"M" - Health Articles:


DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION Menopause: diagnosis and management NICE guideline Draft for consultation, June 2015 If you wish to comment on this version of the guideline, please be aware that all the supporting information and evidence is contained in the full version. Menopause: NICE guideline short version DRAFT (June 2015) DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION


03 · 2014 Herbst Pharmaceutical Tribune Jetzt gratis in Ihrer Apotheke Das neue Gesundheitsmagazin aus Ihr WUNDERBARER Mit So haben Sie Ihren Blutdruck im Griff Überreicht durch: Wie Medikamente helfen und was Sie selbst tun können Fit für die Schule Mehr Nährstoffe und Energie für kleine Durchstarter Chinesische Medizin


MD Research News Tuesday February 8 , 2011 This free weekly bulletin lists the latest published research articles on macular degeneration (MD) as indexed in the NCBI, PubMed (Medline) and Entrez (GenBank) databases. These articles were identified by a search using the key term "macular degeneration". If you have not already subscribed, please email Rob Cummins at [email protected] with ‘Subscribe to MD Research News' in the subject line, and your name and address in the body of the email.


Making sense of Making sense of antipsychotics This booklet is for anyone who has been prescribed antipsychotic drugs, or who thinks they may be offered them, and also for their friends and family. It explains why these drugs may be prescribed, what their effects are, and when to avoid them. Note:Antipsychotics are sometimes called ‘neuroleptics' or ‘major tranquillisers'.

Zoning bylaw

R.M. of Baildon No. 131 Zoning Bylaw Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131 R.M. of Baildon No. 131 Zoning Bylaw R.M. of Baildon No. 131 Zoning Bylaw The Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131 Bylaw No. A Bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131 to adopt a Zoning Bylaw. The Council of the Rural Municipality of Baildon, in the Province of Saskatchewan, in open meeting assembled enacts as follows: (1)


AP® STATISTICS 2011 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 2 Intent of Question The primary goals of this question were to assess students' ability to (1) distinguish an experiment from an observational study; (2) critique statistical information, in particular whether or not researchers are justified in making a specific conclusion based on the given information; (3) recognize and describe a potential problem with a study that lacks random assignment or blinding. Solution Part (a):


male circumcision for Hiv prevention WHO TecHnical advisOry GrOup On innOvaTiOns in Male circuMcisiOn: evaluation of two adult devices male circumcision for Hiv prevention WHO TecHnical advisOry GrOup On innOvaTiOns in Male circuMcisiOn: evaluation of two adult devices WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

European resuscitation council guidelines for resuscitation 2015: section 4. cardiac arrest in special circumstances

Contents lists available at European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 4. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances Anatolij Truhláˇr , Charles D. Deakin , Jasmeet Soar , Gamal Eldin Abbas Khalifa , Annette Alfonzo , Joost J.L.M. Bierens , Guttorm Brattebø , Hermann Brugger , Joel Dunning , Silvija Hunyadi-Antiˇcevi ´c , Rudolph W. Koster , David J. Lockey ,

Drugs 2012;

Drugs 2012; 72 (17): 2187-2205 Adis ª 2012 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved. Advances in Drug Development forAcute MigraineRyan J. Cady,1 Candace L. Shade2 and Roger K. Cady2 1 Center of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA2 Banyan Group, Inc., Springfield, MO, USA Triptans revolutionized medical recognition and the acute treatment of


CONSUMER MEDICINE INFORMATION Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any • Any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet. questions about why Chemmart® Thrush one dose + Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction may cream has been recommended for you. Your doctor or pharmacist may have recommended Chemmart® Thrush one dose + cream for another reason.

MisiÓn de la universidad autÓnoma de yucatÁn



INCIDENCE OF PUBIC OSTEOMYELITIS AFTER BLADDER NECK SUSPENSION USING BONE ANCHORS ROGER P. GOLDBERG, MARIE BLANCHE TCHETGEN, PETER K. SAND, SUMANA KODURI, RAYMOND RACKLEY, RODNEY APPELL, AND PATRICK J. CULLIGAN Objectives. To determine the incidence of pubic osteomyelitis after bladder neck suspension using supra-pubic bone anchors.Methods. The target population consisted of 290 consecutive women who underwent bladder necksuspension using suprapubic bone anchors between June 1994 and November 1999 at two referral centers.A structured telephone questionnaire was designed to elicit any history of clinical symptoms suspicious forpubic osteomyelitis. Positive responses were followed up by a detailed review of the medical records.Nonresponders were evaluated by chart review, with negative cases included only if the documentedfollow-up reached 1 year.Results. The sample consisted of 225 women, representing 77.6% of the study population, with a mean ageof 69.7 years (range 40 to 88) and a mean follow-up of 31.8 months (range 13.4 to 42.2). Of the 225women, 179 (80%) completed the telephone survey; 46 patients (20%) were evaluated by long-term chartreview. Three patients (1.3%) reported positive responses to the screening questionnaire and were con-firmed to have developed pubic osteomyelitis. Each had undergone exploratory laparotomy, anchor re-moval, bony debridement, and prolonged parenteral antibiosis. The most common noninfectious complaintswere irritative voiding symptoms and pubic or groin pain responding to "conservative" therapy (3.5%),including 1 case of osteitis pubis. One subject underwent repeated operation because of erosion of the slingsutures into the bladder.Conclusions. The estimated incidence of osteomyelitis after bone-anchored bladder neck suspension was1.3%. Although postoperative osteomyelitis is rare, each case incurs substantial morbidity and a compli-cated postoperative course. UROLOGY 63: 704–708, 2004. © 2004 Elsevier Inc.

Faxabruf: 0341 55 99 27

Krank durch Nebenwirkungen Magengeschwüre, Demenz, Erektionsprobleme und vieles mehr – Medikamente kön-nen neben ihrer Heilwirkung schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen haben. Nach Exper-tenschätzung sterben jährlich sogar viermal mehr Deutsche an unerwünschten Arznei-mittelwirkungen als im Straßenverkehr. Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen gesundheitli-chem Nutzen und Gesundheitsgefahr? Die Deutschen schlucken so viele Arzneien

Spinal sensorimotor system part ii:

SSMS II: Neurons Spinal Sensorimotor System Part II: Motoneurons and Motoneuron Pathways Classes of Neurons and Afferents The standard way of classifying neurons in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion leaves a bit to be desired in the way of crispness, but by and large classifications are based on where the neuron receives its input and where it projects its output. There are three major categories:


Noise ± 0.35 x 10-5 Drift ± 3 x 10-5A/h Powerful Software Superb Performance HPLC The Adept Series of ers: Adept Series HPLC systems and modules offer top ■ The CE 4100 dual piston, fully compensated solvent grade performance, are economically priced and delivery pump with a new stepping motor drive and designed for all applications including method microprocessor control system offers accurately

31st annual conference on peritoneal dialysis, 17th international symposium on hemodialysis, and 22nd annual symposium on pediatric dialysis

Hemodialysis International Vol. 15 No. 1, 2011 31st Annual Dialysis Conference: Abstracts Hemodialysis Abstracts from the Annual Dialysis Conference 31st Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, 17th International Symposium on Hemodialysis, and 22nd Annual Symposium on Pediatric Dialysis February 20–22, 2011 r 2011 The AuthorsHemodialysis International r 2011 International Society for HemodialysisDOI:10.1111/j.1542-4758.2010.00516.x

Desarrollo y ambivalencias de la teoría económica de marx

Desarrollo y ambivalencias de la teoría económica de Marx* Development and Ambivalences of Marx's Economic Theory Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlín Recibido: 17/07/2010Aceptado: 16/09/2010 Con la profunda crisis económica a la que nos enfrentamos desde 2008 ha aumentado también el interés por la teoría marxiana en todo el mundo. Pero estoverdaderamente no es algo que deba sorprender: mientras que en la teoría económi-ca de Marx las crisis desempeñan un papel importante, en la economía convencio-nal son prácticamente ignoradas. en ésta aparecen como meros accidentes, quepodrían ser evitados por medio de mercados flexibles (ésa es la creencia de los eco-nomistas neoclásicos) o por medio de una política económica adecuada (la creenciade los keynesianos).


Bowel cancer From diagnosis to recovery making cancer less frightening by enlightening 1 Some of the information in this booklet is taken with permission from the patient information website of Cancer Research UK. www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer Bowel cancer From diagnosis to recovery About this booklet We have developed this booklet because we recognise that bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers in Ireland. About 2,500 men and women are diagnosed here each year.

Acta no

El Progreso, Yoro, 18 de junio, dos mil diez, sesión Ordinaria celebrada por la Honorable Corporación Municipal, presidida por el Alcalde Municipal Alexander López Orellana, con la presencia del Vice Alcalde Juan Pompilio Tejeda Duarte, con la asistencia de los Regidores: Guillermo Antonio Gáleas.- Otto René Sorto Morales.- Rolando Rafael Handal Hasbum.- María Carlota Rodríguez Andrade.- Oscar Armando Rubí Guzmán.- Mariano Arias Castro.- Rafael Arturo Morales Soto.- María Famelicia Rivera Rivera, con excusa los Regidores los Francisco Gallo Canales y José Elías Nazar Ordóñez.- con la presencia del Asesor Legal Abogado Maynor López y el Gerente General Ing. Roberto Zelaya, por ante la secretaria Municipal que da fe Abog. Yasmín Francelia Quiroz Mejía, se procedió de la siguiente manera:

Microsoft word - pj nicholoff steroid protocol.docx

PJ Nicholoff Steroid Protocol Background/Assessment Normal basal secretion of cortisol from the adrenal gland is approximately 5-7 mg/m2/day or 8 -10 mg/day for adults. This amount increases during minor il nesses or surgery to approximately 50 mg/day (5x normal physiologic secretion). These smal increases with uncomplicated surgery return to baseline in 24 hours. Procedures producing greater surgical stress, have been shown to increase cortisol responses to 75-150 mg/day (10x normal physiologic secretion), which return to baseline in about 5 days. Corticosteroids are prescribed for multiple diagnoses to a wide variety of patients. Long term administration of corticosteroids may lead to suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Rapid reduction or abrupt withdrawal of corticosteroid therapy that has been prolonged or at high doses can cause secondary adrenal insufficiency (suppression of the HPA axis), and steroid withdrawal or deprivation syndrome. Recovery from suppression of the HPA axis after discontinuing corticosteroids can be prolonged (possibly 6 to 12 months) and may vary based on doses, dosing schedules and duration of corticosteroid therapy. Since there is a great deal of individual variability in susceptibility to suppression of the HPA axis after chronic use of exogenous corticosteroids, it is not possible to predict with confidence which patients wil be affected. Current practice is to administer supplemental (stress) doses of corticosteroids to patients with suspected suppression of the HPA axis in the perioperative period and during acute il ness to prevent acute adrenal insufficiency, or adrenal crisis. Defining HPA Suppressed Patients: Recommendations differ slightly in defining a suppressed patient, but general guidelines are below (Table 1):


The 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management in Gothenburg 2013 CONCEPTION OF AN AUTOMATED PLANT FOR THE DISASSEMBLY OF LITHIUM ION BATTERIES Prof. Dr. Michael Weyrich, Nirugaa Natkunarajah, M.Sc.* *Paul-Bonatz-Str.9-11, 57068 Siegen, Germany Keywords: automated disassembly; lithium ion batteries; End-of-Life Management


 Medizin Medical Tribune • 42. Jahrgang • Nr. 27 • 7. Juli 2010 Wissenschaft für die Praxis Mehrere aktuel e Studien schla- Tage (Gruppe A bzw. B) oder Le- gen – alternativ zur Vierfachthera- vofloxacin 2 x 500 mg über sieben pie (Zweitlinientherapie zur Heli- oder zehn Tage (Gruppe C bzw. D) cobacter-Eradikation, die in bis zu behandelt. Der Helicobacter-Status


Clinical Management of Patients with Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: for the Front-line Interim emergency guidance-generic draft for West African adaptation © World Health Organization 2014 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization are available on the WHO website (www.who.int) or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications –whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution– should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO website (www.who.int/about/licensing/copyright_form/en/index.html). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.


Us er information, pleas e read carefully!G . P OHL -B OS K A MP G mbH & C o.,K ieler S traß e 1 1, D-25551 Hohenlockstedt, G ermany S pray 0.4 mg /dos e Active ingredient: glyceryl trinitrate C ompos ition: 1 puff of the s pray contains 0.4 mg glyceryl trinitrate. Other cons tituents : medium-chaintriglycerides, medium-chain partial glycerides, absolute ethanol, peppermint oil.

Cover depan 4.ai

The Specialist in Cancer Research and Diagnostics molecular biology histo-pathology cytology coagulation hematology general lab equipment HLA typing immunohis-tochemistry biopsy tools oncology leukemia skin allergic test tumor marker elisa kits FISH western blot peristaltic pump Braf autoimmune patch test cervical cancer early detection EGFR shaker CISH automatic stainer decloaking cham-bers microtome monoclo-nality freelite chain targeted therapy diag-nostic IFA DNA leader probe primer animal detection KRAS plastics c o n s u m a b l e s


Strategies for Improving Care :  A patient-centered communication style that incorporates patient preferences, assesses literacy and numeracy, and addresses cultural barriers to care should be used. B  Treatment decisions should be timely and based on evidence- based guidelines that are tailored to individual patient


MESTIZO ARTS PLATFORM Mestizo Arts Platform (MAP): Innovación y investigación artística en ciudades como Amberes, Malinas, Gante, Turnhout (Bélgica), Rotterdam (Holanda), Buenos Aires y México DF. Una nueva corriente de artistas que tienen la mirada hacia el mundo entero. Una mezcla de teatro, baile, videoarte, etc. MAP va en busca de todo lo que se mueve en las ciudades a través de proyectos como Los Viernes MAF, BRAINS, MAPping, Studio Urbanization y Work in Progress. Todo este movimiento artístico fluye hasta juntarse en el anual Mestizo Arts Festival en octubre. MAP es un proyecto de Fiëbre, una asociación cultural y artística belga que tiene como punto de partida el mestizaje de culturas y disciplinas de arte, siempre buscando nuevas perspectivas, formas de presentación y de interpretación. Fiëbre organizó el primer Mestizo Arts Festival (entonces llamado Mestizo Club) en 2007. MAP fue creado en 2015 para juntar todos las iniciativas de Fiëbre en un concepto total. La riqueza de las ciudades nuevas en evolución contínua. Vivimos en un momento emocionante de la historia. Personas de todas partes se encuentran y conviven en un espacio geográfico compartido: la ciudad. Al mismo tiempo nuevas tecnologías les permiten de comunicar de forma constante con los paises de origen. Todo eso da una riqueza abundante de información y historias en las ciudades. "El Mestizo Arts Platform es como un atlas de aventura de nuestras ciudades híperdiversas. Al vagar por el laberinto que es la ciudad encontramos artistas con raíces en sus calles efervescentes que musan sobre qué significa para ellos la ciudad. MAP es una declaración de amor a la ciudad." Plataforma y festival artístico multidisciplinario. MAP es una plataforma para el intercambio de estrategias e impulsos creativos de artistas y compañías nacionales e internacionales. Con MAP queremos ofrecer un podio que refleja la contínua evolución de las ciudades, mediante conceptos y proyectos, presentaciones y coproducciones que representan nuestra visión innovadora acerca del arte urbano. "Proclamamos el arte, en todo tipo de voces y lenguas. Así reverbera en nuestras calles efervescentes donde brilla con orgullo y donde se oye artistas de diversas disciplinas que rinden honor a lo maravilloso y lo fuerte que es la ciudad." La mezcla, el encuentro y la polinización. Partimos de una mezcla rica (‘mestizo') de y un diálogo entre las formas de arte, las culturas, las organizaciones, los artistas y el público. Nos gusta ir hasta los límites de lo desconocido. "Buscamos una lengua en común, meneamos como locos entre registros y intermediamos como traductores entre las visiones del mundo. Los artistas te cuentan como ellos miran hacia la ciudad y te invitan a abrir la perspectiva." Communidad y cooperación. Más de 150 artistas y más de 50 socios dan su voz para celebrar con nosotros la riqueza cultural de las ciudades. Construimos puentes y reenforzamos vínculos entre artistas, casas culturales, asociaciones fuera del mundo artístico y, claro, los habitantes de la ciudad. "Te dio curiosidad? Pónte pues las botas en los pies, los binoculares en la nuca y abastécete de provisiones. No te asústes! El mugido y rugido intimidante de la ciudad requiere coraje y perseverancia. Pero, te rogamos: atrévete! Y crece con la ciudad. Sube a


MENTAL HEALTH LAW CENTRE (WA) Inc. ABN 40 306 626 287 Our Ref: SB NCW 572 6 March 2012 Mental Health Commission GPO Box X2299, Perth Business Centre WA 6847 DRAFT MENTAL HEALTH BILL 16 DECEMBER 2011 Mental Health Law Centre (WA) Inc. SUBMISSION PHYSICAL AND DENTAL HEALTH OF INVOLUNTARY PATIENTS AND PRISONERS We take this opportunity to make a submission on the Draft Mental Health Bill released for public comment on 16 December 2012. General Position The Bill authorises a single "authorised mental health practitioner" (not necessarily a doctor and perhaps simply an enrol ed mental health nurse with two days training in making referrals) to assess/ examine, refer, detain and transport a person against their wil and without their consent, to a psychiatrist (sometimes thousands of kilometres away from the patient's home) for an examination to decide whether or not that person requires detention (involuntary admission to an authorised psychiatric hospital or hostel) and/or involuntary treatment; and authorises the examining psychiatrist (who may or may not have trained in Australia) to make an involuntary detention and/or treatment order sometimes on the basis of a hurried five minute examination. Mistakes and oversights happen in a busy, under-resourced system whose priority and objective is treating a person's mental illness. Physical and dental il health may be the underlying cause of mental il -health – such as urinary tract infection in elderly people causing psychosis, may impede recovery from mental illness and may be low on the agenda of mental health


Université de Bordeaux U.F.R DES SCIENCES MEDICALES Thèse pour l'obtention du DIPLÔME D'ETAT DE DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE Médecine générale Présentée et soutenue publiquement Le 10 décembre 2015 VAN OVERLOOP Romain Né le 06 mars 1987 à Marseille Etude de la consommation chronique d'inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons en EHPAD : indications documentées et médications associées pour 134


ednesday, April 10, 2013 American Conference 17.72. 10. Eric Agee-Floyd ATU 200 100 x 5:07.37. 2. Manuel Alvarez 2. Marcus Lindsey (NLR), 2. Aulexis Pippen (CRO), 26.74. 5. Makayla Daniel Spring Championships, Fullerton, both White Hall, Katie Slaughter and Brit- (LRC), 5:18.18. 3. Christo- 132-5. 3. Charlie Donerson 15.62. 3. Shadeanna Gatlin (NLR), 27.33. 6. Maryma


REF. 9). Iproniazid, a drug registered for the treatment of tuberculosis, was found to elevate the mood of patients that received it,and subsequent studies in patients who were Is mood chemistry? depressed but did not have tuberculosisshowed its effect as an antidepressant9. Sim-ultaneously and independently, imipramine, Eero Castrén an experimental antihistamine with a tricyclicstructure, was found to have antidepressant

Israelsectiona_111222:layout 1.qxd

Israel News 26 KISLEV, 5772 DECEMBER 22, 2011 HAMODIA A31 The Latest Research on Tension Type Headaches and MigrainesAll you need to know from Dr. Daniel Oved, neurology Specialist, director of Headache and Chronic Pain Clinic at Laniado Hospital Headaches are a common ages, processes that cause an options should be offered —


Cerebral Hypoperfusion Generates Cortical Watershed Microinfarcts in Alzheimer Disease Oda-Christina Suter, Thanomphone Sunthorn, Rudolf Kraftsik, Joel Straubel, Pushpa Darekar, Kamel Khalili and Judith Miklossy 2002;33;1986-1992 DOI: 10.1161/01.STR.0000024523.82311.77 Stroke is published by the American Heart Association. 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 72514


Cell Physiol Biochem 2015;37:651-665 DOI: 10.1159/000430384 © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel Published online: September 08, 2015 Spaas et al.: Chondr ogenic Priming Enhances MSC Adhesion ed: August 04, 2015 This is an Open Access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-NC) (www.karger.com/OA-license), applicable to

Microsoft word - medicamentos falsificados.doc

Venta de medicamentos en Internet: Consejo General de Colegios riesgo de falsificaciones Oficiales de Farmacéuticos La falsificación y posterior venta de bienes de consumo está constituyéndose como uno de los negocios más lucrativos que existe, incluso por encima del tráfico de estupefacientes. Los beneficios económicos que estas prácticas reportan, así como la ausencia casi total de castigo para los implicados, están aumentando cada vez más tanto la incidencia como la variedad de las falsificaciones.

Microsoft word - abdelnoorasb14p

Advanced Studies in Biology, Vol. 4, 2012, no. 8, 385 – 396 Identification of Virulence Genes among Antibacterial-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Poultry Fadi E. El-Rami , Elias A. Rahal , Fawwak T. Sleiman and Alexander M. Abdelnoor * 1Department of Experimental Pathology, Immunology and Microbiology, Faculty of

Reference standards highlights

December 2012 Table of Contents Click on sections. For all the latest information, visit Reference Standards Highlights Below are several Tables with the latest Reference Standard information including out-of-stock items now available; new Reference Standards released in November 2012; backordered items with estimated availability dates; items that have a new price and/or have a new package size; items with lots that are (or soon will be) no longer valid; and items with new lots since the last email notice.

Problema aborto.pmd

LOS DERECHOS CIUDADANOS DE LAS MUJERES EN MÉXICO Primera Edición 2006. Quinta Impresión Mayo del 2013. Movimiento Ciudadano, Partido Político Nacional. Derechos Reservados © 2006. Louisiana No. 113, Esq. Nueva York, Col. NápolesDeleg. Benito Juárez, C. P. 03810, México, D.F.


Asymmetric Roles of Advertising and Marketing Capability in Financial Returns to News: Turning Bad to Good and Good to Great Assistant Professor in Marketing Terry College of Business, University of Georgia 148 Brooks Hall, Athens, GA 30602 Phone: 706-542-6903 Sundar Bharadwaj Coca Cola Company Chair Professor of Marketing Terry College of Business, University of Georgia


Résumé des caractéristiques du produit RESUME DES CARACTERISTIQUES DU PRODUIT DENOMINATION DU MEDICAMENT Diclofenac EG 25 mg comprimés enrobésDiclofenac EG 50 mg comprimés enrobés Diclofenac EG 75 mg/3 ml, solution injectableDiclofenac EG 100 mg suppositoiresDiclofenac EG Retard 75 mg comprimés à libération prolongéeDiclofenac EG Retard 100 mg comprimés à libération prolongée

Cn rao 1.pmd

Material Science Research India Vol. 5(2), 383-390 (2008) Voltammetric determination of doxepin using chemically modified electrodes C. NARASIMHA RAO¹, M. SUMAN¹, C. NARASIMHA RAO² and P. VENKATESWARLU¹* ¹Department of Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati - 517 502 (India). ²Department of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati - 517 502 (India).

06 rovetta - case rep 2a

Monaldi Arch Chest Dis2013; 80: 133-136 A case of iatrogenic severe mitral regurgitation Un caso di insufficienza mitralica severa iatrogena Antonio D'Aloia, Barbara Piovanelli, Riccardo Rovetta, Ivano Bonadei, Enrico Vizzardi, Antonio Curnis, Marco Metra ABSTRACT: A case of iatrogenic severe mitral regurgitation. diac valve disease. Here we present a case of iatrogenic

Microsoft powerpoint - skin infections in wrestlers-new mshsl slide show.ppt

Skin Infections in Wrestlers B.J. Anderson, M.D. -Boynton Health Service University of Minnesota -Team Physician for Augsburg College Wrestling Team All materials included in this slide presentation are the property of B.J. Anderson, M.D. and the Minnesota State High School League. Reproduction is allowed but not to include any photos without the permission


TAIYO YUDEN Lithium Ion Capacitors: An Effective EDLC Replacement Lithium Ion Capacitors overcome the pitfalls of EDLCs, providing superior self-discharge characteristics, high-energy density, reliability, longevity and safety. Atsuya Sato Field Application Engineering Supervisor TAIYO YUDEN TAIYO YUDEN Lithium Ion Capacitors:

Faq146 -- reducing risks of birth defects

f AQ The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSFAQ146PREGNANCY Reducing Risks of Birth Defects • What is a birth defect?• What causes birth defects?• What can I do before or during pregnancy to decrease my risk of having a baby with certain birth defects?• Why should I see my health care provider before becoming pregnant?• What factors increase the risk of having a baby with a birth defect?• Why is taking a multivitamin important before and during pregnancy?• What do I need to know about taking medications during pregnancy?• How can obesity have an impact on my pregnancy?

The role of the consultant pharmacist in long-term-care

In Geriatric Medicine and Medical Direction – Volume 36 Issue 4 – April 2015 A Peer Reviewed Journal of the Minnesota Medical Directors Association Managing Residents with Parkinson's Disease in Long-Term Care By: Martha A. Nance MD Parkinson's disease currently affects up to one Although the diagnostic criteria for PD emphasize million Americans. With increasing longevity as we


Entfernung spätestens eam 0180/4 09 09 09 eitere Informationen: Mirena® – Kopf frei Mirena®-PassBei der Einlage von Mirena®können Sie sich von IhremFrauenarzt /Ihrer Frauen-ärztin diesen Pass mit Einlege- Mirena® und Entfernungsdatum aus- stellen lassen, damit Sie diese Daten immer präsent haben. Name der Anwenderin Bitte markieren Sie IhreBlutungstage und bringenden Zykluskalender bei

Mattersburger pfarrblatt

A30290_Pfarre.qxd 24.06.2008 12:25 Seite 1 Juli, August, September 2008 KIRCHENSTIEGE - SERPENTINEN - KIRCHENMAUER Nach einer Bauzeit von 7 Monaten und durch wetterbedingte Unterbrechun- gen konnte das Bauvorhaben Kirchenaufgang-Kirchenmauer nun abgeschlossenwerden. Am Beginn der Planung stand die Neuerrichtung der Kirchenstiegen, wobeidie erste Planung bereits im Mai 2006 erfolgte.

Microsoft word - 07mi biology ah.doc

2007 Biology Advanced Higher Finalised Marking Instructions  Scottish Qualifications Authority 2007 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications only on a non-commercial basis. If it is to be used for any other purposes written permission must be obtained from the Assessment Materials Team, Dalkeith. Where the publication includes materials from sources other than SQA (secondary copyright), this material should only be reproduced for the purposes of examination or assessment. If it needs to be reproduced for any other purpose it is the centre's responsibility to obtain the necessary copyright clearance. SQA's Assessment Materials Team at Dalkeith may be able to direct you to the secondary sources. These Marking Instructions have been prepared by Examination Teams for use by SQA Appointed Markers when marking External Course Assessments. This publication must not be reproduced for commercial or trade purposes.


Asian J Androl 2006; 8 (2): 219–224 .Clinical Experience .Long-term treatment with intracavernosal injections in diabetic men with erectile dysfunction P. Perimenis, A. Konstantinopoulos, P. P. Perimeni, K. Gyftopoulos, G. Kartsanis, E. Liatsikos, A. Athanasopoulos Department of Urology, University Hospital, 26500 Patras, Greece Aim: To assess the behavior of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and erectile dysfunction (ED) during 10 con-secutive years of treatment with self-injection of vasoactive drugs. Methods: Thirty-eight diabetic men, including 12with type I and 26 with type II diabetes, were followed up regularly for 10 years after they began self-injecting forsevere ED. Real time rigidity assessment was used for the objective determination of the initial dosage and then doseswere regulated in order to introduce an erection suitable for penetration and maintenance of erection for approximately30 min. Patients were followed up every two months, and doses were increased only when the treatment responsewas not satisfactory. Results: The number of injections used per year by the patients was reduced each year (meannumbers: 50 in the first year and 22.5 in the 10th) and treatment shifted towards stronger therapeutic modalities(mixtures of vasoactive drugs instead of prostaglandin E1 alone). Type I diabetic men were standardized to a level oftreatment as early as 5 years after the initiation of treatment. That level was finally reached by type II patients afteranother 4-5 years. Conclusion: Treatment with self-injections of vasoactive drugs in diabetic men with severe ED isa safe and effective alternative in the long term. Diabetic men of both types show the same preferences in quality andquantity of treatment after 10 years. The key point for maintenance in treatment is the adjustment of the therapeuticmethod and dosage to optimal levels for satisfactory erections. (Asian J Androl 2006 Mar; 8: 219–224)


04/09/2009 Cellule interministérielle de communication QUESTIONS / REPONSES CONCERNANT LA GRIPPE A (H1N1) 2009 I) LE VIRUS A(H1N1) 2009, LES TRAITEMENTS, LA VACCINATION 9 Qu'est ce que la grippe ? Que sont les virus grippaux ? La grippe est une infection respiratoire aiguë, très contagieuse, due aux virus Influenzae. Les virus grippaux se répartissent entre différents types : A, B et C. Les virus A et B sont à l'origine des épidémies saisonnières mais seul le virus A peut être responsable de pandémies. Le virus C occasionne des cas sporadiques. Les virus grippaux se caractérisent par leurs fréquentes mutations.


Current Treatment Options for Community-AcquiredMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection Robert C. Moellering, Jr. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts During the past decade, there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in the United States and elsewhere. The most common such infectionsare those involving the skin and skin structures. Although a number of these lesions (including small furunclesand abscesses) respond well to surgical incision and drainage, oral antimicrobial agents are commonly usedto treat these infections in outpatients. Unfortunately, with the exception of linezolid, none of the agentspresently being used in this fashion has been subjected to rigorous clinical trial. Thus, current therapy isbased largely on anecdotal evidence. For more-serious infections requiring hospitalization, parenteral anti-microbials such as vancomycin, teicoplanin, daptomycin, linezolid, and tigecycline are presently available andhave demonstrated effectiveness in randomized, prospective, double-blind trials.


Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs The Icarus Project and Freedom Center This guide brings together the best information we've discovered and lessons we've learned at The Icarus Project and Freedom Center. It is not intended to persuade anyone to stop taking psychiatric medications, but instead aims to educate people about their options if they decide to explore going off.


La création d'entreprise au féminin en Europe 2011 - Eléments Research Center ESSEC Working Paper 1105 Viviane de Beaufort La création d'entreprise au féminin en Europe 2011- Eléments comparatifs Viviane de Beaufort - Professeur à l'ESSEC Département Droit et Environnement de l‘Entreprise.



Tobacco use cessation in hospitals in ontario

NG THE UPTAKE OF HOSPITAL-BASED TOBA SUPPORTS ACROSS McMaster Health Forum Evidence Brief: Expanding the Uptake of Hospital-based Tobacco-use Cessation Supports Across Ontario Evidence >> Insight >> Action Expanding the Uptake of Hospital-based Tobacco-use Cessation Supports Across Ontario McMaster Health Forum For concerned citizens and influential thinkers and doers, the McMaster Health Forum strives to be a


NOTES FOR TREKKING TEAM MEDICAL OFFICERS This document is intended to provide each trekking team Medical Officer with a resource to aid decision-making before and during the Medex Manaslu 2015 expedition. We are aware that some of you have previous experience of practising expedition medicine and that consequently you will probably have developed your own strategy for

Financing pharmaceutical care in the netherlands

Table of contents 1. A short introduction to the Dutch Healthcare system: • Financing streams within the healthcare system • Contracting process between pharmacies and insurance companies A brief overview • Examples of contracting • Pros and cons of the Dutch healthcare system in from a pharmacist 2. Official tasks of a pharmacist by law: • Performance descriptions


Special Expanded Issue • Exercise to Improve Mobility Published by the Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Management Update Association of AmericaDouglas G. Franklin By Diana M. Schneider, Ph.D . 3 This expanded cover story gives an overview Gary Wallace, CPA of the strategies and agents used to manage

Microsoft powerpoint - whats new in contraception.ppt [compatibility mode]

 This event is sponsored by the Region V Training Project of HCET. What's New in  Any views or opinions in this presentation are solely those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent those of the funders. Health Care Education and Training, Inc. accepts no liability for the content of the presentation or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.

Microsoft word - 5_dr. chaitanya tingane_choking_ case report.docx

Vol 23, Number 1 Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law (Jan-Jun 2014) A Journal of Medicolegal Association of Maharashtra Case Report DEATHS DUE TO CHOKING AMONG PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS A REPORT OF THREE CASES Dr. CV Tingne, Dr. NB Kumar, Dr. PS Ghormade, Dr. RK Gadhari, Dr. AN Keoliya Dr. Chaitanya Vidyadhar Tingne Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India (440018) Dr. Narendra Baluram Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India (440018)


Active Music Therapy in Parkinson's Disease: An Integrative Method for Motorand Emotional RehabilitationCLAUDIO PACCHETTI, MD, FRANCESCA MANCINI, MD, ROBERTO AGLIERI, CIRA FUNDAR O, MD, EMILIA MARTIGNONI, MD,AND GIUSEPPE NAPPI, MD Background: Modern management of Parkinson's disease (PD) aims to obtain symptom control, to reduce clinicaldisability, and to improve quality of life. Music acts as a specific stimulus to obtain motor and emotional responsesby combining movement and stimulation of different sensory pathways. We explored the efficacy of active musictherapy (MT) on motor and emotional functions in patients with PD. Methods: This prospective, randomized,controlled, single-blinded study lasted 3 months. It consisted of weekly sessions of MT and physical therapy (PT).Thirty-two patients with PD, all stable responders to levodopa and in Hoehn and Yahr stage 2 or 3, were randomlyassigned to two groups of 16 patients each. We assessed severity of PD with the Unified Parkinson's Disease RatingScale, emotional functions with the Happiness Measure, and quality of life using the Parkinson's Disease Qualityof Life Questionnaire. MT sessions consisted of choral singing, voice exercise, rhythmic and free body movements,and active music involving collective invention. PT sessions included a series of passive stretching exercises,specific motor tasks, and strategies to improve balance and gait. Results: MT had a significant overall effect onbradykinesia as measured by the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (p ⬍ .034). Post–MT session findingswere consistent with motor improvement, especially in bradykinesia items (p ⬍ .0001). Over time, changes on theHappiness Measure confirmed a beneficial effect of MT on emotional functions (p ⬍ .0001). Improvements inactivities of daily living and in quality of life were also documented in the MT group (p ⬍ .0001). PT improvedrigidity (p ⬍ .0001). Conclusions: MT is effective on motor, affective, and behavioral functions. We propose activeMT as a new method for inclusion in PD rehabilitation programs. Key words: music therapy, Parkinson's disease,rehabilitation.


Cancer Causes Control (2014) 25:1131–1140 Serum levels of vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calciumin relation to survival following breast cancer Linnea Huss • Salma Butt • Signe Borgquist •Martin Almquist • Johan Malm • Jonas Manjer Received: 3 January 2014 / Accepted: 5 June 2014 / Published online: 22 June 2014Ó The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Preliminary program

47TH SANDBJERG MEETING ON MEMBRANE TRANSPORT Monday May 18th - Wednesday May 20th 2015 Sandbjerg Estate Sønderborg Scientific program MONDAY MAY 18TH 13.00-13.40 Arrival and coffee 13.40-13.45 Welcome and introductory remarks

A guide to entrepreneurs.doc

Small Scale, Village & Cottage Industries Meghalaya A GUIDE TO THE ENTREPRENEURS District Industries Centre, East Khasi Hills District F O R E W O R D An attempt has been made in this book- "Small Scale, Village & Cottage Industries in Meghalaya- A guide to entrepreneurs" to give a consolidated picture of the activities of the various agencies involved in the Industrial Development in Meghalaya. With its publication the entrepreneurs will now have a ready reference of to whom to approach for setting up an Industrial Unit.


Univ.Prof.Dr.E.Minar Univ. Klinik Innere Medizin II Abteilung Angiologie Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien Währinger Gürtel 18-20 Wien, im Jänner 2013 LISTE DER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN ARBEITENORIGINALARBEITEN 1. Minar E., Ehringer H., Hirschl M., Ingerle H., Konecny U., Marosi L., Endler T., Gabl F., Deutsch E.: TRANSAMINASENANSTIEG: EINE WEITGEHEND UNBEKANNTE NEBEN-WIRKUNG DER HEPARINTHERAPIE.


A Guide to the Diagnosis & Management of Myasthenia GravisJoël Oger, MD, FRCPC, FAA. Dr. John Newsom-Davis 1932-2007 Expert reviews: J. Newsom-Davis CBE, MA, FRCP, FRS, Design & illustration: L.Waters, MFA, MScBMC, Waters Biomedical Acknowledgements:I thank Talecris Biotherapeutics for making this booklet possible through an unrestricted educational grant, and Kim Fisher, PhD, for her support. I would also like to thankLori Waters for the illustration and design.