World transport policy & practice
World Transport Policy & Practice
Vol ume 4, Num ber 1, 1998
Abstracts & keywords
Dutch Transport Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality
Gary Haq and Machiel Bolhuis
Urban Transport and Equity: the case of São Paulo
Eduardo A. Vasconcel os
Sustainable Transport: Some challenges for Israel and Palestine
Yaakov Garb
Can Demand Management Tame the Automobile in a Metropolitan Region?
Spenser W. Havlick & Peter W. G. Newman
The Impact of Transportation on Household Energy Consumption
Rick Browning, Michele Helou & Paul A. Larocque
From Curitiba to Quito: Reserved traffic lanes for public transport
as an ecological, economic and social policy for cities
Benoît Lambert
1998 Eco-Logi ca Ltd
Edi t o r
John Whitelegg, Professor of Environmental Studies, Liverpool John Moores University,
Clarence Street, Liverpool, L3 5UG, U.K.
Edit o rial Bo ard
Eric Britton, Managing Director, EcoPlan International, The Centre for Technology & Systems
Studies, 10 rue Joseph Bara, 75006 Paris, France.
Paul Tranter, Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Oceanography, University College,
Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia.
John Howe, Professor of Transportation Engineering and Head of Infrastructural Engineering
and Physical Planning, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic andEnvironmental Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands.
Mikel Murga, Leber Planificacion e Ingenieria S.A., Apartado 79, 48930-Las Arenas, Bizkaia,
Eco-Logica Ltd., 53 Derwent Road, Lancaster, LA1 3ES, U.K.
Telephone +44 1524 63175 Fax +44 1524 848340E-mail:
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Pascal Desmond (Subscriptions, Administration), Mark Johnston (Production). Please contact
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998]
Pascal Desmond for sample copies, orders and subscriptions, reprints and copyright permissions.
Abstracts and keywords
effective tool in taming the automobile. The
D ut ch Transpo rt Po lic y : F ro m R heto ric
approaches to demand management in four
European cities; Zurich, Freiburg, Stockholm
Gary Haq and Machiel Bolhuis
and Copenhagen; and Boulder, Colorado is
invest igated.
protection, freight, mobility, Netherlands,
The Dutch have gained an international
reputation for developing coherent policy
Ho useho ld Energ y Co nsum pt io n
plans for transport, environment and
Rick Browning, Michele Helou & Paul A.
physical planning. This paper examines the
L a ro cqu e
rhetoric of Dutch transport policy and
Keywords: Energy, Houses, Modal choice.
assesses what is actually being achieved in
This paper examines transportation energy
practice. Progress made in achieving the
costs as an integral part of total household
main targets on mobility, accessibility and
energy consumption. A typical suburban
environmental protection are discussed. The
household is found to expend more than half
growth in vehicle kilometres of the freight
its total annual energy budget on operation of
sector is identified as an important problem
household motor vehicles. In contrast,
that the Dutch will need to deal with in order
households located in traditional, pedestrian-
to achieve all the targets adopted in transport
oriented neighbourhoods are found to use far
and environmental policy.
less energy on t ransportation. For aninstructive contrast, two household budgetswere generated using a standard computer
U rb an Transpo rt and Eq uit y: t he c ase
program and then compared. With
transportation energies included, a
Eduardo A. Vasco ncello s
household living in an 88 year old ‘energy
Keywords: São Paulo, access, mobility,
hog' house located in a traditional pedestrian
friendly neighbourhood is shown to expend
Urban transport provision, accident rates and
less total annual energy than a suburban
accessibility in São Paulo varies
household living in a highly energy efficient
tremendously with income, g ender and age.
modern house. Studies and statistics
Sustainable transport modes are marginalised
developed in the Pacific Northwest are used
and high externalities are borne by society. A
as documentation for travel-related
complete overhaul and reassessment of
priorities is required to achieve equity intransport.
F ro m Curit ib a to Q uit o: R eserv edt raf f ic lanes f or pub lic transpo rt as an
Sust ainab le Tra nspo rt : So m e
ec o log ic al, ec onom ic and so cial
c halleng es f o r I srael and Pal est ine
Y a ak ov Ga rb
Benoît La mbert
Keywords: Israel, Palestine, sustainability,
Keywords: Trolleybus, urban transport,
WITH the establishment of Palestine and the
Quito's new trolleybus is a great success. It is
continuing peace, there is a need to appraise
being expanded already. Consisting of a
the transport infrastructure and policies of
know-how transfer from a Latin American
both countries. In particular, will Palestine
city, Curitiba (Brazil), to another Latin
follow Israel along the road to mass
American city, Quito (Ecuador), these two
motorisation or will it choose the path to
experienc es display a new and original
sustainability? Will Israel realise the folly of
development model. By occupying urban
providing for private transport and seize this
space, and therefore limiting the presence of
unique opportunity?
the c ar, too often promoted withoutconsidering environmental and ecologicalconsequenc es, the ‘reserved structuring axes'
Can D emand Manag ement Tam e the
for public transport allow high mobility at
A ut om ob ile in a Met ro polit an R egio n?
low cost. The advantages of this model arenumerous and could profit many other cities.
Spenser W. Havlick & Peter W. G. Newman
Today, more and more questions of
Keywords: Demand Management, alternative
technological choices are part of the political
modes, land use.
and ecological debate. Transport is no longer
Demand management strategies can be an
a secondary issue.
THERE is something very positive and
reduction, integrated transport policies and
encouraging about having detailed
modal shift were muc h admired but there
discussions with lively people from more
was uncertainty about how to progress those
than a dozen countries about transport
same ideas in Africa or Asia. There was no
issues. I n March this year 25 people sat
doubt, however, that the ideas have to be
together for the best part of a week in IHE
pursued with vigour.
Delft (the Netherlands) and sharedexperienc es of dealing with traffic and its
The week vividly illustrated the strongly
impacts in most parts of the world. The
positive aspec ts of the world transport
luxury of having direct contact with Cuba,
situation. The majority of the participants
Mexico, Sudan, Surinam, Pakistan,
were young transport professionals at the
Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Kenya, Turkey,
start of their careers. They were enthusiastic
Bangladesh, the Philippines, Thailand,
and aware and they will have an impact on
Nigeria, Ghana, China and the Netherlands
their own countries pursuing policies based
cannot be exaggerated. Everyone was
on social and environmental justice and
concerned about the escalation of car
based on local determination of local needs.
ownership and use, and its ef fects on
They will have problems. They will meet
situations as different as Khartoum, Mexico
with opposition particularly from their own
City and Bangkok.
governments who will all too readily acceptthe my thology of road building, jobs,
Individual contributions were full of
increased auto-dependenc y and progress.
insight. Deleg ates from West Africa were
This is a classic historic struggle between
keen to emphasise the importance of status
two ideologies. The presence in the debate of
and prestige and its links with car
educated, aware professionals is a great leap
ownership. Public transport may be well
forward, and the international linkages
used and may be important but no-one who
forged during such an intensive period of
is ambitious or successful will want to be
lively discussion is a major tool for further
seen taking a bus. The politics is also crucial.
Senior politicians in most countries areinfluenc ed more easily by the arguments of
Perhaps more importantly still the week in
the car makers and the road builders than by
Delft demonstrated that there is a freshness
the advocates of buses and bicycles.
and a potential for international
Professionals are more likely to see their
collaboration from the grass roots. This group
career development progress throug h large
of people have far more to say about global
infrastructure projects than through
development as it matters to real people than
pedestrian priority schemes in Nairobi or car
do the large contingents of diplomats and
free areas in Katmandu. These are substantial
consultants dragging their baggage from Rio
cultural obstacles to the development of new
to Kyoto via Istanbul.
transport policies and these culturalobstacles are not being addressed.
John Whitelegg, Editor
Much discussion focussed on the
experienc e of rapidly developing and
(For information about similar short courses in
motorising cities in coping with that growth.
Delft please contact Jan Ko ster at IHE, Delft,
The UK and Dutch experiences with traffic
The Netherlands, fax + 31 15 21 22 921).
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998]
Dutch Transport Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality
Gary HaqResearch Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute at York University, UK
Machiel BolhuisMinisterie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Netherlands.
the growth in vehicle kilometres and the
associated environmental impacts. The
The Dutch have gained an international
Dutch, on paper at least, seem to have made
reputation for developing coherent policy
considerable progress within the area of
plans for transport, environment and
transport and the environment. This paper
physical planning. This paper examines the
evaluates the extent to which the Dutc h have
rhetoric of Dutch transport policy and
met the main targets for transport in the three
assesses what is actually being achieved in
areas of mobility, accessibility and
practice. Progress made in achieving the
env ironment al protection.
main targets on mobility, accessibility andenvironmental protection are discussed. Thegrowth in vehicle kilometres of the freight
The t ranspo rt sec t o r
sector is identified as an important problem
The Netherlands is promoted as a
that the Dutch will need to deal with in order
distribution country and as the ‘Gateway to
to achieve all the targets adopted in transport
Europe'; with Schiphol airport and the port
and environmental policy.
of Rotterdam being important centres ofeconomic activity and major transport nodes
of European significance. The transportsector plays an important role in the national
Accessibility, environmental protection,
economy and accounts for about 7-8% of the
freight, mobility, Netherlands, targets
Dutch Gross National Product. The Dutchexpec t a 70% increase in car use by 2010
compared to 1986: from 75 to 120 billion
THE DUTCH have gained an international
vehicle kilometres. The number of cars in the
reputation for developing coherent plans on
Netherlands is expected to increase from 5
transport, environment and physical
million to 6-7 million by 2010 together with
planning. With the increased attention given
a 70-80% increase in goods traffic on roads
to environmental protection and the need for
(Ministry of Environment, 1990).
a more sustainable transport system, the
Table 1 compares the modal split of the
Dutch policy approach has been held up as
Netherlands to four other European
an example of ‘best practice'. Dutch transport
countries. The figures for car use, based on
policy has been integrated and co-ordinated
passenger kilometres, do not vary widely
with physical planning and environmental
between the four countries. However car use
policy. The objec tives of these policies are
is lowest in the Netherlands (83.4%) and
explicitly stated and specific end-points are
highest in the United Kingdom (87.8%). The
identified in the f orm of targets (Haq, 1997).
Netherlands also has the highest amount of
In 1988 the Dutch Government published
passenger kilometres travelled by rail (8.4%)
the Second Transport Structure plan (Tweede
compared to 5.1% in Belgium.
Structuurschema Verkeer en Vervoer (SVV2))
With regard to freight transport, Table 2
which set out the policy req uirements to
shows that the Netherlands transports the
achieve a compromise between mobility,
lowest amount of f reight by road (63.7%) and
accessibility and environmental protection.
the highest amount of freight by inland
The transport plan, together with the
navigation (33.8%) compared to the other
National Environmental Policy Plan Plus
four European countries. However, the Dutch
(Nationaal Milieubeleidsplan (NMP+)) and
transport the lowest amount of freight by rail
Haq & Bolhuis: Dutch Transport
the Fourth Report on Physical Planning Extra
(2.5%). The adoption by the Dutch
Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality.
(Vierde Nota Ruimtelijke O rdening (VINEX))
Government of Dutch Railways' Rail 21 and
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998] 4 - 8
provide an integrated strategy to deal with
Cargo 21 plans has provided the impetus to
Haq & Bolhuis: Dutch Transport
develop and encourage greater use of rail
transport; improving accessibility and
Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality.
within the Netherlands for both passenger
improving environmental quality. In total, 38
World Transport Policy & Practice
and freight transport. The D utch Railways
main targets have been set which cover
Rail 21 plan aims to double transport volume
different aspects of the three main themes of
capacity and improve the quality of rail
the plan: mobility, accessibility and
travel while the Cargo 21 plan aims to
environmental protection (Ministry of
increase the amount of f reight transported by
Transport, 1992a).
rail to 65 million tonnes by 2010.
The Dutch transport plan is based on the
Ev aluat io n o f D utc h t ranspo rt polic y
attainment of a sustainable society, whichrequires meeting the needs of the present
In September 1992, the Ministry of
without compromising future generations to
Transport, Public Works and Water
meet their own needs. The main features of
Management published its first annual
the plan include reducing total mobility;
evaluation of the Second Transport Structure
increasing the share of rail; promoting public
Plan, which was subsequently updated in1993, 1994 and 1995. The reports cover four
Table 1: Modal split for passenger transport, based on passenger kilometres (1992)*
main themes of the Transport Plan: mobility;accessibility; environmental protection and
support measures. Based on the SVV2, the
Ministry has developed a set of indicators to
measure the progress towards the attainment
of traffic and transport targets and to outline
future scenarios. With time, availability of
data and the improvement of indicators, a
1 1991 estimates. *Excluding cycling and walking within national borders. Source: Ministry of Transport, 1996a
more accurate understanding of progresstowards the attainment of policy targets and
Table 2: Modal spilt for freight transport, based on weight carried (1992)*
the effectiveness of policy instruments can be
Inland navigation
gained (Ministry of Transport, 1996b).
Mo bilit y
The Dutch have set a target to limit the
expec ted growth of a 70% increase in vehicle
kilometres to 35% by 2010 compared to
*National and international transport, excluding transit.Source: Ministry of Transport, 1996a
1986. To measure progress towards thistarget the total number of personal vehiclekilometres were calculated for working days.
During the period 1988-1991 there has been alimited growth in the number of personalvehicle kilometres, which is in line withSVV2 policy. The 1994 intermediate target(index 125) has more or less b een met.
However, it is expected that the intermediatetarget for the year 2000 (index 130) will notbe met. For the use of the bicycle, an increaseof 30% has been set for the year 2010compared to 1986. The number of kilometrestravelled by bicycle since 1989 have beenstable and a rise is expected in the future.
The implementation of the Bicycle MasterPlan (Ministry of Transport, 1992b), toincrease the number of kilometres travelledby bicycle, and the promotion of car freecities and towns, will enable the long-termtarget to be met.
Acc ess ibili t yFor main strategic roads a norm of a 2%chance of the probability of congestion perjourney has been set, with a 5% norm for allother roads. This means that no more than
Haq & Bolhuis: Dutch Transport
2% of all vehicles on a particular road during
dioxide emissions when compared to
Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality.
a working day should be subject to delays in
passenger transport. The emission of CO 2
World Transport Policy & Practice
traffic. Delays are defined as slow driving
from freight transport has increased by 39%
traffic or traffic where there is little
in the period 1986-1993 compared to an
movement. The indicators used to measure
increase of 15.6% from personal car
progress towards these targets are that part of
the main road where the chance of
The target for noise emissions is to
congestion is more than 2% and 5%. These
maintain the number of main roads with
norms are not being achieved on a large
noise levels more that 50 dB(A) at 1986
number of roads and at present the SVV2
levels. There has been a 9% increase in the
target will not be met.
number of roads exposed to noise levels of
For public transport the price differential
more than 50 dB(A). However, since 1992 the
between public transport and the (private)
number has stabilised. It is expected,
motor vehicle should be in favour of public
therefore, that progress is being made in the
transport. The cost of pub lic transport is
direction of this target.
presently higher than the cost of usingprivate transport and it is unclear whetherthe price differential in the future can be
F reig ht t ranspo rt
improved to the advantage of public
A number of targets have been directed at
freight transport and have dealt with theefficiency and the mov ement of freight by
Environmental protection
road and water. One target aims to limit the
Environmental targets include a 20%
growth in freight kilometres by road to 40%
reduction in emissions of Nitrogen oxides
by the year 2010. Although progress has be
(NO ) and hydrocarbon (HCs) from road
made towards this target, it is expected that
transport by 1995 and a 75% reduction by
with an increase in economic growth in
2010, compared to 1986. The target for
Europe, more freight kilometres will be
Carbon dioxide (CO ) emissions from road
travelled and existing policy will not enable
traffic is to stabilise emissions at 1989/90
the target to be reached.
levels by 1995 and reduce emissions by 10%
The development of railways in the
Netherlands is being implemented as
Provisional figures for NO emissions from
envisaged. By 2010 freight by rail is expected
road traffic suggest that the 1995 target of a
to rise to 50 billion tonnes per year. A
20% reduction will not be met. In fact, an
significant rise in the amount of freight
increase of 10 index points past this target is
transported by rail occurred in 1994 and this
expec ted. The main contribution to the
continued into 1995. This increase in rail
reduction of NO emissions has been the
freight will enable the intermediate target, to
increase in the use of catalytic converters.
transport 20 million tonnes by rail by the
However, any benefits derived from this
year 2000, to be reached after a re-
technical fix have been offset by an increase
organisation of the Dutch Railways Cargo
in the number of kilometres travelled. While
Company. However, it is still unclear
the NO emissions from passenger transport
whether the 2010 target will be met.
have been decreasing, the growth in vehicle
The target for freight transport is to
kilometres within the freight sector has
increase inland navigation to 370 million
increased NO emissions.
tonnes by 2010. Since 1990 the amount of
A fall in the emissions of hydrocarbons
freight transported by inland navigation has
has enabled the 1995 target to be met earlier
declined and a return to 1986 levels can only
than expected, in 1991. The main
be reached in 1998. It is expected that this
contribution to the reduction in the
target will not be achieved.
emissions of hydrocarbons has occurred forboth passenger and freight transport with thegreatest reduction seen in passenger
F ro m rhet oric t o realit y
The rhetoric of Dutch transport policy for
After an initial stabilisation, Carbon
some factors has become reality. The
dioxide emissions from motor vehicles have
evaluation of Dutch transport policy has
begun to rise. The 1995 target has not been
shown that out of the total 36 targets, 18
met and a further 10% rise past this target is
targets will be or are being met, 9 will not be
or are not being met and for 7 targets it is not
Freight transport has been responsible for
clear whether the target will be met or not.
a large proportion of the increase in Carbon
For 2 targets data are lacking and therefore it
Haq & Bolhuis: Dutch Transport
is not possible to come to a conclusion
out by the plan as it considered that this
Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality.
(Ministry of Transport, 1996b).
would jeopardise the competitive position of
World Transport Policy & Practice
The extent to which all the targets will be
the D utch freight sec tor. Any action to reduce
reached and maintained will be dependent
the volume of freight traffic would need to be
on the implementation of policy measures,
taken at a European level in order to avoid
monitoring programmes and the annual
foreign freight vehicles replacing Dutch
evaluation reports. Targets which have been
vehicles. The NMP2 outlined the need to
met or will be met inc lude the target to
take a pro-active role within the European
reduce emissions of hydrocarbons and the
Union to promote greater integration of
noise impact from roads, and the targets to
environmental, transport, planning,
increase the use of bicycles and public
industrial and technology policies. At the
transport. Among those not expected to be
national level the Government will work in
met are the targets to reduce the emissions of
collaboration with the freight sector to make
NO and CO , and the targets to reduce the
a greater effort to achieve a more efficient,
growth of vehicle kilometres travelled by car
cleaner and quieter vehicle fleet; to change
and freight transport.
the model spilt in favour of rail and inland
The setting of national targets for traffic
waterways; to increase transport efficiency
and transport seem not to have restricted the
and to improve driver behaviour (Ministry of
Dutch c ontinuing with infrastructure
Environment, 1994).
developments such as the extension ofSchiphol airport and the planned expansionof the A2 in the Amsterdam-Utrecht corridor.
Table 3 shows that after France, the
The Dutch have outlined their commitment
Netherlands had one of the highest increases
to developing a more sustainable
in road length over the period 1985-1993.
transportation system in a number of key
This type of infrastructural expansion
national policy documents. These have
accommodates and encourages greater
included a range of measures to reduce the
mobility which ultimately leads to greater
impact of transport on the environment and
emissions of pollutants.
to achieve a more balanced modal split. A
The freight sector plays an important role
distinct policy framework has beendeveloped where transport, environmental
Table 3: Total increase in road length (1985-1993)
and physical planning policies have been co-ordinated and integrated. These policies have
attempted to address each aspect of the
transport problem with measures to reduce
mobility, e.g. via physical planning policy,
improving accessibility and maintaining
environmental quality. The setting of explicit
objectives has given a clear direction to
1 Only the federal states in former West Germany. Source: Ministry of Transport, 1996a
policy, with commitment being further statedin specific targets. The annual evaluation
in the Dutch economy and it is this sector
report of the transport plan shows that for
where further action needs to be taken as
some policy areas the rhetoric and policy has
economic activity increases within the Single
become reality, for targets have been met or
European Market. The target to reduce freight
progress is being made in the direction of the
transportation by road will not be met with
existing policy. Although there has been an
The evaluation report highlights the
increase in the amount of freight transported
problems in achieving targets related to
by rail, the amount of freight by inland
freight transport and the need to take further
navigation has declined. The freight sector is
action. The main problem that the Dutch face
responsible for the increasing amounts of
concerns maintaining their position as a
Nitrogen oxide and Carbon dioxide
transport and distribution country and
protecting the quality of the environment.
The Second National Environmental
The development of the Single European
Policy Plan (NMP2) was published in 1994.
Market is predicted to increase the
The plan highlighted the difficulties which
transportation of f reight over wide distances
were being encountered in achieving the
(European Commission, 1990) and, if present
targets for the freight sector with existing
trends continue, growth in freight transport
policy. The tightening of existing policy to
will pose significant problems for the Dutch
control the volume of freight traffic was ruled
environment. The growth in freight vehicle
Haq & Bolhuis: Dutch Transport
kilometres means that air quality targets for
freight sector is an area in which the Dutch
Policy: From Rhetoric to Reality.
Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen oxide emissions
will need to prove their true commitment to
World Transport Policy & Practice
will not be met. The Dutch will therefore be
the environment. The extent to which the
required to implement stricter measures,
Dutch will be willing to achieve all policy
which may mean more fundamental changes
targets will depend on the extent to which
if all 36 targets are to be met. The
they are willing to put env ironmental
introduction of stricter measures may require
interests above economic interests, in order
certain transport developments (which have
to achieve a sustainable transport system.
economic benefits) to be abandoned. The
Commission of the European Communities (1990)
Environmental Policy Plan. The Hague.
1992 , th e E nvironmental Dimension Task Force
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
Report on the E nvironme nt and the Internal
Management (1992a )
The Second Transport
Market. CEC, Brussels.
Structure Plan. The Hague.
Haq, G. (1997)
Towards Sustainable T ransport
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
Planning: A comparison between B ritain and the
Management (1992b)
Bicy cle s Firs t: The Bicy cle
Nether lands. Avebury Press, Aldershot.
Master Plan. The Hague.
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Pla nning and the
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
Environment (1989)
The National Environmental
Management (1996a)
An International
Policy Plan. The Hague, Netherlands.
Comparative Study on Infr astructure. Sdu
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Pla nning and the
Publishers, The Hague.
Environment (1990)
The National Environmental
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
Policy Plan Plus. The Hague.
Management (1996 b)
Beleidse ffectmeting Ver keer
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and
en Ve rv oer : B eleids effectrapp ortage 1 995 . The
Environment (1994)
The Se cond National
Urban Transport and Equity: the case of São Paulo
Eduardo A. Vasconcello sAssociação Nacional dos Transportes Públicos - ANTPRua Augusta 1626, 01304-902 São Paulo, BrazilFax: 55 11 2538095 Email:
[email protected]
Th e cur r e ncy us e d is th e
by a person in a certain period of time.
Accessibility can therefore be seen as
Urban transport provision, accident rates and
something broader than mobility itself
accessibility in São Paulo varies
et al., 1977), as the mobility to have
tremendously with income, g ender and age.
access to desired destinations (Portugalli,
Sustainable transport modes are marginalised
and high externalities are borne by society. A
Efficiency relates to the ease to use
complete overhaul and reassessment of
transport modes and can be translated by
priorities is required to achieve equity in
some conditions as the time to have access to
the vehicle and the speed of travelling. Thequality of the overall travelling conditionwill also be a part of the accessibility quality.
Safety refers to the probability of getting
São Paulo, access, mobility, equity.
involved in a accident and the nature of itsconsequenc es. Safety depends on people(age, experience) and vehicle characteristics
(size, weight, body structure) as well as
TRANSPORT conditions vary remarkably
user's behaviour (path, speed), highway
among people from different social groups
conditions (pavement, signing) and
and classes, depending on several social,
environmental conditions (pattern of
cultural, economic and political
conflicts ).
characteristics. In developing countries,
Environmental quality relates mainly to
profound differences among people make
the quality of air and to the circulation
transport conditions even more disparate.
environment. It depends on the level of
Urban transport conditions may be
concentration of pollutants such as carbon
analysed in many ways. I propose that the
monoxide and particulate matter, and also on
best way to approach the problem is asking
the quality of the living space, as translated
key questions about equity and transport:
by the compatibility between passing traffic
• how accessibility is distributed in space?
and the use of the streets by residents and
• how people, social groups and classes may
The distribution of these five
• which are the relative conditions
characteristics among people is highly
concerning efficiency, safety and
skewed in urban areas of developing
environmental quality?
countries. Social and economic, individual
• who produces and who suffers the effects
and family conditions, along with
of transport externalities?
characteristics of land use and transport
The understanding of accessibility requires
supply lead to different forms of using the
first an analysis of personal mobility. By the
space, which in turn lead to different
strict technical point of view,
mobility is
patterns of transport quality. Actual
represented by the quantity of trips made by
conditions can then be related to individual
a person, which is related to characteristics
characteristics and behaviour, to policy
such as gender, age and income. Althoug h
decisions concerning urban and transport
relevant, it is insufficient, once it does not
infrastructure and to social and economic
take into account the spatial and time
characteristics of every society.
constraints of activities (Hägerstrand, 1987).
A subsequent question relates to transport
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
In this respect, the broader concept of
externalities. Externalities can be broadly
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
accessibility can be used, as the quantity and
defined as those effects impacting on others
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
diversity of destinations that can be reached
without compensation. In a more rigorous
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
definition, external effects can be said to
activity analysis (Fox, 1995). It explores
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
occur when an actor or receptor utility
general travel patterns and has no statistical
World Transport Policy & Practice
function "contains a real variable whose
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
actual value depends on the behaviour ofanother actor (the supplier), who does nottake these effects of his behaviour into
So c ial analy si s o f t ranspo rt
account in his decision making process"
(Verhoef, 1994, pp. 274). Most studies deal
The use of household survey data for social
with three main externalities - congestion,
purposes requires the adoption of indicators
pollution and accidents - and some include
other than the traditional ones. These
other social, less tangible effects. In the case
indicators reveal some important features of
of congestion, the direct effect is extra travel
transportation, especially in relation to the
time, as caused by automobile drivers with
social and economic characteristics of users
respect to other drivers, between them and
and the distribution of accessibility. This is
buses and between motorised vehicles and
very important in developing countries,
pedestrians. In the case of developing
where transport conditions vary widely
countries - as will be analysed ahead - one of
among social groups. Several indicators
the most severe effects is that caused by the
which may be derived from household
automobiles on b us travel times. With
survey data are proposed below:
accidents, the main effect is injury, suffering
Mobility: refers to the number of trips
and/or death. Main externalities occur
made by a person, which is related to
between motorised vehicles and pedestrians -
personal (age, gender, income, level of
especially between automobiles and
scholarship, placement in the job market)
pedestrians - with consequences varying
and family characteristics (number of
according to the c omposition of traffic and
people, income, number of automobiles);
average speed of vehicles. With pollution,
the corresponding (opposite) indicator is
the m ain effect is health damage to people.
immobility, expressed as the percentage of
Externalities occur between those conduc ting
people not making trips and their relevant
motorised vehicles and all people using the
traffic system.
Accessibility: the possibility of arriving at
Less tangible effects can also be analysed,
desired destinations, which is related to
as with the organisation of the circulation
their spatial and time characteristics (e.g.,
space and its correspondent impacts on
hours of operation). Accessibility may also
social relations. Traffic can deeply affect
be represented by total travel time
them, as people are forced to change their
between origin and destination, using
behaviour to adapt to new conditions
simple or generalised cost concepts of
(Appleyard, 1981). For practical reasons, the
travel time.
paper considers only travel time, pollution
Diversity: the quality of destinations that
and accidents.
may be reached in a period of time;
The task is to analyse transport and traffic
reflects the lifestyle as well as actual
data to verify how these conditions are
accessibility in the face of economic and
distributed and relate conclusions to
society's characteristics. One of the best ways
Productivity: the number of activities/
of making such analysis is to study
destinations that may be reached in a
household surveys, explore social
period of time, ref lecting the average
characteristics, and examine travel and space
speed of movement.
budget figures. The technique intends to
Cost: monetary and/or time costs implied
replace or complement the available
in using transport modes.
methodologies for trip behaviour, based
Space consumption: space used by a
solely on the analysis of individual trips,
person while travelling, reflecting the
according to the traditional four-step
consumption of a public asset (street).
modelling process. Few studies are available
Safety: relative danger while using streets,
for developing countries' conditions (Roth
according to the role played in traffic.
and Zahavi, 1981; Dimitriou and Banjo,
Environmental quality: exposure (and
1983) and this analysis of São Paulo intends
contribution) to air pollution while
to fulfil part of the gap in the available
information. The study also intends to
Comfort: average space available inside
contribute to a sociological and geographical
the vehicles used to travel.
approach to the urban transport problem, as atheoretical development in the field of
Table 1: Household characteristics
The São Paulo st udy
The analysis of the São Paulo data was
income $ (1)
performed using the 1987 household Origin -
motorised trips
Destination (OD) survey conducted every ten
years since 1967. The survey is performed in
the entire metropolitan area, encompassing
around 25,000 household interviews, among
an universe of three million households.
Some characteristics of the survey must be
(1) One Brazilian minimum wage was approximately $60 in 1987.
• Trip data refers to all persons living in the
household (including employees in highincome households) and their travel
Table 2 - Gender and mobility
activities in the 24 hour periodimmediately before the interview day
Income level
Mobility rates (trips/person/day)
(workable days only);
• All trips are registered, except pedestrian
trips less than 500 metres long.
The available data were processed in order to
yield several rates and figures. Basic data
derive from the OD report (CMSP, 1988) and
subsequent computations (Vasconcellos andScatena, 1996). All figures relate to themetropolitan area, except those from trafficaccidents. The most important for the paperare summarised below.
Table 3 - Immobility and income
General household data and mobility rates
Income level
Immobility (%)
Table 1 shows that mobility rates increase
with income, as attested by several
transportation studies (Zahavi, 1976). For all
trips, the ratio between the highest and the
lowest income levels is 1:2, a value that
increases to almost 1:4 when just motorised
trips are considered. When males and
females are considered separately (table 2),male mobility is always higher than female,and both increase with income, again
Table 4 : Mobility rate and trip purpose (mobile persons)
consistent with findings of other studies
Income level
trips/mobile person/day (1)
(Roth and Zahavi, 1981). In respect to
immobility, the percentage of people not
travelling is higher among women, in all
income levels. The level of immobility
decreases with income, especially in the case
of men (table 3). This relates to the
percentage of people making work/business
(1) Excluding home-returning trips
trips: it is always higher in the case of men,and increases with income (from 34% in thefirst income level to 64% in the last one, asopposed to a 15% to 42% increase for
Table 5: Transport mode and income
Income level
Trips (%) by transport mode
Public (1)
Private (2)
Tra vel pa t t erns
Working and business trips per mobile
person increase remarkably with income
(table 4). School, medical and shopping trip
rates seem to remain constant, despite
presenting small increases at the higher
(1) bus, trolleybus, train, metro; (2) car, taxi, school bus, truck;
income levels. Leisure trips per mobile
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
person increase sharply in the two upper
correspond to short distances in all income
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
income levels.
levels, however average values decrease as
World Transport Policy & Practice
income increases.
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
Trip m o de
A very important observation is that space
Trip mode varies remarkably with income, as
consumption with public means ceases to be
stressed in many transportation studies.
dominant somewhere b etween levels IV and
Public transport and foot trips are dominant
V. Therefore, roughly speaking, lev els IV and
in low income households, while private
V are the social sectors for whom automobile
transport dominates in level IV and V. In
transport is essential.
addition, motorised trips (public and private)are dominant in all levels but level I (table 5).
Travel speedsTotal travel time between origin and
Time and space budgets
destination varies markedly among motorised
Time consumed travelling is shown in table
modes; the automobile being the f astest
6. Total average time per person varies with
mode, due both to its higher speed and
income, which is different from other studies
longer distances corresponding to part of
(Zahavi, 1976; Goodwin, 1981). Total travel
pub lic transport trips. Access time to
time per mobile person presents instead low
vehicles also shows remarkable differences,
due to the availability of parking space f or
In respect to space budgets, as the OD
automobiles and the need to walk longer
survey did not include distances, figures for
distances to get to transit stops (table 9).
motorised trips were estimated using
By combining the figures for space and
coordinates, as areal values between zone
time consumption rates for mobile persons,
centroids. For pedestrians trips, distances
one can arrive at the average daily speeds.
were estimated using declared walking times
The computation shows that while people
and considering an average pedestrian speed
from the lowest income level travels at 7.5
of 4 km/h. Table 7 shows first that space
km/h (including time walking and waiting),
consumed by a household presents marked
people from the highest income level achieve
changes with income. Part of these changes
speeds of 11.4 km/h, a value 53% higher.
could be explained by the different number
Despite this large difference, door-to-door
of persons per household (it is higher at the
speed of auto users is still low, due to the
higher income levels - see table 1), but it is
time consumed parking and walking. That is
also explained by a higher activity level:
why Ivan Illich (Illich, 1974) reminded us
space consum ed per person increases
that today's automotive technology is no
steadily with income. Space consumed by
better than the bicycle!
mobile people presents less pronounced
The same pattern holds when just work/
increases. Finally, space consumed per trip
business trips are considered, that is, higher
seems to be invariant, around 5 km per trip.
income people travel much faster than low
However, when just motorised trips are
income people (table 10). In this case, it has
considered, distances decrease as income
to be emphasised that corresponding
increases, as figures are influenced by the
distances decrease with income, with
high proportion of pedestrian trips in the
maximum differences around 20%. When
lowest income levels.
pub lic transport is considered separately,
Space consumption by mode was
income also plays an important role: people
computed for public transport, private
from the poorest households spend 50%
transport and foot. In the first two cases,
more time walking to the transit stop than
distances consumed inside the vehicle were
those from the wealthier households. The
estimated by subtracting estimated walking
final effect of all transport-related difficulties
distances from the areal total distances.
for captive public transport users is that a
Space consumption by mode presents similar
long journey outside home is inevitable. This
patterns with respect to trip mode
is aggravated in peripheral areas: in 1985, in
distribution (see table 5) - public modes and
the São Paulo eastern zone, 78% of people
foot trips being dominant in low income
spent more than 12 hours outside home to
levels - but with different weights, related to
cope with work and travel times (Pacheco,
the introduction of distance as a measure of
consumption (table 8). Hence, in level I,76.4% of the space is consumed through
C o m fo rt
motorised public transport modes, while in
To this inferior initial condition regarding
level V, 68.8% of the space consumption is
overall accessibility, one has to add the bus
made by private transport modes. Foot trips
loading conditions, which often hinders
Table 6 - Time budget by mode and income
people from boarding at the desired time andimposes extremely unc omfortable trips.
Income level
Time budget (minutes/person/day)
Mobile persons
Overcrowded vehicles are a daily reality in
almost every developing country (Dimitriou,
1990; U.N., 1989). In São Paulo, as in other
large Brazilian cities, bus services are
planned assuming an occupancy rate of 7
passengers/m2 in the peak hour, whichfrequently leads to highly uncomfortableconditions: all private companies providing
Table 7: Space budgets and average trip distances
bus transport in 1984 had a large percentage
Income level
General rates
of people travelling under unacceptable
km/person km/mobile person
conditions in the peak hour. Some
companies had up to 84% of the passeng ers
in this condition. Average conditions have
not changed too much so far.
The number of daily trips for every mode, in
every income level, was multiplied by thefare of that mode. For simplifying purposes,
Table 8: Space consumption by mode (all persons)
pub lic transport trips were taken as if all
Income level
Space consumption (km/person/day)
were made by bus (the dominant mode).
Daily expenses were c onverted to monthlyfigures considering that there are 26
equivalent days in the month (22 days at
100% expense, 4 days - Saturdays - at the
70% expense-lev el and 4 days - Sundays - at
the 30% expense-level). For cars, a $0.25 cost
per kilometre was assumed, considering thatthe average car travels 20,000 km per year,
Table 9: Access time and travel conditions for motorised transportation
gasoline price is $0.80 per litre, energyperformance is 7 k m/litre, depreciation is
Access time (1) in minutes
Travel time (2) in minutes
$120 per month and maintenance is $75 per
month. In this case, it is important to
remember that figures reflect just the urban
costs of using the automobile and not those
related to inter-city travel which may
(1) walking (one-way); (2) from origin to destination;
contribute to a large portion of total costs. Itis important to note that figures reflec t 1987costs. These differ significantly from current
Table 10: Average travel time to work/business trips.
conditions which followed long lasting
Income level
Travel time (1) in minutes
inflationary processes, the implementation ofseveral economic plans and considerable
changes to relative prices in the economy.
The net amount of money increases
remarkably with income, especially when the
automobile becomes an important mode of
transportation (table 11). However, the
participation of total expenses with respectto income shows an opposite tendency.
Among those mostly dependent on public
Table 11: Expenses with transportation as percentage of household income.
transport, expenses with this mode average
Income level
Monthly costs/house ($)
% of house monthly income
23% of monthly income at the lower income
level and 16% at the second level up. These
percentages are much higher than the 6%
limit established by Brazilian laws
concerning the ‘travel voucher' (a special
pub lic transport ticket purchased by the
employer and delivered to the employee: the
Table 12: Circulation space according to income and mode.
em ployer is allowed to discount the costfrom the em ployee's salary, up to a lim it of
Income level Population (million)
Space used by mode (million km/day)
The collective use of space was estim ated
using actual distances by m ode - public,
private and foot. The m otorised portion of
pub lic transport and autom obile trips were
estim ated by subtracting the pedestrianised
portion of the trip, according to the traveltim e declared by respondents (and
Table 13: Use of space by automobiles according to income.
considering a walking speed of 4 km /h).
Table 12 shows that circulation space is
Income level
Population (%)
Space used (%) with automobile
appropriated m ainly throug h public
transport m odes (63%). Autom obiles are
responsible for about 30% of the
consum ption, while walking accounts for
7%. This latter fig ure is underestim ated,
because walking trips less than 500 m etre
long are not com puted.
As with other studies, the use of c ars is
Table 14: Personal space consumption according to income and mode.
hig hly related to incom e (table 13). Table 13shows that the two upper incom e levels
Income level
km x m2/person/day, per mode
account for 24.5% of population and 58% ofautom obile-consum ed space.
Finally, the use of space taking account of
the area occupied by people m ay be derived
from the data. When linear distances are
translated into physical areas occupied per
person, differences in space consum ptionappear clearly. Considering that autom obilespresent an occ upancy rate of 1.5 and occupy
Table 15: Traffic accidents in São Paulo, 1991.
about 7 m 2, averag e consum ption is 4.6 m 2
Vehicle occupants
per person. The sam e com putation for buspasseng ers yield an averag e daily value of 1.0
m 2 per person ( averag e daily bus occupancy
of 30 people and static area of 30 m 2) and a
peak-hour value of 0.6 m 2 per person
(1) Fatalities/injured (severity rate). Source: CET (1992).
(occupancy of 50 people). W hen distancesare taken into account, differences in space
Table 16: Use of transport modes and relative accident risk, RMSP, 1987.
consum ption are hig h (table 14).
In addition, space consum ption oc curs
Transport mode
km/day (%)
also for parked autom obiles. Am ong the daily
4.7 m illion parking operations in the city in
1987, 1.5 m illion were free kerbside parking ,
representing a direct consum ption of 11m illion m 2 (7 m 2 per vehicle). I f we c onsider
1 assumes that values for the city of São Paulo may be appli ed to th e metropolitan area.
a conservative fig ure of an averag e two-hour
2 bus occupant fatalities are not indicated by current statistics but are known to be very rare.
3 considers only pedestrian trips longer than 500 metres.
parking tim e, the final free consum ption
Source: CET (1992).
reaches the 22 m illion m 2 x hour level.
Table 17: Relative emissions of carbon monoxide per person, 1987.
Safety and environm ental issues
Income level
grams of CO/person/day
Brazil presents som e of the hig hest traffic
transport mode
public transport
private transport
accident fig ures in the developing world
(Vasconcellos, 1996). São Paulo is no
exception, where m ore than 2,500 people die
each year in traffic, m ost of them pedestrians
(table 15). When total distances are taken
into account, relative accident risks appear
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
very different according to the transport
Average distance per trip presents low
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
mode used: despite corresponding to 7% of
variation, however when walking trips are
World Transport Policy & Practice
daily kilometres, pedestrians account for
excluded, distances decrease as income
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
60% of traffic fatalities (table 16).
increases. Travel time for working trips
When carbon monoxide emissions are
decreases remarkably as income increases.
computed for bus and automobile use,
Hence, upper income people consume
aggregate emissions present sharp differences
much more space than lower income people:
among income levels (table 17).
while very poor households consume 6.5 kmper day per person (76% by publictransport), very rich households consume
17.2 km per day per person (69% by car).
This raises important equity concerns related
to who pays and who benefits from road
As with most studies, there is a positive
relationship between income and mobility,
Considering the use of the automobile to
with higher income levels presenting higher
consume space, levels IV and V are those for
mobility per person. Differences are very
whom most of the space is consumed
high, despite social and economic
primarily by using cars. On a metropolitan
discrepancies among social strata. In
scale, they account for almost 25% of people,
addition, males are more mobile than
which means that 75% of households still
females, and this is related to different
rely mainly on public transport and walking
employment rates according to gender and to
to consume most of the space.
the division of tasks in the household.
Consequently, implicit overall speeds
(door to door) also vary remarkably among
Trip Purposes and Modes
income levels: while upper income sectors go
There is a positive relationship between
from origins to destinations at an overall
income and diversity of trips, with high
average speed around 11 km/h, lower income
income levels being involved in more
sectors do so at 7.5 km/h.
activities other than work/schooling (e.g.
leisure). Public transport use decreases, and
private transport use increases remarkably
Monthly expenses with urban trips increase
with income. Walking trips are present in all
sharply with income, as a result both of
income levels, more noticeably in lower
higher mobility levels and the use of more
levels. All conclusions are again consistent
expensive modes such as the automobile.
with the previously mentioned studies.
However, the proportion of travel expensesin relation to household income decreases as
Individual and Household Consumption of
income increases (from 24% to 13%). At the
two lowest income levels, for whom public
Daily travel time per person varies from 52
transport is essential, expenses with public
minutes to 81 minutes, however they seem to
modes far exceed the 6% limit implied in
remain constant around 75 to 80 minutes for
Brazilian laws concerning the provision of
income classes III to V, when the use of the
travel vouchers by employers. This is related
automobile is already very important.
also to the use of public modes by
Corresponding values per mobile person
unemployed people and by people working
appears to b e constant (about 110 minutes).
at the informal labour market (where such
Space consumed daily by households
laws do not apply), and to travel purposes
increases remarkably with income, from a
other than working.
minimum of 21 km to a maximum of 63 km(200% increase). Corresponding figures per
Collective Use of Space
person present the same pattern, despite
The circulation space is primarily consumed
being less pronounced (165% increase).
(linear distances) by using public transport
Figures per mobile person also increase with
modes (63%). Automobile-consumed space
income, but much less steadily, from a
accounts for 30% of total consumption while
minimum of 13 km to a maximum of 20 km
space consumed by walking represents just
(54% increase). These sharp differences
7%. In a city where pedestrians account for
reveal distinct strategies to use space,
60% of traffic fatalities (CET, 1992), this
according to specific social and economic
latter figure attests the implicit violence in
conditions faced by people. They can be
using road space. When linear distances are
assumed to reflect the profound social
translated into physical areas occupied per
differences inside Brazilian society.
person, sharp differences appear: high
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
income people use 8 times more street space
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
than low income people, implying important
• Distances and transport mode: distances
World Transport Policy & Practice
equity concerns.
per motorised trip are 45% higher for the
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
poor, reflecting higher distances between
Transport Conditions of the Poor
home and final destinations (mostly work
When all data are taken into account, it is
sites). The poorest travel 76% of the
possible to assess transport conditions faced
distances using public transport, while the
by poor people in São Paulo. For the
richest travel 69% of the distances using
purposes of this paper, the two lowest
income groups described in the above tables
• Expenses with transport: the poorest
(income up to $480 in 1987) are considered
spend 23.4% of their income on
‘poor', (this corresponds to 49% of total
transportation, as opposed to 12.9% for
• Safety: more than 60% of traffic fatalities
• Mobility: lower income people make half
are pedestrians. Considering that low
the number of trips compared to high
income people walk much more than high
income people (all trips), and from four to
income people, it is possible to say that
three times less if only m otorised trips are
the minority using cars affect the majority
considered. Males are more mobile (as
happens in all income groups);
• Pollution: poor households throw into the
• Immobility: persons not making outside
atmosphere twelve times less carbon
trips correspond to more than 50% in the
monoxide per day than high income
lowest income level (57% of the female
population), as opposed to 24% in the
• Comfort: poor people face mostly
highest (33% of the female population);
uncomfortable conditions, due to frequent
• Travel purposes: the lower mobility of the
overcrowding of buses and suburban
poor translates mainly into less work/
business, shopping and leisure trips thanthose of the higher income strata;
• Transport modes: people from the poorest
Ho w c urrent co ndit io ns were c reat ed
households use much more public
Current conditions were created by the
transport (with corresponding walking
conjunction of policy and individual
trips) than wealthier people;
decisions. The way the space is organised
• Time budgets: time devoted to travel
and the conditions offered to use transport
among the poor who make outside trips is
modes influence individual choices. For
similar to that of all other people;
those pertaining to low income groups,
however, when all persons in the
pub lic transport becomes the single option.
household are considered, corresponding
For those with better economic conditions,
travel times are muc h lower than that of
the decision to use automobiles intensively
higher income groups, reflecting less
occurs as a consequence of the relative ease
activity and less people making outside
of access to it, coupled to the relative
disadvantages of using public transport.
• Speeds: people using public transport
In developing countries in general - and in
spend much more time getting to the
Brazil in particular - transport and traffic
vehicle and travelling through the streets.
policies, coupled to economic and social
For work trips, people from the poorest
policies, have crystallised remarkable
households spend 70% more time
differences between those with and without
travelling than those of the higher income
access to private transport. Most decisions
had a common objective: to adapt space to
• Space budgets: people in lower income
the use of the automobile for selected social
households travel three times less linear
groups. The incentive to the automobile,
distances per day than those in higher
coupled to the maintenance of poor
income households. Daily distances per
conditions for public transport, rendered the
mobile person are 35% lower between the
automobile irreplaceable for middle class
two income extremes. When average in-
sectors (Vasconcellos, 1997a). Class divisions
vehicle space is considered (according to
were reinforced in the streets, as society was
the specific t ransport mode used), the total
divided into two separate groups - those
daily roadway area consumed by the
relying on public transport and those
poorest households is more than eight
providing for their private transport.
times smaller than that of the richest
Current inequitable conditions were
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
generated through a series of policy
also pay an annual property fee which varies
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
regionally. In the state of São Paulo, the
World Transport Policy & Practice
wealthiest in the country, the fee is about
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
Infrastructure Provision
$300. Annual costs (for those who do pay the
The dominance of the automobile was
taxes) can then reach the $400 level, which is
supported by the myth that road investments
about 3% of the vehicle's market value.)
are made in the public interest. Largeeconomic resources were applied in roadway
expansion based on the myth that roads
Abusive consumption of street space by
would be evenly shared by all. However, the
automobile users was facilitated following
mere provision of streets does not mean that
the liberal concept of indiscriminate use of
people will be transported: if public
private property. The mere possession of a
transport is not made accessible for all, then
vehicle gave owners the right to use streets at
streets are just private means of consumption
will, without any consideration about social
awarded to selec ted groups, but construc ted
costs and externalities. This overconsumption
and maintained with pub lic resources. This
occurred both dynamically (circulating) and
is dramatically shown by the sharp
statically (parked on public space) and was
differences in space consumption according
directly supported by large resources
to income (see tables 8 and 14). Often, the
directed to improve overall traffic conditions
myth of roads as public assets is
in the city (Vasconcellos 1997b). Meanwhile,
accompanied by explicit condemnation of
few effective priority measures were applied
transit subsidies as heretical and by
to bus operations, even though most kerbside
continuous pressure to make public transport
bus lanes implemented in the 1980s had
systems survive on their own - which often
little effect on average speeds (CET, 1982).
implies overcrowded buses and low
Even important bus corridors - like the Santo
frequency services - while the hidden
Amaro/9 de Julho convoy system - were
subsidies to automobiles remain untouched.
progressively abandoned, losing most of theinitial benefits. Large resources were applied
Access to Public Transport
to increase road capacity for automobiles,
The persistent poverty of most people,
while leaving buses to their own fate,
coupled to an often rigid market approach to
struggling for road space. A s a consequence,
the supply of public transport, generated a
buses continued to lose any reputation of
permanent conflict between accessibility,
reliability, and their patronage.
fare level and business profitability. As aconsequenc e, supply is permanently subject
to instability (White, 1990; Figueroa, 1991)
In developing countries, contrary to
and spatial and time coverage are often
widespread beliefs, accidents do not result
limited by the need to ensure profitable
primarily from lack of education, generalised
operation, leading to long walking and
disorder or bad vehicle maintenance. They
waiting times. Another effect is the tendency
result mostly from the inherently dangerous
to dilapidation of the fleet, with direct
environment which was generated by the
impacts on passeng er comfort and safety as
appropriation of space to the needs of
well as on the availability of v ehicles for
automobile users. The paving or creation of
daily operation.
grid-pattern, wide streets and roads crossingdensely used pedestrian spaces, coupled to
Access to Private Transport
deep political differences among social
Private transport was made accessible to
groups and classes (which translates into
selected sectors - the new middle classes
different was of using space) and to the
created by the income concentration process
absence of ef fective enforcement and justice,
which characterised Brazilian economic
rendered space in developing countries a
development. Access was facilitated through
very efficient accident-production
bank credit and the organisation of v ehicle
environment. As stated previously, most
consortia, where people belonging to a group
fatalities are pedestrians. This is aggravated
paid monthly instalments in order to have a
by the contradiction between formal traffic
car. The possession and use of the
education and actual conditions on streets,
automobile was also facilitated by extremely
once disrespect for traffic laws and lack of
low license and insurance taxes (about $100
punishment are the rule.
a year), plenty of free parking space onstreets and often low gasoline prices
(currently, about $0.80 a litre). (Auto owners
As a result of both excessive use of
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
automobiles and automobile-generated
A lt ernat iv e ac tio ns
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
congestion, emissions of air pollutants are
Although some problems lie beyond the
World Transport Policy & Practice
high. In addition, automobile emissions for a
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
scope of transport policies (e.g., persistent
long time were uncontrolled, although legal
poverty), many actions can support the
limits introduced just ten years ago are
creation of a more equitable and efficient
starting to produce results. Finally, control of
space. The inequities and externalities which
on-street emissions remains nonexistent,
occur in São Paulo, as well as in most large
except for diesel trucks and buses ( Cetesb,
cities of the developing world, can be altered
1994) which, because they emit the most
only if the use of space is politically
visible pollution, easily attract public and
contested and hence urban, transport and
media attention.
traffic policies are changed fundamentally.
Despite the persistence of unbalanced power
Policy Disco-ordination
relations within society, there is a clear
Most agencies in charge of policies
emergence of movements intended to
influenc ing transport conditions act
promote real changes, mostly based on the
independently, with loose hierarchical or
expec tation about improving quality of life.
legal linkages. The problem is especially
The reorganisation of urban transport has
severe with respect to land use and its
to be pursued to ensure a more equitable,
impacts on transport demand, and with
safe, convenient and comfortable
respect to the relationship between agencies
appropriation of space. The basis to redefine
in charge of public transport and traffic. In
the use of the street shall be the commitment
the case of São Paulo, the disconnection
to preserve safety, improve quality of life and
between these agencies helped to keep b us
ensure proper operating conditions for public
traffic at very low levels of service. At the
and non-motorised transport modes. The
metropolitan scale the problem is even
central point for this reorganisation is the
worse, once state and local authorities
questioning of abuse by the automobile and
conflict on how to manage common
the conseq uent imposition of new criteria for
dividing public space. This does not mean toabolish automobile technology but rather to
The Crisis of the State
control it within acceptable limits related to
In addition to these factors, the urban
concerns about equity and quality of life.
transport problem has been aggravated
Within the large set of alternative actions,
recently by the state's economic difficulties
the most important are those that would
and the corresponding attempt to either
reorganise space in order to respec t the rights
deregulate or privatise transport services. At
of the majority, as follows:
the institutional side, the state seems to beleaving aside its primary planning role,
Infrastructure Provision
relying on the supposed capability of the
Public resources have to be used to provide
private sector to assume financial risks and
circulation space for the majority. This
planning tasks. There is an implicit
requires priority allocation to public
assumption that the market and the private
transport and pedestrian traffic. All-purpose
sector can replace the state in ensuring
major roads are often needed in fast growing
adequate transport services. On the ec onomic
environments like those of developing
side, the fiscal crisis hinders support to
countries. However they should be provided
efficient public transport systems and to
as part of comprehensive road planning
distributive social policies. Large transport
efforts that respect the needs of the majority
infrastructures, which rely on public
to efficient transport, especially public and
investment, are becoming less feasible and
non-motorised transportation. All
subsidies to special groups are subjected to
investments on roads should be carefully
increasing opposition. The crisis is also
analysed to determine the real beneficiaries.
related to the continued pov erty of most of
Part of the resources that seem to be lacking
the population, which prevents people from
for public transport will appear if road
having access to convenient pub lic transport.
investments are scrutinised.
Both problems are sustaining an ongoingcrisis in the supply of adequate public
The Use of the Street
transport modes and consequently have been
The highway and street systems are
supporting transport deregulation and
collective assets, to be shared by all. No one
privatisation proposals. However, transport
has the right to circulate at will, regardless of
conditions continue to be inadequate.
others' needs and interests. No one can be
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
allowed to misuse this collective asset,
speeding up sentenc ing procedures;
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
simply because of an alleged need to have
• reorganising traffic education to supersede
World Transport Policy & Practice
access to motorised transportation. The use
the contradiction between theory and
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
of these systems shall therefore be defined
practice which renders education
according to priorities given to the most
nonsensical. Education will be socially
numerous and vulnerable roles, which in
valuable only when the circulation space
developing countries are indisputably the
is capable of mirroring the priority given
pedestrian, the cyclist and the public
in the law to the most vulnerable roles.
transport passenger. This need not entail
Education will be effective and
eliminating private transport, but will require
meaningful only when people feel that
submitting it to other's needs and interests.
proper behaviour will be rewarded and
Direct restrictions can be raised through
improper behaviour will be punished;
traffic management measures and indirect
• protect pedestrians from automobiles
restrictions may be raised by compensating
through a series of physical and
costs and externalities imposed by
operational measures, mainly those minor
automobile owners to society through
physical adaptations to increase overall
economic or f iscal measures, as in the case of
safety conditions: the building and
parking fees, license taxes and road pricing.
enlargement of sidewalks, the narrowing
However, it has to be acknowledged that
of intersection approaches close to
these restrictions, if properly applied, will
pedestrian areas, the lighting of pedestrian
inevitably have dramatic consequenc es for
crosswalks, the building of intermediate
those relying on private transport.
islands in large crosswalks, etc.;
• protect collective living areas from undue
Priority to Public Transport
traffic by reorganising circulation. This
Transport provision should be altered to
can be accomplished initially at the
ensure physical and operational conditions
neighbourhood level throug h circulation
so that public transport systems can provide
plans discussed with local communities.
high levels of accessibility and achieve their
These plans may be highly successful if
maximum potential (e.g., maximum 5
they manage to profit from the recent,
minutes walking and waiting times, and bus
strong commitment to quality of life
speeds about 20 km/h across the entire
among the middle class;
network). This requires reorganisation of
• control automobile speed in the entire
lines and bus stops, elimination of physical
street system, either through direct
barriers, provision of special signs and
enforcement or physical barriers and
signals and tough restrictions on illegal
speed deterrents.
parking and loading and unloading activities.
Public transport and traffic departments
should be united and daily traffic operation
Air pollution problems can be minimised by
should be organised around pedestrian and
reducing total automobile emissions,
pub lic transport needs, rather than solely
increasing the share of public transport on
private transport needs.
total trips and reducing the need formotorised transport. In the first case, major
efforts have to be made to control vehicle
The complexity of the problem requires that
emissions, through legal and technological
the issue receive priority attention, as the
measures and the organisation of periodic
most important environmentally related
vehicle inspections. In the second and third
aspect of transport in developing countries
cases, improvements may be made by
(Vasconcellos, 1997c). A series of measures
combining several measures described above.
may be adopted (Goldsmith andVasconcellos, 1995):
• reorganising enforcement by training a
specialised force, changing the
The analysis of distributive and equity issues
enforcement logistics and providing
in urban ground transportation requires a
appropriate equipment. Enforcement
proper understanding of actual transport
actions should be directed mainly to
conditions faced by people and especially of
aggressions to pedestrians, speeding,
the differences found among them. These
drinking and driving, and poor
differences are related primarily to
maintenance of vehicles;
individual characteristics, such as age,
• reorganising the judicial system to ensure
income, gender and level of formal
the punishment of grave traffic offences by
education. However, they also derive from
Vasconcellos: Urban Transport
the way urban and transport policies are
two related approaches to transportation
and Equity: the case of São Paulo
designed and implemented.
infrastructure supply: while automobile
World Transport Policy & Practice
The analysis of current conditions in
use is supported by the my th of road
4/1 [1998] 9 - 20
developing c ountries show that accessibility
investment as a public interest, transit
is deeply biased towards those with access to
subsidies are considered unacceptable.
private transport (who enjoy access to amuch larger diversity of destinations and
Therefore, the actual possibilities of change
activities), as compared to low income
rely on taking new approaches to equity and
people. Conditions to use space are also
distributive aspects of transportation supply.
highly biased, while safety, comfort and
• First, a radical change in financing
convenience vary remarkably between those
transport infrastructures must be pursued:
with and without access to private transport.
road investments should considerprimarily broad equity issues on who is
Three important conclusions arise:
paying and who is benefiting from them.
• First, poor transportation conditions are
• Second, the use of the street should be
mostly class-based: few people with
radically transformed, to ensure priority to
access to cars impose grave impacts on
the most numerous and vulnerable roles.
others, such as delay to transit users, fatal
In developing countries, this means
traffic accidents and air pollution.
protecting pedestrians, cyclists and transit
• Second, these effects are not compensated
users, while restricting automobile use.
and remain as externalities created by the
• Third, major efforts are required to
unrestricted use of the automobile based
improve safety for the most v ulnerable
on the supposed right to mobility and
roles and new legal and technological
measures are needed to improve
• Third, current conditions also derive from
env ironmental quality.
Appleyard, D. (1981)
Livable Streets University of California
Moseley, M.J., Harman, R.G., Coles, O.B. a nd Spencer, M.B. (1977)
Press, Berkeley, U.S.A.
Rural Transport and Accessibility University of East Anglia, UK.
Banjo, A.G . and Brown, P.J.B. (1983) "Time expenditure and
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travel time variation in Nigeria: some empir ical findings and
a la peripherie de Sã o Paulo" (unpublished thesis) Institut
hypothesis" in Carpenter and Jones,
Rece nt advances in travel
d'urbanisme de Paris, Universite de Paris XII.
demand analysis Gower, Aldershot, U.K., 192-211 .
Portugalli, J. (1980) "Distribution, Allocation, Social Structure and
Cia de Engenharia de Tráfego (1982) "Análise antes-depois de
spatial form: elements of planning theory"
Progress in Planning
faixas exclusivas de ônibus" (internal report), CET, São Paulo.
(1985), "Avaliação do sistema de ônibus" (internal report),
Roth, G.J. and Zahavi, J. (1981) "Travel time budgets in
CET, São Paulo.
Developing Countries"
Transportation Research A vol. 15 , 87-
Acidentes de trânsito CET, São Pa ulo.
Cetesb, (1994),
Relatório da qualid ade do ar no Estado de São
United Nations (1989)
Urban transport de velopment, with
Paulo Cetesb, São Paulo.
particular re fer ence to the de veloping countries U.N., New York.
Cia do Metropolitano de São Paulo (1988)
Pesquisa Origem -
Vasconcellos, E.A. (1996) "Reassessing traffic accidents in
Destino 1987 CMSP, São Paulo.
developing countries"
Transport Policy 2(4) 263-269.
Dimitriou, H.T. and Banjo, G.A. (eds.) (1990)
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(1997a) "The demand for cars in developing countries"
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Transpor tation Research A 31(3), 24 5-258 .
Figueroa, O. (1991) "La crise de court terme des transports en
(1997b) "The making of the middle class city: transportation
commun: l'experience de San Jose du Costa Rica"
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Environment and Planning A 29, 293-310.
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Fox, M. (1995) "Transport planning and the human activity
comparing air pollution and traffic accidents as policy
Journal of Transp ort Geogr aphy 3(2):1 05-116 .
Habitat International 21(1), 79-89.
Goldsmith, W. and Vasconcellos, E.A. (1995) "D istributive and
Vasconcellos, E.A. and Scatena, J.C. (1996) "The use of the space
equity issues a nd privatisation in ground transportation"
in São Paulo: comparing household travel strategies" paper
Working paper 152, City and Regional Planning Department,
presented at the CODATU Conference, New Delhi.
Cornell University.
Verhoef, E. (1994) "External effects and social costs of road
Goodwin, P.B. (1981) :The usefulness of travel budgets:
Transportation Resear ch A 28(4), 2 73-287 .
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White, P.R. (1990) "Inadequacies of Ur ban Public Transpor t
Hägerstrand, T. (1987) "Human interaction and spatial m obility:
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Planning for Third World Cities Routledge, USA.
Transportation Planning in a changing world Gower/European
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Some Challenges for Israel and Palestine
Yaakov GarbLady Davis post-doctoral Fellow, Geography Department, Hebrew University ofJerusalem. and researcher for the Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies.
Address for Correspondence: Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies, 9a DiskinStreet, Jerusalem 90440, Israel. Email:
[email protected]
The ter minology used in
Second, I focus on the relatively under-
this article reflects the
studied questions above. Thus, while
current political flux and
With the establishment of Palestine and the
difficulties. Some of th e
challenges for sustainable transport within
continuing peace, there is a need to appraise
Arabs who came under
Jewish Israel are massive and fascinating
Israeli rule in 19 48 pr efe r
the transport infrastructure and policies of
they have already received considerable
to be called P alestinians,
both countries. In particular, will Palestine
treatment elsewhere (See for example: Gur,
rather than Isr aeli Arabs,
follow Israel along the road to mass
thus high lighting the ir
Cohen, and Zaaga, 1996; Solomon, Gur and
motorisation or will it choose the path to
historical and cultural
Feitelson, 1996; Fletcher and Garb, 1998;
affiliation. Yet, as th e
sustainability? Will Israel realise the folly of
Hashimshoni, 1998). My discussion of them
likelihood of a Pale s tinian
providing for private transport and seize this
is therefore briefer than that of less examined
state near s, ‘ Pale stinian' is
unique opportunity?
like ly to carry national
challenges (the Arab sector within Israel, the
connotations wh ich may
emerging Palestinian state, bilateral and
conflict with the se
regional transport issues).
cultur al/his tor ical one s .
For this re ason, the author
Israel, Palestine, sustainability, peace
ret ains the admitted lypr oble matic us age of
I sraeli t ranspo rt at a cro ssro ad
‘Isr aeli Arabs ' for thos e
Israel is at a transportation crossroad. Over
within the Gre en Lines,
the last decade or so, the country has been
and Pales tinians for th osewho came unde r Is rae li
PLANNING for environmentally sound
embracing the kind of mass-motorisation
rule in 1967.
transport in Israel and Palestine faces major
trends that other advanced countries are,
uncertainty and challenges. As income levels
belatedly, coming to regret and attempt to
The comments of Je ss e
and expectations rise, will planners be able
reverse (Whitelegg, 1993; Wegener, 1997).
Roemer, Ben Is gur, Ph ilipWarburg , Ras sem Hamaise,
to learn from - rather than replicate - the past
The number of vehicles on the country's
and Gidon Bromberg on
transport mistakes of other parts of the
roads is growing at 6-7 percent per year,
this es say are gr atefully
world? How will global transport trends play
while use of public transport (primarily
ackno w le d g ed .
out in the region's unique spatial and
diesel bus) is rapidly declining with eroding
demographic circumstances? Can Arab
prospects of rail taking up a substantial
communities in Israel overcome their relative
portion of this decline in the short to
lack of resources to cater for their
medium term. Land use is increasingly
population's special needs and
catering to and generating car-dependent
circumstances through forward-looking
lifestyles, in which travel to work, shopping,
planning, or will their struggle for equality be
and recreation involves large amounts of
an attempt to join the general Israeli rush
private car travel. Thus an increasing portion
toward mass motorisation and car-dependent
of transport is based on environmentally
lifestyles? What kind of physical
inefficient modes, with attempts to clean
configuration, political constraints, and
these up (through cleaner fuels and catalytic
population are Palestinian transport planners
converters) hampered by lack of enforcement
to plan for? Will the reg ion continue to
and maintenance, and swamped by other
approximate an island in transport terms, or
trends such as a wildfire shift to diesel cars
will borders open, and with what transport
and an ever-growing fleet.
All these trends fly in the f ace of the
This essay reviews some of these
aspirations of the emerging generation of
questions with two emphases. First, through
sustainable transport planning. This aims to
all the sectors I examine runs the theme of
reduce the total amount of travel required for
technological leapfrogging: the opportunities
satisfying lifestyles, to ensure that as much of
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Somechallenges for Israel and Palestine
for societies with still low car ownership
this travel as possible is conduc ted on more
World Transport Policy & Practice
rates to learn from rather than repeat the
environmentally-efficient modes (rather than
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
mistakes of heavily motorised countries.
private cars), and to make sure that all modes
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
are as environmentally efficient as possible.
A rab co mm unit ies wit hin Israel:
challenges for Israel and Palestine
Even as the government subsidises car travel
aim ing f or m o re than just a f air share
World Transport Policy & Practice
and road building, and underfunds
o f car- dependenc y
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
alternative infrastructure, many government
In Israel, Jews and Arabs live spatially apart.
officials and planners plea their inability to
Ninety percent of the country's Arabs live
stem the g rowing ‘need' for the car travel
within separate towns and villages, with
which these policy measures create.
many of the remainder living in separate
This lack of policy vision is particularly
neighbourhoods within mixed Arab-Jewish
worrying in a small, hyper-dense country
cities (Gonen, 1995). Arab communities
like Israel, where even today's relatively low
within Israel have different motorisation and
motorisation rates (cars per thousand people)
land use patterns, less access to resources
translate into exceptionally high
and planning facilities, and different travel
motorisation impacts (cars per square
needs, so that their transport future deserves
separate discussion (Fletcher and Garb, 1998;
Israel's ‘lag' in motorisation is a golden
Khaimaisi, 1995). Currently, the number of
opportunity to leapfrog over outmoded
cars per 1000 people in Arab communities is
technologies, a gift rapidly being squandered.
35% that of Israel as a whole (due in part to
Instead of continuing to direct transport
larger-than-average family sizes), though the
infrastructure investments to stop-gap road-
rate of motorisation is growing twice as fast.
building, they must b e redirected to the
Most Arab settlements have a village-like
much talked about but little implemented
structure. This is due, in part, to the fact that
measures that can increase sustainability.
the 1948 emptying or near emptying of the
These include the management of travel
larger Arab towns now within the Green Line
demand, raised fuel taxes, congestion
truncated the upper end of the settlement-
pricing, parking restrictions in city centres,
size spectrum. And because many of the
and the provision of light rail and improved
settlements that have reached the size of
bus service (routing, frequency, reliability,
urban municipalities have done so through
dedicated lanes in key places) in order to
outward spreading of a village as the
give public transport a genuine competitive
imposition of military administration from
advantage. A central priority is providing
1948 to 1966 reduced rural-urban and inter-
alternatives to single occupancy vehicle
urban migration to a minimum (Gonen and
Khaimaisi, 1993). These settlements are
Because car-based transport competes
characterised by low to medium density
with more sustainable alternatives for funds,
(single or double storey homes on relatively
passengers and land use patterns,
large plots). Many of these villages are still
investments made over the next five years
usually connected to the outside world with
will shape Israel's transport future for a
a single large road (often bisecting the
generation or more. The country can little
village). Smaller windy streets feed into this
afford a ‘realism' that throws up its hands in
with little hierarchical ordering of size.
the face of inc reasing car use; these trends
Central residential quarters and markets are
are anachronistic and unsustainable, and
historically designed for pedestrian and
international experience has shown that they
animal traffic, not motor vehicles. Because
can be slowed and reversed with imaginative
Israel imposes severe restrictions on
and bold policies and planning (Fletcher and
geographical expansion, a variety of
Garb, 1998).
workshop industries metallurgy, painting,
Figure 1: Current motorisation rates in selected countries (bars) compared to U.S.
car shops, food processing and packaging)
historical motorisation (line) (Private cars per 1000 population).
tend to be intermingled with residentialhousing, sometimes posing considerableenvironmental hazards.
With the decline of agriculture and the
relative prosperity of Jewish urban centres,and especially since the lifting of movementrestrictions when the military administrationwas abolished in 1966, Arab settlementsbecame increasingly based on a commutingeconomy to nearby Jewish cities(Gonen,1995). Many of the transportchallenges of Israel's Arab communities are
Holand United States
shaped by these basic circumstances of extra-
Sources: U.N. statistics & Rae, The Road and Car in American Life
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
urban settlements that are structurally
opportunities for local work while removing
challenges for Israel and Palestine
villages but function as working class
hazardous economic activities away from
World Transport Policy & Practice
commuting suburbs with respect to large
residential and commercial areas);
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
Jewish urban areas.
accommodating and encouraging pedestrian
The increasing number of c ars moving and
and bicycle access for daily needs, espec ially
parking in these villages is incompatible with
in town centres; and building a solid public
their traditional layout. Congestion has
transport system while the potential
become a major problem, and with
ridership is still very high.
pedestrians ill-separated from traffic,
Currently, intra- and inter-urban public
accident rates are high. Widening and
transport serving Arab sectors is hampered
straightening of these roads invariably
by lack of access to national resources and
infringes heavily on private property, leading
co-ordination, and by orientation of the large
to conflict, and in some cases destroying the
national public transport carriers to Jewish
character of a towns' historic core. Through
needs. Buses are often limited to a service
traffic often has no alternative but to pass
leaving the village to Jewish population
through the town centre. As villages and
centres in the morning, and returning after
towns expand in size (under considerable
work (a pattern particularly restrictive for
constraint and often in a poorly planned
Arab women). In many cases a single bus line
manner), they become increasingly car-
will pass through many villages, making
dependent, especially in the absence of
travel slow. There is little radial connection
adequate public transport.
between villages and buses are often old
In response to these problems and a legacy
models that have been phased out of the
of under-investment, some planners
fleets that serve Jewish cities.
emphasise greater investment in the road
Not only has there been a legacy of
system to relieve the growing transportation
proportional under-investment within Arab
stresses in Arab villages: constructing a
communities, but it is doubtful whether a
hierarchical system of straight, wide roads
sufficient portion of Israel's planned
according to national standards, multiple
transport investments over the c oming years
road entries into villages, and ring roads
are designed to serve the special needs of the
around them. ‘The solution for the
fifth of the country's population that is Arab.
transportation problems in these
The proposed Trans-Israel Highway, Israel's
settlements', claims one of the few overviews
largest ever transport infrastructure
of the topic, ‘demands a correct planning,
investment, to run the length of the country
similar to that which is done for Israel's large
from the border with Lebanon to south of
cities' (Khaimaisi, 1995).
Beer-Sheva, has been much debated because
No doubt in some cases there is a need for
of great cost, its land use and environmental
new roads to serve new centres arising from
impacts, and its questionable priority with
much needed investment in Arab economic
respect to other urgently-needed transport
growth, and to divert traffic that is ruining
investments. There are those who argue that
town centres. But should catching up and
the massive unc ertainty as to these req uires
levelling standards of road capacity be the
that the project be frozen pending the
primary emphasis? The challenge is not
comprehensive analysis that was never done
simply to attain a fair share of the
(Garb, 1997). The question of the project's
development pie, but to use this share for a
value and priority is even more pointed with
transport system that is forward-looking and
respect to Israel's Arab community, both in
suited to inhabitants' needs, not just
the central 70 km that are on the verge of
mimicking of prevailing trends.
construction, and the planned northern
Thus, portions of some Arab villages
portions of the road through the Galilee.
retain the kind of pedestrian livability that
While land for the road will be
contemporary transportation planners are
appropriated from both Jewish and non-
struggling to achieve, and these will be
Jewish settlements, the consequences for
threatened by mass motorisation trends.
Arab villages may be particularly severe as
Israel's car-dependent suburbs are hardly a
they have suffered a series of expropriations
model for emulation. Can Arab villages and
over decades, and have less access to other
towns take advantage of their ‘lag' in
land (mostly owned by the government and
motorisation levels to build more sustainable
granted almost entirely to Jewish settlements)
transport planning? The priorities would
and to non-agricultural forms of income. In
seem to be the following: town planning that
addition, Arab villages were far less involved
lessens the need for travel (retaining and
in the project's conception, routing, and in
strengthening mixed use zoning and
planning to take advantage of development
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
along the right-of-way, especially that which
comprehensive and internal closures have
challenges for Israel and Palestine
took place at less-than-formal levels. Unless
disrupted travel of people and goods on
World Transport Policy & Practice
something changes, Jewish kibbutzim and
almost 30% of potential annual working days
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
moshavim may be in a better position to plan
in the last couple of years (United Nations,
around and utilise the road's consequences
1997). Trucking of freight faces similar
to their benefit, through t he construction of
problems. While Israeli bus lines link Jewish
shopping and business areas alongside
settlements to Israel they provide little
(Khaimaisi, 1998).
service to the Palestinian population.
The only port in the Palestinian areas is
Gaza. Serving small boats at the turn of the
Transpo rt f o r Palest ine: o c c upat ion,
century, the port became increasingly
unc ert aint y, and t he need f or planning
marginal after Haifa became the main port
during the British Mandate, and the Gaza
Compared to Israel, which occupied these
strip's isolation after 1948. Though modern
areas in 1967, the transport system in the
port facilities with spare capacity exist along
West Bank and Gaza has been shaped by
the Israeli coast at Ashdod (30 km north of
decades of poverty, neglect, and constraint.
Gaza) and Haifa, as well as at Eilat and
Planning for its future is hampered by
Aquaba, a deep-water port is planned for
massive uncertainty and lack of institutional
Gaza on grounds of national sovereignty.
and material resources. GDP per capita in the
This would have major environmental
territories is around around $1,600 (1996),
impacts. It would be inserted into an open
average monthly wages are around $350, and
beach near one of the world's most crowded
are significantly higher ($530) for
cities, and would entail transport of goods
Palestinians employed in Israeli-controlled
through a densely populated area. And, by
areas. Unemployment now runs at 28% and
blocking transport of the northward flow of
about one-fifth of the population lives
Nile sands, which now replenish those
beneath the poverty line of $650 annually
constantly eroded from Gazan and Israeli
(United Nations, 1997; Hass, 1998).
beaches, the port would strip these down to
While a high quality road system has been
bare rock in a decade or so (Watzman, 1995).
built since 1967 to serve Israeli security
While international financing is likely to be
needs and to link Jewish settlements with
available for the port's construction, there are
Israel, the road network serving the
still no commitments to the million dollars
Palestinian population is more or less the
needed annually to pump sand around the
one inherited from Jordan in 1967, and now
port obstruction.
of a quality lower than one would expect
The only active airport in the Occupied
even in developing countries of similar
Territories is now operated by Israel at
income levels. Maintenance of the latter is so
Qalandia, between Jerusalem and Ramallah.
poor that 40% of these roads are regarded by
The World Bank has urged the rehabilitation
the World Bank as requiring immediate
of this airport (at an estimated cost of $250
rehabilitation if they are not to be lost (World
million dollars) to serve international traffic
Bank, 1993).
to the Palestinian Authority, whether
Vehicle ownership has been increasing at
through transfer of the airport to the
a rate of 10% annually over the last two
Authority or some shared arrangement
decades, thoug h levels are still far below
resulting from Israeli-Palestinian agreement
Israeli levels, themselves lower than
(World Bank, 1993). However, the very
developed counties. More than half of the
reasons cited for the site being a ‘highly
fleet is over a decade old resulting in high
suitable' location for such development - its
pollution levels in urban centres.
centrality, within a 15 kilometre radius of
Public transport is entirely road-based
20% of the total Palestinian population -
(buses, vans, and shared taxis) as all rail
would become a real problem once air traffic
service ceased in 1948. These services are
expands beyond the f ew daily flights
entirely in the hands of a multitude of
currently using the airport.
private operators; the bus fleet of about 780
The construction of an airport in southern
vehicles, for example, is owned by some 100
Gaza, near Dahania, is currently a major item
private enterprises, 70 of which own only a
in negotiations; the Palestinian Authority is
single bus. They are under great financial
demanding autonomous air traffic, and Israel
pressures: new buses and spare parts for
is concerned about the security implications
them are very expensive; credit is limited;
of unmonitored passengers and cargo
competition from cars and vans providing
entering Gaza by air. If built, this airport
unlicensed passenger services is fierce; and
would expand Palestinian freedom of
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
movement, but for only a tiny elite. Most
airports, at the expense of less obvious and
challenges for Israel and Palestine
Gazans will remain confined in the tiny Gaza
longer-term measures. The former is the
World Transport Policy & Practice
strip until arrangements are made for ‘safe
principal emphasis in the few existing
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
passage' between Gaza and the West Bank.
planning documents, which predict that
The latter is one of many instances where
political independence will bring a drastic
‘security' or geostrategic considerations
rise in income levels, car ownership and use,
swamp sound planning principles in the
and volumes of traffic (See, f or example, the
region. Althoug h Gaza and the West Bank are
‘Transport and Communications' chapter of
already connected by roads, the perceived
Master Planning for the State of Palestine:
need for an isolated passage for Palestinians
Suggest ed Guidelines for C om prehensive
through Israel has generated a range of
Development Center for Engineering and
schemes, including those of questionable
Planning, Ramallah, 1992). Measures of equal
environmental merit, most recently
or greater importance - such as public and
exemplified by a proposal for a sixty
non-motorised transport, and the design of
kilometre-long raised bridge.
pedestrian-friendly city centres and mixed
Repeatedly, transport planning for
use neighbourhoods that reduce the demand
Palestine comes up against the fact that a
for travel - receive far less attention.
cornerstone of the Israeli occupation,
One can imagine a scenario of continued
especially over recent years, has been the
high population growth rates, increased
severe management of Palestinian mobility
incomes and social stratification, and the
coupled with the preservation of freedom of
easing of I sraeli restrictions on building and
movement for Israelis within the Territories.
travel, together contributing in short order to
Transport plans cannot, therefore be
a wave of unregulated and car-dependent
separated from issues demanding political
sprawl that will precede and soon pre-empt
resolution, and planners must work with
more sustainable alternatives. Such planning
uncertainty regarding critical questions: will
issues would challenge any society, so with
the transport-related components of the
scarce resources, high uncertainty, and
Peace Accords (safe passage between the
massive external constraints, Palestinian
West Bank and Gaza, a port, an airport) be
transport planners have their work cut out.
implemented fully? Will Palestinians have
Yet, precisely because it is starting late,
control over their ability to travel between
this fledgling state can avoid building
the currently fragmented pieces of their own
yesterday's transport problems into its future.
country, and will they be able to travel into
In doing so, it will reduce the long term
Israel? Will the extensive new high quality
liabilities of mass motorisation, which have
roads designed to allow settlers to live in the
become clear over recent decades. Lessened
Territories without encountering Palestinian
car dependency would reduce travel related
residents, continue to operate, and what will
health costs, slow the destruction of open
their relation be to the old, inconvenient and
areas and communities through road
poorly-maintained road system that serves
building, free up salaries for investment
rather than car purchase and maintenance,
Given this uncertainty, and the
and avoid building into the economy a
institutional capacities that were
constant drain of foreign currency for the
impoverished over decades of Israeli military
purchase of cars and fuel. An increasing
and civil administration, the World Bank's
number of examples from around the world
proposed short term strategy seems wise: to
show that progress and motorisation need
produce transport planning capacity, rather
not be eq uated (Hook, 1996).
than a transportation plan (Khamaisi, 1994).
In Gaza, these issues are especially
Similarly, its emphasis on attending initially
pointed. With astonishing population
to municipal transport needs in areas under
densities, any rise in motorisation rates will
Palestinian control makes sense. However, it
make life there even more hellish, especially
is important that this training and capacity-
since these vehicles are and will most likely
building, initial municipal-level work, and
continue to b e older and more polluting,
longer term planning be founded on
acquired second-hand from Israel. Gaza is
principles of sustainable transport.
flat, with reasonable weather, low incomes in
Without this sustainable emphasis and
the foreseeable future, and very high
training, it is likely that transport
population densities: an ideal site for non-
improvements will focus on improving the
motorised and public transport. But unless
extent and quality of the road system
the demand for sustainable transport arises
(accommodating and encouraging private
from within Gaza itself, and is recognised as
use) and on autonomy- giving port and
cutting edge and compatible with raised
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
standards of living, any talk of animal and
cities to the border with Israel (Hashimshoni,
challenges for Israel and Palestine
human-powered transport may be rejected as
1998). The impacts of motorisation in Israel's
World Transport Policy & Practice
an external attempt to preserve
crowded coastal plain are beginning to be felt
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
in the adjacent Palestinian areas. By the timethe nitrogen oxides and gas-phasehydrocarbons emitted by vehicles in the Tel
Co - ordinat ing I sraeli and Pales t inian
Aviv region have undergone a series of
atmospheric chemical reactions that
A looming yet largely unconsidered transport
produces ozone, they are tens of km inland,
challenge - also characterised by crippling
over the Jerusalem area, Palestinian areas,
levels of unc ertainty - is the co- ordination of
and even Jordan, with potentially serious
Israeli and Palestinian transport plans.
health consequences (Luria
et al., 1994).
Though these two tiny countries, with
Other imminent trans-boundary effects
segregated populations, markedly different
requiring collaborative planning are the
wage rates, and dissimilar levels of
pollution and land use impact of the
environmental legislation, monitoring, and
proposed Trans-Israel Highway. This road is
enforcement share long often porous borders.
planned to run just a few km west of the
Yet there is little co-ordination of the
Green Line between Israel and the West Bank
transport-related consequences of the
for a good deal of its central portion.
considerable flows of workers, vehicles,
Anticipated to carry 100,000 vehicles a day
pollutants, and land use influences cross
in its central stretches, construction is
across these.
planned to begin within a year. While project
Even with the stringent restrictions on
proponents have argued the merit of drawing
travel to work within Israel currently in
polluting traffic eastwards, out of the Tel
force, close to 100,000 workers cross into
Aviv Metropolitan area, there have been no
Israel for work daily, and truck traffic (not
evaluations of the effect of this shift f or areas
including Israeli vehicles) is about 900
east of the Green Line. And, just as the road
vehicles a day (Israel Foreign Ministry,
is likely to be a massive magnet for
1998). The structural conditions underlying
development to its west, on the Israeli side, it
this daily flow of people and goods are
could do the same to its east, within adjacent
unlikely to change soon. Not only is the
Palestinian areas. Yet the extent to which the
current and future daily labour migration
project is being incorporated into Palestinian
fraught with social and equity challenges, but
Authority planning is unc lear.
there is little systematic thought about itsimplications for sustainable transport in bothcountries, and almost no collaborative
planning f or it.
While the political developments of the last
Open borders between an independent
few years are rendering such talk
Palestinian state and Jordan might decrease
increasingly premature, the transportation
the dependence on Israel somewhat, but
consequenc es of future peace and the
barring barely conceivable physical or
opening of borders must be thought about
military barriers, overall volumes can only
with social equity and sustainability in mind.
increase as Palestinian and Israeli
These criteria figured little in the heady
populations grow. Recent estimates carried
mixture of enthusiasm, mythology, and
out by the U.S. Census Bureau and the
unreflec tive developmentalism that have
Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics show
characterised the visions of forward-looking
the Palestinian population in the West Bank
politicians and planning committees thus far.
(including East Jerusalem) at around 1.5
On the whole, peace has been equated with
million, with 900,000 in Gaza. The combined
stability and open borders for business
population is expected to reach 3.2 million
interests, and with economic growth as
by 2012 through natural increase, with an
classically defined. Its infrastructural
additional 415,000 possible due to
correlates have tended toward grand circum-
immigration in the wake of substantial
Mediterranean highways, and ‘peace roads'
developments in the peace process (Zureik,
linking regional capitals (Ecopeace F orum,
1996). The resultant daily commute may be
massive - one estimate for the year 2020
Shimon Peres, for example, is famous for
yields 40,000 people an hour from Gaza
his development-driven technocratic, free-
northward during peaks, 25,000 along the
market ‘New Middle East', for which
Hebron-Jerusalem-Nablus-Jenin axis, and
untrammelled car-mobility became one
large numbers from all the major West Bank
obvious metaphor (Peres, 1993). [However, in
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
a recent (18th March 1998) interview session
growth in air traffic in the region, likely to
challenges for Israel and Palestine
with students from the Arava Institute for
occur if direct flights between countries
World Transport Policy & Practice
Environmental Studies, Peres declared he
become easier; the environmental impacts of
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
had abandoned his long-held ideal of making
road traffic at a few key crossing points; and
Israel the infrastructural and transportation
the social implications of industrial
hub of the Middle East. A small and densely
relocation from Israel to take advantage of
populated country, he claims, cannot afford
lower wages rates in neighbouring countries.
these projects - regional highways should run
Because of it's unique characteristics and
through Jordan, not Israel!] Israel's current
location, the pressures of regional transport
Prime-Ministerial candidate, Ehud Barak,
developments will probably first be felt in
when he held the position of Foreign
the Eilat/Aquaba region, and it is here that
Minister, defended his party's negotiations
anticipatory planning for greater cross-border
with Syria by painting a picture of ‘full
movement is most advanced. This is an
normalisation', in which ‘tourists can travel
ecologically sensitive area and major tourist
from Israel to … Turkey and to Europe in
attraction at a point where Jordan, Egypt, and
their own cars', while a popular progressive
Israel are in close proximity. The unique
columnist ended his plea for peace with
coral reefs in the Red Sea Gulf are already
Syria saying, ‘What more do we need in
under stress by shipping, there are plans for
order to be convinced that peace is a good
airport expansion and/or relocation, and two
deal? To give every Israeli a free lifetime
large road projects are proposed to facilitate
supply of gas for trips via Damascus?'
trucking between Jordan and Egypt via Israel.
Some of the grander regional road projects
The first is associated with the expansion of
initially proposed will, no doubt, evaporate
the Ein-Netafim checkpoint between Israel
as soon as more careful feasibility studies are
and Egypt, and the second with the
done. They are based, in part, on an image of
construction of an Eilat Bypass ‘Peace
Israel as ‘the cross-roads of the Middle East',
Highway' (Isgur, 1997). The latter would ease
destined to become a regional transport hub.
the impacts of traffic through Eilat, but at the
This image may be a largely mythical
possible cost of increased local air pollution,
holdover from the past. Before motorised
runoff from road surfaces into the Gulf,
transport, when trade was far less global than
severance of wildlife movement, and scenic
today, foot and animal traffic relied on the
intrusion. A second pressure point may
land route through Israel with its
develop if significant volumes of shipping
unambiguous terrain and frequent water
are redirected from Aquaba to the
stops (See Hashimshoni, 1998). Today,
Mediterranean along routes within Israel to
however, the volume of trade between Arab
Haifa. Estimates suggest that this could
countries is relatively small (only 2% of
initially comprise between 70 and 200 trucks
Egypt's imports are from other Arab
a day (Hashimshoni, 1998).
countries, for example), and they have
Given wage disparities between Israel and
developed a transport network quite capable
surrounding countries, eased travel could
of handling traffic between them despite the
increase firm efficiency, but also overall
post-1948 closure of the traditional route
travel volumes and labour exploitation. As
through Israel. Even the connection between
current processes in the textile industry
Africa (Egypt and to some degree Libya) and
indicate, Israeli firms may choose to relocate
Arab countries to the east is now made
labour-intensive portions of their production
through the Sinai-Aquaba ferry. If anything,
cycle in Jordan and Egypt, leaving knowledge
the ‘desert route' of Jordan is more likely to
and technology-intensive portions in Israel,
become the regional transport avenue.
increasing the overall haulage volumes, the
Thus the motivations for sweeping ‘peace
bulk of which is likely to be road-based. (For
roads' proposals may be located not so much
reflection on the environmental implications
in real transportation demand as in
of European Union transport integration, see
international donor enthusiasm for projects
Whitelegg, 1993.) While such levels of
that link the region's countries - especially
integration lie far in the future for the Middle
Israel with its Arab neighbours (On these
East, the patterns described there are
selection pressures see Cohn, 1997). This
lack of real demand, combined with the
Environmentalists and labour activists
stalled peace process, mean that the massive
must work to ensure that their criteria are
proposed regional network of peace roads is
built into visions of a New Middle East,
not an imminent danger.
raising questions that are still barely heard.
Other issues are of more immediate
Can we ensure that the pricing of freight
concern: the acceleration of the already rapid
haulage reflects the full social and
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
environmental costs of transport, so that
still low motorisation levels. Israel began the
challenges for Israel and Palestine
decisions of local production versus import
1990s with car ownership levels
World Transport Policy & Practice
are rationalised? Can rail and sea transport
approximating those of the U.S. during
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
(with the kind of inter-modal container-
World War 2, and levels in Jordan and the
transfer now being developed) provide more
Occupied Territories were closer to those of
efficient long-distance haulage in the long
World War 1. Can transport planning in
term than trucks along some routes? How
countries utilise any of the things we've
will emission standards of heavy commercial
learnt about transport since then?
vehicles, which will contribute the majority
Without imagination, each sector can
of pollution from cross-border travel, be co-
declare it impossible to argue with the
ordinated among the region's nations? Can
inevitably rising demand for car travel, and
we ensure that increased mobility is not
so scramble to build the infrastructure that
simply achieving flexibility for corporations
will meet and thus encourage this demand;
at the expense of people and places?
each can regret not having the luxury to putlong-term livability ahead of more urgentthing s.
Co nc lusio n: Realisi ng t he Benef it s o f
With imagination and boldness, on the
other hand, policy lev ers and wise
In a region so troubled, environmental
investments might shape demand, rather
criteria and careful planning have often been
than merely (and unsuccessfully) follow it;
secondary to more ‘pressing' agenda. Yet in
examples of successful and often less costly
different ways, each of the sectors mentioned
alternative practices can be emulated from
(Israel, the emerging Palestine, Arab
around the world - including those in places
communities within Israel, and the region as
grappling with their own constraints and
a whole) will need precisely this kind of
emergencies. ‘Lags' can be turned into gifts:
long-term systemic think ing if they are to not
relatively clean slates from which to build a
waste the moment of opportunity offered by
different kind of future.
Garb: Sustainable Transport: Some
challenges for Israel and Palestine
World Transport Policy & Practice
Cohn, I. (1997) "Environmental Evaluation of
Isgur, B. (1997) " Analysis of Transportation
4/1 [1998] 21 - 29
Regional Transportation Projects: the case of the
Projects in the Eilat/Eilot Regional Plan"
Middle East" unpublished manuscript, April 19.
unpublished research paper, Ar ava Institute for
Ecopeace Middle East Environmental NGO Forum
Environmental Studies, Jerusalem, D ecember.
(1997) "An Updated Inventory of New
Israel Foreign Ministry Information D ivision
Development Projects, Compiled from Reports
(1998) "Economic relations Between Israel and
Presented by the PNA, Hashemite Kingdom of
the Palestinian Authority" Background Paper,
Jordan, State of Israel, and Republic of Egypt to
the Casablanca, Amman and Cairo Middle East
Khamaisi, R. (1994) "Planning and Development of
North Africa Economic Summit" (Ecopeace
Localities in the Emerging Palestinian Entity"
Forum, East Jerusalem, March).
Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies,
Fletcher, E. and G arb, Y. (1998 ) "Transport,
Environment, Equity: Trends, Prospects and
Khaimaisi, R. (1995 ) "The Development of
Policy" Adva Institute, Tel Aviv.
Transpor tation Infrastructure in Arab Localities
Garb, Y. (1997 )
The Trans-Israel High way: Do We
in Isr ael" Floersheimer Institute for Policy
Know Enough to Proceed? Working Paper No. 5,
Studies, Jerusalem.
Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies,
Khaimaisi, R. (forthcoming) "The Implications of
Jerusalem . Available from
[email protected]
the Trans-Israel Highway for Arab localities:
Gonen, A. (199 5)
Between City and Suburb: Urban
Burden or Catalyst for Development"
Residential Patterns and P rocess es in Israel
Floersheimer Institute for Policy Studies,
Aldershot: Avebury [In particular, see Chapter
13, ‘Arab and Jews: Living Nearby but
Luria, M.
et al., (1994) "The Formation of O over
Separ ately'].
Israel: A Growing Concern and a Potential
Gonen, A. and Khaimaisi, R. (1993) "Toward a
International Issue" in
Preser vation of Our World
Policy of Urbanisation Poles for the Arab
in the Wake of Change ISEEQS, Vol. VI.
Population in Israel" Floersheimer Institute for
Peleg, A. M., Luria, M., Setter, I., Perner, D. and
Policy Studies, Jerusalem. [in Hebrew].
Russell, P. (1994) "Ozone Levels in Central
Gur, Y., Cohen, S. and Zaaga, M. (1996) "Israeli
Israel Journal of Chemistry 34, 3 75-386.
Urban Transport in the 21st Century: Trends and
Peres, S. (1993)
The New Middle East Henry Holt,
Degrees of Freedom, 2020 Master Plan for Israel,
Transpor t Team, Report 18, Stage three" [In
Solomon, I., Gur, Y. and Feitelson, E. (1996) "La nd
Transpor tation Planning - Israel 2020: Statement
Hashimshoni, G . (1995) " The Implications of Peace
of Policy" [In Hebrew].
for the Regional Land Transpor t System - Israel
United Nations Office of the Special Coordinator
as a Bridge Between Continents" paper presented
in the Occupied Territories (1997) "Economic
to the Israel Institute of Transportation Planning
and Social Conditions in the West Bank and Gaza
and Resear ch, Tel Aviv, July 23.
Strip" in
Quarterly report United Nations, New
Hashimshoni, G. (1998) "Surface Transport
Development Policy for the State of Israel" repor t
Watzman, H. (1995) "Port Plan Threatens to Strip
submitted to the Ministry of Transport, January.
Gaza's Coastline"
New Scientist July 22.
Hass, A. (1998) "One Fifth of the Population in the
Wegener, M. (1997) "Issues for a European-
Areas Lives Under the Poverty Line:
American Research Programme on the Future of
Unemployment rate-28%"
Haaretz, March 17, p
Journal of Transport Geogr aphy vol.
Hook, W. (1996) "Ten Myths About the
Whitelegg, J. (1993)
Transport for a Sustainable
Relationship Between Transportation and
Future: The case for Europe Belhaven, New York.
Economic Development". Prepared for the
World Bank (1993) "Transportation" in
Second U.N. Conference on Human Settlements,
the Occupied T err itories: An Inve stment in Peace
Istanbul, Turkey (New York: Institute for
- Vol. 5: Infrastructure Washington D.C.: The
Transpor tation and Development Policy, 1996).
Hook, W. (n.d.) "Role of Non-motorised
Zureik, E. (1996 ) "Palestinian Refugees and the
Transpor tation and Public Transport in Japan's
Peace Process" Institute for Palestine Studies,
Economic Success" Transportation Research
Washington, D.C.
Record 1441 : 108 -115.
Can Demand Management Tame theAutomobile in a Metropolitan Region?
Spenser W. Hav lickProfessor of Environmental Design,College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado,Boulder, CO 80309-0314, U.S.A. Email:
[email protected]
Peter W. G. NewmanProfessor of City Policy,Institute for Science and Technology Policy, Murdoch University,Murdoch, WA 6150, AUSTRALIA Email:
[email protected]
Pr e par ed for pr e s entation
infrastructure provided for the automobile, to
at the 37th Annual Meeting
car dependent land use patterns and to
of the Wes tern Regional
Demand management strategies can be an
economic factors (Newman and Kenworthy,
Scie nce As sociation,
effective tool in taming the automobile. The
Montere y, California.
1989; Kenworthy
et al., 1998). These studies
approaches to demand management in four
February 1 8-22, 19 98
suggest that demand management should be
European cities; Zurich, Freiburg, Stockholm
feasible. Governments and international
and Copenhagen; and Boulder, Colorado is
agencies are hence suggesting demand
invest igated.
management as a major strategy formunicipalities (OECD/ECMT, 1996).
In regional science discussions economic
factors are usually taken to be the most
Demand Management, alternative modes,
significant with the assumption that as
incomes rise there will be an inevitableincrease in the growth in automobile use (e.g.
Gordon, Kumar and Richardson, 1989).
Hence there is little point in developing
THE AUTOMOBILE continues to grow in its
demand management strategies based on
use and impact on cities around the world.
limiting infrastructure for the automobile or
For most American cities the dominant
even economic penalties as the income effect
strategy to cope with traffic has been to
will overwhelm all attempts to constrain the
increase the road capacity or shift traffic to
car. Love (1992) even goes as far as claiming
less sensitive areas. This supply management
that the automobile is ‘unstoppable' as it is
approach has been criticised increasingly
an ‘irresistible force'.
because, not surprisingly, it increases
There is thus a conflict between these two
approaches: the first suggests that public
The alternative approach is to create
policy can be effective in managing demand,
options which manage demand. Data from
the second that consumer preferences for
different cities around the world show very
cars is far too powerful for any public policy
different levels of automobile use and these
aimed at curbing this insatiable demand.
are related quite clearly to the lev el of
However, demand management can be aneffective tool in taming the automobile. Five
Table 1: A summary of automobile demand management strategies.
cities, four in Europe; Zurich, Freiburg,Stockholm and Copenhagen; and Boulder,
Slowing traffic with physical devices and narrowing
Colorado have direct experience of demand
management and all have been comm itted to
Slowing traffic with slow speed zones
policies aimed at achieving this for a number
Slowing traffic with strong policing
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Increasing infrastructure for bikes, pedestrians andtransitDecreasing parking and road capacity
D em and Manag em ent St rat eg ies
Social support for alternative modes, e.g. transit passes
There are a range of automobile demand
Economic Penalties:
Paying more of full costs of car use through fuel tax or
management techniques or approaches that
have been suggested, and these have been
Congestion pricing on SOV's at peak time
summarised into four categories as set out in
High parking fees
Table 1 opposite.
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Growth management to prevent sprawl
These approaches will be used as the basis
Urban villages around transit stops
of examining the five case studies in this
Havlick & Newman: Can Demand
Zurich (population in 1990 of 787,740),
the best car-free environments in Europe.
Management Tame the Automo-
Copenhagen (population in 1990 of
The co-ordinated campaign is so effective
bile in a Metropolitan Region?
1,711,254), Stockholm (population in 1990 of
that the modal share of car trips in Zurich for
World Transport Policy & Practice
1.64 million) and Freiburg (population in
the journey-to-work has fallen by 10%
4/1 [1998] 30 - 35
1990 of 178,343) are examples of European
between 1980 and 1990. The strategy, says
cities that have made concerted efforts to
planner Willi Husler, was "to point out other
tame the automobile through demand
better possibilities of use. That way we can
management whilst improving the q uality of
fight a guerrilla war against the car and win"
life of their citizens.
(Begbie, 1992).
The fifth case study is of Boulder,
Colorado which in 1990 had a population of88,650. Boulder is located 42 km from
Case St udy 2: Co penhagen
Denver which is the regional influence with
The approach taken by Copenhagen is
a sprawling population of 1.24 million.
summarised in Table 3.
Copenhagen has had no growth in car-use
in the old city for the past 15 years. At the
Case St udy 1: Zuric h
same time it has been able to reverse the
In the last 15 years Zurich has had a
decline in the economic vitality of the city
spectacular increase in its transit service and
et al., 1997). This has been
managed to contain its growth in car use. The
achieved by resisting any attempts to create
changes in Zurich have occurred despite
extra road capacity and to deliberately
substantial growth in per capita wealth to
remove parking capacity at a rate of 3% per
levels that are now considerably higher than
year. However this approach to infrastructure
average levels in U.S. cities (Kenworthy
has been balanced by a strong commitment to
al., 1998). The approaches taken by Zurich
bicycles with the result that the modal split
are summarised in Table 2 below.
in the city is about equal between cyclists,
Zurich's main priority after extensive
buses and cars.
pub lic consultation has been to expand their
Like many European cities Copenhagen
train and tram system, give transit priority at
had a lot of bicycle use early this century but
lights, co-ordinate interchanges, and
unlike other cities it has not removed
undertake an aggressive marketing campaign
bicycling as it modernised and became
based on its Rainbow Card. This created a
wealthy. Car usage grew and threatened the
new status for the transit pass which was
more humble b ike, b ut in the 1960s
given to employees rather than car parking
Copenhagen decided to stay with its bikes.
spaces and the Rainbow Card has now
The decision was reflected most of all in its
become over 80% of the transit system
rejection of a massive freeway system that
income. This was done instead of a proposed
had been drawn up for implementation as in
expansion of the road system after public
most developed cities at that time.
disquiet led to Cantons voting it out.
In their place and at much reduced cost
The other parts of their approach (i.e.
the city began to invest in cycleways and
trams, bus, rail, bikeways) are standard for
traffic management. Although they have only
many European cities except for the strong
300 km of separated bikeways (much less
commitment to new urban villages around
than in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities)
extended light rail lines which are some of
the city has created safety and priority forcyclists by much cheaper m eans - paint on
Table 2: Zurich's approach to automobile demand management summarised.
the roads and a successful education programthat generated a ‘culture of respect for
Regional traffic calming
cyclists'. Thus at every intersection there are
Extensive 30 km/h zones
blue strips for cyclists to ride in, giving them
priority against all turning vehicles.
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Expansion of light rail system and bike/pedestrian lanes
The result is a city where cyclists have
No extra road capacity, cap on parking
safe and easy access comparable with other
Rainbow Pass for transit system
modes. Data on traffic accidents (Kenworthy
Economic Penalties:
Usual European fuel tax and registration
et al., 1998) show Copenhagen among the
No congestion pricing
best in the world; this must have something
High parking fees
to do with the ‘culture of respect' generated
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Containment of growth
for bikes which obviously extends to all
Urban villages around new light rail lines
other road users, especially pedestrians. The
bike is now used by people of allbackgrounds, ages and incomes.
Havlick & Newman: Can Demand
The latest innovation in Copenhagen is
by 3% each year they pedestrianised more
Management Tame the Automo-
the City Bike program where colourful bikes
streets and public squares. Each year they
bile in a Metropolitan Region?
are provided free (after a deposit is placed in
also built or refurbished inner city housing
World Transport Policy & Practice
the bike- holder like an airport baggage
so people could make use of the new walking
4/1 [1998] 30 - 35
trolley). These bikes are paid for by
areas easily. They introduced into the streets
commercial advertising and are maintained
all kinds of attractive landscaping,
by the City of Copenhagen with assistance
sculptures, and seating (including 3000 seats
from the Prison system who collect and
along footpath cafés). And each y ear, they
repair damaged bikes overnight. It is hard to
introduced more buskers, markets and other
find a free bike from among the present 2,500
street life and festivals that became more and
bikes which are available but as the
more popular. As Jan Gehl said, "the city
originator of the scheme, city administrator
became like a good party".
Soren Jensen, says: "When there are 10,000
The result has been not only a reduction
bikes in a few years it will be a normal thing
in the traffic but growth in the vitality of the
for anyone downtown to just jump on a city
city area. Social and recreational activity has
bike to move around the inner city".
tripled in Copenhagen's major streets (Gehl
But Copenhagen's contribution to demand
and Gemsoe, 1996). And this despite pleas
management would not be understood unless
that: "Denmark has never had a strong urban
it was seen as a part of an innovative social
culture", "Danes will never get out of their
planning approach designed to make the city
cars", "Danes do not promenade like
more attractive to pedestrians. Professor Jan
Italians". Such pleas are heard around the
Gehl describes the process by which
world whenever a program to manage
Copenhagen began to win back its city over a
automobile demand is planned, but not all
cities capitulate to it. Copenhagen is a living
"By the 60s American values had begun to
example that car culture is not inevitable or
catch on - separate isolated homes and
everyone driving. The city was sufferingso how could we reverse these patterns?We decided to make the public realm so
Case St udy 3: St o c kho lm
attractive it would drag people back into
Stockholm, which is one of the richest cities
the streets, whilst making it
in the world, showed an absolute decline in
simultaneously difficult to go there by
car use in the 1980s in the global survey of
car" (Gehl, 1992).
cities conducted by Kenworthy
et al., (1998).
As Copenhagen reduced central area parking
Stockholm's aggressive traffic taming policiesand actions actually produced a reduction incar trips by 229 km per capita. This cutback
Table 3: Copenhagen's automobile demand management strategy summarised.
or reduction in car driving distance and car
Regional traffic calming but extensively pedestrian in
use was associated with a growth in transit
from 46 trips per person. The data for
Extensive 30 km/h zones
Stockholm in comparison to 10 U.S. cities
are given in Table 4. The approaches taken
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Emphasis on bikelanes and pedestrianisation
by Stockholm, are given in Table 5.
No extra road capacity, reduction of parking by 3% p.a.
In examining how Stockholm managed to
make such an impressive step towards
Culture of respect for bicyclists
taming the automobile it is hard to go beyondits strong commitment to land use planning
Economic Penalties:
Usual European fuel tax but very high vehicle
with a transit-led development approach.
The regulations which shape its planning
No congestion pricing
mean that everyone lives within a short walk
High parking fees
or a fast rail service to work.
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Corridors of growth
The city is strongly contained in its
Urban villages around rail lines
growth patterns and has an emphasis on re-
Mixed use in centres
urbanisation which has a big effect on travelpatterns. Data on population between 1980
Table 4: Trends in Stockholm and U.S. cities transport, 1980 to 1990.
and 1990 show an increase in t he density of
Car use (VKT) per person Transit Use trips per person
the central city, the inner city and the outer
suburbs (Kenworthy
et al., 1998). This they
achieved by building urban villages around
their rail system in the inner city (e.g. South
Source: Kenworthy
et al., 1998
Station) and in new outer suburbs (e.g.
Havlick & Newman: Can Demand
Skarpnak). These new developments are all
provide data which show how Freiburg's car
Management Tame the Automo-
dense, mixed use areas with a careful eye for
ownership has risen from 113 per 1000
bile in a Metropolitan Region?
the kind of design characteristics found in
people in 1960 to 422 per 1000 in 1990, only
World Transport Policy & Practice
the old inner city of Stockholm. But most
a little under the average for the Zurich
4/1 [1998] 30 - 35
importantly of all they are built around a
agglomeration, and only 14% less than the
quality rail service that links up the whole
national average for Germany (481 per 1000).
city. They have been popular as places to live
But as Table 6 below shows, despite this
and work and have some of the highest
growth in availability of cars, car use has
transit levels found in the world.
remained virtually constant since 1976.
Transit passengers have increased by 53%and bicycle trips have risen by 96% between
Case St udy 4: F reib urg
1976 and 1991.
Another city which has shown that it is
Freiburg's growth in car trips in 15 years
indeed practical to stop the growth of car
was only 1.3%, yet total trips increased 30%.
use, even when car ownership is growing is
Freiburg's growth in mobility was supplied
Freiburg, Germany. Pucher and Clorer (1992)
principally by increased use of publictransport and bicycling. I n fact, the share oftrips by car reduced over the 15 years from
Table 5: Stockholm's automobile demand management strategy summarised.
60% to 47%. Pucher and Clorer also show
Regional traffic calming but extensively pedestrian
how the g rowth in car ownership has also
around each rail station
begun to slow down (Freiburg had previously
Extensive 30 km/h zones
been higher in car ownership than West
Germany as a whole, whereas now it is less).
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Strong commitment to transit
The summary of Freiburg's demand
Little extra road capacity
management approach is given below in
Economic Penalties:
Usual European fuel tax and vehicle registration
Pucher and Clorer attribute Freiburg's
No congestion pricing
success at ‘taming the automobile' to a
High parking fees
combination of transportation and physicalplanning strategies:
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Corridors of transit-oriented development (TOD) and no
"First, it has sharply restricted auto use in
the city. Second it has provided
Urban villages around new rail stops
affordable, convenient, and safe
Mixed use in centres
alternatives to auto use. Finally, it hasstrictly regulated development to ensure a
Table 6: Transportation trends in Freiburg, Germany, 1976-1991
compact land use pattern that is
Transportation Factor
1991 % Increase 1976-1991
conducive to public transportation,
Total daily trips
bicycling and walking" (p. 386).
Total daily auto trips
Freiburg has restricted auto use through
Auto's share of non-pedestrian trips
mechanisms such as pedestrianisation of the
Bicycle's share of non-pedestrian trips
city centre, area-wide traffic calming
Source: Pucher and Clorer (1993)
schemes (citywide speed limit of 30 km/h inresidential areas) and more difficult,expensive parking. Freiburg's improvements
Table 7: Freiburg's automobile demand management strategy summarised.
to transit have focussed on extending andupg rading its light rail system as opposed to
Regional traffic calming but extensively pedestrian in
buses. Buses are used as feeders to the light
rail system. Land use regulations are similar
Extensive 30 km/h zones
to many other parts of Europe and have
involved limiting the overall amount of land
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Strong commitment to transit and bicycle infrastructure
available to development and strictly zoning
Little extra road capacity
land for agriculture, forests, wildlife reserves
or undeveloped open space.
Economic Penalties:
Usual European fuel tax and vehicle registration
Pucher and Clorer stress the important
No congestion pricing
automobile use savings of the more compact
High parking fees
urban patterns that have resulted from these
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Corridors of transit-oriented development and no other
latter policies. It is also worth noting that
after the Second World War it was decided to
Urban villages around rail stops
rebuild Freiburg, totally destroyed by the
Mixed use in centres
war, on the old model, not on an automobile
Havlick & Newman: Can Demand
dependent model. Pucher and Clorer note
dedicated to non-car alternatives such as
Management Tame the Automo-
that even in the post-1960s period, as
smaller buses with bicycle racks, improved
bile in a Metropolitan Region?
Freiburg expanded on f latter land to the
pedestrian crossings and footpaths, an
World Transport Policy & Practice
west, the resulting development " … is at a
expanded network of off-roadway bike paths
4/1 [1998] 30 - 35
much higher density than outlying portions
for commuters, user friendly bus passes (the
of American metropolitan areas", as well as
Eco-pass) for university students, employees,
being within easy reach of public
and entire neighbourhoods. A separate
transportation and well-served by bikeways.
division called GO BOULDER was formedwith a twelve person staff within the
Case St udy 5: Bo ulder, Co lo rado .
Transportation Department. GO BOULDER
Data on car usage in Boulder show that
staff members carry out marketing
demand management efforts shifted 42% of
campaigns, co-ordinate alternate mode
former car users who travelled to downtown
innovations and work on regional traffic
Boulder to other transportation options. This
demand management schemes. Other cities
modal shift from the car to alternative forms
throughout the Denver Metropolitan Area
of transportation took place over a four year
consult frequently with GO BOULDER staff
period and included downtown employees
in efforts to reduce Single Occupancy
and other individuals who lived in Boulder
Vehicle (SOV) uses. Experiments are
and made trips to the central business
underway to implement peak pricing or
district to their place of employment and/or
congestion pricing of SOV during rush hour.
for shopping, eating, business transactions,
Programs are in place to reduce traffic and
recreation, or to simply watch other people,
speeding in neighbourhoods with
especially along the 1 km pedestrianised
roundabouts, speed bumps, photo radar, new
Pearl Street Mall. The alternative modes used
small buses and private shuttle services
include bus, bicycle, walking, car pooling,
using main transit corridors.
and shuttle service from outlying parking
Specific car disincentive programs have
areas (park and ride).
been implemented such as doubling rates for
In 1993 the Boulder City Council
car parking to more c losely reflect car park
mandated that nearly 20% of the city's
land values, doubling parking fines, creating
transportation department annual budget be
neighbourhood parking permits for residents
reallocated away from car-related
only, and reducing the number of car spaces
expenditures such as road widening, double
required in new residential and commercial
turn lanes, more car parking, more stop
lights, and better signalling to alternative
The encouragement of telecommuting , a
mode functions. Over a fifteen year period
citywide bicycle network, 300 free bicycles
this 20% budget reallocation will be
in the Central Business District (Spokes forFolks), Bike to Work weeks, and bicycle-
Table 8 Summary of Boulder's automobile demand management strategy.
mounted police officers are part of thedemand management strategy to encourage
Extensive traffic calming including pedestrianisation of
non-car mobility.
The impact of Boulder's initiatives at the
Slow zones (30 km/h in most residential
regional level comes as an unexpected
surprise. The Denver Regional
Enforcement including digital speed displays, double
Transportation District (RTD) has installed
fines in slow zones
bike racks on all 1400 buses. Bike paths are
Favouring Alternate Modes:
Strong commitment to bicycle infrastructure
being designed with regional inter-city
Hop, Skip and Jump bus system, new rail link,
connections. Boulder is being included in
telecommuting, shuttles for kids
plans for passenger rail connections because
Little extra road capacity allowed, cap on parking with
of the proven demand for alternative
assistance to park on CBD edge
transportation modes. Other towns and cities
Eco-pass, free bikes, bus passes, computerised car
in Boulder County and the Denver Regional
pooling, flextime, four day week
Council of Government jurisdiction are either
Economic Penalties:
Usual European fuel tax and vehicle registration
duplicating Boulder's car taming
Congestion pricing for SOV's Double parking fees and
experiment s or asking that they b e
considered. Traffic calming or car
Preferential parking fees for HOV's
elimination is an integral part of land use
Non Auto Dependent Land Uses:
Growth management and green belt
regulation and zoning in Boulder's
Noise barriers and open land buffers
comprehensive plan. Mixed use development
Urban villages around rail stops
(work-live proximity), neighbourhood market
Mixed use in centres
centres, and rezoning of commercial land to
Havlick & Newman: Can Demand
reduce car journeys and work-related trips
JUMP which is planned to connect other
Management Tame the Automo-
began in 1997. Building permits which show
nearby cities with direct express services to
bile in a Metropolitan Region?
no or little need for SOV use are given
World Transport Policy & Practice
priority under the one percent per annum
4/1 [1998] 30 - 35
growth management scheme for Boulder
(Havlick, 1997).
The idea that automobile demand
Even though the average length of car trips
management is a lost cause due to consumer
has increased in Boulder over the last five
preferences, t hat inevitably mean increased
years, as it has in most Australian and some
automobility, is not supported b y the case
European cities, it is encouraging to realise
studies presented in this paper. Consumer
pub lic transport can capture car trips at the
preferences are obviously a powerful force
local level, and provide a potential model for
but in transport terms they are not inevitably
change at a regional scale.
just directed towards cars. The examples
Boulder has had a policy to try and tame
presented here show that people will
the automobile for the past ten years. It has
respond given some realistic and suitable
done this through a range of strategies which
options. They are also going to respond to
are set out in Table 8. The HOP, SKIP, and
pub lic policy which gives them options to be
JUMP bus system mentioned above in Table
more environmentally responsible, e.g. the
8 is an example of metropolitan regional co-
Eco-Pass and other similar initiatives in
operation with the major mass transit
Boulder. These results would suggest that
provider in the Denver metro area. The large,
governments can b e much more conf ident in
diesel burning Rapid Transit District (RTD)
proposing their automobile demand
bus service was very much underutilised in
management strategies, particularly if they
Boulder. They were seen as intruders and out
have a strong element of facilitating the
of place in the streets of Boulder. They were
common good.
seen not only as noisy, polluting and
In these case studies there is an important
inefficient (most were empty) but also as
message for regional institutions, regional
anti-social. The staff of GO BOULDER and
councils of governments, and even national
the Boulder City Council recognised this and
governments which wish to show a reversal
began to work out an arrangement whereby
in the consumption of fossil fuels. The
the City of Boulder would help finance a
Montreal Accords on Chlorofluorocarbons
colourful, fleet of small (24 passenger)
(CFCs) and other ozone-related gases, and the
circulator buses called the HOP in co-
concerns of the 1997 Kyoto Climate Change
operation with the RTD. It was a very
Conference can be mitigated, in part, with
successful 18-month experiment which
the encouragement and greater application of
carried 1.5 million passengers.
the case studies in this report. With the hope
As a follow up to the present HOP
demonstrated in our exemplary cities listed
circulator buses, a major north-south RTD
above, and the potential spill-over effects in
large bus route was replaced (again with city
each of their large metropolitan regions, the
and University of Colorado student funding)
prospect of regional sustainability is given
by 15 small size buses called the SKIP,
encouragement. At the very least, the
complete with bike racks and circulating on a
pragmatism of transport demand
10 minute interval. The SKIP service began
management is attracting serious attention in
in August 1997. The third phase is called the
several metropolitan areas around the world.
Gehl, J. (1992) "The Challenge of Making a Human Quality in the
II: An International Databook. In Preparation.
City" in
Perth Beyond 2000 Proceedings of the City Challenge
Love, C. (1992) "Cars and D emographics"
Access , 1: 4 -11 Berkeley
Conference, Perth, September.
Transpor tation Center.
Gehl, J. and Gemsoe, L. (1996)
Public Life and Public Spaces,
Newman, P.W.G. and Kenworthy, J.R. (1989)
Cities and
Royal D anish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen.
Automobile Dep ende nce: A n Inter national Sourcebook. Gower ,
Gordon, P., Kumar, A. a nd Richardson, H.W. (1989) "The
Aldershot, U.K.
Influence of Metropolitan Spatia l Structure on Commuting
Newman, P.W.G., Kenworthy, J.R. and Laube, F. (1997) "The
Journal of Urban Economics , 26, 138-14 9.
Global City and Sustainability" Fifth International Workshop on
Havlick, S.W., (1997) "Great Cities for the 21st Century" Presented
Technology and Urban Form, Jakarta, June.
at UNEP Regional Workshop for Asia/Pacific: Adopting,
OECD/E CMT, (1996)
Urban Trave l and Sustainable De velopment
Applying and Operating Environmentally Sound Technologies
for Ur ban Management, Session 18.
Pucher, J. and Clorer, S. (1992) "Taming the Automobile in
Kenworthy, J.R.,
et al. (1998)
Cities and Automobile Depende nce
Germ any"
Transportation Quarterly 46: 3:38 3-395 .
The Impact of Transportation onHousehold Energy Consumption
Rick Bro wning, AIABrowning•Shono Architects, 2701 NW Vaughn, Suite 437, Portland, Oregon 97210,U.S.A.
[email protected]
Michele Helo uChurch & Merrill Architects, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
[email protected]
Paul A. LarocqueCarleton Hart Architecture, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
The auth or s compute d th e
Land use patterns that reinforce travel in
values in this paper in
single occupancy vehicles (SOV) are
British the rmal units (Btu).
This paper examines transportation energy
increasingly the Pacific Northwest's, and
The s e have be e n conve r te d
costs as an integral part of total household
into in Joules and
America's, preferred context for single-family
Me g aJoule s.
energy consumption. A typical suburban
residential development (Figure 1). As would
1 Btu = 1055.06 J = 252
household is found to expend more than half
be expected, vehicle k ilometres travelled
calor ie s
its total annual energy budget on operation of
(VKT) per capita have also been steadily
1 MJ = 947.81 Btu = 238.85
household motor vehicles. In contrast,
growing during this period of suburban
households located in traditional, pedestrian-
expansion (Figure 2).
oriented neighbourhoods are found to use farless energy on t ransportation. For aninstructive contrast, two household budgets
Figure 1: Populations of Idaho, Oregon & Wasghington
were generated using a standard computer
living in cities and suburbs areas, 1950-90 (From US Census)
program and then compared. With
transportation energies included, a
household living in an 88 year old ‘energy
hog' house located in a traditional pedestrian
friendly neighbourhood is shown to expend
less total annual energy than a suburbanhousehold living in a highly energy efficient
modern house. Studies and statistics
developed in the Pacific Northwest are used
Fig. 1: Shares of Population of Idaho, Oregon, and
as documentation for travel-related
Figure 2: Daily distance driven per c
Washington Living in Cities and Suburbs Areas,1950-'90
apita in Idaho,
From US Bureau of the Census Publications
Oregon & Washington, 1957-95 (From FHWA Highway Statistics)
Energy, Houses, Modal choice.
Bac k g round and G eneral A ppro ac h
AT A TIME when home-buyers' and
architects' interest in energy-savingtechnology and design strategies is once
1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
again on the increase, residential
Fig. 2: Daily Distance Driven per Capita
neighbourhood typology and its profound
To document what fraction of a typical
Idaho, Oregon and Washington,1957-'95
impact on lev els of household energy use
annual household energy budget is
From FHWA Highway Statistics currently
and pollution ironically remains an almost
devoted to transportation, both automobile
negligible concern for many ‘green'
and household operating budgets have been
practitioners and consumers. The intent of
converted to common units - Joules.
this paper is to examine annual
Calculations included the energy lost as
transportation energy use as an integral part
waste heat during the process of generating
of total household energy budgets and to
and delivering smaller quantities of useful
suggest certain changes as a result of our
energy. Thus, the energy consumed by an
Browning, Helou & Larocque: The
findings. Statistics and climatic conditions
automobile is estimated by multiplying the
Impact of Transportation on
for the Pacific Northwest have been used, but
number of litres of gasoline consumed by the
Household Energy Consumption
the conclusions of the paper are applicable to
entire average energy c ontent per litre (36
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998] 36 - 39
all regions of the U.S.A.
MJ). In a similar way the energy lost when
Browning, Helou & Larocque: TheImpact of Transportation onHousehold Energy Consumption
World Transport Policy & Practice4/1 [1998] 36 - 39
Figure 3: Suburban house used in comparison modelling
generating electricity and firing a gas furnace
Figure 4: Daily trip generation in the Portland area
(central heating boiler) is also included in the
(From Metro Travel Results, Portland, OR)
total budgets. The efficiency for electricpower generation and delivery is estimated atapproximately 38% and furnace efficiency is
estimated at 70% (including fuel
transmission loss).
A Tale of Two Neighbourhoods
To illustrate how strongly neighbourhoodtype affects overall household energyconsumption two contrasting residences in
Vehicle Miles per Ca
two different neighbourhoods have beenselected. Reasonable household space
heating budgets were generated using astandard computer program for building
performance (Energy Scheming). Estimated
yearly demands for all types of energy
consuming devices and appliances using data
from the Nevada Power Company were thenitemised and added in to the basiccalculations to arrive at total annual houseenergy consumption. Both houses were
modelled with gas furnaces of equal
efficiency, in use identical lengths of time,with thermostats set at the same temperature.
All other energy consuming devices in each
house were assumed to be electric, with
equal loads, except as noted in the
description of House #1 below.
Household #1 (Figure 3) lives in a 186 m2
(2,000 s.f.) house (average size for new
construction during 1995-96 in the sixcounty area around Portland, Oregon) located
in a suburban neighbourhood. Walking forutilitarian errands is not practical. Access to
Browning, Helou & Larocque: The
mass transit is inconvenient and use of a
substantially more daily trips without a car
Impact of Transportation on
bicycle for transportation is intimidating.
than their suburban counterparts (Figure 4).
Household Energy Consumption
Based on averages from recent studies of
Automobile usage is assumed to be 24,000
World Transport Policy & Practice
aggregate odometer readings in this type of
km (15,000 miles) per annum for Household
4/1 [1998] 36 - 39
new suburban neighbourhood, household
# 2 (Calthorpe, 1993).
automobile usage is assumed to be 48,000 km
House # 2 is an early 20th century ‘energy
(30,000 miles) per annum (Calthorpe, 1993).
hog' with no insulation, single-pane
The Bonneville Power Administration's
windows, poor south orientation and a large
‘Super Good Cents' building
amount of infiltration coming in throug h
recommendations were followed in House
almost 90 years worth of cracks and gaps in
# 1, taking performance considerably beyond
the exterior envelope. With the exception
basic code minima, with a calculated space
noted in the description for Household # 1,
heating budget for northwestern O regon of
the family of Household # 2 owns all the
44,210 MJ per annum. In comparison to
same types of appliances, lights and climate
Household # 2, a slight but measurably
control devices as Household # 1 and uses
greater desire for comfort has been assumed
them with equal frequency.
as regards the choice and use of household
Household #2 has a calculated space
appliances. For example, Household # 1 has a
heating budget of 141,380 MJ per annum, and
quick recovery water heater, while
the house, with all other appliances, etc.
Household # 2 does not. Household # 1 has a
added in, consumes a total 248,570 MJ per
566 litre (20 cu. ft.) frost-free refrigerator,
annum. House # 1 is therefore 149% more
while Household # 2 has a 453 litre (16 cu.
efficient than House # 2 while also being
ft.) manual defrost model. House # 1, with all
143% larger.
energy-using devices combined consumes a
Under the assumption (currently being
total 167,120 MJ per annum.
researched by the authors) that families
Household # 2 lives in an 88 year old 130
facing increased driving demands, especially
m2 (1,400 s.f.) frame house located in a
those with children, tend to choose
traditional, inner city neighbourhood of
somewhat larger, more commodious vehicles,
Portland, Oregon. A wide range of retail
Household # 1 is assigned cars with fuel
shops and basic services are located within a
ratings in the current range of sport utility
few blocks of House # 2, accessible by foot
vehicles and family vans - about 11 litres/100
along pleasant, tree-lined streets. Mass transit
km (21 mpg). Household # 2 is assigned the
is nearby and convenient. A ty pical trip to
current normal passenger car average of 8.3
the regional centre of downtown Portland
litres/100 km (28 mpg).
takes about 10 minutes by bicycle or bus. An
Household # 1's car energy budget is
in-depth travel survey conducted in 1996 by
190,080 MJ per annum, making a total (car +
Metro, the Portland area's regional planning
house) energy consumption for Household # 1
authority, used thousands of detailed ‘travel
of 357,200 MJ per annum. Car energy
diaries' to document individual
consumption is therefore more than 50% of
transportation choices. Results showed that
the total. Household #2's car energy budget is
residents in Household # 2's type of
71,712 MJ per annum, making a total energy
consumption for Household # 2 of 320,282 MJ
neighbourhood not only drive less, but make
per annum. The comparison of these
Table 1: Amalgamation of the various calculations for the two households
reduced car use
CARdistance travelled
fuel used (litres)
Browning, Helou & Larocque: The
household totals shows that the household in
Impact of Transportation on
the traditional neighbourhood (Household
Design and construction professionals
Household Energy Consumption
# 2), living with uninsulated walls, single-
concerned with reducing our profligate rate
World Transport Policy & Practice
pane windows, etc., still uses approximately
of energy use must begin to take a more
4/1 [1998] 36 - 39
10% less energy per annum than the ‘Super
proactive stance in favour of m ixed use,
Good Cents' suburban house, despite its R26
pedestrian-oriented development. Although
walls, R38 ceilings, U-0.30 windows, etc.
pollution and other adverse environmental
Automobile use makes the difference,
impacts stemming from overuse of private
comprising 53% of the suburban household's
automobiles have not been addressed by this
total annual energy b udget, but only 22% of
paper, when these impacts are also
the inner city household's budget.
considered, increased emphasis on
If, through extraordinary measures, the
pedestrian-oriented neighbourhoods becomes
suburban house goes off-line entirely,
even more imperative for a sustainable
becoming a self-reliant ‘earthship', while the
traditional neighbourhood household merely
While design professionals are limited in
upg rades to current Oregon energy code
what they can control, it is suggested that a
minima, calculations indicate that the
first step towards promoting greater
suburban household can turn the tables on
household energy efficiency should be to
their traditional neighbourhood counterparts.
include estimated energy consumption by
In this scenario the suburban earthship
motor vehicles in presentations to clients and
household will have an energy budget of
peers on the efficiency of specific design
190,080 MJ per annum, (car alone). After
commissions. Information presented in this
upg rading to energy code minima the
paper begins to show how average
traditional neighbourhood house energy
transportation costs could be estimated based
consumption would be reduced to 138,110
on neighbourhood typology and then
MJ per annum, making a total (car + house)
converted to units compatible with other
of 209,822 MJ per annum - just 11% more
expressions of residential energy
than the off-grid suburban earthship. By
consumption. In this way the ‘invisible', but
reducing VKT per annum by 6607 km, or
huge, energy cost of personal vehicles in
about 27.53% of their annual total, the
non-urban env ironments would be made
traditional neighbourhood household could,
more generally apparent; those projec ts in
in conjunction with the aforementioned
pedestrian-friendly urban environments
upg rades, eq ual the energy performance of
could likewise receive greater credit for their
the suburban earthship household.
now often unrecognised role in energyconservation.
Many clients have a sincere desire to build
ho use and y est erday 's t radit io nal
in a sustainable fashion. However, expanding
the consciousness of these clients to think of
From these results we therefore conclude
sustainable design not just in terms of
that for America's foreseeable future
building materials and operating costs is of
influencing household transportation choices
vital importance. In many cases they may not
offers the greatest opportunity for household
have thought through the full impacts of
energy conservation rather than
transportation and how suc h energy c osts
implementing additional energy-saving
can be incorporated into the design process.
architectural design features. Attempts to
Architects and design professionals of all
affect transportation behaviour are often
descriptions should be looking beyond the
dismissed as ‘social engineering' and thus
technics of construction and the property
outside the proper realm of planners and
lines of a specific project site. We must begin
architects. However, a growing amount of
educating our clients that where we build
hard data, including the studies cited in this
ultimately has more impact on our
paper, document how the built environment
overburdened environment than what we
in the form of neighbourhood typology
influenc es travel behaviour. A singleexample is telling - according to the Metro
travel survey walking comprises 7.6% of all
Calthorpe, P. (1993)
The Ne xt American
trips in Portland's suburbs and 28.5% in
Metropolis Princeton Arch. Press, Princeton.
mixed-use traditional neighbourhoods.
Daily Journal of Commerce (1996) "Metro Travel
Residents of this particular neighbourhood
Survey Results" Portland, Or egon, Dec. 30.
type are thus four times more likely to go by
Nevada Power Company (n.d.)
Conservation With
Household Ap pliances 6-90/5M/BOW , Las Vegas,
foot on a given daily errand than are their
From Curitiba to Quito:Reserved traffic lanes for public transport as anecological, economic and social policy for cities
Beno î t Lambe rtAssistant, Faculté de Droit, Université de Genèv eDépartment d'histoire du droit et des doctrines juridiques et politiques,102 boulevard Carl-Vogt, CH-1211 Genève 4, Switzerland.
[email protected]
The currency used is the
inaugurated in April 1996.
Its conception is inspired by a model
Quito's new trolleybus is a great success. It is
praised by more than one observer - the
being expanded already. Consisting of a
transport system in Curitiba which, besides
know-how transfer from a Latin American
mobility, integrates social objectives.
city, Curitiba (Brazil), to another Latin
Applying the conclusions of long term
American city, Quito (Ecuador), these two
research, adapting these to limited economic
experienc es display a new and original
resources, t he transport network of Curitiba
development model. By occupying urban
is part of a development strategy integrating
space, and therefore limiting the presence of
land use by giving priority to mobility rather
the c ar, too often promoted without
than to a particular transport mode. I ndeed,
considering environmental and ecological
too often the car or the underground railway
consequenc es, the ‘reserved structuring axes'
are presented as the panacea as soon as a city
for public transport allow high mobility at
reaches one million inhabitants. Curitiba
low cost. The advantages of this model are
shows, in a spectacular way, to which extent
numerous and could profit many other cities.
these are erroneous views. According to a
Today, more and more questions of
new concept, planning does not only mean to
technological choices are part of the political
fulfil demand; it aims at pulling up the
and ecological debate. Transport is no longer
quality of life of a whole community.
a secondary issue.
Now, is Quito a case where a country from
the so-called South transfers to another
country from the South its understandingand, to make this occurrence ev en more
Trolleybus, urban transport, Curitiba, Quito.
interesting, a know-how that goes towardssustainable development? This is what the
construction of Quito's trolleybus seems toreveal. With advice from the United Nations
DO RESERVED traffic lanes for public
Development Programme, Quito appears as
transport augur a re-humanisation of cities?
one of the first cities to take advantage of this
That is what the new trolleybus in Quito
new approach.
seems t o demonstrate. A ll the newspapers in
A remake of Curitiba's experience in
Ecuador write about it. A city with a
Ecuador's capital could confirm the
conservative reputation, decision centre of an
structuring effect, from an urban as well as
old landlord oligarchy today losing some of
from an economic viewpoint, of an
its influence, Quito's trolleybus gives the
innovative development policy integrating
Ecuadorian capital a refreshingly modern
land planning with transport policies. As it
look. With 1.2 million inhabitants, the city
is, Curitiba brings the proof that a transport
spreads in a valley measuring 44 kilometres
system with reserved surface lanes, offers a
by 6; a modern centre with shantytowns
quality service that can be compared to an
stretching at its northern and southern ends
underground railway but at a much lower
for 10 kilometres. And of course, growing
cost. By its occupation of the space normally
transport problems, apparently unavoidable.
attributed to the private car, reserved surface
Yet, traffic jams are not a law of nature and
traffic lanes avoid the numerous dictates
Mr. Jamil Mahuad, the youthful, newly
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
imposed by the ‘cars-only' society. This way,
Reserved traffic lanes for public
elected mayor of Quito, had the intention to
a response is given to people's mobility
transport as an ecologically, eco-
end a ‘laissez-faire' policy. Anchor point of
needs, thus integrating the constraints of
nomic and social policy for cities.
his strategy: the construction of an 11 km
global ecology, the new player in
World Transport Policy & Practice
long trolleybus route across town, officially
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
international relations. Before presenting
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
Quito's experience, let us f irst see what
buildings six floors high are allowed on the
Reserved traffic lanes for public
makes the suc cess of Curitiba's model.
structuring axes themselves. This density co-
transport as an ecologically, eco-
efficient is reduced the further you go from
nomic and social policy for cities.
pub lic transport. This legislation that orients
World Transport Policy & Practice
Curitib a - more t han an example - a
planning in the centre, encourages the
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
development of new commercial and
In 1992, while experts and politicians meet
residential zones along the structuring axes.
by the thousands at the Earth Summit in Rio
Pollution and noise problems, excessive
de Janeiro to elaborate a Charter to save the
concentration of commercial activities in the
planet, a Brazilian mayor tours his model
centre, and its domination by banking,
city with his guests. To the world, he
financial and service activities are therefore
explains what as been done to avoid traffic
limited. This policy has allowed the creation
jams and pollution, to offer citizens
of a convivial and vibrant city centre, day
breathable air, clean sidewalks and green
and night. Today, 49 blocks linking parks
parks. Politicians from major cities listened
and bus terminals are pedestrian and for 1
and learned that a megalopolis can become
square meter of green space per capita in
liveable without putting its public finances
1970, the city had 50 in 1992. Curitiba has
in peril. Traffic is surprisingly fluid, thanks
also reached an equilibrium between high
mainly to efficient public transport, an
density commercial and residential zones
incitement for city dwellers to leave their car
and the public transport offer. The municipal
at home. Buses have priority and drive at
authority itself acquired land along the
high speed on avenues, thanks to double
structuring axes to build housing for lower
reserved central corridors: 2000 buses
income earners - close to public transport,
transport 1.3 million commuters every day.
those people are better located to integrate
The success of the Paraná State capital
into economic activity.
(population 2 million) is unique: it breaks
For a single, low fare, good on the entire
with more than one myth on the necessity of
network, Curitiba's public transport is
massive investment (not to say pharaonic), in
organised as a ‘surface subway' with
pub lic transportation. While in Europe,
terminals in which the traveller can circulate
Copenhagen (population 1 million) is one of
and shop, later changing route without
the major cities to have seriously limited its
having to pay for a new journey. The
access to cars, Curitiba has succeeded in
terminals are attractive; beautified by
encouraging an important modal orientation
flowers, trees and a pleasant architecture. In
towards the bus. A study by Kaufmann and
this, one of the central ideas of the transport
Guidez (1996) of Bern, Genev a and Lausanne
system is the ease with which people can
in Switzerland; and Besançon, Grenoble and
transfer from a local bus to an express one,
Toulouse in France shows how difficult this
and later take another local service, all this in
exercise is.
a pleasant environment. The new stations,
Mr. Jaime Lerner, three times mayor of the
with ‘boarding tubes' equipped with
city before being elected as State governor in
platforms reaching the height of the bus
1995, has been a key actor in this success. An
floor, greatly reduce the time necessary for
architect and town planner, he had been the
passengers to get on and off the buses.
second director (1968-69) of the Curitiba
Thanks to these boarding tubes, it is possible
Research and Urban Planning Institute. First
to double the number of passengers per hour.
a theoretician, he became the competent
Compared with traditional buses operating
prime contractor of the urban development
on a road where cars are allowed, these buses
strategy of Curitiba around ‘five main
transport three times as many passengers. As
structuring axes'. Each of these central roads
it is, the reserved lanes make the system
contains two express bus lanes flanked by
profitable. The boarding tube imagined in
local roads; one block away to either side run
Curitiba, eliminates the need for ticket
high-capacity one-way streets heading into
control on buses because the fare is paid
and out of the city centre. But what makes
before getting on the boarding platform. Also,
the originality and the strength of the
motorised equipment is f ixed to the platform,
Curitiba model is its successful integration of
allowing access for handicapped. Finally,
land-use legislation with transport policy.
Curitiba's buses are painted according totheir function allowing for easy
Integration of land-use and transport policy
identification: express services are red, green
In the area adjacent to each axis, the land-use
buses travel between neighbourhoods, those
legislation encourages high density
coming to town from suburbs are yellow.
occupation, while the construction of
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
Privatise transport without privatising the
may be withdrawn if the agreement is not
Reserved traffic lanes for public
respected, but would of course be preceded
transport as an ecologically, eco-
According to Jonas Rabinovitch, the former
by warnings or financial sanctions. A dding to
nomic and social policy for cities.
director of foreign relations for Curitiba and
their payment per km served, every company
World Transport Policy & Practice
today employed by the United Nations
gets a monthly rate of return on the capital
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
Development Program, the ‘express buses on
invested in the bus fleet of 1% and a yearly
reserved lanes', at $0.2 million per km, are
3% return on administrative costs for
considerably less expensive to develop than
equipment and infrastructure. Furthermore,
a surface light rail system ($20 million per
the municipality often buys the old buses at
km) or an underground subway, typically
the end of their useful lifecycle, to use them
$60-100 million per km (Rabinovitch and
as mobile schools or for cultural activities,
Leitman, 1996). It represents an affordable
etc. According to
Urbanisação de Curitiba,
solution in a country with limited financial
75% of the population uses pub lic transport,
resources. This price differential needs a
thus explaining its good financial heath
clarification: in Curitiba it includes the
despite the absence of direct subsidies. The
financing and construction of boarding tubes,
fares paid by the users are put in a city fund
reserved lanes and terminals by the city; it
and the private companies are paid every ten
does not include the acquisition of buses, an
days. In short, a private-public partnership,
investment done by private companies, thus
but without the influence of purely financial
explaining the extraordinary low cost. But
interests on urban planning.
this gap is not nec essarily overestimated - thecost of the underground subway in Rio de
Mo da l orien t a tio n
Janeiro reaches an extraordinary $200
Despite its 500,000 cars, 250 per 1000
million per km on some sections. Quito's
inhabitants, more per capita than any other
trolleybus which receives no private
city in Brazil (see Box 1), Curitiba doesn't
financing cost $65 million for 11 km, that is
have a traffic problem. According to the
$5.91 million per km, including vehicle
Bonilha Institute based in the region, 28% of
bus users in Curitiba would use their car if
Rabinovitch admits that these are
the bus priority measures did not exist, thus
estimates as construction costs vary greatly
resulting in gasoline consumption which is
from city to city. Still, the numbers speak for
25% lower than in other similar Brazilian
themselves: buses or trolleybuses are tens of
cities (Rabinovitch and Leitman, 1996). In
times cheaper than subways.
this, the public transport system is directly
"By putting concrete and asphalt above the
responsible for the relatively low pollution
ground instead of excavating to place steel
level registered in Curitiba despite the use of
rails underneath it, the city managed to
buses running with diesel motors. Besides
achieve most of the goals that subways strive
the health benefits of this strategy, the
for at less than 5% of the initial cost."
savings this transport policy allows for the
(Rabinovitch and Leitman, 1996, p. 30)
population is one of its very positive effects -
With the money saved, Curitiba endeavours
on average, they spend only 10% of their
to respond to the people's needs, including a
income on transport (Newman, 1996), a ratio
very successful program in environmental
that is low for this part of the world where
education for children from
favelas. Also, the
the poor easily can spend up to 25% of a
buses are free for certain citizens or State
meagre income on transport (World Bank,
employees: people aged more than 65, the
1994). The attractiveness of the public
police, school children in uniform, and
transport network invites inhabitants to
firemen and postmen in uniform.
move more than they would do otherwise:
The integ rated bus transport system with
they make 202 trips a year against 158 in São
reserved lanes built since 1974 is therefore a
mixed enterprise: it is formed by
The boarding tubes, the automatic fare
Urbanisação de Curitiba, a municipal
collection, bus priority at traffic lights (using
institution, and 10 private companies under
transponders); these are among technical
the eye of the Curitiba Research and Urban
improvements progressively introduced for
Planning Institute. 2000 buses, owned by
the optimisation of the transport system and
those companies, operate on routes
a low operating cost. New measures are
authorised by the municipality in response to
constantly studied by the Curitiba Research
pub lic demand. They are obliged to follow
and Urban Planning Institute which plays a
certain requirements established by the city
central role in this success. For example,
and are paid a fee per kilometre served as
buses with a double articulation, unique in
specified in the route permit. Authorisations
the world, are built by Volvo for Curitiba. In
Box 1: A Not e on Numb ers
use since 1992, they have a capacity for 270passengers, against 170 for buses with asingle articulation. For a 59% increase in its
Data appearing in publications on transport can be far from data presented in the
capacity, the fuel consumption increase is
original source, as terms used for car ownership are sometimes misunderstood or
just 16%. The development of a local market
calculations lack accuracy. In
An Urbanizing World Passenger Cars is evaluated at 15
for this kind of bus - 33 buses with bi-
for Ecuador (p. 275); but ‘Motor Cars', in the Statistical Annex (p. 524), at 36.9. Brazil
articulation sold at $450,000 each - prompted
goes from 83 to 88, etc. Quite relevant is a note which explains that "motor cars … refer
Volvo to open a plant in the city.
to passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Special purpose vehicle such as
Again and again, the example of Curitiba
motorcycles, trams, ambulances … are excluded". Figures on "passenger, motor or
refutes the contemporary belief that costly
private cars" often suffer from the absence of such a definition.
technical solutions are the panacea to urbanproblems. Many planners have said in the
Clearly, for the moment, passenger cars in Ecuador are much less numerous than motor
past that cities with a population of more
cars as defined here above. At the Office for Statistics in Quito, I found that total vehicle
than one million must build a subway to
ownership went from 299,866 in 1984 to 463,289 in 1994, including automobiles which
avoid traffic congestion. The dominant
are up from 85,717 to 156,756. This last figure corresponds to passenger cars doubling
dogma also says that cities producing more
as mentioned on page 275 of
An Urbanizing World, even if the year of reference (1985
than 1000 tons of solid waste per day, need
or latest year) lacks precision.
expensive plant to separate garbagemechanically. Curitiba has neither with
Most, if not all major research centres, e.g. World Watch Institute, World Resources
results that could surprise quite a few
Institute, etc. - take the
World Motor Vehicle Data, published by the American
‘experts'. Exemplary without having solved
Automobile Manufactures Association, as source for their figures. In this publication,
all problems of a Southern city, will the
registrations are presented in two columns: passenger cars and commercial vehicles. As
Curitiba model be emulated? The interest of
it also gives the population for every country, car ownership and commercial vehicles
Quito's trolleybus project is precisely that it
per 1000 inhabitants can be calculated. Population per car and per vehicle is given.
seems to announce the appearance of a new
According to
World Motor Vehicle Data (1998) with data from 1996, global passenger
development logic. It can be hoped that it
car ownership is 486 millions (from 480 in 1994), commercial vehicles 185 millions (from
will not be limited to transport.
150 in 1994) giving a total of 671 million registrations (from 629 in 1994). This is one carfor every twelve human beings or a four wheel (or more) motor vehicle for every 9
people. The World Motor Vehicle Data appear as the prime source for data on vehicle
heart o f t he pub lic
registration. In fact, since the International Road Transport Union and the United Nations
Will the suc cess of Curitiba be repeated in
Development Programme are no longer producing this information, it may now be the
Quito? Since the opening of the trolleybus in
only source available on a regular basis.
Quito at the beginning of 1996, criticism has
Table 1: Car and commercial vehicles ownership in selected countries (per
become rare. Before the advent of the
1000 people)
trolleybus it took up to two hours to coverthe route between Villa Flora station, in the
An Urbanizing World, World Motor Vehicle Data 1998
South of the capital, and the Y station, in the
(pp. 522-525)
North. Today, the journey time has been
halved. The trolleybuses have replaced the
old, polluting, noisy, uncomfortable buses
with their irregular routes and schedules. At
a rate of one trolleybus ev ery two minutes,
hooked to the electric cable that feeds its
motor, it runs on private lanes. Inspired by
those b uilt in Curitiba, the 40 stops (one
every 400 meters), are real boarding
Notes: * Data for Brazil, U.S.A. and Japan in
An Urbanizing World are from the
World Resources Report 1996-
platforms alike those in a modern train
97 of the World Resources Institute quoting the
World Motor Vehicle Data 1993 (data for 1991). Other data
An Urbanising World come from Table 29 of United Nations (1988 )
Compendium of Social Statistics and
station. Access to the trolleybus is eased by a
mobile steel plate that comes down in front
The total of motor cars for Japan in
An Urbanising World is certainly a mistake. In
of the three doors when they open, giving
addition, we may wonder if the reduction of passenger cars in Brazil is real - or just a
access to the buses at floor level.
change of definition - while the total goes up and commercial vehicles are multiplied by
The trolleybus carries not less than
four! Also worth noting is the amazing reduction of passenger cars and the increase of
170,000 passengers each day, a popularity
commercial vehicle ownership in the U.S.A., or this may reflect the explosion in ‘jeep' or
much higher than initially expected. As a
‘recreational vehicle' (RV) ownership. Whether criteria defining ‘Commercial Vehicles'
result, its frequency during peak demand
have changed or more Americans are driving RVs, ‘Passenger Car' ownership in the
periods will be doubled. After six months of
U.S.A. has changed from 147 millions in 1991 to 130 millions in 1996 and Commercial
service, out of one thousand peoplequestioned, 75% were in favour of the
Vehicle ownership has risen from 48 millions in 1991 to 77 millions in 1996.
trolleybus, with only 2% dissatisfaction. The
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
others qualify it as acceptable,
regular in
people coming from distant poor suburbs
Reserved traffic lanes for public
Spanish. ‘People love the trolley and they
(wealthier neighbourhoods are located
transport as an ecologically, eco-
respect it,' confirms engineer Raúl
mainly in the centre). That way, a certain
nomic and social policy for cities.
Maldonada, director of the operation unit of
amount of wealth redistribution occurs. It is
World Transport Policy & Practice
the trolleybus system. The new equipment
vital that the transport service is affordable
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
offers security, regularity and speed to
on the one hand to those on low income, and
commuters, who used to lose a lot of time in
attractive and safe on the other to attract
their everyday transport (
El Comercio,
wealthier commuters who would otherwise
August 9, 1996). The building of a subway
be tempted to commute by car and whose
line or a fast tram on rails was withdrawn
modal choice could negate any public
because of the weakness of buildings in the
transport fluidity. We may wonder if this
old historical centre, classified a world
kind of solidarity by sharing the mobility
heritage site by UNESCO in 1978.
cost would have been possible in the case of
Consequently, in January 1994, the City
a major investment, like a subway?
Council took the decision, to build an
Operating the feeder buses
electric bus in reserved lanes with access by
alimentadores' making the link with
elevated boarding platforms and purchase in
trolleybuses, are offered as contracts to the
advance tickets, inspired from the Curitiba
private sector and the entrepreneur is paid
per kilometre served. The municipalitymanages this common fund and covers the
A financial health allowing project extension
deficit on certain routes by its gains on other
Of the $65 million that Quito's trolleybus has
lines, including the trolleybus line. While in
cost, $50 million have been borrowed; half
Curitiba the service on the entire network is
from a Spanish development fund at an
provided by the private sector, the operation
interest rate almost nil (0.3%), with
in Quito is carried out by the municipality
repayment beginning after ten years; the
(trolleybuses) and, for the other part, by
other half borrowed from OECD at 8% p.a.
small private entrepreneurs, some of them
for 12 years, with two years interest-free.
owning only one feeder bus. Those small
Instant success on its initial phase, Quito's
entrepreneurs have to respec t certain norms.
trolley extension and the increase of
The maximum bus age has been reduced
frequencies for the existing section should
from 27 years to 20 as a first step to reduce
begin in a few months. Twelve additional
pollution - vehicles achieving European
kilometres will be built - adding to the
Union standards are becoming more common
existing 11 km - making the trolleybus cross
since the Transport Planning and
Quito on half its length. The new
Management Unit of Quito began managing
investments reach $110 million for 59 new
the sector, supervised by the police in the
vehicles. This development will be done in
past. Finally, it is noteworthy that, as has
two trenches of $55 million, the first one
been the case in France for the building of
planned to end in March 1999. Let us note
tram lines in Grenoble, Lille, Strasbourg and
that in this first phase, $2.4 million will go to
Nantes, the inauguration of Quito's
expanding a radio transponder system giving
trolleybus has been the topic of animated
priority to the trolleybuses at traffic lights as
political debate and the re-election of Mr.
is the case in the Curitiba. It is expected that
Mahuad as mayor is associated by most
once the trolleybus is completed, it will
observers with this event.
transport 300,000 Quiteños daily. At themoment the fare for a trip is approximately$0.28, with the possibility to buy books of
To wards sus t ainab le so c iet ies in the
tickets (10 trips for $2, 50 for approximately
t went y- f irst c entury
$7) and $0.20 for students, children and
According to official statistics, the number of
cars would have doubled in Ecuador between
If those fares seem low to the most
1984 and 1994. At the present rate, the
favoured of the world economy, they are high
Earth's car population will reach a billion
for many inhabitants of the Ecuadorian
within twenty-five years, this means a
capital. This is why, inspired once again by
doubling of cars now on the road. (Tunali,
Curitiba's experience, a single fare policy is
1996) Will the ‘Autosphere' destroy the
applied: either the traveller is taking one bus,
Biosphere in which we live and on which we
many buses, many buses plus the trolleybus
depend? Climate change, biodiversity
or just the trolleybus. As in Curitiba, the
destruction, pollution of seas: the threat is
revenues are collected centrally, short trips
real. What is at stake with traffic calming
are the same price as longer ones done by
goes well beyond the quality of life in c ities
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
(Lambert, 1998).
consequenc es of a rapid motorisation in the
Reserved traffic lanes for public
In Ecuador, as in other developing
world', in particular the uncontrolled
transport as an ecologically, eco-
countries, car manufacturers invest in
development of the private car, will be
nomic and social policy for cities.
promoting new roads. (Let us not forget that
judged on facts by all those concerned with
World Transport Policy & Practice
in the 1930s, Los Angeles had the largest
the issue (World Bank, 1996, p.3).
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
streetcar network in the world. To
Meanwhile, in Europe many cities such as
understand how it has been dismantled (as in
Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Bern, Zurich,
almost every other American city) by General
Basel, Grenoble and Strasbourg, are trying to
Motors, Ford and Chrysler with help from
win back control of their streets and public
other multinationals, see Snell, 1974. The
spaces by developing public transport,
PBS network (U.S.A.) film
Taken for a Ride
cycling paths and walking zones. Like
(1996), describes how the automobile and
Curitiba in Latin America, Copenhagen is
petroleum industries orchestrated a
really a model in Europe - as early as 1962,
campaign to dismantle public transport and
the Danish capital developed cycling lanes
cultivated a dependency on private
(by progressively getting rid of parking
motorisation.) General Motors will open
spaces along the streets) and an exemplary
shortly a new assembly plant in Quito. Yet,
pub lic transport system. Today, there are
negative effects of the car are well known -
10% less cars in the city than in 1970; 33%
urban sprawl, pollution, road accidents,
of trips are done by bicycle (thanks to a
anonymity of cities framed by and for the car.
favourable topography, and despite
Their destructive impacts have been known
changeable and sometimes difficult weather),
in cities like Mexico where, it is said, some
a proportion that equals that of public
children have never seen a star… smog being
transport and the automobile.
permanent. Road infrastructures often cross
It has been said that Latin American cities
poor suburbs where inhabitants have little
are built more like European c ities than
means to oppose mega-projects undertaken
North American megalopolises. This
with the blessing and the financial support of
character is of course threatened by urban
big international organisations. Barely
sprawl which cannot be dissociated from car
motorised, they are the victims, more than
use. Recently, Eduardo Galeano has criticised
the beneficiaries, of those projects.
the attitude of his compatriots towards the
Walter Hook from the Institute for
car and the consum ing society:
Transport and Development Policy (ITDP) in
"Kidnapping of the ends by the means: the
New York, blames the World Bank, for using
supermarket buys you, the television
and recommending to its clients a computer
watches you, the automobile drives you…
program, Highway Design Maintenance
We Latin Americans have swallowed the
Standards Model Version III (HDM) precisely
pill that the hell of Los Angeles is the only
ignoring pedestrians and other non-
possible model of modernisation: a
motorised people.
vertiginous superhighway that scorns
"The economic benefits and costs of
pub lic transport, practices velocity as a
fundamentally different approaches to
form of violence, and drives people out.
meeting the same mobility needs are not
We've been taug ht to drink poison, and
compared. Only once a project has already
well pay any price as long as it comes in a
been determined to be a road or rail or
shiny bottle." (Galeano, 1995, p. 20)
subway project are these economic
Thanks to people like Galeano, to models
impacts assessed." (Hook, 1994, p. 8)
like Curitiba, mistakes made in the North
This absence of a multi-criteria approach that
could be avoided.
goes beyond economic abstracts, is notexclusive to the World Bank. But the series ofgood intentions announced in
Transport, a document in which the bank
The criteria favouring choice for public
announc es its new priorities ‘to limit the
transport are numerous, but one fact isobvious in almost every city - too often
Table 2: Four positive aspects of indirect wealth redistribution coming with public
decisions are taken giving absolute surface
priority to the deified car. But this monopoly
equity is the best warranty for a dynamic, crime-free society
of the urban space, the fruit of a narrow
many work in the centre
vision of mobility, is well contested today by
solving urban transport problems needs the involvement of all social
pub lic transport, pedestrians, cyclists and
other non-motorised people (skaters). In
•Environmental reductions in air pollution have an immediate knock-on effect on
almost all occidental cities, small
health and quality of life
associations defend the use of the bicycle as
Lambert: From Curitiba to Quito:
a mode of transport and are promoting a
some of which have been used as weapons;
Reserved traffic lanes for public
radically different approach of mobility and
Carson's book triggered an amazing
transport as an ecologically, eco-
urban planning (Lambert, 1995). On Aug ust
controversy of which she herself was a
nomic and social policy for cities.
1st 1997 a cyclist protest in San Francisco
victim (insults, threats,
Time magazine
World Transport Policy & Practice
ended with the arrest of 250. The newspaper
Science section wrote about ‘her emotional
4/1 [1998] 40 - 46
USA Today printed ‘Bike riders becoming a
and inaccurate outburst'…). But in the end,
major political force' as a headline. Indeed,
Carson shook up the powerful chemical
isn't their message going far beyond the
industry which perpetuates and perpetrates
simple defence of non-motorised two wheels
Nuclear electricity, greenhouse effect,
Despite the unceasing ‘economic growth =
anthropogenic leeway, ozone layer
solution to all our problems' of traditional
destruction, landscape and quality of life
economic rhetoric, with the appointment in
deterioration - scientific controversy for
France of Mme. Dominique Voynet (Green) as
technological choices are today a field of
Territory Planning and Environment Minister
political discourse. Transportation is no
of M. Lionel Jospin's (Socialist) government,
longer a secondary issue. In an interview
technological choices in transport will be
L'Événement du jeudi (in June 1997),
guided by a new reality: political ecology. Let
Mme. Voynet declared her intention to
us remember here that the transition from
"Transform buses in real ‘surface subways' to
scientific ecology to political ecology was
remedy their slow pace by the c reation of
prompted by the publication in 1962 of
reserved lanes so that they avoid traffic
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Highlighting
jams". In Curitiba and in Quito this has
the abuse of numerous pesticides in
already been understood… by developing
agriculture; from chemicals like chlorinated
buses or trolleybuses as ‘surface subways', it
hydrocarbons (DDT), now forbidden in
is an ecological, economic and social policy
occidental countries, to organophosphates,
for the city which is at stake.
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Newman, P. (1996) "Reducing automobile dependence"
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Counting on Cars, Counting out People - A
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for the Transp ort Sector and their Environmental Implications
Scientific American.
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Snell, B.C. (1974)
American Ground Transport - A proposal for
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Restructuring the Automobile , Tr uck, Bus, and Rail Industrie s
Kaufmann, V. and Guidez, J.-M. (1996)
Les citadins face à
United States Senate, Washington, US Government Printing
l'automobilité - Les déte rminants du choix modal Public
Office, 1974.
Transpor t Union, Paris
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (1996)
Lambert, B. (1995) "Les cyclistes en milieu urbain et le nouveau
Urbanizing World: G lobal Report on Human Settlements
mouvement d'opposition au tout-voiture en ville"
Rech erche ,
prepared for the HABITAT II conference in Istanbul, Oxfor d
Transports, Sécurité Institut national français de recherche sur
University Press, Oxford.
les transports et leur sécurité (INRETS), Paris, no. 47 , pp. 51-58.
Tunali, O. (Jan. - Feb. 1996) "A Billion Cars: The Road Ahead",
(1998) " Le retour de la bicyclette",
The UNESCO Courier
World Watch vol. 9, no. 1, Wor ld Watch Institute, Washington,
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L'Événement du jeudi (June 12 - 18 1997) "Les transports en commun
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créent plus d'emplois que l'a utomobile" Paris, no. 658, p. 86.
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Gesundheitsmarkt der ZukunftIm Interview: Dag Andersson, Diaverum Stuttgart: Platz an der Sonne und schwedischer Unternehmen zusammenbringt. Sparen nonstop. Mehr zum Programm des Wirtschaftstages finden Sie auf Seite 13. Dieseltechnik von Bosch. Am 25. November 2010 schließlich werden im Siemens- Forum in München die Preisträger des Exportpreises