"R" - Health Articles:


NAMECIALIS® (tadalafil).Chemical y, tadalafil is pyrazino[1', 2':1, 6]pyrido[3, 4-b]indole-1, 4-dione, 6-(1, 3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 12a-hexahydro-2-methyl-, (6R, 12aR)-. Tadalafil has the empirical formula C22H19N3O4 representing a molecular weight of 389.41. Tadalafil is a crystal ine solid that is practical y insoluble in water and very slightly soluble in ethanol. The CAS number for tadalafil is 171596-29-5.Tadalafil has the fol owing structural formula:


Sociológica, año 12, número 35 Modernidad y nuevas ' tecnologías. septiembre-diciembre de 1997 Sociedad digital y cambios de paradigmas* Francis Pisani Xochitl Castañeda" Las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIc) afectan de manera particularmente visible la vida cotidiana y la organización social y económica. Esenciales en el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo económico, inducen modificaciones en los procesos de producción y llevan al surgimiento de un nuevo tipo de comunidad ya la aparición de nuevas entidades humanas híbridas: los ciborgs. Más allá de los cambios concretos, introducen nuevos paradigmas que modifican tanto laforma de pensar la sociedad como la narrativa que permite dar cuenta de la misma, de sus cambios y de la forma en la cual los percibimos.


Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias -UNCPBA- Actualización sobre las bases terapéuticas para la Peritonitis Infecciosa Felina (PIF) y presentación de tres casos clínicos de PIF tratados con Talidomida. Alarcón, Gabriela Verónica; Paludi, Alejandro Esteban; Nejamkin, Pablo. Mayo, 2016


Carbamate and Pyrethroid Resistance in the Leafminer J. A. ROSENHEIM,' AND B. E. T ABASHNIK Department of Entomology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 J. Econ.Entomol.83(6): 2153-2158 (1990) ABSTRACT Populations of D1glyphus begini (Ashmead), a parasitoid of Lirlomyza leafminers, showed resistance to oxamyl, methomyl, fenvalerate, and permethrin in labo-ratory bioassays. Relative to a susceptible strain from California, maximum resistance ratiosfor these pesticides were 20, 21, 17, and 13, respectively. Three populations that had beentreated frequently with insecticides were significantly more resistant to all four insecticidescompared with an untreated Hawaii population and a California population with an unknownspray history. Parasitoids from a heavily sprayed tomato greenhouse on the island of Hawaiihad LC",'s for permethrin and fenvalerate that were 10 and 29 times higher than the fieldrate, respectively. Populations resistant to oxamyl and methomyl had LC",'s two- and sixfoldbelow the field rate, respectively. D. begini is one of the few parasitoids resistant to pyre-throids, with LC",'s exceeding field application rates. Resistant D. begini may be useful forcontrolling leafminers in management programs that integrate biological and chemical con-trols.


Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for the Determination of Bupropion Hydrochloride in a Solid Dosage Form. Lovekesh Mehta, and Jitender Singh* 1Teva API India Ltd., Greater Noida, India. 2Lord Shiva College of Pharmacy, Sirsa 125055, Haryana, India Research Article Received: 01/04/2013 Revised: 05/05/2013


THE CENTRE FOR HEALTH IN THE HEART OF RODNEY Breast reconstruction following a mastectomy using Brava and autologous fat transfer (AFT) Rodney Surgical Centre is leading You adjust the pressure, starting at a comfortable level and gradually the way with a scientifically-proven increasing it, depending on your tolerance. Most patients ramp it up

Impact of science a stakeholder's perspective

How Science Shapes Economic Professor of Economics, Georgia State University; Research Associate NBER Vienna, May 6, 2015 Paula Stephan Georgia State University & NBER • Discuss relationship between scientific research and economic growth and methods used to explore the • Make case that although there is strong relationship, caution is called for in assuming that relationship is


AQT90 FLEX analyzerClinical sheet D-dimer Intended use The D-dimer test is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism). SummaryUnder normal physiological conditions, the hemostatic system maintains the balance between two opposing processes: • The coagulation process leads to the formation of thrombin, which converts fibrinogen to fibrin monomer


oral. Es hidrolizado rápidamente en el intestino a una tiolactona, la cual se convierte aquellos que presenten enfermedad renal terminal. La experiencia terapéutica en en el metabolito activo mediante un único paso de metabolismo por el citocromo pacientes con insuficiencia renal es limitada. P450, principalmente por las isoenzimas 3A4 y el 2B6 y en menor medida por las


MATERNIDAD SEGURA: UN RETO PARA ALCANZAR LOS OBJETIVOS DEL MILENIO 1 Adriana Maritza Vargas2, Ludy Yadira Villamizar Sandoval3, Paula Barrera 4, Viviana Angarita.5Yulie Nerith ruiz calderon6 , Jhon Fabio Parra Herrera7 1 Artículo de revisión 2 Fisioterapeuta egresada de la universidad de pamplona, coordinadora de salud pública Municipio de Chitagá, candidata a especialista en administración en salud Universidad Católica de Manizales

Vacumn pumps : bathmate hydromax pump - x30 xtreme and kit

Vacumn Pumps : Bathmate Hydromax Pump - x30 Xtreme and kit Bathmate Hydromax Pump - x30 Xtreme and kit Bathmate Hydromax Pump - Xtreme X30 and Accesories Kit Hydromax Xtreme X30 and accessories kit has improved function and ease of use. Use after prostatectomy for improved penis health, size andfunction. For advanced pump users. *** SALE NOW ON ***


HEMATOPOIESIS AND STEM CELLS Meis1 regulates the metabolic phenotype and oxidant defense of hematopoieticstem cells *Fatih Kocabas,1 *Junke Zheng,2,3 Suwannee Thet,1 Neal G. Copeland,4 Nancy A. Jenkins,4 Ralph J. DeBerardinis,5Chengcheng Zhang,2 and Hesham A. Sadek1 1Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, and 2Departments of Physiology and Developmental Biology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,


Effect of Gene Therapy on Visual Function in Leber's Congenital Amaurosis James W.B. Bainbridge, Ph.D., F.R.C.Ophth., Alexander J. Smith, Ph.D., Susie S. Barker, Ph.D., Scott Robbie, M.R.C.Ophth., Robert Henderson, M.R.C.Ophth., Kamaljit Balaggan, M.R.C.Ophth., Ananth Viswanathan, M.D., F.R.C.Ophth., Graham E. Holder, Ph.D., Andrew Stockman, Ph.D., Nick Tyler, Ph.D., Simon Petersen-Jones, Ph.D.,


Sexuality and social vulnerability in face of sexually transmitted infections among people with mental illnesses Sexualidade e vulnerabilidade social em face das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis em pessoas com transtornos mentais Jaqueline Almeida Guimarães Barbosa1, Mark Drew Crosland Guimarães2, Maria Imaculada de Fátima Freitas3 1 Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Member of the Epidemiology and


Evaluación intraoperatoria de la distensibilidad de la unión gastroesofágica en fundoplicatura Raul Aponte,1 Alberto Cardozo,2 Leonardo Rejon,2 Marjori Echenique,3 María Gabriela Cardozo,3 Johanan Davila,3 Maiveline Guardia4 1Neuro gastroenterólogo Director Médico Clínica Gastro Bariátrica, Maracay, Venezuela. 2Cirujano Bariátrico, Lap-


Universidad Nacional Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria Atención de emergencias y cirugía general de especies de compañía en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional Modalidad: Pasantía


Formulary decision guide: Dexamethasone 2 mg/5 ml oral solution (Dexsol®) Product current status: • More severe croup (or mild croup that might cause complications) calls for hospital admission:5 Product proposed status: – a single dose of corticosteroid should be administered Date of next meeting: before transfer to hospital

Hkust institutional repository

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (2011), 14, 1247–1256. f CINP 2011 From understanding synaptic plasticity to thedevelopment of cognitive enhancers Zelda H. Cheung and Nancy Y. Ip Division of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience and Molecular Neuroscience Center,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

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TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Office of the Vice Provost for Research Division of Research Compliance   Institutional Biosafety Committee Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - Tamoxifen Principal Investigator: _ Room & Building #: _ Department: Phone # Date: _ Location(s) Covered by this SOP. Building Lab # Fume hood area Animal procedure Animal Holding


Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Religiosas Interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y alteraciones psicológicas: análisis de factores de Maria Luisa Sánchez Camps Jorge López Puga Aníbal Nieto Díaz Murcia, Mayo de 2015 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Religiosas


Smart mobs y mensajes en cadena. Aproximación teórica a las convocatorias "espontáneas" de movilización social mediante redes telemáticas José CANDÓN MENA La convocatoria de acciones colectivas espontáneas o smart mobs mediante el envío de men-sajes en cadena es un fenómeno novedoso del uso de la TIC para la movilización social. Los mensajes en cadena se transmiten por redes —sociales y electrónicas— y la estructura de estas redes, así como el comportamiento de los actores sociales, influyen en la difusión del mensaje y la disposición a participar. Estas convocatorias, a veces anónimas, cuestionan el papel de los movimientos como promotores de la acción colectiva e invierten el proceso desde la organiza-ción a la movilización, que pasa a ser constitutiva y puede derivar en la organización posterior del movimiento.


Postgraduate programmes in Law Certificate in Laws Academic direction by The World Class: studied anywhere, valued everywhere. Join the world class 1 A mark of excellence Gain a University of London degree and increase your potential career development. 2 Quality of learning The programmes in this leaflet are developed by academics at

Excessive dosing and polypharmacy of antipsychotics caused by pro re nata in agitated patients with schizophrenia

Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2013; 67: 345–351 Excessive dosing and polypharmacy of antipsychotics causedby pro re nata in agitated patients with schizophrenia Junichi Fujita, MD,1,3* Atsushi Nishida, PhD,1,2 Mutsumi Sakata, BS,4 Toshie Noda, MD1 andHiroto Ito, PhD11Department of Social Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry,2Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry, Tokyo, 3Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Kanagawa Children's MedicalCenter, Kanagawa and 4Sasaguri Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan


Autumn UPDATE 2006 BdMax's Finishing Spray ZeroInHuman Essence Now is the time to consider the On ready-to-pick gold kiwifruit, after two benefits of using ZeroIn. applications of ZeroIn a week apart, followed by 10 days of rain, dry matter ZeroIn is used in the last few levels were .7% higher in the treated weeks, prior to harvest, to


Cynthia.qxp 4/8/09 10:23 Page 32 Low temperature chemistry Keep your cooltechnology with Dr Cynthia ChallenerIorder to maximise selectivity for the desired prod- uct is paramount for the development of cost- according to the chemistry involved but carefulselection of raw materials, catalysts and solvents andthe use of certain pressures and temperatures oftenplay important roles.


0022-3565/00/2931-0296$03.00/0THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS Copyright © 2000 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Printed in U.S.A. JPET 293:296–303, 2000 Allopurinol Prevents Early Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury in Rats1 HIROSHI KONO, IVAN RUSYN, BLAIR U. BRADFORD, HENRY D. CONNOR, RONALD P. MASON, andRONALD G. THURMAN

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Doping  Control  Manual   2012  Anti-­‐doping  Rules   Therapeutic  Use  Exemption  (TUE)        FIRS  Sports  Medicine  Commission  Viale  Tiziano  74  00196,  Roma,  Italy   Doping  Control  Manual  TUE  December  2009v1   General Information Doping control may occur during any FIRS Events. Athletes, who use medications that are included on the Prohibited List, must fill in the Therapeutic Use Exemption form with their physician. The completed TUE forms must be submitted to the FIRS doping control officer at least 30 days before the event. All documents (TUE form and medical evidence attachments) must be written in English or Spanish. Generic names of medication must be used. Information about Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) For substances and methods on the Prohibited List FIRS athletes, like other athletes, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications. If the medication that an athlete is required to take to treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption will give the athlete the authorization to take the needed medicine. Athletes may apply for a TUE for any treatment involving a substance or method on the Prohibited List. Medical evidence needed to support the diagnosis There needs to be objective medical evidence to confirm the diagnosis and the need for treatment with a prohibited substance. This medical evidence must be supplied by the treating doctor and sent together with the TUE application. Medical evidence shall include complete medical history (for example onset of the disease, family history, triggers, severity, etc.), results of all examinations and laboratory investigations and/or the imaging studies. Required in official FIRS Events All international level athletes defined as athletes in the FIRS Registered Testing and/or players entering in an FIRS World Championship, or a Major Games, who use prohibited substances and/or methods, must fill the TUE Form and submit the Application to the FIRS. FIRS is responsible for accepting applications and granting the certificates. All TUE applications will be reviewed by the FIRS Medical Committee. If approved, the athlete can begin treatment after receiving the authorization notice from the FIRS. In rare cases of an acute life threatening condition retroactive approval will be considered. Reciprocal Approval of TUE FIRS medical commission will accept, by reciprocal arrangement, any TUE issued by a FIRS approved anti-doping organization (ADO) in conformity with the WADA International standards for TUE. ADOs include other International Federations and National anti-doping organizations. Sanction fee for late TUE applications The TUE applications need to be sent to FIRS at least 30 days in advance of the FIRS event. The sanction fee of $50 US may be applied for the late incoming TUE applications. The sanction fee, if applied, shall be paid by the National Federation of the applying athlete.


ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Non-surgical periodontal therapy for the treatment of chronic periodontitis Terapia periodontal não-cirúrgica no tratamento da periodontite crônica Mari Raquel Botlender TROJAHN1 Robert Carvalho da SILVA2 Júlio César JOLY2 The aim of this split-mouth controlled study was to compare the clinical benefits of administering subgingival 10% Doxycycline (test group)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION WENDY DOLIN, Individually and as Independent Executor of the ESTATE OF STEWART DOLIN, deceased, Judge James B. Zagel v. SMITHKINE BEECHAM CORPORATION d/b/a GLAXOSMITHKINE, a Pennsylvania Corporation; and MYLAN INC., a Pennsylvania Corporation, Defendants.


EN CIENCIAS E INGENIERÍAS Estudio computacional B3LYP de la interacción del hidrógeno molecular [H2] con rccc R-Pyg[4]arenos [R = metil, flúor] funcionalizados con Li+ Andrés S. Urbina 1, Andrea A. Saltos1, F. Javier Torres1,2∗ 1Colegio de Ciencias e Ingeniería - El Politécnico, Universidad San Francisco de Quito


Der B-17-Bomber setzt um 14 Uhr am 24. April 1944 auf der Graspiste des Flugplatzes Altenrhein mit nur noch zwei laufenden Motoren und einem durchschossenen Pneu auf.Bild: Alfons Eigenmann Vor 71 Jahren notlandete eine «Fliegende Festung» der amerikanischen Luftwaffe auf dem Flugplatz Altenrhein. Der Rorschacher Chirurg Max Richard rettete einem schwerverletzten Crewmitglied mit einer Notoperation und dank Penicillin das Leben.


Stock Outs in South Africa Second Annual Report 2014 Stock Outs Survey Stop Stock Outs Report: 2014 Table of Contents Perspectives: Treatment Action Campaign & Southern Africa HIV Clinician's Society . 4-5 Executive Summary . 6 Introduction: 2nd Annual Stock Outs Survey . 10 Results: Survey Response . 13 Results: ARV and TB Stock Outs . 14

Antiplasmodial activity, in vivo pharmacokinetics and anti-malarial efficacy evaluation of hydroxypyridinone hybrids in a mouse model

Dambuza et al. Malar J (2015) 14:505 Open Access Antiplasmodial activity, in vivo pharmacokinetics and anti-malarial efficacy evaluation of hydroxypyridinone hybrids in a mouse modelNtokozo S. Dambuza1*, Peter Smith1, Alicia Evans1, Jennifer Norman1, Dale Taylor1, Andrew Andayi2, Timothy Egan2, Kelly Chibale2 and Lubbe Wiesner1 Abstract Background: During the erythrocytic stage in humans, malaria parasites digest haemoglobin of the host cell, and the toxic haem moiety crystallizes into haemozoin. Chloroquine acts by forming toxic complexes with haem mol-ecules and interfering with their crystallization. In chloroquine-resistant strains, the drug is excluded from the site of action, which causes the parasites to accumulate less chloroquine in their acid food vacuoles than chloroquine-sen-sitive parasites. 3-Hydroxylpyridin-4-ones are known to chelate iron; hydroxypyridone-chloroquine (HPO-CQ) hybrids were synthesized in order to determine whether they can inhibit parasites proliferation in the parasitic digestive vacuole by withholding iron from plasmodial parasite metabolic pathway.Methods: Two HPO-CQ hybrids were tested against Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine-sensitive (D10 and 3D7) and -resistant strains (Dd2 and K1). The pharmacokinetic properties of active compounds were determined using a mouse model and blood samples were collected at different time intervals and analysed using LC–MS/MS. For in vivo efficacy the mice were infected with Plasmodium berghei in a 4-day Peters' test. The parasitaemia was determined from day 3 and the course of the infection was followed by microscopic examination of stained blood films every 2–3 days until a rise in parasitaemia was observed in all test subjects.Results: IC50 values of the two compounds for sensitive and resistant strains were 0.064 and 0.047 µM (compound