Clin Exp Emerg Med 2016;3(2):105-108
Intravenous lidocaine for the treatment eISSN: 2383-4625
of acute pain in the emergency
Brendan Michael Fitzpatrick, Michael Eugene Mullins
Division of Emergency Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
Received: 2 January 2016 Revised: 5 February 2016
Objective To evaluate intravenous lidocaine's safety and efficacy as an analgesic agent in the
Accepted: 6 February 2016
treatment of a variety of painful conditions presenting to the emergency department.
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Methods This case series identified seventeen patients who received lidocaine over a six month
Brendan Michael Fitzpatrick
period and recorded demographic data, amount of lidocaine administered, the amount of opioid
Division of Emergency Medicine,
medication administered before and after lidocaine, pre- and post-lidocaine pain scores, and any
Washington University School of
qualitative descriptors of the patient's pain recorded in the record. Side effects and adverse events
Medicine in St. Louis, 660 E. Euclid Ave,
were also recorded.
CB 8072, St. Louis, MO 63110, USAE-mail:
[email protected]
Results Of the seven patients who had a pre- and post-lidocaine pain score recorded, the mean
reduction was 3 points on a 10 point scale. Patients who received lidocaine used less opioid med-
ication. One patient received an improperly high dose of lidocaine and suffered a brief seizure
and cardiac arrest, but was quickly resuscitated.
Conclusion This series suggests that lidocaine may be a useful adjunct in the treatment of acute-
ly painful conditions in the emergency department.
Keywords Lidocaine; Analgesia; Pain control
What is already known
Intravenous lidocaine has been used to treat pain in postoperative patients,
opioid-refractory chronic pain, and oncologic pain. Recent data suggests intra-
venous lidocaine may also be beneficial in treating acutely painful conditions in
the emergency department.
What is new in the current study
This case series reviewed intravenous lidocaine's effectiveness and safety in
How to cite this article:
treating a variety of painful conditions in the emergency department, including
Fitzpatrick BM, Mullins ME. Intravenous
but not limited to acute fracture pain, abdominal pain, sickle cell pain crisis,
lidocaine for the treatment of acute pain in the emergency department. Clin Exp Emerg
burns, contusions, and penetrating trauma. Lidocaine seemed to reduce pain
and decreased the amount of opioids required after its administration. When used in appropriate doses, there were no significant side effects. This case series adds to the body of literature suggesting that intravenous lidocaine might be
This is an Open Access article distributed
considered as an adjunct to acute pain management in the emergency depart-
under the terms of the Creative Commons
ment across a spectrum of painful conditions.
2016 The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
IV lidocaine for the treatment of acute pain in the ED
ischemic foot, herpes gingostomatitis, foot contusion after motor vehicle collision, grease burn, and a gunshot wound to the hand.
Emergency physicians are familiar with lidocaine's use as a local
Ten of the patients were admitted, six were discharged home, and
anesthetic. For many years, lidocaine was also part of the advanc-
the patient with the ischemic foot underwent emergency surgery.
ed cardiac life support algorithm as an anti-arrhythmic,1 and is
The mean dose of total lidocaine was 148.53 mg, with a medi-
even still recommended in some airway texts as a neuroprotec-
an and mode of 100, and range of 75 to 400 mg. Six of the sev-
tive agent used prior to airway management in patients with ele-
enteen patients received two doses of lidocaine, and the other
vated intracranial pressure.2
eleven received only one dose. Only seven patients had a pain
However, lidocaine's use as an intravenous analgesic has been
score recorded before and after the administration of lidocaine.
far less popular in emergency medicine than in other areas of med-
Two of these seven rated their pain as a 9/10, and five rated their
icine. Intravenous lidocaine has been used for decades in treating
pain as a 10/10 prior to the administration of lidocaine. The aver-
oncologic pain,3 post-surgical pain management,4 and in chronic
age pain reduction was 3 in these seven patients. One patient re-
opioid-refractory pain.5 More recently, trials have shown analge-
ported no change in their 10/10 pain, and another noted an im-
sic efficacy in the treatment of painful conditions in the emer-
provement from 10 to 5.
gency department; particularly in the treatment of renal colic6,7
Reviewing nursing and provider descriptors of pain, several had
and limb ischemia.8
patient quotations that indicated some improvement in their pain.
The objectives of this case series were to evaluate intravenous
Two patients were quoted as saying their pain was "better", an-
lidocaine's safety and efficacy as an analgesic agent in the treat-
other the pain was "easing up", and one patient was quoted as
ment of a variety of acutely painful conditions presenting to a ter-
saying "I feel fine". Providers used the terms "improvement", "much
tiary urban academic emergency department.
better", and "better". Two patients described their pain as aching both before and after lidocaine, but there was nothing recorded
about the pain's intensity. Three patients were documented as sleeping after receiving lidocaine.
Patients who received intravenous lidocaine for acute pain during
The patients who received intravenous lidocaine received a to-
a six month period from 1 January 2012 through 1 July 2012 were
tal of 19.07 mg of morphine-equivalent opioids. The mean total
eligible for inclusion in this series. We excluded patients who re-
amount of opioid received prior to lidocaine was 11.1 and 8.5 mg
ceived intravenous lidocaine for other reasons, e.g. arrhythmia,
after lidocaine.
neuroprotection for intubation. We identified eligible patients by
One patient suffered a serious adverse effect from intravenous
reviewing the institution's pharmacy data during this time. The
lidocaine. The treating physician mistakenly free-text ordered li-
study was approved by the institutional review board.
docaine 100 mg and mistakenly approved when the nurse pre-
Data recorded included the patient's age, sex, chief complaint
sented 100 mL of 1% lidocaine, which was 5 vials of 20 mL 1%
and/or diagnosis, disposition, total amount of intravenous lido-
lidocaine. At the end of the second vial, which was a cumulative
caine received in milligrams, triage pain score, post-lidocaine pain
dose of 400 mg of lidocaine, the patient seized. He soon became
score, and any qualitative descriptors used by the patients to de-
bradycardic, and eventually had a brief cardiac arrest. He was re-
scribe their pain before and after lidocaine. Additionally, the amo-
suscitated successfully and made a full neurologic recovery. The
unt of opioids administered before and after initial lidocaine in
dose of 400 mg is four times greater than the next largest single
morphine equivalents, and any recorded side effects or adverse
dose given, 100 mg, and exceeds the usual studied dose. Root cause
events from lidocaine were also documented.
analysis determined that the physician was unfamiliar with the correct dosing of lidocaine.
Seventeen patients met the inclusion criteria. Seven women and ten men comprised the study group, with a median age of 48 years
Intravenous lidocaine has shown promise in treating acutely pain-
and an age range of 23 to 81 years. The most common diagnosis
ful conditions, and in others it has shown no benefit. The purpose
and cause of pain was an acute fracture in 5 patients, followed
of this case series was to generate hypotheses for future areas of
by sickle cell pain crisis, acute back pain, and abdominal pain, with
investigation. During a six-month-period, patients with fractures,
2 patients each. Other diagnoses were trigeminal neuralgia, acute
sickle cell vasoocclusive crises, abdominal pain, neuropathic pain,
Brendan Michael Fitzpatrick, et al.
and even mucocutaneous ulcers were treated with intravenous
and completeness of the written record. In a busy urban emer-
lidocaine. The results suggest that some patients experienced less
gency department, physician and nursing charting may not accu-
pain after administration of this agent.
rately reflect the clinical reality. For instance, only 7 of the 17 pa-
Lidocaine is an aminoethylamide that acts primarily as a sodi-
tients had a pain score recorded both before and after the admin-
um channel inhibitor, and exerts its effects as a local anesthetic
istration of lidocaine.
by blocking sodium influx and halting action potential conduc-
This type of review is also unable to control for bias and con-
tion. It blocks both open and inactivated sodium channels, with a
founders, as there was no blinding of the patient, physician, or
greater effect seen at the already depolarized channels secondary
nurses. Cause and effect are also nearly impossible to establish,
to a greater positive resting potential. Thus, nerves that are re-
as the majority of patients received morphine prior to lidocaine,
petitively stimulated such as those that are ischemic are more
and improvement in their pain may have been due to the opioids,
affected by lidocaine than non-stimulated nerves.9 Locally, this
or at least a synergistic effect with the lidocaine.
block occurs at the Aβ, Aδ, or C primary afferent nerves, and at
This case series adds to the small but growing body of litera-
high enough concentration, causes a complete neural blockade in
ture that supports lidocaine's judicious use as part of a multi-mod-
both injured and uninjured nerves. Systemic lidocaine, however,
al analgesia approach to acute pain in the emergency department.
does not completely block conduction of these fibers if they are
Future studies should continue to evaluate intravenous lidocaine's
healthy. Instead, its effects occur primarily at acutely injured nerves
role in treating a variety of painful conditions in the emergency
that have a tonic action potential discharge.10 A similar effect oc-
setting. Acute fracture pain is one area in which lidocaine may be
curs in animal models at damaged dorsal root basal ganglia, in
of benefit, as there is an acute injury that may be susceptible to
which systemic lidocaine reduced sympathetic noradrenergic spro-
its sodium blockade of injured tissue.
uting. This benefit lasted for 7 days after the cessation of lido-caine.11
In the emergency setting, Soleimanpour et al.6 conducted an open label case series of patients treated with lidocaine 1 mg/kg
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re-
for relief of renal colic. Based upon favorable results, they con-
ducted a randomized trial comparing lidocaine 1 mg/kg to mor-phine 0.1 mg/kg for relief of renal colic and found that lidocaine
achieve better pain reduction in the first two hours after drug administration.7 Intravenous lidocaine has shown efficacy in treat-
1. Guidelines 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emer-
ing limb ischemia,8 neuropathic pain, postoperative abdominal
gency Cardiovascular Care. Part 6: advanced cardiovascular
pain, and headache.12 However, it had no benefit in treating burns
life support: section 5: pharmacology I: agents for arrhyth-
and radicular back pain.13,14 It would seem, then, that the role of
mias. The American Heart Association in collaboration with
intravenous lidocaine in the treatment of acute pain is unclear.
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Clin Exp Emerg Med 2016;3(2):105-108
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Source: http://ceemjournal.org/upload/pdf/ceem-15-103.pdf
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