
- isolate and purify caffeine from tea leaves
- characterize the caffeine extracted from tea leaves
- calculate the percent yield of caffeine

Highlighted Concepts
Genus: Camellia
Species: C. sinensis
Binomial name: Camellia sinensis
- a small shrub about 3 to 6 feet tall
- flowers with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent during fall
- likes well-drained, sandy soil that is on the acidic side

Highlighted Concepts
Types of Tea to be tested
Highlighted Concepts
Components of Tea Leaves
► Cellulose – the major structural material of all plants ► Caffeine – one of the major water-soluble substances present in tea leaves ► Tannins – high molecular weight, water-soluble compounds that are
responsible for the color of tea
► Flavonoid pigments – a naturally occurring water-soluble phenolic compound
belonging to a large group that includes many plant
► Chlorophyll – the green pigment in plants that captures the light energy
required for photosynthesis
Highlighted Concepts
Systematic name: 1,3,7-trimethyl-1H- purine-
Other name: 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine
Molecular formula: C H N O
Molecular mass: 194.19 g/mol
Melting point: 238°C
Solubility in water: slightly soluble
Highlighted Concepts
- increases the blood pressure
- stimulates the central nervous system
- promotes urine formation
- stimulates the action of the heart and lungs
Uses: - treats migraine
- increases the potency of analgesics
- relieves asthma attacks
Highlighted Concepts
- is an alkaloid belonging to methylxanthine family
Structures of common alkaloids
Highlighted Concepts
- is an alkaloid belonging to methylxanthine family
Xanthine and its Derivatives
Highlighted Concepts
- no solvent used
- if imputirties have similar P
as sample, separation will be
- removes occluded materials
- often faster than recrystallization
Materials and Apparatus for Isolation of Caffeine
• Separatory funnel
• Erlenmeyer flask
• Suction flask
• anhydrous Na SO
• Sublimation apparatus
Solid- Liquid Extraction
For liquid-liquid
Liquid-Liquid Extraction
Lower layer
Lower layer
Lower layer
Upper layer
Upper layer
Upper layer
Upper layer
Upper layer
iPrOAc layer
Evaporate to dryness
Crude Caffeine
make sure that the apparatus is properly installed and sealed
avoid opening the sublimation tube so as to maintain the pressure inside
cold finger should always be "cold"
stop when the sample become brown or black
be careful in removing the cold finger (crystals formed on the test tube can be easily knocked off)
Single solvent recrystallization.
• The mixture dissolved in the smallest amount of hot solvent to fully dissolve the
• Solution is then allowed to cool.
• As the solution cools the solubility of compounds in solution drops. This results in
the desired compound dropping (recrystallizing) from solution.
• The crystallization process requires an initiation step, such as the addition of a
"seed" crystal.
Data and Results
Caffeine Extraction Worksheet
Tea extract #
Volume of Extract (mL)
Amount of caffeine in Extract (mg/mL) HPLC Sample 1
Total Caffeine in 100 mL sample
Tare weight of rb flask
Final weight of flask + dried caffeine
Crude caffeine isolated (mg)
Yield of Crude Caffeine (%)
Purity of crude caffeine (%)
HPLC Sample 2
Corrected Yield (%)
Purity of purified caffeine (%)
HPLC Sample 3
Melting point of Crude Sample
Melting point of Purified Sample
Data and Results
Caffeine Extraction: Final Report
- the method of separating a substance from a mixture by dissolving one or more of the components in a solvent
Solvents for extraction:
Easily removed Desired constituent is soluble Non-reactive
Flow chart of separation of caffeine from tea leaves
Extraction with H O (100°C)
Extracted leaves
Aqueous tea solution
Flow chart of extraction of caffeine from tea leaves
Extraction with ETOAc
Aqueous solution
impurities of tannins
impurities of tannins
Liquid-Liquid Extraction
– is used for separation of complex mixtures by selective partitioning between two phases, between two immiscible liquids.
Hydolyzable tannins
Non-hydrolyzable tannins
Impurities of chlorophylls
Distribution Coefficient
- ratio of the concentrations of the solute in each solvent at a particular temperature - it is independent of the total concentration and the actual amounts of the two solvents mixed
where C is the concentration of solute in the extracted solvent (organic)
C is the concentration of solute in the original solvent (aqueous)
Distribution Coefficient
x is the amount of solute extracted by the
extracting solvent
V is the volume of the organic solvent
G is the original amount of solute
V is the volume of water
- used as method for purification if the vapor pressure of the impurities in a solid are significantly lower than that of a solid sample
- compounds with high vapor pressure can be sublime at normal atmospheric pressure
- compounds that have P
≈ 1 mm Hg at room temperature sublime slowly
- can be achieved when pressure is reduced
- compounds with nonpolar symmetrical structures that have high m.p. but also high P
sublime readily
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