
Test Date: 10 Jul 2010
Food Sensitivity Test
File #: 76901
You have no reaction to Candida Albicans.
You have a mild reaction to Gluten and severe reaction to Gliadin, eliminate these foods: You have no reaction to Casein or Whey.
RED indicates a severe intolerance and these items should be avoided for a minimum of 6 months YELLOW indicates a mild intolerance and these foods should be avoided if possibleORANGE indicates a moderate intolerance and these items should be avoided for a minimum of 3-6 months GREEN indicates acceptable foods / no reaction Patient Name: SAMPLE PATIENT
Test Date: 7/10/2010
Food Sensitivity Test
Healthcare Provider:
4 Day Rotation Diet
While the almond is most often eaten on its own, raw or toasted, it is used in some dishes. It, along with other nuts, is often sprinkled over desserts, particularly sundaes and other ice cream based dishes. It is also used in making baklava and nougat. There is also almond butter, a spread similar to peanut butter, popular with peanut allergy sufferers and for its less salty taste. Also avoid almond milk, marzipan and amaretto. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 3 Basil is most commonly used fresh; in cooked recipes it is generally added at the last moment, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor. Mediterranean and Indochinese cuisines frequently use basil, the former frequently combining it with tomato. Basil is one of the main ingredients in pesto, a green Italian oil-and-herb sauce. Basil is also used in soups and other foods. It is sometimes used with fresh fruit and in fruit jams and sauces, in particular with strawberries, but also raspberries or dark-colored plums. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Blueberries are sold fresh or processed as individually quick frozen fruit, purée, juice, or dried or infused berries which in turn may be used in a variety of consumer goods such as jellies, jams, pies, muffins, snack foods, and cereals. Blueberry jam is made from blueberries, sugar, water, and fruit pectin. Usually made from wild blueberries, premium blueberry jam is common in Maine, Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. Pure or blended blueberry juice has become a popular product in Canada and the United States. Also avoid bearberry and huckleberry. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Only one type of broccoli is generally found in markets, but a few close relatives of this vegetable are also available. Broccoli rabe has thinner stalks and is leafier, with smaller bunches of buds. It has a stronger, more bitter flavor, and all of the plant, including its leaves, is edible. Broccolini is a new vegetable that looks just like regular broccoli except that the stalks are delicate, with thin stems; the flower buds are also smaller. Also avoid Bok Choy. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Brussel sprouts are known to be native to cool regions in northern Europe. They are similar to cabbage in taste, but they are slightly milder in flavor and denser in texture. Brussels sprouts and cabbage are members of the cruciferous vegetable family. These vegetables contain significant amounts of the antioxidants vitamin C and beta-carotene (vitamin A). For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Avoid also savoy cabbage, roundhead cabbage, spring cabbage, chinese cabbage, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, purple cabbage, red cabbage, white cabbage, pak choi, pe-tsai & sauerkraut, indonesian relish and pickled red cabbage. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 2.
Carob is popular in the baking ad confectionary industry. Carob powder and carob chips are sometimes used as an ingredient in cakes and cookies instead of chocolate. Carob can also be used in soft drinks. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 4 Carrots are often chopped and boiled, fried or steamed, and cooked in soups and stews, as well as baby and pet foods. Together with onion and celery, carrots are one of the primary vegetables used to make various broths. Carrot juice is also widely marketed, especially as a health drink, either stand-alone or blended with fruits and other vegetables. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 1 Several varieties of celery. Available all year round, either fresh (in heads or loose sticks) or canned. Celery is eaten raw or cooked. Avoid also celery seed, celeriac root and celery juice. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 1.
Clams can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked or fried; the method of preparation depends partly on size and species. Clam chowder is a popular soup in the U.S. and Canada. In Italy, clams are often an ingredient of mixed seafood dishes, or are eaten together with pasta. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 4 This list is presented as a sample reference list. You should read all labels each time you make a purchase because manufacturers may change formulations. Become aware of all ingredients found in foods you plan to consume. Please see accompanying booklet for more information. It is advisable to consult a qualified nutritional counsellor for further assistance with your rotation diet plan.
Human consumption of corn and cornmeal constitutes a staple food in many regions of the world. Corn meal is made into a thick porridge in many cultures. It is the main ingredient for tortillas and many other dishes of Mexican food. The eating of corn on the cob varies culturally. Sweetcorn is a genetic variation that is high in sugars and low in starch that is served like a vegetable. Also avoid corn flour, corn grits, corn oil, corn starch, corn sugar, corn flakes, blue corn chips, processed meats, soft drinks, margarine, popcorn, aspirin, dextrose, hominy, beer and other alcoholic beverages containing corn. Due to the presence of corn syrup also avoid, cranberry and other fruit juices as well as ketchup. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 3 Avoid also skimmed milk, semi-skimmed milk, butter, butter cakes, ice cream, marscapone (sweet Italian cheese), imitation milk products, lactaid milk, margarine, neufchatel cheese, non-fat dry milk, processed cheese, buttermilk, cheese, chocolate, cottage cheese, cream, cream cheese, evaporated cow's milk & guar gum. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 1.
Crabs are found in all of the world's oceans. Additionally, there are also many freshwater and terrestrial crabs, particularly in tropical regions. Also avoid seafood soups, seafood salads, imitation crab and crab cakes. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 1 Most recipes and producers of curry powder usually include coriander, turmeric, cumin, and others. Depending upon the recipe, additional ingredients such as ginger, garlic, fennel seed, cinnamon, clove, mustard seed, green cardamom, black cardamom, mace, nutmeg, red pepper, long pepper, and black pepper may also be added. For reintroduction into diet, place into day:4 Dill is a short-lived annual herb. Its seeds, dill seed are used as a spice, and its fresh leaves, dill, and its dried leaves, dill weed, are used as herbs. Its fernlike leaves are aromatic, and are used to flavor many foods, such as gravlax (cured salmon), borscht and other soups, and pickles (where sometimes the dill flower is used). For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 3 The bulb, foliage, and seeds of the fennel plant are widely used in many of the culinary traditions of the world. Fennel is also used as a flavoring in some natural toothpaste. Fennel is most prominently featured in Italian cuisine, where bulbs and fronds appears both raw and cooked in side dishes, salads, pastas, and risottos. Fennel seed is a common ingredient in Italian sausages and meatballs and northern European rye breads. Many egg, fish, and other dishes employ fresh or dried fennel leaves. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 3 The juice from old ginger roots is extremely potent and is often used as a spice in Chinese cuisine to flavor dishes. Powdered dry ginger root (ginger powder) is typically used to add spiciness to gingerbread and other recipes. Ginger is also made into candy and used as a flavoring for cookies, crackers and cake, and is the main flavor in ginger ale, as well as the similar, but somewhat spicier beverage ginger beer. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Bell peppers are green while developing and then ripen to a variety of colors, of which red and yellow are the most common but purple and orange are also found. Bell peppers are commonly added to salads, pizza, stir-fry, and sweet and sour. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 1 The jalapeño is a medium to large size chili pepper. Avoid Nachos, Chile Pepper Potato Chips, Hot Sauce, and Chipotle etc. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 4 Macadamia nuts are eaten raw or after cooking in oil are roasted and salted; also used to make an edible bland salad oil. Also used in candies, covered in chocolate etc. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 3 This list is presented as a sample reference list. You should read all labels each time you make a purchase because manufacturers may change formulations. Become aware of all ingredients found in foods you plan to consume. Please see accompanying booklet for more information. It is advisable to consult a qualified nutritional counsellor for further assistance with your rotation diet plan.
Avoid also all-purpose flour, caramel color, caramel flavor, enriched flour, malted barley, malt vinegar, maltodextrin & maltose. Can be found in hot milk drinks, breakfast cereals, baking and some alcoholic beverages (e.g. malt whisky & real ales) For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 3.
Millet can often be used in recipes instead of buckwheat, rice, or quinoa. Also avoid millet flour, millet meal and puffed millet. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 2 Avoid also lady's finger or gumbo. Can be found in Indian cooking as bindi, and as bamia in the Middle East, cooked in a lamb stew. Can be used to thicken soups and stews. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 4.
Pine nuts are frequently added to meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. In Italian culture they are called pinoli and are an essential component of Italian pesto sauce. Pine nut coffee, known as piñón is a specialty found in the southwest United States, especially New Mexico, and is typically a dark roast coffee having a deep, nutty flavor. Pine nuts are also used in chocolates and desserts such as baklava. For reintroduction into diet, place into day: 4 Avoid also bacon, ground pork, pork liver, stuffing, pâté, ham, hot dogs, italian sausage, pastrama, rillettes, bologna, liverwurst, brawn, Dutch loaf, honeyloaf, scrapple, souse, salami, peperoni, kabanos, chorizo, bierwurst, black pudding, lard, pork chops, pork sausage & pork skins. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 3.
Avoid also mochi, nutty rice cereal, puffed rice, rice bran, rice bran oil, rice cakes, rice dream, rice flour, rice noodles, rice pasta, rice breakfast cereals, rice pudding, rice syrup, brown rice, crackers, brown rice flour & cream of rice. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 4.
Avoid also bay scallops and deep sea scallops. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 4.
Avoid also smelt, steelhead & whitefish. For reintroduction into diet, place into Day 4.
This list is presented as a sample reference list. You should read all labels each time you make a purchase because manufacturers may change formulations. Become aware of all ingredients found in foods you plan to consume. Please see accompanying booklet for more information. It is advisable to consult a qualified nutritional counsellor for further assistance with your rotation diet plan.
YELLOW: These items indicate a mild intolerance and as such are avoided if possible, especially if there are few RED and ORANGE items. If not avoided, the consumable items should be eaten one day in four (will be included in the rotation diet).
ORANGE: These items indicate a strong intolerance and should be strictly avoided for a minimum of 3 to 6 months.
RED: These items indicate a severe intolerance and should be avoided at all costs for a minimum of 6 months.
Test Date: 10 Jul 2010
Food Sensitivity Test
File #: 76901
Functional Foods and Medicinal Herbs
GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE KAVA KAVA GRAPE SEED EXTRACT RED indicates a severe intolerance and these items should be avoided for a minimum of 6 months
YELLOW indicates a mild intolerance and these foods should be avoided if possible
ORANGE indicates a moderate intolerance and these items should be avoided for a minimum of 3-6 months
GREEN indicates acceptable foods / no reaction

Source: https://www.wellio.co/sites/all/themes/welliotheme/pdfs/Sample_Alcat_Test_Results.pdf

Microsoft word - table 10.doc

Table 10. MIC and zone diameter breakpoints for staphylococci Comments 1-3 relate to urinary tract infections (UTI) only. 1 These recommendations are for organisms associated with uncomplicated urinary tract infections only. For complicated infections and infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, which are associated with more serious infections, systemic recommendations should be used.

Tobacco use cessation in hospitals in ontario

NG THE UPTAKE OF HOSPITAL-BASED TOBA SUPPORTS ACROSS McMaster Health Forum Evidence Brief: Expanding the Uptake of Hospital-based Tobacco-use Cessation Supports Across Ontario Evidence >> Insight >> Action Expanding the Uptake of Hospital-based Tobacco-use Cessation Supports Across Ontario McMaster Health Forum For concerned citizens and influential thinkers and doers, the McMaster Health Forum strives to be a