Lexmark C746dn, C746dtn
Color Laser Printers
Design for Environment
This Lexmark product offers the following resource conserving
Power Saver – Reduces the power state of the printer after printing – adjustable from
Instant Warm-Up fuser – Saves energy
Eco-Mode – Conserves energy and paper through three optional settings:
Energy Saving Mode: Operator panel backlight and advance paper start are
disabled and the fuser is not continually heated Paper Saving Mode: Device defaults to duplex printing and print log features are
turned off
Energy + Paper Saving Mode: Energy and paper saving settings are activated
Quiet Mode – Reduces noise emission by adjusting print speed, disabling advanced
paper start, disabling or minimizing beeps (key press, alarms, etc.), and adjusting fan speed (Quiet mode may be combined with Eco-Mode)
Multi-Page Printing – Prints multiple page images on one page
Duplex – Prints on both sides of a page
Conscientious Material
Recycled Paper – Supports the use of recycled content media
Forms Card Option – Eliminates stocking paper forms
Print and Hold – Holds print jobs until released by the user at the printer interface by
entering a pin number (Hard drive option needed)
Waste Minimizing
Toner Darkness Control – Adjusts the print darkness to conserve toner
(Non paper waste)
Color Saver – Conserves toner by printing images and graphics lighter
Voluntary Environmental Certifications
Printing Simplex (mono / color) 54 dBA / 55 dBA
This product conforms to the following voluntary environmental program
Printing Duplex (mono / color) 53 dBA / 55 dBA
Printing Quiet Mode (mono / color) 47 dBA / 48 dBA
*Note: These measurements are subject to change
Chemical Emissions
Printer emissions testing is performed in accordance with the "Test
BLUE ANGEL (RAL-UZ 122) (Valid until December 2012)
method for the determination of emissions from hardcopy devices with
respect to awarding the environmental label for office devices with
printing function according to RAL-UZ 122", BAM April 2006.
Recyclable Design
Product Measurement Maximum according
to Guideline (Mono)
Mechanical plastic parts over 100g consist of one or more easily
Ozone (mg/h)
separable materials.
Styrene (mg/h)
Use of non-separable connections between different materials, such as
Benzene (mg/h)
gluing or welding, has been avoided.
Dust (mg/h)
TVOC (mg/h)
Product Description:
Measurements provided are for a non-packaged
Product Measurement Maximum according
to Guideline (Color)
Ozone (mg/h)
Weight 22.70 kg 50.04 lbs (without cartridge)
Styrene (mg/h)
Width 435 mm 17.13 in
Benzene (mg/h)
Depth 400 mm 15.75 in
Dust (mg/h)
Height 455 mm 17.91 in
TVOC (mg/h)
*Note: The print test is performed using genuine Lexmark supplies. Emissions
may vary if using non-Lexmark supplies.
Weight 27.20 kg 59.97 lbs (without cartridge)
Width 435 mm 17.13 in
Product Restricted Materials
Depth 545 mm 21.46 in
Height 582 mm 22.91 in
The reduction of materials harmful to persons or the environment is a
significant part of Lexmark's commitment to continuously improving the
Due to printer weight this printer requires at least two
environmental design of all our products and services. Lexmark has
people to lift it safely. For additional information consult the
developed a multi-layered due diligence process to ensure that all
materials going into Lexmark products are safe and compliant with
global regulations regarding hazardous substances.
Operational Data
This product is compliant with the requirements of the European Union's
Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS).
Speed (Letter – ppm) Up to: 35
Speed (A4 - ppm) Up to: 33
Printing Duplex 420 W
This product is compliant with the requirements of the European Union's
Printing Simplex 533 W
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
(REACH) regulation.
This product and its packaging are labeled as required by China's
Hibernate 0.55 W
"Management Methods for Controlling Pollution by Electronic Information
Typical Electricity Consumption Test
The product does not contain:
Typical Electricity Consumption Test
Hexavalent chromium
Polybrominated biphenyls Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Asbestos Short chain chlorinated paraffins
Polychlorinated phenols
End-of-Life Management/Recycling
Polychlorinated terphenyls
Ozone depleting chemicals (Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons,
Lexmark offers customers an environmentally responsible choice
HCFCs, HBFCs, 1,1,1-trichlorethane, carbon tetrachloride, methyl
for disposal of end-of-life printers- the Lexmark Equipment
Collection Program. Through this program, customers may return
Halogenated flame retardants in cover sets
any end-of-life Lexmark branded products, and Lexmark will recycle
the equipment for free.
This product contains the following in limited quantities as
Lexmark also offers customers an environmentally responsible
allowed by regulations:
Lead (use is limited to small amounts for specific applications)
choice for disposal of used toner cartridges- the Lexmark
Cartridge Collection Program. The Lexmark Cartridge Collection
Battery Usage
Program diverts millions of Lexmark cartridges from landfills
annually by making it both easy and free for Lexmark customers to
This product is compliant with the 2006/66/EC Battery Directive.
return used print cartridges to Lexmark for reuse or recycling. One
hundred percent of the empty cartridges returned to Lexmark are
The battery contained within this product does not contain cadmium, mercury, or lead.
either reused or demanufactured for recycling. Boxes used to return
the cartridges are also recycled.
Battery Type: Lithium Manganese Dioxide coin cell
Visit information specific to the
Customer removable: No
recycling program offered in your geography.
Lexmark fully complies with the European Union's Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive.
Packaging Materials
Polyethylene Foam
Company Information
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
Lexmark International, Inc. (NYSE:
Please check the availability of municipal recycling programs in
LXK) makes it easier for businesses to
your area that will accept these packaging materials.
move information between the digital
Plastic packaging materials are marked according to DIN 6120,
and paper worlds. Since our inception
ISO 11469 or ISO 1043.
in 1991 as a spin-off of IBM, Lexmark
has become a leading developer,
Plastic packaging is free from halogen and ozone depleting
manufacturer and supplier of printing
In order to comply with the local packaging take-back
and imaging solutions for offices and
requirements in Europe, Lexmark is a member of a packaging
homes. Lexmark's products include
recovery scheme. The "Green Dot" symbol is printed on
laser printers, inkjet printers,
Lexmark packaging when applicable.
multifunction devices and associated
supplies, services and solutions.
Product Safety
Lexmark Corporate Social
Material Safety Data Sheets are available for Lexmark Printer supplies
Responsibility (CSR) activities are
fundamentally guided by the Lexmark
Additional safety information about this product is in the User's
vision and values – the cornerstone of
Reference and at:
the corporate character we have built
at Lexmark. Lexmark is committed to
Longevity and upgrading
acting as a socially responsible
company in our global community. This
Standard Warranty
means that we will fully comply with the
Extended Warranty
laws, rules and regulations of the
countries in which we operate. It also
Spare parts and service is available for a minimum of 5 years.
means that we will go further by
Information about upgrades is available online at
continually evaluating our business
practices using the principle of
Lexmark C746dn, C746dtn
Color Laser Printers
Compatible with
Recycled Paper
Power Saver
Quiet Mode
Return Program Print Cartridges Free and Easy Cartridge Recycling
with the Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program
Source: http://test.computernet.bg/userfiles/product_files_shared/C746dn-C746dtn.pdf
The KAYAKU spirit represents Nippon Kayaku Group's corporate vision - the ultimate goal of all its corporate activities. We fulfill our social responsibilities as part of our corporate efforts to realize the KAYAKU spirit. These efforts are based on the standards of conduct articulated in the Group Action Guidelines and in the Nippon Kayaku Group
MENTAL HEALTH LAW CENTRE (WA) Inc. ABN 40 306 626 287 Our Ref: SB NCW 572 6 March 2012 Mental Health Commission GPO Box X2299, Perth Business Centre WA 6847 DRAFT MENTAL HEALTH BILL 16 DECEMBER 2011 Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc. SUBMISSION PHYSICAL AND DENTAL HEALTH OF INVOLUNTARY PATIENTS AND PRISONERS We take this opportunity to make a submission on the Draft Mental Health Bill released for public comment on 16 December 2012. General Position The Bill authorises a single "authorised mental health practitioner" (not necessarily a doctor and perhaps simply an enrol ed mental health nurse with two days training in making referrals) to assess/ examine, refer, detain and transport a person against their wil and without their consent, to a psychiatrist (sometimes thousands of kilometres away from the patient's home) for an examination to decide whether or not that person requires detention (involuntary admission to an authorised psychiatric hospital or hostel) and/or involuntary treatment; and authorises the examining psychiatrist (who may or may not have trained in Australia) to make an involuntary detention and/or treatment order sometimes on the basis of a hurried five minute examination. Mistakes and oversights happen in a busy, under-resourced system whose priority and objective is treating a person's mental illness. Physical and dental il health may be the underlying cause of mental il -health – such as urinary tract infection in elderly people causing psychosis, may impede recovery from mental illness and may be low on the agenda of mental health