
Land West of Horsham
Stakeholders Consultation Report
November 2006

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. The Core Strategy 3. Masterplan
4. Transport Stakeholders Consultation 22nd November 5. Community & Leisure Stakeholders Consultation 30th
1. Event
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework

1. Introduction
1.1 The Report
Land West of Horsham has been identified for development by Horsham
District Council in policy CP7 of the Core Strategy. Over the last year
Horsham District Council has been working with local stakeholders in the
early preparation of a masterplan.
This report summarises two stakeholder events which where held in
November 2006. The first event concentrated on transport related issues
regarding access to the development. The second consultation focused on
community and leisure provisions in the new development. The events
brought together key stakeholders – District Council officers, private
developers, District Councillors, Parish and Neighbourhood Councillors, and
interest groups.
The consultation sessions consisted of workshops which successfully drew
together a range of options for consideration in the preparation of the
masteplan for the West of Horsham strategic development location area. This
report provides an informative summary of both these events.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework

1.2 Goals and Outputs of the Workshops
The aim of these workshops is to allow the interested parties and stakeholders to examine the different options available within the site. The objectives of this consultation process are:
• Establish communication with the local stakeholders.
• Discuss the possibilities with the new junction and road network in the
surrounding area to the development site.
• Consider potential sites and locations for community and leisure
• Identify the key issues with the integration between both sides of the
new development with the existing community.
• Identify employment provision within the site.
• Consider and develop masterplan options.
The format of both consultations consisted of presentations and workshop sessions in the form of group work. The transport consultation predominantly consisted of a presentation by WSP transport consultants. This was followed by a group session looking at and discussing the different transport plans and initial ideas regarding the issue of not rat running on existing roads. The second consultation was in the form of group workshops.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework

2. The Core Strategy
The Core Strategy policy CP7 allocates land west of Horsham for 2,000
homes and other uses which include leisure, open space and community
facilities. The core Strategy can be viewed on line at
The Examination Hearings into the Core Strategy were held between the 5th -
21st September 2006. The Examination Hearings for the West of Horsham
focused on the process for preparing the masterplan and issues relating to the
location of the development and infrastructure requirements. The outcome of
the Examination may affect the timetable for the production of the masterplan.
The Inspectors' binding report is expected to be received by 15th January
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
3. Masterplan Stage
Previous to the most recent consultations, Horsham District Council have held
similar events which have provided essential understanding in the early
stages of the masterplanning of this area.
The previous events, which have been held over the last year, are as follows:
• 20th March - Visions and Opportunities Workshop. This was a key
stakeholder event predominantly attended by relevant Parish and Neighbourhood Councils.
• 6th May – Collaborative Design Workshop. Attended by interested
parties including the Horsham Society, conservation groups, local Churches and Parish Councils.
• 20th May – Public exhibition and open day. The open day was attended
by around 600 people.
• Questionnaire on development principles and masterplan options.
Many people completed these questionnaires and the responses were included in the Land West of Horsham masterplan, Stage one Engagement Report, July 2006 which was produced to summarise the key outcomes of these sessions. The summary was then reported to Council Members, those that where involved in the sessions and was placed on the Horsham District Council Website.
Evidence gathering and early
May – November 2006
community and stakeholder
Public participation on Draft SPD
January – March 2007
Consultation on Issues and Options
January – November 2006
Public participation on Preferred
February – March 2007
Submission to S of S
September – October 2007
March/April 2008
Receipt of Inspectors binding report
September/October 2008
Likely receipt of planning
Completion of first units
Timetable for the preparation of the West of Horsham strategic location masterplan (Core Policy CP7)
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
4. Transport Stakeholders Consultation
The consultation started with a presentation by Mike Sheehan and Andrew Cameron from WSP transport consultants on the options available for the road network surrounding the West of Horsham development. The presentation consisted of the initial thoughts on some possible transport solutions for the development of the site. The main transport issue is the type of junction that will need to be built to access land on both sides of the A24. This could be:- • Grade-separated junction (traffic using the A24 to flow under a new all-
movements junction)
• At-grade junction (an all movements junction at ground level managed by
Issues relating to a grade-separated junction:-
• Additional roads are needed
• Higher levels of noise generated
• Higher levels of light pollution
Issues relating to a at-grade junction:-
• Safer pedestrian crossing
• May interrupt traffic flows on the A24
• Less land space is used
• Contrary to West Sussex County Council standard policy for grade
separated junctions on A24
If an at-grade junction is developed the following improvements will be necessary to the wider transport network:-
• Traffic lights at Farthings Hill Roundabout
• Traffic lights at Robin Hood Roundabout
• Great Daux roundabout unlikely to need traffic lights in the initial stages
but may do so in the longer term.
Possible changes to the existing Broadbridge Heath by-pass (A264) could include:-
• Downgrading.
• Replacement of the roundabout outside the Tesco entrance/exit with
• Traffic lights outside the retail park to enable a left right turn.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
• Potentially put traffic lights on the roundabout at the end of the
Billingshurst Road A264, before entering Broadbridge Heath.
The changes to the Broadbridge Heath by-pass would provide opportunities for better cohesion with the existing community in Broadbridge Heath. It would also help to provide safer and more accessible crossings for pedestrians and cyclists. Feedback from the presentation includes comments on:
• There is a need for a bus/cycle/pedestrian/ emergency vehicle link
between the new development, east of the A24, to Hills Farm Lane.
• Traffic lights on an at-grade junction allow safer crossing for
pedestrians and cyclists as the traffic flow is stopped.
• The public transport infrastructure and services need to be agreed
before the development begins and in place before the first homes are completed.
• When the transport consultants look at the wider picture of traffic flows
along the A24 the traffic flow on the network roads around Broadbridge Heath also need further investigation.
• There are concerns that the introduction of traffic lights at Farthings
Hill, Robin Hood and Great Daux roundabout along the A24 will increase travelling times.
• The possibility of a road link between the new development and
Christ's Hospital station was discussed in order to reduce travel to Horsham station.
• Problems may arise if a new primary school is built south of
Broadbridge Heath. The residents of the new development would be in short walking distance but, the existing community would have further to travel. This may lead to high levels of traffic at peak school times.
• The road network within the new development needs to have good
access to the whole development with no area left isolated. The designs of the new roads also need to be pedestrian friendly.
• Concerns were raised that the new highway network, as the use of
traffic lights in particular, would change the character of the approach to Horsham.
• Concerns that the designs and materials used for the road
improvements would be unsustainable and environmentally damaging.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
5. Community & Leisure Stakeholders Consultation
The community and leisure stakeholders event was attended by key local stakeholders and technical advisors. The purpose of the event was to retrieve key feedback to the issues and options that may be available within the site in relation to the key themes outlined below.
Theme 1.1: Affordable Housing
Integrating Affordable Housing:
• The best form of distributing affordable housing within the
development is through groupings of about 12-20 dwellings in each location. This enables for better community cohesion and easier management from the housing associations; however it is important to integrate the design of the houses across the tenures (tenure neutrality or tenure blindness is the aim).
• There must be a balance between flats and houses with the
sizes and type of housing carefully balanced. For example not to many family houses situated together.
• A tenure balance must be achieved and the market for shared
ownership must be explored.
• The need for supported housing is being identified together with
the level of needs. Some higher level needs groups need to be grouped together for better economies of scale. Partners will work on revenue support for special needs housing.
• How could the development cater for and adapt to an increase
in the elderly population. If this happened the development could sufferer from ‘new town syndrome'
• There must be no isolation to any of the affordable housing.
• Get RSL's (Registered Social Landlord) working on the
development from the onset and identifying the needs for the development.
• Partners should be chosen as early as possible so they can fully
contribute to the process and commit resources.
• The RSL's must identify the financial needs of the development
which include the ongoing costs.
• RSL's must identify the physical management of such large
scale affordable housing. They need to have a intensive management plan that starts early and is flexible and able to adapt to changes. The ability to manage mixed tenure schemes is critical.
• RSL'S are able to bring a lot of expertise with regard to master
planning, resident liaison and design and layout as well as a strong community role.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Funding and Delivery:
• Funding needs to be put in place early especially with the early
involvement of the RSL's.
• Funding needs to meet the long term revenue needs of any
special needs/supported housing.
• Funding needs to be flexible especially in the latter stages of the
• The Housing Corporation will require detailed bids for funding
from the partner RSL'S in time to meet set bidding timescales.
Community Development and Cohesion:
• Both parts of this split development need to be managed and
integrated with the existing community facilities.
• There needs to be the introduction of a youth worker or
community worker early in the development who can generate good community links.
Theme 1.2: Sustainable Construction and renewable energy:
• There was agreement that the development needed to be built
to be as sustainable as possible.
• A range of different priorities for sustainable development, of
which sustainable construction is a part was considered.
• No one priority was favoured, but energy and water issues were
both highlighted as areas that the West of Horsham masterplan should address. In the long term improved building control guidelines suggested as a mechanism to achieve this.
• There needs to be planning for the future as standards may
continue to rise.
• The development needs attractive pedestrian and cycle routes
and lanes to make it easier for people to make less car journeys.
• There needs to be better use of grey water re-cycling and using
well sourced materials.
• There needs to be a strategy for how the community manages
the long term maintenance.
• Encourage the use of energy that has long tern sustainability.
• Different types of energy used may be dependent on the costs
• Need to focus on how sustainable community facilities and
buildings will be.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Management (renewable Energy):
• It is important that buildings are as energy efficient as possible
before any renewable energy is installed.
• A resource audit needs to be carried out to determine the most
realistic sources of renewable energy in the area.
• Wind may not be a suitable source of energy-it needs an
exposed location.
• Ground source heat pump must be installed in energy efficient
buildings. The pumps are beneficial as in summer they can be reversed and used for cooling. The negative side to heat pumps is that they have to be on all the time and are run by electricity, but a green energy supply could assist with this.
• Photovoltaic is not a viable solution for producing energy at the
current time, as it is very expensive to buy, although once installed it is low maintenance.
• Solar water heating is a viable solution to heating – it is a proven
technology and economically viable.
• Waste from industries could be refused as Combined Heat and
Power. There needs to be links created from these industries within the District to utilise this form of renewable energy.
• Woodland coppicing could also be used as a source of energy.
This wood is "carbon neutral" as the carbon dioxide released when it is burnt is reabsorbed by the next crop of trees. This source of energy could also enhance the rural economy.
Theme 1.3: Employment:
Retail Needs:
• There is already a retail park in Broadbridge Heath, and also a
Tesco superstore. This could severely limit the scope for further retail floor space within the West of Horsham development.
• There might be scope for uses such as hairdressers, takeaways
• A mix of community facilities/ retail provision and employment
provision is more sustainable.
• The employment/retail provision needs to be clearly identified in
the masterplan. Further study is necessary to identify the needs of retail and employment.
• Housing types and tenure mix will influence the nature of any
employment/ retail provision.
• Broadbridge Heath Village Plan didn't identify the need for retail
• The lesson of the impact of Tesco's on Southwater and its retail
provision should be considered.
• There are empty buildings/units in Horsham Town already.
• Premises could be a mix of free and leasehold.
• There is more need for retail on the Denne side of the
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Type of Employment:
Tie-in community/leisure facilities with employment opportunities
particularly in any potential village centre.
High level of home-based businesses within the District See success of Micro-biz. There is a need to provide for their
growth and expansion
Home-based business has a positive effect on sustainable
issues such as transport/ car use.
Starter Units/ Managed Workspaces are important to help these
businesses grow a good example is Sussex Innovation Centre/ Crawley Diamond Hub.
Overall it is considered that a more flexible approach to
commercial development should be applied particularly for new employment. This has traditionally been focused on floor space provision for B-class uses. However, other uses such as community facilities and services may also provide some employment which must be taken into account when considering the level of provision.
Theme 2.1 Formal Sport/Leisure Provision
Local Facilities:
• Provision of multi-sport facilities/venues should be
• There is the need for an increased amount of full size and
junior/youth football pitches. In addition to this the football pitches need adequate parking as problems with parking at football pitches already exists. There is a significant increase in the amount of cars on match days for example Hills Farm Lane football pitches leads to a high level of congestion on the road making it dangerous for other road users. There was also a need for the correct ancillary facility such as changing rooms. Any new pitches built need to be to a good standard with good drainage.
• There may be a opportunity to provide changing room facilities
on The Needles football pitch site.
• All the facilities need to be accessible for all of the community.
This includes both sides of the new development and the existing settlement of Broadbridge Heath.
• The possibility of shared use facilities needs consideration in
order to have the best use and access of all facilities. The local schools which include Tanbridge House School and the new primary school could play a key role in this. Pitches would need to be constructed and maintained to a high specification to cope with school and community use.
• Facilities need to be used at all times of the day and year for
example not only used at weekends enabling the best use of facilities.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
• All new local facilities need to be designed for flexible use for
formal sport and other informal recreation and community activities. There needs to be extended use of all facilities.
• We need to plan and build on existing facilities. Facilities such
as the Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club and Tennis Club could be enhanced rather than replaced. This could include the introduction of better ancillary facilities. Though the site is some distance from CP7 area.
• All sporting facilities need to compliment each other rather than
compete against each other.
• Broadbridge Heath football club would like a ground for the club
as it is not financially viable to play at Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre as they cannot make any revenue from holding the matches at the centre. This could be built as a multi-use sports facility.
• A possible site is adjacent to the Broadbridge Heath cricket club.
Though there is accessibility concerns ideally a location serving and linking Broadbridge Heath and the CP7 area west of the A24 should be identified.
• One possibility may be expansion of the space surrounding the
existing Broadbridge Heath village centre if the road layout permits.
• It is important to build on existing facilities and enhance them.
The Broadbridge Heath residents do not want all leisure facilities in the new settlement. They have to be dispersed across the development.
Strategic Leisure:
• The possible new location for Broadbridge Heath Leisure
Centre. Possible sites include the land south of Tanbridge House School and the land south of the river adjacent to the A24.
• A problem with any large leisure complex is the floodlighting
therefore, the centre cannot be in to close proximity to dense housing as a large amount of light pollution is generated.
• There is a local demand for the running track at the leisure
centre to be upgraded from a six lane track to an eight lane track; though this is not supported by the Athletics Facilities Strategy.
• The redevelopment of Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre could
release funds for replacement facilities.
• It is a problem knowing what sporting facilities to provide if no-
one knows what type of people are going to live in the development.
• There is the possible introduction of a indoor tennis centre (with
outdoor courts).
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
• All facilities and perceived needs need to be realistic both
financially and within environmental constraints.
• Horsham Football Club would like their site to be in the new
development. A possible for this is south of Tanbridge House school.
Theme 2.2 Community
Priority uses:
• There is a need for a Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Office.
• Need for sufficient storage space for formal youth/faith groups
which could be centralised.
• All storage units needs to be safe and protected.
• A pub or restaurant that needs to be commercially viable and
could be linked to sport facilities and clubs.
• A country pub could be provided close to the Downslink to
attract walkers and cyclists. The effect on the existing pub will need to be taken into account.
• The need for a health centre with other primary health care
• Stages for public performances and outdoor play area.
• The introduction of public facilities in community space.
Priorities for Youth:
• There needs to be safe secure meeting places, which include
informal places to eat, drink and chat.
• There should be a building fit for purpose which could be a
shared use facility such as Tanbridge House School or an extension of the school, or the use of the new primary school.
• There does not necessarily have to be a formal youth group as
long as other community facilities are provided.
• Adults should be in proximity to these areas but, not necessarily
• Different age ranges should be included from pre-school - 18
• The introduction of a floodlit skate park or open access ball
• Youth meeting facilities should be kept away from residents.
Location and linkages:
• Youth provision may need to be supported from secondary
schools on the basis that the youth have been there all day.
• There is the possibility of the footprint for Horsham Football Club
also providing the location for a youth club, community hall or day nursery.
• There is the need for a Scouts club facility for Broadbridge
Heath (there is already an underutilised Scout Hut on the Denne
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
side which provides a morning pre-school nursery but is no longer used for regular scout meetings).
• Many of the new facilities could be built south of Broadbridge
heath as it would be a good place to integrate the two parts of the development.
• Perhaps uniform groups need their own facilities as they have
their own security issues.
• One built facility can provide for many uses for example a heath
centre could also provide for similar groups.
Theme 2.3 Open Space
• Ensure all areas are well maintained.
• Manage the problem with litter in open spaces.
• Hedgerows need to be maintained.
• Needs to be good formal landscaping in the open spaces.
• The need for allotments.
• There needs to be a good heart to the community which is
accessible to all with as good design and layout.
• There needs to be retention of the existing landscape features.
• There needs to be a high density of open space.
• There should be parking restrictions on green space.
• It is difficult to identify specific sites at this early stage.
• Leave the hill as an informal area of open space.
• Identify and enhance existing landscape features.
• There are concerns over the security of larger area of open
• For any location it is imperative that it can be easily accessed by
all the community both existing and new.
• Any allotments could be built on the floodplain.
Linkages and Groupings:
• There needs to be good linkages and enhancement of existing
linkages with the surrounding area.
• There needs to be large areas of open space that can cater for
• Play areas could be over looked to increase security.
• Allotments should be close to residential developments, but
number of plots could be split.
• Higher density residential development could increase the level
of land available for open space provision.
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Appendix 1
The assistance and participation shown by all stakeholders during the course
of both events is greatly acknowledged.
Consultation: Transport
The following individuals attended the 22 November stakeholder workshop:
Cllr Bernard Baldwin
Horsham District Council
West Sussex County Council
Horsham District Council
Christopher Burke
Slinfold Parish Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Mr Malcolm Curnock
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Mrs Helen Dayneswood Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Derek
Horsham District Council
West Sussex County Council
Broadbridge Heath Conservation Group
Cllr Sally Horner
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
John Howbery-Gale
Neighbourhood Council
West Sussex County Council
Slinfold Parish Council
Horsham District Council
Federation of Sussex Amenity Societies
Horsham District Council
Countryside Properties
Cllr Andrew Purches
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Southwater Parish Council
Cllr David Sheldon
Horsham District Council
WSP Transport Consultants
Horsham District Council
West Sussex County Council
Cllr Barbara Varley
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Cllr Brad Watson
West Sussex County Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Workshops 1: Affordable Housing, Employment and Sustainable
The following individuals attended the 30 November stakeholder workshops:
Carolyn Antill
Horsham District Council
Southern Housing Group
Horsham District Council
Cllr Bernard Baldwin
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Richard Donnelly Saxon
Horsham District Council
Adult Services Horsham
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Mr Malcolm Curnock
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Mrs Helen Dayneswood Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Mrs Viv Edwards
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Horsham District Council
Broadbridge Heath Conservation Group
Horsham District Council
Mrs Barbara Hutton
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Cllr Sally Horner
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Environment Agency
Cllr David Jenkins
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Cllr Andrew Purches
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Cllr Barbara Varley
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Workshops 2: Open Space, Community Facilities and Formal
sport/leisure provision
The following individuals attended the 30 November stakeholder workshops:
Cllr John Bailey
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Broadbridge Heath Football Club
Mr Malcolm Curnock
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Horsham District Council
Mrs Helen Dayneswood Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chris Dier
Horsham District Council
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Broadbridge Heath Conservation Group
Horsham Football Club
Mrs Barbara Hutton
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Cllr Sally Horner
Horsham District Council
Cllr David Jenkins
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham Football Club
Horsham District Council
Church Pastor, Kings Church
Cllr Andrew Purches
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Broadbridge Heath Football Club
Cllr Barbara Varley
Horsham District Council
West Sussex County Council
Sarah Eastman
Horsham District Council
West Sussex County Council
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council
Local Development Framework
Source: http://www.horshamdistrictldf.info/Files/WoH_Consultation_Report.pdf
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