
A Comparative Study on Facially Expressed
Emotions in Response to Basic Tastes
Wender L. P. Bredie, Hui Shan Grace
Tan & Karin Wendin
Chemosensory Perception
ISSN 1936-5802
Chem. Percept.
DOI 10.1007/s12078-014-9163-6
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Chem. Percept.
DOI 10.1007/s12078-014-9163-6
A Comparative Study on Facially Expressed Emotionsin Response to Basic Tastes
Wender L. P. Bredie & Hui Shan Grace Tan &Karin Wendin
Received: 17 May 2013 / Accepted: 12 January 2014
# European Union 2014
Abstract Facially expressed emotions play a role in commu-
expressed emotions although it may not completely represent
nication between individuals. They form another means of
the dimensions of the emotional experience.
expressing oneself besides verbal expressions or self-reporting of feelings and perceptions on psychometric scales
Keywords Sensory perception . Facial expression .
and are implicit in nature. This study aimed to evaluate the
Emotion . Basic taste
extent and specificity of evoking facial expressed emotions bybasic tastes and to evaluate if facially expressed emotionsprovide additional information to explicit measures. The emo-
tions were characterised upon tasting the five basic tastes inaqueous solutions at three different concentrations levels. The
Facial expressions are consciously or subconsciously con-
sensory and emotional responses reported were obtained from
veyed by an individual and are regarded to be a convenient
a 21-membered taste panel. Facial reactions and facially
way of identifying emotions (Russell and Dols ; Sicile-
expressed emotions depended on the taste quality and taste
Kira and Grandin The analysis of facial expressions
intensity. However, the facially expressed emotions were gen-
has been shown to be a reliable and non-obtrusive way of
erally weak even for the relatively strong taste intensities.
accessing emotional information (Matsumoto et al. ;
Bitter (caffeine), sour (citric acid) and salty (sodium chloride)
Weiss et al. Ekman (, ) found a set of
lead to clear disgust and surprise responses, whereas, sweet
universal emotions, which were fundamentally and distin-
(sucrose) and umami (glutamic acid monosodium salt) taste
guishably different in their physiological and behavioural
gave weakly noticeable facially expressed emotions.
characteristics. These so-called basic emotions were defined
Although correlations between the expressed emotions and
as ‘happiness', ‘sadness', ‘surprise', ‘disgust', ‘anger', ‘fear'
hedonic responses were observed, the affective experience
and ‘contempt'. There is much evidence that Ekman's basic
had a limited predictive ability for the facially expressed
emotions also elicit specific facial configurations.
emotion at the individual level. In conclusion, psychometric
Identification of basic emotions from facially expressed emo-
rating of the hedonic response is easier to assess than facially
tions have been obtained reliably by trained or naïve persons,even with subjects from divergent cultures (Ekman andFriesen , ; Izard ; Matsumoto et al.
W. L. P. Bredie H. S. G. Tan K. WendinDepartment of Food Science, Faculty of Science, University of
Basic tastes reveal specific facial reactions (Rosenstein and
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Oster Steiner Wendin et al. ). Studieswith infants determined that facial reactions to tastes were
innate and remained more or less unchanged into adulthood
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, IDEON, Lund 223 70,Sweden
(Greimel et al. ; Steiner ). Specific basic tastes can
elicit different facial reactions that can be related to basicemotions (Ekman Strong generally negative facial
reactions have been reported to sour and bitter tastes, whereas
Food and Meal Science, Kristianstad University, Kristianstad,Sweden
weak responses have been observed for umami taste. The
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Chem. Percept.
response to sweet taste has been reported to be positive but
are realistic in foods. The overall aim of the study was to
with a weak facially expressed emotions (Greimel et al.
assess if facially expressed emotions for basic tastes would
Zeinstra et al. ). Rosenberg ) showed that facial
provide additional information to the explicit measure of
reactions were independent of a person's cultural background.
liking. For this purpose, the seven basic emotions of Ekman
The preference for sweetness and aversion to bitterness are also
for all of the basic tastes were evaluated in a comparative
independent of culture albeit more pronounced in childhood
study design.
than in adulthood (Nicklaus et al. ; Reed et al. ).
Facial reactions in general are ways of communication in
order to relay meaningful information between people
Materials and Methods
(Erickson and Schulkin ; Soussignan and Schaal ).
They serve a variety of functions in different social contexts,
Sample Preparation
for instance, negative expressions could simply serve as anindication of distaste or as a warning sign of potential danger
Aqueous solutions of sucrose (Sigma-Aldrich, USA, purity
(Rosenstein and Oster Rozin and Fallon whereas
>99.5 %), sodium chloride (J.T. Baker, USA, purity >99 %),
positive expressions could serve as a display of sensory plea-
caffeine (Sigma-Aldrich, USA, purity >99 %), citric acid
sure or positive reinforcement to encourage a caregiver
monohydrate (Merck, Germany, purity >99.5 %) and glutamic
(Erickson and Schulkin It is commonly accepted that
acid monosodium salt monohydrate (Fluka, Switzerland, pu-
emotional states of an individual influence food choices and
rity >98 %) were each prepared in three concentrations. The
intake (Macht ; Canetti et al. Ganley
concentrations were chosen to be approximately iso-intense
Robbins and Fray ).
and responded to weak, moderate and moderate-strong taste
Even though facially expressed emotions to basic tastes
intensities according to (ISO8586-1:ISO
have been reported in different studies (Greimel et al.
3972)). The concentration levels of the tastant solu-
Zeinstra et al. ), no systematic work has been done to
tions are shown in Table . The water used was deionised and
compare these emotions to basic tastes at different taste inten-
filtered using MilliQ equipment (Merck Millipore, Germany).
sity levels that are commonly encountered in foods. Earlier
The tastant solutions as well as purified water were served in
work has often reported on relatively high taste stimulation in
30-ml aliquots in plastic transparent cups at room temperature.
order to identify the most characteristic emotions. Althoughthese studies have linked basic emotions to basic tastes, it israther unclear as to which importance should be given to the
Subjects and Sample Evaluation
facially expressed emotion in comparison weaker taste per-ceptions. Furthermore, the relationship between the hedonic
Twenty-one adults (11 females and 10 males; non-smokers;
experience for different strengths of basic tastes and the se-
aged 19 to 62, mean 29.4 years) were selected on their general
verity of the facially expressed emotion is not well
sensory abilities according to ISO recommendations (ISO
established. With the increasing interest for implicit measures
Prior to the taste study, the subjects were
of sensory perception, it is of interest to investigate, if facially
informed about the study objectives and signed a consent form
expressed emotions may provide additional information to
where they agreed to the video recording and handling of the
explicit measures, especially in the range of stimulus intensi-
data. All subjects could correctly identify the basic tastes and
ties with relevance to foods.
could distinguish the perceived intensity between the three
In a recent study, basic tastes at varying intensity levels
were reported to elicit different facial reactions, which were
The subjects were included in a taste panel and were
dependent on the quality and intensity of the taste stimuli
instructed to take a sip from the taste solution, form an opinion
(Wendin et al. ). The taste intensity clearly influenced
about the sample and spit out the solution. Subsequently, they
facial reactions to basic tastes, with movements of the lips(sourness) and the responses of the eyes and forehead
Table 1 Concentrations of the solutions tasted by the sensory panel with
(bitterness) as most pronounced effects. In the present study,
their taste characteristic given in the parenthesis
the data from Wendin et al. () were further analysed by a
Low (g/L) Medium (g/L) High (g/L)
panel trained on Ekman's basic emotions in order to investi-gate the relations between taste stimulation, the hedonic re-
sponse and facially recognisable emotions. The degree of
Sodium chloride (salty)
facially expressed emotions was measured as a function of
Caffeine (bitter)
the intensity of each of the five basic taste qualities. The
Citric acid monohydrate (sour) 0.60
objectives were to characterise the facially expressed emo-
Sodium glutamate (umami)
tions in relation to basic taste perception at intensity levels that
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Chem. Percept.
evaluated the degree of liking or disliking of the sample on the
over a 6-week period. In order to eliminate systematic
nine-point hedonic scale (Jones et al. identified the
contrast effects, the order of the evaluations was ran-
taste, and scored the taste intensity on a nine-point intensity
domized within each rating panel member. The emotion
scale. A short pause between each tasting was allowed to let
rating panel members assessed the videos without any
the subject recover to base-line. Each subject participated in
information about the test samples. After the rating
three replicate sessions, in which all 16 samples were tasted in
panellists completed their assignment, they were asked
a randomized order. The subjects performed the evaluations
to re-evaluate two selected videos twice in order to
alone in a neutral room, which was free from odours and
assess the panel member repeatability in performing
visual distractions. During the session, the subject was stand-
facial readings.
ing behind a fixed rostrum. When sipping a sample the subjectwas asked to look at a fixed position on the wall in front. Eachtasting session lasted approximately 20 min. All subjects in
the taste panel received a token for their participation in thethree tasting sessions (Wendin et al. ).
Reliability of the Emotion Rating Panel
Facial Recordings
The reliability of the emotion rating panel was assessed interms of their consensus and repeatability. The consensus
During the tasting of a sample, the face of the subject was
between the rating panel members was evaluated by a
recorded using a 360° dome camera (Panasonic System,
Tucker 1 analysis. For all the significant basic emotions, a
USA) with a 22× optical zoom. The digital camera was
high panel consensus was observed. The repeatability of the
mounted on the ceiling approximately 3 m from the subject.
individual rating panel members were assessed from one-way
The camera was remote-controlled from an adjacent controller
ANOVAs with taste samples as a factor (p×MSE plots). The
room, where an operator managed the recordings on a PC in a
emotion rating panel members showed a general good repeat-
MPEG4 file format.
ability. The rating panel performance analyses were executedin PanelCheck v1.3.2 (Nofima, Ås, Norway).
Emotions Rating Panel
Six volunteers from the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of
Analysis of Hedonic Scores and Facially Expressed Emotions
Science, were recruited for the emotion rating panel. The
for the Basic Tastes
panel was trained to reliably recognise and scale the intensityof the facially expressed seven basic emotions ‘happiness',
The emotion scores were analysed by a full two-way ANOVA
‘sadness', ‘surprise', ‘anger', ‘disgust', ‘contempt' and ‘fear'
for all the samples and sensory taste subjects. A subsequent
according to Ekman , ). During the training,
Tukey's HSD test was used to show the significant differences
the emotion raters panel were provided with definitions of the
between the samples. The hedonic scores from the sensory
basic emotions and were shown pictures as well as videos that
taste panel for the basic taste solutions and the purified water
displayed the typical facial features (Fig. At the end of the
were analysed by a three-way ANOVA with the samples and
training sessions, the emotion raters panel agreed on how to
replicate as fixed effect and the taste subjects as random effect
quantitatively rate the basic emotions in the recordings.
including all two-way interaction terms. Tukey's HSD test
The basic emotions expressed by the face were measured
was performed to show the significant differences between
on a four-point category scale including the categories: not at
the samples. All ANOVAs were run in IBM SPSS Statistics, v
all (0), a little (1), moderate (4) and a lot (8). The scale values
20.0.0 (IBM Corp., USA).
given in the parenthesis were used in the data analysis. Thescale was a simplified version of the original multi-scalarrating scale (Matsumoto et al. ). For the purpose of this
Correlation Analysis of Facially Expressed Emotions Towards
study, the nine-point multi-scalar scale was deemed to be too
Hedonics and FACS
detailed, since many of the facially expressed emotions ap-peared to be at the low-end of the intensity scale.
Pearson correlation coefficients between pleasantness
A total of 63 MPEG4 recordings were analysed by
and intensity of facially expressed emotions were calcu-
the emotion rating panel. The recordings consisted of
lated as well as correlation coefficients between facially
the three replicates of 21 subjects from the taste panel
expressed emotions and facial reactions (FACS) by the
tasting 16 samples (3 concentrations × 5 basic tastes and
use of IBM SPSS Statistics, v 20.0.0 (IBM corp., USA).
demineralised water (Millipore (Merck, Germany))). The
In both cases, the data were averaged over the sensory
rating panellists each evaluated all of the recordings
taste replicates.


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Fig. 1 Typical facial expressions used in the training of the panel to rate the basic emotions
Facially Expressed Emotions to Basic Tastes
Hedonic Responses to Basic Tastes
The facially expressed emotions at the sensory taste panellevel were observed to be more pronounced with increasing
The sensory taste panel rated their degree of liking or
concentrations of the taste solutions (Fig. ‘Disgust' and to a
disliking of the basic taste solutions and water in three
lesser extent ‘surprise' were the most evident facial expressed
replicates. The hedonic ratings for the basic tastes var-
emotions. However, the observed strength of these emotions
ied between the sensory taste subjects, however, they
were between "a little" and "moderate" on the rating scale.
made consistent judgements since the replicate effect
The facially expressed emotions for the basic tastes as com-
(p< 0.05) for the hedonic scores was not significant in
pared to the response to water are shown in Table The
the ANOVA. In order to compare the hedonic responses
negative emotion disgust was most marked for bitter, salty
for the different taste solutions, the taste panel × repli-cate-averaged hedonic ratings were calculated. The datashowed the highest hedonic scores for water and thesucrose solutions (Fig. ). The hedonic scores for su-crose (sweet) and glutamic acid monosodium salt(umami) solutions did not significantly (p< 0.05) changewith increasing concentration. However, increasing theconcentration of sodium chloride (salty), caffeine (bitter)and citric acid (sour) significantly (p< 0.05) lowered thehedonic ratings. The sweet solutions and water wereperceived from ‘neutral' to ‘like moderately', whereasumami was perceived from ‘neutral' to ‘dislike moder-ately' by the panel. The salty, bitter and sour tasteswere perceived from ‘neutral' to ‘dislike moderately'.
At the highest concentration, these latter tastants wereperceived from ‘dislike moderately' to ‘dislike strongly'.
The bitter, salty, sour and umami taste solutions were,therefore, mainly representative for a negative hedonic
Fig. 2 Hedonic scores (sensory panel mean) for the different taste and
response. The sweet taste solutions and water represent-
water solutions. Bars with entirely different superscript letters show
ed mostly a weak positive hedonic response.
significant (p<0.05) hedonic difference

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(a) Sweet Taste
Table 2 Facially expressed basic emotions evoked by the different levels
of taste stimulation in comparison to water
Facially expressed emotionsa
Moderate to strong
(b) Salty Taste
Anger (*), disgust (***),
Moderate to strong
Anger (***), contempt (**),
Moderate to strong
Anger (***), contempt (*),
disgust (***), surprise (***)
(c) Bitter Taste
Disgust (***), surprise (**)
Moderate to strong
Disgust (***), surprise (***)
Moderate to strong
a Significantly (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001) higher when comparedwith the facial emotions evoked from water alone
(d) Sour Taste
Relationships Between Basic Emotions and Hedonic
Pearson correlations between the hedonic response and the
(e) Umami Taste
facially expressed emotion were calculated for the combined
data for all of the taste solutions. The correlations between the
hedonic responses and the facially expressed emotions were
generally low but significant (p<0.05) for the emotions sur-
prise, contempt, disgust, anger and sadness (Fig. ). In all of
these cases the correlation coefficients were negative, indi-cating that the severity of the facial emotion decreasedwith a higher positive hedonic response. The correla-
Fig. 3 The mean emotion scores for the taste panel facial responses to the
tions for the facial emotions of fear (r= −0.098) and
taste and water solutions. The graphs represent the responses for ‘sweet-
happiness (r= 0.053) were not significant (Fig. ).
ness' (a), ‘salty' (b), ‘bitter' (c), ‘sour' (d), and ‘umami' (e), respectively.
The emotion scale varied from 0 (not at all), 1 (a little), 4 (moderate) to 8
Individual differences between the hedonic responses
and the facially expressed emotions were mainly ob-served for disgust but also for surprise, contempt andanger. In cases where a basic taste was perceived as
and sour tastes and showed significant (p<0.05) increases for
disliked, the variation in the facial expressions was most
the medium and high concentrations used. Even though the
evident. At the individual level, some sensory subjects
expressed emotions were generally weak, the expression
in the taste panel could express the emotions disgust
of surprise significantly increased with increasing con-
and surprise to a greater extent, as indicated by "mod-
centrations for bitter, salty, sour and sweet taste. The
erate" to "a lot" by the emotion rating panel. The
salty and bitter tastes also revealed weak facial
greatest scores for surprise were obtained when the taste
expressed emotions of anger and contempt, albeit sig-
was disliked. Samples with the lowest surprise scores
nificant only for the highest concentration.
were those that were liked most. Other stimuli than
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could be explained by the generally low scores for
Emotions expressed facially have been quantified in relation
to basic taste perception under controlled and comparative
conditions. Although the information of being recorded may
have influenced the expressiveness of the facial reactions, the
taste subjects had consistent facial reactions over the
An emotion rating panel was used for the identification and
scaling of the vigorousness and specificity of the facially
expressed emotions. A good agreement and consistent judg-
ment between the rating panel members was obtained, which
was in agreement with other studies using such methodology.
Instructed naïve observers from various cultural origins have
indeed been shown to give reliable interpretations of the
facially expressed basic emotions (Ekman and Friesen ;
Matsumoto et al. ).
The facially expressed emotions were correlated to the
particular facial reactions such as ‘frown', ‘eye widening',
Fig. 4 Relationships between the hedonic response and the facially
‘eye diminishing', ‘nose wrinkle' and ‘nostril widening'.
expressed basic emotions. Data points represent the replicate-averageddata for the individual sensory subjects
However, the typical expressions around the mouth and lipsassociated with the basic emotions of happiness, surprise,sadness, fear and disgust were less clearly correlated to thefacially observed reactions. This may be explained by the
basic tastes alone may be needed to create a surprise
generally low expression of these emotions in relation to basic
reaction with a positive hedonic response.
tastes. In earlier work (Wendin et al. the intensity ofmost facial reactions to basic tastes increased with increasing
Relationships Between Basic Emotions and Facial Reactions
stimulus concentration, most pronounced for sourness (lips)and bitterness (eyes and forehead). In comparison to the
The Pearson correlations between the facial reactions as
scoring of a multitude of facial reactions, which are difficult
measured by FACS (Wendin et al. ) and the facial-
to interpret in terms of emotional content, the Ekman scheme
ly expressed emotions were calculated. The correlations
of seven basic emotions proved to be less informative due
were generally high for the emotions anger, disgust and
weak responses for few emotions.
contempt and surprise (Table ). The facial emotions
Facially expressed emotions for basic tastes have been
anger, disgust and contempt all had significant positive
reported in other studies (Greimel et al. Nicklaus et al.
correlation coefficients varying between 0.83 and 0.99
Rosenstein and Oster ; Rozin et al. ;
with the facial reactions of ‘frown', ‘eye diminishing'
Scinska-Bienkowska et al. ; Steiner Steiner et al.
and ‘nose wrinkle'. The facial expressed emotion sur-
). However, the present study evaluated the facially
prise had a significant correlation coefficient of 0.97
expressed emotions evoked by the basic tastes at different
with the facial reaction ‘eye widening'. The facial ex-
sensory intensities in a comparative manner. The observations
pression ‘lip corner down' had the highest significant
of this study were in general agreement with previous work on
correlation (0.77) for disgust. Whereas ‘lips pursed' and
facial reactions as responses to basic tastes. The unpleasant
‘mouth open' were correlated significantly with surprise
stimuli such as bitter taste or high intensities of salty or sour
with coefficients of 0.76 and 0.73, respectively. These
tastes evoked stronger facially expressed emotions than pleas-
facial reactions fitted well with the expressed emotions
ant and neutral stimuli such as sweet and umami tastes (Hu
(Fig. ). Other features measured by FACS had lower
et al. ; Rozin ; Steiner Zeinstra et al.
correlation coefficients with the facially expressed emo-
Among the different taste responses in this study, it was
tions. The facial reaction of ‘lips corner up' had low
evident that disgust received the highest ratings. Disgust has
correlations to the facially expressed emotions, which
indeed been considered as an emotion with a strong and
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Table 3 Pearson's correlations ofthe observed basic emotions and
Facially expressed emotion
the facial reactions (FACS) foundin the previous study by Wendin
et al. (), values in italics in-dicate significance, p≤0.05
characteristic facial expression (Rozin and Fallon
communicated facially by individuals. Other forms like verbal
Greimel et al. There is support from other studies that
expressions or other kinds of gestures may be more important
negative responses to disliked tastes are expressed more
in conveying information about distaste. The absence of a
strongly than positive responses towards liked tastes (Horio
facially expressed emotion is not necessarily a predictor for
Negative taste responses are expressed more instanta-
the absence emotions, but could be due to a lack of reason to
neously and unambiguously (Greimel et al. Steiner
express, due to masking and control (Zeinstra et al. ) or
and are less influenced by the existing emotional state
due to the emotional process itself not eliciting sufficient facial
(Greimel et al. They are thus often deemed easier to
activity to be interpretable to the observer (Tassinary and
distinguish and identify than positive responses to taste.
Cacioppo Therefore, it is suggested that measurement
Higher concentrations of the taste solutions evoked greater
of the affective response for taste could include a wider
intensities of facially expressed emotions. The emotions were
spectrum of observational and other methods than only the
not consistent across the basic tastes, e.g. the emotion surprise
facially expressed emotions.
was clearly observed for high concentrations of sour and bitter
A taste or a flavour in food may also elicit a sequence of
solutions. While these were not the case for sweet, umami and
sensory experiences due to temporal changes in intensity
salty samples. Earlier studies have not taken into account the
which may interact with emotions during tasting. For instance,
variation of perceived intensity of taste solutions in relation to
a reaction to a bitter stimulus could include surprise, followed
different psychophysical functions of stimulus (Stevens
by disgust and perhaps further by anger and contempt. This is
Janestad et al. Wendin et al. However, from the
in line with Lewis ), who concluded that emotions can
results it is obvious that the intensity and type of emotions
have anticipative, immediate and cognitive aspects. Clearly,
elicited relate to the perceived intensity of the taste stimuli.
some emotions seem to be related to the anticipation of the
Nevertheless, the vigorousness of the facial expressed emo-
stimulus (e.g. surprise), whereas others seem to be driven by
tion remained generally low, even at the highest taste
the sensory experience itself and the subsequent cognitive
processing of the stimulus. More detailed studies are sug-
It was observed that the range of basic tastes in the present
gested to further address such dynamic features of taste and
study was rated relatively low on the degree of liking. Foods
flavour responses. The interactions with emotions evoked by
can be expected to evoke greater positive affective responses.
the specific context and environment could also be further
Therefore, they may give more distinct facially expressed
emotions. Further studies with real foods may be consideredto confirm if the facial emotions could reveal moreinformation.
It was interesting to note that the greatest individual vari-
ation in facially expressed emotions was expressed for the
The perception of basic tastes revealed facial reactions and
tastes that were rated as disliked. However, even if a taste was
facially expressed emotions, which were dependent on the
disliked, the expected negative facial emotion was not neces-
kind of taste quality. For most basic tastes, the severity of
sarily expressed equally strong at the individual level. This
the facial expressed emotions increased with the intensity of
would suggest that a negative affect for a taste is not always
the taste stimulus. Facially expressed emotions caused by
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basic tastes were generally weak. Bitter, sour and salty gave
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MEDICAL COMMISSION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOXING ASSOCIATION (AIBA) SEVENTH EDITION 2009 Electronic adaptation Editor's Note _ 3 Foreword 4 The Medical Commission and the Medical Jury 6 Disqualifying Conditions _ 7 Medical Examinations _ 8 Medical Responsibilities of the Ringside Physician _ 10
Iglesia de San Pedro, Jaffa Vieja. Uno de los requisitos Tanto en el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, la previos a la peregrinación Biblia se centra en la importancia de los actos de conmemoración por parte de la humanidad es un espacio consagrado y el Todopoderoso, a partir de hechos ocurridos después del Diluvio, (Génesis 9, 8-17), cuando en tiempo y lugar, un