
Your f rst choice in childcare.

Why choose a
Lollipops educare
Founded in 1997, Lollipops Educare is wholly New Zealand owned and
managed. With over thirty childcare centres now operating throughout the country,
Lollipops Educare offers state-of-the-art facilities, hand-picked staff and excellent staff
to child ratios.
A recent report by the Ministry of Education and the New Zealand Council for Educational Research found that children benefit from quality early childhood education. The Competent Children, Competent Learners Project report showed that as teenagers, children who had attended a quality early childhood education centre had higher scores on average for literacy, numeracy, logical problem-solving, and social skills. At Lollipops Educare, you can trust that your child is receiving quality childcare. It's a standard that each of our childcare centres takes very seriously and one that we continually strive to advance upon.

Lollipops educare
Family and
statement of
At Lollipops Educare we believe that the inclusion of family and the community are an integral part of the positive development of a child.
at Lollipops educare we believe
that the four principles of Te
Whariki underpin our philosophy
• Staff take children into the community where possible
and the community visits the centre where appropriate.
on how the children within our
• Staff are aware of what resources are available in the
care learn and develop.
community to support the centre, children and families.
Staff acknowledge and support that our
curriculum is bicultural and our practices within the centres reflect this.
We believe that in order for children to develop holistically, educators must gain knowledge of the children within their care. We believe that all children
We believe that for children to develop positively
must be treated as individuals and respected for their
it is the role of the educators to provide
opportunities for children to be empowered on a
regular basis.
• Staff are proactive in learning about and introducing
children to the various cultures within their centre.
• Staff are aware of the developmental
levels of each child and use this
• Staff are respectful of the beliefs of individual families
information to provide opportunities that
and accommodate these beliefs where possible.
will foster a child's self confidence.
• Staff provide an environment that is interactive, age
• Where possible children are given
appropriate, stimulating and safe.
opportunities to make choices.
• Staff provide a healthy and nutritious menu that caters
• Staff use positive and
for the individual requirements of all children.
• Children and their families
are encouraged to share
their culture within the
At Lollipops Educare staff are committed to role modeling
and supporting positive relationships. Reciprocal relationships are paramount in the positive development of relationships between staff, parents and children.
supporting practices
• We provide a child centred environment where children
have the opportunity to contribute, thus promoting a sense of belonging.
• The staff are committed to being an effective team and
work within a team contract.
• Staff use a variety of ways to ensure communication
is open and effective, e.g. daily conversation,
monthly newsletter, informative
notice board.

individual programme planning
At Lollipops Educare we implement the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum – Te Whariki. Te Whariki is based on
four principles of learning: Empowerment, Holistic Development, Family and Community and Relationships. These
four principles are incorporated into our daily programme and are designed to build confidence in children, develop
positive relationships, and have the individual requirements of each child met.
We take pride in the fact that we cater for the individual needs of each child. We acknowledge that you, as your child's primary caregiver, have the most knowledge about your child and we encourage your input into the development of our programme planning.
The educators at Lollipops Educare are skilled at documenting segments of your child's day. This may be through written observations, artwork or photos. We utilize data that we collect to identify your child's current interests and strengths, this information then assists us to set individual learning goals. All of this valuable information is kept in a portfolio, which is available for your viewing at any time.
At Lollipops Educare we are committed to employing the best possible person for the
position required. All of our staff are supported with regular opportunities to attend
professional development courses and in-house training.
We pride ourselves in providing excellent educator child ratios, which means that your child is receiving the best possible care. We have an Open Door Policy and encourage you to spend time at the centre getting to know our educators and the routines that we incorporate into our programme.
All of our staff wear a uniform, which is easily identified by the Lollipops logo, and they would be more than happy to discuss any areas of early childhood education with you.
We recognize school readiness
that our children Each of our centres provide a School Readiness
are New Zealand's programme. This programme was developed by a
skilled team of educators from both an Early Childhood
and Primary School background. Our programme provides a holistic approach to supporting all children in the development of the foundation skills. Our
We must provide our children
programme is based on a partnership between the
with educational, cultural and
centre and our families - our Senior staff would be happy to discuss this programme with you further.
social experiences that will
positively influence the
remainder of their lives.
Hours of operation
At Lollipops Educare we endeavour to meet the needs of
the local community. Our operating times are often dictated
by the local council, please refer to the individual Centres Terms of Trade for their opening and closing times.
All of our centres follow strict policies on safety within the centre. All appropriate measures are taken to ensure
that children's safety is paramount. Staff are trained in Hazard Identification, Hazard Elimination and First Aid.
absences and
Unfortunately, although rare, accidents do happen.
If the accident requires medical attention we will contact
you and if necessary, seek medical attention until you arrive. Our priority is to the well-being of your child. If the
Each centre follows its own policy regarding the stated.
accident is minor and the injury can be dealt with in the
Please read the terms of trade for this information or speak
centre, a first aid trained person will administer first aid
to the Centre Manager.
and document the details of the accident and treatment.
The Lollipops Educare general philosophy is to accept each child as an individual and focus on their individual
Children who take medication on a regular basis must
requirement. Educators are skilled at praising positive
have a signed medication action plan which allows us to
behaviour and using re-direction as a form of managing
administer this medication, such as ventolin inhalers. Any
inappropriate behaviour. No Lollipops Educare centre
short term medications such as antibiotics etc, must be
uses any form of physical punishment, harsh language or
signed in daily, then given to an educator.
belittling of children. We work in partnership with families for the benefit of the child. Please talk to us at any time
No medicine should be left in children's bags.
with any issues that you may have – our educators have a
wealth of knowledge and would be happy to discuss this at a convenient time to you.
At Lollipops Educare we are committed to eliminating child illness within our centres. We ask that if your child has any
of the following symptoms that you keep him/her at home until they have been cleared by your doctor:
• A high temperature.
Each centre will have its own way of celebrating
• Vomiting or diarrhoea.
childrens birthdays. However each centre is
• An unidentified rash.
consistent in its approach to Healthy Eating. We ask that you do not bring in cakes, and other
• An inflamed throat or eyes.
food items. We have a responsibility to
Our staff follow this same policy. If your child becomes
ensure that we know the ingredients of all
unwell whilst in our care we will contact you and ask
foods that we give our children so that
that you collect your child as soon as possible. If we are
children with allergic conditions are
informed of a contagious illness we will inform all families
not compromised. Please talk to
by way of newsletter or our notice board.
your children's educators to see what the policy is
in your centre.
Each centre has its own policy on promoting
positive behaviour in young children.
starting your
child at Lollipops
Lollipops educare centres
each follow a policy for the
settling of new children. Here
are a few tips for making the
transition a smooth one for
you and your child.
• You need to feel comfortable about
your child feel free
leaving your child in someone else's care.
to ask the educator concerned
Children, regardless of age, pick up on your
to support you in settling your child.
feelings. If you are feeling positive about the
• Feel free to send along a special blanket
centre your child will feel less apprehensive
(named) if you feel that this will make the
about their new adventure. We encourage you
settling process easier for your child.
to spend time in the centre with your child,
• Always communicate with us. We are
become familiar with our routines and use this
sympathetic to new families and children who
time to express any aspirations that you have
are settling and feel that team work is the best
for your child.
approach to the situation.
• Spend time finding out what your child enjoys
• Phone us at any time of the day to check
doing, this will be a good place to settle him/
on your child's progress. If he/she becomes
her in the future. Please ensure that your child
distressed we will communicate with you and
is always brought into the centre, and signed
together put strategies in place to support the
settling of your child. Always ensure that your
• When you feel comfortable to leave your child
contact details are current.
please make sure that you say "goodbye",
• At the end of the day we will give you a
and give your child a time that you will return
progress report on your child's day. Take
i.e. I will be back at afternoon tea-time. The
opportunities to talk to your child about their
educators are skilled at settling children but
day and all of the exciting things that they did.
ask that you never sneak out of the centre as
• Rest assured all children take differing
this will cause mistrust.
amounts of time to settle into day care life. Be
• It is usual for children to bond with certain
consistent in your approach and keep the lines
educators. If you find that this is the case for
of communication with us open.
sleep Time
sun sense
Each of our centres are well equipped for children and
Lollipops Educare centres follow a Sun Protection Policy.
babies to have a sleep or rest. In the under two's area each
We ask that you send a named sun hat with your child each
baby has their own cot and linen and the room temperature
day in the summer months (October–May). We will apply
is always at a comfortable level. We encourage you to bring
sun-screen regularly throughout the day with your written
any special item that your baby settles with during sleep time.
permission (see enrolment form). Staff will ensure that
Lollipops Educare centres do not allow babies to be put to
activities are placed in shaded areas and that children have
bed with bottles or wearing bibs. Each Lollipops Educare
access to fresh drinking water at all times. Educators will
centre endeavours to follow the same sleeping routines that take opportunities throughout the day to educate children.
you have at home. Please discuss individual requirements with us. Over two year olds are also encouraged to sleep or rest and have their own mattress/stretcher and linen. All children are monitored during sleep/rest times, these patterns are recorded and available for you to view daily. Please familiarise yourself with the Sleeping Policy within your Lollipops Educare Centre.
What do you need
to bring to Lollipops
At Lollipops Educare we pride ourselves in the resources
What skills did
and activities that we have readily available for the children's pleasure. Sometimes these activities involve water, paint or
i develop today at
messy play. We do provide aprons but it is important that
children feel comfortable in what they are wearing and are
• I had my imagination extended.
able to get messy.
• I talked a lot to my friends and teacher – extending my
Please include in your child's bag:
language and social skills.
• One spare change of clothes (over twos), well named.
• My fine motor skills were strengthened.
• Two spare changes of clothes (under twos), well named.
• I made choices – my confidence grew.
• A well named sun hat (summer months).
• My concentration span developed.
• Nappies – some centres have an option to purchase
• I was offered healthy food choices – supporting my
nappies directly from them.
All of our centres provide nutritious meals – either by
• I climbed, ran and jumped – my large motor skills
having our in-house cook or meals especially bought in. If
your child has special dietary needs please discuss these at your time of enrolment.
Source: https://www.evolveweb.nz/uploads/site/18/files/pdfs/enrolment%20pack.pdf
doi:10.1006/jmbi.2001.4843 available online at on J. Mol. Biol. (2001) 311, 87±100 X-ray Structure of TMP Kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complexed with TMP at 1.95 AÊ ResolutionI. Li de la SierraH. , A. M. , O. Baà 1Unite de Biochimie Structurale The X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TMP kinase at 1.95 AÊ resolution is described as a binary complex with its natural substrate
LOS ACTOS DE CONFUSIÓN E IMITACIÓN EN EL PROYECTO DE LEY POR EL QUE SE MODIFICA EL RÉGIMEN LEGAL DE LA COMPETENCIA DESLEAL. A. Jorge Viera González Profesor Titular de Derecho Mercantil Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 1. Introducción. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo exponer de una forma crítica el contenido de la reforma de los actos de confusión e imitación que se contiene en el Proyecto de Ley por