
Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Improved Workplace Health
is a win for everyone
Parmalat Australia in Rowville
Research shows that
was chosen as the location to
every dollar invested in
launch the Knox Prevention
health and wellbeing
Health Partnership for a very
in workplaces can
good reason: It has helped
achieve a return of
improve the health of its
$5.82 in reduced
workforce considerably and
picked up a 2012 WorkSafe
award in the process.
Over the next three years the Knox
workplaces to take
Prevention Health Partnership will support
the lead on improving
and enable businesses to improve their
the health and wellbeing
capacity to provide:
People attending
of Knox to create healthy
the September launch
• reduced worker's compensation and
environments through a
included Craig Garvin, CEO
disability claims
range of interventions, including
of Parmalat, David Davis MP,
• reduced sick leave
Minister for Health, and
• increased productivity
education and policy changes.
Chris Potter, CEO of
• reduced worker turnover
• improved staff morale, satisfaction and
Health Service.
This is precisely what Parmalat is well on the way to achieving after it was alarmed
And the results? Safety statistics show a
by the results of a WorkSafe WorkHealth
54.5 per cent decrease in LTI/MTI* reports
check conducted in 2010: A large number
during 2011. The canteen has seen a 50
of people were found to be in the high risk
per cent drop in the sale of fried foods
categories for potentially life-threatening
and an increase for requests for multi-
grain and wholemeal bread and rolls. Soft
drink consumption is down and water
This resulted in the development of
Parmalat's Talking Health, Thinking Safety
consumption up. At least six people have
program, which involved courses on:
given up smoking and several have reported
weight loss.
• healthy food choices
• quitting smoking
To find out how the Knox Prevention
• dealing with depression
Health Partnership can assist your
• importance of exercise and stretching
organisation with workplace health,
contact Terry Jenvey, Healthy Workplaces
Coordinator on 9298 8893.
A key to its success has been to keep
health continually front-of-mind and
* Loss Time Injury/Medically Treated Injury
encouraging staff to make permanent
Knox Economic Development
ACCESS STANDARDRenovating or extending?
All new buildings extensions and
If so, this is a must-read article.
modifications will be required to comply
Sigma's Managing Director, Mark Hooper
with the Standard unless there is a specific
Any business looking to alter the layout of
with one of Sigma's longest-
concession in the Standard.
their building should be aware of a recent
serving employees, Lauretta
change to the building standards.
Hodgkinson, who has 39
The Standard does not apply to:
years with the company
Before commencing the project or at latest
• Class 1a dwellings (domestic house)
to her name.
during the design stage, it is necessary to
• Class 10 outbuildings (shed, garage, carport)
consult with a building designer, building
• Class 4 caretaker's residences (dwelling
surveyor, access consultant or the council
attached to a commercial dwelling)
to ensure compliance with the Disability
• Sole occupancy units in a class 2 building
(Access to Premises-Buildings) Standard
(apartment building)
Sigma, which moved to Knox last
2010, which came into force in Australia on
year, has recently celebrated its
The only exception in complying with this
100th anniversary.
Standard is by proving unjustifiable hardship, which must be proved via an application to
Some of the requirements for buildings
On 18 June 1912, prominent Melbourne
the Building Appeals Board.
covered by the Standard include:
chemist Ernest Leete, and his friend and pharmacist Edwin Church, commenced
• Access and egress to and within a
manufacturing and packaging proprietary
medicinal, household, natural and toiletry
• Accessible car parking
products for sale by pharmacists.
• Braille and tactile signs• Hearing augmentation systems
By the end of the first year, Sigma had 200
• Access to swimming pools
pharmacist members. Its first products
• Sanitary and other facilities
included hand lotion, Bisby's antacid powder
Access provisions apply (via ramps or lifts)
and Sigma salve.
to additions and alterations where:
Today, Sigma is a leading pharmacy
• Any works on a building over two
wholesaler in Australia and owns the brands
storeys will require access to all floors
Amcal, Guardian and Pharmacy Advance. It
• Any works on the upper floor of a three
services some 4,000 pharmacies, employs
storey building that has an upper storey
over 900 staff and has annual sales of more
floor area over 200m2 will require access
Non-compliant doorstep.
than $2.5 billion.
to all storeys via lift or ramp
To mark its centenary, $45,000 was donated back to the community. Each Sigma employee received a $50 ‘Donation Dollar' to donate to
one of three selected charities: the Children's Hospital Foundations Australia, Alzheimer's
Knox Business Direct has had a makeover!
The new-look website includes:
Australia and Building Better Lives.
Check it regularly to see what opportunities
• awards to enter
are available for your business.
• upcoming programs and events
Sigma also celebrated Amcal's 75th birthday
• links to handy resources
Don't forget to make sure your business is registered. This allows prospective
• Knox property search
customers to find you and provides a
• business success stories
valuable backlink to your own website.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
working out of a
Joy Foods has moved within Knox to larger
premises. This contract manufacturer is
consolidating four small factories in Bayswater
a well-resourced
to one much larger one in Rocco Drive,
company of around
is now Licensing
Essentials' showroom
for its range of official
A specialist in the bakery area including muesli
distributing some
promotional merchandise
bars, the company has 85 staff. The new factory
of the world's leading
from some of the world's best
has been custom-fitted with new high tech
cosmetic brands.
known brands. Items include glasses,
processing and packaging equipment.
The Centre Road facility was chosen
bags, coolers, clocks and key rings.
because it is central to where Heat's employees live with more than half of the
Established in 1990, the company is 100 per
staff travelling only a short distance to
cent Australian owned and has extensive
work, it has great freeway access, there
experience in design, manufacture, production,
are plenty of shops nearby to cater to
merchandising, warehousing and distribution.
everyone's requirements and because of the attractive new premises.
Heat exports to New Zealand and expects to grow exports through this region.
Acrylic Display Industries has moved
to larger premises within Knoxfield.
This specialist plastic fabricator that
specialises in custom manufacturing, is
Nederman Australia has moved from
now in Gilbert Park Drive.
Hallam to Mountain Highway Bayswater
Australian cosmetics company, Heat, has
Due to continued growth, Phoenix
into a 2,200m² factory.
moved to Scoresby, doubling the size of its
Tapware, which produces distinctive
office and warehouse space to 11,055m2.
Nederman is a leading supplier of
tapware and bathroom accessories, has
products, systems and services in the
Heat is the exclusive Australian distributor
moved from Knoxfield to larger premises
environmental technology sector,
for leading global brands Max Factor and
in Mountain Highway, Bayswater.
focussing on industrial air filtration
Covergirl, Bourjois and essence, and owns
and recycling. Solutions contribute to
Multi Crop garden friendly solutions,
cosmetic and personal care brands ulta3
reducing the environmental effects of
produces, markets and distributes a
and Billie Goat Soap, which it purchased in
industrial production, create clean and
range of eco-friendly products, such as
safe working environments and boost
Maxicrop. It has moved from Bayswater
production efficiency.
to larger premises in Koornang Road,
For more than 25 years, the
Nederman brand has been sold
Expansion to the business has seen
in Australia. However, it was
Stadium Signs relocate around the
only six years ago that the
corner. This company, which also does
wholly-owned subsidiary was established in Melbourne.
vehicle and business signage, is now in
Amay Crescent, Ferntree Gully.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Knox Economic Development
festival that regularly attracts more
than 20,000 people and is getting
For more than 35 years, Knox Festival has
close to 30,000 attendees. This national
become the largest community event in
festival celebrates ‘sustainability in the
the eastern Melbourne region. More than
suburbs' and engages, educates
40,000 people actively participate in what
is widely recognised as one of Australia's
and entertains people of all ages
most innovative community family
through interactive workshops
festivals with 100 free workshops and
and presentations on sustainable
activities delivered by 125 community
products and concepts.
If you run a business in
groups and 1500 volunteers.
Stringybark has seven
Knox then you should
sustainability zones:
know that Knox events
Community, nature, sustainable
are an excellent vehicle
home, water, energy, transport
to promote your brand
and waste, plus an extensive
and have a high level of
market of fair trade and
community engagement
locally produced goods, crafts
with customers and potential customers. And
Carols by Candlelight
they allow stall holders to
The Knox Carols by Candlelight
show, sample and sell their
concert is the largest single-day
products and services.
event in Knox with 200 performers
Knox City Council is
and 15,000 people in attendance,
nationally recognised for
making it Melbourne's largest Christmas
the quality and scale of its
celebration outside the Myer Music Bowl.
annual program of major
Each year features a concert series of
some of Australia's best known artists
festivals and events.
As part of Knox Festival, the Knox Oppy
including, in recent years, Kate Ceberano,
Bike Ride is a fun family event that
Joe Camilleri, Ross Wilson, Jay Laga'aia,
has been expanded for the 3-4 March
Gina Jeffry and Glen Shorrock, backed by
2013 event with interesting pit stops,
the 100-piece National Children's Choir
challenges and detours. Modelled on The
and the 45-piece Australian Army Band.
Amazing Race, participants ride along one of three routes collecting clues as part of
Eastern Regional Pet Expo
a scavenger hunt with prizes on offer.
Held around Easter time, the aim of the
Stringybark Festival
annual Pet Expo is to promote businesses,
Established in 1984, Stringybark is
organisations and clubs at one event,
Australia longest-running sustainability
with the theme being ‘Responsible Pet
Ownership'. This year, an estimated 7,000
people attended the one-day event,
which had competitions, demonstrations,
displays and all things pets and animals.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Business opportunities
This brand new annual event for Knox
There are numerous ways in which businesses can take advantage of the high profile, high
involves community-built hybrid and
awareness events and the extensive marketing
human powered vehicles (HPV) in a
and advertising that takes place prior to and
six-hour race run around the Knox
during the events.
Shopping Centre and the eastern
To assist businesses, Council develops unique
end of the carpark, including a
engagement programs for businesses so they
complete lap of the Knox Civic
can get the best value from their involvement.
Whether you have a stall or sponsor a prize,
This first-time event for Knox,
there are many opportunitites for marketing
although in its 10th year, is
and promotion such as:
expected to involve up to 100
• Extensive advertising in local newspapers.
vehicles and attract thousands of
For example, Stringybark's promotion includes an 8-12 page wraparound feature.
• Promotional material letterboxed to 80,000
Council sees this event as a great
• Active listings and mentions on websites,
opportunity to promote sustainability
Facebook and Twitter.
and encourage partnerships to be
• Information in the hands of all 25,000
developed between community groups
preschool, primary and secondary school
and local businesses.
students in the municipality.
• Publicity on radio and metropolitan media
Knox Seniors Festival
Because Council has businesses active in
with photo and interview opportunities.
• Posters erected in public places.
This Festival, which just ran during
the automotive and sustainability sectors
It is best to book early as places are usually
October, comprised a week of activities
in Knox, it's a great opportunity for local
promoting healthy, vibrant ageing.
businesses to work directly with young
This included an indoor bowls carnival,
people in the secondary and tertiary
For more information please contact the
various music concerts and a play written
education community and mentor them.
Cultural Services team at Knox City Council.
by Alan Hopgood.
This is very much what the KIOSC high-
tech trade training centre is doing at
With 75,000 people attending at
Swinburne: Giving students the
least one of Knox's major events
last year (in a municipality of
opportunity to develop the new
156,000 people), this reflects the
‘green' skills essential for success
sense of pride the Knox community
in the workplace of the future.
has for the events program.
The race is a perfect vehicle
Now, after three years of planning,
to bring these groups
Knox City Council has a new major
together and work on creative,
event on its calendar.
alternative and sustainable
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Knox Economic Development
Case Study of First Time Sponsor:
was also held where people could guess
Ferntree Gully Toyota
the number of footballs piled high in the
Toyota Yaris in order to win some great
2012 is Ferntree Gully Toyota's inaugural
AFL merchandise.
year supporting Knox events. It supports
Knox Festival, Knox City Council's National
Other involvement has included National
and services.
Tree Day and the Knox Stringybark
Schools Tree Day, where over 100 trees
Festival. It is also excited to continue
were planted at St John the Baptist
supporting Knox events in future years.
Primary School and the Council's National
events have helped
Tree Day event where a hybrid vehicle
with our branding and
As part of Knox Festival 2012, Ferntree
was displayed.
raising the awareness of our business
Gully Toyota held a ‘Caraoke' competition,
which was a fantastic opportunity for
Jon Heap, Dealer Principal said the
the general public to let loose and sing
dealership's involvement within the local
‘We believe Knox events tie in with our
along to their favourite hits in a Toyota
community is all about giving back and
company's core values: Customer first,
Landcruiser. A large screen outside drew
connecting with people.
respect for people, community focus and
crowds to watch the fun going on inside
‘Being involved in community events
the car. Video footage can still be seen on
helps build local community relationships
the website.
that enables us to generate awareness
A ‘Guess the footy in the Yaris' competition
about Ferntree Gully Toyota and enables
Case Study of Long Term Sponsor:
schools in Knox have customised using
Etiko products. Over the years, this has
included shoes, sports balls and this year
Etiko has had an ongoing partnership
was a cotton shoulder bag we made
with the Council for the past five years,
especially for the event.
including Stringybark and Knox Festival.
Stunning designs have been created
Based in Ferntree Gully, Etiko sells ethical,
by students, many of which are
quality footwear, clothing and sporting
also displayed with Etiko Fair Trade
get feedback from
goods that are fair trade and sustainable.
information in shopping centres, the
people,' Nick said.
library and the skate park.
‘At the Stringybark Festival we have a
‘Sometimes, being a small business
large marquee where we display our
Last year, the Council purchased soccer
you operate in isolation and to have
products and have educational material
balls and students were invited to
communication with thousands of
to explain what fair trade is and how you
decorate them with designs around the
people over a short period of time gives
can produce Fair Trade clothing for sports
theme of sustainability and social justice.
you an idea of what people are thinking
goods,' said Nick Savaides, CEO of Etiko.
‘Etiko benefits from its involvement in
about, what you are doing and the whole
‘Knox Festival is quite a bit different in
events in numerous ways. Firstly it is a
concept of Fair Trade.'
that we have more of a joint display of
cost-effective way to get our profile and
products that students from various
To find out how your business can get involved and benefit from associating with Knox events, contact the Knox
Events Team on 9298 8000. Further information on every Knox event can be found at www.knox.vic.gov.au
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
products with superior high-value
ingredients, as opposed to the current
practices of recycling tyre rubber
into low value derivatives.
‘We envisage the most common
end-uses of our powders, sold in
20kg bags, to be for bitumen
With Christmas just around
Michael Vainer's new
asphalt modification, port
production line will
the corner, it's time to think
docking rubber, mining
produce different
of those less fortunate than
dump truck linings,
grades of VR TEK's
non-critical automotive
Virtual Rubber®.
components and rubber
The Knox Community Christmas
conveyor belts. At the more
Support ‘Share the Joy' Appeal is hoping
premium end of the rubber-derived
to raise $50,000 in food and toys and
products market, DARP can be used for
$50,000 in monetary donations. The project combines the resources of 11
production of thermo-plastics, composite
organisations in Knox.
materials and new tyres.'
As well as supplying Australia's rubber-
derived products manufacturing
The VCAMM* Innovation Centre at
industries, VR TEK is also looking to export
551 Burwood Highway, Wantirna
DARP and has received initial interest
South has attracted a new
There are many easy ways you can help:
from India following its participation as
tenant, VR TEK Global, which has
• Organise a fundraiser.
started commissioning its first
a cleantech company during Victorian
• Have a wishing tree at your
commercial demonstration plant.
Government trade missions.
VR TEK manufactures high quality devulcanised
Australia's clean technologies industry is
• Make a donation of food, money or
and activated rubber powders (DARP) from
worth $26 billion and employs more than
gift vouchers and new toys (from
reclaimed rubber via worldwide-patented
45,000 people. In October, VR TEK was
birth to 18 years).
high-tech and clean-tech tyre recycling
announced as a runner-up in Australia's
• Volunteer your time to assist with
Clean Technologies competition, which
the transporting goods, packing and
attracted more than 100 entries from
Having successfully completed its R&D and
sorting donations. It would make a
innovative Australian companies.
proof-of-concept activities in the Geelong
great team building exercise!
Technology Precinct, the company is now ready
‘This is consistent with our aim to supply
to expand to the commercialisation phase.
To make a monetary donation, please
customers with a competitively priced,
visit www.givenow.com.au/sharethejoy
VR TEK's processes produce Virtual Rubber® in
environmentally friendly ingredient that
and feel good knowing you are
the form of rubber powders ranging in sizes
suits a low carbon economy,' Michael
supporting Knox families ‘doing it tough'
from less than 0.800 millimetres down to sizes
at Christmas time. All donations are tax
as small as sub 0.075 millimetres, which can be
For more information on VR TEK and
used as a substitute for natural rubber or as
VCAMM call 9955 9000.
a high quality filler for manufacturers of new
For more information contact Katrina
Highman of Knox Infolink on 9761 1325.
*Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials
Michael Vainer, VR TEK CEO, said DARP provides
manufacturers of quality rubber related
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Knox Economic Development
‘Everything we do is a one-off and in
‘All the local firms we use help us win
most of our work, especially when we
business, meet deadlines and solve
are doing pharmaceutical work, we are
problems. Every project is a challenge
looking for the very highest quality so
and needs the best people here and
good local manufacturers are critical,'
suppliers to deliver a solution.'
Although ADDE was established in 1996,
A recently completed custom-designed
its roots go back to the early 80s to a
project for AstraZeneca's production
‘We need it yesterday,' is often
company called Machine Dynamics, which
facility in Sydney took eight months to
heard in Andrew Donald
was also in the Knox area. It currently has
build from scratch.
Design Engineering's office
approximately 30 employees.
when someone is talking over
Known as the Respules 4010 line, ADDE's
‘We have a close relationship with all our
the phone to a supplier.
specialised production machinery has
clients during the development phase, so
‘That's the nature of our business,' said
the capacity to produce 60 million units
being a part of the manufacturing belt in
Barry Hendy, ADDE's General Manager.
every year of an asthma medication.
the eastern suburbs puts us close to many
‘We rely on having skilled and capable
And it will generate over $250 million of
of our clients.'
suppliers. In fact, they are critical to our
medicine exports to China by the end of
success, which is why we source locally.'
ADDE specialises in the design of
Local companies who worked
industrial automation solutions
on components for the
for a range of industries including
AstraZeneca machinery
pharmaceuticals, automotive, general
included ADDE sister company
manufacturing and material handling.
QMS in Boronia, which
The company integrates the right
provides laser cutting and sheet
combinations of robotics, custom
metal folding, MDK Toolmakers
machinery, tooling, sensors and control
(Bayswater), Aerospec Engineering
ADDE's Pulmicort
systems to deliver unique manufacturing
(Clayton) and Just Powder Coating
Respule 4010 line being
lowered by jumbo crane into
AstraZeneca's North Ryde
manufacturing site. It took a
team of 30 people eight months
to build, including a host of
local Knox suppliers.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
gardens had grown well so we added some water for birds and registered for G4W.'
Not content with his own properties, Greg
decided to encourage the neighbouring
businesses to also make-over their properties, offering his services for free.
ATTRACTIVEOne man is really making a
‘The Council's biodiversity team was
difference in Ramage Street,
enthusiastic about what we had
Bayswater, the location of his
done and could see the potential for
cleaning products business, Lorel
significant G4W in the street. Council
Ipsum. Greg Pearce has lived and
has supported us removing weed trees
worked in Knox all his life and
and contributed to the cost of mulching
loves the bush.
and the planting out.
‘Others in the street have embraced the idea
‘At work I wanted to soften the environment
and are running with it. We make weed killer
for our staff and the buildings we own.
to deal with the grass and Worry Free Trees
We have developed an indigenous garden
has donated the mulch. When you join G4W
at home so I was aware of KES (Knox
you are given a KES voucher for 20 free plants
Environment Society) and G4W (Gardens for
plants and simply providing water for birds
so it makes a good start.'
Wildlife program),' Greg said.
you make a significant improvement to the
There are now six registered businesses with
workplace environment. It has been relatively
‘When we purchased the building next door,
G4W indigenous gardens in the street that have
easy and inexpensive, and once established, it
we removed the driveway, which gave us
been converted from lawn with three more that
also costs less than paying someone to mow
an opportunity to develop three gardens
are well on the way. The photographs show 20
every couple of weeks,' Greg said.
together. The landscaping was done first and
Ramage Street, before and after.
Darren Wallace from Operation Revegetation
then planted 1,000 tubes. Two years later, the
‘By replacing grass with mulch and indigenous
Refresh and Grow your
to dealing with business issues.
and acceleration of business potential
by focusing on strategy, leadership,
Each Roundtable consists of up to
collaboration and innovation.
Applications are being invited for
18 participants from non-competing
participants in the first Knox Business Leader
businesses and social enterprises with
If you want to accelerate your personal
Roundtables series, a Council-supported
attendance on a monthly basis. Sessions
leadership skills, improve performance
initiative to complement its program of
are usually held over breakfast and are
and create new value in your business, this
economic development activities.
chaired by an experienced facilitator.
could be the program for you.
Aimed at CEOs, MDs and GMs of medium
They are aimed at connecting, inspiring
To find out more, call Bryce Steele at
sized organisations, the Roundtables offer
and vitalising participants in a small,
Executive Accelerators on 1300 30 22 80.
valuable, shared peer-to-peer learning
confidential and supportive environment
experiences and a collaborative approach
and promote business model innovation
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Knox Economic Development
Produces significant bottom-
usage by 50 per cent.
‘Initiatives include zoned air conditioning,
One of the first to operate from the new
so we aren't heating or cooling areas
Stamford Business Estate in Rowville,
that don't require it, and motion sensor
Javac has moved in to a brand new
lighting controls.'
$4 million, 5,500 square metre facility in Enterprise Drive.
Javac also has a large underground water tank to provide water for the garden and
‘Today, it is a leader in the reclaim, recovery and
It was previously located in Rushdale
flushing toilets.
management of refrigerant and sees growth
Street, where it had two buildings, 30 and
potential for its unique RECO GT product, the
I expect that in five to ten years we will
world's only dedicated emergency refrigerant
also have large banks of solar panels on
recovery machine used in commercial
‘The age of the buildings was a big issue
the roof to provide most of our power,'
buildings in Australia, the UK and Asia.
in terms of energy usage,' said Andrew
Andrew said.
Davies, Javac's Managing Director.
‘Anyone who is looking at building at the
As early as 1990, Javac was manufacturing
moment or looking towards the future has to
‘Our new facility is 60 per cent larger but
refrigerant recovery machines, and won a
consider the cost of energy,' Andrew added.
the efficiencies we have built into it mean
Banksia award for its contribution to the
that we have actually reduced our energy
Two years ago, following an ‘eye-
After investing $10,000 to date on new
of alternative materials and practices that can
opening' environmental audit, Daryl
equipment and processes, O.M.A has
minimise our impact on the environment.
Moss, Managing Director of Bayswater
saved approximately $2,000 per annum in
‘This starts in sourcing and procurement and
based O.M.A Shopfitting Systems,
electricity costs, $5,000 per annum on landfill
goes through to manufacturing and production
decided to green his business — not just
collection and reduced water usage through
with materials including timber, laminates and
operationally, but also by developing eco-
the capture and re-use of rainwater.
friendly products.
As a shopfitting supplier that designs
‘Our aim is to not only reduce our impact,
and manufactures shopfitting systems,
but influence others and drive change in our
O.M.A has minimised material wastage
throughout the business, resulting in an 85 per cent reduction in waste to landfill.
Daryl has given two presentations on O.M.A's approach to sustainability including one to
‘Aluminium and glass are recycled and more
Knox businesses as part of a VECCI briefing
efficient systems have been implemented
hosted by Knox City Council. He says that
for office equipment, lighting and
saving money gives O.M.A an edge over its
machines in the factory,' said Daryl.
O.M.A Systems has
installed this dust
‘Our O.M.A GREEN brand
extractor, which is
‘Environmental sustainability is now part of our
fitted to an edge
has seen us introduce the
bander machine that
core company values. There's more we want to
Eco Counter and Eco-core
is low frequency and
do, such as utilising solar energy,' Daryl added.
timber products. We are
uses less power.
constantly researching the use
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Regular 3AW listeners may
‘The Grand on Cathies Lane has more than
have heard local businessman
30 staff and we are proud of each and every
Jude De'Silva being presented
one of them. Our staff are sensational; they
on air with a 3AW Momentum
genuinely do care and want to surpass our
Small Business Success Award
clients' expectations.'
A new Business Recycling website and
hotline has been launched by Planet
Ark to help small businesses find the
Jude and his brother Kris run The Grand
reuse, recycling and waste services they
on Cathies Lane in Wantirna South, an
need. Whether you run a café, a garage,
elegantly appointed function centre with
Caribbean Business Park was one of five
a factory or an office block, this new
the capacity to cater for up to 600 guests.
finalists in the Property Council of Australia
resource makes it easy to find reuse or
2012 National Innovation and Excellence
recycling options for much of the waste
Following in their parents' footsteps who
generated by your business.
were involved in catering, Jude and Kris purchased the business in 2006.
The awards showcase the best in Australia,
celebrating innovation and leading practice
‘We could see its potential having large
within the property development and
Tel: 1300 763 768
open pillar-less rooms and a great
investment industries.
location. We have worked hard to get to where we are, and using our passion, we
Nominated in the Business Industrial Parks
built our reputation the old fashioned
category, other contenders included Sydney
way: By building great relationships
Corporate Park (winner) and Potts Hill
with our clients, by listening and over
Business Park (NSW).
delivering,' said Jude.
The Federal Government's Clean
In 2006, the centre started with one school
Jude with his award
Technology Innovation Program is a
event and now hosts more than 80 school
(centre) presented by Nigel Clark,
$200 million competitive, merit-based
events, such as debutant balls, formals,
Managing Director of Momentum
grant program. It assists Australian
valedictories and graduations, and close to
Energy and Louise Asher, Minister
industry to maintain competitiveness
30 social functions a year; 95 per cent of
for Innovation, Services and Small
in a carbon-constrained economy
schools re-book every year.
Business. As a monthly winner, Jude
through providing funding to support
and Kris receive three business
applied research and development,
mentoring sessions and radio
proof-of-concept and early stage
exposure worth $5,000.
commercialisation activities to develop new products, processes and services in the areas of clean energy, low-emission technology and other energy-efficient technologies.
The Program offers grants from $50,000 to $5 million and will fund up to 50 per cent of eligible expenditure on a 1:1 funding basis.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Knox Economic Development
If you didn't attend the third and
Cheryl was made redundant.
final Eastern Women on the Go
When a business owner she knew
Business Forum & Expo in August,
said they would use Cheryl's
you missed a great event. This
services on a consultancy
summary may help your business
basis, the idea for starting her
own business grew into reality.
The Forum is part of an initiative by Knox,
Cheryl participated in the Council's
Maroondah and Yarra Ranges Councils and the
training programs and courses to
Bendigo Bank to deliver three events within the
give her the knowledge to grow the
Janine McClelland, Cheryl Mackay and
three municipalities, each having a mini expo
business. One of the most valuable was a
Alicia Spithoven spoke
preceding the forum.
Business Planning Workshop where she
to a packed room about
had to write her business plan.
Janine McClelland
Founder of The Remedy Group Natural
Three years on and Cheryl operates a
very successful debt collection service.
Janine's first business venture had a steep
Operating as a virtual ‘Credit Manager',
buying/bargaining power, floods, increased
learning curve including having too narrow a
the business provides SMEs with a service
competition and government and policy
focus. The logo was also wrong and involved
that doesn't make their clients feel they
considerable effort to design one that exactly
have been placed with a debt collector.
reflected the company's values.
To maintain its reputation and gain market
‘Debtors are an important asset and need
share, Alicia and Bou focussed on their
We learnt that Janine is happiest when she is
to be looked after and followed up to
strengths: Their flexibility, technical backup
busy starting a new business. And if getting
prevent bad debt write-offs. To help your
and support, quality control, engineering
the Rowville clinic operational in 10 days is an
business, I recommend taking advantage
excellence, building relationships and keeping
example, she is also very skilled at this. In less
of Council's services, networking and
their staff happy.
than two years, Janine has grown the Rowville
being comfortable with decisions you
business to support 20 practitioners in a range
make,' Cheryl advised.
Today, CAP Industries has customers in all
of different modalities.
states and territories in Australia, with the
company's systems also installed overseas.
In growing the business, Janine has had to
Marketing Director of CAP Industries
overcome major hurdles such as putting the
‘It's a continual learning process,' said Alicia.
Alicia and her husband Bou run the water
house on the line when debt kept growing,
‘We are currently working on e-commerce
pump systems company that started in
thefts, floods and family challenges.
so we can tap into new markets. You have to
her father's garage in 1999. Alicia had
extensive marketing communications
Cheryl MackayDirector of Active Collections
experience and Bou was a 20-year
specialist in the pump industry.
After a varied career in corporate life as a credit
manager responsible for managing debtors,
The challenges have been many including
Knox Council Economic Development
• provides a first point of contact for businesses
Knox Civic Centre
Knox Business Life is published two times
• provides information and advice
a year. Suggestions and contributions are
• promotes the City's features to attract new investment
Wantirna South 3152
welcome and should be forwarded to
• helps businesses become internationally competitive
Knox Council's Economic Development unit.
• promotes www.knoxbusinessdirect.com.au
• works with business, government and regional organisations
Knox Business Life is published by the KNOX COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT unit.
• assists with site selection
Concept design by THE GRAPHIC DESIGN YARD. www.thegraphicdesignyard.com.au
• facilitates training for businesses
Printed by HIGHWAY PRESS. www.highwaypress.com.auProduced by WMC PUBLIC RELATIONS. www.wmcpr.com.au
Knox City Council denies any liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person relying on information obtained by or through this newsletter. Some information that may appear in this newsletter is provided by a third party; such information is made available in good faith as a community service. Authorised and printed by Knox City Council, 511 Burwood Highway, Wantirna South VIC 3152.
Knox Business Life Issue 50 NOVEMBER 2012
Source: http://www.wmcpr.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/BL50Dec12-12pp-sml.pdf
Research Studies for Promoting Access to Health Technologies in Poor Countries* By Michael R. Reich and Laura J. Frost Many people in developing countries lack access to health technologies, even basic ones. These technologies include life-saving medicines, such as antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS, as well as life-enhancing medicines, such as medications that help stop asthma attacks and improve breathing. Limited access is also a problem with many other health products such as vaccines that can prevent debilitating diseases, diagnostics for infectious and chronic diseases, preventive technologies such as insecticide-treated bednets, and various kinds of contraceptives. In 1999 the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that since the mid-1980s, around 1.7 billion people—approximately one third of the world's population in 1999—did not have regular access to essential medicines and vaccines. The WHO's estimate was based on a questionnaire survey of national experts in pharmaceutical policy (reflecting the difficulties of collecting accurate population-level data on this question) (WHO 1988; WHO 2004).1 In recent years, the issue of access to medicines and other health technologies has risen on the global policy agenda. The most contentious debates about inadequate access in poor countries have focused on drugs and vaccines, but similar problems exist for other health technologies. Access to diagnostics, for example, has been relatively unexplored in policy debates. And the focus on certain types of access barriers (especially pricing and patents) has tended to obscure other important obstacles to access such as distribution, delivery, and adoption problems. In recent work, we analyzed the histories of six health technologies as the basis for creating a more comprehensive view of access: praziquantel to treat schistosomiasis (a parasitic worm disease), hepatitis B vaccine, the Norplant contraceptive, malaria rapid diagnostic tests, vaccine vial monitors, and the female condom (see Exhibit 1) (Frost and Reich 2008). Four criteria guided our selection of case studies. We chose cases that: (1) include different types of health technologies; (2) reflect a range of health problems; (3) span different phases of access; and (4) include examples that have been successful as well as those that have encountered obstacles and faltered. Our approach in these case studies drew from anthropological research that traces the ‘life-cycles' or ‘biographies' of medicines from production to end-user (Van der Geest et al. 1996; Reynolds Whyte et al. 2002; Reynolds Whyte et al. 2006) and from public health case study research on barriers to technology access (Sevene et al. 2005). For each case study, we analyzed the social, economic, political, and cultural processes that shaped access to the health technology in developing countries. We followed the technology's flow through different phases of access, identified barriers, and looked for measures that create access (Frost and Reich 2008).
DIE ZEHN GEBOTE RATSCHLÄGE FÜR PATIENTEN NACH HERZINFARKT Sie haben vor kurzer Zeit einen Herzinfarkt erlebt und sind nach der Klinik und vielleicht auch nach der Rehabilitation wieder nach Hause und in die gewohnte Umgebung zurückgekehrt. Für die meisten Myokardinfarktpatienten ist nach wenigen Wochen ein nahezu normales Leben, fast wie vor dem Infarkt, möglich. Einige Patienten werden sich aber für die Zukunft Einschränkungen auferlegen müssen, wollen sie sich eine normale Lebenserwartung zurückgewinnen. Dies wird natürlich ihr zukünftiges Leben verändern. Bedenken Sie, dass der frühere amerikanische Präsident Johnson erst nach seinem Herzinfarkt Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika geworden ist und viele andere Menschen trotz eines vorangegangenen Infarktes ein für die Gesellschaft und für sie selbst wertvolles und erfülltes Leben gestalten. All diesen Menschen ging es nach dem Herzinfarkt nicht besser, als es Ihnen jetzt ergeht. Man kann und soll also voll Hoffnung sein.