Impact of science a stakeholder's perspective
How Science Shapes Economic
Professor of Economics, Georgia State
University; Research Associate NBER
Vienna, May 6, 2015

Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
• Discuss relationship between scientific research and
economic growth and methods used to explore the
• Make case that although there is strong relationship,
caution is called for in assuming that relationship is
either straightforward or immediate
• Conclude by discussing chal enges faced by public
institutions that support research and universities
where research is conducted
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Ways to Examine Impact of Publicly Funded
Research on Development and Growth
• Examples of specific outcomes • Surveys • Econometric modeling
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Examples of "Examples"
• Lasers, which owe an intellectual debt to work of graduate
student at Columbia University in 1950s.
• MRI technology had its origins in work of Edward Purcell of
Harvard and Felix Block of Stanford who independently discovered nuclear magnetic resonance in 1946.
• Global positioning devices
– Would not have been possible without development of
atomic clocks. Idea of using atomic vibration to measure time was first suggested more than 130 years ago by Lord Kelvin;
– Practical method for doing so developed in 1930s by Isidor
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Examples Continued
• Bar codes which can trace their origin to Rutgers
• Superconductivity, first discovered in 1911 at the
University of Leiden
• Modern high capacity hard drives would not be
possible were it not for the research of Albert Fert and Peter Gruenberg in the 1980s.
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Examples Continued
• Discovery of method for coupling two different
(or same) carbon groups by Richard Heck in the 1960s and Akira Suzuki and Ei-ichi Negishi in
the 1970s (Nobel prize shared in 2010).
• Methods they discovered now widely used in
industry and research in variety of applications
including: pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals
and electronic light-emitting diodes used in the
production of extremely thin monitors.
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Three-quarters of most important therapeutic drugs introduced between
1965 and 1992 had origins in public sector research.
Almost all important vaccines introduced in past 25 years have come from
research conducted in the public sector
Life expectancy has increased by more than 14 years since 1940, primarily
because of advances in research, such as development of antibiotics and
effective treatment of cardiovascular disease
Heck's method for carbon-carbon bonding was applied by Merck in early
1990s to create drug losartan for treatment of hypertension.
Work of Michael Brown and Joe Goldstein in the 1970s led to the
introduction of the first statin drug, in 1987, to lower cholesterol
Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
• Studies that ask firms the source of their ideas for
new products and innovations
– Mansfield estimates that 11 percent of the new
products and 9 percent of new processes introduced
in 76 firms interviewed could not have been
developed (without substantial delay) in the absence
of recent academic research
– Other surveys, such as that of Cohen et al., of R&D
managers show importance of university research for
certain sectors, especially, for example, in
pharmaceuticals; also finds that public research is
even more likely to contribute to the completion of a project rather than to suggest a new project
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Econometric Studies
Studies that estimate rate of return to publicly funded agricultural
research—estimate rates around 18%
Recent study by Martin Buxton and col eagues that finds an internal rate
of return of 10% of publicly-funded medical research in UK
Studies that estimate contribution of stocks of knowledge (using
bibliometric measures) to economic growth—Jim Adams
– Finds stock of knowledge directly relevant to industry accounts for 50
percent of growth in total factor productivity.
– Lags are on order of 20 years
Studies that estimate social rates of return to publicly funded R&D which
draw on production function approach laid out initial y by Zvi Griliches
(Hall, Mairesse, Mohnen)
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER

Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• Regardless of approach • Publicly funded research has a reasonably
high rate of return
• With caveat that
– It is difficult to estimate precise rates of return – Lags can be quite long
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Yes, there is a relationship between
publicly funded research and
economic growth and development
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
But Caution Is Called For…
• Much of research of universities and public research
institutions cannot instantly be transformed into new
products and processes
– Lags can be quite long, as examples of atomic clocks,
MRI, carbon-carbon bonding show;
– Considerable investment and know-how on part of
the private sector is required to translate research
into new products and processes
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Caution continued
• There are false hopes and dry holes • Research that looks promising can fail to deliver or fail to
deliver on the predicted timeline
– Discovery of cystic fibrosis gene in 1989 brought hope for
gene-based treatments. Until quite recently it was fair to
say that, "payoff remains just around the corner. "
• Now a drug on market—Vertix Pharma with drug
– "War on Cancer" declared by Richard Nixon more than 40
years ago has yet to be "won"
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Caution: Not Everything is about
• Some of what science produces is intangible
and hence difficult—if not impossible--to
– The wonder experienced by seeing pictures taken
from the Hubble telescope
– The reduction in anxiety among parents who no
longer fear their children will get polio
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Lack a Counterfactual
• Policy makers often lack a counterfactual • Just because publicly funded research led to
the creation of a new product or process it
does not necessarily follow that we would not
have had the new product or process without
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Challenges faced by public
institutions that support scientific
research and universities where
research is conducted
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• Educate public to fact that lags can be long • Recognize that bibliometric measures—especially
short run bibliometric measures—can miss "big
• Not succumb to "kil ing the goose who lays the
golden egg" by focusing all resources and effort
on translational research
• Not over exaggerate the benefits from research • Not become overly risk averse • Related challenge of developing new metrics
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Lags and Bibliometric Measures
• Examples show just how long lags can be • Yet pressure on funders and universities to
show impact in the short run
• Often do so by looking at such things as
Impact Factor of Journal or three-year citation
window on research
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Short Windows Can Miss Important
• Work by Wang, Veugelers and myself studies "novel
research"—research that makes new combinations of
existing knowledge
• Find that if one examines such research in a 13-year
window, it has a disproportionate impact as measured by
• But in short run "novel" research receives fewer citations;
Also more likely to be published in low impact journals
• Yet funding agencies rarely use a long window to access the
contribution of the researchers they support and the
tenure clock in the United States is incompatible with such
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &

Don't Kil the Goose that Lays the
Funding agencies need to resist
temptation to focus resources
primarily on research that can have
effects in short run– doing so has
potential of jeopardizing investments
in basic research and thus "kil ing the
goose that lays the golden egg;" yet
public agencies such as NIH in US are
tempted to focus on "translational"
Universities need to resist the
temptation, in looking for resources,
to overemphasize short term
economic benefits associated with
university research or that
universities are primarily about
growth--University of California at
Merced; university community can
lose credibility
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &

Resist temptation to inflate benefits
arising from funded research
• Battelle study of return to the Human
Genome Project— "how a 3.8 billion dollar
investment drove $796 billion in economic
impact, created 310,000 jobs and launched
the genomic revolution"—updated in 2013 to
an estimate of nearly $1 trillion
• Cited by Francis Collins
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Encourage Risk Taking
• Major breakthroughs in science often come from
individuals following a risky research agenda
• Yet agencies, in an effort to be accountable, are
arguably increasingly risk averse
• Scientists, in an effort to get support for research,
are increasingly risk averse
• This can put a damper on science—incremental
research is beneficial but if everyone does
incremental research we have a problem
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• ERC is concerned about this—everyone talks
about wisdom of supporting some risky
research, but few vote to support risky
• NIH and NSF in US face this charge routinely
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &

James Rothman, 2013 Nobel Laureate in
Physiology or Medicine, Comments on Risk
Rothman told interviewer that
"I had five years of failure,
"he was grateful started work in
really, before I had the first
the early 1970s when the federal
initial sign of success. And
government was willing to take
much bigger risks in handing out
I'd like to think that that
funding to young scientists"
kind of support existed
today, but I think there's less
of it. And it's actually
becoming a pressing
national issue, if not an
international issue." Nobel
Laureate, Physiology or Medicine, 2013
Interview on NPR
Develop New Metrics
• Mindful of public's appetite for indicators • Look for near term indicators of research that has
potential of contributing to economic growth in the
– Search for predictive measures, such as combining novel
ideas, that have been shown to correlate with frontier
research and can be measured in the near term
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Do Not Forget Placements of
"The best way to send information is to wrap it up in a person"* J. Robert Oppenheimer
*"The eternal apprentice," Time Magazine, vol. 52, p. 81
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
Availability of Placement Information
• Despite important role newly trained
scientists play in transmitting knowledge and
networking between companies and basic
researchers, very few universities in US or
Europe keep track of placements.
• Indeed many universities—at least in the
United States--have resisted making
placement information available
Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER
• Build on administrative records at universities
related to federal funding
• Project led by Julia Lane, Professor, Wagner
School, New York University
• Scrape information from these records including
names of graduate students and postdoctoral
trainees supported on grants.
• Link these names to Census Bureau data which
captures information on all jobs and all
businesses in the United States
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• Currently doing match at US Census Bureau
for 8 universities
• Match approximately 2000 recent PhDs in
science and engineering from these 8
universities who are supported on federal
research grants while graduate students
• Determine sector where they work • Average wage of firms where they work
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
Preliminary Findings for Recent PhDs
• Approximately 42.5%work in industry • Approximately 7.5% work in government • Approximately 50% work in academe—many
as postdoctoral researchers
• Those in industry work in firms that pay
significantly higher average wages
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• Approach of matching PhD recipient data to
US Census Bureau data is scalable to other
• Can be extended to postdoctoral researchers
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• Convince you that a relationship exists
between scientific research and economic
• But that caution is called for in interpreting
• As a result universities and public institutions
face a number of challenges in making their
case for funding and support of researchers
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
• [email protected]
Paula Stephan Georgia State University &
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