
tools included.

The Smoker's Quit Kit is like a TOOLBOX with all the tools you need to quit smoking for good.
There are three Steps of quitting in the Smoker's Quit Kit.
Step 1 — Offers facts about smoking that can help you decide if you're ready to quit.
Step 2 — Will help you come up with a plan and prepare you to stop smoking.
Step 3 — Is devoted to helping you stay smoke-free and making it easier for you to adjust
to your new life as a non-smoker.
Each STEP is broken down into ten PHASES.
As you make progress toward quitting smoking, you complete PHASES
As you make progress toward quitting smoking, you complete
. Each PHASE
is assigned to a tool so you know where you are within each STEP
is assigned to a tool so you know where you are within each
of quitting.
So open up your TOOLBOX, strap on your toolbelt and start quitting!
I CAN Chances are you requested this kit because you want to quit smoking.
The purpose of this Smoker's Quit Kit is to help you prepare to quit
DO IT. successfully. More than 15 million Americans have managed to quit
smoking in the past 10 years, and you can too! As you prepare to make
this major change in your life, the Smoker's Quit Kit will give you straight,
useful advice to help you quit — and stay cigarette-free. It offers you
concrete tips on how to prepare to quit, what to
Tobacco use is the
expect, how to stay on track once you have quit,
Number 1 preventablecause of death and
and how to adjust to life as a non-smoker.
disease in Michigan.
While you're probably eager to get started,
we suggest that you look through the whole
kit now — before you start quitting
— to be sure you're prepared
and ready for success. Research
shows that people who rush
ahead are less likely to succeed.
You have to be 100% sure
that you really want to quit
and it's best if you make
a plan ahead of time.
Knowing all the facts will help you make an informed decision about whether or not you're ready
to quit. So we've filled the following section with facts about the effects of smoking on your health
and the health of those around you. You're probably familiar with a lot of the facts that are
presented here, but you may find something new that will help motivate you to quit — for good.
Remember, you have to want to quit!
Diseases Caused By Tobacco
Cataracts, Gum Disease, Tooth Loss, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Osteoporosis, Alzheimer's Disease, Infertility, Impotence
Cancers Caused By Tobacco
Mouth, Tongue, Throat, Trachea, Larynx, Lung, Stomach,
Colon, Bladder, Kidney, Pancreas, Breast, and Cervix.
Causes of Preventable Death
Michigan Residents 1999-2000
Tobacco kills more people in
Michigan than AIDS, alcohol, auto
accidents, fires, cocaine, heroin,
murders and suicides -
Source: Michigan Health Statistics, SAMMEC 3.0, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
& Michigan Fire Incident Reporting System.Prepared by: Krista Schaafsma 2001
Each year, exposure to second-hand smoke causes 150,000 to 300,000
I CAN lower respiratory tract infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis)
in U.S. infants and children younger than 18 months of age.
DO IT. These infections result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations every year.
Chronic cough, wheezing, and phlegm are more frequent in children
whose parents smoke. Children exposed to second-hand smoke at home
are more likely to have middle-ear disease and reduced lung function.
Smoking also kills upto 2,580 non-smokers
Second-hand smoke increases
each year in Michiganas a result of their
the number of asthma attacks
exposure to second-
and the severity of asthma in children
who already have the disease. Even worse,
second-hand smoke can cause healthy children
to develop asthma.
A recent study found that infants
are three times more likely to die from
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
if their mothers smoke during and after
pregnancy. Infants are twice as likely
to die from SIDS if their mothers stop
smoking during pregnancy and then
resume smoking following birth.
You might be surprised — cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemical substances, many
of which are poisonous and are known to cause cancer in humans. Tobacco companies don't
have to list the ingredients of their cigarettes. But if they did, it might look like this:
Nicotine: This is a powerful poison. When you inhale nicotine in cigarette
smoke, it narrows your blood vessels and puts a strain on your whole
system. Nicotine is also highly addictive.
Smoking kills nearly14,700 Michigan
Tar: This is what is left after you burn a cigarette. It gets through even
smokers each year
the best filters and coats your lungs with soot, which contains the most
and accounts forabout one in six
harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. Tar is the major cause of lung
Michigan deaths.
cancer and other smoking-related cancers.
Carbon Monoxide: This is the same gas that comes out of your car's
exhaust pipe. When your blood is loaded with carbon
monoxide, it cannot carry enough oxygen
to the organs that need it.
It is a leading cause of heart
attacks and strokes.
Robert talks to Genesee County students 50 to 100 times a year about the hazards of tobacco use. He makes
quite an impression, not only because he is an experienced public speaker, but also because he has no larynx
(voice box).
Robert started smoking cigarettes when he was 14 and smoked for just about a half-century, averaging a pack
a day. In 1993, he was diagnosed with cancer of the larynx. In early 1994, he had a full laryngectomy (removal
of the larynx), plus removal of all the lymph nodes
from the right side of his neck and his shoulder.
But the thing Robert would like most
Finally, he underwent 34 radiation treatments.
to have saved is his singing voice.
"The music was my biggest loss,"
The cancer and radiation had an even greater
impact on Robert than it might on most people.
he said, "but I'm glad to be alive."
He was a popular public speaker. He sang in his
church choir and in a barbershop quartet.
Now, Robert communicates through what is known as esophageal speech. He takes air into his esophagus
while inhaling, and then gradually expels it to produce a sound. He uses his mouth, nose, teeth, tongue, and
lips to shape the sound into intelligible speech. It sounds oddly artificial, like that of a secret witness whose
voice is being disguised at a trial.
Robert is now secretary of the board of the American Cancer Society unit in Flint, where he lives. He finds his
young audiences generally attentive, though "the older kids, age 12 and up, often are harder to reach."
When he talks to students, he likes to emphasize how much money he would have saved by not smoking over
all those years — something approaching a quarter of a million dollars. But the thing Robert would like most
to have saved is his singing voice. "The music was my biggest loss," he said, "but I'm glad to be alive."
Have You Tried
If you are like most smokers, you know all of the reasons for quitting.
to Quit Before?
You've heard them over and over, you probably even agree that they all
If you are one of the
make sense. However, for every reason to quit you have most likely
many who have triedto quit before and did
justified a reason for not quitting — reasons like these:
not make it, you maybe discouraged abouttrying again. Don't
"I don't need to quit — I'll just switch to light
worry — you're notalone! Most people
cigarettes, or smoke less."
who have quit for
This may seem like a good idea. Unfortunately, many people change the
good had to try morethan once. This kit can
way they smoke when they move to a lighter cigarette. For instance, they
may take bigger or more frequent puffs to get the amount of nicotine they
yourself so that youhave the best chances
need. These changes often affect the amount of tar they get from a
cigarette and cancel out the benefit of smoking the lighter cigarette.
And don't forget,quitting takespractice! Those other
"I feel sick when I don't smoke."
attempts at quitting
You aren't sick. These physical withdrawl symptoms ou
taught you thingsabout what does and
feel during the healing process will pass within a week
doesn't work for you.
That information can
or two (more about withdrawal symptoms will follow).
help you quit for good
They can be very uncomfortable, but the worst of them
usually pass within a couple of days and they certainly
won't kill you.
"If I quit now it will probably be too late."
It's never too late! Your body has a great capacity to fix itself. Within a year, your risk of smoking-
related heart disease will be cut in half. There is increasing evidence that no matter how long
you've smoked, quitting reduces your risk of developing coronary heart disease, getting lung
cancer, or having a stroke.
"If I quit I will gain weight — so I will just be trading one
health problem for another."
People who quit gain less than 10 pounds on average, if they gain at all. However, being a few
pounds heavier for a while has nowhere near the risk to your health as continuing smoking! You
will find some suggestions for controlling your weight later.
"Quitting is just too hard."
Quitting is hard. However, 40 million Americans have done it, including 13 million heavy smokers!
"I have tried to quit, and could not."
Some people quit on their first try, but many do not. Most ex-smokers had to try more than once to quit.
Risk of Heart Attack:
Risk of Dying from Lung Cancer:
Smokers vs. Ex-Smokers
Smokers vs. Ex-Smokers
Relative Risk Estimate
Number Of Years Since Quitting Smoking
Number Of Years Since Quitting Smoking
It was the cigarette after dinner that almost did her in. Andrea, of Detroit, had been smoking
I CAN since she was 16, and she smoked cigarettes for about 16 years. Then, she said she
"just got tired of it."
DO IT. "Part of it was that smoking was not as acceptable as it used to be," Andrea said. "At work,
we had to go to designated areas to smoke, and there was a stigma attached to it. Also, none
of my friends smoked, and well, it was smelly, too."
Andrea smoked a pack a
day. She had quit several
"It was the habit part of it that was so
times before, going cold
The leading cause of
ingrained in me, not the actual craving
turkey, but it never lasted
— once I broke that habit, I never had to
Michigan's African
for more than about
American males is heart
have another one."
disease and cancer dueto cigarette smoking.
Then she tried the patch. She went through the prescribed routine — three levels of nicotine —
and said she struggled all the way up to the last level. "I cheated," she said. "Even when I was
using the patch, I couldn't get past smoking after dinner. I would take the patch off and have
my after-dinner cigarette."
"This went on for a month or so," she said. "It was the habit part of it that was so ingrained in me,
not the actual craving — I just had to have that cigarette after dinner. Once I broke that habit,
I never had to have another one." Still, she admits the danger of relapse is always lurking out there.
"I don't miss smoking at all, but I know that if I ever put a cigarette in my hand, I would go back
to it. So I just don't do that."
"I am prouder of this than of any other thing I have ever done," Andrea said. "Before, I could
never imagine myself without a cigarette in my hand. Now, I can't imagine myself with one.
A Decision
Why Do You Smoke?
You Can Live With
Check off the statements that you agree with:
facts about smoking,
I smoke out of habit, or to have something to do with my hands.
I smoke when I am sad, depressed, angry, bored, or frustrated.
other people have
I smoke when I am happy, or feel like celebrating.
quit. But quitting isn't
about other people —
I like the taste.
it's about you, and
quitting is a very
Smoking calms me down.
personal decision.
Smoking wakes me up, helps me concentrate.
These checklist's can
Smoking helps me control my weight.
help you weigh the
Smoking helps me organize my day.
smoking and decide
Smoking is an important part of my life.
if you're ready.
Save Your Life
Most people are troubled by the effect smoking has on their health
$4.34 a pack at 2
or the health of those they love.
packs a day - 365days a year equals$3,168.20 a year. Think
Check off any of these that apply to you:
of all the things youcould do with what
I am worried about the increased risk of cancer.
you will save from
I am worried about the increased risk of lung problems like emphysema.
quitting. $3,168.20 willbuy: about 288 CDs;
I am worried about the increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
a leather sofa; a new
I feel that smoking is interfering with my level of fitness.
computer or laptop; a 7 day, 6 night cruise.
I am worried that secondhand smoke is hurting the people I love.
I feel that smoking is increasing the number of colds and respiratory
infections I have.
Other Health Reasons:
Check off any of these that apply to you:
Cigarettes are expensive.
Most people I know do not smoke: I feel out of place when I light up.
Family members are worried by my smoking.
I want to be a good role model for my children.
I do not like the feeling that cigarettes are controlling my life.
I do not want those that I love to breathe secondhand smoke or copy my habit.
Wanting frequent smoke breaks is interfering with my work.
WHAT DID YOU DECIDE?Are you ready to quit? If so, congratulations! Step 2 will help you make a plan to give up
cigarettes for good. If not, pick a date to review this material again.
This book will help you plan your approach and decide on the method that
will work best for you. You can think of it as a map that will help plan
HERE IS your journey to a healthy new life
as a non-smoker.
MY PLAN. As you read through this book,
you'll learn that no two people
quit smoking in exactly the same
way. That means that the technique
that helped your spouse or your best friend
Tobacco related illnesscosts Michigan $2.6
quit may not work for you. This book will help
billion every year inhealth costs.
you begin to understand your own relationship
with cigarettes, so that you can find the method that's most helpful
We'll be honest: quitting isn't easy. Nicotine is addictive, and smoking is a powerful habit.
On the other hand, the benefits of quitting are enormous: better health, more years of life,
and more money in your pocket. Quitting takes a great deal of work and determination.
You can begin to understand the sort of work involved once you identify the three main problems
Nicotine is an addictive drug, and most people who quit experience physical withdrawal
symptoms, or unpleasant signs that your body is overcoming its dependence on nicotine.
Common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, nausea, drowsiness or trouble sleeping,
and difficulty concentrating.
You probably use cigarettes to help you handle emotions and stressful situations,
and you'll need to find ways of dealing with these situations without smoking.
Smoking is a habit that is hard to break.
Quitting is a big step. Your best defense is to be prepared. Think ahead to all the times
and situations when you will want to smoke, and plan to do something else instead. This book
can help you prepare.
For a Few Days:
HERE IS You may notice slight dizziness or light-headedness, a cough, or a runny
nose. These symptoms are the first to pass.
MY PLAN. For a Week or Two After Quitting:
This is when you can expect physical withdrawal symptoms such
as headaches, sleepiness or trouble sleeping, increased phlegm, increased
hunger, or digestive changes.
About 70% of all adultsmokers in Michiganwant to quit.
For a Month or Two After Quitting:
Psychological cravings or urges to smoke
usually last for a month or more, until
the habit of smoking starts to fade. You will
develop your own defenses against these urges.
You will probably also feel increased stress and
emotional pressure. Feelings of irritability
and trouble concentrating are common. But if
you are prepared, they won't overwhelm you.
And remember, there are plenty of positive
emotions associated with quitting! It's not
an easy task, and you should be proud of
yourself for having the courage to take it on.
You'll probably start to feel better physically soon after you stop smoking. And with good reason — you are
physically better! Here are just a few of the positive changes that take place when you stop smoking:
A few hours after you stop smoking — your carbon monoxide levels fall to normal
and the oxygen in your blood increases.
One day after you stop smoking — your risk of a heart attack starts to go down.
Two days after you stop smoking — your nerve endings start to repair themselves,
so your senses of taste and smell begin to return to normal.
Two weeks after you stop smoking — your lungs are working 30% better than they did before you quit.
You Start Getting Healthier — And Wealthier — On Your Very First Day As A Non-smoker.
Your blood pressure and heart rate are no longer artificially elevated.
Your risk of smoking-related heart disease drops 50% in your first year as a non-smoker,
and your risk of lung cancer decreases steadily.
Quitting smoking will often lead you to other healthy behaviors such as exercise and improved
eating habits. Many ex-smokers find that living a healthier lifestyle becomes a positive addiction!
Quitting smoking will save you money. Just look at the numbers for a pack-a-day habit:
$4.34 X 365 = $1,584.10
And the cost of cigarettes is going up, not down. Think of it as a bonus — and a double bonus if
you're at two packs a day: $4.25 X 365 = $1,584.10 X 2 = $3,168.20!
Best Methods
After reviewing your
Here are some popular alternatives that have helped people stop smoking
Reasons for Smoking,What to Expect, and
Methods, think aboutthe role smoking plays
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) — Patches, Gum, Inhalers, Nasal
in your life and decide
which methods willbest help you quit
Using NRT products just about double your chances of success. NRT helps
ease the physical withdrawal from smoking by reducing the physical
craving for nicotine when you stop smoking. Many of the products are
available without a prescription. Your doctor or health care provider can
help you decide which is best for you.
Zyban (the Stop-Smoking Pill)
Available by prescription only, Zyban is a pill that helps lessen the urge to
smoke. It is not a nicotine replacement. It works on the parts of the brain
that control the desire to smoke. Your doctor can help you decide if Zyban
is right for you.
Zyban Combined with the Patch
One study reported in early 1999 that Zyban is twice as effective as the
patch in helping people kick the habit, and that use of the two together
was even better. Used together, the patch and Zyban helped more than
35% of smokers stay off cigarettes for a year. Talk with your doctor to see if
you should think about using them together.
Not everyone gains weight when they quit smoking. Those who do gain an average of seven
pounds. This is because smoking artificially speeds up your metabolism, and it returns to normal
after you quit. But weight gain doesn't have to become a problem. There are many things you
can do to help keep weight off. Here are some tips to get you started:
Choose Healthy Snacks
You may find yourself wanting to snack instead of smoking. Choose healthy snacks, like fresh
fruit, low-fat yogurt, fruit milkshakes, vanilla wafers, animal crackers, or low-fat cheese.
Review Your Regular Diet
Make sure you're eating a healthy diet that's light on fat and includes plenty of fruits
and vegetables.
Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body. It strengthens
your heart and lungs, makes you feel fit, and reduces your urge to smoke.
Don't be too Hard on Yourself!
Even if you do gain weight, it might be a good idea to postpone
any major changes in your diet or lifestyle until after you've
quit for a while. By quitting smoking, you're already
making one major change in your life, and you may want to
give yourself time to get used to it before making another
change. And remember, being a few pounds heavier for a while
is much healthier for you than continuing to smoke.
Many hospitals andother health-related
organizations offersmoking cessation
For nicotine replacements to work, they must be used exactly as directed.
programs. Ask your
They can be dangerous if you use them and continue to smoke.
doctor about programsin your area or call
Remember that nicotine is an addictive poison. The only reason you are
your local chapter of
using it to stop smoking is so that you can control and reduce the amounts
the American LungAssociation — it's listed
of nicotine your body takes in and eventually end your addiction to it.
in the telephone book.
You can also designyour own program
Nothing you do in a carefully monitored program of nicotine replacement
based on what youknow about your life,
therapy is going to be worse for your health than just continuing to smoke.
your reasons forsmoking, and theobstacles that you
Nicotine replacements help only with the physical withdrawal. They do not
think will be hardestfor you to overcome
keep you from missing cigarettes. You still have to control your habit.
when you quit.
This is why NRT works best when it is used along with another approach,
such as a smoking cessation program or a support group.
to Quit Smoking
Nicotine is an addictive drug, but some people are more strongly dependent than others.
Answering the questions below will help you determine how physically dependent you are
on nicotine and help you decide whether the nicotine gum or patch may be right for you.
Do you need to smoke in the first half hour after you wake up?
Do you get a strong, gnawing hunger for a cigarette if you have
not smoked for a while?
If you answered, "yes" to both of the above questions, then you may be quite addicted.
But, that does not mean you will find it any harder to quit than others. If you are worried
about being able to stay quit because of these symptoms, you may want to talk with your doctor.
2 Quitting All at Once.
For a lot of smokers, this is the least costly (free) way to quit, even though
in many ways it's the hardest.
Other Ways
Tapering Off — Gradually Reducing the Number of Cigarettes You
Smoke Each Day.
You may have heard ofother ways to quit —
Research has shown that this method is less effective than going cold
expensive classes
turkey or using nicotine replacements or smoking cessation groups.
and self-help courses,acupuncture and
The problems with this approach are:
hypnotism. ColdTurkey is the mostfrequently used way
As you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day,
to quit smoking.
each cigarette can become more important to you — and that
However, It is also the least successful
may make it harder to take the final step of letting go completely.
method, leading manyto believe that theycannot quit. This kit
You may become satisfied to remain at a certain number
can help you prepare
of cigarettes per day instead of really quitting.
and give you a greaterchance of quittingonce and for all.
Finally, if you do continue at a reduced level, the number
of cigarettes per day often goes up again, either gradually
program is perfect for every smoker
or in a moment of weakness or crisis.
who wants to quit. In fact, research hasshown that you have
You may find it useful to taper off the number of cigarettes you smoke
the best chance of
per day as your quit date approaches. However, it's still important to set
success if you useseveral methods
a date when you will give up smoking completely.
together. Quitting is avery individual matter.
Only you can decide
A Combination Approach.
whether you're ready
Using several methods together probably gives you the best chance
and which program or combination of
of quitting and staying cigarette-free.
programs is best for you.
Amy, 46, of Ionia, smoked cigarettes for 20 years before she went cold turkey. She smoked a pack to a pack and
a half a day. "In general, I am an all-or-nothing kind of person, so I never tried to quit until I was convinced
that it was time," she said.
Amy sought to replace smoking with other things. Now, for example, instead of smoking that first cigarette
each day, she goes for a morning walk.
"When you think you want a cigarette, think again. Ask yourself, ‘What is it I really want? More sleep
Energy I should be getting from food?' Once in a great while, I still have an urge to have a cigarette — but I can
quickly figure out that it's not a cigarette I want, and I know that there are other ways to meet my needs."
Now that you have decided to quit smoking, it's important to prepare
for it. Review the phase "What to Expect" — you'll need to prepare yourself
HERE IS for the withdrawal symptoms so there are no surprises. Being prepared
is your best defense. This is very important. Anticipating problems ahead
MY PLAN. of time will give you the ammunition you need to deal with sudden cravings.
Make a list of problems and solutions (things you are going to do when
you are feeling the urge to smoke). Be sure to list all of the situations where
you usually smoke (e.g. driving, after a meal, talking on the phone).
Then think of ways to deal with each situation without smoking. Knowing
Smoking is asignificant risk factor
what to do ahead of time will help you get through the times when the urge
for cancer, chronicobstructive pulmonary
to smoke is strongest.
disease, and adversepregnancy outcomes.
You can also expect some physical withdrawal
symptoms for a week or two after you quit.
On the next page is a list of difficulties that
smokers often experience and some suggestions
for effective ways of dealing with them. Which
ones do you think will work best for you?
There's also space for you to write in your
own solutions.
How I Will Cope:
Sudden craving for a cigarette
Take a few deep breathsBrush my teeth
Feeling irritable
Take a few deep breathsTake a hot bath
Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon and eveningCall my doctor
Trouble concentrating
Take a walk outsideTake a breakLighten my schedule for a few daysRemind myself that this will pass in a few days
Get plenty of sleepTry to be more activeTake a nap during the day if possible
Indigestion, gas or constipation
Drink plenty of fluidsMake sure I'm getting enough fiber from foods like raw vegetables, fruit, and whole grainsTry to get more exerciseAsk my doctor about over-the-counter medicines that might help
Cough or a runny nose
Remind myself that these things are signs that my body is starting to repair itself from damage caused by smoking and that they'll go away within a few weeks
2 Once you have decided to quit, start to think of yourself as a non-smoker.
No matter which route you take to being a non-smoker, you can help
yourself by anticipating some of the problems you might encounter
and deciding what to do about them. You might even want to rehearse
the scenes when you know you will be tempted to have a cigarette.
In some situations,
Here are some alternative things to do when the urge to have a cigarette hits you.
difficult to find agood substitute forsmoking. In that case,
Have a snack: Keep some low-fat treats, like carrots or pretzels, on hand for
it's best to avoid that
when you crave a cigarette.
situation until yoururge to smoke getsweaker. For example,
Practice deep breathing exercises: Breathe in slowly and deeply. Hold your
it's often very difficultfor ex-smokers to
breath and count to five. Breathe out slowly. Repeat five times. This has a
avoid lighting up
calming effect and can help distract you from your urge to smoke.
when they'redrinking. So it'sprobably best to
Drink water: Water helps satisfy the need to put something in your mouth
avoid alcohol for awhile after you quit —
and your body — and it is good for you. Flavor it up with orange or lemon
unless you'reabsolutely sure that
slices. Use a straw.
there won't be anycigarettes available.
Brush your teeth: Keep a toothbrush handy when you go out and at work.
Brushing your teeth will help distract you from your cravings.
When the urge to smoke strikes remember the 5 D's.
Delay - a minute or two and the urge will pass.
Drink Water - to fight off cravings.
Do something Else - to distract yourself.
Deep Breathe - it will relax you.
Discuss - your thoughts.
It's best to set a specific date when you will stop smoking altogether. It sometimes helps to pick
a date that has some special significance — your birthday, your child's birthday, a holiday, etc.
Take your time! Take a week, two weeks or a month to prepare if you think you need it.
Just make sure that you set a specific date and stick to it.
There are things you can do to prepare yourself as your quit date approaches. We've included
some suggestions below, but feel free to add to the list.
Start to break routines that you have associated with smoking — drink tea instead
of coffee, change the order of your morning routine, drive to work a different way
Clean your home, remove or throw out anything that you use for smoking — ashtrays,
lighters, matches, etc.
Have your car cleaned and deodorized so the smell doesn't make you want a cigarette
Start smoking with the opposite hand than you're used to
Limit your smoking to places that are not comfortable or familiar
SET YOUR QUIT DATE!Tear out the "My Quit Date Is"
Reminder and use it in a book, on your fridge, in your car, at your desk, etc.
It will serve as a daily reminder andmotivator to quit smoking.
Dorothy, who lives in Taylor, had smoked for 30 years and was half of a smoking couple.
HERE IS Then her husband, a welder, developed pneumonia, and his physician told him he had
to quit. "I told him, ‘We'll quit together.' I already wanted to quit, and all I needed
was that little extra shove." She smoked about a pack a day.
MY PLAN. Dorothy used the patch, a three-stage method that delivers decreasing amounts
of nicotine. She was at the first level for a month. With the second, she didn't feel that
the conventional six weeks was enough, so — with her physician's approval — she stayed
on it for four months. She skipped the third level altogether.
Dorothy said the patch was effective but that the habit of smoking was still hard
A higher proportion
to overcome. "When I first got on the patch, I found you still feel you need something
of smoking related
in your hand, so I cut off a straw and held that in my hand and put it in my mouth," she said.
cancer deaths occuramong men than
Dorothy said she gained about 15 pounds after she quit but that she decided not to worry
among women.
about it. "I said, ‘Let's do one thing at a time.'" She later lost most of the gain. Now,
"I have a lot more stamina to do things, and it's nice to be able to go places and not have
to worry about ducking out for a cigarette," said Dorothy. She has also caused a ripple
effect. "Several real good friends have quit after taking me as an example," she said.
Still, she said, "I miss it when I'm out in my boat. I find myself reaching for a pack of cigarettes
that isn't there. But I programmed my mind to think that if I light up, I would get deathly ill."
(P.S. — Dorothy's husband
succeeded in quitting, too.)
During the next few days, you may find that one of the most difficult tasks is to start thinking
of yourself as a non-smoker. You may find yourself thinking dangerous thoughts like
"one cigarette won't hurt," or "I don't have to quit right now — I'll try again in a few
weeks." At times like these, it's helpful to remember the three R's:
Remind yourself why you're quitting.
Refuse to let negative thoughts take over your brain. For instance, if you find yourself
thinking, "One puff won't hurt," push that thought away — remember:
you are a non-smoker.
Rehearse difficult situations ahead of time. Remember the plan you made for dealing
with tough situations and practice what you're going to say out loud.
The Physical Addiction
It's Worth It.
Will Not Last Long.
Quitting may be difficult at times, but think of all you
get in return: a longer and much healthier life and
You'll be through the worst in a few days. Your
more money. Try not to think about what you're
cravings will get shorter, weaker, and further apart.
giving up — think about what you are giving yourself.
Take Things One Urge
You Can Do It!
At A Time.
Whenever your willpower feels weak, give it a boost
Every time you use your plan to overcome an urge it
by reading over your reasons for quitting. And tell
is a victory for you. Every time you can look back on
yourself you will make it — one day at a time. And
a whole day of not smoking, you'll be closer to your
remember, each day will get easier. Good luck!
goal of being a permanent non-smoker.
Now that you've quit, don't forget about all the hard work you put into coming
I DID up with a plan to deal with difficult situations. Refer back to your plan to help
you get through stressful moments when you feel the urge to smoke.
You may find it hard to believe that one of your coping strategies could
possibly be strong enough to get you through your worst cravings.
But those cravings don't usually last very long, and your coping strategies
can be very effective at distracting you until they pass. Don't forget
to make a note of what works and what doesn't
Among women, lungcancer has surpassed
and adjust your plan accordingly.
breast cancer as theleading cause ofcancer deaths.
Take it one urge at a time, one hour at a time,
one day at a time. Remember, as each day
passes, you're closer to a future where
smoking is simply not an option for
you. Hang in there!
If you are using a nicotine replacement product, you may feel strong enough to stop using
it after a few weeks. It's best not to. There is nothing to be gained by giving up these nicotine
replacements too early, and it's not worth the risk that you may start smoking again.
Warning: Do not smoke while using an NRT product. It can give you an overdose that can
make you sick.
Watch Out For Days 3, 4 and 5
Sometimes people can sail through the first couple of days because they're excited about quitting.
But by the third or fourth day, they may start to get tired of the struggle. Don't let your guard
down. Remember, it will get easier soon!
I DID Hey, you are doing something really hard! You already deserve a reward.
In fact, you probably deserve a new car or an exciting vacation. But
perhaps something smaller will have to do for now. You may want to
make up a list of rewards you will give yourself — day one, week one,
week two, month one, year one.
My Rewards:
The people killed bysecond-hand smokeare often husbands,wives, children, andother family membersof smokers.
When the image of a cigarette comes into your mind, concentrate
on something else that you enjoy.
Pick up something to read
Change the TV channel
Write notes to yourself about what
you want to do on your vacation
Remember: this is your decision to quit smoking and you can do it.
Don't Get Over-Confident!
At some point, you may feel so sure of yourself as a non-smoker that you feel you can experiment.
If you take a puff, will you like it?
Unfortunately, the first puff all too often leads to a second, which leads to a whole cigarette,
which leads to a pack. That's just the way it is, because your body will remember its addiction.
Stay strong — don't take even one puff.
After the withdrawal symptoms of the first week or two pass, the urge to
smoke becomes more psychological than physical. Most smokers find that
If You Slip Up
there are four main factors that eat away at their will power.
If you slip up andhave a cigarette ortwo, look at it as a
1. The Feeling That Something Is Missing:
Cigarettes may have become an important part of your life when you were
You are still an ex-smoker. Don't dwell
a smoker. So you'll probably get into situations that just don't seem right
on the situation, butask yourself why it
without a cigarette. They're different for everyone, but some of the most
common are after dinner, parties, or driving.
things differently next
time. For example:
Were you simply tired
You probably anticipated many of these situations when you made up
and hungry? Next
time, don't skip meals,
your plan to quit. The key is to remember the strategies you came up with
and make sure you get
and use them to get through these times.
enough sleep.
Were you having a
drink with smokers?
2. Stress:
Next time, if youdrink, make sure there
You probably feel like you're under more stress since you stopped
are no cigarettesaround.
smoking. Don't let it discourage you — many ex-smokers say that quitting
Don't be too hard on
has actually helped them make their lives less stressful. Since they can no
yourself. Just
"re-quit" as soon as
longer use cigarettes to get them through difficult situations, they've
found more constructive ways to cope.
strengthen your willpower in these ways:Read over your
Remember, using cigarettes to put poisonous chemicals into your body is
reasons for quitting.
Repeat to yourself:
a terrible way to deal with stress. It ultimately makes things worse, not
"Smoking is not an
better. We think you'll find that other methods are much more effective.
option for me."Avoid the situation
It's the transition from cigarettes to those other methods that can be
that led to your puff.
difficult, and we're here to help you through it.
Sudden Shocks:
Although you usually can't tell when (or if) sudden stress will hit you, you can and should still prepare
ahead of time. Decide on your strategy. For example:
In the case of a sudden shock, plan to tell someone, "This makes me want to smoke again,
but I am not going to."
Always tell yourself that smoking will not reduce the stress — it will only make things
worse in the long run.
Plan alternatives — a quick walk, a hot bath, a cup of hot chocolate, a talk with a friend.
Stress at Home or on the Job:
In the old days, you relied on cigarettes to help you through. Now you can't — you're a non-smoker.
Communicate. If a situation at work or at home is bothering you, sit down with the people
involved and talk it out.
Exercise is a great way of easing stress. Try to exercise briskly for at least 30 minutes
at least four times a week.
Consider a stress control course. Your local adult school, community college, YMCA, or
medical center can refer you to one.
If possible, relax for 15 minutes every day.
Seek out a family member or friend for words of encouragement.
3 3. Social Situations:
Social situations are often difficult for new ex-smokers, especially when
there are cigarettes around. Alcohol makes things even more difficult. Just
one drink can make holes in your will power. Stay in control by practicing
Start a Healthy
what you'll say if someone offers you a cigarette. It may seem silly, but it
really does work. And it's probably a good idea to avoid alcohol for now,
A healthy lifestyle
especially when there are smokers or cigarettes around.
doesn't have to be achore. In fact, manyex-smokers find that
If you do drink, be prepared beforehand. You can expect strong cravings
their new healthy
— so plan not to go near the cigarette machine, and not to get cigarettes
lifestyle becomes a positive habit. It's
from friends or strangers. If possible, plan to stay away from smokers
easy to get used to
altogether for a short period of time.
looking better andhaving more energy!
4. Weight Gain:
Ex-smokers may put on weight for two reasons:
1. Without nicotine, your metabolism returns to a normal, slower speed.
So, if you do not lower your food intake or increase your exercise, you
may add a few pounds.
2. You may eat more to help decrease the urge to smoke.
Whatever the reason, don't feel guilty about it. Being five, ten, or even
twenty-five pounds overweight is far healthier than smoking! But if you
want to stop the weight gain now, follow these rules:
• Whenever you can, avoid food with fat in it.
• Keep fruit and veggies handy for a healthy snack.
• Exercise throughout the day, even if it's just a few more trips upstairs,
an extra sweeping of your patio, or a walk from one store to the next.
Do not go on a diet that requires special foods or drinks. These are hard to stick to, especially
when they're combined with the stress of quitting smoking. They often leave you feeling deprived,
and you may not be strong enough for that yet. Furthermore, the weight will come back — fast —
when you go back to normal eating.
Do eat a balanced diet, and follow these five rules for cutting out calories (and, as a bonus,
improving your general health):
1. Switch to low fat or non-fat dairy products.
2. Eat the leanest meats you can find, and only take small quantities.
Take the skin off chicken. Do not fry.
3. Eat at least five helpings of fruits and vegetables every day.
4. Read labels of prepared foods and choose those lowest in fat.
5. If you need help, see the resources page for places to get more
information on how to eat healthy and get more exercise.
Exercise! Exercise is important for good health. Try to add more walking every day. Exercise does
more than just burn up calories while you are exercising. It speeds up your metabolism, so you
burn more calories even when you are resting.
Stop nibbling out of habit, if that has become a problem. Try keeping track of everything you eat
for two or three days. This will do two things: it will help you think twice before you eat, and it will
alert you to those times of the day when you tend to overeat. Once you know where the dangers lie,
you can make sure you have low-calorie food around at those times.
If No, Was It Because:
The temptation to smoke was stronger than you had expected?
You had not guessed which situations would be the hardest?
You did not have the right strategy ready?
All of the above?
women in Michigansmoke.
You might want to review your plan based on your answers to the
questions above. Think of new solutions to replace the ones that didn't
work as well as you had hoped, or add new situations as they come up.
The two-week milestone is an important one for many ex-smokers. The main physical symptoms
are gone, and you've gotten through many tempting situations (or, if you did slip up, you
learned how to avoid that trap in the future). Remember to stick to your plan and prepare for new
situations as they arise.
Remember, you have not failed at quitting until you quit trying. Don't quit quitting!
If you've made it this far (even with a slip-up or two), congratulations —
this is graduation time! By the end of the first month, most of the hardship
involved in quitting is gone and the risk of relapse is getting lower, week
About 1.7 millionadults in Michigan are
Of course, there is still some risk of a relapse. From now on, stay on your
smokers - roughly a
guard against the four main dangers for ex-smokers (You might find it helpful
quarter of the state'sadult population.
to review those four sections earlier in this book.):
down 30% since 1990!
The Feeling that Something is Missing
Weight Gain
The material in this Smoker's Quit Kit is drawn from a number of different sources, but there are
many methods available to help you quit smoking. Quitting is a very individual matter, and only
you can decide which way is right for you.
Your physician can give you information and advice on medications to help you stop smoking.
Also, your local health department, hospital, or local chapters of national organizations can
provide you with more help on smoking cessation and other support services in your community.
Here are some possible sources of further help.
Michigan Guide to Quit Smoking Programs
To help you find programs in your county log onto our website at:
American Cancer Society Great Lakes Division
Cancer Information Service
1205 E. Saginaw St.Lansing, MI 48906
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
(800) ACS-2345 (227-2345)
110 E. Warren Detroit, MI 48201-1379
(800) 4-CANCER (422-6237)
American Heart Association Michigan Affiliate
24445 Northwestern Hwy Suite 100Southfield, MI 48075
Michigan Department of Community Health
(800) AHA-USA1 (242-8721) (check your phone book
Clearinghouse For the FREE Smoker's Quit Kit call(800)
for number of local chapter)
537-5666For the FREE Fit Kit designed to help you eat
healthy and exercise call
American Lung Association of Michigan
(866) 4-FIT-KIT (434-8548)
403 Seymour Ave.Lansing, MI 48933-1179
(800) LUNG-USA (586-4872) (check your phone book
Remember, no program or service can work
for number of local chapter)
effectively unless you work with it. Quitting smoking
requires motivation, commitment, and effort.
MDCH is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Services and Programs Provider
Source: http://www.nwhealth.org/pubs/MDCHQuitKit.pdf
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