Health Technologies: South Africa
Socially Responsible Licensing Of Health
Technologies: Policy And Practice In
By Rabogajane Busang, Karine Boisjoly-Letourneau, Bernard Fourie, Michelle Mulder, and Harry Thangaraj
been extensively discussed in the literature. By in-
he objectives of Socially Responsible Licensing
cluding SRL clauses in an agreement, the IP owner
(SRL) are mainly to ensure that licensing of
will ensure that the license does not impede public
Tintellectual assets is negotiated and transacted access to essential technologies, such as health
in a manner conducive to providing access to essential
technologies, agricultural technologies, "green"
medicines and other life enhancing innovations. The
or "renewable" tech-
goals of SRL are to make available to society globally,
nologies with local and
■ Rabogajane Busang,
but in particular to developing countries, such tech-
global environmental
South African Medical
nologies at affordable prices
benefits, etc., and that
1 and to make proprietary
Research Council, Division
research tools widely available for the advancement
the transactions lead
Manager, Technology Transfer
of knowledge. This can be achieved by adopting
to a lasting social ben-
Cape Town, South Africa
licensing practices which add a dimension of social
efit. IP owners should
responsibility to the pursuit of economic objectives,
ensure that their licens-
without necessarily compromising the latter. This
ing policy and practices
promote access to es-
approach does not affect business transactions in
■ Karine Boisjoly-
sential healthcare tech-
developed countries where significant profits can
Letourneau, Université de
nologies for developing
still be achieved2 but ensures access for the least
countries. Countries
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
developed countries, which are often disregarded
with financial and in-
in commercialization strategies due to perceived
tellectual resources
E-mail: karine.boisjoly@
low profitability.
should help those that
Although SRL has been a topic of discussion in
are relatively resource
many publications and seminars, there has been
poor. From a moral
■ Dr. Bernard Fourie,
very little practical implementation in most of
and ethical perspec-
Medicine in Need South
the developing countries to date and SRL remains
tive, publicly funded
Africa (Pty) Ltd., Director
largely a theoretical issue. This paper seeks to pro-
and non-profit organi-
of Medicine, Pretoria,
vide background on recent developments in South
zations need to ensure
Africa relating to SRL practices, specifically the
that their proprietary
E-mail: b.fourie@
newly enacted legislation on intellectual property
knowledge benefits
(IP) emanating from publicly funded research, and
underprivileged popu-
some practical South African case studies showing
lations, since support
■ Michelle Mulder, South
how SRL strategies can be implemented to address
derives from generous
African Medical Research
health needs in developing countries.
taxpayer contributions
Council, Manager IP and
The Need for Socially Responsible Licensing
and philanthropic fund-
Business Development,
The benefits of socially responsible licensing have
ing, unlike shareholder
driven imperatives in
Cape Town, South Africa
the corporate sector.
E-mail: michelle.mulder@
SRL practices will also
1. Mimura Carol,
Technology Licensing For The Benefit Of
contribute significantly
The Developing World: Uc Berkeley's Socially Responsible Licens-
■ Dr. Harry Thangaraj,
to the alleviation of the
ing Program, p.16. Online:
burden of disease in the
Infections and Immunity
developing countries,
Research Centre, St George's
especially with regard
University London,
2. Yale has earned between 1994 and 2000 over $261mil-
to neglected diseases.
lion in royalties from Zerit® sales, DEMENET Philippe,
The High
London, United Kingdom
Cost of Living. Online: Le Monde Diplomatic
There are many more
benefits of SRL and in-
Health Technologies: South Africa
stitutions need to start adopting SRL practices as part
for affordable drugs in developing countries. Some
of standard licensing policy and practice.
institutions in South Africa have already started adopt-
Background on Socially Responsible Licensing
ing SRL practices when carrying out IP transactions,
The need for facilitated access to essential medi-
driven largely by their institutional policy, type of
cines for developing countries has not always been
disease addressed by the invention and the willing-
prioritized by university licensing practices. Prior to
ness of a licensee to make concessions with regard
to developing countries. The incorporation of SRL
the Zerit® case, the main objective when licensing
clauses in IP transactions has been at the discretion
new technologies was the pursuit of profit. Since
of the IP holder and motivated by a moral obligation
the Zerit® case, much attention has been directed
to ensure broad and affordable access to essential
towards the impact of exclusive licensing on access
medicines. With the enactment of the Intellectual
to the products of university research, particularly in
Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and
the medical field.
Development Act4 (IPPFRD Act), passed in December
In 2001 Médecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) approached
2008 but brought into effect in August 2010 with
Yale University, the owners of the patent relating to
the proclamation of the associated regulations, it has
the drug Zerit® (stavudine), a drug which forms part
now become compulsory for institutions that develop
of the "triple cocktail" effective in the treatment of
IP from publicly funded research to ensure that the
HIV/AIDS, and asked if they would allow generic ver-
IP is protected and commercialized for the good of
sions of the drug to be imported into South Africa to
the people of South Africa,
i.e. to incorporate SRL
provide treatment free of charge to people living with
practices in all such IP transactions.
HIV/AIDS and unable to afford it. Yale answered that
In other parts of the world, there have been a lot of
it could not respond to that request because it had
developments on SRL practices. Universities, mainly
issued an exclusive license to Bristol-Myers-Squibb
in the United States, have developed guidelines for
(BMS) and hence their approval was necessary. This
the implementation of SRL. In their article,
generated much controversy and criticism towards
Academic License Agreements to Promote Global
the licensing practices of the university whose
Social Responsibility,"5 authors Ashley Stevens and
technology transfer objectives included the benefit
April Effort from the Office of Technology Transfer
of society in general. In June 2001 BMS signed an
at Boston University discuss frameworks intended to
agreement not to sue with Aspen Pharmacare, a
guide licensing policy and practices in universities.
generics company in South Africa, allowing them
Their eight main recommendations include:
to produce stavudine.3 This case raised awareness
(i) Require developing country developments
amongst universities and private companies on the
with milestones to ensure this goal is reached;
need for SRL practices, and the adoption of broader
(ii) Require developing country developments
policy within their technology transfer frameworks
and specify pricing structure (
i.e. at cost or
to enable such practices. The case also demonstrated
cost plus pricing) also accompanied by
the need for affordable medicines for diseases such
as HIV/AIDS in developing countries like South Africa
(iii) Include desired outcome (
i.e. humanitarian
and the importance of embracing SRL to address the
purpose) in the license agreement and
burden of disease in these countries.
reserve march-in rights if desired outcome
Although South Africa has relatively limited manu-
facturing capacity with regard to pharmaceuticals, it
(iv) Exclude developing countries from license;
is increasingly becoming involved in drug develop-
(v) Grant non-exclusive rights in developing
ment, testing and commercialization. Thus South
Africa plays a dual role in the SRL arena, being
(vi) Grant license but exclude right to patent in
both a recipient country requiring access to drugs
developing countries;
for diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (as
(vii) allow mandatory sub-licensing/ march-in
demonstrated by the Zerit® case), and a developer
rights if humanitarian objectives are not
of IP on new drugs required in developing coun-
tries. By embracing SRL practices, South Africa
can play an important role in addressing the need
Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research
and Development Act 2008, No. 51 of 2008.
Supra note 2.
Supra note 1.
les Nouvelles
Health Technologies: South Africa
(viii) include non-assertion of patent rights in
optimal benefits to the economy and quality
developing countries. The IPPFRD Act,
of life of South Africans, and
which is discussed below, contains some
iv) exclusive licence holders must undertake,
lements which are similar to these recom-
where feasible, to manufacture, process and
mendations and guidelines developed by
otherwise commercialize in the country.
universities around the world.
The Act goes further in terms of ensuring maxi-
The New L egislation in South Africa:
Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly
mum public benefit by stipulating in section 11(1)
Financed Research and Development Act
(e) that the State should be granted an irrevocable
(IPPFRD Act) of 2008
and royalty-free licence authorizing the State to use
or have the IP used throughout the world for the
As mentioned above, the IPPFRD Act contains
health, security and emerging needs of the Republic
a number of conditions relating to SRL policy and
and, in section 11(1) (f)—(h), that if the holder of
practices. This becomes clear at the beginning of the
an exclusive license is unable to continue with com-
Act in section 2, which outlines the object of the Act,
mercialization of the IP in the Republic, the recipient
which is to make provision that IP emanating from
of public funds for research (the licensor) should
publicly funded R&D is identified, protected, utilized
provide the National IP Management Office (NIPMO)
and commercialized for the benefit of the people of
with full reasons for retaining exclusivity, should they
South Africa, whether it is for a social, economic,
wish to do so. NIPMO may request that the exclusive
military or any other benefit. In terms of section 2,
license be converted to a non-exclusive license if the
the Act also seeks, amongst others, to ensure that
recipient fails to furnish reasons or if NIPMO is not
i) the recipient of public funds assesses, records
satisfied with the reasons.
and reports on the benefit for society of
Section 11(2) should be read together with section
publicly financed R&D;
14, which provides for the State march-in-rights.
ii) the IP emanating from publicly financed R&D
Section 11(2) provides that each IP transaction
is protected and made available to the people must contain a condition to the effect that, should
of the republic; and
a party fail to commercialize the IP to the benefit
of the people of the Republic, the State is entitled
iii) the people of the Republic, particularly
to exercise the rights contemplated in section 14.
small enterprises and broad based black
Section 14 requires NIPMO to conduct reviews on
economic empowerment (BBBEE) entities,
non-commercialized IP and, should the review indi-
have preferential access to opportunities
cate that the IP in question can be commercialized,
arising from the production of knowledge
NIPMO must engage with the recipient of public
from publicly financed R&D and the resultant IP.
funds to ensure that the IP is commercialized. NIPMO
The emphasis on small enterprises and BBBEE
may require the recipient to grant a licence to any
entities seeks to promote local economic growth
person on reasonable terms if such IP is still not
and redress the economic imbalances of the past by
commercialized or no agreement can be reached with
ensuring that black empowered companies benefit
the recipient. Section 15 provides further conditions
from publicly financed R&D.
with regard to exclusive licensing and public benefit.
According to section 11 of the Act, the recipient of
In terms of Section 15(1), a private entity may be-
public funds must take the following conditions into
come an exclusive licensee of intellectual property
account when carrying out IP transactions,
emanating from publicly financed R&D if such private
i) preference must be given to non-exclusive
entity has the capacity to manage and commercialize
the intellectual property in a manner which benefits
the Republic. Section 15(3) provides that, should
ii) preference must be given to BBBEE entities
the private entity mentioned in section 15(1) not
and small enterprises,
commercialize the IP, the State march-in-rights of
iii) preference must be given to parties that
Section 14 will apply. Private companies wishing
seek to use the IP in ways that provide
to obtain an exclusive license for IP from publicly
funded research will, therefore, have to ensure that
they commercialize such intellectual property to the
benefit of the Republic.
South Africa's National Research and Development Strategy
In section 11(3), the Act provides that each IP
cessed 25 May 2010).
transaction involving an assignment of IP by the
Health Technologies: South Africa
recipient of public funds to a small enterprise must
SAAVI is coordinating the research, development
contain a condition that the IP will revert back to
and testing in South Africa of safe, affordable, effec-
the recipient in the event of the liquidation of that
tive and locally relevant preventative candidate HIV
small enterprise. This will ensure that the conditions
vaccines. SAAVI was initially funded primarily by the
of the Act will continue to apply to such IP and that
National Departments of Health and Science and
the ownership of the IP will not fall into the hands
Technology and the Eskom Development Foundation
of other parties who might not commercialize the IP
Limited, with additional funds received from the Euro-
for the benefit of society.
pean Union, Transnet, and Impala Platinum. Indirect
In addition to the already existing foreign exchange
support has also been received from the United States
regulations, the IPPFRD Act places further require-
National Institutes of Health (NIH) for manufacturing
ments on offshore IP transactions with regard to IP
and clinical trials.
resulting from publicly funded research. In terms of
SAAVI has over the last 10 years involved over 200
the Act, the recipient of public funds must inform
researchers, clinicians, ethicists, human rights law-
NIPMO of its intentions to enter into an offshore
yers, information and communications specialists,
IP transaction and such a transaction should be in
community educators, contract attorneys, business
line with the guidelines to be developed by NIPMO
managers, and advisors working towards a common
on transactions involving non-South African entities
goal: developing and testing an effective HIV vac-
or persons. According to section 12(2) of the Act,
cine that will benefit the populations in need. This
a recipient of public funds wishing to undertake an
goal can only be achieved by ensuring that product
offshore IP transaction in the form of an assignment
development and licensing pursue social and hu-
or exclusive license must satisfy NIPMO that, i) there
manitarian objectives.
is insufficient capacity in the republic to develop or
Intellectual Property Management
commercialize the IP locally, and that ii) the Republic
One of SAAVI's key responsibilities to its funders
will benefit from such offshore transactions. The
and partners is the effective management of IP devel-
inclusion of this section in the Act further empha-
oped using SAAVI funds for the good of the people
sizes the necessity for recipients of public funds to
of South Africa. The MRC's Innovation Centre (IC)
first consider developing and/or commercializing IP
has been tasked specifically with the identification,
emanating from publicly funded research within the
protection, management and exploitation of IP arising
Republic or to ensure that, if such IP is developed and/
from SAAVI-funded research and manages the SAAVI
or commercialized outside the Republic, the benefits
IP portfolio on its behalf.
to the Republic are clearly visible from the agreement
governing the IP transfer.
In 2007 SAAVI developed a formal IP Strategy to
provide a framework and procedures for the effec-
It is clear from the sections mentioned above as to
tive and efficient management of IP developed using
how the IPPFRD Act aims to ensure that technologies
SAAVI funding. The strategy is based on the follow-
developed through public funding, including health-
care technologies, are accessible to the public. Since
ing guiding principles: IP developed through SAAVI
the Act has been recently enacted and has only just
funding is managed for public good; SAAVI will, as
come into force, it will be some time before the
far as possible, retain at least partial co-ownership of
impact of the Act on licensing practices and, more
and commercialization rights to IP developed using
importantly, on the economy and quality of life of
SAAVI funding in order to:
the people of South Africa can be determined. The
(i) ensure "freedom to operate,"
IPPFRD Act described above demonstrates clearly that
(ii) leverage/ facilitate the development of
the South African Government is perhaps the first
collaborations and partnerships with
amongst many policy makers in attempts to balance
external parties, and
the financial imperatives of licensing activity versus
(iii) ensure social responsibility in the exercise
social objectives within public funded research insti-
of IP ownership and commercialization
tutions. Next we describe specific case studies of SRL
rights to candidate vaccines,
i.e. promotion
practice conducted within South Africa.
of developing country access and benefits;
SAAVI Case Study
and SAAVI recognizes and respects the IP
The South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI)
rights of others.
was formed in 1999 as a Lead Programme of the
Third party IP is licensed in as required for the de-
South African Medical Research Council (MRC).
velopment, testing, manufacture and commercializa-
les Nouvelles
Health Technologies: South Africa
tion of safe, affordable, effective and locally relevant
international) in order to gain access to essential
preventative candidate HIV vaccines.
technologies and know-how required to develop
The primary aim of SAAVI's IP management strategy
and manufacture HIV vaccine candidates.
is not to benefit financially or to prevent other parties
Most of these partnerships involve the develop-
from using SAAVI's intel ectual property, information,
ment of novel HIV subtype C vaccine candidates,
know-how and materials (intellectual assets), but
using the SAAVI genes as antigens together with the
rather to ensure that SAAVI has control over their use
vector/vaccine platform provided by the partner. In
so that the initiative and its partners can:
all cases, SAAVI has endeavoured to include in the
(i) provide the intellectual assets to third parties;
agreements clauses pertaining to social responsibility
(ii) prevent misuse of the intellectual assets;
in the downstream commercialization of any resulting
vaccines. Some examples of clauses that have been
(iii) gain access to results and improvements
included in these agreements to ensure affordability
obtained from research on SAAVI's informa-
tion, know-how and materials;
and access are as fol ows. Note that the partner details
have been removed to protect confidentiality.
(iv) ensure that SAAVI's contribution is recog-
nized and acknowledged;
Company A, 2001
(v) ensure affordable access to any vaccine
–MRC hereby grants to Company A (i) a royalty-
developed in SA and elsewhere with the
free, non-exclusive license to make, have made, use
use of SAAVI's intellectual assets; and
and sell HIV Collaboration Vaccine and/or Cocktail
Vaccine to the Public Sector in Developing Coun-
(vi) share equitably in any resulting benefits.
tries, and (i ) a royalty-bearing non-exclusive license
SAAVI strives to find a balance between sharing
to make, have made, use and sell HIV Collaboration
of its IP, materials and information for scientific
Vaccine and/or Cocktail Vaccine to other than the
advancement and public good and the protection of
Public Sector in Developing Countries. For the
SAAVI's interests in IP ownership and commercial-
avoidance of any doubt this includes Private Sector
ization rights. SAAVI does not restrict the use of its
in Developing Countries and both Public and Private
patented materials and methods by third parties for
Sector in Developed Countries.
research purposes, but ensures that an agreement
Company B, 2002
is in place to protect its interests. While SAAVI
promotes the widespread use of its IP, materials and
–Company B hereby grants to MRC an exclusive
information for social benefit, it does not condone
perpetual fully-paid up license to make, use and sell
products within the continent of Africa, without
the unauthorized use of such materials by third par-
the right to export such products from Africa,
ties for commercial purposes.
that are covered under any Company B Background
Partnerships and Socially Responsible
Invention and/or any Joint Invention that is utilized
with any MRC nucleotide sequences in the Study
It is well known that significant levels of scientific
with the right to sub-license such rights (Company
collaboration will be required to develop a success-
B retains the right of first refusal and the first right
ful vaccine against HIV/AIDS in the shortest possible
to negotiate an exclusive license for North America
time. It is also a fact that not all of the required
and Europe).
technology or capacity for vaccine development,
Institution C, 2002
production and testing is available within SAAVI or in
–Institution C grants the MRC a non-exclusive
South Africa. Therefore, international collaboration
license under any and all of its intellectual property
and partnerships form a crucial aspect of SAAVI's
rights in vector X to manufacture and distribute HIV
vaccine which incorporates the said vector or parts
SAAVI currently holds patents (some still pend-
thereof together with the MRC HIV gene sequences.
ing) on HIV-1 subtype C sequences that are repre-
–The license shall be world-wide and royalty-free
sentative of circulating strains in Southern Africa
for Developing Countries (list provided from
and are therefore ideal candidates for the develop-
World Bank classification)
for the term of this
ment of a subtype C HIV vaccine relevant to the
region. The patents have been used very success-
–For Developed Countries (list provided from World
fully by SAAVI to date to leverage partnerships with
Bank classification)
the license granted to MRC shall
institutions and private companies (predominantly
for the term of this Agreement be world-wide and
Health Technologies: South Africa
provide a royalty to Institution C (the royalty is only
having a clinically proven HIV vaccine ready for roll
payable once the MRC has recovered all its reason-
out. Thus, it will be some time before any of the
able direct costs expended on the development,
social responsibility clauses are actually put to the
manufacture and distribution of the HIV vaccine).
test and implemented. While some of the clauses are
Company D, 2003
very specific, others provide only general guidelines
–Upon the MRC's written request, Company D wil ,
and will need to be unpacked further before com-
as promptly as commercially reasonable, manufacture
mercialization to really define what is meant and how
and deliver to the MRC up to a maximum of five
practically they will be implemented.
thousand (5,000) doses (the "Doses") of Vaccine for
It is noteworthy that all of these agreements were
use solely in clinical trials. The total amount payable
concluded more than six years ago at a time when
to Company D for manufacture and delivery of such
socially responsible licensing was receiving a lot less
Vaccine shall be equal to Company D's Manufactur-
attention and emphasis than it is today. However,
ing Cost (defined)
of the Doses plus ten percent
the readiness of the various partner companies and
(10%). If Company D declines to supply Commercial
institutions to include social responsibility clauses in
Product to the MRC (for use in the Territory) on the
the SAAVI agreements is probably more a reflection
terms set forth in the term sheet, then the MRC shall
of the emotive field in which the collaborations are
be permitted to enter into an agreement with a Third
taking place,
i.e. HIV, than a general acceptance by
Party on the terms set forth in the term sheet and
such partners of these types of clauses. It is antici-
such other terms and conditions as are commercially
pated that similar agreements involving diseases that
reasonable under the circumstances… Company D
affect predominantly developed country populations
shall enter into an agreement with such Third Party
may be more difficult to negotiate.
Manufacturer pursuant to which Company D will
It must be noted that many of the partnerships
grant a license and transfer its technology to such
mentioned above are no longer in place, either due
Third Party (with royalty provision) as required to
to the partner no longer being in business or the vac-
enable such Third Party Manufacturer to manufacture
cine candidates no longer being pursued. However,
and supply Vaccine to the MRC… Company D shall
as SAAVI continues its efforts towards developing,
make seed stock of the Vaccine available to the MRC
testing and commercializing a locally relevant HIV
and Third Party Manufacturer and the Third Party
vaccine, it will continue to put the good of the people
Manufacturer shal be permitted to use such seed
of South Africa and other developing countries before
stock to manufacture and supply Vaccine to the MRC
any economic motive in all of its interactions with
(or its nominated distributor) for use solely within
external parties.
the Territory.
Case Study: Inhalable Vaccines and Thera-
–Territory shal mean the sub-Saharan African
peutics Developed by MEND
countries listed in the exhibit (48 countries).
MEND (Medicines in Need), headquartered in
These clauses thus incorporate some of the main
Cambridge USA, is a not-for-profit organisation
socially responsible licensing strategies, including:
supported primarily by the Bill and Melinda Gates
• Market segmentation and differential pricing;
Foundation (BMGH), and is devoted to manufacture
• Non-exclusive licensing;
of effective vaccines and therapies for diseases in
a manner consistent with the unique needs of the
• Manufacturing price limitations on product
developing world—which include the reformula-
destined for developing countries;
tion of existing drugs and vaccines so that they do
• Absence of or reductions in royalty payable
not require refrigeration, or do not require needles
on product destined for developing countries
for delivery. We illustrate here MEND's strategy of
(especially the public sector);
developing and commercialising novel particulate
• Requirements for a license and technology
inhalable formulations of drugs and vaccines targeting
transfer to a third party manufacturer if
tuberculosis (TB). Two lead products are currently
supply cannot be met; and
given priority for development: an inhaled dry powder
• Retention of rights in developing countries
version of capreomycin7 for treatment of multi-drug-
by the MRC, thus allowing the MRC to ensure
7. "Inhaled Large Porous Particles of Capreomycin for Treat-
affordability and access.
ment of Tuberculosis in a Guinea Pig Model," (2007) L. Garcia-
Implementation of Social Responsibility Clauses
Contreras, J. Fiegel, M. J. Telko, K. Elbert, A. Hawi, M. Thomas,
J. VerBerkmoes,W. A. Germishuizen, P. B. Fourie, A. J. Hick-
Although SAAVI currently has two vaccine can-
ey, and D. Edwards.
Animicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy,
didates in clinical trials, it is still many years from
Aug. 2007, p. 2830–2836 Vol. 51, No. 8.
les Nouvelles
Health Technologies: South Africa
resistant TB (MDR-TB) and an inhaled form of the
solution wherein the drug is delivered locally into
TB vaccine, BCG.8 Proof of concept of the efficacy of
the lung where the primary pathology is present in
both interventions has been obtained from animal
high therapeutic concentrations, while at the same
studies together with other appropriate data such as
time reducing systemic exposure, thus decreasing the
pharmacokinetics, particle characterisation and opti-
side effects. The inhaled form of BCG also constitutes
misation, and development of processes for scale up.
needle-free immunisation, and the benefits are obvi-
The underlying patented technology behind both9,10
ous since the subjects for immunisations are usually
has been licensed from David Edwards' laboratory at
infants. In addition, animal models of immunisation
Harvard University, and Edwards is also one of the
strongly suggest that the aerosolised vaccine is more
co-founders of MEND. While the vaccine is in pre-
effective than the standard vaccine administered by
clinical stages of testing, the drug has entered phase
injection. Both products can potentially be trans-
I of clinical testing.
ported and stored without the need for refrigeration.
The underlying research and development activities
MEND intends both products to be ultimately
for the two projects are supported by grants from the
manufactured in South Africa. This is not only due
National Institutes of Health, USA and the BMGH.
to cost structures, but also because South Africa
MEND has subsidiaries elsewhere, of which the South
provides a gateway to the large numbers of TB and
African (Pretoria) subsidiary plays an important role
MDR-TB sufferers in sub-Saharan Africa, the availabil-
in translational R&D relevant to its core technologies.
ity of good infrastructure and manufacturing capacity,
It provides a stable base of operations for cGLP and
and stable economy and political landscape compared
cGMP manufacturing sites, and the conduct of clinical
to other African countries. In the long term MEND
trials through regional networks in Africa. Through
will also establish partnerships to ensure products
MEND, networks of biotech laboratories operate on a
also reach other parts of the world.
not-for-profit basis, and a well networked community
Harvard has granted MEND a royalty-free license
of pharmaceutical scientists, engineers, and research-
for use of products in the developing world. MEND
ers from industry and academia has been established
will also pursue commercial markets in the developed
to develop and implement advanced delivery tech-
world solely to support its charitable objectives11
nologies for the critical needs of developing world
(press release). MEND will pay royalties from profits
vaccines and therapies. The overall business model of
in commercial markets to Harvard, however under
MEND is to yield products or processes that can be
a gift-back mechanism much of this will be donated
licensed by global or developing world pharmaceutical
back to MEND to support its development activities
companies for development and commercialisation.
for products targeting diseases of poverty.
Both products have the potential to solve prob-
Worthy of note is that the fundamental technolo-
lems and fulfil unmet needs in developing countries.
gies underlying novel particulate formulations and
Intramuscularly administered capreomycin is used
delivery systems are potentially applicable to a variety
for treatment of MDR-TB, however its therapeutic
of diseases in the form of both vaccines and therapeu-
value is limited due to a number of factors, primarily
tics. The various academics, primarily at Harvard, and
the need for daily injections which are painful and
also MEND continue in the process of development
associated with serious side effects in patients who
of products and processes for both poverty-related
are chronically ill and severely emaciated. Inhaled
and developed country indications. MEND expects to
capreomycin, developed by Harvard and MEND in
generate further IP as it continues the development
the form of Large Porous Particles (LPP) has the
process and reserves the right to protect and use it
potential to replace current therapy as a needle-free
in a manner conducive to its charitable purpose.
This is a good example of projects that are developed
8. "Immunization by a Bacterial Aerosol," (2008) Garcia-
and licensed in a social y responsible manner and have
Contreras L., Wong Y.L., Muttil P., Padilla D., Sadoff J., Der-
the potential to be self sustaining through profits
ousse J., Germishuizen W.A., Goonesekera S., Elbert K., Bloom
developed through a market-segmentation approach.
B.R., Miller R., Fourie P.B., Hickey A., Edwards D.,
of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 2008 Mar.
25;105(12):4656-60. Epub 2008 Mar 14.
9. Edwards, D.A., et. al.
Porous Particles for Deep Lung Deliv-
11. Butkus Ben,
Inhaled TB Vaccine Developed by Harvard,
ery, U.S. Patent No. 6,254,854. Granted July 3, 2001.
MEND Scientists May Enter Clinic Next Year (26 march 2008),
Methods and Compositions of Dry Cellular Forms, (Euro-
pean Patent Application EP1913127; WIPO Patent Application
Health Technologies: South Africa
Facilitating access to essential medicines in the
In conclusion, it is important for public institutions,
developing world is critical, as is ensuring patented
primarily universities, as they are the main recipients
inventions are available for further development.
of public funding, to implement SRL practices. IP rights
Adopting consistent and widespread IP policies
are not valuable to investors only but to the public
within public institutions on these issues will help
sector as wel .12 We have already mentioned the eight
raise awareness and hopefully make companies more
different SRL strategies discussed in the literature for
accepting of SRL clauses.15
facilitating and promoting access to new and essential
Governments of developing countries have been
technologies, and introduce some variations of these
aware of the effects of strengthened IP rights result-
from South African case studies. Adopting practices
ing from the application of the TRIPS agreement. As
compliant with SRL within public institutions will
demonstrated in the Zerit® case, access to patented
require the participation of several departments: the
essential drugs has proven difficult for low or middle
technology transfer office (TTO), legal department,
income countries.16 Access to generic versions of
research departments, finance department and heads
these drugs is subject to strict compulsory licensing
of institutions, to name a few. It wil also require a
rules17 which are often difficult to implement and thus
change in traditional profit-driven IP management to
hinders availability. The burden of TRIPS lies on the
al ow incorporation of social considerations.
developing world which suffers the consequences18
The starting point to incorporating SRL is adapting
of this regime. But, by promoting socially responsible
the actual licensing policies in place. As licensing
licensing strategies, Governments can improve access
agreements are bilateral contracts, the licensor and
to essential drugs without the added difficulties of
licensee are obligated to fulfil their respective engage-
obtaining compulsory licenses. The South African
ments. Hence, including clauses for social responsibil-
government has taken steps in the right direction by
ity within the agreement will ensure that the licensee
putting into place the IPPFRD Act, which seeks to
wil take the appropriate measures to guarantee, as far
ensure IP emanating from publicly funded research is
as possible, that the demands of the developing world
commercialized to the benefit of the public. However,
are met. Several different approaches, as illustrated
this Act applies only to local publicly funded institu-
in the SRL strategies discussed and applied in the
tions and has no direct impact on IP developed at
case studies above, can help achieve this goal. Uni-
foreign universities.
versities outside of South Africa should also consider
Neglected diseases affecting the developing world
incorporating the recommendations of section 11 of
are often disregarded in commercial development of
the IPPFRD Act or any equivalent in their policies,
products because the populations they affect generate
as far as is practical. They should also ensure that an
negligible revenues. The drugs needed to treat these
emphasis on social benefit is included in their objec-
diseases rarely make it past fundamental research
tives. In doing so public institutions will ensure that
stages because pharmaceutical companies are not
social impact is pursued as strongly as profit when
licensing their technologies.
willing to invest in non-profit drug development. This
13 Some may argue that
companies will find SRL policies less appealing and
be less willing to agree to such terms; however the
15. Lita Nelsen and Anatole Krattiger, "Ensuring Developing-
actual financial impact is negligible if there are dual
Country Access to New Inventions: The Role of Patents and
markets in developed and developing countries. The
Power of Public Sector Research Institutions,"
Intellectual Prop-
approach for licensing technologies will be different
erty Management Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Hand-
book of Best Practices, Volume 1, Ch. 1.4, p. 23.
in each market. In developed countries, where the
Supra note 2.
pharmaceutical industry earns the vast majority of its
profits, patent protection will ensure high-income.
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, an-
nex 1C of the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World
In developing countries generic competition will
Trade Organization, 15 April 1994, art.31.
promote accessibility and affordability.14
18. Since the adoption of the TRIPS agreement, develop-
ing countries' perception on its benefits has shifted dramati-
12. Mahoney, R. A. Pablos-Mendez, S. Ramachandran, "The
cally. Much needed resources are siphoned off to pay royalties
Introduction Of New Vaccines Into Developing Countries: III.
to developed countries. This issue is at the core of the North/
The Role Of Intellectual Property,"
Vaccine, 2004. 22(5-6):
South division. Tana Pistorius, "The Impact of Intellectual Prop-
erty Law and Policy on Sustainable Development,"
South Afri-
Supra note 1.
can Year Book of International Law, Volume 32, 2007, p. 381.
14. Dave A. Chokshi,
Improving Access to Medicines in Poor
Countries: the Role of Universities, Online: http://www.ncbi.
les Nouvelles
Health Technologies: South Africa
creates a gap, preventing effective treatment from
socially responsible licensing practices, Governments
reaching those who need it most. Socially responsible
and publicly financed institutions can fulfil their com-
licensing coupled with public-private product develop-
mitment of social welfare and stimulate a competitive
ment partnerships (PDPs) can go a long way towards
economy, which will benefit all. ■
ensuring these drugs are produced. Involvement in
PDPs will reflect well on private companies and may
actually encourage new and profitable alliances. The
Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) is a successful
This work was funded by a European Union FP7
example of a PDP helping to bridge the gap of access
grant 241839 entitled "Access to Pharmaceuticals."
to essential medicines.19 PDPs ensure socially respon-
sible licensing practices can be profitable for both the
developing world and for the thriving pharmaceutical
industry of developed countries.
It must be recognized that SRL practices are not
on their own going to solve all issues of access to es-
sential medicines in developing countries. There are
many factors that influence access beyond the rights
to use the IP. These include adequate infrastructure
and distribution networks, human resources capacity,
and political will, to name a few. These are beyond
the control of publicly funded institutions; however,
these institutions have the power to reduce one of
the significant barriers to access,
i.e. IP rights relat-
ing new health solutions. Thus, by promoting more
19. "Medicines for Malaria,"
Product Development Partner-
ship Model. Online:
el (accessed 14 May 2010).
Source: http://www.lesi.org/docs/default-document-library/Socially_Responsible_Licensing_Of_Health_Technologies_Policy_And_Practice_In_South_Africa.pdf
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