Human parasites

Published by Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
June 2008
Arthropod Diagnostician
Extension Entomology Specialist
What You Should Know
• Very few insects are considered pests, and even fewer are actual y parasites of humans.
• If you believe your body is infested with insects or other parasites, consult a physician immediately.
• Never try to remove parasites or treat yourself.
Entomologists often get "bug" samples for identification, including those that accidental y infest residences. In the United States, we are
Fig. 1. Typical specimens collected by delusions of
fortunate to have very few arthropods (e.g., insects,
cleptoparasitosis sufferer. Glass contains rubbing alcohol,
spiders, mites, ticks, etc.) that actual y infest or feed on
pieces of fiber, crumbs, sticks, and various particles. The
humans. Rarely, samples come from the human body,
client was convinced there were arthropods in this glass.1
most often fleas, lice and mites. Table 1 lists the most common arthropods in North America that can infest
Steps for Diagnosing Human Parasites
or feed on humans. In addition, only a few arthropods infest and cause damage to structures, and include:
If you believe that your body has been infested with
carpenter ants, termites, powderpost beetles, carpet
parasites, or your residence is infested structural pests,
beetles, and clothes moths.
the following steps should be taken to determine a proper diagnosis. In general, always use a professional to properly identify the pest and make management
Table 1. Most common North American human parasites
recommendations for long-term control.
Common Name Scientific Name
If you believe your body is infested:
human body louse Pediculus humanus humanus human
• Visit your family physician or dermatologist for a
Pediculus humanus capitus
complete check-up.
Pthirus pubis
Cimex lectularius
• If recommended, have the doctor take skin sam-
Cimex pilosellus
ples of suspected infested area. DO NOT take skin
Haematosiphon inodorus
samples yourself, because it could lead to personal
Oeciacus vicarius
injury and/or contamination of the sample.
Triatominae species
Oriental rat flea
Xenopsylla cheopis
• If a parasite is confirmed by the doctor, talk openly
Pulex irritans
about possible treatments. If arthropods are not
Ctenocephalides canis
detected, be open-minded about other causes.
Ctenocephalides felis
chigoe; sandflea
Tunga penetrans
scabies; itch mite
Sarcoptes scabiei
If you believe your residence is infested:
Notoedres cati
• Have the pest(s) positively identified by an ento-
Dermanyssus gallinae
mologist or another professional BEFORE you make
tropical rat mite
Ornithonyssus bacoti
treatment decisions.
Pyemotes tritici
Dermacentor species
• Consult an entomologist on ways to prevent reinfes-
Xodes species
tation and long-term control.
Amblyomma americanum
• If an arthropod or infestation can't be found, con-
Rhipicehpalus sanguineus
sider alternate causes for structural damage.
UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305
T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197
Negative Diagnosis: Now What?
Delusions of Parasitosis
Sometimes doctors, dermatologists and entomologists
If you are certain that you are infested with bugs, but
find no causal agent behind your bodily or residential
doctors and entomologists do not agree with you, there
arthropod infestation, but you are stil afflicted with the
are other possibilities of the origins of your infestation.
symptomology of infestation. If you are not satisfied
A delusion is defined as a fixed belief that is held to be
with a diagnosis it is always advisable to seek a second
true despite evidence to the contrary (for example, you
opinion; however, second opinions may result in the
believe you are infested, but doctors and entomologists
same diagnosis. If you enter a cycle where you seek out
say you are not). The problem is that your symptoms are
new doctors, contact new entomologists and/or submit
real, but you believe the cause is one thing (arthropods)
many samples that never yield desired diagnoses, call
when in reality it might be caused by something
many pest-control companies to inspect and/or spray
else (medication interactions or side effects, il ness,
insecticides, or have attempted self-treatment, you must
psychological disorders, traumatic experiences in your
consider other causes for your infestation. Other causal
past, stress, or even guilt). Please refer to Table 2 to see
agents commonly misdiagnosed as parasitic infestations
the broad range of medical conditions that may cause
include environmental, medical, or psychological
sensations like inflammation of the skin (dermatitis),
problems. Below is a brief discussion of non-arthropod
abnormal redness of the skin (erythema), sensations of
causes for symptoms of bodily or home infestation.
bugs crawling on the skin (formication), sensations of prickling, tingling or creeping on the skin (paresthesia),
Entomophobia is defined as a persistent, excessive and
itching (pruritus) and wound or cut marks from scratching
irrational fear of insects.
(urticaria). The sensation of parasites could be from a non-arthropod source.
Illusions of Parasitosis2 when the symptomology of a
person's believed infestation is environmental. Examples
of this include fiberglass or other fibers that cause
Table 2. Common medical conditions and side effects3
itching, direct air-flow to some part of the body causing drying and itching, and al ergens/detergents in the
erythema paresthesia pruritus rash urticaria
house that cause rashes. Commonly, this type of il usion is shared by many people (up to 150 in one account)
sharing close quarters (common at home or work) who
are al convinced that they are infested. For il usions of
autoimmune disease
parasitosis, simply modifying the environmental problem
may resolve the suspected arthropod infestation. Since
this type of il usion is usual y fixable, it wil not be covered
in any more detail in this fact sheet. If arthropods are not
found in your home or any of your submitted samples,
environmental factors should be ruled out before
diabetes mellitus
pursuing further treatment.
fluoride poisoning
heavy metal toxicity
Delusions of Parasitosis when people believe they are
being bitten or infested by arthropods, but no parasites
are present. If this is a possibillity there are ways to treat
your symptoms so that you may return to living a pest-
Delusions of Cleptoparasitosis4 not as common as
delusions of parasitosis. This occurs when people
believe that their house or belongings are infested with
multiple sclerosis
arthropods (Fig. 1). Symptoms, causes and treatments of
delusions of cleptoparasitosis are similar to delusions of
rheumatoid arthritis
UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305
T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197
Delusions of Parasitosis Continued
Sometimes medical conditions alone do not cause parasitosis-like symptoms. For some people, prescription and non-prescription drugs, like cocaine or methamphetamines, can cause irritating dermatological symptoms. Occasional y, people may be taking multiple medications that cause negative interactions.
Table 3. Forty-nine most commonly prescribed medications in the United States and their side effects3
Drug Type erythema paresthesia pruritus rash urticaria
Darvocet, Darvon
Propoxyphene N/APAP
Tylenol with Codeine
Acetaminophen/Codeine analgesic
Prednisone, Panasol
Trimox, Augmentin
Albuterol, Ventolin
cardiovascular -
Premarin, Prempro
Furosemide, Lasix
Procardia, Adalat
Tenormin, Atenolol
Zestril, Prinivil
Synthroid, Levoxyl
UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305
T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197
Delusions of Parasitosis Continued
environmental causes. It is important that we recognize delusions of parasitosis symptoms in order to better help those individuals. People with delusions of parasitosis
If you do not take any medications, nor have any serious
often fail to provide actual specimens, but can provide
medical issues listed above, then the problem may be of
vivid and detailed descriptions of their pests:
a psychological origin. If all options have already been examined, and the cycle of doctors, entomologists, and
• black and white, but change colors
pest control companies continues without end, it is highly
recommended that a psychologist be seen. There are
• have eight little legs and a small sucker
many underlying issues like depression, dementia, anxiety,
• half moon shape, like the end of a fingernail
and stress that can lead to delusions of parasitosis.
• moth-like creatures
With therapy, and treating the underlying problems, full
• waxy looking fuzz balls
recovery can be attained. There are also prescription
• granules about the size of a grain of salt
medications available which can alleviate your
• long hairs that move independently
symptoms. A candid visit to your psychologist, in most
• tiny white worm with a brown bob on its head
cases, will lead to treatment and recovery.
• worm-like coating around the hair root, with a black bulb attached
Human Parasites For Entomologists
Although not as common, sometimes the delusion can
An entomologist's role is to positively identify arthropods
manifest itself in the form of a household infestation
found in and around human structures and property,
instead of on the body, called delusions of cleptoparasi-
and make management recommendations when
tosis. Some common attributes of delusions
necessary. If human or animal parasites (e.g., fleas, lice,
of cleptoparasatosis sufferers are listed below.
etc.) are detected, a physician or veterinarian should be consulted for treatment. Entomologists or other
• strong conviction of home arthropod infestation, but
professional inspectors are not allowed to diagnose
none are present
medical conditions, even if those conditions directly
• emotional trauma, especially from marital problems
or indirectly involve arthropods. Sometimes, samples
• submit samples of fiber, cloth, hairs, scabs as possible
simply do not contain any arthropods, and therefore
identification is impossible. Furthermore, no action
• have multiple home inspections examining arthropod-
can be recommended except to seek the advise of
damaged wood, but damage is normal wear-and-tear
a qualified physician. Sometimes the entomologists'
• multiple phone calls or office visits which usually
diagnosis, positive or negative, is not agreed with by the
escalate in hostility as a desired diagnosis is not
client. This is especially true for an apparently on-going
parasitic infestation with no supporting evidence.
• sufferers are usually older individuals, especially females • symptomology is similar to, or may progress to those
As entomologists, we can only examine samples and
commonly seen in delusions of parasitosis
identify the presence or absence of arthropods. We are
• client suddenly breaks-off communication
not qualified to make other suggestions for medical or
1 Image courtesy of Erin Hodgson, Utah State University Extension.
2 Willliam Waldron. 1972. The Entomologist and Illusions of Parasitosis. The Western Journal of Medicine. Vol. 117 No. 2, pp. 76-78.
3 Tables were recreated from "Delusory Parasitosis" with permission from Nancy C. Hinkle. American Entomologist, Vol. 46 No. 1, pp. 17-25.
4 Kenneth J. Grace and David L. Wood. 1987. Delusory Cleptoparasitosis: Delusions of Arthropod Infestation in the Home. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, Vol. 63 No. 1, pp. 1-4.
Precautionary Statement: Al pesticides have benefits and risks, however fol owing the label wil maximize the benefits and reduce risks. Pay attention to the
directions for use and fol ow precautionary statements. Pesticide labels are considered legal documents containing instructions and limitations. Inconsistent
use of the product or disregarding the label is a violation of both federal and state laws. The pesticide applicator is legally responsible for proper use.
Utah State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of il egal discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 and older), disability, and veteran's status. USU's policy also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in employment and academic related practices and decisions. USU employees and students cannot, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran's status, refuse to hire; discharge; promote; demote; ter-minate; discriminate in compensation; or discriminate regarding terms, privileges, or conditions of employment, against any person otherwise qualified. Employees and students also cannot discriminate in the classroom, residence hal s, or in on/off campus, USU-sponsored events and activities. This publication is issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Noelle Cockett, Vice President for Extension and Agriculture, Utah State University.
New Analogues of Acyclovir – Synthesis and Biological ActivityIvanka Stankovaa,*, Stoyan Schichkovb, Kalina Kostovab, and Angel Galabovc a Department of Chemistry, South-West University "Neofi t Rilski'', Ivan Michailov Str. 66, Blagoevgrad 2700, Bulgaria. Fax: ++359 73 88 55 16. E-mail: [email protected] b St. Kl. Ohridski Sofi a University, Faculty of Biology, Laboratory of Virology, Sofi a 1164,
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