Secures Their Electric
Transmission Facilities
andalism, theft, and the poten-
ITC Holdings, Inc. has taken extraordinary steps
tial for sabotage or acts of terrorism have to protect their physical and cyber assets in order to motivated the electric generation and
maintain the integrity of their bulk electric system.
Vtransmission industry to seek viable Headquartered in Novi, Michigan, ITC builds, main-
security solutions. In doing so, they
tains, and operates 15,000 circuit miles of overhead
face unique challenges because of the way the industry
and underground transmission lines that carry electric
is structured. Companies must secure their facilities
power to more than 13 million people, serving an area
and protect their physical and electronic assets while
of nearly 80,000 square miles.
managing access to their properties state-to-state over
Recognizing the serious impact to the local and
geographically widespread regions.
national economy and to people's lives when the power
goes off, ITC makes it a priority to protect the transmission grid and provide efficient, reliable energy to its customers. ITC's vision is to have highly effective processes and procedures in place that meet and exceed the new government secu-rity standards.
Robert Blickensdorf, ITC Security
Manager, is responsible for project management as it relates to the installation, maintenance, and operation of physical security at ITC facilities. He serves as the liaison between ITC and local law enforce-ment and other security organiza-tions within the industry.
Blickensdorf says, "ITC corporate
1. Security Command Center
leaders realize the importance
equipment to prevent vandalism or
of protecting our physical and
theft at these sites.
electronic assets and have been
Blickensdorf says, "We do not
very supportive of our security
want to give any individual or
initiatives." Facing an overwhelm-
organization the opportunity to
ing array of choices and costs,
sabotage the system because the
ITC developed a risk-based meth-
impact is too far reaching."
odology for pursuing a balanced
Blickensdorf oversees the opera-
approach to accomplishing their
tions of ITC's Security Command
security goals. ITC had to determine Center which is staffed with the type of physical security that
personnel, 24 hours per day, 7 days
would best serve each particular
per week. The Security Command
location, install and integrate the
Center monitors live cameras
necessary security devices, and then and alarm systems throughout maintain and monitor the effective-
their sites. Video verified intru-
ness of the system.
sion alarms have become more
Facing threats of vandalism and
practical as the costs of CCTV
theft due to the high price of copper
(closed circuit television cameras)
and other metals on the open
have been declining, making it
market, ITC adopted measures to
a capable solution for enhancing
prevent someone from accessing
their security (See photo 1).
one of their sites with the intent of
To date, ITC has installed at least
stealing metal and, in the process,
300 live cameras along with an
causing damage that affects the
integrated alarm system at 30 of
reliability of the system or the
their sites. With their sophisticated
safety of employees and contractors. security system in place, Security Vulnerability is heightened at ITC's
Command Center personnel can
remote sites because of their isola-
quickly determine whether an intru-
tion. In an effort to address these
sion is non-threatening or something
concerns, they installed security
more serious (See photo 2).
2. Live Camera Mounted on a Pole by Perimeter Fence
AUGUST 2009 £
ITC's physical security projects
There were logistic challenges
encompass ITC headquarters,
that confronted ITC in develop-
substations, and warehouses. In
ing a strategy for meeting the CIP
addition to the live cameras and
Reliability Standards. As they began
alarm system, they have installed
to tackle these issues, they looked
perimeter fence intrusion moni-
for a secure access control system
tors, photo-beam towers, infrared
that would provide the flexibility
illumination devices, motion
they needed. Most importantly, they
detection towers, and other physi-
needed a system that could bring
cal security equipment at strategic
key control and an audit trail to
locations. They also have an inte-
their remote sites without requiring
grated online access card system
power at the lock.
installed throughout their facilities.
Blickensdorf comments, "We
If there is any unauthorized access
required a system that could elimi-
or other alarm, this information is
nate the risks associated with the
quickly transmitted to the Security
duplication of keys, and assist us
3. CyberLock Cylinder in an ITC Padlock
Command Center for action.
with CIP compliance by tracking
The Federal Energy Regulatory
contractors and employees that go
Commission (FERC) and
into locations that contain critical
the North American Electric
cyber assets." They were looking for
Reliability Corporation (NERC)
a product that could be integrated
have established enforceable
with the sophisticated security
security standards to prevent
equipment and systems they
electronic and physical attacks
already had in place.
that could cripple the energy
After thorough research, the
industry which is a critical part
organization chose to implement
of our nation's infrastructure.
CyberLock and proceeded to inte-
In January, 2008, Critical
grate the electronic lock system into
Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
their existing systems. ITC solicited
Reliability Standards were
the help of Janna Access LLC, an
approved for the purpose of protect-
access control integration company
4. CyberLock Installed in a Net Shelter Box
ing the physical security of critical
located in Columbia Station, Ohio.
cyber assets. CIP Standard 006-1
"Janna Access came on site and
"requires a responsible entity to create
worked very closely with our IT
and maintain a physical security plan
people. Janna gave us the IT support
that ensures that all cyber assets within
we required to integrate the system
an electronic security perimeter also
and provided the training our staff
reside within an identified physical
needed to operate the system," says
security perimeter. The physical secu-
Blickensdorf. (See photo 3)
rity plan must contain processes for
ITC replaced the cylinders in their
identifying, controlling, and monitoring mechanical locks with electronic
all access points and authorization
cylinders. They have installed
requests. The Reliability Standard also
electronic locks on their RTU and
requires that the logging of physical
NetShelter cabinets and control-
access must occur at all times, and the
house doors. Electronic padlocks are
information logged must be sufficient
protecting their TMedic boxes and
to uniquely identify individuals."1
perimeter fence gates. "The physical
5. CyberLock Padlock on an ITU Cabinet
cyber assets we are protecting with

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is programmed to access selected locks at specific locations and only during certain times of the day. The electronic locks and keys audit openings and unauthorized attempts to enter areas that protect electronic data and the equipment it's housed in.
"The electronic lock system
provides a two-pronged approach to controlling physical access to our electronic assets. First, we can control who we issue a key to and how the key is to be used by that person. Second, we can track that person's activity at the different sites," summarizes Blickensdorf.
ITC's vision to have the best secu-
rity measures in place to protect the reliability of their grid continues to grow. By partnering with a capable access control system integrator and
Andy Hilverda, V.P. of Videx
taking advantage of today's advances
the electronic locks are critical under
and unaccounted for. "With the new in security technology, they have
the CIP Reliability Standards," says
restrictive electronic key in the field, implemented integrated security
Blickensdorf. (See photo 4, page 18)
we have accountability and an elec-
systems that will continue to provide
ITC has issued electronic keys to
tronic record of where the key has
the physical security and account-
their contractors and employees in
been used, how it has been used,
ability they require. As government
the field that need access to substa-
and by whom," says Blickensdorf.
standards evolve and new security
tions and other sensitive areas. ITC
Each electronic key is set with an
threats emerge, ITC is in a strong
primarily utilizes a contract work
automatic expiration to reduce the
position to respond quickly and
force for their field work. These
risks associated with lost keys. If
alliance partner contractors typi-
a key is missing, ITC can quickly
cally work full-time on ITC projects
deactivate the key or let the key
and are tasked with maintaining
the electric power grid. They
"Everyone in the industry is
require access to the substations
working towards CIP compliance,"
in order complete their tasks. ITC
states Blickensdorf. He adds, "The
programs each authorized person's
electronic lock system assists us
electronic key with the access
with compliance to CIP standards
privileges they need to do their
by tracking individuals that go into
particular job. (See photo 5, page 18)
locations that contain critical cyber
The use of the electronic key
assets." Through the placement
has eliminated issues that ITC
of an electronic lock, they can at
About the Author: Andy Hilverda is Vice
experienced in the past with their
any point download information
President of Videx, Inc., a company that designs
mechanical keys. Keys were being
from that lock and determine who
and manufactures security products and
copied and shared, former employ-
recently accessed that particular
CyberLock electronic lock systems. Hilverda can
be reached at 541-758-0521, and [email protected].
ees had keys, and keys were missing location. Each authorized user's key
For more information go to www.videx.com.
Source: https://www.dhi.org/shared/forms/PDFforms/Publications/DH_09/8_Aug09/Aug09_3_ITCHoldings.pdf
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