"T" - Health Articles:


HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These highlights do not include all the information needed to use TIROSINT safely and effectively. • Patients unable to swallow a capsule, including young children (generally under 6 years of age) (4) See full prescribing information for TIROSINT. • Acute myocardial infarction (4) TIROSINT (levothyroxine sodium) capsules, for oral use



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Machine Learning and Data Mining Prof. Dr. Igor Trajkovski Text Classification Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining Prof. Dr. Igor Trajkovski, NYUS, Spring 2008 Text Classification Applications – Recommending– Google / Yahoo like directory classification Newsgroup / Blog Messages – Recommending– spam filtering– Sentiment analysis for marketing News articles / Scientific articles


AUTORESDepartamento de Control del Comité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica (CAAE).Departamento de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente Dirección General de Alimentación y Fomento Agroalimentario (SSA). LGM. FOTOGRAFíASDepartamento de Control del CAAE. Comisión Europea (nº 9, 18, 20, 21 y 23) DIRECCIÓN EDITORIALComité Aragonés de Agricultura Ecológica

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TENBY SCHOOLS MALAYSIA APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION CHECKLIST Before submitting the Admissions Form to the specific school in Tenby Schools Group, please check that all documentation listed below has been attached to ensure smooth processing. 1. Application for Admission Form Please complete the Admissions Form. All sections must be completed.


measured on a thumb, the nymph is 2mm IntroductionLyme disease was fi rst described in the USA in 1974 available from the Health Protection Agency (HPA)2 and takes its name from Old Lyme in Connecticut, Lyme Borreliosis Unit based at Southampton General where the fi rst outbreaks were noted. The illness had been known by a variety of names in Europe since the


Lexmark C746dn, C746dtn Color Laser Printers Design for Environment This Lexmark product offers the following resource conserving features: Power Saver – Reduces the power state of the printer after printing – adjustable from Instant Warm-Up fuser – Saves energy Eco-Mode – Conserves energy and paper through three optional settings:

Sp nl 2002 final copy

Newsletter of the Canadian Hemochromatosis Society A Message from the Board CHS NEEDS YOU! to help raise $100,000 Over the past two years our services have expanded dramatically, as we try to keep up with the high demand for informationand support to those with hemochromatosis and their families. The number of newsletters, brochures and information pack-ages have doubled. We have expanded our website to reach out to the medical community as well as all other Canadians. Weare also working hard to support our network of valuable contacts, volunteers, and medical

Pii: s0959-440x(99)80007-4

sb9103.qxd 12/16/1999 9:19 AM Page 48 Combinatorial gene regulation by eukaryotic transcription factorsLin Chen Recent structure determinations of high order complexes of eukaryotic transcription factors bound to DNA have revealedthat residues from their DNA-binding domains are involved in MCM1 MADS box dimer protein–protein interactions between distinct factors.

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Amt der Oö. Landesregierung Direktion Soziales und Gesundheit Abteilung Gesundheit 4021 Linz • Bahnhofplatz 1 Bearbeiterin: Dr. Eva Magnet Tel: (+43 732) 77 20-143 32 Bezirkshauptmannschaften und Magistrate Fax: (+43 732) 77 20-214 355 per e-mail!! Linz, 27. April 2009 Schweinegrippe; Information Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Die WHO meldet, dass in Mexiko und den USA ab Mitte März 2009, mit einer Kumulation in den letzten Tagen, etwa 1000 Fäl e von Influenza (=Grippe) aufgetreten sind. Bei bisher 20 in den USA und 18 in Mexiko laborbestätigten Fäl en handelt es sich um eine Variante des Influenza-Virus A/H1N1, das auch bei Schweinen zu Krankheitszeichen führt und sowohl vom Schwein auf den Menschen als auch umgekehrt übertragen werden kann.


The Collapse of Conventional Medicine Copyright © 2002 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


The Pineal Gland, LSD, and Serotonin - Updated: Thursday July 16, 1998 at 12:31 PM The Pineal Gland,LSD and Serotonin by Russ McClayhttp://taolodge.com.tw/Alternative version: http://taolodge.com.tw/pineal_frames.htmlOriginally written: March 19, 1976 From a pharmacology paper prepared at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California Dedicated to John Blofeld


Painkillers can bring relief to people who are suffering from pain when taken as directed. However, the dangers of misuse must also be highlighted. Many painkillers are available over-the- effects such as drowsiness. This is why it counter (OTC) from pharmacies and is so important to read the information A huge market exists for painkillers and it shops without the need for a

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Dishydrotic Eczema Background: Dyshidrotic eczema is a recurrent or chronic relapsing form of vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis of unknown etiology. Dyshidrotic eczema also is termed pompholyx, which derives from cheiropompholyx, which means "hand and bubble" in Greek. The etiology of dyshidrotic eczema is unresolved and believed to be multifactorial. It is considered a reaction pattern caused by various endogenous conditions and exogenous factors. Pathophysiology: Several hypotheses exist for the pathophysiology of dyshidrotic eczema. The original hypothesis of sweat gland dysfunction is not valid, since vesicular lesions are not associated with sweat ducts. Patients usually do not have hyperhidrosis. Dyshidrotic eczema may be associated with atopy. Of patients with dyshidrosis, one half have atopic dermatitis. Exogenous factors (eg, contact dermatitis to nickel, balsam, cobalt; sensitivity to ingested metals; dermatophyte infection; bacterial infection) may trigger episodes. These antigens may act as haptens with a specific affinity for palmoplantar proteins of the stratum lucidum of the epidermis. The binding of these haptens to tissue receptor sites may initiate pompholyx. Emotional stress and environmental factors (eg, seasonal changes, hot or cold temperatures, humidity) reportedly exacerbate dyshidrosis. Controversy exists concerning whether a distant fungal infection can cause palmar pompholyx as an "id reaction." The finding that one third of pompholyx occurrences on the palms resolve after treatment for tinea pedis supports this hypothesis. Frequency: In the US: Dyshidrotic eczema occurs in as many as 5-20% of patients with hand eczema and more commonly occurs in warmer climates and during spring and summer months. Internationally: Dyshidrotic eczema comprised 1% of initial consultations in a 1-year Swedish study. Mortality/Morbidity: Dyshidrotic eczema can be severe, resulting in occupational disability and time away from work; however, disability compensation usually is not provided for this condition. Sex: Male-to-female ratio is 1:1. Age:

Adhs 2

Praxis für Psychotherapie und Supervision Claus Roeske Aufmerksamkeits- und Konzentrationsstörungen Terminologie Es gibt eine Reihe von Störungen und Erkrankungen, die als Symptome Defizite bei der Aufmerksamkeit, der Konzentration oder der Impulskontrolle haben. Nur wenn es sich dabei um die primäre Problematik handelt spricht man von ADS oder ADHS. Dies sind die gängige Abkürzung und bedeutet „Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit Störung". Das H steht für „Hyperaktivität". Die Störungen der Aufmerksamkeit und Impulskontrol e kann mit und ohne Hyperaktivität vorkommen. Eine weitere gebräuchliche Abkürzung ist HKS, dies bedeutet „hyperkinetisches Syndrom". Manchmal findet man auch den Begriff Zappelphillipsyndrom. Früher verwendet man auch den Begriff „MCD" (minimale cerebrale Dysfunktion). Dies war ein unspezifischer Sammelbegriff, der für al e möglichen Funktionsstörungen verwandt wurde, bei denen man vermutete, dass eine hirnorganische Ursache existieren könnte. Klassifikation Im ICD-10 Klassifikationssystem gehört AD(H)S zu den „Verhaltens- und emotionalen Störungen mit Beginn der Kindheit und Jugend". Im Kapitel F 90 werden die „hyperkinetischen Störungen" zusammengefasst. Hyperkinese bedeutet „übermäßige Aktivität, Unruhe in den Bewegungen mit Muskelzuckungen und unwil kürlichen Bewegungen des Körpers und der Gliedmaßen". (www.duden.de ) „ Diese Gruppe von Störungen ist charakterisiert durch einen frühen Beginn, meist in den ersten fünf Lebensjahren, einen Mangel an Ausdauer bei Beschäftigungen, die kognitiven Einsatz verlangen, und eine Tendenz, von einer Tätigkeit zu einer anderen zu wechseln, ohne etwas zu Ende zu bringen; hinzu kommt eine desorganisierte, mangelhaft regulierte und überschießende Aktivität. Verschiedene andere Auffäl igkeiten können zusätzlich vorliegen. Hyperkinetische Kinder sind oft achtlos und impulsiv, neigen zu Unfällen und werden oft bestraft, weil sie eher aus Unachtsamkeit als vorsätzlich Regeln verletzen. Ihre Beziehung zu Erwachsenen ist oft von einer Distanzstörung und einem Mangel an normaler Vorsicht und Zurückhaltung geprägt. Bei anderen Kindern sind sie unbeliebt und können isoliert sein. Beeinträchtigung kognitiver Funktionen ist häufig, spezifische Verzögerungen der motorischen und sprachlichen Entwicklung kommen überproportional oft vor. Sekundäre Komplikationen sind dissoziales Verhalten und niedriges Selbstwertgefühl." (ICD – 10 ) Weiter wird differenziert zwischen F 90.0 „Einfache Aktivitäts- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörung" F 90.1 „Hyperkinetische Störung des Sozialverhaltens" und zwei weiteren „Restkategorien" bei diagnostischer Unsicherheit (F90.8 und F90.9) F 90.1 wird kodiert, wenn zu den Symptomen einer ADHS auch Störungen des Sozialverhaltens gezeigt werden. Wenn eine Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörung ohne die Symptomatik der Hyperaktivität vorliegt spricht man von ADS. Die passende Kategorie im ICD-10 wäre: F98.8 Sonstige näher bezeichnete Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend darunter auch Aufmerksamkeitsstörung ohne Hyperaktivität Die Klassifikation des ADS ist derzeit unzureichend. ADS befindest sich in einer Restekategorie mit Symptomatiken wie Daumenlutschen, Exzessiver Masturbation , Nägelkauen, Nasebohren. Wie wird AD(H)S diagnostiziert? Es gibt derzeit keinen Test oder ein anderes medizinische Untersuchungsmethoden, die ADHS sicher beweisen könnte. Die „Diagnose" ist lediglich das Ergebnis eines narrativen Prozesses der Betroffenen und deren Bezugspersonen, einer Verhaltensbeobachtung oder eine messbare Normvariante bei standardisierten Konzentrations- oder Aufmerksamkeitstest.

The st

THE ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL Academy Trust - Special School Mountdale Gardens, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 4AW Head Teacher: Mrs. J. Mullan Telephone: (01702) 524193 Fax: (01702) 526761 A Residential Respite Care / E.Mail: [email protected] Sports Hal Facility THE ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL ACADEMY TRUST SUPPORTING PUPILS AT SCHOOL WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS POLICY


R ESEARCH ARTICLE The effect of mirtazapine on methotrexate-inducedtoxicity in rat liver Bunyami Ozogula, Abdullah Kisaoglua, Mehmet Ibrahim Turanb,∗, Durdu Altunerc, Ebru Senerd,Nihal Cetine, Cengiz Ozturke,f a Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ataturk University, 25240, Erzurum, Turkeyb Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ataturk University, 25240, Erzurum, Turkeyc Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, 53100, Rize, Turkeyd Department of Pathology, Erzurum Region Education and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkeye Department of Pharmacology-Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ataturk University, 25240,

Il landinista 10.pdf


Nurse anesthesia text - dr. masoud sirati nir

NURSE ANESTHESIA TEXT - DR. MASOUD SIRATI NIR October 2014 Nurse Anaesthesia Outline I. Introduction II. General layout of the Anaesthetic Room III. Types of Anaesthesia IV. Preparation for Anaesthesia V. Intravenous Anaesthesia VI. Guedal Describes Four Stages of Anaesthesia


Thermoregulation: some concepts have changed.Functional architecture of the thermoregulatory system Andrej A. Romanovsky 292:37-46, 2007. First published Sep 28, 2006; Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00668.2006 You might find this additional information useful. This article cites 123 articles, 86 of which you can access free at:


der tumortherapieHilfe zur Selbsthilfe Informieren Sie sich über den Ablauf Ihrer Therapie und dieMedikamente, die Sie erhalten. Fragen Sie immer nach, wenn Sie etwas nicht verstanden haben. Sie fühlen sich weniger ausgeliefert oder hilflos und verstehen Ihren Zustand und die Abläufe besser. liebe leserin, lieber leser, wir freuen uns, Ihnen die Broschüre „Nebenwirkungen der Tumortherapie – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe" überreichen zu dürfen. Damit richten wir uns in erster Linie an Betroffene, deren Familien und Freunde sowie an medizinische Laien.

Canadian railway medical guidelines handbook

DECEMBER 1st, 2001 CANADIAN RAILWAY MEDICAL RULES HANDBOOK (FOR POSITIONS CRITICAL TO SAFE RAILWAY OPERATIONS) Copyright © 2001 by the Railway Association of Canada. All rights reserved. With the exception of members of the Railway Association of Canada (RAC), no part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Railway Association of Canada. Requests for information should be addressed to the Railway Association of Canada, 99 Bank Street, Suite 1401, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6B9. While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this material, the RAC does not guarantee such accuracy. By using this material, or any portion thereof, the user agrees to waive all claims or causes of action against the RAC and agrees to indemnify the RAC against any such claims which may arise through or be related to such use.


Impressum: Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0, Neustiftgasse 17, 1070 Wien, Verlagspostamt 1070 Wien, Sponsoring Post GZ02Z033689 S. t0 World Summit on the Information Society World-Information City TUNIS 16-18 November 2005 BANGALORE 14-20 November 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS P 02 The Black and White (and Grey) of By Lawrence Liang Options to traditional patents - The

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The Spam Scramble A Trend Micro White Paper Ever-Growing Spam Volumes Demand a New Approach to Email Security August 2010 Learn about new antispam best practices and the hybrid solution with the power of two THE SPAM SCRAMBLE EVER-GROWING SPAM VOLUMES DEMAND A NEW APPROACH TO EMAIL SECURITY I. INTRODUCTION

Rapport ps bovins viande réunion2010 2013 diffusé

FILIÈRES ANIMALES Conseil d'administration du 24 au 27 novembre 2009 Programme sectoriel bovins viande AGREE PAR LE CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION DU 24 AU 27 NOVEMBRE 2009 Approuvé par la décision n°2010-006/9 du 1er décembre 2009 I – ETAT DES LIEUX ET DIAGNOSTIC DE LA FILIERE L'évolution de la filière allaitante réunionnaise, et plus particulièrement du groupement de producteurs SICAREVIA, sur les cinq dernières années est marquée par cinq indicateurs forts : - le nombre d'adhérents en activité est passé en cinq ans de 263 à 323, soit une progression de 23 %, - le nombre de vaches en production et de broutards commercialisés ont progressé respectivement de 26 % et 38 %, - le tonnage de viande commercialisé progresse de 17 % et surtout celui des bovins « Pays » (nés, élevés et abattus à la Réunion) augmente de 32 % sur cette période. Dans une approche plus globale, l'ensemble de la filière allaitante, regroupant 1.794 détenteurs de bovins en 2008, connaît plutôt une période de stabilité en terme d'effectifs d'animaux et de production commercialisée. Une évolution lente vers plus de professionnalisme, puisque le nombre de détenteurs de bovins est passé de 2.434 à 1.794 entre les années 2005 et 2008.


Graduate Student Journal of Psychology Copyright 2009 by the Department of Counseling & Clinical Psychology 2009, Vol. 11 Teachers College, Columbia University Neuroscience and Law: The Evidentiary Value of Brain Imaging Teachers College, Columbia University Neuroimaging evidence should be restricted in terms of admissibility in the courts, and should only be considered reliable under scientifically valid clinical methods. This topic will be approached in four stages: (1) a brief introduction to neuroscience and law, (2) a discussion of evidentiary laws in the American legal system, (3) a review of modern neuroimaging and the admissibility and applicability of neuroimaging evidence in the courtroom using actual cases, and 4) a closing argument, including interdisciplinary perspectives on neuroscience and law.


A Study of the Yoga Ed Program at The Accelerated School November 21, 2003 Simeon P. Slovacek, Ph.D. Susan A. Tucker, Ph.D. Laura Pantoja, B.A. Program Evaluation and Research Collaborative (PERC)Charter College of Education5151 State University DriveLos Angeles, CA 90032(323) 343-5622(323-343-4345 (fax)


Treatment for Osteosarcoma Lung Metastasis in Dogs Metastasis is more common in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, and chondrosarcoma. Metastasis is rare in dogs with axialtumors, except for osteosarcoma of the ribs, scapula or pelvis.1 The diagnosis of osteosarcoma with metastatic disease is historically associated with apoor prognosis for long term survival. One study showed that dogs with a Stage III osteosarcoma (distant metastasis) showed a median survival timeof 76 days, with a range of 0-1583 days with various treatment options including surgery, palliative radiation therapy, and chemotherapy (Boston etal, JAVMA 2006).In other words, without any treatment, the prognosis for this stage of osteosarcoma is about two months. With treatment, about six months.


DOSSIER DE PRESSE FRACAS ISSU cabaret spectral création collective concept Pierre Guillois assistanat artistique Stéphanie Chêne avec Claire Bardainne interprétation numérique, Lucas Antonellis gymnastique, Sevan Manoukian chant, Adrien Mondot jonglage et informatique, Dominique Parent jeu, Benjamin Sanz percussions

How to put data and analytics to work in the era of healthcare reform

How to Put Data anD analytics to work in tHe era of HealtHcare reform anD analytics to work in tHe era of HealtHcare reform Demonstrated by Blue cross and Blue shield of north carolina How to Put Data anD analytics to work in tHe era of HealtHcare reform taBle of contents With a teradata enterprise data warehouse (eDW) at its core, blue cross and blue Shield of North carolina


Doxycycline and osteoarthritis: what does it show us? Original article Brandt KD et al. (2005) Effects of pain and function were used as secondary doxycycline on progression of osteoarthritis. Results of a outcome measures. randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Arthritis Rheum 52: 2015–2025

Minutes of the meeting of the board of directors

Board of Directors Meeting Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Boardroom, Toronto Central LHIN 425 Bloor Street East, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario Directors Present Staff Present Angela Ferrante (Chair) Camille Orridge, Chief Executive Officer Vania Sakelaris, Senior Director, Health System

Microsoft word - 204 - envelopper pour s'approcher.doc

ENVELOPPER POUR S'APPROCHER Une équipe pluridisciplinaire en relation d'enveloppement avec une personne souffrante : présence, confiance, contacts, linge mouillé, on appelle ce moment précieux de rencontre avec un autre emmuré dans sa souffrance : un pack. Il parait plus naturel de l'appeler « enveloppement humide », cependant les personnes qui en bénéficient sont attachés à cette formulation : « c'est demain mon


Flexible Spending Account (FSA) • Significant savings• 24/7 web access• Fast, efficient, convenient• The benefit that benefits everyone A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Estimate Your Expenses: is an employee benefit plan established under IRC You can maximize your FSA account by planning Section 125 that allows you to pay for everyday health ahead carefully and using this helpful tool. You


The Lilly Suicides by Richard DeGrandpre1 William Forsyth met and married his wife June in 1955. After two years of military service in West Germany, Bill left with June to Los Angeles, where Bill had grown up. Soon after arriving, Bill bought several Volkswagens and started a rental car business near the LA airport. Times were tough at first, but the business


QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR DOCTORTo get the most out of your care, it's important to take an active role in your treatment. This includes speaking openly with your doctor and sharing any concerns you have. Review these questions with your doctor, and fi nd out if you can do even more to manage your PAH. Am I doing OK with my PAH?Even if you feel like you're doing fi ne, ask your doctor if there is more you could be doing to manage your PAH.