 'La Vida en Venta:
the branded drug if available. When patents
cause countries wanting to make use of it have
Transgénicos, Patentes y
have expired producers of generic medicines,
to file very detailed applications with the WTO
Because developing countries were lured into
Biodiversidad' (Ediciones Heinrich
i.e. medicines that are made of the same sub
for each and every drug and the quantities they
the TRIPS-Agreement by promises of market
Böll, San Salvador, 2002).

By Joseph Stiglitz
Last October, the General Assembly of the World
and used less than they would be otherwise.
the American firm that isolates the active ingre
death because they might no longer be able to
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) de
dient? Pharmaceutical companies argue that
get affordable generic drugs? Had the question
cided to consider what a development-oriented
The economic rationale for intellectual property
been posed in this way to par
intellectual property regime might look like. The
is that faster innovation offsets the enormous
liaments around the world, I
move was little noticed, but, in some ways, it
costs of such inefficiencies. But it has become
The growth of the "open source" movement shows
believe that TRIPs would have
was as important as the World Trade Organiza
increasingly clear that excessively strong or badly
that products of enormous value can be produced
been soundly rejected.
tions decision that the current round of trade
formulated intellectual property rights may actually
without intellectual property protection.
negotiations be devoted to development. Both
impede innovation - and not just by increasing
Intellectual property is important,
decisions acknowledge that the current rules of
the price of research.
they should be entitled to a full patent, paying
but the appropriate intellectual-property regime
the international economic game reflect the
nothing to the developing country from which
for a developing country is different from that
interests of the advanced industrial countries -
Monopolists may have much less incentive to
the traditional knowledge was taken, even though
for an advanced industrial country. The TRIPs
especially of their big corporations - more than
innovate than they would if they had to compete.
the country preserves the biodiversity without
scheme failed to recognize this. In fact, intellectual
the interests of the developing world.
Modern research has shown that the great econ
which the drug would never have come to market.
property should never have been included in a
omist Joseph Schumpeter was wrong in thinking
Not surprisingly, developing countries see things
trade agreement in the first place, at least partly
Without intellectual property protection, incen
that competition in innovation leads to a succes
because its regulation is demonstrably beyond
tives to engage in certain types of creative
sion of firms. In fact, a monopolist, once estab
the competency of trade negotiators.
endeavors would be weakened. But there are
lished, may be hard to dislodge, as Microsoft
Society has always recognized that other values
high costs associated with intellectual property.
has so amply demonstrated.
Besides, an international organization al
Ideas are the most important input into research,
ready exists to protect intellectual property.
Most of those who signed the TRIPS agreement
and if intellectual property slows down the ability
Indeed, once established, a monopoly can use
Hopefully, in WIPOs reconsideration of
to use others ideas, then scientific and techno
its market power to squelch competitors, as
did not fully understand what they were doing.
intellectual property regimes, the voices
logical progress will suffer.
Microsoft has demonstrated in the case of the
of the developing world will be heard more
Netscape Web browser. Such abuses of market
may trump intellectual property. The need to
clearly than it was in the WTO negotiations;
In fact, many of the most important ideas - for
power discourage innovation.
prevent excessive monopoly power has led anti-
hopefully, WIPO will succeed in outlining what
example, the mathematics that underlies the
trust authorities to require compulsory licensing
a pro-developing intellectual property regime
modern computer or the theories behind atomic
Moreover, so-called patent thickets - the fear
(as the US government did with the telephone
implies; and hopefully, WTO will listen: the aim
energy or lasers - are not protected by intellectual
that some advance will tread on pre-existing
company AT&T). When America faced an anthrax
of trade liberalization is to boost development,
property. Academics spend considerable energy
patents, of which the innovator may not even be
threat in the wake of the September 11, 2001,
not hinder it.
freely disseminating their research findings. I am
aware - may also discourage innovation. After
terrorist attacks, officials issued a compulsory
pleased when someone uses my ideas on asym
the pioneering work of the Wright brothers and
license for Cipro, the best-known antidote.
Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2005.
metric information - though I do appreciate them
the Curtis brothers, overlapping patent claims
giving me some credit. The growth of the open
thwarted the development of the airplane, until
Unfortunately, the trade negotiators who framed
source movement on the Internet shows that
the United States government finally forced a
the intellectual-property agreement of the Uru
not just the most basic ideas, but even products
patent pool as World War I loomed. Today, many
guay trade round of the early 1990s (TRIPs)
Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel lau
were either unaware of all of this, or more likely,
reate in economics, is Professor
industry worry that
uninterested. I served on the Clinton administra
of Economics at Columbia Uni
Overlapping patent claims thwarted the development of the airplane.
tions Council of Economic Advisors at the time,
versity and was Chairman of
thicket may impede
and it was clear that there was more interest in
the Council of Economic Advis
ers to President Clinton and
of enormous immediate commercial value can
pleasing the pharmaceutical and entertainment
Chief Economist and Senior
be produced without intellectual property pro
The creation of any product requires many ideas,
industries than in ensuring an intellectual-property
Vice President at the World
and sorting out their relative contribution to the
regime that was good for science, let alone for
Bank. His most recent book is
outcome - let alone which ones are really new
The Roaring Nineties: A New
By contrast, an intellectual property regime
- can be nearly impossible.
History of the Worlds Most
rewards innovators by creating a temporary
I suspect that most of those who signed the
Prosperous Decade.
monopoly power, allowing them to charge far
Consider a drug based on traditional knowledge,
agreement did not fully understand what they
higher prices than they could if there were com
say, of an herb well known for its medicinal
were doing. If they had, would they have willingly
petition. In the process, ideas are disseminated
properties. How important is the contribution of
condemned thousands of AIDS sufferers to
Intellectual Property (IP) has gone from being a 'dry' topic to a 'hot' one (or should that be 'wet'?)
stolen it,' students were told - eliding fair use, public domain works, Free Software, and alternative
these last few years. One reason for this is the unholy conjunction of the network form and the digital
licensing in one sweep of the revisionist hand. Teachers worked from a 25-page classroom guide,
file format: taken together, these give all sorts of media - including
explaining that the use of a computer to download files was
those that copyright owners would rather keep under their control
'If you haven't paid for it, you've stolen it', students were told. 'morally and ethically wrong.' Students played roles such as 'The
- the capacity to propagate and self-distribute rapidly and endlessly.
Film Producer' and 'The Starving Artist'; at the end of one session,
according to an article in the Boston Globe, a teacher asked a boy: ''Will you stop copying music
This creates problems for the entire category of IP: a legal system that holds 'Thou Shalt Not Copy'
online and download the right way?' 'Yes,' he answered. 'I'll go to the music store and buy more
at its very juridical heart now faces the social-technological fact that copying is as easy and natural
CDs.' Alongside the propaganda comes bribery: for writing essays about why file sharing is bad,
- for those with a computer at their disposal - as breathing, eating or walking.
students are offered incentives such as free DVD players and DVDs (first one's free, but they'rehooked forever), movie tickets and trips to Hollywood.
Three options offer themselves to copyright holders looking to lock things down. One: More Law.
There have been unprecedented extensions to copyright terms in many western countries recently
The States isn't the only place to attempt brainwashing children on the merits of strong IP. The Hong
- extensions that mean both that owners' copyright persists for longer, and that it is more illegal to
Kong chapter of the Scouting Association started offering an MPA (its own local Motion Picture
copy and share media. Two: Technological Protection-schemes like Trusted Computing provide an
group) intellectual property merit badge earlier this year. The 'badge of honour' is conditional on
infrastructure that can be used to limit the inherent capacity of your computer to copy files although
successfully completing a series of seminars and workshops on the importance of protecting and
it is far from clear that such schemes can work reliably.
respecting intellectual property rights. Badge wearers also have to join the 'I Pledge' Scheme andwork to promoting the good message. Baden Powell's legacy was never a particularly clean one.
The third option is propaganda - make people believe that copying is a sin by insisting on the pointat every available opportunity. This article briefly reviews some of the more egregious examples of
Teachers worked from a 25-page classroom guide, explaining that the use of a
pro-copyright propaganda that have been circulating recently.
computer to download files was 'morally and ethically wrong'.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation
Microsoft entered the fracas this year with a contest in which malleable teens are supposed to
(WIPO), a UN cathedral whose priests
create a video about the adverse effects of IP theft on society. (The finished work can't use any third
worship at the feet of the mightiest copyright
party intellectual property, and if you win, Microsoft claims complete ownership over your work.) This
gods, produces some astonishing propa
is particularly ironic given that Bill Gates' first operating system, Altair Basic, was itself a proprietary
ganda in its own right, reminiscent of the
incorporation of community developed software. Microsoft's behaviour specifies very well the
worst propaganda excesses of Stalinist
tendency of the victors to cast others as pirates once they have looted enough resources to have
Russia or Nazi Germany. In the asinine form
obtained a solid commercial advantage. Not only are Robber-Barons not gracious to those they
of a series of pedagogic comics, WIPO
have looted; often as not, they pursue them with the full force of their newly-purchased law.
promulgates the 'self-evident truths' of IP:
There is no shame for hyperbole amongst the IP Barons, the most obvious example of which being
A few people at Bangalore's own Alternative
the utterly unsubstantiated 'piracy funds terror' tale. Even amongst the main promulgators of the
Law Forum have worked up an amusing
story there is little consistency here: Jack Valenti, head of MPAA, has publicly linked piracy and
response to these comics (see,
terrorism, claiming that funds generated from pirated films support terrorist activity. But at a 2003
a socially necessary undertaking given the comics' mind bending mendacity (any lawyer knows the
hearing of the U.S. House Judiciary Committees on the links between terrorism and the illegal trading
representation of the 'facts' of IP presented here, to children, is flagrantly insufficient) and cultural
of copyrighted material, at which Valenti was present, neither he nor any other of the industry
insensitivity (the 'pirates' of the piece are, inevitably, non-white.)
witnesses felt moved to make any such bold claim. Instead, there were the usual complaints aboutcollege students using peer-to-peer networks and other governments sanctioning copyright violations.
In 2003/04 the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) spent more than $200,000 on an
Of course, the small matter of fact doesn't prevent the industry propaganda machine from associating
'educational' course for schoolchildren, bizarrely entitled 'What's the Diff? A Guide to Digital
itself with good fight of the War on Terror. A 2004 Federation Against Copyright Theft advert seen
Citizenship'. This was nothing more than a lesson in IP dogma. 'If you haven't paid for it, you've
in cinemas in the UK shoved a hot branding iron in viewers' faces while brazenly declaring that
continued on next page
'piracy funds terrorism' and that 'piracy will destroy our society.' Many viewers complained to theAdvertising Standards Agency (ASA), who upheld the statements. Next up: Guantanamo Bay forpirates.
IP Barons have publicly linked piracy and terrorism, claiming that funds generated from
pirated films support terrorist activity.
You don't have to search hard to find stories and materials like these: IP propaganda is rife. An onlinearchive at is currently being created for people to uploadany examples they find. The undisputed classic of the genre is 'Don't Copy That Floppy' (1992) bythe Software Publishers Association, which is archived at the Internet Archive, in which MC DP(that's Disk Protector) declares the 'End of the Computer Age' if kids don't stop sharing piratedsoftware. Almost fifteen years after the film predicted digital Armageddon, the computer industryis still going strong. What might not please the Disk Protector (where is he now?) is that it's goingstrongest precisely in the areas in which traditional property rights don't pertain: Free/ Libre andOpen Source Software. How do you like them apples, DP?
Jamie King ([email protected]) is a Contributing Editor at Mute Magazine ( and the
founder of Pretext (, the first free/libre literary publisher. Jamie lives in Hackney, London, in
what could fairly be described as the last bastion of disorganised resistance.
Alternative Law Forum :
A pool for information that is managed by a community
of users. Acceptable use policies are set by the
community. Usually, access to the resource is granted
on a non-discriminatory basis and at no or low costs.
Examples: scientific information, open source software.
By Peter Suber and Subbiah Arunachalam
Since the birth of the scientific
programs mitigate the
opportunities for funding and international collaboration.
journal in 1665 scientists have
The rise of the internet meant that the tradition of free offering by access crisis but do not
been publishing journal articles
authors could finally be matched with free distribution.
solve it. India is surpris
Although developed countries were the first to encourage OA to
without payment. They may
ingly excluded even
publicly-funded research, the model is very appealing in developing
expect royalties for their textbooks and monographs, but they give
though its per capita GDP is less than $500! Moreover, insofar
countries and likely to spread. One direct way is simply to put an
away their journal articles in exchange for a host of intangible
as they satisfy demand, they reduce the urgency of deep reforms
OA condition on publicly-funded research grants. Another is to
benefits, such as a time-stamp that gives them priority over other
that will bring about a superior, OA system of scientific communi
have universities and research laboratories set up institutional
scientists working on the same problem, and the prestige, citations,
archives and adopt policies encouraging or requiring researchers
and impact that advance their careers.
to deposit their research output even if they also publish it in
About half the world's OA journals pay their bills by charging
For more than 300 years, these author-donated works were
upfront fees for accepted papers. The fees are usually paid by
distributed in print editions, whose costs were covered by sub
the author's research grant or employer, not out of the author's
Providing OA to publicly-funded research accelerates research,
scription fees. The rise of the internet, however, meant that the
pocket. The Public Library of Science and BioMed Central, the
gives taxpayers (both lay readers and professional researchers)
tradition of free offering by authors could finally be matched with
two best-known OA publishers, waive these fees in cases of
access to the research they funded, and increases the return on
free distribution - or open access - to readers.
economic hardship, no questions asked. There are many successful
their investment in research. As this argument gets traction in
OA initiatives in the developing world. These include Bioline
developing countries, the transformation should be dramatic.
At about the same time that the internet was born, the price of
International, which hosts electronic OA versions of 40
journals began to grow sharply. The average price of a science
developing country journals; SciELO, which hosts more
Because Open Access enhances research productivity and accelerates
journal has risen four times faster than inflation for the past three
than 80 journals published in Latin American countries
the pace of discovery, it helps everyone who benefits from research
decades. The result is an access crisis in which no institutions
and Spain; and African Journals
advances. It's a beautiful solution to a serious problem.
can afford access to the full range of journals. Librarians have
Online (AJOL), which provides free online access to titles
responded by cancelling subscriptions and cutting into their book
and abstracts of more than 60 African journals and full text on
budgets. Scientists have responded by working out alternative
request. The Electronic Publishing Trust for Development (EPT),
Doesn't the digital divide interfere with these plans? Yes and no.
ways of sharing their research.
established in 1996, promotes open access to the world's scholarly
First, internet access is improving rapidly in many developing
literature and the electronic publication of bioscience journals
countries and equipment costs and connectivity charges are
Open access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and
from countries experiencing difficulties with traditional publication.
coming down. Second, we should work now on the content side
free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. It can be delivered
of the divide in order to take full advantage of every increment of
through OA journals, which perform peer review, or through OA
India is home to many OA journals that charge no author-side
progress on the hardware side. Primarily, this means educating
archives or repositories, which do not. One of the achievements
fees. All 10 journals of the Indian Academy of Sciences and all
scientists about the benefits of OA and persuading universities,
of the worldwide OA movement is to persuade 80% of non-OA
four journals of the Indian National Science academy are OA
libraries, funding agencies, and governments to adopt
journals to let their authors
journals. INSA has al
deposit the peer-reviewed
Open Access can raise the profile of an entire nation's research output. ready produced free-
versions of their work in OA
access electronic ver
OA helps researchers directly, both as authors and readers. It
sions of back volumes for all its journals, and the Indian Academy
helps the institutions that fund and supervise research, from
of Sciences has launched a similar digitization project for its back
universities and laboratories to foundations and governments. It
OA is gathering momentum around the world. Today there are
run. The Journal of the Indian Institute of Science is also available
widens the distribution of research literature and lowers costs at
over 1,650 peer-reviewed OA journals and over 500 interoperable
in this form back to its very first issue, published in 1914. The
the same time, and does so without compromising peer review,
OA repositories. In the US, the National Institutes of Health asks
Indian Medlars Centre of the National Informatics Centre is bringing
preservation, indexing, or the other virtues of conventional pub
all its grantees to provide OA to the results of NIH-funded research
out OA versions of 33 biomedical journals and has an OA biblio
lishing. Above all, because OA enhances research productivity
within 12 months of publication. The Wellcome Trust requires OA
graphic database, providing titles and abstracts of articles from
and accelerates the pace of discovery, it helps everyone who
to Wellcome-funded research within six months of publication,
50 Indian biomedical journals. Medknow Publications, a company
benefits from research advances. It's a beautiful solution to a
and the Research Councils UK are considering a similar policy
based in Mumbai, has helped 30 medical journals make the
serious problem.
with an even shorter delay. Major research institutions in Australia,
transition from print to electronic open access and most of them
China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
are doing much better now than before.
Subbiah Arunachalam is an information scientist based in Chennai in
Switzerland, the UK, and the US have committed themselves
South India. His research interests include science on the periphery,
to provide OA to their research output.
OA archiving is even more promising than OA journals. It is less
scientometrics, information access, and the application of information and
expensive, allows faster turnaround, and is compatible with
communication technologies in development and poverty reduction
OA is a matter of special concern in developing countries, which
publishing in conventional journals.
have less money to fund or publish research and less to buy theresearch published elsewhere. Most libraries in sub-Saharan
For researchers in developing countries, OA solves two problems
Peter Suber is the Open Access Project Director at
Africa have not subscribed to any journal for years. The Indian
at once: making their own research more visible to researchers
Public Knowledge, a public-interest advocacy group
in Washington D.C. focusing on information policy.
Institute of Science, Bangalore, has the best-funded research
elsewhere, and making research elsewhere more accessible to
He's also a Research Professor of Philosophy at
library in India, but its annual library budget is just Rs 100 million
them. OA, if adopted widely, can raise the profile of an entire
Earlham College and Senior Researcher at the
(about 1,9 million).
nation's research output. When Indian research, for example, is
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources
published in expensive journals, then all too often it goes unnoticed
Coalition (SPARC). He has a Ph.D. in philosophy
and a J.D. For more details, see his home page:
There are several programs, like HINARI and AGORA, in which
by other researchers in India. OA journals and archives help to
journal publishers donate electronic subscriptions to developing
integrate the work of scientists everywhere into the global knowl
countries whose per capita GDP is less than $1,000. These
edge base, reduce the isolation of researchers, and improve
By Chris Armstrong
The prospects for a meaningful African participation in the digital
based Access to Learning Materials (A2LM) in Southern Africa
play in getting their schools into the digital information commons.
information commons are decidedly mixed.
project has pointed out, even a comparatively well-off country
Trade ministries need to work towards more enabling copyright
such as South Africa finds its Department of Education budget
dispensations for educational settings, and education departments
On the one hand, there are clear shortfalls to contend with in
stretched out of control by the costs of hard-copy, copyrighted
need to seek out publishers and firms willing to develop open
internet connectivity, in exportable informational and cultural output,
textbooks produced by educational publishers locally and overseas.
access and open content resources (i.e., publishers and firms
and in exportable academic and research output. On the other
It seems clear that digital commons techniques (digital, online
willing to sign away certain of the usual default copyright rules
hand, digitisation and international electronic networks possess
distribution and access), when coupled with broader national
for materials they are paid to develop).
much potential for assisting African knowledge workers and
copyright exceptions for fair dealing educational uses, have the
creators in sharing knowledge within the continent, in tapping
potential to significantly enhance the affordability of school-level
South Africas Department of Education started moving in this
into the knowledge and creative resources of other continents,
education delivery.
direction in 2005, providing open content, curriculum-aligned
and in improving awareness of
materials for teachers and learners via a portal called Thutong
and even economic oppor
How can the internet become a place where African school teachers
One current schools
the Setswana word for place of learning.
tunities for African creators.
and learners find content of relevance?
And it can never hurt to have a bit of fun! as SchoolNet Namibia
A recent effort to build an online wiki called the African Commons
Learning (CoL)s Learning Objects Repository (LOR), which
is amply illustrating with its online open content comic called Hai
Encyclopedia[1], linked to the May 2005 Commons-sense
provides open content course materials (free to use, copy, distribute,
tai!, which means listen up in the local Oshiwambo dialects.
Conference in Johannesburg, has found that African schools can
adapt) for teachers in all Commonwealth countries, using a free
Teachers and learners are free to use and adapt the comic, which
and must be in the vanguard of the digital commons movement
and open source software platform developed in Canada. The
has a Creative Commons licence and extols the virtues of open
on the continent.[2]
African Virtual University (AVU), based in Nairobi, is working with
source software and the use of the online environment for formal
CoL to get learning objects relevant to African teachers into the
or informal learning (e.g., getting sports scores).
At continental level, the NEPAD e-Schools project aims to support
repository. Meanwhile, SchoolNet Africa is providing shared
The focus on schools highlights both the difficulties faced in
internet connectivity for all of the continents high schools within
continental online networking spaces for teachers and learners
creating a digital commons in Africa, as well as its potential. While
5 years, and primary schools in 10 years, via wired and wireless
through their African Education Knowledge Warehouse (AEKW)
much needs to be built up from the ground, hence the central
systems. The first official e-School was launched in Uganda in
and African Teachers Network (ATN).
importance of schools, there is the potential that the better part
of the continent will encounter the internet through free software
Meanwhile, the Catalising Access to ICTs in Africa (CATIA) project
In Senegal, the Examen project, started in 2001, is a free web
and teaching materials provided as open content, thus forming
is working hard to free up national regulatory rules for use of VSAT
resource that helps high school students prepare for examinations
attitudes towards digital information that favour access and
satellite, which will need to become a key wireless connectivity
and make career choices, with a focus on mathematics and
solution for schools. SchoolNet Africa, with a presence in 30
science. The web interface is well-used, as evidenced by the
African countries, is trying to build the necessary technical
following statistics from a recent one-week period in 2005:
[1] The Commons-sense Project at the Wits University LINK Centre in
management and troubleshooting skills at school level, partly
8850 page visits (between 750 and 1539 page visits per day)
Johannesburg is tracking projects on the continent that are, inbuilding
through its online course for Technical Service Centre Managers.
963 site visits
African participation in the commons. It produces the African Commons
822 distinct visitors
Encyclopedia. All projects mentioned in this article are listed there.
These programmes have the potential
to gradually answer the digital part
South Africa is also home to
of the digital information commons
There is the potential that the better part of Africa
some interesting online work in
[2] Many of the issues raised in this article are further explored in presen
challenge. But what of the information
will encounter the internet through free software and
support of math and science
tations made to the May 2005 Commons-sense Conference.
dimension? How can the internet be
teaching materials provided as open content.
teachers and learners. The Free
come a place where African school
High School Science Texts
teachers and learners find content of relevance, and content that
(FHSST) project, initiated by graduates of the University of Cape
that they are free to use and adapt in whatever manner they see
Town, is an online collaboration among materials developers
around the world to build free science textbooks for Grades 10-
Chris Armstrong is an Associate at the LINK
12. Also in Cape Town, the Shuttleworth Foundations Online
Centres Commons-sense Project at Wits
University, Johannesburg. His research includes
This is where the open access and open content movements
Text Book project aims to deliver free open content science,
digital TV, community TV and video, radio and
have a role to play in encouraging the development of online
technology and entrepreneurship teaching materials.
new ICTs in Africa, and SADC civil society
repositories of curriculum materials that can be freely used and
participation in the World Summit on the
adapted/translated for local appropriateness. As the Johannesburg-
African government departments also have an important role to
Information Society (WSIS).
Brazil has been playing a very important role in
becomes increasingly alienated from the real
this acknowledgement is of great value to the
goal is to make available three types of content:
the international sphere regarding the discussion
musical production in the country. A very signif
audience, leading thousands to buy copies of
a) public domain works; b) public and private
of alternative uses for the Intellectual Property
icant portion of Brazilian music today is produced
the recorded live presentation.
archives, made available by their owners; c) all
system. By way of example, Brazil and Argentina
on the fringes of the market and on the fringes
sorts of musical works, which can be uploaded
proposed to the World Intellectual Property
of Intellectual Property. Examples include the
This practice to record live presentations for
by any musician. Whole scenes like the tecno-
Organization in 2004 the so-called Development
musical scene known as tecno-brega, taking
immediate selling obtained worldwide attention
brega, the funk carioca, the forró from the Amazon,
Agenda, seeking to strike a proper balance
place in the city of Belém, state of Pará. In that
when the North-American rock band, "The Pixies"
and several others, will benefit from a global
between the rights of intellectual property owners
city, a parallel music industry has been active
started doing the same thing during their 2004
distribution tool, allowing the scenes to expand
and the interests of society as whole.
for years. The "tecno-brega" parties attract every
world reunion tour. The press praised such
in an unprecedented fashion.
weekend thousands of people in the outskirts
practice as an innovative business model for
Besides such Brazilian initiatives in the interna
of Belém for "sound system parties". A couple
musicians in the digital era. Little did they know
In short, what the Canto Livre project does is
tional sphere, several other projects are being
hundred new records are produced and released
that the same practice had been in place for at
to recognize that, especially in the developing
put in practice to demonstrate the possibilities
every year by local artists, but both the production
least 3 years in the tecno-brega scene in the
world, musical creativity is much larger in society
and distribution of
city of Belém.
than in the market. In Brazil, cultural production
these records take
taking place in a decentralized fashion has be
A very significant portion of Brazilian music is
place outside the
Such under the radar institutional arrangements
come much more important than the culture
produced on the fringes of Intellectual Property.
traditional music in
can play an important role in reshaping the
being produced within the cultural industry.
ment and cultural
interplay between media, culture and the role of
Providing a place for all this creativity to emerge
production. An important example is Canto
IP rights in the developing world. That is espe
is the mission of Canto Livre. That will help to
Livre, a project aimed at building an open creative
This music is born free, in the sense that cop
cially true when one considers the fact that in
disseminate the Brazilian culture globally, and
environment for Brazilian music, relying on the
yright protection is not part of the business
examples such as the above, copyright is simply
to promote economic and cultural inclusion for
idea of sharing and remixing, on the possibilities
model developed by the tecno-brega scene.
not a factor. In this sort of business model,
several creative communities within the country
of collective creation, and on intellectual gener
The CD is considered as a mere advertising
piracy is either irrelevant or economically im
which are today estranged by the existing tradi
piece, in the sense that it works as vehicle for
tional market alternatives.
advertising the different sound system parties
Canto Livre is Portuguese for free singing -
taking place every week. Artists make money
The Canto Livre is building an online platform
For more information on the Canto Livre project,
free as in free jazz, not as in free lunch. It
through innovative business models. By way of
for all Brazilian music in the fringes to emerge.
also stands for free corner, a place where eve
example, they record (Portuguese only)
ryone is welcome to participate and to engage
their live presenta
Copyright protection is not part of the business
in activities related to music. The project was
tions in the parties
model developed by the tecno-brega scene.
relying on a cer
created after the idea of Gilberto Gil, Brazil´s
in real-time", and
tified P2P infra
Ronaldo Lemos is the director of the Center for
Law & Technology at the Fundação Getulio Vargas
Minister of Culture, and one of its most important
sell them immediately after the concerts.
structure, where you have to identify yourself in
Law School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is also the
musicians.) Music is the soul of Brazilian society.
Accordingly, the audience is able to go back
order to upload music, but not to download it.
director of the Creative Commons project in the
Rhythms like samba and maracatu help to define
home with a CD containing the concert that they
Additionally, Canto Livre offers a Creative
the very essence of what being a Brazilian means.
have just attended. The tecno-brega DJ´s usually
Commons interface. All the music being made
acknowledge in their live presentations the pres
available under the project can be licensed
In spite of that, the Brazilian musical market
ence of people from various neighborhoods, and
according to the Creative Commons model. The

Topographic representations of the built environment of cities
Cities as production sites for global control capacities.
city of work and housing and daily services, can then be seen as
tend to emphasize the distinctiveness of the various socio-economic
a strategic component of advanced urban economies.
sectors: the differences between poor and rich neighborhoods,
Complex cities, especially if global cities, are production sites for
between commercial and manufacturing districts, and so on. While
a large array of inputs and "organizational commodities" necessary
New Frontier Zones: The formation of new political actors
valid, this type of representation of a city is partial because there
for global control and coordination. The key point from the
are a variety of underlying connections. Further, it may even be
perspective of the interdependencies underlying what appear as
The other side of the large complex city, especially if global, is
more problematic than in the past, given some of the socio-
fragmented topographies is that these inputs need to be produced.
that it is a new frontier zone where an enormous mix of people
economic, technical, and cultural dynamics of the current era.
The producer services sector is a sort of new basic industry - it
converge. Those who lack power, those who are disadvantaged,
One step towards understanding what constitutes the complexity
ranges form advanced corporate services such as finance and
outsiders, discriminated minorities, can gain presence in such
of large cities is the analysis of interconnections among urban
accounting to industrial services like trucking and warehousing.
cities, presence vis a vis power and presence vis a vis each other.
forms and fragments that present themselves as unconnected.
Major cities are preferred sites of production for the specialized
This signals the possibility of a new type of politics centered in
services that firms need. But firms in the advanced sector also
new types of political actors. It is not simply a matter of having or
The Informal City in "Advanced" Urban Economies.
create a demand for industrial services - the software used by the
not having power. There are new hybrid bases from which to act.
financiers and accountants needs to be trucked. Further, the
The corporate complex and the immigrant community today are
lifestyles of the new professional classes create a large demand
Here the interaction between fragmented topographies and the
probably two extreme modes in the formation and appropriation
for goods and services, often made and delivered through low
existence of underlying interconnections assume a very different
of urban space in
wage workers. These
form: what presents itself as segregated or excluded from the
global cities of the
do not seem to be part
mainstream core of a city is actually an increasingly complex
The urban form represented by the immigrant community, or the informal city, of the advanced econ
political presence. The space of the city is a far more concrete
complex cities of the
is habitually seen as not belonging to an advanced economy.
omy, but they are.
space for politics than that of the nation. Here, non-formal political
actors who are rendered invisible in national politics, have better
global cities, we see the informal city rather than the immigrant
Focusing on the production of these various services helps us
access to the political scene. And, perhaps more importantly, they
community. Globalization has brought about an often massive
see the many different types of firms, workers and neighborhoods
can constitute themselves as political actors. The fact itself that
development of the corporate economic built environment in these
that are actually part of the advanced urban economy. Furthermore,
the new advanced urban economy generates a vastly expanded
cities of the South, as is evident in Mumbai, Shanghai, Sao Paulo,
it helps us focus on the organization of globalized economic
luxury zone that displaces other firms and homes becomes a fact
Mexico City, Bangalore, and so on.
sectors: outsourcing, subcontracting, supply chains, networks,
feeding politics. Urban space is no longer civic, as old local ruling
or input and output markets. All of this allows us to see that much
elites aspired to: today it is political. Much of urban politics is
of this work happens partly in the informal economy of these cities.
concrete, enacted by people rather than dependent on massive
Thus the existence of a dynamic growth sector feeds the expansion
media technologies. Street level politics makes possible the
of what appear to be declining or backward economic sectors,
formation of new types of political subjectivity, which are not
such as the downgraded manufacturing sector and the informal
dependent on the formal political system, as is the case with
electoral systems.
Even the most sophisticated
Further, the Internet can
professional sectors need access
strengthen a new type
to a broad range of industrial
The space of the city is a far more concrete space for politics than of cross-border political
services located in easy access
that of the nation. Here, non-formal political actors who are rendered activism, one centred in
in central areas. When these
invisible in national politics, have better access to the political scene. multiple localities, re
lower profit firms lack the bidding
flecting local struggles
power to locate in central areas they often operate partly or fully
and initiatives, yet intensely connected digitally with other such
in the informal economy. Further, the growing inequality in the
localities around the city, the country, the world. This is a politics
distribution of household income and firms profits reorganizes
of the local but with a big difference. Digital networks are
consumption and life-styles. High income households and newly
contributing to the production of new kinds of interconnections
gentrified residential areas require more services, often through
underlying what appear as fragmented topographies, whether at
Dominik Hruza World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
informal workers. But also the growing numbers of low-income
the global or at the local level. A poor neighborhood may look
households or firms - are likely to meet more and more of their
isolated and out of the loop, but may in fact be deeply connected
The urban form represented by the global city function the
needs through the informal economy, albeit through a different
to other such neighborhoods and larger institutions. Political
internationalized corporate services complex and the highly paid
component of it.
activists can use digital networks for global or non-local transactions
professional workforce with its high-priced lifestyle spaces is
and they can use them for strengthening local communications
the one habitually thought to constitute the essence of an advanced
Finally, a question bringing these different strands together is that
and transactions inside a city or rural community.
post-industrial economy. The urban form represented by the
of the effect of economic restructuring (in its many guises) on the
immigrant community, or the informal city, is habitually seen as
organization of the capital-labor relation. Informalization of economic
The large city of today, especially the global city, emerges as a
not belonging to an advanced economy, one to be found in the
activities and downgrading of manufacturing in particular (e.g.
strategic site for these new types of operations. It is a strategic
global cities of the North only because it is imported via immigration,
going from unionized factories to semi-informal operations) are,
site for global corporate capital: the urban moment turns that
and in the cities of the South as a sign of underdevelopment.
in the end, modes of reorganizing the relationship between capital
elusive category that is global corporate capital into actual men
and labor in an advanced urban economy with enormous differ
and women who wanted it all and grab it all. In so doing they
These two forms reveal how power and the lack of power inscribe
entials in the profit-making capacities of different types of firms
become visible as a social force with a distinct project, a project
themselves in the urban landscape and which narratives are
and sectors. Through this reorganization these low-profit sectors
that also has an urban shape. But it is also one of the sites where
attached to each. One is seen as representing technological
are actually incorporated into the advanced economy. But it just
the formation of new claims by informal political actors is given
advance and cosmopolitan culture, the other, economic and
does not look like it. The changes in the sphere of social repro
shape, and materializes in concrete forms. Under these conditions,
duction described above also add
the enormous mixity of the disadvantaged also takes the shape
One presents itself as
The informal city of work and housing and daily services can be
to this reorganization insofar as
of a social force. These are two new actors on the scene of history:
part of the global
seen as a strategic component of advanced urban economies.
consumption and life-style have
and it is in the city that they encounter each other and become
economy, suffused in
contributed to a proliferation of
internationalism; the other, while international in its origin, is
small, labor intensive firms. Some of these cater to high-income
promptly reconstituted as a local, vernacular form. One is read to
households and others cater to very low-income households. Both
be dis-embedded, transterritorial to the point of being thought of
Saskia Sassen is Professor at the University
however share the fact that they have a distinct form of organizing
as a-spatial, captured by concepts such as the information economy
of Chicago, and Centennial Visiting Professor
work, quite different from the large-scale, standardized firm where
and telematics. The other is read as deeply embedded in an
at the London School of Economics. Her
unionization and adherence to various regulations are more typical.
economic, social and cultural territory of neighborhoods and
new book is Territory, Authority and Right:
particularistic traditions that have little if any conncetion with the
From Medieval to Global Assemblages
One effect of all of this is the proliferation of small firms, including
(Princeton University Press, 2006). She has
advanced corporate sector.
interestingly an expansion in labor-intensive and informal types
just completed for UNESCO a five-year
of manufacturing in the city, even as large standardized factories
project on sustainable human settlement for
However, the informal economy and, more generally, certain
leave the city. I like to think of this as urban manufacturing a
which she set up a network of researchers
"working class" uses of space are actually also forms through
kind of networked manufacturing, dependent on contractors and
and activists in over 30 countries.
which advanced economies function and materialize in urban
subcontractors, and mostly servicing service firms and housheolds.
This inverts the historic relationship whereby services servicedmanufacturing. These small firms become more typical at the
Many of the highly differentiated components of the economy
same time that global market firms dominate the city's economy.
whether firms, sectors, or workers are actually interconnected,but with often extreme social, economic, racial and organizational
One fundamental form of the interaction of space, production,
segmentation. The result is fragmented topographies that obscure
and social reproduction in our advanced cities is the growing
the underlying connections. This segmentation is regularly strength
demand for both luxury housing and low-price housing. Displace
ened, and even enabled, through racism and discrimination. Ethnic/
ment of more modest households, including the lower ends of
racial segmentation not only produces economic outcomes that
the middle class, is common in all global cities around the world.
devalue some firms and workers and over-value others, but also
So are conflicts over access to city land. But pushing out the low-
Information owned by a private legal entity (a corporation
produces a narrative about the nature of our large cities which
wage workers does not make sense: if their trip to work becomes
or an individual person). the owner has exclusive rights
marginalizes the economics and the culture of non-dominant
unacceptably long or costly, those highly dynamic sectors with
to the property as defined by the IP law and can do as
a critical mass of both high- and low-income jobs will suffer and
s/he pleases with it. Most importantly, the owner can
they are likely to bring income to city government. The informal
freely set the conditions under which it can be accessed
and used by third parties.
By Solomon Benjamin
Either poverty must lose the fear of property, or
The new Hydras encroach on property and the
Such de-facto landscapes, highly agile and
the stage to introduce the concept of civil
property in fear of poverty will destroy democ
economy: Perhaps on the most structural level,
transformative of local society in economy and
society. Perhaps this is posed to strengthen the
the Hydra transforms notions of property. While
politics, come into being where information
binary with a replacement of a trilogy of the
located in seemingly mainstream notions of
shaping the market of land is driven by the
nation state-market - civil society. Closer inspec
If the south and particularly their cities
property, these are encroached upon in the forms
potential of change: of inter-connected home
tions of civil society turn out to be little other
experience much higher growth rates than
of multiple tenures and claims that make central
based manufacturing and of municipal upgrading
than elite congregations.
those in the north, has Int. capital recon
ized control and surplus extraction increasingly
of basic infrastructure, both actions which in
stituted itself to invest and gain from these
impossible (see figure 1-A: Street side Hydras).
crease efficiency and by way of settlement, new
New institutional and legal framework for mega
locations? Since real estate in cities of the
What emerges instead is a complex of networked
social connections.
land acquisition makes available huge tracts of
South and retail provides one of the highest
bazaar like small firm clusters. Thus emerging
land in Bangalores periphery to construct IT
returns, how is land and its connected
diversity of tenure underpins and is at the
campuses. In central city areas, urban renewal
institutions sought to be framed to facilitate
same time shaped by an increasingly so
Seemingly messy, under-developed third world
focused SPVs and TDRs open up space for
phisticated economy. This comes at a time
environments are assuming a life force of their own
Malls and Multiplexes designed over huge
when globally connected big business (with
and subverting a global ideal.
urban territory. Little wonder that the CEOs
the highest levels of government policy
of Indias largest real estate firms and globally
making and legislative apparatus at their side)
The new Hydras encroach on democracy:
connected Financial Institutions press the central
promote digital forms of land title recording and
Linebaugh re-enters our world when we see the
government to implement such frameworks in
a range of financial and institutional architecture
location of fluid de-facto property being located
the more globally connected cities, posing these
to reinforce exclusive property regimes (see
in a building block of mainstream democracy:
as a pre-requisite for global competitiveness.
Figure 2: global-local networks in IT Campus
municipal politics. Not only are political party
Many of the changes came about under the new
structures increasingly authoritarian but they are
governance model of the Bangalore Agenda
today susceptible to capture by globally em
Task Force (BATF) - headed by the citys IT
Globally connected Financial Institutions, in
powered and invested big business. Not surpris
honchos supported by the then Chief Minister.
partnership with a range of other players, invest
ingly, this also makes space for those city builders
Seen as a supply side reform, they also framed
in urban designed IT campus developments in
enamoured with the mega and the large - seem
the citizen-centric Jannagraha and PROOF (a
Fig. 1: Sundamma's house
cities like Bangalore, Delhi, Bombay and
ing ways to make cities globally competitive! For
citizens campaign to promote transparency and
Hyderabad with excellent profits. A particular
this range of actors - the business, bureaucratic
accountability in local government)as the de
This essay suggests that corporate led globali
financial architecture around Special Project
and political elite - what is deeply threatening is
mand side. The head of Bangalores and now
sation in rooting itself in cities of the south, faces
Vehicles (SPVs), and mechanisms such as
the opaqueness of municipal politics and its
Indias famous civil society movement makes
un-expected confrontation in what they see as
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) facilitates
driving political economy of small business.
an ardent plea for framing of digital rather than
a new Hydra. What seemed like messy, under-
urban renewal of central city areas and also
Hardly conducive to centralized control, it is little
analogue land titles. Contest comes from the
developed third world environments (Figure 1:
makes high returns to International capital pos
wonder that national headquarters of political
Hydra of municipal councils across party lines,
Sundrammas house) turned out to be increas
sible. Real estate profits accrue from a play of
parties and their appointed provincial chiefs,
the lower bureaucracy, and poorer residents
ingly beyond planning, assuming a life force of
digital titles intended for online trading. The
backed by elite civil society and the World
resisting attempts to impose fines and increased
its own and subverting a global ideal.
World Bank in partnership with Indias largest
Bank, press for transparency and accountability
user charges. The Hydras support in municipal
Fig. 1-A: Street sidy Hydras
private banks invest $ 1000 m in e-governance,
reforms aimed at local government. Little on
democracy is critical. Local councils encourage
I borrow the term Hydra from two kinds of sourc
and in particular, computerized land titles. The
corporate accountability though! The response
occupation and extension of village and town
es. The first use can be found in English media
digitisation of 20 million land records by the
of the Hydra here is municipal democracy.
areas. In central city areas, older forms of munic
press among the elite to describe three situa
Goverment of Karnataka designated as a World
However, in a situation of polarized power struc
ipal licensing and tenancy payments help estab
tions: an extensive and un-controllable under
Bank Best practice, reducing 1500 forms of
tures, such a democracy relies on stealth, on
lish claims. The Hydras support: Municipal
ground economy; a messy, chaotic and corrupt
land tenure to 256! This has allowed very large
internal bureaucratic conventions, and interven
councils messy and opaque politics and ad
city hall centred politics and bureaucracy; an all-
real estate companies catering to the IT industry
tions accentuating multiple forms of tenure to
pervasive un-authorized, non-conforming, un-
to access land Bangalore, resulting in dramatic
reinforce political and economic constituency.
planned, cancer like slumming process which
changes in land markets. An extension of the
These, not surprisingly, take on the responsibility
rapidly edges out ordered city growth and sub
concept is a GIS based digitising of titles in 57
The new Hydra encroaches on city building:
to address what has been discussed before: A
verts Master Planning. My second source is the
towns and secondary cities financed by the
the Hydra, located in municipal government and
de-generative cancer-like politics afflicting cities
use of the term by Linebaugh and Rediker to
Asian Development Bank with back office support
rooted in the materiality of land, lo
continued on next page
describe the quest for alternatives in 16-18th
by the personal funds of the CEO of Indias
cation and economy, anchors the day-
Century Europe and the Americas.[2] They show
largest IT company.
to-day process of city building. This
how a motley bunch of sea farers, slaves, con
process contrasts conceptions of city
victs in being banished seek out alternatives to
Contest comes from a Hydra secured by diverse
building located in the conceptual
define conceptions of property, and a way of
tenure regimes inherent within the occupation
framework of the nation state or then
life, and in doing so, termed a hydra to threaten
and settlement process built around de-facto
the market. In these latter concep
titles. In some parts, customary tenure forms a
tions, the driving force is of the grand
further block against this modernization ideal.
plan: one posed for equity and the
Today I see at least three aspects of the Hydra
These underpin incrementally developing small-
other posed for efficiency. Either ex
transforming what we know of property, de
scale land developments that house mixed land
treme poses centralized controls
mocracy, and the conceptually flawed trilogy
use as well as manufacturing and bazaar areas.
bound to break down when we con
the Nation State-Market-civil society. The New
The Hydras support comes from regularization
sider local narratives of how areas
Hydras are severely threatening in being shadows
of occupied land and improvement of basic
come into being and those of wider
and stealth-like structures, capable of eroding
infrastructure by municipal councils. The latters
city transformation. As urban terrain
the self. In breaking down binaries, they encroach
gains are revenue and political clout, actions
turns increasingly contested and
on other binary/dualistic based conceptions.
which strengthen and spur diverse tenure re
conflict ridden, the distinction between
normative planning and politics sets
like a Hydra. The imaginary of the global city is
Hydra, they combine newer legal and regulatory
[1] Peter Linebaugh, Public Lecture at Contested
Solly Benjamin is an independent
powerfully seductive to a variety of groups driven
structures that not just provide access to cheap
Commons/Trespassing Publics: A Conference on
researcher operating out of
by various interests. For many within civil society,
institutional finance, but dissolve claims over
Inequalities, Conflicts and Intellectual Property 6th -
Bangalore and also part of a
the way forward is for land management to be
location to emphasize corporate control. The
8th January 2005 in New Delhi, India. Sarai/CSDS
recently group called CASUMm.
He has been looking at issues of
framed in digital records, GIS based online
bustling bazaars selling look-a-likes and also
/Alternative Law Forum
urbanism, its politics, economy,
monitoring un-authorized hawkers and non-
other daily consumption goods helps a counter
and issues of land.
conforming land use, and reigning in the politics
encroachment to root. In doing so, reinforcing
Linebaugh P., Rediker M., The Many-Headed Hydra
within Municipal Government via the agenda of
the Hydra to carve out autonomous political and
Verso New York 2000
transparency and accountability. Central also
economic space.
are attempts to increase high-level bureaucraticcontrol over elected municipal government via
Cities as locations of the Hydra pose the question
city commissioners and citizen charters. City
of hybridity of property central to its politics and
building becomes strangely conflictual over
economy. Hybridity also seems central to help
control of territory, amalgamation into super large
understand contemporary forms of globalisation,
The global city is not a place, but a series of functions,
complexes of Malls and Multiplexes.
and move away from conceptually defunct bina
distributed over a network of large cities, such as London,
New York and Tokyo. However, even these major cities
These mega complexes are partnerships of
ries. Such hybridity of property gives globalising
are comprised of areas that function according to a
administrator led Municipal Government and big
cities like Bangalore particular distinctions.
primarily local logic, and many smaller cities contain
business. Most important in ways to contain the
elements of the global city.
Where is intellectual property policy made?
liberal fundamentalism, which they did, telling
generous campaign contributions have bought
patent systems have never serviced their needs
Governments make intellectual property law, but
themselves that it didnt taste so bad after all.
the lobbyists and company men meeting time.
and never will. For all the prattle that comes out
where does the policy thinking that lies behind
Gandhi may have kicked out the British Raj, but
Congressmen want to be responsive in those
of the West about patent reform, the truth is
the law come from? More than a decade ago
the politicians of the 1990s led India back into
meetings to inventing new intellectual property
simple. Knowledge capitalism cares more about
I, along with my colleague John Braithwaite, set
the role of the servant who fades into an unno
laws for the US and rest of the world. After all,
its mode of production and monopoly profits
out to answer this question. At that time we
ticed background. Today there are thousands
there will be new elections to contest. Congress
than it does about producing low cost medicines
were struck by the fact that during the late 1980s
of call centres in India politely attending to the
passes more and more intellectual property law.
for the poor in developing countries. Their informal
and into the 1990s governments all over the
faults and troubles to be found in the rich con
An American public that is perpetually distracted
economies are swept away as their cities rezone
world were busily introducing or reforming their
sumer markets of the West. The intellectual
by a media that sates it with images but no news
and rebuild to become protected sites of pro
national systems of intellectual property protec
property rights that introduce what the economist
hardly notices. Copying is crimi
tion. Countries such as Singapore and South
calls demand inelasticities into markets, thereby
nalized, copyright terms extended Intellectual property exists to protect what rich imitators
Korea were passing laws on copyright and pat
helping to generate supra normal profits, remain
to make the rich even richer and have stolen from those innovators that work on the
ents. This was even more puzzling because
in the firm grip of US and European companies.
patent laws strengthened. When periphery of survival and creativity.
imitative production was important to these
American citizens ask questions
economies just as it had been a century earlier
There are some obvious reasons why Washing
about patents and the price of medicines they
duction for investors rich in intellectual property.
to European states and the US.
ton, New York, Geneva and Brussels are the
get told that soon the rest of the world will also
City planners pave the way with factories and
dreamtime places for new ideas about intellectual
be paying these high prices so the system will
malls that will deliver the brands for which con
We approached our study using the methods
property. Washington is the seat of US political
once again be equitable.
sumers with bulging wallets and bulging waist
of historians and anthropologists, reading docu
power, Brussels is the home of Europes super
lines will pay a premium.
ments and laws and
Intellectual property laws with their epicenter in
interviewing and ob
The private hands of command turn the wheels European Com
Washington, New York, Brussels and Geneva
The poor end up being pushed closer to another
serving individuals
of executive power to their purpose.
travel like invisible tsunamis to developing coun
edge. But then they do what they have always
who were key players
has organizational
tries. There they turn the national innovation
done. They innovate. Whether it is in the form
in the domains we were trying to understand.
behemoths like the World Intellectual Property
systems of those countries into so much debris.
of music that has emerged from the ghettos and
In the case of intellectual property our fieldwork
Organization and the WTO and New York has
New laws to serve old masters have to be
slavery of the centuries or in the diverse seeds
kept taking us back to the same four cities:
business organizations, company headquarters
quickly enacted. There is also loss of life. The
of life that indigenous farmers have bequeathed
Washington, New York, Brussels and Geneva.
and Wall Street where a rock star like David
patent provisions of free trade agreements com
us from living in the harshest climates, they
There were other places we went to, such as
Bowie can turn the intellectual property in his
plicate access to life-saving medicines. The
innovate. They do so without intellectual property
Munich to speak to people in the European
music into a tradeable security. More important
pharmaceutical company men on the ground in
protection, for intellectual property exists to
Patent Office, Seattle to see Microsoft, London
though are the networks that are thick with
these countries hiss about what will happen to
protect what rich imitators have stolen from
to see the International Federation of the Pho
lobbyists, the company men and the expert
foreign investment if developing countries do
those innovators that work on the periphery of
nographic Industry and so on. But over time we
consultants that snake their way through the
not follow the new order of intellectual property.
survival and creativity.
realized that it was mainly in four cities that the
corridors of power. These networks hum with
Threats are not always needed. Rewards, includ
tribe of intellectual property met and planned.
ideas about the future of intellectual property
ing travel to the cities of the epicenter are offered
protection for multi
Other cities turned out to be places of non-
nationals. Big ideas,
Intellectual property laws with their epicenter in
country officials if
Peter Drahos is a Professor in
planning. So in an interview in Seoul in 1994
like linking intellectual
Washington, New York, Brussels and Geneva travel
they toe the line
Law and the Head of Program
I asked a senior official why Korea had agreed
property protection
like invisible tsunamis to developing countries.
on US intellectual
of the Regulatory Institutions
to TRIPS being part of the WTO. Because we
to the trade regime,
property ideology.
Network at the Australian Na
tional University. His publications
were ignorant came back the reply. Two years
get put down on paper by technical experts and
Minor acts of betrayal by locals iterated many
include A Philosophy of Intel
later I visited New Delhi where I saw the same
sent to committees on which big business sits.
times over produce in developing countries a
lectual Property (1996), Global
non-planning. There was a lot of fine speech-
Those committees send out recommendations,
culture of compliance with the new order. Some
Business Regulation (2000) and
making from Indian parliamentarians about the
which are more like marching orders, to govern
officials even deceive themselves into believing
Information Feudalism: Who Controls the Knowledge
Economy? (2002; both with John Braithwaite) and
inequity of TRIPS, the new imperialism of knowl
ments. The private hands of command turn the
that this new enslavement serves the national
Global Intellectual Property Rights: Knowledge,
edge as well as complaints by the generic phar
wheels of executive power to their purpose.
Access and Development (2002, with Ruth Mayne).
maceutical industry about the impact of TRIPS
Trade laws get amended to make them a weapon
on prices of medicines. But there were no real
of economic war in the fight to control a resource
Life for poor people in the
plans or strategies of resistance. In any case
even more important than oil - knowledge.
cities of non-planning re
Indian political elites had quietly decided to hitch
mains the same. They con
Information that has no legal protection, either because
their cart to the glowing star of US hegemony.
Teams of lobbyists go to work on Congressional
tinue to suffer ill health and
copyrights/patents have expired, or because it has been
As part of the price they had to swallow its neo-
representatives. Getting access is easy because
lack of treatment. Western
released into the public domain by the owner. Example:
the works of William Shakespeare.
Paula Roush : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
Alternative Law Forum :
By Ewen Chardronnet
To create a common element above the three dimensions of urban
malls, cul-de-sacs, segregated functions (industry over here,
confrontation with the police when they pass by the Latin Quarter,
life (work, housing, public and gathering spaces), the terms "traffic"
offices there, housing at a safe distance) - is dictated by rules
Bastille and Charonne, as opposed to Invalides or Montparnasse.
and "communication" imposed themselves in the urbanistic
and regulations. The sprawling suburb is an expression of the free
Past events psychologically influence a crowd, which can become
generalities about movement. With the explosion of electronics,
market combined with the consequences of arrangements arrived
uncontrollable. This is integrated in the tactics of unions when
realising the science-fiction of yesterday, we are now in scenarios
at by local politicians and real-estate agents scheming together.
they organise demonstrations. Go here when you want to heat
of the virtual city, the online city, the city of bits, the cybertown
Zoning laws and regulations are often deeply flawed, having been
up the conflict, or there when you want to cool down and negotiate.
and other metaphors of disembodiment. But the real function of
created haphazardly, largely to suit developers and politicians,
cities is still to organise the proper cohabitation of centres, non-
and they too often lead to dull, dead living conditions. A set of
Another strong and long familiar model for bringing people together
centres and outlying areas, like an accumulation of topographic
laws and regulations for the commons would surely result in
is the re-appropriation of architecture; not developing utopian
powers (factories and offices, flats and houses, stadiums, theatres,
neighbourhoods that suit people better.
models, but reclaiming old buildings or constructions, because
squares, streets and public buildings).
of democratic necessity. This has been well known since the
Governments and local administrations have always been among
improvised gathering of the republicans in the royal building of
the major "consumers" of architectural commissions. In this area
the "Jeu de Paume" handball court, just a few days before the
the modern state, either as charitable patron or direct overseer
French Revolution. In our times, squats and temporary occupations
In the second half of the 20th century, a significant number of
of the job, does no more than continue a centuries-old tradition
are still an effective tactic for people to gather when they have
utopian architects[1] wanted to find fundamentally new models for
of public works. Since the 60s and 70s, organisations operating
no other possibilities: airports runways for teknivals, medieval
the organisation of urban space. Many of them experimented in
under public law have become avid clients of intellectual services
fortresses in strategic areas[10], occupation of universities or train
search of an alternative to the failures of centralised rationalism
commissioned from outside suppliers, whether these services
stations during social movements[11], obsolete spying stations or
in old Europe, and to the disgusting fascist holism of control. This
involve studies, contractualised research or computer program
military infrastructures of former empires[12], etc. Anything that
broad movement was partly a reaction to post-World War recon
development. Thus we have seen a growing complexity in the
permits a group to gather and talk.
struction models that appeared unsatisfactory[2]. The Situationist
production-lines of authoring and service provision, with a gener
International avant-garde movement, created in 1957 by artists
alisation of outsourcing,
But somehow, this was much
including Guy Debord, Asger Jorn, Constant and others, proposed
an increasingly large
In modern cities, increasingly fragmented into "export zones", special stronger in the mid-90s. Before
to study cities with new techniques: Psychogeography and Unitary
percentage of "imported"
"safety zones", "no-go areas", it becomes almost impossible to the rise of the world wide web
Urbanism. Psychogeography is the "the study of the precise
elements in every given
structure an oppositional assault.
and mobile phones. In ten years,
effects of geographical setting, consciously managed or not,
product (most commonly
the entire city has been invaded
acting directly on the mood and behaviour of the individual.
through the "cut-and-paste" function of computer software tools),
by information technologies: surveillance cameras, biometrics,
Unitary Urbanism is "the theory of the combined use of arts and
and the spread of multiauthor and multiprofessional production
wireless networks, mobile phones, automatic doors, identification
techniques as means contributing to the construction of a unified
modes which formerly were limited to the audiovisual field [8]. The
cards or numbers for transports and buildings, etc. If it was still
milieu in dynamic relation with
question of software patents thus be
possible for social movements to occupy train stations ten years
experiments in behaviour"[3]. "The
comes equally crucial in the realm of
ago, it would be difficult now, because of mass terrorism. It was
sudden change of ambiance in a
public construction. While in certain
also the period of the illegal raves, sound systems were invading
street within the space of a few
Information owned by the state. Within the bounds of the
countries computer programs are treated
buildings all over European cities, it is now forbidden or controlled.
meters; the evident division of a
law and what is politically acceptable, the state can do with
as "art works" under the definition of
The paradox is that people have more tools to communicate but
city into zones of distinct psychic
the information is it sees fit. Example: census data.
Artistic and Literary Intellectual Property
live in a more controlled physical space. Is it possible that the
atmospheres; the path of least
(ALIP), there is a strong pressure to
Information decade simultaneously generated a Mass Terrorism
resistance which is automatically
simply consider them as Industrial
decade? 9/11's unprecedented scale gives size to the enemy,
followed in aimless strolls (and which has no relation to the physical
Property. That would entail demonstrating a possible industrial
but United Nations statistics show - although there is no valid
contour of the ground); the appealing or repelling character of
application or an actual use. Thus a de facto relation emerges
definition of terror - that terrorist acts worldwide have been on
certain places - these phenomena all seem to be neglected.
between utopian artist-architects (whose creations can remain
the decline and not on the rise for a decade, despite all the media
People are quite aware that some neighbourhoods are gloomy
under ALIP, whereas constructed architecture often falls under
and political shuffling (the Irish Republican Army launched rockets
and others pleasant. But they generally simply assume that elegant
Industrial Property) and utopian artist-programmers - and if the
at number 10 Downing Street in the 80's). The point is probably
streets cause a feeling of satisfaction and that poor streets are
latter lose the artistic and literary possibility, they will also lose the
that the economy of fear is on the rise: mediated angst, media
depressing, and let it go at that.[4]
chance to develop open systems[9].
In the decade of the 60s that followed, the utopian and political
dimensions of urbanism were also extensively analysed, not only
With creators like Buckminster Fuller, Archigram, Yona Friedman, Paolo
Soleri or Constant.
by the Situationists, but also by Marxist researchers such as Henri
Electronics wields increasing influence over todays urbanism.
Lefebvre or later by Manuel Castells [5]. As the development of
Everything is liable to create more profit in the cities of world
[2] To learn more about this, read "Sphären III by Peter Sloterdijk.
the "new towns" continued
commerce, as soon as the
[3] "Définitions", Internationale Situationniste 1, 1958.
in America and Europe, with
Zoning laws and regulations are often deeply flawed, having been exchange speed has been
[4] Guy Debord, "Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography", "Les
historical events such as
created haphazardly, largely to suit developers and politicians, and increased. What is called
Lèvres Nues", 1956.
the Watts riots in the USA,
they too often lead to dull, dead living conditions.
Electronic Urbanism is only
[5] From Henri Lefebvre in that period, read for instance "The Production
urbanism was interpreted
the surge of acceleration, the
of Space" and from Manuel Castells, "The Urban Question."
by them as an ideology that "organises silence" in the emerging
spreading foam of nodes and pipes in the telematic networks
[6] "The Society of Spectacle", Guy-Ernest Debord, 1967
Information City. This analysis drove the Situationist International
between connected people. But for State planners, the most
[7] "The Flexible Personality", Brian Holmes, in "Hieroglyphs of the Future",
to abandon utopian architecture in order to concentrate on
important thing remains the ability to monitor circulation and stop
semiotics and the distribution of information in what they called
it in the physical space. Zoning the physical landscape has become
[8] "Marchés Publics et droits de la Propriété Intellectuelle", Groupement
the Society of the Spectacle[6].
a tool for governance to keep control of counter-powers and their
Français de lIndustrie de lInformation, 2003.
potential disobedience. In modern cities, increasingly fragmented
[9] On todays convergence between utopian architects and utopian pro
Nevertheless, psychogeography has been co-opted along with
into "export zones", special "safety zones", "no-go areas", it
grammers, see the Makrolab project :[10]
advocacy planning and participation by think-tanks on space
becomes almost impossible to structure an oppositional assault.
A good example is Fadaiat event in the Castle of Guzman El Bueno
in Tarifa, the southern town of Spain, with an affirmed objective to develop
management. Todays companies can easily quote Guy Debord
Zoning can be contested but is usually approved by the citizens,
a counter-surveillance observatory of the Gibraltar Straits between Africa
if it justifies their business orientations. Spatial management is
in the name of their sovereign individual security.
and Fortress Europa (
inserted in temporality and in a permanent process of semantisation.
[11] As in Paris in December 1995.
What was described as "intense life" by the leftist romanticism
Control over the physical landscape strives to be very strong, but
[12] Good examples are in Latvia with the ex-tsarist and ex-Soviet facilities
of the 50s and 60s is now integrated in lifestyle management.
can still be quite weak in its effects on the circulation patterns of
of Karosta, or the former Cold War spy dish "Little Star".
The dream for the cyber-citizens is to escape their physical location
everyday life. Only a totalitarian governance could imagine full
and its embedded situations. Mobile phone companies already
control over the movements of individuals. On the global level,
finance "locative" artists to develop prototypes that will invade
weakness also appears at the tensegrity nodes, under the strain
Ewen Chardronnet is a French media artist and
the Flexible Personality market very soon [7]. "Disembedding",
of geo-economic conflicts. To illustrate this, we just need to think
writer, organiser and researcher in information
decentralising, are the romantic escapology dreams of todays
of todays drama of global terrorism.
systems. He published in 2001 an anthology
individualist urban life. An illusion of freedom that goes hand in
"Quitter la Gravité" (Editions de l'Eclat) about the
Association of Autonomous Astronauts.
hand with social containment in the physical city.
Zoning, Software, Utopia, And Industrial Property
If the Situationist utopia somehow failed, the psycho-history oflocations is still a toolkit for social movements. Some places have
The way towns and cities are set up now - wide streets, strip
a strong history. In Paris, demonstrations can easily shift to
The root cause of urban slumming seems to lie not in urban
of metropolitan space,
poverty but in urban wealth.
involving a drastic dimu
In contrast to Second Empire Paris, contemporary
nition of the intersections
Haussmannization often reclaims the center for
Goods whose use is non-rivalrous, i.e. using the good
between the lives of the
Polarized patterns of landuse and population density recapitulate
ungrateful upper classes whose bags are already
does not deplete it, and non-excludable, i.e. once it is
rich and the poor, that
produced people cannot be excluded from using it. The
older logics of imperial control and racial dominance. Throughout
packed for the suburbs. If the poor bitterly resist
transcends traditional
light house at the coast, alerting ships to potential peril,
the Third World, post-colonial elites have inherited and greedily
eviction from the urban core, the well-heeled are
is an example of a public good. Without intellectual
social segregation and
reproduced the physical footprints of segregated colonial cities.
voluntarily trading their old neighborhoods for
property law, particularly copyrights and patents, all
Despite rhetorics of national liberation and social justice, they
fantasy-themed walled subdivisions on the pe
digital information would be a public good.
Some Brazilian writers
have aggressively adapted the racial zoning of the colonial period
riphery. Certainly, the old gold coasts remain -
have recently talked about
to defend their own class privileges and spatial exclusivity.
like Zamalek in Cairo, Riviera in Abidjan, Victoria
a "the return to the medi
Island in Lagos, and so on - but the novel global trend since the
eval city," but the implications of middle-class secession from
In India also, independence did little to alter the exclusionary
early 1990s has been the explosive growth of exclusive, closed
public space are more radical[16] Rodgers, following Giddens,
geography of the Raj. Kalpana Sharma, in her book about "Asia's
suburbs on the peripheries of Third World cities. Even (or especially)
conceptualizes the core process as a "disembedding" of elite
largest slum," Rediscovering Dharavi, emphasizes that "the
in China, the gated community has been called the "most significant
activities from local territorial contexts, a quasi-utopian attempt
inequalities that defined Bombay as a colonial port town have
development in recent urban planning and design."[8]
to disengage from a suffocating matrix of poverty and social
continued . Investment is always available to beautify the already
well-endowed parts of the city. But there is no money to provide
These "off worlds" - to use the terminology of Bladerunner - are
even basic services to the poorer are
often imagineered as replica Southern
Fortified, fantasy-themed enclaves and edge cities, disembedded
as."[2] For urban India as a whole, Nandini
Urban redevelopment still strives to maximize
Californias. Thus "Beverly Hills" is not
from their own social landscapes but integrated into globalization's
Gooptu has shown how the "socialist"
both private profit and social control.
only the 92102 zip code; it is also, like
cyber-California floating in the digital ether - this brings us full
Congress Party middle classes, who
Utopia and Dreamland, a suburb of Cairo
circle to Philip K. Dick. In this "gilded captivity," Jeremy Seabrook
during the 1930s and 1940s extolled the garib janata (the poor
- an affluent private city "whose inhabitants can keep their distance
adds, the third-world urban bourgeoisie "cease to be citizens of
common people) in the abstract, ended up after Independence
from the sight and severity of poverty and the violence and political
their own country and become nomads belonging to, and owing
as enthusiastic custodians of the colonial design of urban exclusion
Islam which is seemingly permeating the localities."[9] Likewise,
allegiance to, a superterrestrial topography of money; they become
and social separation. "Implicitly or explicitly, the poor were denied
'Orange County' is a gated estate of sprawling million-dollar
patriots of wealth, nationalists of an elusive and golden nowhere."[18]
a place in civic life and urban culture, and were seen as an
California-style homes, designed by a Newport Beach architect
impediment to progress and betterment of society.[3]
with Martha Stewart décor, on the northern outskirts of Beijing.
Gita Verma, Slumming India: A Chronicle of Slums and Their Saviours, London
2003, p. xix.
Laura Ruggeri contrasts the expansive "imported" California
Removing "Human Encumberments"
lifestyles of residents in their large semi-detached homes with the
Kalpana Sharma, Rediscovering Dharavi, Delhi 2000, p. 8
living conditions of their Filipino maids who sleep in chicken-coop-
[3] Nandini Gooptu, The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India,
Urban segregation is not a frozen status quo, but a ceaseless
like sheds on the rooftops. [10]
Cambridge 2001, p. 421
social warfare in which the state intervenes regularly in the name
[4] Tunde Agbola, Architecture of Fear, IFRA, Ibadan 1997, p. 51.
of "progress," "beautification," and even "social justice for the
Bangalore, of course, is famous for recreating Palo Alto and
[5] Solomon Benjamin, "Globalization's Impact on Local Government," UN Habitat
poor" to redraw spatial boundaries to the advantage of landowners,
Sunnyvale lifestyles, complete with Starbucks and multiplexes, in
Debate 7:4 (December 2001), p. 25.
foreign investors, elite homeowners, and middle-class commuters.
its southern suburbs. The wealthy expats (officially "non-resident
[6] Banashree Chatterjimitra, "Land supply for low-income housing in Delhi, in Baken
As in 1860s Paris, under the fanatical reign of Baron von Haus
Indians") live as they might in California in "exclusive 'farmhouse'
and van der Linden, pp. 218-29; and Neelima Risbud, "Policies for Tenure Security
mann, urban redevelopment still strives to maximize both private
clusters and apartment blocks with their own swimming pools
in Delhi," in Durand-Lasserve and Royston (eds.), Holding Their Ground: Secure
Land Tenure for the Urban Poor in Developing Countries, London 2002, p. 61.
profit and social control. The scale of population removal is
and health clubs, walled-in private security, 24-hour electrical
immense: every year hundreds of thousands of poor people - legal
power backup and exclusive club facilities."[11] Lippo Karawaci
Jeremy Seabrock, In the Cities of the South: Scenes from a Developing World,
Londeon 1996, p. 267
tenants as well as squatters - are forcibly evicted from Third World
in Tangerang district, west of Jakarta doesn't have an American
neighborhoods. The urban poor, as a result, are nomads, "transients
name but is otherwise a "virtual imitation" of a West Coast suburb,
Pu Miao, "Deserted Streets in a Jammed Town: The Gated Community in Chinese
Cities and Its Solution," Journal of Urban Design 8:1 (2003), p. 45.
in a perpetual state of relocation."[4]
boasting a more or less self-sufficient infrastructure "with hospital,
shopping mall, cinemas, sport and golf club, restaurants and a
Asef Bayat and Eric Denis, "Who is afraid of ashiwaiyat?", Environment and
Urbanization 17:2 (October 2000), p. 199.
In big Third World cities, the coercive, panoptican role of "Hauss
university." It also contains internally gated areas known locally
mann" is typically played by special-purpose development agencies.
as "totally protected zones."[12]
Laura Ruggeri, "Palm Springs. Imagineering California in Hong Kong," 1991/94,
author website ( Another "Palm Springs" is a elegant condominium
Financed by offshore lenders like the World Bank and immune to
complex in Beijing.
local vetoes, their mandate is to clear, build and defend islands
The quests for security and social insulation are obsessive and
[11] Solomon Benjamin, "Governance, economic settings and poverty in Bangalore,"
of cyber-modernity amidst unmet urban needs and general under
universal. In both central and suburban districts of Manila, wealthy
Environment and Urbanization 12:1 (April 2000), p. 39.
homeowners' associations barricade public streets and crusade
[12] Harald Leisch, "Gated Communities in Indonesia," Cities 19:5 (2002), pp. 341
for slum demolition. Berner describes the exclusive Loyola Heights
Solomon Benjamin has studied the example of Bangalore where
district near the university:
[13] Berner, Defending a Place, p. 163.
the Agenda Task Force, which directs overall strategic decision-
making, is firmly in the hands of the chief minister and major
An elaborate system of iron gates, roadblocks and check
For a description of Lagos' fortress homes, see Agbola, pp. 68-69.
corporate interests, with negligible accountability to local elected
points demarcates the boundaries of the area and cuts it
[15] Guy Thuillier, "Gated Communities in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires,"
representatives. "The zeal of the political elite to turn Bangalore
off from the rest of the city, at least at nighttime. The threats
Housing Studies 20:2 (March 2005), pp. 258-59.
into a Singapore has resulted in ex
to life, limb, and property are the
[16] Amalia Geraiges De Lemos, Francisco Scarlato and Reinaldo Machado, "O
tensive evictions and demolitions of
Every year hundreds of thousands of poor people are overwhelming common concern
retorno a cidade medieval: os condominios fechados da metropole paulistana," in
Luis Cabrales (ed.), Latinoamerica: paises abiertos, ciudades cerradas, Guadalajara
settlements, especially small business
forcibly evicted from Third World neighborhoods.
of the wealthy residents. Houses
2000, pp. 217-36.
clusters in productive urban locations.
are turned into virtual fortresses
[17] Dennis Rodgers, Disembedding the city: crime, insecurity and spatial
The demolished land is reallocated by master planning to higher
by surrounding them with high walls topped by glass shards,
organization in Managua, Environment and Urbanization 16:2 (October 2004), p.
income interest groups, including corporations. "[5]
barbed wire, and heavy iron bars on all windows.[13]
123[18] Seabrock, p. 211
Similarly in Delhi, - where Banashree Chatterjimitra finds that the
This "architecture of fear," as Tunde Agbola describes fortified
government has utterly "subverted the objectives of supplying
lifestyles in Lagos, is commonplace in the Third World and some
Mike Davis is an urban sociologist based in San Diego. He
land for low income housing" by allowing it to be poached by the
parts of the First, but reaches a global extreme in large urban
is the author influential books such as "City of Quartz" (1992)
middle classes - the development authority has targeted nearly
societies with the greatest socio-economic inequalities: South
and "Ecology of Fear" (1999). His latest book, "Planet of
half million squatters for eviction or "voluntary relocation."[6] The
Africa, Brazil, Venezuela and the Untied States.[14]
Slums", will appear in 2006.
Indian capital offers brutal confirmation of Jeremy Seabrook'scontention that "the word 'infrastruction' is the new code word
Brazil's most famous walled and Americanized edge-city is Al
for the unceremonious clearance of the fragile shelters of the
phaville, in the northwest quadrant of greater Sao Paulo. Named
(perversely) after the dark new world in Godard's distopian film,Alphaville is a complete private city with a large office complex,an up-scale mall, and walled residential areas - all defended bymore than 800 private guards.
The Johannesburg and Sao Paul edge cities (as well as those inBangalore and Jakarta) are self-sufficient 'off worlds' becausethey incorporate large employment bases as well as most of theretail and cultural apparatus of traditional urban cores. In the casesof more purely residential enclaves, the construction of highspeedhighways - as in North America - has been the sine qua non forthe suburbanization of affluence.
Privately-build motorways in Buenos Aires now allow the rich tolive fulltime in their countries (country club homes) in distant Pilarand commute to their offices in the core. (Gran Buenos Aires alsohas an ambitious edge city or megaempredimiento called Nordeltawhose financial viability is uncertain.)[15] In Lagos, likewise, a vastcorridor was cleared through densely populated slums to createan expressway for the managers and state officials who live in thewealthy suburb of Ajah.
It is important to grasp that we are dealing here with a reorganization
Ulrike Brückner : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations
By Frederick Noronha
Control of information has many faces, not just
A lucky few are able to win prizes at international
younger film-makers, says: "Audiences in India
But, more importantly, they hope to create a
IP. While digital technology has made it easier
competitions, or make a name for themselves
are ripe for good documentary films. I've had full
space where students, activists, academics,
to create new content, closed cultural industries
there. But they're really not being noticed where
control ever more tightly distribution channels
it matters. So what's going wrong?
Copyright-based models aren't earning alternative film media, and friends can come
in real space. They make it harder, if not impos
makers the millions, nor taking them to the audiences together and interact through
sible, for independent producers to reach tradi
Alternative film-makers have, without even real
which they so badly need.
meaningful cinema. By keeping
tional audiences. To break this deadlock, new
izing it, adopted a model of distributing their
these films on sale, they hope to
models of distribution are necessary.
work which is more suited to large players of
houses just with word-of-mouth publicity at
encourage the otherwise neglected film-makers'
the corporate world. Copyright-based models
almost every screening done." Patwardhan
Take this dilemma: something big is happening
aren't earning them the millions nor taking them
has been working to sell his film at reasonable
on the small screen across India. Alternative
to the audiences which they so badly need.
prices, and as one of the big names in the field
Most of these young and highly talented people
Indian documentary is booming. There's a whole
Unlike their counterparts in the Free Software
of documentary film has managed to get some
are doing a great job too. They're telling the story
lot of creative output coming out of a wide range
world, alternative film-makers in India haven't
of his excellent work shown in a few mainstream
in a way which simply doesn't surface in the
of film-makers, who have the skills and courage
quite accepted that they could gain both the
cine theatres and multiplexes.
mainstream media otherwise. They're speaking
to tell the truth bluntly, just as it is.
audiences and popularity (and, indirectly, incomes
out in favour of the weak and powerless, who
too) by making a decided shift away from the
In Orissa, eastern coastal India, the Bring Your
are left without a voice. Of course, there are still
But, the reality is: virtually nobody is watching
copyrighted model. Take some of the work being
Own Film Festival at Puri offers five days of films
thousands of stories waiting to be told, in a
all these interesting alternative films. In spite of
put out by film-makers here, for instance.
at a fee of as little as Rs 50 for students (four
country the mind-boggling diversity of India. In
the fact that they bring in fascinating stories from
times that amount for non-students). The idea
more ways than one, it's as if the genie has got
across a subcontinent-sized
is simply: you bring your own film and screen it.
out of the bottle. There is no putting it back
country. Stories which would
Digital technology has made it easier to create new content,
This is no coincidence. Technology has become
either. Films are becoming easier to shoot, the
otherwise never get told, not in
but cultural industries control ever more tightly distribution
more affordable. Today, you don't need costly
technology is reaching the hands of those who
such graphic details and with
channels in real space.
and bulky equipment to create a film - and digital
can use it, and suddenly you no more need costly
fairly decent film-making skills
technology is really driving down the price.
hard-to-access equipment to make or view a film
that give you the impression of being there.
Dhananjoy Mondal (37) of West Bengal has
Computers allow you to edit your movie on your
or even to easily share one.
Today most film-makers spend months or a few
made a film on an unusual tribe of crow-eaters.
years making a film which then languishes un
He says: "The urge to know and explore the
But there's one crucial part of this jigsaw that's
seen, un-written about, and largely unnoticed.
'other' world of the marginal men (and women)
That's not all. Today, an alternate film can be
missing. There's simply no distribution channel
shared via a CD. You can make the copies at
for alternate film in India. And alternate film-
home, and circulate it to your audience at a few
makers are, till now, reluctant to look at alternate
Rupees per CD. At last year's International Film
approaches, such as non-copyrighted models.
Festival of India held in Goa, the wealth of alter
Lawyer Lawrence Liang of Bangalore's Alternative
native cinema made its presence felt. Among
Law Forum has argued that Indian documentary
the 20 'non-feature films' in Indian Panorama
and alternative film makers would do well to think
section, themes ranged from the nuclearisation
of starting to license their works under an 'open
of South Asia to the human price of war, films
content' license. Liang argues: "Most documen
on artists and folk musicians, about ethnic tribal
tary film makers do not live off royalty in any
clashes in the North East, and even a film about
case. Their films are either commissioned or they
a film. Films screened included 'The Green
earn some money from various prizes, invitations
Warriors - Apatanis' (on the unusual tribal sus
and the like. So the fear of the loss of revenue
tainable agricultural practices in Arunachal), 'I
cannot be a very serious one."
Couldn't Be Your Son, Mom' (about a gendercrisis), 'Invisible Parsis: The Poor of a Prosperous
Film-maker Anjali Monteiro, who's based in Mum
Community' by Kaevan Umrigar, and Sanjivan
bai, sees things differently: "The possibilities for
Lal's 'Is God Deaf?' (on religion-linked noise
public broadcast are very limited, given the
censorship (of alt films ) by the state and of themarket. While there are attempts to reach out
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Out there,
through local, travelling festivals and screenings
there are literally hundreds, if not thousands -
by activist groups and educational networks,
in this country of one billion - of enthusiastic
these are sporadic and pitifully few for a country
people behind the camera making their own
the size of India." Indian alternative film simply
Elffriede : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
films. For a nation which has had little of an
deserves a wider impact. But can it think of
has led to the formulation of this film." Vinayan
alternative film-making tradition, caught in be
innovative ways of reaching out to a greater
Kodoth directed a "nearly non-verbal" film that
tween the mammoth Bollywood world of com
Open Source, or Free, Software are collaboratively
"builds up a surreal picture of Bombay". It
mercial films and the government-dominated
developed programs - operating systems, web
describes, for instance, what it feels like to be
field of documentary film for long, this is quite
servers, word processing packages - that can be
part of a desperate crowd of seven million com
a positive development.
Frederick Noronha is a Goa, India based indepen
used and distributed freely. Furthermore, the
programs can be modified by anyone. Combining
muters who use the sub-urban trains to travel to
dent journalist, co-founder of BytesForAll, and active
the talents of many developers, some of the most
work each day. This film won awards at Madrid,
Take the case of the Kriti Film Club of Alaknanda
in both cyberspace and channels for alernative
communications. He runs the Docuwallahs2 mailing-
advanced programs are free and open source
Chicao, Uruguay, Ann Arbor, and Seoul.
in New Delhi. They've been running their club to
list on Indian documentary film at
and used by many individuals, corporations, and,
take "thought-provoking cinema" and use it to
increasingly, governments. The Internet as we
As Anand Patwardhan, noted documentary-
"deepen understanding of social and develop
know it would not exist without it.
maker and old enough to be the father of many
ment issues amongst film makers and viewers".
Alternative media practices are being developed from the bottom up. Around the world, new
experiments are conducted to combine new media technology and a 'copyleft attitude' with
struggles for local self-determination. The Autolabs in Sao Paulo, and the Cybermohalla Project
By Ricardo Rosas and Tatiana Wells
in New Delhi are presented here as two examples of the wide range the approaches take.
Sao Paulo is a place where social inequalities
Technical Nucleus: Recycled Computers Main
are extreme. It is a global city full of abundance
tenance. Technical learning of computer mainte
and hunger, of advanced universities and prob
nance and assembly of recycled hardware.
lems with access to basic education, with sprawl
ing villas and lots of homeless and landless
Support Nucleus: IT for Independent Media.
people. From this background social movements
Computer literacy for independent media, mobi
arise and spread in different intensities, trying
lization and online collaboration through dynamic
Cybermohalla (CM, or Cyber Neighbourhood)
and evenings on the other days are devoted to
to answer and confront a situation which the
content websites and mailing lists as well as the
is a network of five labs across the city of Delhi
creating projects from these texts, their narrations
ruling powers tends to render as insoluble.
knowledge of the principles of free software and
- locality labs in LNJP (an informal settlement in
and the discussions that follow every narration.
Besides, the mediascape is dominated by great
Central Delhi, lab set up in 2001), Dakshinpuri
These projects could be animations, HTML,
monopolies that obviously defend the very inter
(a Resettlement Colony in South Delhi, 2002)
typed and formatted texts, soundscape, photo
ests of these elites to maintain the apparent
Digital Media Nucleus: Graphic Produc
and Nangla Maachhi (2004, an informal settle
stories, written word, audio and visual juxtaposi
order and a complacent consensus towards a
tion/Publication and Digital Stories. Digital media
ment in which surveys have begun which mark
tions o rnarratives, storyboards, etc. That is, every
social situation which sometimes dares to show
production through design experimentation and
the beginning of the State's process to displace
day is a day for practice and creation from
its angry face and explode in riots.
graphic publishing as well as production of
it to the outskirts of the city); a CM Research
associational thinking with each others' experi
content through digital storytelling.
and Development Lab in the Ankur office (started
ences, thoughts and energies.
2003) and the Sarai Media Lab. The languages
Sound Nucleus: Free/Web Ra
Despite the dominance of media monopolies, independent
spoken in these labs are diverse - Hindustani,
Repetition and duration are central to building
dio, DJ-ing and Music Produc
Khari Boli, Hindi; and the audio-visual-realm, too,
the density of each node, and therefore, of the
media projects have a long history in Brazil.
tion. Sound production, free
is unique and specific to each location. The
network; and every practitioner coming to the
radio/web radio programming
locality lab practitioners meet each other at each
lab knows there will be new encounters and
Despite the dominance of media monopolies,
and edition/finalization of CDs.
others' labs, do joint projects at the RnD Lab,
engagements every day.
independent media projects have a long history
keep connected with each others' labs through
in Brazil. During the last dictatorship in the 70s
Local people from peripheral communities cre
keeping materials in circulation on Mailing Lists
For a practitioner who is new to the lab, the
lots of alternative magazines, the "imprensa
ated their own Autolabs since its very beginning,
and Blogs. Does this 'diversity' constitute a
threshold of entry is this challenge - not only to
nanica" (small press), produced uncountable
that is, recycling discarded computers and learn
share, but to listen. Perhaps one of the questions
zines, samizdats and culture magazines against
ing how to keep them, setting a laboratory in a
asked to a new entrant by his older peers is,
the established government. This created a sort
local decided by a leadership from their own
A network can be defined through the terms that
Aap ka sunne ka samay kitna hai? (What is your
of a counterculture. From the 80s onwards this
community, learning how to actively use the
are set up in it, so that nodes can keep reworking
listening time?)
movement was gradually reduced to a pop market
machines to produce their own media and show
the accretion of densities within them, by keeping
of fandom publishing. Could that situation be
ing the results with a website and planned events
them in circulation. What are these 'terms' for
What are the protocols of interaction of this
changed or, at least, challenged? Such a gigantic
to happen along the course that will integrate
Cybermohalla? Each locality lab is a room with
network? As in any network, practitioners come
task would demand great efforts, for which media
all the results - movies, music, radio programs,
three computers, portable audio recorders (dicta
to a locality lab with different priorities and
tacticians could only do a small, if significant
zines and an storytelling archive. Those events
phones) and cameras (digital and bromide print);
desires, seeking pleasures differently, and with
part, in order to minimize the devastating aspects
happened both during and at the end of the
and fifteen to twenty practitioners from the locality,
their own unique imaginations. A context of
of this almost entirely monopolized mediascape.
course and comprise a week of lectures, debates
between 15 and 24 years of age. The labs are
listening is therefore crucial to the practices at
This dilemma was the main reason for one of
- with national and foreign theoreticians and
self-regulated spaces, that is the daily routine
the labs. As one practitioner puts it, Fearless
the Brazilian TML organizers to take a very clear
media activists - and a festive weekend held in
of the lab is decided upon by them, they are in
speech requires that there be fearless listening.
position. Believing in media autonomy for the
one of the targeted peripheral districts.
charge of the maintenance of the lab and the
Many people have joined this network, but many
masses, media activists conceived the Autolabs,
responsibility to imagine and realise the future
have left as well, because of marriage, when
a project for labs of tactical media to be taught
The Autolabs experience provided important
of the lab is theirs.
they find a job, or to pursue other searches in
to young people on the periphery, in poor districts
input for a much larger government initiative, the
and slums in São Paulo.
pontos de cultura, to create a network of inter
Each practitioner spends five days a week at the
linked community media centers, based entirely
lab, and many are at the lab for close to eight
For more information, see
Autonomously created with the help of local
on free software. Currently, about 200 such
hours every day. The day begins with listening
communities, the Autolabs are thought to be
centers are being created country-wide. The
to what their peers have written the day before,
laboratorial prototypes of media literacy and
plans is to create as many as 1000 such centers
and brought to the lab to share. The challenge
technical formation in new technologies and
here is not only to be able to write a text, but to
Shveta Sarda works with the Cybermohalla Labs
media. All based on tactical concepts, Autolabs
be able to read it out in front of fifteen people,
use cheap DIY media, allowed by the digital
The address for the collective weblog is
and to be able to listen with them, and among
as a process chronicler and interlocutor, and keeps
revolution accessibility, promoting the develop
the diverse CM content in circulation among English
ment and improvement of independent individual
speaking publics through blogs, essays and post
and/or collective media production in a creative
While Mondays are reserved exclusively for
ings on discussion lists. She seeks to critically
way and using free software/open source oper
Ricardo Rosas is a writer, translator and experi
listening to each others' texts (reflections, de
engage with the debates on pedagogy, translation,
ational systems. Autolabs are centers of orien
mental musician. He was one of the organizers of
scriptions, conversations, logs of a street, anec
technology and inequality. She is a member of the
editorial collective of the Sarai-txt, a bimonthly
tation, documentation and self-education with
the Brazilian Tactical Media Lab in Sao Paulo. He
dotes from daily encounters, etc), afternoons
publication (broadsheet) from Sarai.
free and open access, where human mediation
has studied Social Communication and German
prevails in the process of accessing knowledge
Studies at Universidade de Sao Paulo and is cur
rently senior editor of Rizoma (, a
as a generalized exchange of wisdoms stimulating
Alternative Law Forum :
web site devoted to activism, tactical media under
participation and collective work.
ground culture in general, net critic, conspiracy
stuff and occulture. He writes about media activism
The Autolabs workshops were run from January
and (anti) pop culture.
to July 2004, involving 300 youngsters between
17 and 21 from three poor districts of Sao
Paulo's periphery: Sao Miguel Paulista, Ermelino
Tatiana Wells is one of the organisers of the Sao
Paolo Tactical Media Lab and also worked some
Matarazzo and Itaquera. They were divided in
time for a computer clubhouse at an NGO in Sao
four different unities teaching:
Paulo, Brazil.
By Richard Stallman
The benefit of computers is that it's easier to copy and manipulate
Then there's the economic effect. When companies have power
Software owners deliberately make programs incompatible. With
information. Corporations are using two kinds of imposed monop
over you, they bleed you dry. Copyrights and software patents
free software, users can make it follow standards.
olies to deny you this benefit.
increase the digital divide and concentrate wealth. We have toomuch scarcity in the world; let's not create
You need free software to train
Software patents restrict how you use your computer. They restrict
more. TRIPS is bad enough, but software
Copyrights and software patents increase the master programmers. Non-free
developing software. A big program combines dozens or hundreds
patents and the WIPO copyright treaty go
digital divide and concentrate wealth.
software is a secret, so nobody
of ideas. When each idea can be patented, only IBMs and
beyond TRIPS, and WSIS should reject them.
can learn from it. Free software
Microsofts can safely write software. Bye bye to any independent
Computer users need software that respects their freedom. We
gives talented young people in Africa the chance to learn how to
local software industry. Software patents must be rejected.
call it "free (libre) software", meaning freedom, not gratis. You
work on real software. School should also teach students the
have the freedom to run it, study it, change it, and redistribute it.
spirit of cooperation. All schools should use free software.
Copyrights restrict using and sharing information - exactly whatyour computer is for. It was fine to trade away the freedom to
Free software means you control your computing. With non-free
Free software is necessary for sustainable development. If everyone
copy when only publishers could copy; the public lost nothing.
software, the software owners control it. They put in spy features,
in your country uses a program that's secret and controlled by a
Today peer-to-peer sharing
back doors, restrictions.
single company, that's not development, that's electronic coloni
must be legal. WSIS should
If everyone in your country uses a program that's secret
not teach people that sharing
With free software, you can make
and controlled by a single company, that's not development,
the program do what you want.
that's electronic colonization.
Richard Stallman is the founder of the GNU
"You" could mean an individual
Project, launched in 1984 to develop the free
Copyrights block access to scientific publications. Every university
programmer, a company, or a group of users with similar needs.
software operating system GNU, and President of
the Free Software Foundation.
should be free to make an open-access mirror for any journal, so
Non-programmers can convince or pay programmers to make
no one is excluded from access.
changes for you. With free software, you're free to make it handleyour language. Free to adapt it for your disability.
World Information Cities
section of creative, intellectual and discursive energies themarkers and histories of different cultural-historical-spatial
The streets of our cities are crowded with signals. Cinemas,
specificities and the received as well as emerging traditions
desk top publishing, satellite television and fm radio, increasingly
of different practices. Through processes of sustained inter
pervasive and ubiquitous computing, mobile telephony, tele
actions practitioners are able to evolve a neighbourhood of
communications and the internet surround us in a matrix. The
affinities in practice, a commons of expression. However, it
new landscape continues to feature analog and offline com
needs to be clearly understood that this coming together is
munication practices as diverse as theater, live performance,
not contingent on an easy translatability, or the evolution of
print culture and books and the production of visual and tactile
some kind of 'Esperanto' form of cultural practice. Rather, we
objects. Old and new forms of communication create a new
need to work with the understanding that there are and will
context for culture by their continuous interaction with each
be necessary difficulties of translation, that invite us to be at
other. We live and work within this context. We also realize
least legible to each other, before we make the claim to
that this context extends deep into the substructure of local
comprehensively understand each other. We need to share
histories and situations, just as much as it extends far into a
with each other what we do not know about each other before
global space of communications that spans the entire planet.
we can make the claim to mutual understanding.
Our neighbourhoods and streets contain the world, and theworld is a patchwork made up of all our local histories.
Designs for a Plurality of Commons
Communicative Practices
These encounters when allowed to play out to their fullestextent, can give rise to various designs for commoning, different
We, a diverse group of artists, activists, researchers and
protocols of working together, of sharing materials of having
theoreticians from Europe and South Asia, celebrate that the
access to each other's work and materials, some of which may
culture of communicative practices is characterized by a rich
be expressed in quasi legal languages - as licenses and
heterogeneity of forms and protocols and expresses a healthy
charters, while some others may be expressed simply as
diversity in the face of the tendency of the formal operations
invitations and invocations.
of intellectual property to flatten the protocols of culturalproduction on to a single plane. Rather than have every cultural
We emphatically endorse a plurality of ways in which the
good available as a commodity designed for one time sale,
commons of cultural and social media use can be and are
the prevalence of a vigorous cluster of practices of ongoing
being constituted through different modes of practice. Some
cultural transaction within and outside formal commodity
of these may be more discursive than others, some may be
relations guarantees the diversities of contemporary cultural
more invested with aesthetic pursuits, while others may find
expression. This does not imply an antagonism or indifference
themselves more committed to social and political questions,
to market imperatives, rather, it places such imperatives within
and still others may be recursive in the sense that they may
a larger matrix of practices which also include sharing, gift
involve practices of consistent but critical self reflexivity. The
giving and formal as well as informal protocols of reciprocity.
one thing that we do insist on is that the commons constitutedby such collaborations grow immanently (admitting that there
The Collaborative Nature of Cultural Practice
is no master plan or overall design) and that they make room
for an ethic of collegial criticism across the boundaries of
We recognize that all cultural work is necessarily collaborative,
cultures, histories, tastes, forms and disciplines. In other words
and that collaborators may either be part of generations either
we want to insist that there are and will be many kinds of
contemporaneous or previous to our own. Taking this further,
commons, and that we all must retain the right to be critical
everything that we produce today is also potential material for
of different modes of commoning as they emerge, evolve and
collaboration with partners in all our tomorrows. We also
dissolve, even as we agree on the value of the commons itself. We applaud all initiatives that reclaim the benefits of new
recognize that the collaborative nature of cultural work requires
communication technologies for the common public.
not only freedom of speech, but also increased mobility of our
Clearly, what this entails is a refined practice of trust. Where
words, images and ideas. A key challenge is to develop
people allow for the fact that they need to nurture practices We recognize that street level open intelligence is of high
methodologies that enable open sharing while developing a
that foreground trust and respect precisely because they may public value and a cultural process that is highly dependent
plurality of models and approaches towards sustainable, mixed
not be transparent to each other. We recognize that the on information climate and environment conditions.
and re-mixed modes of usage of intellectual and cultural
groundwork needed for such trust and for the conditions of
resources, some of which may be expressed as different kinds
collaboration to grow are directly proportional to cultural We do not accept a world where popular culture and
of intellectual property (in some instances) and others as a
distance. And here by cultural distance we mean both the human heritage is fenced in and IP restriction management
varied cultural commons (in other instances).
distance between practitioners based in different parts of the separates us from our own thoughts.
world, as well as the distances between different kinds of
The Question of 'Translatability'
practitioners, regardless of the co ordinates of their physical We appreciate the fact that boundaries between users
location or historical inheritances. We need to take these and producers become permeable in new communication
The climate of mutuality that characterizes this landscape is
distances seriously, and still establish open exchange.
environments and new practices dissolve traditional notions
founded on the many acts of making,
of authorship.
sharing, viewing, listening, reading, re
For the full version of the declaration,
searching, curation and criticism that
We are committed to critically observing the mindsets of
draw their strengths from existing net
possession and the creation of scarcity as processes
works of everyday collaborations be
implementing control in the information economy.
tween different nodes spanning theuniverse of practice in new contextmedia. Practitioners bring to this inter
We refuse to live in an information society where nothing
belongs to all of us, but everything is owned by cartels,
Oliver Ressler : World-Information City Campaign, Bangalore
locking human knowledge into the vaults of private interests.
We acknowledge that knowledge is for those who do, not
for those who don't, because cultural progress implies that
ideas emerge from exchanges, from communication, from
We do not want a world where you need a license to
whistle a song or access your own memories.
We anticipate a silent spring in Information Society's
landscapes when even a bird's song becomes subject of
copyright control.
We realize that intangible information resources raise the
issue of a digital ecology, the need to understand ecosys
tems constituted by information flows through various
The full version of the Vienna document can be downloaded
from or
World-Information City will be realized as part of the EU-India Economic Cross
Cultural Programme (ECCP) Project Towards a Culture of Open Networks - a
collaborative initiative on bridging information society in Europe and India through
culture and communication jointly carried out by the Institute for New Culture
Technologies/t0 (Vienna), Sarai CSDS (Delhi) and Waag Society (Amsterdam).
Institute for New Culture Technogies/t0
In 1994 the Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0 established Public Netbase,
a net culture institution that offers the arts and culture scene a platform for the
self-determined use of new media. Public Netbase organizes exhibits, events,
symposiums, and workshops that provide a broad public with an understanding
of the new communication media and their various possibilities, and cast a critical
light on a society shaped by technology. It constitutes a junction for art, culture,
science and media networks in Europe and internationally. Public Netbase, re-
launched in 2005 as Netbase, supports know-how transfer and the exchange of
media abilities, and project support for artists and initiatives.
The Institute is embedded into an international network of art, culture, media and
science, it promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, experiences, and
innovations and has been involved in various European and international collaboration
projects and repeatedly funded through European Union Culture Programs, as
in the case of its international partner program, World-Information.Org
World-Information.Org is an trans-national cultural intelligence provider, a collaborative effort of
artists, scientists and technicians. It is a practical example for a technical and contextual environment
for cultural production and an independent platform of critical media intelligence.
World-Information.Org constantly monitors and maps the infosphere, the world's invisible nerve
Sarai CSDS, Delhi
system of information networks, as well as the global information economy. Through artistic and
scientific exploration of information and communication technologies World-Information.Org
Sarai, the New Media Initiative, a programme of the Centre for the Study of
disseminates an understanding of their cultural, societal and political implications, and fosters
Developing Societies is an alternative, non-profit space for an imaginative
future cultural practice.
reconstitution of urban public culture, new/old media practice and research and
critical cultural intervention. The framework of Sarai includes scholarly reflection
and creative work on film & video, computers, telephony, print culture, radio,
World-Information.Org is an agent of digital democratisation and the pursuit of digital human rights.
multimedia and the Internet.
Enlightening the opportunities, challenges and risks of information and communication technology,
World-Information.Org provides information necessary for a democratic development of society,
Sarai aims are to become an engaged and integral part of contemporary urban
culture and politics.
culture within the city of Delhi, to foster interdisciplinary research on urban culture
& politics and media history & practice, to create contexts for collaboration between
practitioners & scholars, to collaborate with non-elite and neighbourhood media
practitioners with new skills through workshops and outreach programmes. Sarai
seeks to demonstrate the validity of low-cost & low-tech methods and strategies
in media and communication practices, with a commitment to public participation
and access and to promote non-proprietary (copyleft) and collaborative models
of cultural practice/knowledge.
All texts are published under a Creative Commons license
The following texts first appeared in the publications indicated
Waag Society was founded in 1995 as a medialab. Situated in the heart of the
unless otherwise indicated.
city of Amsterdam Waag Society hosts R & D projects in the areas of culture,
education and healthcare, it stimulates network art and initiates debates. With
The Black and White (and Grey) of Copyright
the international campaigns like 'We Want Bandwidth' (1997), Public Domain
by Lawrence Liang
· to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
2.0 (1998), 'Follow the Free' (1999) and 'I'm Not a Standard User' (2002)
· to make derivative works
Waag Society raised attention for new political and economical inequalities within
· to make commercial use of the work
Options to traditional patents
electronic networks. In 2004 Waag Society co-founded the Dutch branch of
Under the following conditions:
by James Love: Financial Express, April 6, 2005
Creative Commons, an initiative that provides standardised open content licenses
for artists to promote the creative re-use of intellectual and artistic works.
You must give the original author credit.
Intellectual-property rights and wrongs
Waag Society is an active member of international networks in the field of social
by Joseph E. Stiglitz: Daily Times (Pakistan) August 17, 2005
software and tactical media and supports initiatives with technical infrastructure
If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you
and knowledge on social software and the tactical use of media. Waag Society
may distribute the resulting work only under a
license identical to this one.
and its partners share a mutual interest in the social and cultural impact of new
media and its ability to empower people. Since 2001 Waag Society is collaborating
· For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to
others the license terms of this work.
with Sarai/CSDS in Delhi. The two organisations form the nucleus of the Waag
· Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission
Sarai Exchange Platform that also includes the ALF.
from the author.
Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by
This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full
Concept: Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder
Wolfgang Sützl, Christine Mayer
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0
Production: Andrea Ressi
Ralf Traunsteiner
Mahiti is a Bangalore based organisation that aims to reduce the cost and
complexity of Information Technology for the voluntary sector through the strategic
use of Free/Open Source Software. Over the last 6 years, Mahiti has served over
fon: ++43-1-522 18 34
100 voluntary organisations directly by building multi-platform and multi-lingual
fax: ++43-1-522 50 58
web / intranet / kiosk / multimedia applications. Mahiti conducts trainings and
workshops in partnership with donor agencies and multi-laterals. Mahiti also
designs and executes projects in the areas of resource mobilisation, collaboration,
documentation, advocacy, e-governance and rural ICT. Mahiti specialises in the
use of, and
Information Office : [email protected]
Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
This info-paper has been produced with thefinancial assistance of the European Union as
The Alternative Law Forum is a group that works on various aspects of law, legality
part of the project 'Towards a Culture of Open
and power. ALF was started in March, 2000, with a commitment to a practice of
Networks' ( under the
law which would respond to issues of social and economic justice. Over the past
aegis of the EU-India Economic Cross Cultural
few years ALF has grown from being a legal service provider to becoming a space
that integrates alternative lawyering with critical research, alternative dispute
EU-India Economic Cross The contents of this document are the sole
resolution, and pedagogic interventions. We are also committed to an
Cultural Programme
UNESCO and WSIS: The Priorities
responsibility of World-Information.Org
interdisciplinary interrogation of the law using creative forms and new media. ALF
(t0/Institute for New Culture Technologies) and
· Freedom of Expression through the promotion of media governed
has been interested in questions of information politics for a while, particularly
its partners and can under no circumstances
by public law incl. development of national legislation
on the expansion of Intellectual Property into the domain of everyday life.
be regarded as reflecting the position of the
· Information for All through genderequitable access to information
European Union.
and knowledge; development of guidelines for information in the
public domain; establishing multipurpose community access
points; promotion and development of digital services in libraries
This project is co-funded
by the European Union
· Capacity-Building through development of programmes for
illiterates via ICT´s; promotion of e-literacy skills
Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology
· Towards Knowledge Societies through the promotion of open
access and electronic publishing; promotion of ICT´s in the
exchange of knowledge
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(9) 1048ü1056 (2013) DOI: 10.1016/S1004-9541(13)60561-3 Volumetric and Transport Properties of Aqueous NaB(OH)4 Solutions* ZHOU Yongquan (ઞ≮ޞ)1,2, FANG Chunhui (ᡵᱛ)1,*, FANG Yan (ᡵ㢩)1, and ZHU Fayan (ᵧਇዟ)1,2
Applying the Alaska model in a Resource-Poor State: The Example of Vermont (This is an early version of a paper later published as a chapter in: Exporting the Alaska Model: Adapting the Permanent Fund Dividend for Reform around the World. Eds. Karl Widerquist and Michael Howard. Palgrave-Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, NY, NY 2012. Pages 85-107)