

The Reproductive Health Commodity Security project has been implemented in Mongolia since 2008 under the UNFPA Global Programme on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS). The implementation of the GPRHCS should be assessed through indicators outlined in the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework at country, regional and global levels. In order to provide the basis for aggregating relevant regional and global level indicators, there is need to conduct a survey to obtain data for the following country level indicators: a) Percentage of Service Delivery Points (SDPs) offering at least three modern methods; b) Percentage of SDPs where 5 life-saving maternal/RH medicines from UNFPA list of priority medicines are available; c) Percentage of SDPs that have experienced no stock out of the contraceptive methods offered to clients in the last 6 months. SAMPLING DESIGN AND SAMPLE SELECTION
With the aim to provide a standardized framework for all the GPRHCS Stream 1 Countries for the conduct of the survey, Commodity Security Branch, UNFPA Headquarters has formalized the survey methodology (Attachment A) and hence proposed a standardized sampling procedure, a questionnaire (Attachment B) and indicator definitions and notes matrix (Attachment C). Therefore, the research entity should adapt the proposed standard methodology in Mongolian context and use them for this proposed survey. For the market segmentation part of the survey, the research entity wil develop methodology and questionnaire.
Category of Service Delivery Points/Facilities

The survey will cover the following broad categories of Service Delivery Points (SDPs) that provide family planning services/modern methods of contraceptives and maternal/RH services as stratums: a) Primary Level Care SDPs – Family Group Practitioners for contraceptives and Soum Health Centers for contraceptives and maternal/RH medicines; b) Secondary level care SDPs/facilities – RH/Antenatal Care (ANC) cabinets of District/Sub-district Health Centers (Ulaanbaatar) and Aimag General Hospitals (AGH) for contraceptives; and Maternity Hospitals (Ulaanbaatar), Maternity Wards of AGH for maternal/RH medicines for maternal/RH medicines; c) Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities – National Centre for Maternal and Child Health for contraceptives and maternal/RH medicines. d) Private Obstetric and Gynecological clinics and hospitals, and NGO-run RH clinics
Sampling Frame

e) The categories and number of all primary, secondary and tertiary care service delivery points/facilities in each of the administrative units of the country by level of health care, and number of private Obstetric and Gynecological clinics and hospitals and NGO-run clinics will serve as a frame for the selection of samples of above-mentioned service delivery points/facilities providing family planning and maternal health services/delivery to be covered by this survey (Reference: Health Indicators, 2011, Department of Health, Ministry of Health and data obtained directly from the city and aimag health Use of Sampling Formula to obtain Sample Size
Taken the types of the SDPs (primary, secondary and tertiary) as the main attributes, therefore the total sample should contain a minimal number of each type of facility to support good estimation of the parameters of the population. It is in this respect, it is recommended to use the proposed formula to calculate the sample size (number of SDPs/facilities to be covered by the survey). The formula is used to obtain the minimal sample size for the proportions of each category of SDPs/facilities under the assumptions of normal distribution and hence lends the data to comparison between populations. The formula adopts an approach that gives large (tertiary and secondary facilities) a higher probability of inclusion in the survey because of their smal number and provides a guide for choosing a sample of the primary facilities. The steps for sampling, proposed formula, step by step guide for using the formula to derive sample sizes and example of using the formula are attached to this Terms of Reference. OUTLINES OF THE REPORT
A chapter outline for the sections discussed below is attached to this Terms of Reference as Attachment D. The report wil be divided into three basic sections: Preliminary sections of the report
The preliminary section of the report will be as follows: • The Forward and Acknowledgement wil each be at most one page; • The Meaning of abbreviations used in the document wil be compiled and presented in alphabetical order in the Acronyms; • Lists of tables, charts, boxes and appendices will be provided alongside the table of contents; • A succinct summary of the main findings of the report wil be presented in the Executive Summary. Main body of the report
The second section wil be the main body of the report. It will present the findings of the survey and this wil be divided into six parts. This section wil be based on the topics addressed in the questionnaire. • Part One will be the Introduction and wil provide country background information; rationale and objective of the survey; research methodology including sampling procedure, questionnaire, fieldwork/data collection and data analysis; and, the limitations of the study. • Part Two will provide general information about health facilities. It will discuss the classification of facilities, and provide information on the management and location. Where this is possible, a map on the geographic locations of the facilities in each region could be presented. • Part Three wil discuss the modern contraceptives offered by the facilities. It will examine national and sub national level variations with respect to the various types/categories of SDPs/facilities in the country. Tables, diagrams and maps (where this is possible) indicating the service delivery points offering at least three types of contraceptives wil be used to further illustration the finding of the research. A sub section wil discuss the reasons why three modern methods of contraceptives are not provided in some facilities. In addition to giving a general picture, peculiar reasons and as they related to specific methods could be highlighted. • Part Four will discuss the availability of maternal RH medicines bringing out the national and sub national dimensions in the discussion. The discussion wil also capture the key essence of the indicator (availability of the 5 medicines) in the various types/categories of SDPs in the country. Again tables and diagrams will be used to further explain the research findings. In this section, the reasons why the medicines are not available will be provided; bringing out the sub national dimension and the peculiarity of these reasons to specific service delivery points. • Part Five will discuss the incidence of ‘no stock out' of modern contraceptives, bearing in mind that ‘no stock out' is taken to mean the a situation in which a family planning service delivery facility/service delivery point in a country does not run out of supplies of any one or more of the modern methods of contraceptives at any point in time over the last/previous 6 months and therefore had supplies on hand to serve clients at al times. The discussion wil focus on the occurrence of ‘no stock out' in last six months as well as the occurrence of ‘no stock out' on the day/moment of the survey. In addition the occurrence of product specific ‘no stock out' for each contraceptive method will be examined; where possible with the aid of tables, diagrams and maps. Also, the reasons why the stock outs occurred will • In Part Six, the conclusions and key recommendations, based on the findings wil be presented and wil generally focus on each of the three indicators. A list of possible tables to be generated for the analysis is presented in Attachment E and the structures of the tables are indicated in Attachment H. Closing sections of the report
This section wil contain lists of documents consulted and cited under the Bibliography; Methodological explanatory notes; the survey instrument; and additional tables and diagrams, etc. will all form part of the annex of the report. CONTRACT
For the purpose of carrying out this assignment, UNFPA will select research entity through a transparent bidding process. UNFPA will execute a contract as per organizational rules and regulations with the selected entity that will be effective from the date of contract signing. Payments to selected contractor will be made upon completion of activities specified in Deliverables.
 English version of final survey narrative report
 Final certified financial statement
 All database files including Excel or SPSS, observation sheets, questionnaires with responses, checklists
and interview guides TERMS OF PAYMENT

 Upon signing of contract – 50%
 Upon completion of field work and primary research – 20%
 Upon submission of draft report with data analysis - 15%
 Upon submission of final narrative report and financial statement, and acceptance by UNFPA staff in
charge of this survey – 15% BIDDING PROCESS
The fol owing steps wil be undertaken in conducting the bidding process and selecting the study entity.  UNFPA will constitute the review panel for review and evaluation of proposal responses. Evaluation criteria and a point-based scoring system to be used for assessment of the proposals is included within  Upon receipt of proposals by set deadline, review panel members wil independently review and score all proposals. Scores will be calculated for technical component of each proposal.  The review panel will then meet and collective scores based on the individual assessments will be calculated subsequent to which the financial proposals wil be opened and selected entity wil be notified. The research entities are requested to submit technical and financial proposals separately in
sealed envelopes.

Technical proposal

Statement of research entity (entity)'s organizational capabilities including:
 Entity business license (notarized);
 Certified and notarized financial statements for the last 2 years (no translation into English is required);
 Background summary/brochure/information leaflet of the entity outlining areas of expertise;
 Current list of clients and any direct experience to the entity has working on similar studies as per
Attachment J;  Information indicating that proposed personnel will be available to the tasks required to implement the study activities;  Description of who will be assigned to the tasks and how the project will be managed. Detailed CV of
the proposed personnel must be enclosed as per Attachment K;
 Detailed description of how the entity will approach, plan and complete work outlined in TOR. In
particular, the entity must specify the modalities and methodology proposed to be used to conduct
the study.
 Proposed time table or work plan outlining the specific steps to be undertaken (refer to Attachment F and Attachment G).
Financial proposal

Depending on the technical approach, number of professional days of core personnel and their charges, the
cost of hired personnel, their travel and transport in completing field activities will have to be budgeted and each of the budget line items with costs have to be submitted as per enclosed Annex 3. Price Schedule Form (Financial Proposal) to proposal document. Any other cost that may not be covered in the attached format may be added under "Any Other Cost". Travel to the field of proposed personnel will have to be indicated and will be reimbursed on actual basis.
Proposals received after the deadline wil not be considered and wil be disqualified.

Evaluation criteria for selecting the winning entity will include both technical and cost (financial) components consistent with scope of work. The criteria and the scores are as fol ows: Description
(1) Entity background and experience (extensive knowledge on family 15 points planning and maternal health/RH services including solid understanding on availability and use of modern contraceptives and maternal/newborn (2) Knowledge and experience of similar studies (proven experience in 10 points conducting similar studies at national level) (3) Technical approach and management plan to conduct the survey 20 points (Compliance to proposed work plan outlined in Attachment C and time table outlined in Attachment D) (4) Knowledge and experience of personnel proposed for conducting the 25 points study in the RH/family planning area (5) Technical Total (1) + (2) + (3) + (4)
70 points
(6) Financial Total (total budget and rates)
30 points
Grand Total (5) + (6)
100 points
UNFPA Mongolia reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the solicitation process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected offeror or any obligation to inform the affected offeror or offerors of the grounds for UNFPA's Prior to expiration of the period of proposal validity, UNFPA Mongolia will award the contract to the selected entity whose proposal after being evaluated is considered to be the most responsive to the needs of UNFPA Mongolia and activity concerned. UNFPA Mongolia reserves the right at the time of award of contract to vary the quantity of services and goods specified in the RFP without any change in price or other terms and conditions. Within 7 days of receipt of the contract, the successful entity shall sign and date the contract and return it to UNFPA Mongolia. Attachment A. PROPOSED Survey METHODOLOGY FOR GPRHCS OUTCOME INDICATORS 3, 4 AND 5
The implementation of the GPRHCS will be assessed through indicators outlined in the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Three Outcome indicators in the framework will be assessed through a special study to be conducted in the GPRHCS Stream 1 countries. At the global/regional level the three Number of stream 1 countries with Service Delivery Points (SDPs) offering at least three modern methods of contraceptives Number of stream 1 countries where 7 life-saving maternal/RH medicines (Magnesium Sulphate and Oxytocin plus any other five) from the WHO listis available in all facilities providing delivery services Number of Stream 1 Countries with Service Delivery Points with ‘no stock outs' of contraceptives within last 6 months The survey wil be conducted to obtain data for the following country level indicators a) Percentage of SDPs offering at least three modern methods b) Percentage of stream 1 countries where 7 life-saving maternal/RH medicines (Magnesium Sulphate and Oxytocin plus any other five) from the WHO list is available in all facilities providing delivery services c) Percentage of SDPs that have experienced no stock out of the contraceptive methods offered to clients in the last 6 months The indicator definitions and notes matrix is provided as Attachment C of Terms of Reference for your THE QUESTIONNAIRE
The Questionnaire (which is an annex to this document) is divided into 5 sections (A to E) with a total of • Al SDPs are required to respond to items is sections A and B • Only SDPs that offer family planning services should be required to respond to Items in Sections C • Only SDPs that offer delivery services only are to respond to items in Section D • Where an SDP offers both family planning and delivery services then they are obliged to respond to the whole questionnaire. Reference to national guidelines, protocols and laws

The crux of the matter for Sections C, D and E of the questionnaire is that the current national
guidelines, protocols and laws should be the yardsticks against which the SDPs should be assessed in 1 According to the WHO Priority life-saving medicines, for women and children, 2012; the priority medicines are: i) Oxytocin, ii) Misoprostol, iii) Sodium chloride, iv) Sodium lactate compound solution, v) Magnesium sulphate, vi) Calcium gluconate, vii) Hydralazine, viii) Methyldopa, ix) Ampicillin, x) Gentamicin, xi) Metronidazole, xii) Mifepristone, xiii) Azithromycin, xiv) Cefixime, xv) Benzathine Benzylpenicillin, xvi) Nifedipine, xvii) Dexamethasone, xviii) Betamethasone, and ixx) Tetanus toxoid. The list can be accessed at Rev – July 2012 terms of the commodities (contraceptives and maternal health medicines) they provide. Therefore the questionnaire now makes reference to this and requires; first, an investigation into which commodities the SDPs are expected to offer or have available; and second, which of those (they are expected or mandated to offer or have available) do they actually offer or have available. For instance, where the guideline, protocol and/or law prohibit the provision of a particular contraceptive at a given level of service delivery, the SDP should not be assessed as not offering the contraceptive. Rather an appropriate response is that the issue is not applicable – as per national guidelines, protocols and/or laws. An option to this effect is now provided for in the tool. The survey team is therefore required to be fully conversant with the existing national guidelines, protocols, and/or laws governing family planning service provision relevant to their country. To underscore the importance of the guidelines, protocols and laws, the survey report as provided for in Section II of the Annotated Outline document (which is an annex to this document), now requires a brief summary of the national guideline, protocols, and/or laws regarding the provision of contraceptives and maternal/RH medicines at various SDPs levels for each country. Caution for assessing availability of male/female sterilisation and contraceptives

The availability and stock out of female or male sterilization should be based on the fact that a client
would walk into the SDP and be able to receive male/female sterilization if he/she demands it. It should not be restricted to the availability of the equipment and medicines alone. Also important to note is that the availability or stock out of medicines and contraceptives should not be judged base on the brand, dosage or hormonal constitution. Analysis of responses

The sections relating to the availability of contraceptives and their stock out should be analysed with
reference to only those sampled SDPs that offer family planning services. Similarly, the section relating to the availability of maternal/RH medicines should be should be analysed with reference to the sampled SDPs that offer delivery services. CHANGE IN PRIORITY LIFE-SAVING MEDICINES LIST
A major section of the survey instrument which has been revised is Section D, which relates to the essential life-saving maternal/RH medicines list. On the new list of WHO priority life-saving medicines for women and children 2012 (See Attachment L of the Terms of Reference), there are now 19 individual medicines which can be constituted into 17 componentof medicines compared to ten on the previous list. This list is also included as annex to this document. A notable deletion from the list is Ergometrine which was previous one of the three mandatory drugs. The related GPRHCS indicator has been duly revised and the questionnaire adapted accordingly to include all the medicines on the new list. As per the new indicator definition SDPs are expected to have available seven (7) life-saving maternal/RH medicines which must include two mandatory medicines (Magnesium Sulphate and Oxytocin) and any other 5 medicines on the WHO list. 2 Please note that although there are 19 individual medicines on the WHO list; a) Sodium chloride and Sodium lactate compound solution are alternates; and that b) Dexamethasone is an alternate to Betamethasone. This therefore applies to this survey; hence the reference to 17 components maternal/RH medicines Rev – July 2012 SAMPLING DESIGN AND SAMPLE SELECTION
The survey will consider the following broad categories of Service Delivery Points (SDPs) that provide modern methods of contraceptives and maternal/RH services as stratums: a) Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or equivalent to country context) b) Secondary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) c) Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) In addition to the distribution of these SDPs in the administrative units of each country, the type of services they provide (some may provide one and some both) will be relevant to the study. The aim of this procedure is to provide a standardised framework for all the GPRHCS Stream 1 Countries for the conduct of the survey. Sampling Frame

Ideally, the ministry in charge of health or an appropriate government agency should have a list of all
service delivery points (providing Family Planning and Maternal Health services) in each of the administrative units of the country. This list will serve as a frame for the selection of samples in each Use of Sampling Formula to obtain Sample Size

Taken the types of the SDPs (primary, secondary and tertiary or equivalent) as the main attributes,
therefore the total sample should contain a minimal number of each type of facility to support good estimation of the parameters of the population. It is in this respect that the following formula is minimal sample size for each domain Z score that corresponds to a confidence interval the proportion of the attribute (type of SDP) expressed in decimal per cent confidence level in decimal This proposal is made because facility based surveys often take into consideration the categories of health service delivery points, which may vary from country to country, in the selection of an appropriate sample size. In some instances facility data are linked with data on clients and service providers which affect the sample size and the manner in which it is chosen. The proposed study focuses on the type of facilities as ‘standalones' and therefore does not collect data on staff, clients or the population. The formula is used to obtain the minimal sample size for the proportions of each category of SDPs under the assumptions of normal distribution and hence lends the data to comparison between populations. Rev – July 2012 The formula adopts an approach that gives large (tertiary and secondary facilities) a higher probability of inclusion in the survey because of their small number and provides a guide for choosing a sample of the primary facilities. Following are step by step guide for using the formula to derive sample sizes. ILLUSTRATION USING COUNTRY DATA

To il ustrate the use of the formula, it has been applied to data on Ethiopia (see Tables 1), provided by
country office staff. Table 1: Types of Service Delivery Point providing modern methods in Ethiopia by Administrative Units Types of Service Delivery Points Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or SDPs/facilities/ SDPs/facilities/ equivalent to country Administrative Units Benishangul-Gumuz Region Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Steps for Sampling SDPs for the GPRHCS Survey
5.1.1 Step 1) Calculate relative proportion for the types of SDPs The relative proportion for Tertiary level SDPs is calculated as follows: [Total number of tertiary SPDs]÷[Total number of SDPs on the sample frame]. From the information in Table 1a this is 41÷799= 0.05. The procedure is repeated for secondary and tertiary institutions and the results presented in Table 3. Rev – July 2012 Table 3: Relative Proportion of Categories of SDPs in Ethiopia Tertiary level care Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or equivalent to country es/hospitals context)
5.1.2 Step 2) Apply the formula above to obtain the minimal sample size for each Type of SDP
By proposing the use of a confidence interval, the formula provides a range of values where a given true population parameter is likely to be. The range of value is also determined by the confidence limit or the precision of the estimated value. In the example below the confidence interval is set at Z-score = 95 per cent and 5 per cent confidence limit.
Minimal sample size for Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) (95% confidence
interval and 5% confidence limit) Minimal sample size Secondary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) (95% confidence
interval and 5% confidence limit) Minimal sample size for Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or equivalent to country context) (99%
confidence interval and 5% confidence limit) Rev – July 2012 Table 3: Minimal sample sizes for Ethiopia based on 95 per cent confidence interval (Z-score = 1.96) and 5 per cent confidence limit) Minimal Sample Size of Service Delivery Point Tertiary level Secondary level Primary Level SDPs/facilities/ SDPs/facilities/ Confidence Interval and Confidence Limit [95% confidence interval (Z = 1.96) and 5% confidence limit The highlighted cells in Table 3 show that the minimal sample size obtained is more than the population size (in table 1). This should be corrected
5.1.3 Step 3: Correction for abnormal-oversize samples
Where the minimal sample size obtained is greater than the population size as in Table 3, the whole population of the category under consideration should be included in the sample. This abnormality usual y occurs when the size of the population is too small for the assumptions of normal distribution of the population to prevail using a given confidence interval and confidence limit. The abnormal sample size is therefore corrected by replacing the oversized samples by the population sizes shown in Table 4. The total sample size for all categories should also be recalculated to reflect this Table 4: Corrected minimal sample sizes for Ethiopia based on the 95 per cent confidence interval and 5 per cent confidence limit Corrected Minimal Sample Size of Service Delivery Point Tertiary level Secondary level Primary Level SDPs/facilities/ SDPs/facilities/ Confidence Interval and Confidence Limit [95% confidence interval (Z = 1.96) and 5% confidence limit This means that for Ethiopia; • All the 41 Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) will be included in the • All the 47 Secondary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) will be included in the • 150 of the 711 Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or equivalent to country context) will be included in the sample Rev – July 2012 • Thus a total of 238 SDPs will be sampled from the population of 799 SDP 5.1.4 Step 4: Distribution of Sample Sizes for Administrative Units The total sample size for each category of SDPs has to be distributed among the administrative units according to the administrative unit's share of a particular category of SDP. This requires the calculation of the relative proportions for each domain. For example the Proportion of Referral and Regional Hospital in Addis Ababa = Number of Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) in Addis Ababa ÷ Total of Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) = 12 ÷ 41 = 0.2927 (This indicates that 29.27 per cent of all ‘Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent)' are located in Addis Ababa.) The results are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Proportion of Categories of Service delivery Points by Administrative Units Category of Service Delivery Point Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospit level care als (or equivalent) SDPs/facilities/ SDPs/facilities (or country context) Administrative Units Benishangul-Gumuz Southern Nations, Nationalities and 5.1.5 Step 5: Distribution of Sample Sizes for Administrative Units The samples for each category of SDP are distributed among the various administrative regions by applying the proportions in Table 5 to the minimal sample sizes for each type of SDP indicated in Table 4. The results are presented in Table 6 for Ethiopia. Table 6: Distribution of minimal sample sizes for each category of SDPs in Ethiopia Z(95% 0.05) Administrative Sub Category of Service Delivery Point Rev – July 2012 Tertiary level care Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities/ SDPs/facilities/ country context) Benishangul-Gumuz Southern Nations, Nationalities and * difference as a result of rounding off Table 6 presents the minimal samples size for each type of SDPs that are to be sampled from each administrative unit in Ethiopia (under Z score for 95 per cent confidence interval and 5 per cent confidence limit). The outcome of the procedure means that al the Tertiary level SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) and the Secondary level SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) should be included in the sample and surveyed. Likewise, 14 of the 64 Primary Level SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent to country context) in Addis Ababa should be systematically selected; and, 2 out of the 10 Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent to country context) in Gambela Region should be systematically selected for inclusion in the sample of SDPs to be FINAL STEP: SYSTEMATIC RANDOM SAMPLING OF TYPES OF SDPS FOR EACH ADMINISTRATIVE
With the list of SDPs for each domain at hand, the final step is to choose the specific SDPs to be included in the study. The fol owing steps can be fol owed: For each domain the facilities should be listed without any order or regard to any A Sampling Interval (i) should be determined for each domain. This is done by dividing the total number of facilities in the domain by the sample size for that domain: sampling interval for the domain number of SDPs in the domain Rev – July 2012 sample size for that domain Select a starting point K by randomly selecting a number between 1 and i (the sample interval). Note that K becomes the first SPD in the domain to be chosen. Then select successive SDPs for inclusion in the sample by moving at the interval K+i; K+2i; K+3i; K+4i; K+5i; etc until you have chosen the required sample size from the domain. Steps 1 to 4 should be repeated for each domain in the population RECOMMENDED CONFIDENCE INTERVAL AND CONFIDENCE LIMIT
It is recommended that al GPRHCS Stream 1 countries should carry out the sampling procedure based on Z value for 95 per cent confidence level and at 5 per cent confidence. FACTOR TO INFLATE SAMPLE SIZE
NOTE: Al owance should be made to compensate for possible non-response or non-existence of SDPs that provide a particular service (contraceptive or delivery). In such a case, and where necessary, the sample size could be slightly inflated by a factor (say 10 per cent). ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION
A questionnaire and a report outline have been prepared by CSB and made available to GPRHCS Stream 1 countries for the conduct of the survey. Rev – July 2012 Attachment B. SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE
Date of the Survey (year and month) ………………………………………….……………………………………………….…………… Questionnaire checked and attested to be properly completed (Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Name of Service Delivery Point…………………………………………………………….………. …….……………… A) Location (Name of Settlement)……………………………………………………………… B) Location (Name of Administrative Unit)………………………………………………………… C) Please indicate whether the SDP is located in an urban area or a rural settlement (as per your country's classification; 1 Urban 2 Rural A) What is the distance between the location of the health centre and the nearest warehouse or store or facility which this SDP receives its regular supplies? / / B) Please indicate distance is in; 1 Kilometers 2 Mile SECTION B: SDP TYPE AND SERVICES PROVIDED
Level of Service Delivery Point(Tick the option that is applicable to your country)
1 Primary Level Care SDPs/facilities (or equivalent to country context) 2 Secondary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent ) 3 Tertiary level care SDPs/facilities/hospitals (or equivalent) Management of Service Delivery Point: 1 Government 2 Private 3 NGO 4 Others (please specify…………………………) Does this facility provide family planning services? 1 Yes (If No, then items in Section C and E (that is 009 to 012 and 017 to 022) should NOT be administered) Does this facility provide delivery services? 1 Yes (If No, then items in Section D (that is 0013 to 016 ) should NOT be administered) Does this facility provide any HIV/AIDS services (e.g. VCT, PMTCT, ART, etc.)? 1 Yes (Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Please note that for the SDP to respond to items in this section, it should have indicated in Item 006 above that ‘Yes' it provides family planning services
Male condoms
Female Condoms
Oral Pills
Sterilisation for
Sterilisation for Male
1 Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
Yes, this SDP is
With respect to each of the contraceptive expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to methods, please state whether the SDP is provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method supposed/ expected to offer it, in line with
the current national protocols, guidelines
and/or laws specific for this level* of
2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT
service delivery. Please discuss with the expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to
respondent and then record your provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method provide this method conclusion before proceeding. (* Please recal SDP level as recorded in (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) item 004 above)
If ‘Yes' in item 009 ( i.e., this DSP is
supposed/ expected to offer this method), 2 No
please state whether the SDP actual y offers it to clients
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
(because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP NOTE: If this SDP supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected supposed./expected
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
to OFFERS the
contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method contraceptive method but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out but it is currently out available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of available at the time of the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please the survey, please record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; record as "Yes" (i.e.; the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y the method is actual y offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is offered, although it is not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock not currently in stock If this SDP is supposed/expected to offer this method to clients (in line with current national guidelines, etc.) but the response to 010 is "No", please indicate the reason(s)
From responses provided to Item 010, 1 This SDP offers up to two modern contraceptive methods
2 This SDP offers three and more (at least three) modern contraceptive methods
discuss with the respondent and record the conclusion by ticking one of the following (Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Maternal/RH Medicines
Please note that for the SDP to respond to items in this section, it should have indicated in Item 007 above that ‘Yes' it provides delivery services
Calcium gluconate
Magnesium sulfate
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
With respect to each of the expected /supposed expected /supposed expected /supposed to expected /supposed expected /supposed to expected /supposed expected /supposed expected /supposed expected /supposed to have available this to have available this have available this to have available any have available this to have available this to have available this to have available this to have available this Medicines, please state or both of these whether the SDP is supposed Medicine have it available; in line with
the current national
protocols, guidelines and/or 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT
laws specific for this level* of expected/ supposed expected/ supposed expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed expected/ supposed expected/ supposed expected/ supposed
service delivery. Please
to have available this to have available this have available this to have available any have available this to have available this to have available this to have available this to have available this discuss with the respondent Maternal /RH or both of these and then record your conclusion before proceeding (* Please recal SDP level as (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) recorded in in item 004 above)

1 Yes (for any or
If ‘Yes' in item 013 ( i.e., this
SDP is expected/ supposed to have available the maternal 2 No
2 No (for any or
/RH medicine) please state whether the medicine is currently available at the SDP 3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
(because "No" to (because "No" to (because "No" to item (because "No" to (because "No" to item (because "No" to (because "No" to (because "No" to (because "No" to (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) If this SDP is supposed/ expected to have available this medicine (in line with current national guidelines, etc.) but the response to 013 is "No", please indicate the SECTION D CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE
(Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Maternal/RH Medicines
Please note that for the SDP to respond to items in this section, it should have indicated in Item 007 above that ‘Yes' it provides delivery services
Tetanus toxoid
Sodium lactate
compound solution
Sodium chloride
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
1 Yes, this SDP is
With respect to each of the expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed to expected /supposed expected /supposed to expected /supposed to maternal/ RH Medicines, please have available this have available this have available this have available this have available this to have available this have available any or have available this state whether the SDP is Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH both of these Maternal Maternal /RH Medicine supposed have it available; in line
with the current national
protocols, guidelines and/or laws 2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT 2 No, this SDP is NOT
2 No, this SDP is NOT
specific for this level* of service expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed expected/ supposed to expected/ supposed to
delivery. Please discuss with the have available this
have available this have available this have available this have available this to have available this have available any or have available this respondent and then record your Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH Medicine Maternal /RH both of these Maternal Maternal /RH Medicine conclusion before proceeding (* Please recal SDP level as (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) recorded in in item 004 above) 1 Yes (for any or both) 1 Yes
If ‘Yes' in item 013 ( i.e., this SDP
is expected/ supposed to have available the maternal /RH 2 No (for any or both) 2 No
medicine) please state whether each medicine is currently 3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
3 Not Applicable
available at the SDP (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to item (because "No" to 3 Not Applicable
(because "No" to item (because "No" to item (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) If this SDP is supposed/ expected to have available this medicine (in line with current national guidelines, etc.) but the response to 013 is "No", please indicate the 1 Yes - this SDP has available the seven (7) lifesaving maternal/RH medicines (which included the 2 No- this SDP does not have available the seven (7) lifesaving
From responses provided to Item 014 above, please two mandatory medicines [Magnesium Sulfate and Oxytocin] and any other five of the remaining maternal/RH medicines (which included the two mandatory medicines discuss with respondent and record the conclusion by medicines on the list - bearing in mind that; a) Sodium chloride and Sodium lactate compound [Magnesium Sulfate and Oxytocin) and any other five of the remaining ticking one of the fol owing statements solution are alternate; and b) Dexamethasone is an alternate to Betamethasone medicines on the list - bearing in mind that; a) Sodium chloride and Sodium lactate compound solution are alternate; and b) Dexamethasone is an alternate to Betamethasone (Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Calcium gluconate
Magnesium sulfate
benzylpenicillin Betamethasone
For each response provided for Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, item 014, the interviewer should taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, any or both taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is Medicine is in stock
Medicine is in stock Medicine is in stock validate the response by a of the medicine(s) in stock physical Inventory and note the appropriate finding Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, any or both taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is Medicine is NOT in Medicine is NOT in Medicine is NOT in stock of the medicine(s) NOT in stock is/are NOT in stock Medicines
Tetanus toxoid
Sodium chloride
Sodium lactate
compound solution
For each response provided for Inventory taken, Medicine is in stock item 014, the interviewer should taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, any or both of
validate the response by a the medicine(s) is/are physical Inventory and note the appropriate finding Inventory taken, Medicine is NOT in stock taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, Medicine is taken, any or both of the medicine(s) is/are (Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Please note that for the SDP to respond to items in this section, it should have indicated in Item 006 above that ‘Yes' it provides family planning services
Male condoms
Oral Pills
Female Condoms
Sterilisation for Male Sterilisation for
1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has 1 Yes; this method has
With respect to each of the been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock been out-of- stock contraceptive methods that the (STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a ( STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a (STOCK-OUT) on a SDP is supposed/expected to given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in given day at this SDP in provide in line with the current
the last six months the last six months the last six months the last six months the last six months the last six months the last six months the last six months national protocols, guidelines
and/or laws specific for this level* 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has 2 No; this method has
of service delivery (as indicated in not been out-of-
Item 009 above); please indicate stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT)
whether it has been out of stock at on any given day at
on any given day at on any given day at on any given day at on any given day at on any given day at on any given day at on any given day at this SDP on any given day, within this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six this SDP in the last six
the last six months preceding the months
survey, and therefore the
contraceptive method was not
(Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) available to give/provide to clients
at this SDP

(* Please recal SDP level as
recorded in in item 004 above) One or more of the contraceptive methods offered by this SDP has Al contraceptive method offered by this SDP has been available/ in- From responses provided to Item 017 above, please discuss with respondent and been out-of- stock on a given day in the last six months preceding the stock on al days in the last six months preceding the survey. record the conclusion by ticking one of the following statements Therefore, this SDP did not experience stock out in the last six
Therefore, this SDP experienced stock out in the last six months
If "Yes" to Item 17 (that this method has been out of stock (STOCK OUT) at this SDP on
any given day within the last six months (in line with current national guidelines, etc.) please indicate the reason(s)
1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is 1 Yes; this method is
With respect to each of the currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock currently out-of- stock contraceptive methods that the (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this (STOCK-OUT) at this SDP is supposed/expected to provide in line with the current
national protocols, guidelines
2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is 2 No; this method is
and/or laws specific for this level* currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of- currently not out-of-
of service delivery (as indicated in stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT) stock (NO STOCK OUT)
(Rev – July 2012) Commodity Security Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Item 009 above); please indicate at this SDP
whether it is currently out of stock
at this SDP and therefore the
contraceptive method was not
(Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) (Tick only one option) available to give/provide to clients
at this SDP

(* Please recal SDP level as
recorded in in item 004 above)

One or more of the contraceptive methods offered by this SDP is ALL contraceptive method offered by this SDP are currently in- From responses provided to Item 017 above, please discuss with respondent and currently out-of- stock at this SDP. stock/available at this SDP. record the conclusion by ticking one of the following statements Therefore, this SDP is experiencing stock out on the day the survey Therefore, this SDP did not experiencing stock out on the day of the
If "Yes" to Item 20 (that this method is out-of-stock(STOCK
OUT) at this SDP (in line with
current national guidelines, etc.) please indicate the reason(s)
Male condoms
Oral Pills
Female Condoms
Sterilisation for Male
Sterilisation for
For each response provided for Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, item 020, the interviewer should contraceptive is in
contraceptive is in contraceptive is in contraceptive is in contraceptive is in contraceptive is in contraceptive is in contraceptive is in validate the response by a physical stock Inventory and note the appropriate Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, Inventory taken, contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in contraceptive is NOT in (Rev – July 2012) Goal 2 of UNFPA Strategic Plan 2008-2012: Universal access to reproductive health by 2015 and universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention by 2010 for improved quality of life

Adolescent birth rate The number of births occurring This is MDG Indicator 5.4 relating to Data for this indicator will be sourced Data obtained from the secondary source has during a given year to girls aged 15- Target 5B (Achieve, by 2015, universal from; i) global MDG reporting already been computed 19 per 1,000 girls in this age group access to reproductive health) platforms; and, ii) where available, the most recent nation-wide survey results National and disaggregated figures by age and The indicator measures the incidence of (eg. DHS & MICS) geographic entities will be required childbirth among young people, which has implications for prevalence of unprotected sex, early marriage and disruption of schooling among adolescents. Maternal mortality ratio The number of women who die from This is MDG Indicator 5.1 relating to Data for this indicator will be sourced Data obtained from the secondary source has any cause related to or aggravated by Target 5A (Reduce by three quarters, from; i) global MDG reporting already been computed pregnancy or its management between 1990 and 2015, the maternal platforms; and, ii) where available, the (excluding accidental or incidental mortality ratio) most recent nation-wide survey results National and disaggregated figures by causes) during pregnancy and (eg. DHS & MICS) geographic entities will be required childbirth or within 42 days of The indicator, monitors deaths related termination of pregnancy, to pregnancy and used to monitor irrespective of the duration and site changes in health conditions related to of the pregnancy, per 100,000 live the health of women and reproduction Youth HIV prevalence rate The proportion of population aged This is MDG Indicator 6.1 relating to Data for this indicator will be sourced Data obtained from the secondary source has 15-24 living with HIV out of total Target 6A (Have halted by 2015 and from; i) global MDG reporting already been computed population in this age group begun to reverse the spread of platforms; and, ii) where available, the most recent nation-wide survey results National and disaggregated figures by (eg. DHS & MICS) geographic entities will be required The indicator measures the incidence of the HIV epidemic among young people15 to 24 years of age and provides an indication of the potential effect of the disease on the youth Outcome: Increased availability, access and utilization of RHCs1 for voluntary family planning, HIV/STI prevention and maternal health services in the GPRHCS focus countries
Unmet need for family Percentage of women currently This is MDG Indicator 5.6 relating to Data for this indicator will be Data obtained from the secondary source has already been married, or in a consensual union, Target 5B (Achieve, by 2015, sourced from; i) global MDG aged 15-49 who want to stop having universal access to reproductive health) reporting platforms; and, ii) where children or to postpone the next available, the most recent nation- National and disaggregated figures by geographic entities pregnancy for at least two years, but It provides an indication of the wide survey results (eg. DHS & will be required who are not using contraception. existence of obstacles, other than physical access to services, which prevents women from using family planning. This often leads to unintended pregnancies that pose risks for women, their families, and societies. Contraceptive prevalence rate- The proportion of women aged 15- This is MDG Indicator 5.3 relating to Data for this indicator will be Data obtained from the secondary source has already been 49 who are using, or whose sexual Target 5B (Achieve, by 2015, sourced from; i) global MDG partners are using, any modern universal access to reproductive health) reporting platforms; and, ii) where method of contraception. available, the most recent nation- National and disaggregated figures by geographic entities The indicator is useful in tracking wide survey results (eg. DHS & will be required progress towards health, gender and poverty goals. It also serves as a proxy measure of access to reproductive health services Number of GPRHCS Stream 1 The number out of the total of The indicator accesses progress made A special survey based on a National and disaggregated figures by a) type of facilities, Countries with service delivery GPRHCS Stream 1 Countries where by the countries in making available a standard methodology will be and b) by geographic entities will be required points (SDPs) offering at least at least three modern contraceptives minimum number of modern conducted in all Stream 1 3 modern methods of are provided to clients contraceptives from which clients can Countries to provide data for this For each country a percentage of the number of SDPs providing at least three methods of contraceptives out of SDPs will be assessed with reference the total number of SDPs will be calculated. ([Number of to the national protocols, guidelines SDPs surveyed provide at least three methods of and/or laws which mandate them to contraceptives]÷[Total Number of SDPs surveyed that offer or not offer specific modern provide any modern contraceptives to clients]×100) methods of contraception. Therefore SDPs in a given country will be A country will be judged as having satisfied the assessed with reference to what the conditions for this indicator if the percentage of SDPs national guidelines, protocols and/or providing at least three methods of contraceptives; in line laws mandate them to offer. with current national guidelines, protocols and laws; is at least 75 per cent At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up the number of countries that have at least 75 per cent of their SDPs providing at least three methods of contraceptives. Number of GPRHCS Stream 1 The number GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator assesses progress made A special survey based on a Countries will be assessed with reference to the WHO Countries where 7 life-saving Countries where life-saving by countries in making essential standard methodology will be Priority List of Life- saving medicines, 2012. It is noted maternal/RH medicines maternal/RH medicines are available medicines available for saving conducted in all Stream 1 that on this list a) Sodium chloride and Sodium lactate (Magnesium Sulphate and in all facilities that provide delivery Countries to provide data for this compound solution are alternate medicines for the Oxytocin plus any other five) treatment of post-partum haemorrhage; and, b) 1 Modern contraceptive methods, essential life-saving maternal/RH medicines and related equipments 2 The modern methods under consideration are i) Male condoms, ii) Female Condoms , iii) Oral Pills , iv) Injectables , v) IUDs , vi) Implants, vii) Sterilisation for Females and viii) Sterilisation for Male Outcome: Increased availability, access and utilization of RHCs1 for voluntary family planning, HIV/STI prevention and maternal health services in the GPRHCS focus countries
from the list of priority Dexamethasone and Betamethasone are alternates for the medicines3are available in all SDPs will be assessed with reference management of preterm labour. facilities providing delivery to the national protocols, guidelines and/or laws which mandate them to Therefore the assessment criteria is that all the SDPs have available or not to have surveyed must have available the seven (7) medicines available specific medicines. Since which must include the following; i) two mandatory different levels of service delivery medicines - Magnesium Sulphate and Oxytocin, and ii) will not be expected to provide the any other five of the remaining medicines on the list full range of priority medicines, they bearing in mind that a) Sodium chloride will count as an will be assessed with reference to alternative for Sodium lactate compound solution; and b) what the national guidelines, Dexamethasone will also count as an alternative to protocols and/or laws mandate them At the country level the percentage of SDPs that provide seven life-saving medicines will be calculated with respect to the total number of SDPs providing delivery services. ([Number of SDPs surveyed that have the required variety of seven life-saving medicines available] ÷[Total Number of SDPs surveyed that provide delivery services]×100) A country will be judged as having satisfied the conditions for this indicator if the seven life-saving medicines are provided in ALL (100 per cent) of the surveyed SDPs that provide delivery services Disaggregated figures by a) type of facilities, and b) by geographic entities will be provided At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up the all countries where 100 per cent of SDPs provide the seven priority medicines (i.e. the two mandatory and any other five from the priority list of medicines) Number of Stream 1 Countries The number of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator provides a measure of the A special survey based on a National and disaggregated figures by a) type of facilities, with Service Delivery Points Countries, where 60 per cent of the availability of the contraceptives at standard methodology will be b) type of contraceptive and c) by geographic entities will with ‘no stock outs' of SDPs have experienced no stock out SDPs and hence assesses the whether conducted in all Stream 1 contraceptives within last 6 in the last 6 months preceding the the contraceptives have been out of Countries to provide data for this stock at any point of times during the For each country i) the percentage of SDPs that did not last 6 months preceding the survey experience stock out of any modern contraceptive SDPs will be assessed with reference method, at any point during the last 6 months ([Number of 3 According to the WHO Priority life-saving medicines, for women and children, 2012; the priority medicines are: i) Oxytocin, ii) Misoprostol, iii) Sodium chloride, iv) Sodium lactate compound solution, v) Magnesium sulphate, vi) Calcium gluconate, vii) Hydralazine, viii) Methyldopa, ix) Ampicillin, x) Gentamicin, xi) Metronidazole, xii) Mifepristone, xiii) Azithromycin, xiv) Cefixime, xv) Benzathine Benzylpenicillin, xvi) Nifedipine, xvii) Dexamethasone, xviii) Betamethasone, and ixx) Tetanus toxoid. The list can be accessed at http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/general/emp_mar2012.1/en/index.html Please note that from this list a) Sodium chloride and Sodium lactate compound solution are alternates; and b) Dexamethasone is an alternate to Betamethasone Outcome: Increased availability, access and utilization of RHCs1 for voluntary family planning, HIV/STI prevention and maternal health services in the GPRHCS focus countries
to the national protocols, guidelines SDPs surveyed that did not experience stock out of any and/or laws which mandate them to modern contraceptive method during the last 6 offer or not offer specific modern months]÷[Total Number of SDPs that provide modern methods of contraception. Therefore contraceptives methods]×100 ‘no stock-out' will be measured based on what the national A country will be judged as having satisfied the guidelines, protocols and/or laws conditions for this indicator if at least 60 per cent of SDPs mandate the SDPs to offer. canvassed have experienced no stock out of any contraceptive they distribute or provide, at any given Here, ‘no stock out ‘is taken to mean time, in the last 6 months. a situation in which a FP service delivery facility/point in a country At the regional and global levels the indicator will be did not run out of supplies of any computed by adding up all countries where at least 60 per one or more of the modern methods cent of SDPs have experienced no stock out of of contraceptives at any point in time contraceptives they are expected to provide in line with over the last/previous 6 months and current national guidelines, protocols and laws; at any therefore had supplies on hand to given time, in the last 6 months. serve clients at all times during 6 months preceding the survey. Method specific rates will also be calculated as follows; ([Number of SDPs surveyed that did not experience stock out of a particular contraceptive (e.g. condom) during the last 6 months]÷[Total Number of SDPs that provide the particular modern contraceptive method (e.g. condom)]×100 Funding available globally for The total amount in US$ that is The indicator measures the level of The data for this indicator will be At the global level the indicator will be computed by contraceptives including provide by donors in support of external assistance to countries and the provided by CSB from the annual adding up all amounts (US$) for each donor (for 88 countries that depend on external availability of donor funds for donor support report  countries as per health coalition supply list) assistance for the procurement of procurement of contraceptives contraceptives including condoms including condoms Number of countries where Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator seeks to assess the Data is sourced by content The indicator is computed by determining the inclusion of RHCS RHCS strategy is integrated GPRHCS countries where core holistic approach adopted by each analysis of the various thematic issues in all the thematic strategies RH, HIV/AIDS and Gender). with national RH/SRH, RHCS issues4 are included in country in implementing thematic, strategies to ascertain the HIV/AIDS, Gender & various national efforts in the but often very related and inclusion of RHCS issues. A Country will be judged as having satisfied the conditions for this Reproductive Rights strategies area of RH, HIV AIDS and complementary interventions. indicator if it is ascertained that a) it has the three thematic Gender and Reproductive Rights The indicator should be provided strategies in place; b) all the RHCS core issues are included in the for each of the three thematic RH/SRH and HIV/AIDS strategies, and c) any two core issues are included integrated in the Gender and reproductive right strategies. At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up all the countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria for the indicator as stated above Number of countries with Number, out of a total of 45 In addition to ascertaining the Data is sourced from UNFPA At the country level, the indicator will be provided by assessing the strategy implemented (National GPRHCS countries which have existence of a RHCS strategy, the country office response to key annual work plans for the MOH and other stakeholders to ascertain strategy/action plan for RHCS RHCS Strategy and action plan indicator determines whether the implementation of RHCS strategies and action plans is being implemented by all actions are being taken to responsible parties named in the implement the strategies and It is expected that the information strategy and action plan action plans in each of the 45 will also be sourced from the At the regional and global levels the indicator is computed by COAR and other programme summing up all the countries that were assessed to be implementing progress reports their RHCS strategies and action plans. Number of countries with Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator provides a measure Data is sourced from UNFPA For a Country to be judged as having a functioning coordination functional co-ordination GPRHCS countries with bodies for the existence and the country office response to key mechanism, the mechanism must satisfy all of the following mechanism on RHCS or RHCS or entities that facilitate the effectiveness of an entity for is included in broader interaction of stakeholders and bringing partners together to work i) have a membership with representation from at least the coordination mechanism oversees joint planning and Information on this may also exist following a) government, b) NGOs, c) Private Sector (including decision making on RHCS in the COAR and other sources social marketing organisations), d) technical and donor agencies, and academic institutions; ii) be under the leadership of a government agency; iii) have a terms of term of reference specifying activities to be carried out in coordinating RHCS issues; iv) meet at least 2 times a year; and v) have minutes of meetings available At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied all the criteria stated above Number of countries with Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator provides a measure The source of the data is the EML For a Country to be judged as having satisfied the criteria for this essential RH commodities in GPRHCS countries that have a for the progress made by for a particular country which will indicator, the following three conditions must be met EML (Contraceptives and life- national Essential Medicine GPRHCS countries in i) be made available for content a) an official national EML must exist for the country; b) all the saving maternal/RH medicines Lists available and that the list establishing an EML, and ii) the modern contraceptive methods must be on the list; and c) all the 10 contains modern contraceptive inclusion of contraceptives and priority RH medicines must be on the list methods and essential life- priority reproductive health saving medicines. medicines on the national EML At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied all the criteria stated above 4 The core RHCS issues are 1) capacity - including institutional strengthening and training of nationals; 2) coordination of stakeholders and interventions; 3) mobilization and utilization of resources for RHCs; 4) procurement ; 5) Logistics and Supply Chain Management; and, 6) demand creation Funding mobilised for GPRHCS The total amount (in US$) The indicator will provide information The data for this indicator will be At the global level the indicator will be judged as on a reliable basis (e.g. multi- mobilized from various donors for on actual resources mobilized from provided by CSB from the GPRHCS achieved if CSB mobilizes a) at least 60 per cent implementation of the GPRHCS pledges made by donors for GPRHCS. Annual Report which will indicate the of the annual budgeted funds; and b) 80 per cent level of funding mobilized from various of the pledged funds for the year UNFPA signed MOUs with Number out of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator assess the existence of an Information is derived from the signed For a Country to be judged as having achieved Stream 1 country governments countries in which a government agreement between government and MOU document for each country this indicator, a copy of the signed MOU for that agency has signed an MOU with UNFPA on the implementation of country should be available at CBS New York UNFPA for the implementation of the GPRHCS activities At the regional and global levels the indicator is computed by a physical count of all copies of signed MOUs available at CSB, New York RHCS mainstreamed in regional Number of partner institutions The indicator assess the outcome of the Data is sourced from GPRHCs Each regional office of UNFPA will provide policies and strategies through with RHCS core issues (see collaboration between UNFPA and programme reports on collaboration with information on the achievements made in their UNFPA work with global, footnote 4) mainstreamed into other institutions in the area of RHCS, other partner institutions bilateral and regional policies/strategies through most importantly the role of UNFPA in organizations/partners collaboration with UNFPA building RHCS capacity in these At the regional and global levels the indicator is institutions (including regional computed by adding up the number of partner economic communities) institutions with whom UNFPA collaborates on any of the six core RHCS issues Number of countries that have Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator gauges the level of Data is sourced by content analysis of the A Country will satisfy the conditions for this included RHCS priorities in; GPRHCS countries where core commitment and importance attached PRS and the National Health Sector indicator if it is ascertained that a) any of the RHCS issues (see foot note 4) are to RHCS issues at country level policy/plan for the type of RHCS issues RHCS core issues are integrated in the PRS; and included in a) the poverty addressed in each of the documents b) all of the issues are in the Health sector policy reduction strategy; and b) the b) Health sector policy and plan Health sector policy and plan At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up all countries that are judged to have satisfied both the criteria stated above Number of countries Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator measure the commitment Data is sourced by content analysis of A Country will satisfy the conditions for this maintaining allocation within GPRHCS countries where of governments to RHCS and their government budgets for the existence of indicator if it is ascertained that a line exists in SRH/RHCs budget line for governments have budget lines for willingness to provide resources for the budget line for the procurement of the national budget for the procurement of contraceptives in the national procurement of contraceptives contraceptives and that the amount so budgeted budgets and the amount allocated has not decrease compared to last year has not decreased compared to the At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged to have satisfied the criteria stated above Number of countries using Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator measures the extent to Data is sourced from responses received A Country will satisfy the conditions for this AccessRH5 for procurement of GPRHCS countries that are using which AccessRH has been adopted by from countries that are using Access RH indicator if a) it is using Access RH and b) if it AccessRH for the procurement of countries for the procurement of RHCs and also from AceessRH data sources reports that the length of time between placing an RHCs and where this has resulted and the extent to which this has reduced order and the arrival of the commodities in the in 20 percent reduction of time the lead time by 20 percent (time country has reduced by at least 20 percent between placing order for the between ordering the commodity and commodities and their arrival in the its arrival in the country) At the regional and global levels the indicator country (e.g. from 8 to about 6 will be computed by adding up all countries that are judged to have satisfied both the criteria Number of pre-qualified Number manufacturers judged The indicator measures the progress Information is derived from the joint At the global level the indicator will be computed suppliers of IUDs and condoms under the joint UNFPA-WHO made by manufactures to meet the pre- UNFPA-WHO reports on the assessment by a count of the suppliers/ manufacturers that for use by UNFPA and partners partnership as qualified to supply qualification standards for the two of supplier/manufacturers for condoms are pre-qualified by UNFPA-WHO IUDs and condoms commodities and from which the and IUDs on various criteria including a) commodities can be procured the number of complaints on quality of condoms and IUDs received from countries from previous years, and b) the percentage of reduction in the rejected batches of condoms and IUDs Number of Stream 1 Countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator assesses the ability of the Information is derived from a) the CSB The indicator is computed by a physical count of making ‘no ad hoc requests' to countries that have made good countries in effectively planning their records; and b) PSB reports on the countries that make requests in line with their UNFPA for commodities (non- annual procurement plans and RHC at the beginning of the year such requests made by countries for RH annual procurement plans (except for countries made actual procurement according that no requests are made outside the that experience humanitarian and emergency to the plan (except in the case of plans (except for emergency and emergency and humanitarian humanitarian situations) At the regional and global levels the indicator By April of the subsequent year
will be computed by adding up all the countries that are judged to have satisfied the criteria Number of Stream 1 Countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 For each country, the indicator The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this forecasting for RHCs using countries in which the staff ascertains the existence of nationals responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if the forecasts of RHC needs a) are national technical expertise responsible for forecasting RHC responsible for forecasting RHC needs offices to a GRHCS country done by nationals, and b) working in a needs are nationals and they work in a government agency questionnaire and from other reporting government agencies. in a government agency At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up all countries that are judged to have satisfied the two criteria Number of Stream 1 Countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 For each country, the indicator The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this managing procurement process countries in which the staff ascertains the existence of nationals responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if the management of procurement of with national technical expertise responsible for managing responsible for procurement of RHCs in offices to a GRHCS country RHCs; a) is done by nationals, and b) they work procurement of RHCs are nationals a government agency questionnaire and from other reporting in a government agencies. and they work in a government At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up all countries that are judged to have satisfied the two criteria Number of Stream 1 Countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator measures the The information is derived from analysed A Country will satisfy the conditions for this with functioning LMIS countries with a Logistics effectiveness of the LMIS in providing responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if a) it has an LMIS and the system; and Management Information System relevant information about the offices to a GRHCS country b) at the central level the LMIS provides i) that generates up to date procurement and distribution of the RH questionnaire and from other reporting current and up to date data on stock levels ; ii) up information about the procurement to date data on distribution of essential life-saving and distribution of the RH medicines; iii) up to date data on distribution of modern contraceptives; iv) number of users for each modern contraceptive method; and, v) product particulars including expiry date At the regional and global levels the indicator will be computed by adding up all the countries that are judged to have satisfied all the criteria above Number of Stream 1 Countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator assesses the existence of The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this with coordinated approach countries that have a system in a unified procurement and distribution responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it has a) a unified mechanism for towards integrated health place for the procurement and system for health supplies that includes offices to a GRHCS country managing all health supply systems; b) the supplies management system distribution of health supplies, RHCs (modern contraceptives and questionnaire and from other reporting system takes into account the procurement of
which includes contraceptives and priority medicines) RHCs (modern contraceptives and priority medicines); and, c) the system takes into account
the distribution of RHCs (modern contraceptives
and priority medicines)
At the regional and global level, the indicator will
be computed by adding up all countries that are
judged to have satisfied all the criteria above
Number of stream 1 countries Number, out of GPRHCS Stream 1 The indicator provides a measure for The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this adopting/adapting a Health countries where any form of the existence of a computerised health responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it has a computerised health supply Supply Chain Management computerised health supply chain supply chain management information offices to a GRHCS country chain management information system. information tool (e.g. management information tools is in system in the country (such as questionnaire and from other reporting CHANNEL, PIPELINE) into CHANNEL, PIPELINE or any other At the regional and global level, the indicator will be computed by adding up all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Expenditure of UNFPA/CSB core Resources for The percentage of UNFPA/CBS The indicator assesses UNFPA's The data for this indicator will be At the regional and global level, the indicator core resources (in US$) commitment to ensuring an increase in acquired from UNFPA Finance will be judged as achieved if UNFPA/CSB expended on RHCS issues the amount of core resources expended expenditure of core resources for the year increases compared to the increases compared to last year GPRHCS planning takes into account lessons Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses whether countries The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this learned in RHCS mainstreaming countries, where GPRHCS make use of key lessons learned to plan responses provided by UNFPA indicator if, of the lessons learned in planning for current year takes and implement GPRHCS activities country offices to a GRHCS country implementing RHCS issues, at least one is into consideration lessons questionnaire and from other used for GPRHCS planning. learned in addressing RHCS reporting platforms issue during the previous year At the regional and global level, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of countries with RHCS priorities Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator gauges extent to which Data is sourced by analyzing the A Country will satisfy the conditions for this included in: a) CCA, b) UNDAF, c) CPD and d) GPRHCS countries where core UNFPA has been able to have RHCS contents of each of the documents indicator if it is ascertained that a) any of the RHCS issues (see foot note 4) issues included in country programming (CCA, UNDAF, CPD and CPAP) to RHCS core issues are included or mentioned are included in current /most ascertain the inclusion of RHCS in the CCA and UNDAF; and b) all of the recent a) CCA, b) UNDAF , c) RHCS issues (footnote 4) are included in the At the regional and global level, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged to have satisfied both the criteria for the indicator as stated above Number of UNFPA Country Offices with Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator asses trends in UNFPA The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this increasing funds allocated to RHCS countries that have allocated country office allocations of funds to responses provided by UNFPA indicator if the amount allocated to RHCS for more funds to RHCS activities implement RHCS activities country offices to a GRHCS country the current year is more than the amount for compared to the previous year questionnaire and from other reporting the previous year At the regional and global level, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of countries with all the relevant joint Number of countries with Joint The indicator gauges extent to which Data for this indicator will be Only countries with joint UN programmes, for UN programmes for SRH and MNH that UN Programmes for SRH and UNFPA has been able to have RHCS provided by UNFPA country offices example SRH and MNH, will be investigated MNH that have core RHCS issues included in relevant thematic joint and will also be sourced from other to ascertain the inclusion of at least three of issues (see foot note 4) included reporting platforms the RHCS issues in the Joint UN programmes Also, the content of the joint UN At the regional and global level, the indicator programme will be analysed to will be computed by aggregating all countries ascertain the inclusion of RHCS that are judged as having satisfied the criteria Number of national/regional institutions Number of institutions, with The indicator assesses the extent to Data for this indicator will be At the regional and global levels, the indicator providing quality technical assistance on RHCS appropriate capacity, that are which GPRHCS has built the capacity of provided by UNFPA ROs, SROs and will be adding up the number of institutions in the areas of Training and Workshops, made to provide technical regional institutions to provide technical COs and will also be sourced from that provide RHCS technical assistance to Advocacy, Monitoring & Progress Reviews, assistance to any of the 45 assistance provision in each of the other reporting platforms countries during the year and Programme Development with countries countries in the area of RHCS UNFPA geographic regions Number of countries achieving Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the progress The information is derived from A Country will satisfy the conditions for this at least 60% of work plan countries that have implemented 60 made by countries in implementing the responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it fully implements 60 per cent of the per cent of the activities under each activities planned for the year offices to a GRHCS country activities for each and every output in the output on the GPRHCS work plan questionnaire and from other reporting GPRHCS work plan for the year At the regional and global levels, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of country offices with Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed A Country will satisfy the conditions for this completed and budgeted Annual countries that have a budgeted submission of a budgeted work plans responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it submits its budgeted work plan for Work plan by end of December annual work plan for the next year, offices to a GRHCS country the next year to CSB by 31st December of the ready and submitted by 31st questionnaire and from other reporting December of the current year At the regional and global levels, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of country offices Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed A Country will satisfy the conditions for this submitting mid-year progress countries that have submit mid-year submission of a mid-year progress responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it submits its mid-year progress report report to respective regional progress reports on the reports by countries offices to a GRHCS country to its regional office with copies sent to CSB by offices by 15 June each year implementation of planned RHCS questionnaire and from other reporting 15th June of the current year activities to their respective regional offices with copies sent to At the regional and global levels, the indicator CBS by 15th June of the current will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of country offices Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed A Country will satisfy the conditions for this submitting completed annual countries that have submit end of submission of end of year narrative responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it submits its annual narrative narrative program report to year narrative progress reports and progress reports and related country offices to a GRHCS country progress reports and related annual country respective Regional Offices by related country reporting reporting instruments by the countries questionnaire from and other reporting reporting instruments to its RO with copy to CSB instruments to their respective by the 15th December of the current year regional offices with copies sent to CBS by 15th December of the At the regional and global levels, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of country offices Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed A Country will satisfy the conditions for this submitting completed financial countries that have submit end of submission of financial reports by the responses provided by UNFPA country indicator if it submits its end of year financial report to respective Regional year financial report to their offices to a GRHCS country report to its RO with copy to CSB by the 15th Offices by 15 December respective regional offices with questionnaire and from other reporting December of the current year copies sent to CBS by 15th December of the current year At the regional and global levels, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all countries that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of Regional Offices Number, out of a total of 5 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed A Regional Office will satisfy the conditions for submitting reviewed AWPs to Regional Offices that will review review and submission by Regional responses provided Regional Offices to this indicator if it submits reviewed AWPs to Technical Division/HQ by mid- and submit Annual Work Plans for Offices of AWPs to Technical GHRHC reporting questionnaire and Technical Division, UNFPA-HQ BY 15th January 45 countries to Technical Division, UNFPA-HQ from other reporting platforms of the current year Division/UNFPA-HQ by 15th January of the current year At the regional and global levels, the indicator will be computed by aggregating all Regional Offices that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Number of Regional Offices Number, out of a total of 5 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from analysed At the regional level a Regional Office will submitting mid-year report by Regional Offices that have submit submission of both mid-year and end of responses provided Regional Offices to satisfy the conditions for this indicator if it a) mid-July and annual report of a) mid-year report by 15th July of year reports by Regional Offices to GHRHC reporting questionnaire and submits the midyear report by 15th July of the mid-January to Technical the current year and b) end of year Technical Division, UNFPA-HQ from other reporting platforms current year; and b) submits the end of report by Division/HQ (5 Regional annual report by 15th December of 15th December of the current year the current year to Technical Division/UNFPA-HQ At the global level the indicator will be computed by adding up all Regional Offices that are judged as having satisfied the criteria stated above Country work plans reviewed Number, out of a total of 45 The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from CSB- At the regional and global level, the indicator will and allocation made By HQ by country work plans reviewed and review, approval and allocation of TD programme implementation reports be computed by adding up the number of country 1st week of March  for which resources are allocated resources by CSB for work plans and from other reporting platforms work plans reviewed and approved and for which by CSB by 1st March of the current submitted by countries resources are allocated by 1st March each year by Semi-annual and annual Two progress review and planning The indicator assesses the frequency of The information is derived from CSB- At the global level, the indicator will be progress review/planning meetings (semi-annual and annual) joint reviews and planning meetings TD programme implementation reports computed by verification of the conduct of both a meeting organized for all organised by CSB/TD for held with GPRHCS Stream 1 countries and from other reporting platforms semi-annual (mid-year) and an annual (end of GPRHCS Stream 1 counties by GPRHCS Stream 1 countries year) programme review and planning meeting Consolidated annual GPRHCS A consolidated end of year The indicator assesses the timely The information is derived from CSB- At the global level the indicator will be computed report (programmatic and programmatic and financial preparation of a consolidated annual TD programme implementation reports by the verification of the availability of a financial) prepared by end of GPRHCS report prepared by CSB- GPRHCS programmatic and financial and from other reporting platforms consolidated end of year GPRHCS programmatic March of following year by HQ TD by 31st March of the following and financial report by 31st March of the Attachment D. TABLE OF CONTENTS
List of Tables and Graphs
List of Boxes and Diagrams
Executive Summary


Rationale and Objective of the study Survey organization and management Methodology and limitations 1.4.1 Survey design and sampling of facilities 1.4.2 Data collection 1.4.3 Data analysis and presentation 1.4.4 Limitation of the survey Outline of report
General Information about the facilities
2.1.1 Geographic distribution of facilities 2.1.2 Management of facilities 2.1.3 Distance of SDPs from source of supplies Modern contraceptives offered by facilities
2.2.1 Contraceptives offered by types of facilities 2.2.2 Facilities offering at least three types of contraceptives 2.2.3 Reasons for not offering certain contraceptives Availability of Maternal and RH Medicines
2.3.1 Maternal and RH Medicines available by types of facilities 2.3.2 Availability of Five essential life saving maternal and RH medicines 2.3.3 Reasons for not offering certain life saving maternal and RH medicines Incidence of ‘No Stock Out' of modern contraceptives
2.4.1 ‘No Stock Out' at time of survey 2.4.2 ‘No Stock Out' in the last six months 2.4.3 Reasons for ‘No Stock Out'
3.1 Summary of Findings 3.2 Recommendations

1. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by type of facility 2. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by Administrative Unit (Region) 3. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by urban/rural residence 4. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by management of facility 5. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by distance from nearest warehouse/source of suppliers 6. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by type of facility 7. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by Administrative Unit (Region) 8. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by urban/rural residence 9. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by management of facility 10. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by distance from nearest warehouse/source 11. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by type of facility 12. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by Administrative Unit (Region) 13. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by urban/rural residence 14. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by management of facility 15. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by distance nearest warehouse/source of suppliers 16. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by type of facility 17. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by Administrative Unit (Region) 18. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by urban/rural residence 19. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by management of facility 20. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by distance from nearest warehouse/source of suppliers 21. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering any modern contraceptive method 22. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with any Maternal/RH Medicine Available 23. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of any modern contraceptive method in the last six months 24. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive method in sock at the time of the survey Attachment F. TENTATIVE ACTIVITY PLAN
Major and Sub-activity
Activity Outputs
1.0 Establish survey implementation mechanisms at country level
1.1 Establish a survey steering committee Ministry of Health Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 Steering committees established Mongolia Country 1.2 Undertake consultations with partners at the Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 Reports/minutes of consultations 1.3 Establish a survey virtual follow-up mechanism MOH, UNFPA CO Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 Virtual follow-up mechanism established with TOR 1.4 Develop and make available Listing of Health Research entity, Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 Number of listing forms printed Facilities by category and administrative unit RHCS focal points 1.5 Use recommended sampling procedure to Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 List of sampled facilities for each select samples for the survey from the list of category of health facility for each health facilities administrative unit 1.6 Prepare manuals and forms for the receipt, Ulaanbaatar 4th week of Aug 2012 Number of supervisors and checking and storage of completed questionnaires enumerators manuals forms printed 2.0 Pre-test and Finalize Survey Instruments
2.1 Recruit and train field staff enumerators and Ulaanbaatar 1st week of Final lists trained field staff supervisors; and data entry staff 2.2 Adapt and pre-test the survey questionnaire Ulaanbaatar 1st week of Reports and recommendations on re- (using some trained staff) test of questionnaire 2.3 Finalize survey questionnaires, forms and Ulaanbaatar 2nd week of Finalized questionnaires, manuals 2.4 Print adequate number of questionnaires for Ulaanbaatar 2nd week September Number of survey questionnaires Major and Sub-activity
Activity Outputs
3.0 Undertake Field data col ection
3.1 Undertake Field data col ection 3rd week of September- Number of completed and edited 2nd week of October 3.2 Receive, verify and store completed 3rd week of October Number of questionnaires received, verified and stored 4.0 Undertake Data Processing and produce final tables
4.1 Undertake data entry 3rd 4th weeks of October Number of questionnaires edited and entered into computer programme 4.2 Produce and check preliminary tables 4th weeks of October Preliminary tables produced 4.3 Produce final tables 4th week of October, Final tables produced 5.0 Undertake In-depth Analysis and Preparation of Final Report
5.1 Undertake report writing and prepare first 1st -2nd weeks of First draft report prepared draft of survey report 5.2 Circulate first draft for comments from 2nd week of November Copies of comments from partners 5.3 Review and revise first draft and taken into 3rd week of November The reviewed copy of first draft consideration comments from partners 5.4 Finalize survey report 4th week of November Final copy of survey report will be available at UNFPA CO and MOH
6.1 Send Survey Report to respective Regional
1st week of December Final copy of survey reports available Offices with copy to CSB 6.2 Disseminate survey findings widely and 2nd week of December Forums organized to disseminate promote its utilization in country Attachment G. TENTATIVE SUMMARY TIME TABLE
Main Activity
Week Week Week Week Week
Week Week Week
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1.0 Establish survey 2.0 Pre-test and Instruments 3.0 Undertake Field data col ection 4.0 Undertake Data produce final tables 5.0 Undertake In- depth Analysis and Preparation of Final Report 6.0 Disseminate Attachment H. PROPOSED STRUCTURE FOR TABLES

1. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive
methods by type of facility Type of Facility Offering at least three
Not offering at least
modern contraceptive three modern
contraceptive methods Primary Level Care (or equivalent to country context) Secondary level care Tertiary level care 2. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by Administrative Unit (Region) Administrative Unit Offering at least
Not offering at least
three modern
three modern
contraceptive methods 3. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by urban/rural residence Offering at least
Not offering at least
three modern
three modern
contraceptive methods 4. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by management of facility Management of facility Offering at least
Not offering at least
three modern
three modern
contraceptive methods 5. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering at least three modern contraceptive methods by distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies Distance from nearest Offering at least
Not offering at least
warehouse/source of three modern
three modern
supplies (in Km) contraceptive methods 6. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by type of facility Five (including 3
Five (including 3
Type of Facility essential) life-saving
essential) life-saving
maternal/reproductive maternal/reproductive health medicines health medicines not
7. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by Administrative Unit (Region) Administrative Unit Five (including 3
Five (including 3
essential) life-saving
essential) life-saving
maternal/reproductive maternal/reproductive health medicines health medicines not
8. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by urban/rural residence Five (including 3
Five (including 3
essential) life-saving
essential) life-saving
maternal/reproductive maternal/reproductive health medicines health medicines not
9. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by management of facility Management of facility Five (including 3
Five (including 3
essential) life-saving
essential) life-saving
maternal/reproductive maternal/reproductive health medicines health medicines not
10. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with five (including 3 essential) life-saving maternal/reproductive health medicines available by distance from nearest warehouse/source of Distance from nearest Five (including 3
Five (including 3
warehouse/source of essential) life-saving
essential) life-saving
supplies (in Km)) maternal/reproductive maternal/reproductive health medicines health medicines not
11. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by type of facility Modern contraceptive Modern contraceptive Type of Facility method in stock at
method not in stock at
the time of the survey the time of the survey
12. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by Administrative Unit (Region) Administrative Unit Modern contraceptive Modern contraceptive method in stock at
method not in stock at
the time of the survey the time of the survey
13. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by urban/rural residence Modern contraceptive Modern contraceptive method in stock at
method not in stock at
the time of the survey the time of the survey
14. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by management of facility Management of facility Modern Modern contraceptive method not in stock at
method in stock at
the time of the survey
the time of the
15. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive methods in stock at the time of the survey by distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies Distance from nearest Modern contraceptive warehouse/source of method not in stock at
supplies (in Km) method in stock at
the time of the survey
the time of the
16. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by type of facility No stock out of
Stock out of modern
Type of Facility modern contraceptive contraceptive method
method in the last six in the last six month
17. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by Administrative Unit (Region) Administrative Unit No stock out of
Stock out of modern
modern contraceptive contraceptive method
method in the last six in the last six month
18. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by urban/rural residence No stock out of
Stock out of modern
modern contraceptive contraceptive method
method in the last six in the last six month
19. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by management of facility Management of facility No stock out of
Stock out of modern
contraceptive method
in the last six month method in the last
20. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of a modern contraceptive method in the last six months by distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies Distance from nearest No stock out of
Stock out of modern
warehouse/source of contraceptive method
supplies (in Km) in the last six month method in the last
21. Percentage distribution of service delivery points offering modern contraceptive method Modern contraceptive method
Type of Facility
Administrative Unit (Region)
Distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies
22. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with any Maternal/RH Medicine Available Maternal/RH Medicines Type of Facility
Distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies
23. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with no stock out of any modern contraceptive method in the last six months No stock out of any modern contraceptive method in the last six Type of Facility
Distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies

24. Percentage distribution of service delivery points with modern contraceptive method in sock at the time of the survey
Modern contraceptive method in sock at the time of the survey Type of Facility
Distance from nearest warehouse/source of supplies
(in Km)
Please list major 5-10 clients' information for the last two years. Country Contact Name Telephone Email address Approximate Contract performed Reference Attachment K. LIST OF PROPOSED PERSONNEL
Position Assigned Researcher/ Surveyor [YES/NO] Data entry assistant Clerical support staff Please add more rows if necessary Sample CV format
Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position] [Insert company name] [Insert full name] [Insert birth date] [Insert nationality] [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of [Insert information] [Indicate appropriate postgraduate and other training] Countries of Work [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing] Language Speaking Reading Writing [Indicate proficiency for each language] Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment, name of employing organization, positions held.] From [year]: To [year]: Employer: Position(s) held: Similar Experience [List experience or involvement in similar surveys/studies/researches in what capacity/role.] From [year]: To [year]: Employer: Position(s) held: Signature of Authorized Signatory: Attachment L. WHO priority list
Priority life-saving medicines
for women and children

Improving maternal and child health is a global priority. An estimated 7.6 million children under the age of five die 
every  year  and  an  estimated  1  000  women  –  most  of  them  in  developing  countries–  die  every  day  due  to 
complications  related  to  pregnancy  or  childbirth.  Many  of  these  deaths  are  due  to  conditions  that  could  be 
prevented  or  treated  with  access  to  simple,  affordable  vaccines,  contraceptives  and  medicines.  However,  the 
availability of medicines at public‐health facilities is often poor. 

treatment guidelines b.  Same as above. 

Source: http://unfpa.org.mn/Annex1.pdf


Componenti pregiate, fragranze esoti- che: Prija è una linea di cortesia calda e terrestre, prodotta da GFL nel rispetto di standard qualitativi molto elevati e rivolta a clienti attenti alla qualità cosmetica e al design degli articoli del settore cortesia. Fine ingredients and exotic fragrances: Prija is a warm and earthly complimentary line. Produced by GFL according to very high qualitative standards, it appeals to customers who are sensitive to the quality of cosmetics, and to the design of compli-mentary items.


Ranks Of Hell Just as archangels and angels, Dominions, Principalities, and Powers are in heaven, so it is said demons and devils are in hierarchy of hell, Princes, Ministers, Ambassadors, Justices, The House of Princes, and the Trivial Spirits, Alphonsus de Spina (who brought into Christianity a lot of Jewish lore) says there are ten orders of demons. Some other authorities say there are nine orders