Powerpoint presentation

Cost effective C3-fermentation chemistry
The NordBioChem's way out of Fossils
Cologne, April 7th 2016

NordBioChem will in following show, that • an efficient and competitive C3-fermentation-chemisry is
available and next to PLA
• a high variety of C3-Bio-Chemicals like propylene oxide,
propylene glycol, their derivatives, acrylates as well as many other basic and new chemicals could be produced.

C3-Chemistry is the second largest sector of chemistry but C3-Bio-Chemistry
hasn't reached the same impact.
There is still missing an effective and sustainable C3-fermentation technology,
as a base for self-sufficient (independent from subsidies) industrial high
volume production.
How? (Principles, NordBioChem is following)
Principle of Siam-Twins: At the same time a
Technology must be reliable and a
(Bio-)Product must be competitive against replacements (petrochemistry)!
Principle of Emissions:
Not competitive are bio-technology processes with high emissions – like the production of ethanol, where 1/2 of the raw material is converted into (CO ) emission.
Lactic acid fermentation generates no CO emission and converts up to
95% of raw material into lactic acid.

NordBioChem OÜ (NBC)
NBC is a private R&D management company. • NBC has created a unique technological platform for the • industrial fermentative bio-chemistry - we call it
NordbiochemistryTM is based on a combination of high-
• Asynchronic Continuous Flow Membrane Fermentation
• synthetic zeolites catalysed • chemical derivatisation reactions.

NordbiochemistryTM - a Technology platform
Renewable raw materials
Sugars (Starch, Molasses, … )
& catalysts
Butyl Lac
tate & Lactic Acid
1,2-PDO (Propylene Glycol - PG)
Total market value
PG-based Fuel Additives
without fuel additives
POx (Propylene Oxide)
>10 billion €

Advantages of Nordbiochemistry
versus conventional C3-fermentation
1. Process speed 50-100 g/l/h versus 2-5 (max10) g/l/h
(10-fold difference) at conventional.
2. Ca. 50 kg waste per ton of Lactic Acid versus ca.1400
kg/t (mostly CaSO = gypsum) (25-fold difference)
3. „Asynchronous-Continuous-Flow"- type of fermentation
by NBC versus conventional mostly „Batch"-type.
4. By Nordbiochemistry a 10-15 times smaller equipment
produces the same amount of endproduct (LA) as by
conventional LA-production – it means accordingly
lower investment and maintenance costs.
Technology platform
• As raw materials C6-sugars like glycose, saccharose,
fructose and maltose are preferred, also
• C5 could be utilized, but less effectively - because of the
nature of C5-sugars and not because of the technology.
• The high process yield from C6-sugars to endproducts
lies e.g. by 76% for POx and 87% for PG.
• The NBC's fermentation technology is
– proven by a large scale (1m3) long term (60 days
continuous) piloting and
– confirmed through independent secondary tests incl.
Germany's Leibniz-Institute.
Technological chart flow map
Renewable Feed stocks
Glucose etc.
Propylene glycol
Ammonium lactate
Lactic acid
Butyl lactate
Propylene glycol
Propylene oxide
Lactate oligomers
Meth. lysis
Different esters
Methyl lactate
Current focus
Current NBC focus lies on C3-bio-chemicals, especially on
• propylene oxide & derivatives
• propylene glycol & derivatives
• acrylic acid & esters
• lactide co-polymers
The most interesting path is Propylene Oxide with its derivatives:
polyols (urethanes), propylene glycol & derivatives (ethers, acetates,
solvents, carbonates), butanediol & derivatives (diols, esters, solvents).
There are applications in the fields of polyester resins, urethanes, automotive parts, coatings, paints, coolants, personal care & cosmetics, pharmacy, bio-fuels etc.
Technology blocks of NordbiochemistryTM
Lactate from
renewable source
High performance
Fuel Additives based on Bio-Propylene-Glycol
Di- and tri-propylene-glycol combined ethers are well known oxygenates, whose widespread usage was suppressed by the high price of these petrochemical compounds.
Now NordBioChem has developed cost effective technologies for the production of Bio-Propylene-Glycol and ethers based on it: • Di-Propylene-Glycol, a C6-compound, (+ methyl, ethyl etc. groups) • Tri-Propylene-Glycol, a C9-compound, (+ methyl, ethyl etc. groups)
Propylene-glycol-ethers have a big potential to replace bio-ethanol and bio-diesel and free ethanol (from to be fuel additive) for that use where it is good: food and chemistry.
differences of the
C2- ja C3-
Ethanol - the most known biochemical
• is a perfect & useful chemical for producing materials
• useful, but „dangerous" foodstuff
• wrong energy carrier
– for to produce 1 liter ethanol more than 1 liter oil is in the total
• By producing (fermentation) of 1 molecule ethanol
– 1 molecule CO will additionally generated (> 100 million tons
yearly worldwide)
– ½ of raw material is wasted low efficiency
• Alternatevly Lactic Acid fermentation converts 95%
of raw material the only efficient fermentation technology today
Effectiveness of Di- and Tri-propylene
glycol type of fuel additives:
Engine-test of diesel oil, blended with 10% of PG-additives reduces • specific fuel consumption up to 8% • emissions
– Sulfur content up to 9% – SOx emission up to 26% – NOx emission up to 27% – CO emission up to 58%
These characteristics are the main differences and advantages compared to bio-ethanol & bio-diesel based fuel additives.
New interesting pathways
Very special bio-products are radiation cure polymers,
produced from biobased di- and tri-propylene-glycol.
These radiation sensible bio-polyethers could significantly speed up 3D-printing and lower its raw materials cost.
Utilisation of methane using microbiological methods is a
new and challenging target for the chemical industry,
especially because of a very quickly expanding production
of shale-gas.
Being the universal method of fermentation, Nordbiochemistry allows economically viable solutions for the production of lactic-acid and its derivatives by using methanotrophic microorganisms e.g. Lactobacillus Helveticus.
C4-compounds - Perspectives (1)
• Fumaric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid. It was first isolated from
the plant Fumaria Officinalis, from which it derives its name. Many micro-organisms produce fumaric acid in small amounts, as it is a key intermediate in the citrate cycle.
• Fumaric acid is currently produced by isomerization of maleic acid, which is
produced from maleic anhydride. Maleic anhydride, in turn, is industrially produced by catalytic oxidation in the gas phase of hydrocarbons: benzene predominantly, but n-butane or n-butane–n-butene mixtures has become more important in recent years.
• By our calculations, the fermentation of fumarate in a speed of 25 g/l/h
(which is a moderate speed for Nordbiochemistry) is in terms of costs comparable to petrochemical production.
C4-compounds - Perspectives (2)
• Based on fumaric acid, several intermediates and directly used products
like succinic and maleic acids, 1,4-butanediol, polymers, solvents etc. can be synthesized.
• They can substitute a number of traditionally produced solvents and
polymers like: tetrahydrofuran, polyurethanes, polyterephthalats, polyvinyls etc.
• The demand for fumaric acid today is about 2,5 million of metric tons
• The market size of the fumaric acid and it's derivates is more than
Fumaric Acid based C4-compounds
Polyester Resins
Business opportunities
NordbiochemistryTM opens the door for very productive and
competitive fermentative C3-bio-chemistry.
Its implementation decreases the CAPEX considerably
because of high productivity and lower investments, thus
decreasing the production costs for relevant chemicals
up to 30%.
NordBioChem is offering licenses for developed
technologies and is looking for partners for industrial
C3: Petro- versus NordbiochemistryTM
50 $/bbl, by 01.2015
800 $/t = 100 $/bbl by 01.2014
Crude oil
Price-difference: 1100-600=500 $/t = 45%
Technology valuation for investors
„Green-box" of
Investment 1€
n 0,3 €/a EBITA
Business for NBC
licensing & know-how based servces:
• Know-How
• General Engineering
• Education & Training
• Process monitoring
• Technical support and updating
• A cost-effective C3-fermentation is possible and
• High variety of competitive C3-Chemicals like
Propylene Oxide, Propylene Glycol and their derivatives as well as many different basic and new chemicals could be produced already.
NordbiochemistryTM offers a platform for very productive
and competitive fermentative C3-chemistry.
We would be happy to share it with you.
With compliments
Armand Andres Pajuste
Member of supervisory board
NordBioChem OÜ
GSM +372-5059399
Source: http://nordbiochem.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/NordBioChem-Technology-review-Cologne-07.04.2016-1.pdf
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