

European Patent Attorneys • Chartered Patent Attorneys • Trade Mark Attorneys
Spring 2016
The UK referendum to leave or
remain part of the European Union
(EU) will be held on 23 June 2016. A
vote to leave the EU will not become
effective for a further two years and,
in that time, much will have to be
decided. In the world of patents, one
of the key decisions will be what will
happen to the impending Unitary
Patent system, which is presently only
open to members of the EU, (also true
for the current Community Trade Mark
and Registered Community Design
systems), and the Unitary Patent Court
for life science inventions, which is
replacing the UK as the third mandatory
This may lead to the slightly odd
currently being set up in London.
situation that the Unitary Patent Court
As one of the three countries, along
Even if the UK does vote to leave the
in London would not have jurisdiction
with Germany and France, which must
EU, it will still be a part of the European
over UK patent rights and litigation of a
ratify the Unitary Patent for it to come
Patent Convention such that patents will
life sciences patent would have to begin
into existence, it is uncertain what the
be prosecuted through the European
at the UK Courts in London for the UK
effects may be if the UK leaves the EU.
Patent Office as normal. After the Unitary
patent and at the Unitary Patent Court in
However, it is perhaps likely that the
Patent system has come into effect, a
London for the Unitary Patent effective for
system will continue with the Netherlands patent proprietor may obtain a Unitary
other European territories.
Patent to protect the invention in most of
In conclusion, leaving the EU may
Europe and the patent will automatically
lead to a number of uncertain years for
be validated in the UK (provided the
patents as the fine details are worked out.
Brexit decision imminent but a ‘leave'
patent is in English) and it will then be up
However, it is perhaps more likely that
vote means IP uncertainty may
‘remain' for some time 1
to the proprietor to decide if protection
this will all just be a storm in a very British
How much is enough to fall outside the
in the UK is desired and pay the UK
tea cup and nothing at all will change.
scope of a second medical use patent? 2
Patentability of Parthenotes
in Europe 4
If you would like to be added to our
mailing list for these newsletters or
Todays crystal ball gazing may be
tomorrow's lack of sufficiency 5
our award-winning sister publications
Make Your Mark and
Would you like a jelly baby with your
Pemetrexed Diacid? 6
Design features, please contact us at
Virtual patent marking 7

The UK Courts have spent a
considerable amount of time
over the last few years wrangling
over the question of what a generics
manufacturer is required to do in
- Further developments in the Pregabalin wars
order to prevent those they supply
Warner-Lambert v Actavis and Mylan and
with a drug from using it in an
Warner-Lambert v Sandoz and Lloyds Pharmacy
infringing way. To put it another
way, after the sale of a product or
As a brief reminder of the background
Both Activis and a generic drug
composition indicated for use in
of the various recent cases relating
manufacturer named Mylan filed for
a non-infringing way, how much
to pregabalin, Warner-Lambert had a
revocation of the Warner-Lambert
responsibility is on the manufacturer
patent for the drug pregabalin (supplied
second medical use patent. These two
to defend the patent rights of a
under the trademark Lyrica) which has
revocation actions were tried together
competitor? This is at the heart of
now expired. However, they also have a
along with the infringement case. This
the following cases and, as detailed
second medical use patent for pregabalin was a complex case and several issues
below, the UK Courts are not averse
for the treatment of pain which is in force
were referred to the Court of Appeal.
to requiring that generic drug
until 15 July 2017. Warner-Lambert
However, in September 2015, the High
manufacturers prove they have taken
alleged infringement by Actavis, a
Court issued its full trial decision which
every possible step to ensure that
generic manufacturer intending to supply
found the patent to be partially invalid,
their products are not used to infringe the same drug (under the trademark
and in particular the claims relevant to the
the patents of larger pharmaceutical
Lecaent), for off-patent indications
issue of infringement (i.e. claims 1 and 3
including generalised anxiety disorder
directed to the use for treating pain and
and epilepsy. The issues of the case
neuropathic pain respectively) were found
surround the extent to which the generic
to be invalid for lack of sufficiency.
manufacturer can supply the generic drug Applying the infringement test set out
without care or regard to whether doctors
by the Court of Appeal, the High Court
and pharmacists prescribe it for the
judge Mr Justice Arnold also found that,
patented second use.
even if claims 1 and 3 had been found
When a generics company seeks a
to be valid, Actavis has not infringed
marketing authorisation for an off-patent
these claims. The test is based on
drug and there is a patent still in force
the interpretation of "for" in the Swiss
for a second (or subsequent) medical
claim as "suitable and intended for"
use, it is normal to identify the off-
and consequently requires that the
patent indications in the accompanying
manufacturer (generic manufacturer
summary of product characteristics
Actavis) knew or could reasonably
and the patient information leaflet. The
foresee that some of his products would
patented indication is said to have been
intentionally be used for the patented
"carved out". This is known as a "skinny
indication. This was found not to be the
label". Activis planned to apply such a
case and Arnold J granted a declaration
label to its Lecaent product. Warner-
that the manufacturer of Lecaent
Lambert argued that this was insufficient
(Actavis), the wholesalers of Lecaent,
to prevent prescription of Lecaent for the
the doctors prescribing Lecaent, the
patent protected indication of pain relief.
pharmacists dispensing Lecaent and the

patients taking Lecaent did not infringe
High Court in order to obtain an interim
been challenged by Mylan and Actavis.
injunction against both Sandoz and
Accordingly, there was no need for
Following the decision of the High
Lloyds Pharmacy.
Sandoz to bring its own action for
Court, Warner-Lambert applied for
Mr Justice Arnold held that Sandoz had
revocation. The marketing by Sandoz
an amendment of the claims. The
not attempted to "clear the way" and
of the Sandoz Full Label Product
defendants argued that this late
stated in paragraphs 100 and 101 of the raises a distinct issue on infringement
amendment was an abuse of process as
which did not arise in the Mylan and
Warner Lambert had waited until after the
"It is well established that, where a
Actavis proceedings, however. It would
decision had been issued to make the
generic supplier intends to market a
have been open to Sandoz to seek a
application. In a decision of 25 November
product covered by a patent which the
declaration of non-infringement in respect
2015, Mr Justice Arnold agreed and the
generic supplier contends is invalid,
of the Sandoz Full Label Product prior to
application for amendment was stuck out.
then the proper course for the generic
launch, but it did not do so. To that extent,
However, the parties were given leave to
supplier is to commence revocation
Sandoz failed to clear the path for its
appeal both the above decisions for both
proceedings to "clear the path" for the
launch of that product."
validity and infringement and it seems
launch of its product sufficiently far in
The outcome of the decision was the
likely that they will do so.
advance of launch to enable the validity
issuance of an interim injunction against
In a further development, it became
of the patent to be determined prior
both Sandoz and Lloyds.
known to Warner-Lambert that another
to the launch date: see SmithKline
The story of patent rights relating to
generics manufacturer Sandoz Limited
Beecham v Apotex at [38]-[40] (Aldous
pregabilin is far from over and we expect
had created a "full label", i.e. no skinny
LJ). This principle has also been applied to hear more about the appeal in the
label, pregabalin drug (supplied as
in cases where the generic supplier has
Warner-Lambert v Actavis and Mylan
Pragabilin Sandoz) and that Sandoz had
a non-infringement argument available
case later in the year. All of the latest
shipped over 100,000 packs of this drug
on these cases can be found at www.
to Lloyds Pharmacy Limited. Warner-
In the present case, of course, the
Lambert made an application to the
validity of the Patent had already
Actavis v Eli Lilly & Company
Pemetrexed disodium is a derivative thereof and optionally a folic
chemotherapeutic treatment for
protein binding agent. This second
lung cancer which has been marketed
Patent will expire on 15 June 2021.
by Eli Lilly. Alimta is sold as a
Actavis sought a declaration of non-
lyophilised powder with instructions
infringement (DNI) from the UK Courts in
to reconstitute it in a saline solution.
respect of the French, German, Italian,
Eli Lilly had a European patent for
Spanish, and UK designations of the
pemetrexed and its pharmaceutically
Patent for their forthcoming Pemetrexed
acceptable salts. This patent expired
disodium product. Subsequently, as part
on 10 December 2010. However,
of the same proceedings, DNI's were
protection was extended by a
also sought for pemetrexed diacid and
Supplementary Protection Certificate
pemetrexed ditromethamine. In the Court
which expired on 10 December 2015.
of Appeal decision of 25 June 2015, it
Eli Lilly is also the proprietor of
was held that Actavis did not directly
another European patent for the use of infringe the Eli Lilly patent. However, if
pemetrexed disodium in combination
they provided instructions for the product
with vitamin B12 or a pharmaceutical
to be reconstituted and diluted in saline
Patent issues

How much is enough to fall outside the scope.Continued
solution, which was the case at the
including cutting off from further sales any
time, then it was considered that they
end user found to be diluting the product
would be indirectly infringing the patent
in saline, implementing a systematic
(contributory infringement).
checking of all related worksheets, and
In this latest case, Actavis applied to
making it a contractually binding point in
the Courts for a declaration of non-
any agreement relating to the product.
infringement for a pemetrexed diacid
Indeed, Eli Lilly were not able to suggest
liquid concentrate product which is
any further measures that could be taken
supplied with explicit instructions that it
by Actavis to ensure that the product is
must only be diluted in dextrose (glucose) only diluted in dextrose solution.
solution. The decision of Mr Justice
In addition, Actavis stated to the Court
Arnold on this case was issued on 12
that they would not disclose any stability
February 2016.
data for the product in saline and that
As was written in the decision, Eli Lilly
it had made it part of any contractual
resisted a DNI in respect of the supply
arrangement that no hospital or medical
of Actavis' products with instructions
centre would be allowed to carry out its
for reconstitution and/or dilution with
own stability study.
dextrose solution on the basis that it was
Regarding the concern that pharmacists
foreseeable that some pharmacists would may dilute the Actavis product in saline
not follow the instructions contained in
due to concerns relating to diabetic
the Summary of Product Characteristics
patients, this was dismissed as unlikely.
(SmPC) to use dextrose solution, but
As one expert witness pointed out to
instead would reconstitute and/or dilute
the Court, the amount of dextrose is
the products in saline.
equivalent to a single jelly baby or 100ml
Eli Lilly argued that when stability data
of skimmed milk. Also, it was noted
became available for the Actavis product,
that it was not uncommon to monitor
then it was foreseeable that the Acatavis
blood sugar levels after administering
product would be diluted in saline
pemetrexed due to the use of other co-
"because of concerns as to the effect of
administered sugar compounds.
dextrose on patients with diabetes".
Mr Justice Arnold held that "it is not
Acatavis argued that they had taken
foreseeable that the Actavis Product
every step possible to prevent dilution
will be diluted in saline. Accordingly, for
with saline, including specifically stating
the foreseeable future, the supply by
this in the SmPC, sending a letter to
Actavis of the Actavis product will not
the relevant competent authorities and
infringe the Patent" Therefore, DNI were
medical centres stating this, implementing granted in respect of the UK, French, a policy that Actavis representatives
Italian and Spanish designations of the
contacting hospitals must explain that the Patent (a separate decision was issued product must only be diluted in dextrose
by the German Courts for the German
solution, regulating the supply chain



In response to a referral from
and cannot differentiate into the full range
98/44/EC must be understood in a wide
the UK High Court in the case of
of cells required to create a foetus.
sense. Both fertilised human ova and
International Stem Cell Corporation
The referral by the High Court sought
non-fertilised human ova whose division
(ISCC) v Comptroller General of
to clarify the meaning of the phrase
and further development have been
Patents (the UK Intellectual Property
‘capable of commencing the process
stimulated by parthenogenesis were
Office), the Court of Justice of the
deemed to qualify as "human embryos"
European Union (CJEU) issued
of development of a human', as the
and therefore excluded from patentability.
an opinion on the patentability of
parthenote is incapable of actually
parthenotes in Europe.
developing into a human being. In
In their judgement, the CJEU were of the
Parthenogenesis is a process that
the prior case of 34/10 (Oliver Brüstle
opinion that Article 6(2)(c) of Directive
creates a parthenote which has many of
v Greenpeace), the CJEU ruled that
98/44/EC must be interpreted as meaning
the characteristics of an embryo in the
inventions necessarily involving
that an unfertilised human ovum whose
early stages of division but, because it
destruction of an embryo were not
division and further development have
was created from an unfertilised ovum,
patentable, but left several question
been stimulated by parthenogenesis does
cannot develop further to become a
marks as to what constitutes "an
not constitute a ‘human embryo'
human being. The cells that form the
embryo". The CJEU ruled that inventions
This judgement provides welcome news
early state of a human embryo are
that necessarily involve the destruction
to those in the field of stem cell research
known as ‘totipotent' and can go on to
of human embryos were excluded from
and provides much needed clarity to what
differentiate into any cell type, e.g. liver
patentability and stated that the concept
constitutes unpatentable subject matter
cells, heart cells, etc, whereas, the cells
of ‘human embryo' within the meaning of
in Europe after the 34/10 Brüstle case
that form the parthenote are ‘pluripotent'
Article 6(2)(c) of Biotechnology Directive
Unipotent cells
Inner Mass Cells
(circulatory system, nervous system
and immune system)
Unipotent cells
Inner Mass Cells
(circulatory system, nervous system
and immune system)
Patent issues
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals v Kymab Limited
and Novo Nordisk A/S
Regeneron were the proprietor to could not be performed without undue
two European patents relating
burden in 2001/2, and that the likelihood
to transgenic mice that could be
was that neither of the insertions and
used as platforms for therapeutic
deletions referred to in [the specification]
antibody discoveries. The mice in
would have worked."
question had a replacement of the
mouse variable gene with human
It was also noted in the decision:
variable genes to produce hydrid
"the ‘100 kb out, 200-300 kb in' / ‘150
kb out, 75 kb in' replacements by
Regeneron alleged that the defendants
homologous recombination are not
infringed these patents. The defendants
technically feasible even today, and that
filed for revocation of the patents.
they would certainly not have been seen
Mr Justice Carr stated in the decision:
as feasible at the priority date"
"claim 1 includes the case where the relevant murine sequence is deleted,
Therefore, both patents were found to be
and also the case where it is moved
invalid and revoked.
to a different location and inactivated.
This case demonstrates the pitfalls
Deletion of the relevant mouse gene
of using unrealistic ranges in order to
segments is undoubtedly within the
prevent infringement not only at the time
scope of the claim, and repeatedly
of filing but at any point during the life
referred to in the specification."
of the patent. Clearly, the rapid growth
Upon construing claim 1 it was held:
of this technology and the prospect that
"claim 1 covers introduction of up to
larger sequences would be readily usable
about 300 kb of human sequence.
with the technology in the future made
However, there is no upper limit imposed by the claim on the amount of
inserting the claimed sequence lengths
mouse sequence that is to be replaced."
highly attractive. However, it is always
Regarding infringement, the mice
worth bearing in mind, as frustrating as
strains produced by Kymab were found
it may be for the prescient inventor who
to fall within the scope of the claims.
rightly knows where the technology will
However, after lengthy expert witness
be in years to come, a patent application
testimony, Mr Justice Carr stated:
must be sufficiently disclosed at the time
"insertions and deletions of this size
Recent changes to UK patent
to date and the Crown Prosecution
relevant model numbers and variants
law allow "virtual marking" or
Service would not relish such a case,
that exist. Each time this is updated, a
"webmarking" of products using
the greater risk would be from a private
record should be kept (preferably by the
a web address, pointing potential
prosecution brought by an aggrieved
patent or legal department) of the change
infringers to a webpage listing
competitor.) Webmarking is an efficient
and the date it is posted. As a guide, we
details of patents and/or pending
and cost-effective way of ensuring all
provide a sample web page template that
applications associated with the
patent markings are kept up to date
is generally suitable for marking patented
products. This practice has been
without the need to mark patent details
products in the UK and US:
widely adopted in the US since a
directly on the product. It also provides a
similar provision of the America
convenient point for the public to access
Invents Act came into force in March
current patent information in relation to a
2013 and is gaining popularity here in
product and thereby negate the defence
of "innocence" in any award of damages.
It is important that patent markings are clear and kept up to date, to ensure
The product or its packaging (or both)
that sufficient notice is given to potential
should be marked with a web address
infringers of the existence of all relevant
pointing to the relevant webpage on the
patents and pending applications,
company's website.
while avoiding the potentially severe
The webpage should clearly associate
consequences of falsely marking a
each product with the relevant granted
product as patented. (It is a criminal
patent and/or published application
offence in the UK punishable by fine and
numbers. The products should be clearly
whereas we know of no prosecutions
identified, for example by including any
Patent issues
Reuben E Jacob
Reuben has an honours degree in microbiology and genetics and is a
European patent attorney and a UK patent attorney. He has 25 years of
Partner, Life Sciences
experience in advising clients operating in the fields of biotechnology, medtech,
Chartered Patent Attorney
medical device patents and chemistry, including representing industrial
European Patent Attorney
clients, universities and research organisations; helping SMEs through the
E: [email protected]
creation of strategies for the acquisition, organisation and exploitation of their IP rights. Reuben has a particular interest in fungal genetics/technologies, medical device patents, medtech and laboratory instrumentation such as thermalcyclers and lab-on-a-chip devices.
Reuben is a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Tanya Buckley
Tanya has a degree in Microbiology & Genetics (Hons). Her background
is in the biotech field where she has specific experience in dealing with
Senior Associate
pharmaceutical, medical device and biotech clients. She has extensive
Trade Mark Attorney
experience in working with high-profile blue-chip companies as well as SMEs
E: [email protected]
in relation to their brand management and portfolio reviews. Tanya has over 15 years' experience and provides a commercial approach to her client's trade mark matters.
Dr. Fiona Kellas
Fiona was awarded a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge,
having conducted research on the structure of the ATP synthase enzyme.
Fiona entered the patent profession in 2003 and is an Associate with RGC
Chartered Patent Attorney
Jenkins & Co. Fiona is a European Patent Attorney and has passed the UK
European Patent Attorney
Patent Attorney qualification exams. Fiona has experience of drafting and
E: [email protected]
prosecuting patent applications, as well as prior art and freedom to operate searching and assessment. Fiona has worked in a wide range of technologies,
including biochemical, immunological, chemical and mechanical areas. In particular, she has experience in the areas of medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, biochemical and antibody technologies.
Dr. Edward Rainsford
Edward has a background in microbiology and virology. Following his PhD
at Warwick University in the UK, he moved to the United States where he
worked as a Research Associate at the University of Virginia studying viral
Chartered Patent Attorney
RNA-protein interactions. During his time as a research scientist he presented
E: [email protected]
at a number of international conferences and published several research papers. After returning to the UK, he completed an MSc in Management of Intellectual Property at Queen Mary, University of London. Since joining Jenkins, Edward has had experience in all aspects of patent prosecution and has particular experience in the prosecution of diagnostics, medical device, and microbiological patents.
RGC Jenkins & Co
RGC Jenkins & Co
Jenkins IP Consulting
Maucher Börjes Jenkins
Maucher Börjes Jenkins
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TM Jenkins, the Jenkins logo, R.G.C. Jenkins & Co., and Patent issues are trade marks. R.G.C. Jenkins & Co. 2016 Jenkins is the trading name of R.G.C. Jenkins & Co.
Randomized Locality Sensitive Vocabularies for Bag-of-Features Model? Yadong Mu1, Ju Sun1,2, Tony X. Han3, Loong-Fah Cheong1,2, Shuicheng Yan1 1Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 2Interactive & Digital Media Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore 3Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 1341–1362 ESC Expert consensus document Expert consensus document on b-adrenergicreceptor blockers The Task Force on Beta-Blockers of the European Societyof Cardiology Task Force Members, Jos on, Chairperson* (Spain), Karl Swedberg (Sweden), John McMurray (UK), Juan Tamargo (Spain), Aldo P. Maggioni (Italy),Henry Dargie (UK), Michal Tendera (Poland), Finn Waagstein (Sweden), Jan Kjekshus(Norway), Philippe Lechat (France), Christian Torp-Pedersen (Denmark)