Pii: s0301-4215(02)00135-0
Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
The Seven Brothers
Public Service International Research Unit, School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Greenwich, 30 Park Row, London SE10 9LS, UK
in 2002 to form the sixth largest company. There is thena drop in size to the Italian company, ENI and the
In 1975, Anthony Sampson wrote a book, ‘The Seven
Spanish company, Repsol. As in 1975, the top three
Sisters', which documented how seven huge oil compa-
companies are in a different league to the others.
nies had come to dominate the world oil market(Sampson, 1975). Before long, a follow-up book mightrecount the rise of ‘The Seven Brothers', seven majorcorporations, all based in mainland Europe, that will
3. Who will the Seven Brothers be?
dominate world markets for network-delivered services,mainly electricity, but also perhaps gas and water.
It would probably have been inconceivable a decade
Ironically, the trigger that is allowing this new ‘club' to
ago that the world's anti-trust authorities would have
emerge is the European Union Directives on electricity
allowed the recent wave of oil company mergers, but
of 1996 (and the similar Gas Directive of 1998),
the new tolerance for highly concentrated markets may
measures designed to break up monopolies and create
have been one of the factors that opened the way for the
competitive markets. The emergence of Seven Brothers
Seven Brothers. Unless the European Union develops an
raises a number of issues:
appetite to take on corporate interests, these companieswill soon dominate European and perhaps world
How did these companies achieve this position?
markets for network-supplied energy services. Unlike
Why are no US or British companies in the list?
the Seven Sisters, which were controlled mainly by
Can these European companies penetrate markets
Anglo-American interests, the Seven Brothers are more
outside Europe? and
likely to be based on the European mainland (see
What are the dangers of this level of concentration?
Tables 2 and 3).
There are still many battles to be fought before the
final identity of these leviathans is clear, but as with the
2. The Seven Sisters
Seven Sisters, there is already an elite selection of threecompanies at the top of the table. Electricite de France
The Seven Sisters were Exxon, Shell, BP, Gulf,
(EDF) is state owned and is the world's largest utility by
Texaco, Mobil and Chevron. Mergers and takeovers,
any measure. It was an early mover in expanding outside
particularly from 1998 to 2001 strengthened the grip of
its home territory and has already made important
these companies so that the ‘Seven' became the ‘Four'.
acquisitions in the UK, Germany, Italy and Sweden as
The first of the Sisters to fall was Gulf, taken over by
well as outside Europe, especially in Brazil. RWE and
Chevron in 1984. Exxon and Mobil merged in 1998 to
E.ON of Germany were much later into the fray and are
become the largest oil company, with Shell in second
only now beginning to make acquisitions in electricity
place (see Table 1). BP took over three other important
outside Germany, but their ambitions are now clear and
oil companies, Amoco, Arco and Burmah-Castrol in
their vast resources are more than adequate to fund
1998–2000 to take third place, while Chevron and
these ambitions.
Texaco merged in 2001 to become the number four
Vattenfall of Sweden is publicly owned and is the
company. A new European grouping created from the
largest utility in the Nordic region. It is a surprising
merger of two French oil companies, Total and Elf, and
candidate given its relatively small size, but its acquisi-
the Belgian company, Fina, created a fifth world power.
tions in Germany in the past year or two put it in the top
Two large US companies, Conoco and Phillips merged
league. Endesa of Spain, formerly state owned but nowprivatised, was an early mover outside Europe and asSouthern European companies come up for sale, it will
*Tel.: +44-208-331-9056; fax: +44-208-331-8665.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S. Thomas).
be astrong bidder.
0301-4215/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
Table 1The world's major oil companies
Turnover 2001 ($bn)
Refinery cap (MBPD)
Royal Dutch Shell
Source: Annual Reports and Accounts and ‘ConocoPhillips: A new international major' Presentation by ConocoPhillips Notes: (1) BBOE=billion barrels of oil equivalent, MMBOED=million barrels of oil equivalent per day, MBPD=million barrels per day. (2)Turnover figures for TotalFinaElf, ENI and Repsol are converted at an exchange rate of $1=h1.1.
Table 2Presence of the brothers in the electricity markets of the European Union
Hidrocantabrico (33)
Eastern (dist)4.8 GW generation
Espoon Sakho (34)
HEW (99)VEAG (81)
Hidrocantabrico (38)
Notes: (1) In France, Ireland, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, Luxembourg, and Denmark, there has been limited international entry so far. (2) EDF'sholdings in Hidrocantabrico and Italenergia are through its subsidiary, EnBW. A subsidiary of Italenergia, Edipower, led the consortium that boughtEurogen. (3) Iberdrola has yet to make any major acquisitions in the European Union countries. (4) Companies' activities in their home markets(marked X) are not listed. Figures in brackets represent percentage ownership for companies not wholly owned.
The other contenders, either intact or as part of a new
privatised UK utilities, regulatory action to reduce its
combination are ENEL of Italy, Tractebel (formerly
market power in its home market may mean that it is
Belgian but now part of the French-owned Suez),
not able to capitalise on its current strong position. Suez
Fortum (Finland, formerly IVO but now merged with
has the financial resources, already being a major force
the national oil company Neste), Statkraft (Norway),
in water industries worldwide, but its electricity base in
Iberdrola (Spain), EDP (Portugal) and the Verbund
European, the Belgian market where Electrabel, which it
(Austria). ENEL is amongst the largest of the world's
controls through its ownership of 42 per cent of the
utilities but it is being privatised and it is not clear yet
stock, has a near monopoly, may be vulnerable if the
how much further it will be broken up. Its strategic
Belgian authorities choose to adopt an aggressive stance
position does not yet seem coherent and, like the
on competition. The other companies may not have the
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
Table 3Summary of activities of the large electricity companies in 2000
Elec sales revenue
Global elec sales
a EDF's only substantial activity is in the electricity sector.
b RWE does not publish a separate figure for its electricity workforce. The figure shown is for the energy division which includes their gas business.
c Endesa does not publish separate sales revenue and employment figures for its electricity activities, but other activities represent only a small
proportion of its total sales.
d In 2000, ENEL's only substantial activity was in electricity.
e The bracketed figures for Vattenfall represent estimates for the group if its German acquisitions had been included. Separate figures for electricity
revenue and employment are not produced.
f Iberdrola does not produce electricity output, sales figures that include its foreign activities, nor does it produce figures for the electricity sector
alone, although this represents it main activity.
g In the Suez accounts, the Tractebel Energy division figures cover electricity and gas. Suez does not publish figures of employment in its energy
division, nor does it publish figures on its electricity sales and output.
Source: Annual Report and Accounts.
scale or resources to compete yet, but mergers or
industry was controlled by the nine companies that
alliances could yet take them into the top division. For
dominated generation, and owned and operated the
example, Iberdrola has had alliances with EDP, Repsol,
high voltage transmission system for their franchise
the Spanish oil company, ENI, the Italian oil company
region. Of these nine, RWE and PreussenElektra (part
and Gas Natural, the Spanish gas company. In April
of the VEBA group) were by far the largest with
2002, it was rumoured that Fortum and Statkraft would
Bayernwerk (part of the VIAG group) also a strong
merge. If such alliances were made, the resulting group
presence. In the monopoly situation, these companies
could have the strength to compete in global markets.
could all peacefully co-exist making comfortable profits.
Within this elite group, a range of strategies are being
Any expansion outside their franchise areas by taking
followed. At one extreme, EDF (because of legal
over existing companies in Germany was politically
restrictions) is still a pure electricity company at least
contentious (although not impossible), while the pro-
in France, although it is examining ways to enter the gas
spects of moving outside Germany in electricity were
market. At the other extreme, RWE, Suez and E.ON
appear to be targeting the full range of network services.
The German utilities fought the imposition of the
In between, the other companies are beginning to move
Electricity Directive, but they received less support from
into gas as well as electricity.
the federal government than they expected and had toaccept its imposition, albeit in a weakened form. Theyhave so far been allowed to retain control over their
4. Changes in Germany
transmission networks and no sector-specific regulatorhas yet been appointed. Regulation is currently carried
The recent structural changes to the electricity
out by self-regulation, overseen by the Federal Cartel
industry in Germany illustrate the changes graphically.
Office (FCO), an organisation with only a handful of
In the past, the structure of the German electricity sector
staff specialising in electricity, with some oversight by
has seemed mind-bogglingly complicated. More than
the authorities in the L.ander.
1000 companies were involved in the electricity industry,
The prospect of liberalisation through introduction of
some electricity-generation-only companies, some only
competition in generation and retail supply was a
distributors of electricity and some vertically integrated
challenge and an opportunity to the companies.
from generation to retail supply. Some companies were
Competition threatened to disrupt their cosy position,
locally owned, such as the ‘Stadtwerke', while others
but the abolition of local monopolies meant that they
were privately owned. However, the reality was that the
could contemplate expanding outside their region and
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
outside Germany. The FCO was thought to be unhappy
RWE and E.ON are now also diversifying geogra-
at the prospect of having to regulate the large number of
phically and into other services to buttress their
companies that existed then and was prepared to
position. RWE has been active in the gas and water
tolerate consolidation of the sector into four main
sector. In gas, it took a dominant position in the Czech
companies to make its job manageable. Things moved
market in 2002 and in water, it has taken over Thames
rapidly. In the 2 years from autumn 1999 the nine
Water (UK) in 2000 to become the third largest
companies (with three dominant ones) were transformed
international water company. Its first major interna-
into four companies, two huge ones (E.ON and RWE)
tional acquisition in electricity was Innogy (the de-
and two other companies (EnBW and Vattenfall
merged UK operation of National Power) in March
Europe) competing on a national scale.
2002. E.ON has taken over the main German gas
PreussenElektra, the second largest company, led the
company, Ruhrgas, and has bought major electricity
charge when its parent, VEBA, took over VIAG, parent
companies in the UK and the Netherlands.
of the third largest company, Bayernwerk to formE.ON. RWE, the largest, followed with its merger with
5. What is the ElectricityDirective trying to achieve?
another of the big nine, VEW. Two more companies,Badenwerk and EVS had merged in 1997 and are now
Despite the theoretical advantages of a monopoly
controlled by the French nationally owned electric
system for the electricity industry and its excellent
utility, EDF. The three remaining companies, BEWAG
record since World War 2 in providing reliable and
(Berlin), HEW (Hamburg) and VEAG (most of the
affordable electricity supplies, there was increasing
former GDR) are now controlled by the Swedish
criticism of the old system in the 1980s (see Table 4).
nationally owned utility, Vattenfall. In January 2002,
The Electricity Directive attempted to address these
Vattenfall consolidated these four companies into
criticisms and is based on the structure Britain tried to
Vattenfall Europe.
implement in 1990 when it reformed its electricity
Beneath the top layer of companies, there has also
industry. The main elements of the ‘British Model' were:
been considerable merger and acquisition activity by thebig four. A particular target has been the Stadtwerke
Creation of a wholesale electricity market;
that distribute to final consumers. Acquiring such
allowing final consumers to choose their retail
companies will allow the big four to integrate from
supplier of electricity; and
generation to retail supply, a strategy that will
opening up the network to third party access (TPA)
insulate them from having to compete in wholesale
so that all retail and wholesale electricity suppliers
competed on equal terms.
Table 4Models of electricity systems
Economies of scale minimise costs
Lack of control over costs with consumers left to foot thebill
Avoidance of wasteful duplication of facilities
Over-investment to minimise any risk of power shortages
Ability to achieve wider environmental, social and
Social and economic measures became fossilised and
cease to serve useful purposes. Disruptive governmentinterference
Public accountability
Technical dominance of utilities makes it difficult fortheir judgements to be questioned
Competitive model
De-integration and atomistic competition in wholesale
Vertically integrated oligopolies give an illusion of
and retail markets forces prices down to the long-run
competition. Creating markets require huge investment
marginal cost. Competition is a ‘free good'
by consumers in software and high running costs
Supply and demand balance because over-investment
‘Hog cycles' of over- and under-investment lead to
avoided as a result of market discipline
wasted investment and mean security of supply is put atrisk
Investment risk borne by investors, not consumers
Oligopoly powers mean extra costs still land onconsumers
Shareholders exert financial discipline
Shareholder profits come before public service
Indigenous fuel and equipment industries are forced to
Indigenous capabilities are lost, and fuel and equipment
become competitive
are supplied by a handful of multinational companies
Social and environment policy objectives are decided by
Poor consumers are discriminated against by suppliers
central government, not utilities and paid for by
and meeting environmental objectives becomes difficult
taxpayers not consumers
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
Implicit in these basic elements are three further
markets has cost consumers dear. Developing the
systems to allow retail competition for small consumerscost them about d730m (Offer, 1997), while the newly
To ensure that there is fair access to the networks,
redesigned wholesale market (NETA) is rumoured to
they should be owned by companies that do not
have cost in excess of d600m. Running costs are also
compete in retail or wholesale electricity markets;
high, the Balancing Market element of NETA alone
to prevent abuse of their monopoly position, the
costs d80m per year to run (Power UK, 2002b).
charges levied by the network companies should be
So while British experience is frequently held up as an
set by an independent sector regulator; and
example to the rest of the world, the British Model has
to ensure the wholesale electricity market is the
not been implemented in Britain, let alone been proven.
primary factor in the setting of wholesale electricity
One response from countries trying to implement the
prices, vertical integration of generation and retail
British Model would be to simply try harder to make it
supply should be minimised.
work. Disallow vertical integration of generation andsupply, force the companies to buy most of their power
In practice, the system implemented in Britain has
on half-hourly markets and step up pressure on
never conformed with this model. The one area where
consumers to shop around. But this sounds dangerously
there has been unequivocal success is in separating
close to describing the California Model that failed so
network activities from competitive activities and
disastrously in 2001.
ensuring access to the network has not been an issue.
This raises the question, is a wholesale electricity
The National Grid Company (that owns the transmis-
market sustainable and if it is, is it preferable to a
sion system) is fully independent, while the owners of the
regulated monopoly? If a wholesale electricity market
local distribution networks are now required to make a
cannot be implemented, the other reforms make little
rigorous separation of network activities from commer-
sense. In today's pro-competition climate, many advo-
cial activities.
cates of liberalisation will not even acknowledge these as
The wholesale electricity market has consistently
legitimate questions. For them, if a market is apparently
proved problematic and half-hourly markets have never
technically feasible, it will inevitably be preferable to a
been the primary price-setting mechanism in the way
regulated monopoly.
that was envisaged. For the first 8 years, this was largely
In the short term, a wholesale electricity system that is
because wholesale electricity prices were set by long-
not a monopoly is feasible, as has been demonstrated by
term confidential contracts imposed by government.
the NordPool, which covers Norway, Sweden, Finland
Now, it is the trend to vertical integration of generation
and Denmark, and by Britain. However, in California
and retail supply that is thwarting this objective. Of the
and Brazil, serious under-investment in new capacity led
14 retail supply businesses that were privatised in Britain
to a near collapse of their electricity systems, raising
in 1990, are all now in the hands of a generation
doubts about the sustainability of markets. It will do no
company. This form of vertical integration makes good
service to consumers if liberalisation creates a market
business sense reducing generators' exposure to an
that is competitive in the short term, but is too risky to
unpredictable wholesale electricity market, but it means
justify investment in new generating capacity being
that the wholesale electricity market will tend to be
undertaken. NordPool has been able to survive so far
bypassed with generators generating power to supply to
with little new generation investment because of a
their own final consumers. In other countries that have
combination of low demand growth and a surplus of
copied the British Model, such as Argentina and
capacity before liberalisation. In Britain, there has been
Colombia, this form of vertical integration is illegal.
over-investment, largely because the market has failed
Introducing retail competition has been equally
so far to force prices down to their long-run marginal
problematic. Large consumers have so far done well
using their resources and negotiating skills to get a good
The idea that a market, even if it is sustainable, might
deal from retail competition. However, small consu-
not be preferable to a regulated monopoly is an even
mers, who have been able to choose supplier since 1998,
more heretical proposition. Advocates of competition
are confronted with bewildering packages of services
seem to implicitly assume that competition is either a
and lack the resources or interest to exploit the market.
free good, or the costs are so small as to be inevitably
As a result, the differential between the prices paid by
swamped by the benefits of competition. Blatantly,
small and large consumers is widening significantly.
competition is not afree good in this sector. In Britain,
Between January 1999 and January 2002, the price paid
consumers have paid well over d1.5bn to create whole-
by residential consumers for the unregulated part of
sale and retail markets. There are other less obvious
their bill rose by 5 per cent. In the same period, the price
costs. The inevitable consequence of competition is risk
paid by large industrial consumers fell by nearly 20 per
to investment and that translates into significantly
cent (Power UK, 2002a). Creating wholesale and retail
increased required rates of return on capital. The
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
National Grid Company in Britain survives on an
dominant players in their home countries. Iberdrola was
allowed real rate of return on investment of about 6 per
the number two company in Spain. RWE and E.ON
cent, because its investments are seen as low risk.
were the strongest companies in Germany, while Suez
However, investments in new power stations in Britain,
achieved much of its strength in the electricity sector
because they are high-risk, are expected to make a real
taking a controlling stake in Electrabel, the dominant
rate of return of 15 per cent, whereas in a regulated
company in Belgium. Most of the countries of the
monopoly, 6 per cent would presumably be adequate. In
European Union did not actively seek to create a
a capital-intensive industry like electricity, such a
national electricity market. Only for the UK, Portugal,
discrepancy is bound to impose an additional cost on
Sweden, Finland and perhaps the Netherlands could it
consumers. Whether the benefits of competition forcing
be argued that the governments enthusiastically pushed
down prices will be sufficient to pay the high costs of
for the implementation of the EU Electricity Directive.
introducing competition is far from clear. If it is not
The other governments simply followed the letter of the
proven that a competitive electricity industry is both
Directive and had no real commitment to creating a
sustainable and desirable, policies to force the emer-
competitive electricity market.
gence of a European market would be misguided.
Politicians in European Union countries were also
From the consumers' perspective, what may emerge if
perhaps aware of experience in Britain following
competition is pursued and no action is taken to prevent
privatisation there. Throughout the British privatisation
over-concentration in electricity, is an industry with a
programme, there had always been a tension between
cosmetic veneer of competition, but strong suspicions
those that wanted privatisation to create strong British
that, like the oil industry, all is not as competitive as it
companies that could compete in world markets, and
seems. If wholesale markets fail to deliver reliable cheap
those that wanted to create competitive markets for
electricity, governments will be obliged to step in to
utility services in Britain. Reconciling these two aims
reduce the riskiness of investment in new capacity,
was always going to be a difficult and probably
transferring risk back to consumers. As the companies
impossible balancing act and those that favoured
develop their strategic skills, regulators will find it
competition seem to have won. It would be hard to
increasingly difficult to see behind the veneer of
argue that any of the privatised British companies has
competition to determine whether the industry is as
become a major world player. British Gas and British
competitive as it should be. One advantage to con-
Telecom have not become powerful international forces.
sumers of an integrated pseudo-competitive model
In electricity, the companies that have done best were
those that were shielded from the market by monopoly
companies will have an incentive to invest in sufficient
(or pseudo-monopoly) powers, such as National Grid
capacity to ensure their own consumers are not cut
Company and Scottish Power. Ironically, the smashing
up of the powerful players in Britain, like NationalPower, Powergen and British Gas, has arguably failed toproduce a market that is competitive enough to benefit
6. How did the Seven Brothers achieve this position?
either gas or electricity consumers. In most otherEuropean countries, when the choice between a compe-
There are two sides to this question. Why did the
titive national electricity market and nurturing a
political authorities, who at the same time were
national champion became clear, the priority seems to
implementing measures aimed at promoting competi-
have been protecting national champions. Only the
tion, allow this concentration to happen? And where did
Netherlands has conspicuously followed the British
the companies get the resources to indulge in this
example of making competition the priority, with the
result that much of its electricity industry quickly fellinto foreign hands.
6.1. Political factors
6.1.1. National Governments
The stance of the EC is harder to explain. When the
The first question needs to be divided into the
Directive was passed in 1996, it might have still been
attitudes of the national governments and the attitude
possible for EC officials to foresee a Europe-wide
of the European Commission (EC). For the national
electricity market based on an untarnished version of
governments, the key factor is that the companies
the British Model. Power would be bought and sold
generally had dominant positions in their home coun-
through highly competitive wholesale markets, all
tries and were seen as future ‘national champions'. EDF,
consumers would force prices down by shopping
ENEL and EDP were nationally owned companies that
around for the cheapest deal and a large field of
were effective national monopolies. Endesa, Vattenfall
competing companies would replace local or national
and Fortum were also nationally owned and were the
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
This now appears na.ıve nonsense. The industry
not enjoyed such support from central government nor
is concentrating down to a handful of players and
does it have access to the Swedish nuclear decommis-
wholesale markets are being bypassed by vertical
sioning funds. It had to sell bonds to finance its German
integration of generation and retail supply. While
owning the infrastructure is a crude but effective way
Like EDF, E.ON and RWE are allowed to use funds
to keep out competition, as British experience has
collected from consumers to decommission their nuclear
shown, companies with enough market power do not
power plants to pay for their acquisitions. Endesa and
need such aprop to dominate the industry. EDF, RWE
Iberdrola claimed large amounts of money from public
and E.ON will probably cling on to ownership of their
funds for decisions related to their nuclear plants. In
networks for as long as possible, but taking away the
1995, they were compensated for the government
network from them will not by itself remove their
decision of 1984 to abandon work on several nuclear
market power. It is also becoming blatantly obvious that
power plants. With the implementation of the Electricity
if other important policy objectives are to be met, such
Directive, they claimed that their nuclear power
as environmental, social and strategic security objec-
plants would be ‘stranded' (they would not make the
tives, market mechanisms will have to be further
profit expected) by the introduction of competition and
compromised. So why is the EC behaving as if all is
they should be compensated for the lost profits. For the
going well and what is needed is one last push to open
1995 decision, because the income was backed by
retail markets to competition and open networks to
government guarantees, the income they would receive
over a period of several years could be capitalised as a
There are a number of factors that help explain the
lump sum of billions of dollars by selling bonds. This
gave them ample resources for a shopping spree, muchof which took place in Latin America. The ‘stranded
There are those whose belief in markets is so strong
assets' decision will yield them a substantial flow of
that no amount of empirical evidence will convince
income. Endesa and Iberdrola do not have access to
them a market solution is not the answer;
Spanish decommissioning funds.
the EC enjoys the kudos it receives from ‘breaking upmonopolies', ‘removing trade barriers' and ‘givingconsumers choice': empty phrases, but they have
7. Whyare no US or British companies in the Seven?
good public relations value; and
a long-standing desire to break the power of
Economic theory, the advantage of the ‘early mover',
nationally owned monopolies, which it sees as
would suggest that British companies should have been
bastions of restrictive practices.
able to use their early experience of markets to give them
However, the most worrying factor is that some EC
an advantage as the European markets opened up.
officials acknowledge that the electricity industry is
Equally, most would expect that the sheer economic
moving rapidly to a structure dominated by a handful of
power of giant US corporations would be difficult to
giants. They believe that they have the resources, the
skills and the political power to control the situation and
As argued above, the electricity companies in Britain
ensure that the industry, despite its concentration, does
were victims of the political and regulatory desire to be
behave competitively. Where is the evidence to back this
seen to be creating a competitive industry. In all, 17
companies, two generators, one transmission company,12 distribution companies and two integrated Scottish
6.2. Financial factors
companies were privatised in 1990. All were protectedfrom takeover by government Golden Shares, although
The source of the funds used for acquisitions varies
the protection for the 12 regional distribution companies
between companies, but it would be hard to argue that
ran out in 1995. The distribution companies were
their strength came because they had out-competed the
probably individually too small to have had an impact
opposition. EDF was one of the first movers, making
outside the UK and as soon as government protection
acquisitions in Latin America and Sweden in the mid-
from takeover was removed, the only question was how
90s. Since 1992, when EDF International was created to
quickly they would be taken over. The two more likely
expand its businesses, government has sanctioned
candidates to become world players were National
borrowing on the international market to finance
Power and Powergen, the two privatised generation
international acquisitions. It can also use the vast
companies, which in 1990 had between them a market
provisions made by French consumers for the decom-
share of about 80 per cent in power generation. As a
missioning of its nuclear power plants. These provisions
result of regulatory policies to strip them of their market
are not segregated from the rest of the company's
power, by 1998, these two companies were shadows of
business and EDF is free to invest them. Vattenfall has
the companies created a decade before, their market
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
share being about a third of what it had been in 1990.
profit. Some tried to move into Europe and Latin
By 2001, National Power had had to split itself into a
America but quickly found life was not as simple as they
UK company (Innogy) and an international company
thought. Reliant was one of the first foreign investors in
(IPG) just to survive and Powergen was taken over
Brazil, buying a distribution company, Light, in
by E.ON. In March 2002, Innogy was taken over by
consortium with EDF and AES. In 1999, it decided to
sell its Latin American interests to concentrate on the
The main buyers of the distribution companies were
US and European markets and bought one of the three
US companies who at one point owned seven of
main Dutch generation companies, UNA in 1999. By
them. At the time, their move into Britain was seen by
December 2001, disillusioned by low prices, it was
some as the harbinger for a global expansion. However,
looking for a buyer for UNA at a substantial discount to
the fear that these companies represented the electrical
the price it had paid 2 years before. The Southern
equivalent of Nike or Coca Cola was misplaced.
Company took a stake in the Berlin utility BEWAG in
The American buyers can be divided into two groups:
1997 but was out-manoeuvred by Vattenfall and its
successor, Mirant, withdrew completely from the Ger-
base in the USA (the companies that bought six out of
man market in 2001. In 2002, NRG announced that it
seven of the British distribution companies were in this
was putting its investments in Europe, Latin America
category), and new companies set up mainly in the
and Asia-Pacific up for sale.
Most of the traditional utilities have sold their
Traditional US utilities are much smaller than most
interests in Britain or are concentrating on monopoly
people would expect. Since the 1930s, US electric
network activities. For example, Mirant has sold its
utilities have been heavily restricted by law in where
retail electricity supply business in Britain and now
they were allowed to operate. Most could operate in
operates two of the regional distribution networks. Like
only one state while a handful of holding companies
the British companies in the 1990s, traditional US
were licensed that could operate in several states but
utilities are finding that the immediate priority is to
were hamstrung by severe financial reporting require-
defend their home markets from the impact of competi-
ments. These measures were introduced in the 1935
tion and also from the fallout from the Enron collapse.
Public Utilities Holding Company Act (PUHCA) to
Californian utilities such as Pacific Gas & Electric and
prevent arecurrence of the situation in the 1930s when
Southern Californian Edison, which were brought to the
the electricity industry came close to financial collapse
point of bankruptcy by the opening up of the market
because of its domination by a handful of holding
there, can testify that this is not a task that should be
companies that siphoned profits from the holding
neglected. There are interesting parallels with the waste
companies to the parent company. These restrictions
management industry where US companies expanded
were eased in the 1992 Energy Policy Act and the
rapidly in the 1990s, but have now largely retreated back
utilities began to investigate moving into new markets.
to the USA, leaving European groups to dominate the
So when the UK regional distribution companies came
up for sale in 1995, US utilities were at the head of the
New companies, such as AES, Calpine, Dynegy and
queue. Many changed their names to give them a
Enron were more innovative in their thinking. For them,
modern feel. Mid-South Utilities became Entergy,
there was no need for the ‘comfort blanket' of owning
Houston Power & Light became Reliant, and Public
large networks. The name of the game was arbitrage and
Service of Colorado became New Centuries Energy and
commodities trading sometimes through ownership of
merged with Northern States Power to become the
power plants (e.g. AES) and sometimes just from
NRG division of Xcel Energy. Southern Company
trading in markets (e.g. Enron).1 Some of the traditional
spun off its businesses in non-franchise markets as
utilities, such as TXU and AEP have also begun to
Mirant in April 2001, and Southern California Edison
follow this path, selling their network assets in order to
operates as Mission Edison outside California. But
concentrate on trading, but the results are far from
beneath these cosmetic changes, these companies'
convincing yet. The collapse of Enron has left a taint on
understanding of electricity liberalisation and how to
all these companies and raises the possibility that while
do business outside the USA often seems to have been
there might be money to be made in the short run, their
businesses lack the solid base of low-risk business that
In many cases, the US utilities were little bigger than
the traditional utilities have to make this option a viable
the companies they took over and, from their actions, it
long-term choice.
seems they had few other objectives than to make quickeasy money exploiting the still immature British
1 Enron was not always consistent in its strategy of not buying
regulatory system. Whatever else their failings, they
infrastructure and bought the UK water company, Wessex Water, as a
seem to have been successful in achieving this, making
basis for a global water company, Azurix. The Azurix business had
good profits and selling the companies at a handsome
little success.
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
8. Can the European companies succeed outside Western
Eastern Europe is also problematic due to a
combination of limited demand growth and a need forheavy investment to reduce the environmental impact of
While the Seven Brothers seem to be on course to
generation. The larger Pacific Rim countries have been
dominate Western Europe, they will only emulate the
slow to privatise their large utilities and most foreign
Seven Sisters if they can control markets outside
investment has been channelled into new independent
Europe. At present, North America, a market bigger
power producers (IPPs) to meet growing demand. The
than the whole of Western Europe, must be the obvious
1997 collapse of East Asian economies was a graphic
target, with Latin America, Eastern Europe and the
warning of the risks of doing business in that region.
Asia-Pacific as additional options. The trailblazers in
There has been speculation that oil companies would
North Americawere the British companies, Powergen,
move into the electricity sector and downstream in gas.
Scottish Power, British Energy and National Grid. In
They have benefited strongly from liberalisation, which
1999, Scottish Power took over the large Western utility,
has resulted in a massive switch in power station fuel
Pacificorp, itself weakened by a failed take-over attempt
away from coal and nuclear to gas, providing a
in Britain. This was a bold move that, at first, was
profitable new market for a commodity that in the past
successful, but the fallout from the California power
has not always been easy to sell. However, so far, they
problems has cost Pacificorp dear. Powergen tried to
have restricted themselves to acquiring a few power
negotiate a merger with Houston Industries in 1998 but
plants and to selling gas directly to large final
this broke down and in 2000, it took over LG&E, a
consumers. In the gas sector, Shell and Exxon were
medium-size US utility based in Kentucky. It may be
willing to sell their share of the dominant German gas
that E.ON saw Powergen's ownership of LG&E as its
company, Ruhrgas, to E.ON and it may be that the oil
entry card to the USA. British Energy formed a joint
companies will judge that the skills needed, the risks
venture with PECO (which later merged with Common-
inherent and the profits on offer are not sufficient, at
wealth Edison to became Exelon) to buy and operate old
least at this stage, to justify moving into closer contact
nuclear power plants in North America. After initial
with small consumers.
success acquiring three plants, the market in the USAdried up and British Energy has its hands full trying tostay afloat in the British market. National Grid has
9. Does this level of concentration matter?
made a series of acquisitions in New England and it isnow the main transmission operator in Massachusetts,
The process of concentration in the European
Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
electricity industry is far from over. In the next year or
However, the test will come if and when the larger
two, the Seven Brothers are likely to make important
European companies begin to expand into the USA.
new acquisitions. In Spain, the proposed merger
Will it be politically acceptable for the US government
between Endesaand Iberdrola, shelved in 2000, could
to allow the takeover of a significant proportion of the
re-emerge or Iberdrolacould be bought by another of
US electricity industry, previously always seen as a key
the Brothers and there is frequent speculation about a
strategic industry, by foreign investors? Opposition will
takeover of Union Fenosa, the third largest company. In
be strong from the US utilities who will point to the
Italy, the third of the generation companies spun off
barriers for them to invest in countries such as
from ENEL, Interpower, is scheduled to be sold in 2002,
France and Germany. The publicly owned companies,
while ENEL will be desperate to start making foreign
EDF and Vattenfall, will find it particularly difficult to
acquisitions. In the UK, Seeboard (one of the 12
avoid the accusation that their operations in the USA
privatised distribution companies) was sold in June
would be unfairly supported by their national govern-
2002 to EDF. In the Netherlands, the US utility, Reliant
is expected to sell its recently acquired UNA generation
In Latin America, Endesa, Iberdrola, EDP and EDF
business. The remaining smaller companies will inevi-
have led the way. However, the combination of power
tably make mistakes on occasions and these will leave
shortages in Brazil and the financial collapse of
them vulnerable to takeover by the dominant groups.
Argentina in December 2001 has illustrated the risks
The vision behind the Electricity Directive was the
inherent in operating in such markets. In Brazil, the
creation of a single European electricity market. The
power shortages of 2001 may lead to a return to a more
argument from governments reluctant to break up their
regulated, centrally planned system restricting profits
national champions is that Europe must increasingly be
and ending further privatisation. The collapse of the
seen as one market and the relevant measure is not how
Argentine Peso and economic recession there will also
many companies are active in their national market, but
make it difficult to maintain profits and may ‘infect'
how many companies are active in the European
other Latin American economies such as Chile, where
market. If seven companies were competing against
Endesa in particular is heavily exposed.
each other in a single European electricity market, even
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
if the model was structure was not pure British Model,
control them. In some cases, such as aircraft manufac-
they would argue that that is ample to ensure that compe-
ture, there are plausible arguments that the need for
tition is vigorous and that consumers will get real choice.
special skills, huge investments in product development
However, at present what is emerging is a Europe
and scale economies necessitate such market concentra-
divided into three main strata, North, Central and
tion. However, in others, such as fast food and clothing,
South each dominated by vertically integrated oligopo-
market concentration seems to be the result simply of
lies made up of the three or four existing dominant
the marketing power of the large players. The liberal-
companies. The Central stratum includes France and
isation of the electricity industry has opened up the
Germany and is the centre of gravity of the European
possibility that the electricity industry will become
electricity business. It is dominated by the three
similarly concentrated. While the electricity industry is
strongest companies, EDF, RWE and E.ON. The
not as technologically simple as making burgers, it
German and French governments show little sign of
certainly does not require ‘rocket science'. Most
taking the measures necessary to force these companies
countries in the world had developed the technical
to face real competition in their home markets. No
capability to operate a reliable electricity system
doubt there will be token new entrants in the national
provided they were well managed and given sufficient
markets, but, for example, EDF will know that it will
make little sense for it to start a price war in Germany.
The newly emerging electricity giants speak frequently
In Northern Europe, there is already one interna-
of critical mass and, for example, the need to supply at
tional market, but the three ‘national champions'
least 5 million consumers to achieve scale economies.
Vattenfall, Fortum and Statkraft, are strengthening,
They also justify their moves into gas and water as
not weakening their positions and if two of these
exploiting synergies. However, there is little analytical
companies merged, it would provide a stronger base
evidence that synergies and scale economies are large
from which to expand outside the region. In the South,
enough to have much impact on consumer bills. The
the main markets will be the separate Italian and
more plausible, but less respectable explanation is that
Spanish markets, the latter incorporating Portugal.
the larger the companies become, the less competitive
Endesa, EDP, ENEL and Iberdrola will continue to
the market will be and this is what drives mergers and
dominate these markets and, as in the Central Strata,
will have no incentive to compete hard against each
However, the electric utilities are still immature
other. In all three regions, the ‘Brothers' are taking over
companies in terms of their commercial expertise. In
local retail supply companies to minimise their exposure
many cases, their strategic policy seems so far to have
to the wholesale electricity market. Regulatory pressure
been based on little more than bidding for what was
to break up monopolies in, for example, Italy and Spain,
available. Apart from their technical skills, two of the
seems to be resulting in little more than asset exchanges.
strengths of the oil companies, honed over many decades,
Endesabought Elettrogen from ENEL in Ita
are their abilities to deal with risk and to operate in
ENEL bought Viesgo from Endesain Spain. The Big
difficult political environments. The oil majors are
Three, EDF, RWE and E.ON are beginning to move
probably no less prone to error than other types of
North and South and have the resources to swallow one
company, but when they do make errors, there are
or more of the dominant players in those regions if they
seldom significant long-term repercussions on the profit-
get the chance.
ability of the company as a whole. The electricity
In this grander scheme of things, the rest of Western
companies, which until recently had no need for such
Europe is something of asideshow. Brita
skills, do not have them yet. However, if they are allowed
significant size market and companies can be bought
to continue to expand in Europe and they retain their
and sold far more easily than in mainland Europe, but
privileged position in home markets, they will acquire
its island status means that a presence in Britain has
these skills, and will try to use them as the springboard
limited strategic value. The Benelux countries might
for awider domination of the world's electricity markets.
prove anice niche for Suez, exploiting the scope for
In theory, the public monopoly model and the
trade between the Nordic and Central markets, while the
competitive model both have strong advantages (see
Verbund could exploit a similar niche between Eastern
Table 4). The reality may prove to be that realising the
and Western Europe.
theoretical advantages of the competitive model will beat least as difficult as realising those of the publicmonopoly model. History may judge that we would
have been better advised trying to address the problemswith the existing model, which despite its faults did
The laissez faire attitude to company mergers and
deliver a reliable supply of electricity at affordable prices
takeovers has led to concentration in many global
to all consumers. There is still time for policy makers to
markets so that only a handful of significant players
prevent an unhealthy domination of world or European
S. Thomas / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 393–403
electricity industries by Seven (or perhaps only Three)
Brothers. This will require a less romanticised assess-ment of what competition can achieve. Turning the
Offer, 1997. Supply price restraint proposals. Offer Press Release R44/
clock back to the days of national and regional
97, 16 October 1997.
Power UK, 2002a. Prices fall for some but stay the same for others.
monopolies is not an option for most countries now.
Power UK, March 2002, pp. 27–28.
The challenge will be to develop a new organisational
Power UK, 2002b. One year on—has NETA been a success? Power
model for the industry that has the advantages of
UK, March 2002, p. 16.
control that the old centralised systems had, but that
Sampson, A., 1975. The Seven Sisters: the great oil companies and the
does not suffer from its stifling inflexibilities.
world they made. Viking Press, New York.
Source: http://fourfact.se/images/uploads/SEVEN_Brothers.pdf
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