Volume 16, Number 6, 2001
2001 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Structural Adaptation to Changing Skeletal Load in the
Progression Toward Hip Fragility: The Study of
Osteoporotic Fractures*
Longitudinal, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) hip data from 4187 mostly white, elderly women from the Study
of Osteoporotic Fractures were studied with a structural analysis program. Cross-sectional geometry and bone mineral
density (BMD) were measured in narrow regions across the femoral neck and proximal shaft. We hypothesized that
altered skeletal load should stimulate adaptive increases or decreases in the section modulus (bending strength index) and
that dimensional details would provide insight into hip fragility. Weight change in the ⬃
3.5 years between scan time
points was used as the primary indicator of altered skeletal load. "Static" weight was defined as within 5% of baseline
weight, whereas "gain" and "loss" were those who gained or lost >5%, respectively. In addition, we used a frailty index
to better identify those subjects undergoing changing in skeletal loading. Subjects were classified as frail if unable to rise
from a chair five times without using arm support. Subjects who were both frail and lost weight (reduced loading) were
compared with those who were not frail and either maintained weight (unchanged loading) or gained weight (increased
loading). Sixty percent of subjects (n ⴝ
2559) with unchanged loads lost BMD at the neck but not at the shaft, while
section moduli increased slightly at both regions. Subjects with increasing load (n ⴝ
580) lost neck BMD but gained shaft
BMD; section moduli increased markedly at both locations. Those with declining skeletal loads (n ⴝ
105) showed the
greatest loss of BMD at both neck and shaft; loss at the neck was caused by both increased loss of bone mass and greater
subperiosteal expansion; loss in shaft BMD decline was only caused by greater loss of bone mass. This group also showed
significant declines in section modulus at both sites. These results support the contention that mechanical homeostasis in
the hip is evident in section moduli but not in bone mass or density. The adaptive response to declining skeletal loads, with
greater rates of subperiosteal expansion and cortical thinning, may increase fragility beyond that expected from the
reduction in section modulus or bone mass alone. (J Bone Miner Res 2001;16:1108–1119)
Key words:
section modulus, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, adaptation to skeletal loading, subperios-
teal expansion, skeletal homeostasis, Wolff's law, Frost's mechanostat, structural geometry
These observations suggest that physical decline andmuscular weakness have a role in the etiology of bone
COMMON OBSERVATIONS about persons with hip fracture fragility. Indeed, Wolff in 1869 postulated that bone
are that they are physically inactive,(1,2) have low
dynamically adapts throughout life to the mechanical
body mass indices,(3) and often have lost weight.(2,4)
demands placed on it by life's activities,(5) a concept nowcommonly known as Wolff's law. Because skeletal loads
*Presented in part at the 21st annual meeting of the American
Society for Bone and Mineral Research, St. Louis, MO, USA, 1999.
are dominated by muscle mechanical forces,(6) it is likely
1Department of Radiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
2Osteoporosis Research Group, Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
3Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
4Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research, Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center and Division of Epidemiology,
University of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
5Department of Radiology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA.
that those forces in the elderly are diminished from levels
earlier in life, particularly in those who have become
Study population
physically frail.
Bone strength is influenced by the properties of the ma-
The SOF is a large multicenter prospective study of
terial (difficult to measure in vivo) as well as its structural
nonblack postmenopausal women(9) coordinated by the
distribution. For long bones, the structural distribution is
University of California at San Francisco with participants
described mathematically by the cross-sectional moment of
recruited from four areas in the United States: Baltimore,
inertia (CSMI). The CSMI quantifies the fact that the further
MD; Minneapolis MN; Portland OR, and the Monongahela
away mass is distributed from its central bending axis, the
Valley of Pennsylvania. Subjects were enrolled at the age of
greater its contribution to bending and torsional strength.
65 years or older with the baseline exam between Septem-
Because the maximum stress in bending or torsion is on the
ber 1986 and October 1988. At the second clinic visit to the
outer (subperiosteal) surface, the structural component of
centers, between January 1989 and December 1990, each
strength is determined by the section modulus. The section
subject received a scan of the left hip using a Hologic QDR1000 (Hologic, Inc. Waltham, MA, USA) DXA scanner.
modulus is CSMI/
y, where
y is the distance from the center
Scans were repeated at the fourth clinic visit (August 1992–
of mass to the subperiosteal surface. In a recent study, we
July 1994), an average of 3.5 years later (range, 1.8 –5.2
measured bone mineral density (BMD), section modulus,
and other geometric properties at the femoral neck and
The osteogenic effect of skeletal loads is believed to be a
proximal shaft of a large cross-sectional sample of the adult
function of frequencies and magnitudes of applied
U.S. population (Third National Health and Nutrition Ex-
loads,(10,11) that is, a function of muscle strength and activ-
amination Survey [NHANES III]).(7) In both genders, we
ity level. Muscle strength was measured on SOF partici-
saw a much smaller age-related decline in section modulus
pants at both study time points but results were not useful
than in BMD; moreover, the age-related decline in section
for categorization (see Results and Discussion sections).
modulus diminished further when adjusted for body weight.
Muscle mass generally is correlated with physical perfor-
These findings suggest that (1) the age-related decline in
mance(12) and should be useful in assessing skeletal loading
BMD may be mechanically compensated to minimize loss
effects. Unfortunately, body composition was measured
of bending strength and (2) this adaptation is modulated by
only at the first time point. We therefore decided to use
body weight. The apparent mechanism for the discrepancy
weight change as the primary descriptor of altered skeletal
between trends in BMD and section modulus is a small but
loading, based on knowledge that muscle mass generally
mechanically significant subperiosteal expansion of bone at
scales with body mass. This decision is supported by earlier
both femoral neck and shaft. This expansion helps to main-
work showing that (1) the section modulus is related most
tain the section modulus at a level appropriate for current
strongly to body weight,(13,14) (2) weight loss is a risk factor
skeletal loads. These observations suggest that in long
for osteoporotic fracture,(2,15–20) and (3) weight gain might
bones at least, this structural adaptation adjusts the bending
confer a protective effect.(2,17) Therefore, we restricted anal-
strength to the loading conditions. Perhaps bone fragility in
yses to participants with BMD and measured weight at both
the frail elderly results at least in part from relative disuse as
time points and measured height for at least one time point.
the skeleton adapts to diminished mechanical loads.(8)
A total of 4532 scan pairs met these criteria although a total
The NHANES III data are from a cross-sectional sample
of 345 pairs were excluded for technical reasons leaving
and thus are not suitable for examination of the role of
4187 data pairs for analysis.
changing skeletal load on bone geometry. To explore thisissue, we applied the same structural analysis to hip dual-
Exclusion criteria for data pairs
energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) data from a large lon-
In a longitudinal study, the DXA-based structural analy-
gitudinal sample of predominantly white, elderly women
sis is sensitive to inconsistent patient position (mainly be-
from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF).(9) In this
cause of hip rotation) and to inconsistent region location on
study we used hip DXA data acquired at two time points,
the hip image. To minimize these effects, the analysis
averaging 3.5 years apart. We expected that changes in
program was modified so that a template of the proximal
skeletal loading would result in adaptation in proximal
femur from the baseline scan was saved with positions of all
bending strength. To estimate changes in skeletal load we
analysis regions. On subsequent scans the template was
used weight change and a measure of frailty. Our specific
retrieved and superimposed on the current hip image by the
hypotheses were the following:
user. If inconsistent hip positioning prevented templatealignment, data for that scan pair was rejected; a total of 186
Those with unchanged skeletal loads would maintain
scan pairs were rejected in this manner. Further, we ex-
bending strength, as estimated by static section moduli.
cluded data with unlikely extremes in differences in bone
Those with reduced skeletal loads would experience a
width between pairs because inconsistent region location or
reduced bending strength, as estimated by a decline in
patient position between scans tends to have the greatest
section moduli.
effect on width dimensions. Extreme differences were de-
Those with increased skeletal loads would require an
fined as ⬎3 SD above and below the mean difference in
increase in bending strength as estimated by an in-
bone width at either the femoral neck or the shaft, corre-
crease in section moduli.
sponding to ⫾5 mm and ⫾3 mm at the neck and shaft,
Location of narrow "cross-sectional"
analysis regions across narrowest point on fem-oral neck and across the femoral shaft 2 cmdistal to the lesser trochanter. Typical mass pro-files, shown on left, are used to derive subperi-osteal widths, BMD, CSA, and section modulus.
Estimates of cortical thickness employ assump-tions of cross-sectional shape (see text).
respectively. These differences were considered biologi-
as the profile integral divided by the effective density of
cally unlikely over a 4-year span based on results of a
bone mineral ( ⫽ 1.05).(23) After deriving the center of
cross-sectional study of the U.S. population where mean
mass of the profile, the CSMI was derived from the integral
difference in femoral neck width between the third and
of mass times the square of the distance from the center of
eighth decade (over a 50-year span) in white women was 3
mass, divided by ( ). Conventional BMD was measured in
mm.(7) A total of 159 data pairs were excluded for this
the standard manner. Note that CSA represents the total area
reason. The remaining data set included 4187 hip scan data
of bone in the cross-section with soft tissue voids removed
and is linearly related to the bone mineral content (BMC;total mineral mass) in the cross-section. Section modulus
Analysis of structural parameters
was computed as the ratio of CSMI to half the subperiostealwidth. Estimates of mean cortical thickness were derived
The hip structure analysis (HSA) program has been de-
using simple models of neck and shaft cross-sections as
scribed previously.(7,21) In brief, the program measures
hollow annuli. The neck region model further assumed that
BMD and geometry within narrow regions corresponding to
a fixed 60% of the neck mass was in the cortex, with the
thin cross-sectional slabs of bone viewed on edge. Regions
space within filled with the mass remainder as trabecular
were located across the femoral neck at its narrowest point
bone.(7) We include an estimate of the relative thickness of
and across the shaft, 2 cm distal to the midpoint of the lesser
the femoral neck cortex, expressed here as the buckling
trochanter (Fig. 1). As in the previous study,(7) we concen-
ratio,(24) and defined as the ratio of the subperiosteal radius
trated on these mixed cortical/trabecular and purely cortical
(width/2) to the mean cortical thickness.(24) The femoral
sites, respectively. Since the NHANES analysis was con-
neck region (Fig. 1) across its narrowest point is narrower (5
ducted in 1995, the program was altered to lengthen the
mm vs. 15 mm) and located more proximally than the
analysis regions from 3 to 5 mm along the bone axis to
standard Hologic neck region; while BMD trends are com-
improve precision (signal-to-noise ratio). Between-scan
parable,(7) absolute values differ somewhat because of dif-
measurement precision using the template methodology was
ferences in region position and algorithmic details.
assessed with five repeated hip scans on 3 adult individualsas part of a separate project.(22) Subjects were repositioned
Categorization of change in skeletal loading
between scans taken with a Hologic QDR1000 DXA scan-ner. Averaged coefficients of variation for each measured
Weight change was calculated as the difference in weight
parameter are listed in Table 1. Measured precision ranged
between exams 2 and 4 and expressed as percent change
from 1% to 2.4% and was somewhat better in the femoral
relative to weight at exam 2. Subjects were grouped into
shaft than in the neck region, probably because the shaft's
three categories by percent change in body weight. "Static"
nearly circular cross-section is less influenced by variation
weight was defined as within 5% of visit 2 weight; "gain"
in femoral rotation.
and "loss" categories were those with weight changes
For the two analysis regions, profiles of bone mass (Fig.
greater or less than 5%, respectively. Even in an elderly
1) were derived from one bone margin to the other and then
population, weight change may not necessarily represent
averaged along the 5-mm length of the region. Subperiosteal
change in musculoskeletal load; hence, we used an available
width was computed as the blur-corrected distance between
measure of functional ability for further discrimination. The
profile margins. Cross-sectional area (CSA) was computed
ability of the subject to rise from a chair five times in
Relationships between bone properties and strength
measurements, fat-free mass, and body weight
The choice of body weight as the primary descriptor of
Narrow neck
skeletal loading effects was made after examination of
univariate regressions of BMD and structural properties on
body weight, fat-free mass (FFM), and the measurements of
Subperiosteal width
muscle strength recorded at visit 2. FFM was measured
using bioelectric impedence at visit 2.(2) Coefficients of
Estimated mean cortical thickness
determination (
R2) from these regressions are listed in Table2 for bone measurements at the neck and shaft regions. The
Values are percent CVs averaged over the 3 subjects for analyses
strongest relationships were between FFM and section mod-
employing the image template.
ulus, explaining 30% and 46% of variability in the neck andshaft, respectively. Relationships between FFM and CSAwere nearly as strong at both sites whereas those with BMD
succession without using arm support has been shown pre-
and estimated cortical thickness were weaker. Correlations
viously to be an independent predictor of osteoporotic frac-
between FFM and subperiosteal width were significant (
p ⬍
ture.(2) This functional parameter was used here to separate
0.0001) but relatively poor. The strong relationship between
those with declining physical abilities from those with static
FFM and bone geometry suggests its use in the investigation
or increasing weight, that is, to reduce ambiguity in classi-
of skeletal loading effects, but FFM was not measured at
fications of unchanged and increased skeletal loading. By
visit 4. Although relationships between bone measurements
including only frail individuals in the weight losers group,
and muscle strength measurements were significant (Table
we sought to identify a test group of those with clearly
2), they were much weaker than with FFM or body weight.
diminished musculoskeletal loading. For the indicator of
Because correlations between bone geometry and weight
frailty we used whether or not the subject was able or
were nearly as strong as with FFM, weight was chosen as
willing to rise from a chair five times in succession without
the primary skeletal loading descriptor.
supporting themselves with their arms.(2) This variable wasmeasured at visit 4 and was used here to exclude those withreductions in neuromuscular function from the static and
Physical condition and general characteristics
increasing weight groups to ensure that these groups repre-sented individuals with unchanged and increasing musculo-
Table 3 lists means and SDs for general characteristics of
skeletal loading, respectively. The frailty indicator was then
the study sample as well as characteristics of the different
used to isolate those individuals with reduced weight who
skeletal loading comparison groups at visits 2 and 4. All
had become frail and thus could be reasonably characterized
strength measurements and walk speeds in the subgroups
as having undergone reduced musculoskeletal loading. To
were adjusted for knee height, weight, and age.
further characterize the physical condition of these loading
On average, these elderly women lost 0.3 kg of weight
categories, we also used other measures of physical strength
and 1 cm of height between the two examinations. At visit
and performance recorded at visits 2 and 4. Details of these
4 about 50% of subjects overall walked for exercise and 9%
measurements have been described previously(2) and in-
were classified as frail (i.e., unable to rise from a chair five
clude abductor, quadriceps and grip strengths, normal and
times without using their arms). Two-thirds of these women
fast walking speeds, and whether or not subjects walked for
maintained their body weight within 5% of the visit 2
exercise. Because strength measures and walking speeds are
baseline, while weight declined in 18% and increased in
body size and age dependent, subgroup means were ad-
15%. The proportion of women in the frail category was
justed for age and body size (knee height and weight).
largest among weight losers (13.7%), intermediate amonggainers (9.8%), and least among those with static weight
(7.9%). Those in the frail category were 2.7 years older andbased on knee and standing heights, were slightly taller on
Results were imported into Statview version 5.0 (SAS
average. The frail subgroup overall had weaker abductor
Institute, Inc., Carey, NC, USA) for statistical analysis. The
strength at visit 2 and weaker grip and quadriceps strengths
significance of differences in BMD and structural variables
at both visits; both normal and fast walking speeds were
between visits 2 and 4 was assessed with a paired
significantly slower than in the nonfrail subjects at visit 4
Changes in these variables were then expressed as percent
p ⬍ 0.0001). Less than one-half as many frail subjects
change per year relative to the baseline (visit 2) value and
indicated that they walked for exercise (23%) compared
adjusted for age. Differences in BMD, geometry, and other
with nonfrail subjects (53%).
variables between weight change and frailty categories were
With regard to physical performance differences among
analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test
weight change categories, independent of frailty category,
the independent effects of frailty and weight change. Un-
weight losers had lower grip and quadriceps strengths at
t-tests were used to delineate differences between
both time points and slower walk speeds than other weight
change groups (
p ⬍ 0.0001). At visit 4 but not visit 2,
Mean cortical
Narrow neck region
Abductor strength
Abductor strength
All measurements were acquired at visit 2. Except as noted, all regressions were significant at the
p ⬍ 0.0001 level.
p ⬍ 0.05.
weight gainers had lower grip strengths (
p ⫽ 0.05) than
reach significance in the femoral neck (
p ⫽ 0.09). Among
those with static weight but their lower quadriceps strength
frail weight losers, the section modulus declined more rap-
did not reach statistical significance (
p ⫽ 0.06). Neither
idly in the purely cortical shaft than in the neck. Underlying
walk speeds were significantly slower in weight gainers
these adaptive changes in section modulus are mass and
compared with those with static weight.
dimensional changes that differ in pattern between themixed cortical/trabecular neck and the purely cortical shaft.
BMD and cross-sectional geometry
CSA declined at the neck and shaft in those who lost weightwhereas women with static weight had decreased CSA only
The average percent changes per year in BMD and cross-
at the neck. Those who gained weight maintained CSA at
sectional geometry are displayed in Table 4 for the total
the neck and increased CSA at the shaft. Some subperiosteal
population and the weight change subgroups. The differ-
expansion appears to be nearly universal in this elderly
ences between time points in the total population were
cohort, but the degree of expansion is both greater in mag-
significant by paired
t-test and on average, changes were
nitude and more variable between groups in the femoral
relatively greater at the femoral neck than at the shaft. BMD
neck than in the shaft. Shaft subperiosteal width increased
declined in both regions but more rapidly at the neck. In
overall in the population, but rates of change were not
addition, CSA declined and subperiosteal width increased.
detectably influenced by weight change or frailty category.
Despite the decline in CSA at both sites, section modulus
In contrast, femoral neck subperiosteal expansion was in-
increased by approximately 0.2%/year at both neck and
fluenced by both weight change and frailty. Both weight
shaft. The estimated mean cortical thicknesses declined at
losers and gainers showed increased rates of femoral neck
both sites and buckling ratio of the femoral neck increased
expansion compared with the static weight group, and this
by 1.2%/year.
effect was enhanced considerably by the presence of frailty.
After changes in BMD and geometry were age-adjusted
Among weight losers, the decline in femoral neck BMD was
and divided into weight change and frailty subgroups, dif-
associated with decreased CSA and subperiosteal expansion
ferences between groups are evident. Significance levels for
whereas the decline in shaft BMD was associated with
the independent effects of weight change and frailty cate-
decreased CSA only. When subperiosteal expansion is ac-
gories from the two-way ANOVA are listed in the last two
companied by increased CSA, as in the shafts of weight
columns of Table 4. Weight change has a highly significant
gainers, the change in CSA exceeds that of BMD, indicating
effect on all parameters except shaft subperiosteal width.
that BMD underestimated the gain in bone. The changes
The independent effects of the frailty category are signifi-
among frail weight losers, who show increased rates of both
cant in the femoral neck for all parameters except CSA and
femoral neck bone loss and subperiosteal expansion, lead to
section modulus and in the shaft for all parameters except
a wider, thinner-walled neck. These combined effects pro-
duce a 3%/year change in the neck cortical buckling ratio
At both neck and shaft regions, section moduli show
significant declines among weight losers, improvementsamong weight gainers, and small positive changes amongthose with static weight. Overall, frailty had a negative
influence on weight change effects on section moduli, re-ducing or eliminating positive changes and exacerbating
The methods used in this longitudinal study permit us to
negative changes, although the influence of frailty did not
investigate simultaneously conventional BMD as well as
⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾
ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ
⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾
ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ
ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ ⴞ
⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾
⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾ ⫾
⬍ (0.11) ⬍ (0.09) ⬍ ⬍
Pictorial representation (not to scale) of geometric and mass changes observed in the main skeletal loading comparison groups at the
neck and shaft regions. Unchanged and increased loading groups are those with unchanged or increasing weight between study visits, afterexcluding those categorized as frail. The loading decrease group includes only frail weight losers (see text). Corresponding rates of change peryear in these parameters are summarized below the representation.
engineering properties dependent on the shape and size of
subperiosteal surface. At any given bending or torsional
the bone cross-section. In this article we are concerned
load, peak stress magnitudes are related inversely to the
primarily with how hip bone mass and structural geometry
section modulus. To maintain long bone strength over time,
adapt to changes in skeletal loading over time and whether
adaptation should ensure that maximum stresses do not
that adaptation provides insight into the onset of hip fragil-
exceed certain levels, thus should be evident in the section
ity. Although weight change effects alone were highly sig-
modulus. Indeed, despite declines in BMD, those with con-
nificant, the clearest picture is seen by looking at the three
stant skeletal loads (Fig. 2) not only maintained section
subgroups in which loading changes are least ambiguous,
moduli at the neck and shaft but also showed slight in-
that is, those with static or increasing weight who did not
creases. Among those with increasing skeletal loads, we
become frail, and those who lost weight and were classified
observed greater increases in section moduli, consistent
as frail. These groups best represented subjects with un-
with their increased skeletal loads. Most importantly, for
changed, increasing, and decreasing skeletal loads, respec-
implications in hip fragility, those with decreasing skeletal
tively. The observed changes for these subgroups are shown
load showed significant reductions in section moduli. A
pictorially in Fig. 2, for the neck and shaft regions, with the
generalized implication of these results is that section mod-
corresponding annual changes in BMD and geometry listed
uli represent an endpoint in mechanical homeostasis in long
below the representation. The results are consistent with our
bones. That is, as aging progresses, bone modeling and
hypotheses; changes in hip loading are associated with
remodeling processes adjust the geometry to increase or
mechanically appropriate alteration in the section modulus,
decrease the section modulus as demands of skeletal loading
an index of bending and torsional strength. However, the
change. However, because in aging long bones the bending
details of how that adaptation is achieved differ in important
strength represented by a given amount of mass or density
ways between the purely cortical shaft and the mixed
changes as the bone expands, one should not expect ho-
cortical/trabecular neck. These differences help to explain
meostasis in BMD or BMC. That mass or density should not
why BMD changes as it does with age and why reduced
necessarily be conserved differs from the concept of me-
loading might be more likely to cause fragility in the fem-
chanical homeostasis described by Kimmel,(26) but the end
oral neck than in the shaft.
result is theoretically consistent.(26)
Why section modulus and not BMD?
It is not surprising that adaptation to changing load should
be evident in the section modulus. Normal physical activi-
The underlying mechanism for skeletal adaptation was
ties load long bones mainly in bending and torsion,(6,25)
articulated in Frost's mechanostat theory.(8) Although the
modes that produce mechanical stresses that peak on the
precise details of the process are incompletely understood,
bone tissue is believed to respond to daily variations in the
panied by net bone loss and cortical thinning. Reduction in
microscopic distortions (strains) caused by loading forces.
femoral neck BMD in this case was caused by both bone
The mechanostat operates to maintain skeletal strains be-
loss and subperiosteal expansion.
tween certain optimal limits. When average skeletal strains
When skeletal loads were altered, differences in adapta-
fall consistently below the lower limit, bone remodeling
tion response between the neck and shaft were even more
rates increase so that net loss continues until average strains
remarkable. With increased loads, the amount of bone re-
increase back into the optimal range. Strains exceeding the
mained the same at the femoral neck and increased at the
upper limit cause bone formation (modeling); bone is added
shaft. However, because of subperiosteal expansion, BMD
until strains are reduced to the optimal range. In a long bone
changed at both sites, decreasing at the neck and increasing
under bending and torsional load, strains are lowest on
in the shaft. The effects of decreasing loads may be partic-
internal surfaces near the center of mass and increase radi-
ularly important in helping to explain the relatively greater
ally outward through the cross-section peaking on the sub-
femoral neck fragility in the frail elderly. In the shaft,
periosteal surface. Remodeling occurs mainly on the en-
reduced loading mainly increased endosteal bone loss with
dosteal and trabecular surfaces(27) where bending and
no accompanying subperiosteal expansion. This contrasts
torsional strains are smallest; modeling occurs mainly on
with the femoral neck, where declining skeletal loads ap-
the subperiosteal surface where those strains are highest.
parently accelerate both endosteal bone loss and subperios-
Increased loading should therefore stimulate modeling in
teal bone formation. This latter observation implies that in
the form of subperiosteal expansion and/or down-regulate
the elderly femoral neck, stimulatory subperiosteal strains
turnover on endocortical and trabecular surfaces. Dimin-
are actually increased under reduced skeletal loads. This
ished loading should reduce strains on internal endosteal
apparent paradox may be ultimately consistent with the
and trabecular surfaces, up-regulating remodeling rates. Su-
mechanostat and is important in explaining why bone loss is
perimposed on this adaptation to changing loading condi-
more likely to cause fragility at the neck than at the shaft. In
tions are the effects of normal remodeling on endocortical
the femoral neck, reduced loading should stimulate accel-
and trabecular surfaces.
erated resorption on both endocortical and trabecular sur-
Van der Meulen and colleagues(28,29) provided a theoret-
faces. An important function of femoral neck trabeculae is
ical model of a long bone that illustrates response to remod-
to brace the thin cortical shell from within, but as trabeculae
eling turnover during normal aging as well as to altered
thin and lose connectivity, it is likely that this internal
skeletal loading. Predictions of this theoretical model gen-
cortical support is compromised. Loss of trabecular support
erally are consistent with the overall patterns of geometric
may in turn cause increased subperiosteal strains and sub-
change we observed in this study. The loss phase of normal
periosteal bone apposition, even under diminished loads.
bone turnover causes a temporary reduction of (endocorti-
There are alternative explanations to these observed
cal) bone mass; continued mechanical loading causes skel-
changes in the femoral neck; much work remains to be done
etal strains to increase, not at the site of loss, but on the
to model these processes to determine if they are theoreti-
subperiosteal surface. With constant loading levels through
cally viable.
adulthood, the model predicted gradual increases in en-docortical diameter as bone is lost and a competing increase
Toward femoral neck fragility
in subperiosteal diameter as bone is added.(30) This patterncaused a slight upward trend in the section modulus with
As skeletal loading demands diminish in the elderly, the
age consistent with our observations in those with un-
mechanostat calls for a reduction in the section modulus.
changed skeletal loading (Fig. 2). Although not discussed
Theoretically, this adaptation in a tubular bone could occur
by these authors,(28–30) the aforementioned changes produce
by either contraction of the outer diameter or expansion of
a downward trend in BMD that we observed in this study.
the inner diameter. However, as far as we know, the former
Because the bending strength contribution of bone mass
process requiring subperiosteal resorption does not accom-
varies as the square of its distance from the center of mass
pany normal aging.(31) The unidirectional expansion of long
of the cross-section, less subperiosteal gain is needed to
bones through adult life leaves the elderly with larger di-
compensate for a given endosteal loss. Strength is main-
ameter, but thinner-walled bones. A small loss of bone mass
tained or increased in the presence of net loss of bone mass
may lead to a greater increment in bone fragility than in a
(and density) because the bone gets bigger in diameter.
younger, narrower, and thicker-walled bone. We furthersuspect that the way that the femoral neck adapts to reduced
Differences in adaptation between neck and shaft
loading, for example, by causing a wider, thinner-walledbone, may generate a dimensionally unstable condition and
There were differences in the details of section modulus
may be responsible for its relatively greater fragility in the
adaptation between the neck and shaft (Fig. 2). Unchanged
elderly. When thick-walled tubes are bent to failure, they
loading produced comparable increases in neck and shaft
crack from the outer curvature of bending (e.g., break a
section moduli. But in the purely cortical shaft, this was
pencil in your hands). However, when tubes with thin walls
accomplished by a slight increase in subperiosteal width;
relative to their diameters are subjected to bending, they
changes in the amount of bone (CSA), cortical thickness, or
tend to fail by local buckling (crumpling inward on the inner
in BMD were nonsignificant. In the femoral neck, the sec-
curvature like a bent soda straw). The importance of this
tion modulus was adjusted by expanding subperiosteal
distinction is that failure of the thick-walled tube is pre-
width at twice the rate of that in the shaft. This was accom-
dicted by the section modulus. However, in the thin-walled
tube, the section modulus would overestimate the load re-
Limitations of this work
quired to cause failure by local buckling. Whether local
There are reports that show that change in body compo-
buckling is at all likely in a femoral neck internally sup-
sition may cause systematic error in DXA-measured param-
ported by trabecular bone is the subject of a separate theo-
eters with Hologic scanners.(46–48) Our algorithms differ
retical investigation. However, it is worth noting that the
somewhat from those of Hologic, particularly in bone mar-
buckling ratio changed at a greater rate than any other
gin definition. We have yet to analyze systematically these
parameter in the SOF population overall and increased
error sources with our methods, but the error observed by
fastest among those with decreased loads.
Tothill(47) of an increase in bone area with increasing BMCshould cause an equivalent increase in subperiosteal widthwith CSA in our methods. A univariate regression of sub-
periosteal width on CSA yielded a positive correlation witha slope of 0.11 although the regression explained only 2.4%
For many years it has been believed that because the
R2) of the variability in bone width. After correcting these
femoral neck lacks a true periosteum, it should not be
parameters for age and body size the slope was reduced to
subject to expansion in adulthood.(32) There has been ample
0.048 and
R2 was reduced to 0.3%, suggesting little effect
evidence, mostly cross-sectional, that femoral shaft diame-
other than that caused by body (bone) size. The multiple
ters increase with age.(7,33–39) Some evidence shows expan-
linear regression of femoral neck section modulus on FFM
sion of the femoral neck,(7,36,40,41) though this is mostly
and fat mass was significant (
p ⬍ 0.0001) for both param-
based on low-resolution imaging methods. A noteworthy
eters with positive -coefficients of 0.025 for FFM and
exception is the article by Heaney and colleagues who used
0.002 for fat mass. The addition of fat mass to the model
serial radiographs on 170 middle-aged white women to
only improved the
R2 from 0.297 to 0.300, suggesting that
show average subperiosteal expansions of 0.14%/year and
the additive influence of body composition on femoral neck
0.23%/year at the femoral neck and shaft, respectively.(42)
section modulus is small.
In this article subperiosteal expansion averaged 0.28%/year
There also are methodological limitations to use of two-
at the neck and 0.09%/year in the shaft in a much larger but
dimensional DXA data to measure bone geometry; no com-
considerably older postmenopausal cohort. This is double
mercial DXA scanner was designed with this purpose in
the rate of expansion observed by Heaney in the neck and
mind. Clearly, there are problems in the measurement of
one-half the rate he observed in the shaft. Perhaps rates of
subtle dimensional changes on three-dimensional bones
femoral neck subperiosteal expansion increase in the el-
from relatively poor quality DXA images. The assumption
derly. Our data do show a weak but significant increase in
used to estimate cortical thickness in the femoral neck, that
the rates of subperiosteal expansion at the neck with age
60% of the mass is in the cortex, is obviously an approxi-
R ⫽ 0.05;
p ⫽ 0.002), not apparent in the shaft. Results
mation. There is evidence of disproportionate loss of neck
from the cross-sectional NHANES study(7) suggest that this
cortical bone in hip fracture cases; hence, our neck cortical
might be true in women but this should be verified in
dimensions may be overestimated.(49,50) It is critical that
longitudinal data including younger individuals.
these dimensional observations be corroborated by othersusing higher-resolution imaging methods in longitudinalstudy.
Body weight and skeletal load
In this longitudinal study on the effects of changing
skeletal load on hip BMD and geometry in elderly women,
Although it is believed that muscle force dominates skel-
the hip appears to adapt by adjusting the section modulus,
etal adaptation,(6,43) the observable changes in skeletal dy-
an engineering index of bending strength, to the new load-
namics occur over long timescales presumably from the
ing conditions. This suggests that mechanical homeostasis
cumulative influence of daily strains generated from normal
is achieved with respect to bending strength. A feature of
activities. In this article we have looked at weight change as
the adaptation is subperiosteal expansion at both the neck
the primary index of changing skeletal load but weight per
and the shaft. One consequence of subperiosteal expansion
se cannot represent a mechanical stimulus because bone is
is that it will reduce BMD; any observed change in BMD in
not known to respond to static loads.(44,45) Certainly the
a long bone may or may not reflect bone loss. The adapta-
effect of weight change is in the magnitudes of the dynamic
tion to reduced loading conditions results in reduction in the
muscle loads on the skeleton required to move the body in
section modulus. But in the femoral neck, adaptation accel-
normal activities. The stimulatory influence of the resulting
erated both rates of cortical thinning and subperiosteal ex-
dynamic strains is also a function of strain frequency, for
pansion, resulting in a broader but thinner-walled (low-
example, the activity level of the individual—not captured
density) femoral neck. This condition may be dimensionally
by weight change. Because changes in activity level appear
unstable, causing a greater increase in fragility than appar-
more quickly in muscle, an examination of the effects of
ent in the reduced section modulus.
changes in muscle mass by DXA or bioelectric impedencemay provide a more accurate assessment of the effects of
changing skeletal load on bone. The relatively strong cor-relation between FFM and section modulus (Table 2) sug-
The authors are grateful to Mr. Maurice Dockrell for the
gests that this might be the case.
tedious work of extracting thousands of DXA scans from
the data archive; Ms. Gabrielle Milani for assistance in
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Received in original form September 21, 2000; in revised form
Anomalies in dual energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements
December 22, 2000; accepted January 11, 2001.
Source: http://www.hologic.cz/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/jbmr.2001.16.6.pdf
Evaluación intraoperatoria de la distensibilidad de la unión gastroesofágica en fundoplicatura Raul Aponte,1 Alberto Cardozo,2 Leonardo Rejon,2 Marjori Echenique,3 María Gabriela Cardozo,3 Johanan Davila,3 Maiveline Guardia4 1Neuro gastroenterólogo Director Médico Clínica Gastro Bariátrica, Maracay, Venezuela. 2Cirujano Bariátrico, Lap-
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