Job Creation and
This Report has been prepared by the Competitiveness Working Group of the European Round Table, inspired by
the findings of an ERT Colloquium on
"Job Creation through Innovation and Competitiveness" hosted in Brussels on
19 May 1998 by
Baron Daniel Janssen on behalf of the ERT.
The Colloquium addressed a distinguished audience of senior decision-makers drawn from governments,
European Institutions, industry, research and academic institutes. The debate was organised in three Panels:
Panel 1. Entrepreneurship - creating and building businesses
Panel 2. Innovation - releasing the potential of research
Panel 3. People - changing attitudes.
The speakers were:
Dr Lars Ramqvist, Chairman of Ericsson, Member of the ERT
Dr Jos Peeters, Managing Director, Capricorn Venture Partners
Mr Stefano Micossi, Director General, DG III, European Commission
Mme Edith Cresson, Member of the European Commission responsible for Research,
Innovation, Education, Training and Youth
Ing Pier Giorgio Gili, Member of the Board, Fiat Research Centre
Prof Jonathan Knowles, Head of Pharma Research, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Prof Dr Frieder Meyer-Krahmer, Director, Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik
und Innovationsforschung
Lord Simon of Highbury, UK Minister of Trade & Competitiveness in Europe
Dr Ben Knapen, Director of Corporate Communications, Philips
Mr Elmar Brok, Member of the European Parliament
The debates were moderated by
Prof Antonio Borges, Dean of INSEAD and by
Dr Peter Lorange, President of
IMD, Switzerland.
Prof Alexis Jacquemin, Chief Adviser, Forward Studies Unit, spoke for the Competitiveness
Advisory Group of the European Union.
The Competitiveness Working Group is composed of representatives of the following companies:
BP, BT, Daimler-Benz, Ericsson, Hoffmann-La Roche, ICI, Investor, Nestlé, Nokia, Olivetti, Philips, Pirelli, Profilo
Holding, Renault, Shell International, Siemens, Smurfit, Société Générale de Belgique, Solvay, Suez-Lyonnaise des
Eaux, Unilever, VEBA and also representatives of BDI & UNICE.
and is assisted by Business Decisions Limited.
Job Creation and Competitiveness
Part 1. Our view of innovation . . . . . 3
Part 2. The heart of the matter . . . . . 6
1. Changing attitudes . . . . . 7
2. Creating new businesses . . . 10
3. Research and development . . 13
4. Knowledge and skills . . . . 17
5. Finance and risk capital . . . 20
6. Government and legislation . 24
Part 3. Course of action . . . . . . . 27
ERT's Priority Actions . . . . . . . . 29
Colloquium participants . . . . . . . 30
Innovation boosts competitiveness and creates jobs
Employment levels are directly linked to
makers to discuss different ways of using innovation
competitiveness, which creates the wealth necessary
to create new jobs. The wide-ranging debate
to fund jobs. Competitiveness is in turn linked to
convinced us that new initiatives are needed to
innovation, which allows us to keep pace with, or
improve the innovation process and to combat
even take the lead in, advances in world markets.
stagnation in Europe's performance.
The key to unlocking the potential of Europe is
We are most grateful to the speakers who led the
Innovation. Tomorrow's jobs rely on our ability to
debates, and to the participants. Their main conclu-
build the right conditions for innovation today,
sions are presented in this Report, together with
whatever the strength or weakness of the current
relevant data and case studies drawing on corporate
economic cycle.
and SME experience.
That is why we are writing this Report.
Europe has less innovation and fewer entrepreneursthan the US. As ERT members we are convinced
Although Europe's Single Market is larger than the
that this situation can be put right through rapid
US domestic market, the European Union is not
action taken by Europeans in their public and
itself as competitive as the US. Over the past decade
private capacities.
the EU has not matched the US, either in terms of economic growth and job creation, or in the
We direct this Report towards decision-makers in all
development of businesses based on radically new
walks of life: to politicians and businessmen, to
public servants and professors.
Nevertheless, we in the European Round Table know
Six courses of action are identified in this Report. We
from our own experience of running major multina-
believe that effort in these areas will make an imme-
tional companies with worldwide operations that new
diate difference to innovation in Europe. This will
businesses can be created with sustainable new jobs.
help improve competitiveness and lead to new jobs.
But too many job opportunities in Europe's network
We invite you to act with us to help bring these
of businesses are lost because of obstacles set up by
ideas to reality.
European traditions and over-prescriptive legislativesystems. Removing these obstacles and providingincentives are central to the messages of this Report.
We need to act now. This is a critical time forEurope, with the single currency about to becomereality, and the enlargement of the European Unionon the near horizon.
Daniel Janssen
In May 1998 we organised a Colloquium in Brussels
Chairman of the Board, Solvay
where experts met an audience of senior policy-
Chairman, ERT Competitiveness Working Group
"He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils;
for time is the greatest innovator."
Francis Bacon "Of Innovations" (1561-1626)
Change is inevitable. Europe is now facing major changes on
all fronts - political, social, economic - some stemming from
changes elsewhere in the world, some from within. These
changes are complex and admit of no easy solutions. How we
respond to the changes now will determine the kind of world we
leave to our children in the 21st century.
Innovation is an antidote to inertia and complacency. By itself it
is not a panacea. It will not on its own provide a definitive
solution to excessive unemployment.
Innovation challenges stale and hidebound ways of thinking
and acting. It invites us to look with fresh eyes, to think in
different ways, to seek out new answers to old problems.
Innovation leads to the creation of completely new markets -
with no way to predict exactly what these will be, let alone how
far they will transform our lives. It develops new products,
which in turn excite and attract people. It encourages a "feel-
good factor" that boosts confidence in where the economy is
Innovation enables us to organise our work and social struc-
tures in more efficient and more humane ways. It taps people's
creative energies. It makes the workplace more competitive and
also more satisfying.
We have to establish the close connection in Europe
If we benchmark Europe's performance, we get
between innovation, economic growth and job
mixed signals from standard innovation indicators.
creation. Indeed, we have grounds for optimism. We
(see Boxes 1 to 6 below)
have a Single Market of 350 million people, thelargest in the world. It will be significantly
There are many obstacles that Europe must over-
reinforced by Economic and Monetary Union and
come. They have been well-documented elsewhere:
the single currency, which will widen capital
resistance to change, unwillingness to take risks,
markets and provide greater venture opportunities.
over-regulation, taxation and administrative
Enlargement of the European Union to admit new
disincentives, lack of entrepreneurship, and rigid
Member States will add a new Germany in the
labour market rules. We have still some way to go to
first phase and a new France in the second, in
complete the Single Market whereby goods, capital,
population terms.
services, people and their ideas can move freelyacross Europe.
European companies should now be starting to
generate new wealth and new jobs. The new
Other obstacles exist, such as unwieldy approval
market conditions will revitalise our economies and
procedures for new products, slow and expensive
this must encourage companies of all sizes to be
patent systems, inefficient research funding systems
more mobile and forward-looking.
and, of particular concern, an inability to movequickly from the research idea to market success.
Natural Sciences are critical for the development of new
inheritance, Europe still has too few engineers and research
technologies. In 1975 the number of science graduates in
scientists in its workforce (Box 2).
Europe was less than half that in the US, but by the early1990s, the EU had caught up and overtaken the falling
In overall job creation numbers, with a smaller population
US numbers (Box 1).
size the US has hugely outperformed the European Union.
Many new technology jobs displace traditional occupations,
However, with a long history of deficit and cultural
and this job churn affects the overall net increase (Box 3).
1. Graduates in Natural Sciences EU / US
2. Numbers of research students EU / US
3. Job creation and job churn EU / US
The US has created 60 million new
jobs in the past 30 years, 14 million
since 1992. Most of them are in
small fast-growing hi-tech
Of course not all these jobs are
lasting. Taking into account jobchurn, the net increase in
employment over 30 years is closer
to 30 million.
During the same period, job creationacross the EU was in decline, and job
churn was resisted in many sectors.
source: Human Resources for Sciences and Technology (1996)
source: Human Resources for Sciences and Technology -
source: Ernst & Young "European Life Sciences 98"
National Science Foundation (1996)
(1995 - 1998)
There is no common pattern across all the
The EU and national governments are already
countries of Europe.
addressing some of these issues. Implementation of
the First Action Plan for Innovation in Europe has
∆ In countries where markets are freeing up, an
started. The ERT welcomes the advances being made
increasing number of innovative companies are
in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR),
being founded, revealing a new economic vigour.
financing innovation, administrative simplification,
There is an encouraging revival of venture capital,
education and training, and gearing research to
and new stock markets are being created to target
small companies.
But all this will be of no use:
∆ In other countries, regrettably, we are still visiblyheld back by barriers to entry and by limits placed on
∆ if the pace of progress remains leisurely
entrepreneurs and on establishing new businesses.
∆ if the progress achieved on paper is not translatedinto real change for Europe's citizens on the ground.
Biotechnology, one of the key enabling technologies of
that in the US, and the number of employees is less than
the 21st century, also provides a sharp contrast in
one third of those in the US. Biotech for jobs in Europe
performance (Box 4).
still has a long way to go to catch up with the US (Box 5).
The number of specialist companies in Europe has more
Finally, Europe still has a reasonable share of European patents
than doubled in recent years. However the total number
granted in all areas, but its performance in hi-tech areas such
of specialist companies in Europe is still less than half of
as electronics falls well short of that of the US (Box 6).
4. Biotech companies and the creation of 5. Newly created specialist biotech
6. Patents granted in 1996 EU / US
new jobs EU / US
companies EU / US
Number of companies
Number ofcompanies
source: Ernst & Young "European Life Sciences 98"
source: Ernst & Young "European Life Sciences 98"
source: CEC: The First Action Plan for Innovation in Europe
(1995 - 1998)
(1995 - 1998)
Europe must create more jobs. We owe this to our citizens,
young and old. Unemployment is a time bomb waiting to
explode. From every point of view, reducing unemployment
is to the benefit of all.
How to achieve this is another matter. We can increase our
competitiveness and stimulate innovation in our companies
and in society. Greater competitiveness and innovation are
essential for the creation of new jobs. But to make a stronger
link between them requires that we overcome a number of
formidable barriers. There must be immediate action on six
1. Changing attitudes
2. Creating new businesses
3. Research and development
build new BUSINESSES
4. Knowledge and skills
5. Finance and risk capital
6. Government and legislation
build new MARKETS
"We live in an industrial revolution which goes so far that the
public does not understand it any more. People understand
that there is a revolution, but they cannot reconcile this
with their personal security. They are afraid of it."
Elmar Brok, MEP
Europe could learn from the experience of other
taxation, social security and care of the environment.
countries, but it does not. "We do ten years later
In time, voting will be done electronically, and this
what the Americans have already done and have
will radically change the interaction between citizens
forgotten," says Brok. This is confirmed in a recent
and those who represent them. ICT will also affect
survey of business opinion conducted by the World
the provision of healthcare as much as it will
Economic Forum (Box 7).
transform the leisure market.
Industry will have a major part to play in promoting
7. Attitudes to risk-taking and individual initiative EU / US
the wider acceptance of the cashless society with
electronic commerce. The INTERNET paves the way.
Is risk-taking and indi-
vidual initiative fullysupported and rewarded
ICT is but one driver of change. "Understanding the
genetic basis of life will revolutionise our lives just asICT did," argues Jonathan Knowles of Hoffmann-La
Roche. A better understanding of how illnesses arise,and of the possible preventative actions, will entirely
change the practice of medicine.
Biotechnology will have a significant impact on
insurance and healthcare funding, as well as on the
source: World Economic Forum: "The Global Competitiveness Report"
efficiency of work and on the cost of healthcare
(1996) based on survey of over 2,000
senior business managers.
provision to our societies. Biotechnology alreadyconstitutes the new foundation for agriculture, thefood industry, pharmaceuticals and environmentalmanagement. For all this to happen, our attitudes to
Resistance to change not only affects new science,
innovation will have to come to terms with the speed
it undermines entrepreneurship and employment.
and extent of progress throughout the life sciences.
Our biggest challenge is to persuade society to be
inspired by the advances of science instead of
Governments must play a leading role in helping
resisting them.
to change society by brokering the opportunities ofinnovation and entrepreneurship to the public. They
Many surprises are still in store for society from
must themselves become more innovative and
further applications of
Information and Communi-
entrepreneurial, as the UK Government has done
cation Technologies (ICT). Innovations as a result
(Box 8). These cultural changes are as important as
of ICT have already affected banking and transport,
opening up markets and removing rules and
and are about to revolutionise public services such as
regulations that visibly block progress.
The importance of flexible attitudes and of new ways
8. UK Government progress in one year
of thinking is highlighted in the way that British
The UK Government is committed to improving the
Petroleum (BP) reviewed its insurance strategy
environment for innovation in Britain. The previous
government had already introduced favourable personaland capital gains tax measures to improve the riskreward balance for innovators. The current governmentinitiated a year-long consultation exercise to find out
10. New approach to insurance at BP
what else had to be done. The results stressed the needfor leadership and partnership in innovation.
Finding new solutions to an old problem enabled BP tosave money and improve shareholder value.
The Government has now defined a new set of goals toguide national policies. These aim to simplify
For 75 years BP had bought insurance to hedge against
regulations, provide new integrated sources of finance,
large potential losses while self-insuring against smaller
develop an adaptable workforce, encourage continuous
ones. This changed dramatically in the 1990s, when BP
learning, and open up product, labour and capital
switched to a new policy of virtually no insurance.
markets. Above all, it is now recognised that governmentand business need to share information, goals and
This innovation was the result of viewing insurance in
cultures, and to pull together as a team.
a new way - from the perspective of long-term share-holder value. Cost analysis also showed that over a longperiod the premiums paid vastly exceeded the claimsmade.
For larger companies,
a strong corporate culture can
This required a major attitudinal shift on the part of BP's
be a positive driver of innovation. They can choose
directors and managers. BP initiated a worldwide
to replace rigid hierarchies with flexible management
programme to educate its managers in risk and how to
systems, and benchmark their management and
value it. This new approach has generated premium
overall performance against global best practice.
savings of EUR 85 million per year and demonstratedconfidence in the company's improved safetyperformance.
Under the impetus of innovation,
companies can reinvent themselves to achieve a
new competitive style matching future needs, as did
Philips (Box 9). The transformation that comes from
In the world of
finance and banking, the challenge
within is usually the most successful.
is to be more open to risk, and to accept success andfailure as part of normal business life. Lenders shouldnot attach stigma attached to business failure. Norshould small-scale start-ups be denied funds because
9. The transformation of Philips
there is no guarantee of early payback.
Philips, a large company with 300,000 employees, wasfacing bankruptcy in 1990. Yet in the space of five years
Attitudes must also change in the
labour market.
the company returned to profit and changed the way theoutside world perceives it.
Jobs associated with new technology do not followthe pattern of traditional jobs. It is important
All this required the development of new corporate
therefore to get public acceptance of the
objectives of transparency, accountability and de-verti-
entrepreneurial model of employment: flexible,
calisation. Although a large number of jobs were shed,
mobile, risk-taking and increasingly working at
the company took pains to foster conditions for new jobopportunities. In several countries a host of small busi-
home for multiple employers.
nesses are thriving on and around the sites of formerPhilips production facilities. Many of these are hi-tech
School leavers must be ready for a working and
and are run by former employees.
living environment very different from that of their
parents. ERT reiterates its call to place greater
We have to get
more accurate information across
emphasis on
entrepreneurship in schools and in
to the public in order to enable a better balance to
colleges. And similar emphasis is required to boost
be achieved. Potential consumers of new products
respect for innovative ideas.
need access to commonsense information to offsetoften sensational media reporting. Technological
Opposition to new technologies existed even
novelty, or personal success, should no longer be
before the days when people first tried to smash
singled out for abuse or for ridicule. It is also up to
printing works and textile machines. Modern
politicians to market the opportunities of change and
opposition to scientific progress is however more
of entrepreneurship to the public. One way is to
insidious. Powerful media messages reach a wide
provide sponsorship to improve the reporting of
public immediately and exert a pervasive effect.
scientific and technological subjects in newspapers
This can influence national attitudes, even the way
and journals, on radio and TV, and on the INTERNET.
Industry in turn must be readier to provideinformation that is easy to comprehend.
Change attitudes
by promoting a European Society
open to innovations in science, technology, business,
living and working conditions:
∆ Promote the spirit of enterprise throughout society,
in industry, government, finance and in education.
∆ Ensure that sound and well-researched
information on scientific breakthroughs, new
products and services always gets through to
"We in Europe are inward-looking all the time. Whenever you
enter a market or a new business, you must think global
because it is only in the global perspective that Europe can
Lars Ramqvist, Chairman of Ericsson
Innovation boosts competitiveness and creates
From the outset, products should be designed
jobs. It is the origin of new products and services in
global markets in view, and greater priority
markets which better meet existing needs and better
should be given to negotiating and using interna-
satisfy new customer demands. A competitive
tional standards. The most striking example of an
Europe can create more jobs if it welcomes the value
entirely new industry based on a new worldwide
of new technologies and the creation of new busi-
standard is mobile telephony with its GSM (Global
nesses and new business sectors.
System for Mobile Communications) standard.
Scandinavian companies now dominate global
New business sectors require:
markets for mobile phones (Box 12) since they
people with vision to identify a clear need,
pushed early and hardest for the GSM standard.
world-class science to develop the right products,
- an
open regulatory environment in which markets
for the new products can flourish,
12. Mobile telephony
- a
system of rewards that provides incentives for
This is a fast-growing market. In the EU there are nowmore than 70 million subscribers. There are likely to
At present, the rate of job creation in Europe
be around 1.3 billion throughout the world by 2003.
resulting from new company openings is less than
This sector has created over 300,000 European jobs inequipment suppliers and operators. Continued growth
half the US rate (Box 11).
with the next generation of mobile telephony couldlead to the creation of a further 300,000 jobs by the
11. Jobs created by new company openings EU/US
European mobile phones - Employees (estimate)
annual average rates as% of total employment
over period 1983-84
source: OECD Jobs Study 1994
source: Ericsson (1998)
Large and small companies need each other. Smaller
14. Shell invests for the long-term in renewable
companies can add flexibility and accelerate the
process of innovation when working together withlarge companies. The strength of these links is
Industry must often be prepared to make long-term
described in our report on practical partnerships
investments. At present, renewable energies can onlycompete with fossil energy in niche markets. According
between large and small companies (Box 13).
to a Shell Group scenario, half of the total world energydemand could be provided by renewables by the year2050.
13. "A Stimulus to Job Creation"
To become a major player in this field, Shell
This 1996 ERT Report argues that cooperation between
International Renewables was created in 1997 with an
large and small companies is part of the transformation
investment plan of EUR 500 million for the following
of the world of work, with a profound effect on job
five years. Half of that amount is destined for forestry
creation. Large company investment leading to new jobs
and the other half for biomass conversion, solar voltaics
may now take the form of providing funds for start-ups,
and wind power. This strategy also provides new jobs.
the transfer of knowledge, specialist education andtraining, and management support for sub-contracted
A new 25 MW photovoltaic power plant in Germany
and spin-off activities. All this helps to build up new
based on up-to-date technology, due to start in 1999, will
business infrastructures which can grow and thrive.
create more than 300 jobs.
There is great potential for job creation in anexpanding fabric of small innovative start-ups and
15. Low cost colour printing
SMEs. Entrepreneurs and new business start-upsare both a rich source for new employment, but
Bayer's research department came up with an
these jobs will not come into being without someone
innovative new technology capable of providing highquality, short run colour printing quickly and at low
taking a chance. As Jos Peeters of Capricorn Venture
cost, the company was not planning to expand activities
Partners, says: "Jobs cannot be created by decree.
in that area. But there was a gap in the market between
They are created by entrepreneurs who exploit new
office printers and photocopiers on the one hand and
opportunities and who take personal risks."
conventional printing equipment on the other. Bayertherefore spun off the activity in a new company -
Entrepreneurship is as vital to large companies
providing it with full support, including seed capital,advice and facilities.
as it is to smaller ones. Many are now empowering
their employees to use more initiative and act as
Xeikon, the new company, was set up in Belgium in 1988.
entrepreneurs, thus creating new jobs.
Risk capital in the development stage came from venturecapitalists and the Flemish regional authorities. Later,
"A negative attitude in large corporations is
funds came from a private equity placement and an IPO
dangerous," says Lars Ramqvist. "If companies are
on NASDAQ. The company now has annual sales of EUR67 million and employs more than 160 people.
too stiff or rigid, that leads to the kind ofdownsizing and outsourcing which kills lots ofjobs, instead of reshuffling and reorganising thejobs within the companies themselves."
start-ups and spin offs need easier access to
risk capital. This is particularly true in certain parts
By generating new activity with a very long-term
of Europe where seed capital and venture capital are
perspective, large companies also create sustainable
in their infancy. Closer co-operation between large
new jobs. Shell's investment in renewable energy is
companies and venture capitalists should be
one example (Box 14).
encouraged to identify and create new spin-offs.
Using the logic of the entrepreneur, a new
British Telecommunications (BT) adopted another
company may be created inside a larger company
approach. To acquire the skills needed to compete in
and then be spun off. It can then develop a life of
a new market segment, BT established a joint venture
its own, unfettered by supervision from tighter,
with a partner with complementary skills. They
more rigid procedures that have evolved to suit the
eventually bought out the partner when the business
demands of a large organisation (Box 15).
was fully fledged (Box 16).
system. Successful entrepreneurs and their staff
16. BT and Concert Communications
should be allowed to earn and to keep more of
Concert Communications Services was a joint venture
their own money. Stock options and other means
company created by BT with MCI to satisfy the growing
of raising the variable part of personal income
need amongst international companies for one single
should be permitted and encouraged.
telecoms supplier able to manage seamlessly their communications needs around the globe.
We urge governments to reform and modernise
Conceived five years ago, it was recognised that a
their personal taxation systems, social security
dynamic multi-skilled team was needed to exploit the
arrangements and pension schemes to meet
market opportunity. People with experience in both
the needs of modern working individuals and
technology and marketing were drawn from the partnercompanies around the globe. A "can do" culture was
to provide appropriate incentives for inventors
developed and brought to market.
and investors as well as entrepreneurs.
Sales grew by nearly 50% each year, eventually exceedingEUR 1 billion with more than 1000 people on the payroll.
More favourable conditions should be created for
BT recently bought out its partner and now owns the
lending money to start-ups and to companies that
whole concern.
have good reasons to expand quickly.
should not block entrepreneurs from trying
Running an innovative company requires creativity,
again. In the American context, failure can even
enthusiasm and drive. Innovative management
be honourable. "In California, if by the age of 35
means encouraging genuine job mobility and fostering
you have not failed three times, you have not
a stronger sense of personal responsibility and
been trying hard enough," cites Antonio Borges,
empowerment throughout the company. Managers
Dean of INSEAD.
who take initiative and take risks naturally expect tobe rewarded on the basis of their success rather than
Europe's newest companies that use cutting edge
on the basis of length of service. In many companies
technologies are usually able to recruit the scientists
this is difficult to achieve.
they need, but seldom find managers of the rightdynamic calibre. Scientists with good management
We need to move away from a fixed-wage-earning
skills are even rarer, though this combination of
society to a performance-linked compensation
qualities is increasingly in demand.
Creating new businesses
means fostering entre-
preneurship by removing obstacles to initiative
and by rewarding risk-taking and success:
∆ Establish supportive fiscal conditions for inventors,
entrepreneurs and investors.
∆ Drastically reduce the demands of bureau-
cracy and ensure that legislation does not
penalise failure.
"We must restore the confidence of our citizens in science and
Mme Edith Cresson, Member of the Commission
responsible for Research and Innovation
The transformation of scientific breakthroughs from
procedures in public/private joint efforts with un-
basic research into commercial success is fundamen-
tal to competitiveness.
Too many European
inventions are being successfully exploited
Public programmes should be used as spring-
outside Europe. Europe spends less than 1.5% of its
boards for private initiatives. The European Action
GNP on R&D, which compares badly with 2.5% in
Plan on Innovation (Box 18) and the European Fifth
the US and 2.8% in Japan. The European Union's
Framework Programme (Box 19) are both intended
budget devotes just 4% to R&D. Moreover, Europe
to stimulate entrepreneurship in Europe.
spends relatively less on the development phase thando its principal competitors (Box 17).
18. EC First Action Plan on Innovation
"Cultural attitudes, the economic environment, thesocial context and the educational and legal structures
17. Total R&D expenditure and closeness to market
are key factors in the spirit of innovation and enterprise."
Innovation for Growth and Employment (produced by
Applied R&D
DG XII for the European Commission). This document
reports on implementation of the First Action Plan onInnovation in Europe, adopted in 1996.
The 1997 Luxembourg European Council on
Employment confirmed the Plan's proposal to tackleunemployment by stimulating research andinnovation. It also identified the need to encourage thespirit of enterprise, and generally improve conditionsfor small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
source: CEC The first Action Plan forInnovation in Europe (1997)
CEC Green Paper on
Europe split of R&D type based on Germany and France only.
Innovation (1995)
The Framework Programme must go beyonddeveloping the competitiveness of an inner circle of
The orientation and management of public
manufacturers and their traditional partners in
programmes have failed to keep step with the pace of
specific markets. "It presents a unique opportunity
innovation. If more public funding is called for, it
to work together in R&D", says Pier Giorgio Gili of
must be more innovatively managed. Issues of
Fiat, "but the real impact on Europe is linked to the
accountability affecting the use of public money
strategic emphasis we can give to its focus,
must not be allowed to weigh down management
organisation and management."
Cooperation between companies and universities
19. The Fifth Framework Programme for R&D in
in research is less common in Europe than in either
of its major competitors. In some countries it
The Commission sees the 5th Framework Programme as
is even illegal to
commercialise research ideas
an instrument of a new Community research strategy.
coming from academic institutions. We need to
Europe's citizens now expect scientific and technological
find a way to facilitate and improve this type of co-
advance to meet their concerns with regard to health and
operation (Box 20).
quality of life, and their aspirations in terms of social wel-fare and economic prosperity. This is the starting point.
FP5 is geared toward objectives of great relevance to the
20. Research cooperation: perception of business leaders
Union, and actions have to represent more clearly the
added value over national initiatives. Characterised by a
Research co-operation
simplified structure of 6 programmes, it thus breaks new
between companies and
ground. Simplification will lead to more consistency as a
result of wider ranging programmes, each addressingpriority socio-economic needs. Increased flexibility andefficiency of management are to be achieved by decom-partmentalisation of activities within programmes wheredifferent scientific and technological disciplines interact.
We should now be encouraging cross-participationover the entire scientific, technological and industrial
source: IMD: "The World
frame in Europe, public and private, with greater
Competitiveness Yearbook" (1996)
based on a survey of more than 3,000
attention to small companies and innovative start-ups,
senior business managers.
and to the stimulation of public/private partnerships.
European competition law should allow companies to
work on R&D in
joint ventures and in large
But there are examples of successful co-operation,
international partnerships to achieve critical mass.
as in the case of the development of a new tyre by
Research joint ventures in Europe often need prior
Pirelli (Box 21).
approval from the Commission's DG IV. In this crucialarea, American anti-trust law is generally more
21. Pirelli and the P6000 Tyre
understanding, thus research groupings in the US are
Pirelli developed a new tyre (
the P6000) launched in
usually three to four times larger than those in Europe.
1995, which sets new standards in the high performance
Moreover, "for Europe it is really necessary to
tyre market through its use of new materials, new tread
complement successful intra-European partnerships
designs, a new tyre profile and improvements in tyre
by some more international ones. The existing US-EU
alliances play a very important role," argues FriederMeyer-Krahmer of the Fraunhofer Institut.
During the development phase Pirelli worked closelywith a number of universities. There were regular
The time has come to extend the Single Market
exchanges of information with customers, and close
concept into the world of academia and, above
relationships were established with researchers in the
all, into publicly funded R&D. Europe can no
auto industry and raw materials suppliers. Production
longer afford to disperse its resources, human and
and launch of the new tyre also involved new ways ofworking in Pirelli, with different functions and
material, in parallel work in different national insti-
organisations in different countries all co-operating
tutions. The "Centres of Excellence" concept will
closely to ensure the success of the new product.
have to be refined and more specialisation intro-duced to ensure pan-European critical mass. This
This breakthrough was achieved as a result of a
will require greater mobility of researchers, and a
fundamental change in the behaviour and attitudes of
readiness to accept that certain disciplines may lose
people in the company. A wide network of contacts was
their place in the national context in order to
used to gather new knowledge.
achieve balance at EU level.
Another critical test will be how we handle bio-
22. Customer-led innovation at Unilever
technology, which will change the face of industry
in Europe. The likely impact of biotechnology on
Good science must take place close to the market if it
virtually all our existing R&D programmes and
is to be turned into successful innovation. Unilever's
processes is greatly underestimated. Biotechnology
new product (
Checkpro) came directly out of the
challenges our cultural preconceptions and could
creative interaction between marketer and scientist.
affect forever how R&D programmes are organised.
Checkpro is used to monitor hygiene standards in catering
Yet at the European level it has no single home, being
establishments. Developed in response to rising food
the responsibility of several Directorates General
hygiene concerns, it meets a growing need for informa-
inside the European Commission, with a total lack of
tion that can be obtained simply, quickly and cheaply.
overall strategic orientation.
The market opportunity was identified by a marketing
Biotechnology is thus an unwelcome orphan in the
manager, not a scientist, who specified the precise performance requirements of the product before the
A home must be found, and that preferably
research programme began. The research was targeted
inside a Directorate handling industrial policy. Until
from the start to develop a product that was fast, low
this is achieved, we run the risk of rejecting the tech-
cost and usable by anyone.
nology today, only to import the products tomorrow.
Industry can play a major role in providing new
23. The need for a unitary patent system in the
employment through R&D. Science-based innovation
inside companies requires
early cooperation between
Patents play a key role for European industry in Europe
research, product and marketing departments.
and worldwide. A unitary, well-structured and cost-
Many excellent scientific ideas are never turned into
effective patent system is crucial to increase companies'
commercially viable products because scientists do not
competitiveness and to foster the free movement of
have the necessary commercial and management
goods, yet there are three patent systems in Europe:
skills, nor do they understand the consumer. In the US
a) national patent laws
this kind of cooperation is part of their training and
b) the European Patent Convention system (EPC)
their culture.
c) the Community Patent Convention and its Protocol
Innovation, benchmarking, upskilling, customer
Industry must have a unitary Community patent system,
focus and speed-to-market must be introduced as top
which means one patent covering the whole EU:
priorities in Europe's research establishments to keep
- a single language system (i.e. English, with possibility
alive the concept of competitiveness.
Close coopera-
to file patent applications in any official language, but
tion between creative scientists in industry with
with translation into English);
their counterparts in academia can generate positive
- a single unitary judicial system for enforcement, i.e. by
synergies for both sides.
European courts, European procedural rules and injunctions.
A good example of a customer-focused development is
To accommodate enterprises having limited geographi-
the Unilever CheckPro system (Box 22).
cal interests or ambitions, the existing European patentsystem and national patent systems would remain.
Chief among the
principal obstacles on the path
between invention and innovation are bureaucracy
and administrative systems that demonstrate a
EUR 20-30 million.
A true Single Market must
complete lack of understanding of R&D needs,
have a workable unitary European patent (Box 23).
particularly on intellectual property rights (IPR) and
time to market.
Patents are painfully slow to file
Crucially in terms of innovations and the market,
and immensely expensive to translate and maintain.
new product authorisations take many times
One large European multinational, having more
longer in Europe than in the US. This particularly
than 1000 patent applications a year, estimates that
affects biotechnology, but also threatens competi-
the annual cost for translations alone lies between
tiveness in many other sectors.
Even worse,
insufficient public recognition is
24. From campus company to NASDAQ in 6 years
given to early stage technology developments in
brand new hi-tech or life science sectors. Yet it is
IONA Technologies was started in 1991 by two people
precisely in these areas that specialised SMEs can
in the Computer Science Department of Trinity
take up the opportunities and grow spectactularly
College, Dublin, working on ESPRIT-funded projects.
fast. They should be accorded higher priority in the
From there it was fostered by the Campus Innovation
queue for funding.
Centre and after two years was solid enough to be ableto move out, to launch new products and to formalliances with larger companies such as Sun
Restrictive national laws limit the formation and
transformation of research teams in severalcountries. Compared with the US, and even Japan,
IONA's success is based on "distributed object technol-
Europe produces too few scientists and engineers,
ogy" that enables businesses to communicate between
and does not do enough to persuade highly qualified
different software applications. It is now the number
graduates to stay and work in Europe instead of
one supplier in the market and its main product is used
seeking jobs and improved conditions elsewhere.
by over 3500 businesses worldwide. IONA has aturnover of EUR 52 million and employs 470 people. It
Though later than in the US, Europe is beginning to
was floated on NASDAQ in February 1997, valued at
see the clustering of new small businesses around
EUR 300 million.
important centres of learning, particularly in the hi-
tech, nanotechnology, biotech and pharmaceutical
fields. This natural phenomenon is highly positive.
We also have some
universities actively incubating
small companies. The success of Iona Technologies
(Box 24) shows clearly what opportunities Europe is
missing if it does not provide greater encouragement
for such start-ups.
Get more from Europe's Research and Development
through introducing
the Single Market concept to our research and academic communities:
∆ Reform the patent systems in Europe, permitting single filing of a
unitary patent for all Europe with no translation obligations.
∆ Promote biotechnology as one of the key technologies
of the new Millennium and provide a more
supportive external and regulatory environment.
"I think there is a poison in education all across Europe
which is anti-industry and anti-entrepreneurship."
Jos Peeters, Capricorn Venture Partners
People are now, more than ever, Europe's most
Work patterns are changing towards increased
valuable resource. We have already seen how our
mobility, declining central office functions, flattened
future society will be strongly influenced by scientific
management hierarchies, and new methods of
and technological progress. Other international
knowledge management within companies that
bodies share this view (Box 25). A knowledge-based
operate at global rather than national level. This type
economy cannot be separated from the skill-sets of its
of new working environment can be highly produc-
citizens, who will be expected to use the new tech-
tive, as seen in the case of Nokia (Box 26).
nologies and to create the future demand for them.
26. New ways of working in Nokia
25. The role of people
Nokia has transformed itself over the past decade into
"Jobs are shifting from low-skilled to high-skilled
a global leader in mobile communications. They faced
workers. Many firms see strong productivity growth
the problem of how to grow rapidly while remaining
and job gains through the combination of technological
sufficiently nimble to innovate and exploit change in
change, organisational change and upskilling."
this highly competitive market.
Technology, Productivity and Job Creation, OECD, 1998
They have introduced new ways of working based
"In the fast media-driven world of today, a minimum of
on a flat structure and a new culture. New product
scientific culture and critical outlook are essential for
development involves close cooperation between
distinguishing the false from the truth."
researchers, marketing and sourcing people,
IRDAC Report
Quality and Relevance, European
manufacturers and suppliers. The new culture values
customer satisfaction, respect for the individual,achievement and continuous learning. Training programmes are now team-based and cross-functional.
Europe therefore needs a highly knowledgeable
These changes have enabled Nokia to speed up decision-
workforce with a
constantly evolving palette of
making and improve the effectiveness of its R&D.
skills and aptitudes that did not exist ten years
earlier. Today we need to train people to be able
to adapt to future jobs in areas that have not been
identified yet. "Employability means that you
Our aim is all-round individuals with strong inter-
have to be the master of your own future, so you
personal skills, capable of living with uncertainty,
have to be your own company, in a sense," says
keen to search for innovative solutions to complex
Ben Knapen of Philips.
problems, and committed to Lifelong Learning.
Education systems need to be receptive to innovative
As young people reach school leaving age, their general
ideas coming from an ever-widening range of
education should include
basic business concepts
disciplines. But Europe's education leaders also need
sufficient to enable them to set up and run their own
to embrace innovation. All too often the education
business. We have seen from the success in Scotland
process itself is entrusted to people who appear to
of the Schools Enterprise scheme (Box 28) in
no dialogue with, nor understanding of,
winning the hearts and minds of schoolchildren that
industry and the path of progress. This goes some
the task is not hopeless, but it requires patience for
way to explaining the persistent mismatch between
long-term results. Other European countries should
the skills required by employers for new vacancies
pursue similar programmes without delay.
and those offered by entrants into the labour market.
Our European cultures favour achieving greater
28. Schools Enterprise Programme in Scotland
security, stability and equality over risk-taking,
A highly popular innovative approach to developing the
creativity and innovation. Our education system is
entrepreneurs of tomorrow has been taken by ScottishEnterprise. A series of educational programmes for
more focused on avoiding failure than on taking
schools, colleges and universities,
"from primary to plc"
has been developed since the early 1990s. These aredesigned to promote more positive attitudes to
A profound reform of education systems in Europe
is needed. We have already published our ideas intwo Reports,
Education for Europeans and
Investing in
80% of Scotland's schools have participated in the
Knowledge (Box 27). Greater emphasis must be
Schools Enterprise Programme for students aged 5 to 14.
And 60% of 14-18 year olds have been offered the
placed on
entrepreneurship at all levels of educa-
opportunity to enjoy real enterprise experience. Seven
tion. Despite the pressing need to manage better the
Scottish universities are now offering modules in
transition from school to work, school-industry
entrepreneurship to students in every faculty.
cooperation is still underdeveloped in Europe.
The impact on the youth of Scotland has been consider-able. Since the programme started, the number of peopleinterested in starting a business has increased by 35%.
27. ERT Education Reports
Education for Europeans (1995):
Industry and business need to employ entrepreneurs,
not robots. Early specialisation at school is a handicap.
Universities no longer have the monopoly on
Learning is a life-long process where teachers become
disseminating knowledge. We cannot leave all
guides and pupils/students take on responsibility for
action in the hands of the public sector. The provision
their careers and future development.
of education is a market opportunity and should betreated as such. Nowadays there are far more players
Investing in Knowledge (1997):
in the higher education market. Industry also has a
The introduction of ICT in education can help develop personalised lifelong education and training schemes.
ICT changes the way that people learn, and transformslearning from a passive into an active and far more
A large number of industrial companies are running
productive process.
their own programmes to degree standard andabove, some in partnership with a university, otherson their own. The qualifications thus obtained
It is obvious to us that school leavers should also not
should be recognised across Europe. In comparison,
enter the working environment without having been
it is estimated that more than 1000 corporate
taught a fundamental grounding in today's sciences.
universities exist in the US.
Business education is a major growth sector with a
29. Continuing education and training for adults
Europe-wide potential and a growing export market.
In the Europe of distance learning,
virtual colleges
Participation in job-
and universities are growing in importance, and the
related continuing
way is clearly open for software companies to enter
education and training
as % of employed
the field in a major way.
population aged 25-64.
For the public and private sectors to interact
effectively in a
Learning Society, it is essential to
train legislators in the innovative new technologies
to enable them to understand the basics of new
sectors now being regulated.
source: OECD "IndustrialCompetitiveness: Benchmarking
Business Environments in the Global
We must also find innovative ways to bring new
Economy" (1997)
knowledge within reach of managers who are working
full time in their businesses. It is unfortunate that
the concept of
adult education, well recognised in
some parts of Europe, is completely ignored in others.
At the moment, fewer Europeans than Americans are
engaged in job-related adult education (Box 29).
Improve Europe's knowledge and skills
through re-igniting enthusiasm
for innovation and entrepreneurship in the educational environment:
∆ Build basic business education into school curricula and provide state of the art education in science and technology.
∆ Promote an Innovation Year to bring the impor-tance of innovation and entrepreneurship into
the heart of schools and training colleges.
"High risks require high returns."
Stefano Micossi, Head DG III (Industry), European Commission
Fast access to risk capital on reasonable terms
and conditions is essential for successful entre-
30. Speech technology
preneurship and innovation, whether this takes the
Lernout & Hauspie, a company with roots in Ypres,
form of seed capital, venture capital or development
Belgium, is a world leader in state-of-the-art speech
capital. In much of Europe, small, often locally-
and language technologies: the use of a human voice as
dominant, financial institutions lack the vision and
the interface and solution for various commercial
the creativity required to assess and evaluate
applications and products. They license products to major companies in the telecommunications,
entrepreneurial risk.
PC/Multimedia, consumer electronics and automotiveelectronics sector.
In its recent Communication* on Risk Capital, theEuropean Commission argues that employment
Founded ten years ago by two Belgian entrepreneurs,
would be better served by encouraging thriving
they reached a turnover of EUR 100 million in 1997. The
SMEs, and by increased enterprise creation (especially
company employs 1800 people directly, and contracts
in high-tech areas) rather than by government-
out translation work to another 1500 freelancers. Its
sponsored job creation programmes, or by propping
success has its origin in the willingness of two people to
up individual large employers in economic difficulties.
take risks, a highly innovative product and the provisionof a broad range of technologies in a number of platforms
Venture capital is vital for the success of new
and languages.
entrepreneurial companies, many of which wouldnever have come into being if they had relied on
Access to the right sort of equity capital at the right timehas also been crucial. They received support from the
traditional financing. The essence of venture capital is a
Belgian government and local venture capital investors.
high-level of risk-taking, a willingness to lose in good
Access to public capital markets has also been of critical
faith, and patience before cashing in on successful
importance. Lernout & Hauspie has been quoted on
investment. The history of Lernout & Hauspie is a
NASDAQ since 1995 and is now also quoted on
good example of effective financial support (Box 30).
EASDAQ. The company has grown in value to over EUR1.5 billion.
The job creation potential of such firms in Europe isenormous, far outstripping job growth in large moreestablished companies. In a recent study by theEuropean Venture Capital Association (EVCA) and
Between 1991 and 1995, venture capital-backed
Coopers & Lybrand, 500 companies backed by
companies managed twice the sales revenue, made
venture capital were compared with the Top 500
more than twice the investment and created a 15%
European companies listed by the Financial Times.
increase in employment, whereas the Top 500companies had managed an increase of only 2% in
Risk Capital: A key to job creation in the European Union, 1998
job numbers (Box 31).
31. Comparison of growth rates 1991-1995
Graph comparing venture
capital and Top 500
company growth rates(EVCA)
source: Capricorn Venture Partners
The venture capital industry in Europe is expanding.
Large companies too have an important role to play in
The networking function between entrepreneurs and
providing funding for new small companies. One
investors can itself create revenue flow. Enthusiastic
example is given by Jefferson Smurfit in Ireland
investors spread the word, and more money is
channelled towards venture capital companies. Newfunds raised for venture capital in Europe grew fromEUR 3.4 billion in 1993 to EUR 8 billion in 1996.
33. Smurfit Job Creation Enterprise Fund
Over the same period, early stage investing almost
In 1993 the Irish Government urged large companies
doubled to EUR 380 million. But this is still only a
to encourage the establishment of small companies in
drop in the ocean compared to the sums raised in the
order to stimulate enterprise and employment in
US (Box 32).
Ireland. In response, the Jefferson Smurfit Group set upa Job Creation Venture Capital Fund of EUR 15 millionto assist start-ups and the early stage development ofmanufacturing and traded service companies. In 1996
32. Formal sources of venture capital
the Government provided EUR 7.5 million in additional
matching funds.
High tech investmentsLow tech investments
Jefferson Smurfit also provide executives to sit on the
board of small companies and to act as mentors.
Over the past five years the fund has invested EUR
12 million in 25 projects, which now employ 750 people,
an increase of 300 on their preinvestment level. The
fund is showing a significant return, and two projects
investment (1996)
are now preparing for an IPO.
source: OECD and Bannock
Overall, we urgently require more innovation and creativity in the world of European finance, bankingand investment. For a start, given current uncertain-
Venture capital is now being increasingly used for
ties, the
completion of the Single Market for
service companies and university spin-offs. Venture
financial services would give a powerful and much
capital companies often provide not only equity but
needed signal to both banks and businesses that
also mentoring and strategic analysis to help those
Europe is determined to ensure that its financial
setting up on their own.
system is in order.
In particular,
restrictions on how pension funds
NMAX forms a network called EURO.TM. Other
can be invested must be abolished. In the US,
exchanges which target high-growth SMEs, such as
pension funds are important major investors in
the UK's AIM (Alternative Investment Market), are
venture capital funds. But in most of Europe (except
moving well.
We have to sustain the development
in Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK) they are not
of these exchanges in order to boost employment
permitted to do so.
Pension funds are intended to generate growingreturns on capital over time to finance the retirement
35. Stock markets for small companies, US/EU
of their members. They should be allowed to concen-
NASDAQ has some 5400 listed companies. Its market
trate on the instruments with the best historical
capitalisation exceeds $2 trillion, and in 1994 it created
record, that is on long-term investment in equities. An
16% of all new jobs in the US.
all too common bias in favour of government paperseverely limits the positive role these institutions can
The market capitalisation of EASDAQ is $15 billion
play in a European growth scenario. Allocating their
(but growing fast). It is estimated that all the European
assets to optimise their return on investments would
stock exchanges that target high-growth companies
boost growth and job creation in Europe.
together contribute to the creation of 15% of all newjobs in Europe each year.
Initial public offerings (IPO) have significantly
More than one third of US venture capital is devoted to
increased the return for venture capital funds.
start-ups, compared with only 10% in Europe, which
Access to stock market quotations is being made
still favours management buy-outs.
easier for small companies. A stock market role isimportant for giving immediate visibility to brandnew companies in fast-growing markets, as the smallbiotech company Innogenetics found out (Box 34).
Meanwhile there is a
confusing proliferation across
Europe of public/private schemes to assist the
financing of start-ups and further growth of small
34. The Innogenetics experience
businesses. Without doubt this constitutes a
Innogenetics started as a biotech company in Belgium in
significant misallocation of resources. A hard look at
1985, at a time when venture capital was scarce. After
results reveals that most of these have proven
ten years the company was doing well, but was still
ineffective. This is borne out by the depressingly
small in size and visibility. It went public on EASDAQ in
small number of dynamic SMEs actually created.
1996 and two years later its stock had risen from $12 a
Greater use should be made of public/private and
share to $65. In the process it had become the largest
private/private schemes such as mentoring, manage-
biotech company in Europe.
ment training, access and contacts provision.
The company chairman and founder believes that if
Investment in early stage technology in Europe is
EASDAQ had existed 20 or 25 years earlier, Europe
about one-seventh of that in the US. Europe's R&D
would have hundreds of thousands more jobs today.
sector is always in need of new funds, with fewerstrings attached, as it sets out to achieve the critical
Between 1990 and 1994, companies listed on
mass necessary for global competition.
NASDAQ, the US stock exchange for small companies,
access to private funds for investment in early
created 16% of all jobs in the US although they
stage technology would help attract research
represent only 2.5% of total employment. Following
activities back to Europe and leverage funding from
the success of NASDAQ, Europe has produced
public sources.
several specialised markets.
As a further stimulus to initiative,
The best known of these is EASDAQ, the European
advantage should accrue to those who generate
Association of Securities Dealers Automated
wealth. Taxation systems should be modified
Quotation. A recent alliance of the French Nouveau
accordingly. Reform should be introduced to create
Marché, Germany's Neuer Markt and the Dutch
tax-efficient stock option plans. The differing tax
treatments for venture capital, which discourage
36. The challenges to government set by the
this type of investment in some Member States,
European Venture Capital Association
must be eliminated.
1. Encourage dynamic entrepreneurship and
European standards of
corporate governance are
still too ill-defined and lack the transparency that
2. Provide competitive stock markets for smaller and
growing companies.
investors need. Greater clarity would assist capitalmarkets in allocation of resources, boosting
3. Develop and channel sources of long-term capital.
prospects for long-term sustainable growth. The
4. Provide appropriate investment fund structures for
ERT strongly supports the OECD position on
private equity funds.
5. Adjust tax rewards for those bearing the highest
Finally, the ERT calls for action on the Commission's
6. Promote investment in innovative start-up ventures
recommendations to facilitate the transfer of companyownership in order to safeguard businesses as
7. Facilitate the transfer of company ownership to
generations change. This too is one of the EVCA's
revitalise existing businesses.
eight challenges to government (Box 36).
8. Develop the markets in countries where private
equity is emerging.
source: EVCA White Paper
Boosting Europe's growing companies.
Free up more finance and risk capital
to fund
businesses by injecting entrepreneurial attitudes into
the world of finance and banking:
∆ Remove restrictions on pension fund investment thathold back risk capital.
∆ Expand access to risk capital markets and encouragethe development of the pan-European stock markets that target small high-growth companies.
"Partnership between business and government is vital. Leader-
ship on innovation must come from both sides pushing together.
If they don't work together, then nothing will happen."
Lord Simon of Highbury
There is a great deal that government in Europe
government must act faster. For example, the
can do to create an environment receptive to
liberalisation of hi-tech European markets such as
innovation. The good news is that much is already
telecommunications and financial services is hap-
being done. The bad news is that more is needed
pening, but far too slowly. Throughout the European
because the external world never stops changing.
Union, the need is to lower for new companies the
Therefore - whether national or regional or Union -
barriers to entry and to make it easier for existing
government must continuously evolve in policy-
companies to leave. New markets should be allowed
making. What has been done can be built upon, but
to grow free of legislation for legislation's sake,
we do not just need
more, we now need something
untrammelled by controls and regulations which
have their origin in markets that no longer exist.
The more active European governments have started
One example of the problems created by over-
benchmarking their policies and services to ensure
regulation of new sectors is biotechnology, (Box 37).
that quality keeps pace with new citizen demandsand those imposed by new technologies. Others,
37. Nestlé, biotech and the food sector
however, declare their good intentions but with little
Nestlé and the other ERT food manufacturing com-
real follow-up.
panies have recognised the vast global potential ofbiotechnology. It could help to overcome world food
It is essential to complete Single Market legisla-
shortages, produce plants that require less pesticide, and
tion and to enforce national implementation of
develop food with higher nutritional content.
EU legislation. But this will only take us part of the
way. There is broad agreement on the principle of
But strategic technologies of this kind require a long-term approach. Nestlé first began research in 1982, and
liberalisation of markets for products, labour and
has built up its European R&D over time.
capital, but Member States argue that this should bedone in a way that does not undermine a European
Nestlé would like to continue to develop biotechnology in
Social Model which aims to ensure job security. ERT
Europe and use its strong brands to launch a range of
notes, however, that Western Europe has long suffered
products using this technology. However, regulations in
the highest unemployment rate amongst industri-
Europe are increasingly unpredictable. Approval time isthree times longer than in the US.
alised countries.
Biotech will become critical to the future competitiveness
"Finding the right balance makes for a new kind of
of the food industry. The question is whether Europe will
politics in Europe," according to Lord Simon. "We
participate. Employment in biotech-related sectors in
are on the brink of something massively exciting. If
Europe was estimated to be around 300,000 in 1995. This
we don't pull it off, then the American model will
could rise to over 3 million by 2005 - provided business is allowed to make full use of the opportunities bio-
take us. That is the way of the world."
technology offers.
Government needs to spend more time to under-
38. Setting up a business: cost and time taken for
stand and benchmark microeconomic and supply-
establishment of a private limited company
side policies. Political and social stakeholders needto accept that job losses in traditional occupations is
normal in a healthy economy. Hastily drafted protective measures put up to delay this process will
only hurt more in the long run. Government andbusiness have to understand each other. "We need
consensus and conviction," says Stefano Micossi of
DG III. "We need to manage flexibility and adaptemployment support systems to make it possible to
accept, even support, change with available publicinstruments."
Probably the most difficult thing for government to
understand is the
dual concept of risk and reward.
Time taken to set up a business
Cost of setting up a business
OECD and Logotech (1998)
Better methods of evaluating the risk content of newventures must be found and set against the likelyrewards. As already noted, it is crucial not to
One positive result was the BEST Report (Box 39)
penalise business failure for entrepreneurs: they
from the European Commission on improving and
must be encouraged to try and try again. In the US,
simplifying the business environment for start-ups,
for example, someone who has been bankrupt can
issued in June 1998. The ERT wants to ensure that
still be given a chance to establish a new business
this Report's recommendations are duly implemented.
with further backing from financial institutions, as
The time for good intentions has run out.
he is less likely to fail the second time round.
Legislation ought to be appropriate, simple and
39. Simplifying the business environment for
easy to use. It should guarantee the same solutions
to the same problems in all countries across the EU,
There are 18.5 million small companies in the European
not just in a few. National legislation should not be
Union, accounting for more than 60% of EU turnover
used to block innovations in work patterns and
and 66% of total EU employment. As some 1 million
markets in order to protect existing jobs. If more
new small companies are created every year, there is apressing need to reduce the administrative burden of
legislation is market-led and implemented in a
current legislation for small companies.
uniform way in each country within the same timeframe, doors would be opened to new opportunities
The European Commission's BEST Task Force published
for growth and jobs.
its recommendations in June 1998.
administrative and financial burden of national
What is called for: better public administration; newapproaches in education, training and the workplace;
and European regulations on companies of all sizes,
easier access to finance and help for innovation. The
small, medium and large, is striking and must be
Report called on the European Institutions to provide
alleviated. Furthermore, every study indicates that it
detailed proposals for implementation, including
represents a proportionally bigger problem for SMEs
timetables for action.
and gravely limits their possibilities of expansion.
Setting up a company can be a lengthy and costly business (Box 38).
In the absence of supportive legislative frameworks
The European Commission's commitment to simplify
that help rather than hinder new markets for
legislation is welcome only if it is pursued. The need
innovative products, companies can often suffer
to lighten the burden of European legislation,
heavily during the
cumbersome process of satisfying
especially on small companies, was recognised by
regulatory procedures in different countries. The case
the Luxembourg Employment Summit of 1997.
of Luvox is just one example (Box 40).
There is now a
crying need for greater flexibility
40. The heavy cost of regulatory delay
in labour laws at national level in Europe. This
Luvox, an important anti-depressant, is Solvay's leading
again is vital for companies of all sizes. Short-term,
pharmaceutical product. Annual sales in 1997 reached
part-time, temporary and seasonal employment have
to be properly accommodated.
Research on fluvoxamine started in the late 1960s in
Given the background of technological change plus
Solvay's R&D laboratories, in cooperation with Dutch
globalisation, each with its inherent risks, the time is
academic centres. R&D investment totaled some 3000man-years, which today in monetary terms is valued at
surely ripe to breathe some fresh air into labour
$600 million.
legislation throughout Europe and to bring newideas to the negotiating table. So much has changed
Solvay was the first to patent such a product in 1975.
in the past few years in the world of work, and in
The first registration and launch took place in
society itself, that it is impossible to carry on denying
Switzerland in 1983. Registration in the other main
the regulatory needs of today's very different
European markets took time and was not completeduntil 1987, and not until 1995 in the US.
Meanwhile the American firm Eli Lilly, located in the
The ERT cannot be prescriptive, but it should be
world's biggest market, had also obtained a patent in
possible to
reward good performance without
1975 for a similar product (Prozac), and went on to
starting a generalised upward wages spiral. Ways
launch it with a significant time advantage in their home
must be found to increase the rewards and incentives
market. By 1997 Eli Lilly had achieved global sales of$2.5 billion, fourteen times more than Solvay.
in the variable part of salaries. Just as systems such asstock options are available to company employees,an incentive bonus system should be available tothose who work in public services, service units andthe liberal professions.
Modernise government and legislation
through finding the right balance between
freedom and rules for running local and
global businesses, using a lighter approach
to legislation as a positive tool:
∆ Implement Single Market rules fully at national
∆ Reform restrictive labour market rules to favournew jobs and types of employment.
"We need to see better, we need to mobilise faster, we need to
give the doer space."
Peter Lorange, President of IMD
This Report shows that innovation is the core issue in
competitiveness, and that competitiveness is the key to the creation
of lasting jobs. It also shows that innovation is not only about new
technology, science and research; it is also about attitudes of mind
which should permeate government, businesses, academia, indeed
the whole of society. It is therefore neither useful nor helpful to
address innovation as a strictly economic issue.
New jobs are created through innovation and competitiveness,
either directly in new businesses, or indirectly through the
removal of obstacles, the freeing of markets, and the creation
of more favourable conditions for employment in existing
businesses. The most crucial jobs are those for the future, and
people must be ready and willing to take them. A new spirit
of enterprise is needed. We can prepare for this by applying
innovation now, in human resource management, in R&D
strategies, in educational institutions, and in government.
As Daniel Janssen indicated in the Foreword, the priority actions
identified here are not comprehensive but, if implemented right
across society - by government, public services, businesses and
the individual - they would go a long way towards reducing
unemployment in Europe.
The quotation above points the way forward.
We need to see
better: can we see as early as possible the less obvious
opportunities for creating new enterprises?
We need to mobilise
faster: can we mobilise our resources efficiently and competently,
with Member States and companies working in harmony, and
the lines of responsibility made clear?
We need to give the doer
space: in a highly regulated Europe, can we help those who have
imagination and show initiative - whether working for
companies, in public service, or as individuals - to take risks?
Our overall message is positive, despite all the obstacles that
have been identified. In general, a more active interchange
between government, society, stakeholders, the company and
the individual is essential. As the obstacles are removed, the way
to future opportunity and future jobs is opened up.
build new BUSINESSES
build new MARKETS
for Job Creation and Competitiveness
CHANGE ATTITUDES by promoting a European Society open to innovations in science,
1 technology, business, living and working conditions:
∆ Promote the spirit of enterprise throughout society, in industry, government, finance and education.
∆ Ensure that sound and well-researched information on scientific breakthroughs, new products
and services always gets through to the public.
CREATING NEW BUSINESSES means fostering entrepreneurship by removing obstacles to
2 initiative and by rewarding risk-taking and success:
∆ Establish supportive fiscal conditions for inventors, entrepreneurs and investors.
∆ Drastically reduce the demands of bureaucracy and ensure that legislation does not penalise failure.
Get more from Europe's RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT through introducing the Single
3 Market concept to our research and academic communities:
∆ Reform the patent systems in Europe, permitting single filing of a unitary patent for all Europe with no
∆ Promote biotechnology as one of the key technologies of the new Millennium and provide a more
supportive external and regulatory environment.
Improve Europe's KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS through re-igniting enthusiasm for
4 innovation and entrepreneurship in the educational environment:
∆ Build basic business education into school curricula and provide state of the art education in science
and technology.
∆ Promote an Innovation Year to bring the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship into the heart
of schools and training colleges.
Free up more FINANCE AND RISK CAPITAL to fund businesses by injecting entrepreneurial
5 attitudes into the world of finance and banking:
∆ Remove restrictions on pension fund investment that hold back risk capital.
∆ Expand access to risk capital markets and encourage the development of pan-European stock markets
that target small high-growth companies.
Modernise GOVERNMENT AND LEGISLATION through finding the right balance between
6 freedom and rules for running local and global businesses, using a lighter approach to
legislation as a positive tool:
∆ Implement Single Market rules fully at national level. ∆ Reform restrictive labour market rules to favour new jobs and types of employment.
Mr Alexandros Akritopoulos
Mr Rob F. van Esch
DG III, European Commission
Head of European Union Liaison
Director European Affairs, Unilever
Shell International Ltd
Ms Yvonne Gärtner
Conseiller Recherche Scientifique
European Affairs Associate, Microsoft
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Policy AdvisorMinistry of Education, Culture & Science (NL)
Ing. Pier Giorgio Gili
Member of the Board, Fiat Research Centre
Secretary General, EuropaBio
Mr Alessandro CagliIndustry Attaché, Perm. Rep. of Italy to the EU
Director, European Commission
Mr Jan F. Candries
Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen's Assoc.
Advisor, AECA Europe
Mrs Sophie GuillotEU Corporate Affairs Deputy Manager, Michelin
Mr Stefano Catelani
Head EU Liaison Office
Director Governmental Affairs Europe
BASF EU Liaison Office
Du Pont de Nemours International S.A.
Director, Transatlantic Policy Network
Dr Marc Battaille
Mr Michel Catinat
Sir Ronald Hampel
President, I.P.A.C.
Adviser to the Director General
European Commission - DG III
Mr Alain Heilbrunn
DG III, European Commission
Mr Thierry Chambolle
Director for European Affairs, Total
Deputy Director General-Environment
Ms Geneviève De Bauw
Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
Ms Lone Henriksen
Director, EU Government Affairs
Detached National Expert, European Commission
Dow Europe s.a.
Dr Jean-Marie ChandelleManaging Director, CEMBUREAU
Mr Hugo Van Heuverswyn
Gimentas Liaison Officer
Dr William Coderre
Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen's Assoc.
Counsellor Science & Technology
Lord Simon of Highbury
The Canadian Mission to the European Union
Minister for Trade and Competitiveness in Europe
Mr Robin Berkeley
Department of Trade and Industry
Director, European Government Affairs
President, ABB Service Worldwide
Mr Alfred HoffaitGeneral Manager Research & Development
Mr Michel Bilquin
Mrs Edith Cresson
Head of International Communication
Member of the Commission
European Commission
Mr Dirk HudigSecretary General, UNICE
Ms Mona Björklund
Mr Stanley Crossick
EU Affairs Consultant
Chairman, European Policy Centre
Mr Jan-Peter Huges
European Energy & Telecom Consulting
President, AKZO NOBEL International NV
Mr Philippe Nestor Louis D'Heygere
Mr Jehan-Eric Blumereau
President, Stow International Group of Companies
Mr Torbjörn Ihre
Directeur des Relations Inter-Entreprises
President, Ericsson European Affairs Office
Mr Joël De DeckerPublic Affairs Manager, IBM
Mr Toshikazu Inui
Counsellor, Mission of Japan to the EU
Chief Executive Officer, Ducroire
Mrs Mia DeclercqAdvokaat, Baker & McKenzie
Mrs Daniela Israelachwili
Prof. Antonio Borges
Director, Economic & Financial Affairs, UNICE
Mr Jean-Claude DeltheilEU Corporate Affairs Manager, Michelin
Prof. Alexis Jacquemin
Chief Adviser, Forward Studies Unit
Chairman Employment & Labour Market
European Commission
Committee E.C.
Manager Economic Department
Ministerie Sociale Zaken & Werkgelegenheid (NL)
Mr Georges JacobsCEO, UCB
Mr Alexandre Brégadzé
Managing Director, Businesscom International S.A.
H.E. Mr Lee Jai-chun
Ambassade de Russie en Belgique
Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary
Mission of Korey to the European Union
Mr Walter Brinkmann
Senior Vice President European Affairs
Baron Daniel Janssen
Coca-Cola Greater Europe
Mr Jaime Echevarria
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Solvay
Director Corporativo, Iberdrola
Mr Hans Broeckhoff
Mr Staffan Jerneck
Deputy Head of Safety & Env'l Assurance Centre
Mr Harry van Egmond
Deputy Director, Director of Corporate Relations
Economic Adviser, Unilever
Prof. Dr Henri Jolles
Member of the European Parliament
Member of the European Parliament
Directeur France, Ecole Européenne des Affaires
Mr Hans-Werner Müller
Sabanci Holding Liaison Officer
Secretary General, UEAPME
Public Affairs Manager, Solvay
Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen's Assoc.
Mr Béla Murányi
Dr Teun Swanenburg
Mr Roland de Kergorlay
Counsellor S&T, Mission of Hungary to the EU
Senior Director for Research Coordination
Philips Corporate Research
Société Européenne des Satellites
Mr Paul MuysExternal Relations Officer, Solvay
Senior Director European Affairs
Advisor to the Chairman, Fiat
Philips Electronics NV
Chargé de Mission
Société Générale de Belgique
Ms Maria Szalankiewicz
Director, Corporate Communications & Public
Mission of Poland to the EU
Managing Director
Prof. Jonathan Knowles
Capricorn Venture Partners n.v.
Head of Pharma Research
Deputy Director-General - DG XII
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
European Commission
Secretary General, ERT
Mr Mathias Ternell
Deputy Chief of Mission
Mr Toine Philippa
Industry Attaché
General Manager, InTerPAC BV
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Dr Herwig Kressler
Mr Matti Pietarinen
Head Remuneration-Industrial Relations Advisor,
Councellor, Permanent Representation of Finland
Managing Director
European Energy & Telecom Consulting
Mr Tilmann Kupfer
Principal Administrator, DG XXII
Mr Georges de Veirman
Senior Adviser, European Regulation
European Commission
BT Brussels Representative Office
American European Community Association
Chairman, Ericsson
Mr Baudouin Velge
Senior Vice President, Nokia Corporation,
Directeur, VBO-FEB
Mr Keith RichardsonSpecial Adviser, European Policy Centre
Mr Bernard de Laguiche
Membre du Cabinet de Mme Cressson
Manager Corporate Planning,
European Commission
EU Focal Point, Shell International
Ms Caroline Walcot
Mr Paul Van Leeuwe
Deputy Secretary General, ERT
Permanent Representation of the Netherlands
Mr Marc De Schinckel
Senior Vice President - Group EU Director
Mr Eckart Lehfeldt
Vice-President Public and EU Affairs,
Leiter Verbindungsbüro Bonn Forschung und
Technik, Daimler-Benz
Dr Hendrik Schlesing
Director European Operations
Australian High Commission
President and Maucher Nestlé Professor, IMD
The Weinberg Group
Mr Rudi M. Mariën
Chairman, Innogenetics
European Affairs Director
Federation of German Industries (BDI)
Mrs Regina Matthijsen
Deputy Director, International Industrial Relations
Mr William Seddon-Brown
Adviser, Cabinet of President Santer
Philips International B.V.
Director, P.O.D.S.
European Commission
Prof. Dr. Frieder Meyer-Krahmer
Director, Fraunhofer-Institut für Systemtechnik
Deputy Secretary General, Eurochambres
Chef de Cabinet of Mrs Cresson
und Innovationsforschung
European Commission
Ms Patience Nontatu Zanele Skolo
Mrs Liliane Meyers
Corporate Manager Industrial Property and Info.
South African Mission to the European Union
& Doc., Solvay S.A.
Mr Stefano Micossi
Senior Director, Siemens
Director-General - DG III, European Commission
Mrs Marianne Spangenberg-Carlier
Mr Luc Van Den Moortgate
Manager Small Business Unit & SPMO
Director, Fabrimetal
Shell Nederland BV
Mr Albrecht Mulfinger
Mr Lars Stålberg
DG XXIII/C/2, European Commission
Senior Vice President, Ericsson Group
Members of the European Round Table of Industrialists
Morris Tabaksblat
François Cornélis
Dimitris Daskalopoulos
Société Générale de Belgique
Carlo De Benedetti
Thierry Desmarest
Jean-René Fourtou
José Antonio Garrido
Hoffmann-La Roche
Flemming Lindeløv
Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
Mark Moody-Stuart
Royal Dutch/Shell
Heinrich von Pierer
Manfred Schneider
General Electric Company
Jefferson Smurfit
Marco Tronchetti Provera
Secretary General
1. Graduates in Natural Sciences EU / US
22. Customer-led innovation at Unilever
2. Number of research students EU / US
23. The need for a unitary patent system in the EU
3. Job creation and job churn EU / US
24. From campus company to NASDAQ in 6 years
4. Biotech companies and the creation of new jobs EU / US
25. The role of people
5. Newly created specialist biotech companies EU / US
26. New ways of working in Nokia
6. Patents granted in 1996 EU / US
27. ERT Education Reports
7. Attitudes to risk-taking and individual initiative EU / US
28. Schools Enterprise Programme in Scotland
8. UK Government progress in one year
29. Continuing education and training for adults
9. The transformation of Philips
30. Speech technology
10. New approach to insurance at BP
31. Comparison of growth rates 1991-1995
11. Jobs created by new company openings EU / US
32. Formal sources of venture capital
12. Mobile telephony
33. Smurfit Job Creation Enterprise Fund
13. A stimulus to job creation
34. The Innogenetics experience
14. Shell invests for the long-term in renewable energies
35. Stock markets for small companies US / EU
15. Low cost colour printing
36. The challenges to government set by the
16. BT and Concert Communications
European Venture Capital Association
17. Total R&D expenditure and closeness to market
37. Nestlé, biotech and the food sector
18. EC First Action Plan on Innovation
38. Setting up a business: cost and time taken for
19. The Fifth Framework Programme for R&D in Europe
establishment of a private limited company
20. Research cooperation: perception of business leaders
39. Simplifying the business environment for start-ups (BEST)
21. Pirelli and the P6000 Tyre
40. The heavy cost of regulatory delay
∆ Beating the Crisis (1993)∆ European Competitiveness: the Way to Growth and Jobs (1994) ∆ Education for Europeans (1995)∆ Benchmarking for Policy-Makers (1996)∆ A Stimulus to Job Creation; practical partnerships between large and small companies (1997)∆ Investing in Knowledge (1997)
The report has been prepared by members of the
The publication is available in English, French and
ERT Competititiveness Working Group, chaired by
German and is distributed free of charge. The
Daniel Janssen, based on the Colloquium held on
English text may also be downloaded from the ERT
19 May 1998. We are grateful to Piet Steel of Solvay
and Caroline Walcot of ERT for their work in organising the Colloquium and editing the text.
For information and further copies, please contact:
The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)
This report was approved by the ERT Members at
avenue Henri Jaspar 113
their Plenary Session of 16 November 1998. Most of
these opinions are widely shared within the business
community, but individual ERT Members may differ
Tel: +32 2 534 31 00
on specific issues.
Fax: +32 2 534 73 48e-mail:
[email protected]
is a group of 44 European industrial leaders who are personally committed to strengthen
and develop Europe's industrial and technological competitiveness.
Since its creation in 1983 the ERT has contributed significantly to an improved dialogue
between industry and governments at both national and European levels.
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society HIV Futures Seven The Health and Wel being of HIV Positive People in Australia Jeffrey Grierson Monograph SerieS nuMber 88iSbn 9781921915338© La Trobe univerSiTy 2013 Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society HIV Futures Seven The Health and Wel being of HIV Positive People in Australia