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Safer Steroid Use
Safer Steroid Use:
Making NEPs User friendly for People
Who Inject Steroids

Safer Steroid Use
Kira Mandryk RN, BScN
Site Needle and Syringe Program
Ottawa Public Health
Cecil McDougal - Exchange Works Sexual Health and Needle Exchange Program Halton Health Department

3- Sub-Cutaneous Injection
• What are steroids?
• Human growth hormone (GH or
• How do they work?
• Human chorionic gonadotropin
• Possible Side Effects
• Types of Steroids
• Syringe selection
• SC injection technique
2- Intra-Muscular Injection
• Equipment (what to use)
4- How to Make NEPs User
• Where to Inject
• IM injection technique
• Who uses steroids?
• Common Mistakes
• Halton and Ottawa's Experience
• What can go wrong
with steroid users
• Q& A- discussion

Steroids 101
Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions
of the male hormone testosterone
Effects on the Body
Steroids have 2 main effects on the human body:
• An ANABOLIC muscle building effect
• An ANDROGENIC maculating effect (testosterone is the
hormone that naturally causes facial hair, deepening of the
voice, sex drive, and development of the penis and
Steroids Work?
the brain sends chemical signals to the
testis instructing them to produce
the brain detects the amount
of testosterone in the blood
through a feedback system
and regulates the amount
the testes produce
testosterone and releases it in
Anabolic steroids add
to the testosterone
already produced by
testosterone at aches itself
testosterone at aches itself to
to receptors of other cel s
cells in the muscles boosting
causing dif erent effects
Positive Effects
• Increased muscle mass
• Increased muscle
• Increased muscle
Steroids- Negative Effects
All drugs can potentially cause unwanted side effects
and anabolic steroids are no different. There are
many possible unwanted side effects from using
steroids and they can affect everyone differently.
It's important to encourage clients who use steroids to
get regular medical check-ups with their healthcare
provider because some side effects are dangerous
and can go unnoticed.
Steroids- Side Effects
The general rule is the higher the dose, the higher
risk for unwanted side effects.
Some people may become psychologically
dependent on steroids and can go through
withdrawal when they stop taking them. Withdrawal
symptoms include mood swings, low sex drive,
depression, nausea, headaches, sweating,
tiredness, and anxiety.
Possible Side Effects- Male
•Increased production
of oil in the skin - acne
(breast development/
•Heart Palpitations
•Heart enlargement •Atherosclerosis
•Liver damager •Kidney damage
•Lower sperm count
•Shrinking or testicles
Possible Side Effects- Female
•Deepening of voice •
•Reduced breast
•Thickening of skin
•Changes to the
menstrual cycle •Decreased Fertility
Women using steroids are at a higher risk for side
ef ects because normally the female body only
has a small amount of testosterone. Many side
ef ects are the same as for men plus those listed
Types of Steroids
There are many dif erent types and brands of steroids They can be taken in pill-form or by injection Usually, there is a period of use (cycle) followed by a
period of no use to give the body time to adjust and
heal. The lengths of these cycles and rest periods
depend on the drug, the dose and how your body
Bulking Steroids
•Anadrol (oxymetholone)
•Durabolin 25
•Testabol (Testosterone Cypionate)
•Testabol Enanthate
•Anavar (oxandrolone
•Testabol Propionate
•Andriol / Testosterone
•Laurabolin (Nandrolone
Testex Elmu Prolongatum
•TestoJect / 4x testosterone blend
•Averbol 25
•Testosteron Depo
•BONALONE (Oxymetholone)
•Methandriol Dipropionate
•Testosterone cypionate
•Nandrolone decanoate
•Testosterone Enanthate
•Cypioject •Testosterone
•Testosterone Propionate
•Testosterone suspension /
•Cypionax (Testosterone
•TESTOVIS / testosterone-
•Tri-Trenabol 150 BD
•Turanabol 10mg
• Dubol
•Durabol 200
Cutting Steroids
•Anadiol Depot, Ilium
•Boldabol / British Dragon
• Primoject
•Bonavar / Oxandrolone
•Stanabol injectable
•Cetabon (anabolic formula)
•Stanoject / Stanozolol
•STANOL (stanozolol)
•Lasix (furosemide)
•Testolic - testosteron
•Orabolin / etylestrenol,
•Parabolan- trenbolone
•Voltaren 75
•Winstrol / stanozolol
Types of Steroids
The 3 main injectable categories
• Water Based • Oil Based • Powder (Reconstituted)
Steroids Risks
Any steroids bought on-line or on the street (underground) are not
quality controlled. There is no guarantee that what is on the label
is actually in the container. It is dangerous to buy loose tablets or
What to look for:
• packaging is sealed and intact • print on the labels is the same and clear on all ampoules/vials • the expiry date should be valid • all ampoules/vials in the pack should have the same lot number and the same expiry
• rubber stopper and metal covering are secure • liquid in the ampoules/vials is clear and there are no floating bits • Al ampoules/vials look the same and have the same amount of liquid
IM Injection- Equipment
To prevent infection & the risk of HIV and
Hepatitis transmission, NEW STERILE supplies should be used for each injection
Steroids are injected intramuscularly NOT
You should not inject more than 2 ml of fluid
into a muscle at one time. Injecting more than 2 ml affects how the drug is absorbed AND increases the risk of infection.
IM Injection- Equipment
1- A sterile syringe -a 2-3 ml syringe
2- Sterile Needles -1 needle to draw up the solution
from the vial or ampoule and another to inject the
drug into the muscle. (You don't want to use the
same needle twice because it can get dull)
• a. An 18-23 gauge needle that is 1-1.5" long to draw up
the drug (the "drawing up" needle)
• b. A 21-25 gauge needle that is 1-1.5" long to inject into
the muscle (the "injecting" needle)
IM Injection- Equipment
• The thickness of the needle is measured in
gauges (the smaller the gauge the thicker the needle). The needle must be THICK enough for the drug to pass through (oil based steroids need a thicker needle) and LONG enough to reach into the muscle (if injecting in the hip or buttock a longer needle is needed)
3- Alcohol swabs
4- A biohazard container
Where to Inject
Anabolic steroids should only be injected into a muscle,
never a vein. The largest muscles (hip,buttock and
thigh) are the best and safest places to inject.
Injection sites should be rotated to avoid tissue damage
in one area. If a hard lump is felt in your muscle, a
different injection site should be used.
Since steroids work throughout the body and not just
where they are injected, specific muscles do not need to
be targeted with injections.
The 4 Recommended Sites
for IM injections
1- The Ventrogluteal Muscle (Hip)
2-The Dorsogluteal Muscle (Buttocks)
3-The Deltoid Muscle (Upper Arm)
4-Vastus Lateralis Muscle (Thigh)
Landmarking-The Ventrogluteal (VG)
This is the safest muscle for injection because there are no
major nerves or blood vessels nearby.
It can be difficult for clients to landmark on themselves, it's
best to have a friend or healthcare worker help landmark the
site for the first few times.
Place the palm of the opposite hand (right hand for left hip,
left hand for right hip) over the end of the leg bone (greater
trochanter of femur) and the index finger on the bony part at
the front of the pelvis (anterior superior iliac spine). Then
spread the middle finger out towards the top of the hip bone
(iliac crest), the injection site is in the ‘V' the fingers make.
The Ventrogluteal (VG)
anterior superior
greater trochanter
Landmarking –
The Dorsogluteal
Divide the buttock into four blocks,
inject in the upper outer quadrant
in either the left or right buttock
The sciatic nerve is located in the
centre of each buttock (shown in
red). Hitting the sciatic nerve is very
painful and can cause permanent
Dorsogluteal Muscle
Inject in the upper
Avoid the sciatic nerve path
Landmarking -The Deltoid
nd the tip of your shoulder bone and inject three fingers down.
This is not the best injection site because it is a smaller muscle.
Injecting here can cause more damage and pain.
vastus lateralis
Landmarking -The Thigh
Inject in the vastus lateralis (the middle outer
muscle) of either thigh.
IM Injection- Muscles to avoid
These muscles are too small to
absorb the amount of steroid injected
IM- Injection Technique
1- Wash hands before handling any injection equipment.
2- Use a new alcohol swab to clean the injection site area (Rub
the area for at least 30 seconds).
3- If using a multi-dose vial, the rubber stopper should be
cleaned with an alcohol wipe before drawing up the drug.
4- Draw up desired amount of drug, remove any air bubbles
5- Hold the syringe like a dart and slightly spread the skin of the
injection site using your other hand.
6- With a quick movement, push the needle through the skin
and into the muscle at a 90 degree angle. Only insert ¾ of the needle so it can be removed easier if the needle breaks.
IM- Injection Technique
7- Pull the plunger back a little bit, if blood is drawn into
the syringe, remove the needle quickly, and apply pressure for a minute using a cotton ball. Discard this needle in your biohazard container and start over preparing a new injection and using a different site.
8- If no blood is drawn into the syringe, continue with
injection by slowly pushing the plunger to minimize tissue damage.
9- After injecting, remove the needle quickly and apply
pressure for a minute with a cotton ball where the needle was injected.
IM- Injection
A small amount of bleeding from where the needle
broke the skin is normal. You may also have a bit
of swelling, redness, itching or burning at the
injection site, but this should go away in 1 or 2
days. If the site is still red and hot after 2 days,
seek medical attention.
Gently massage the injection site to help distribute
Common Mistakes –
IM Injecting
Not cleaning the vial or injection site prior to
Not injecting deep enough Improper landmarking Targeting specific muscles with injections
What Could Go Wrong?
An abscess is an infection at the injection site.
Abscesses can be caused by bacteria that get under the skin from not
cleaning the site before injecting or from re-using injection equipment.
They can also be caused by a steroid that is not fully absorbed from the
injection site. This can happen when too much is injected at one time or the
needle isn't inserted far enough into the muscle (the drug pools in the
muscle and can break down the tissue causing an infection).
Symptoms of an abscess are an injection site that is red, hot,
painful/burning; scarring or a hard lump at the site; or a fever.
Many abscesses need special treatment or antibiotics. If an abscess is not
treated, a more serious infection of the blood can occur (sepsis).
What Could Go Wrong?
Pain or spasm
Pain or spasm can be caused by not injecting in the right
place or using the same injection site over and over.
Pain can be a sign of damage to a muscle, tendon or
Lasting muscle pain or spasm can end up affecting how
well the muscle works.
Remind clients to rotate sites and take the time to find the
right place each time they inject.
What Could Go Wrong?
Hitting a nerve
If a nerve is hit, it will be painful. If
this happens, the needle should be removed right away.
Severe nerve damage can happen,
leading to permanent damage or paralysis.
What Could Go Wrong?
Bleeding that won't stop
Injecting into a blood vessel can lead to
bleeding inside the muscle and visible bruising.
This can cause muscle pain and
Remind clients to make sure the needle
is not in a blood vessel before injecting.
Sub-Cutaneous (SC) Injection
HGH or GH – Human Growth
hCG – Human Chorionic
HGH – Human Growth Hormone
Synthesized, stored, and secreted by the
Stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and
regeneration – anabolic effect
Most widely known effect - increases
height during childhood and puberty
HGH – Human Growth Hormone
Prescribed Uses of HGH
Turner's syndrome, a genetic
Short bowel syndrome, a condition
disorder that affects a girl's
in which nutrients are not properly
absorbed due to severe intestinal
Prader-Willi syndrome, an
disease or the surgical removal of
uncommon genetic disorder causing
a large portion of the small
poor muscle tone, low levels of sex
hormones, and a constant feeling of
HGH deficiency due to rare
pituitary tumors or their treatment.
Chronic kidney insufficiency.
Muscle-wasting disease
Children born small for gestational
associated with HIV/AIDS.
HGH Use - Body Builders
and Athletes
to build muscle and improve athletic
Possible Side Effects of
nerve, muscle, or joint pain swelling due to fluid in the body's tissues (edema) carpal tunnel syndrome numbness and tingling of the skin high cholesterol levels HGH can also increase the risk of diabetes and
contribute to the growth of cancerous tumors
hCG – Human Chorionic
Hormone produced during pregnancy by the developing placenta
– after conception
Promotes and maintains the corpus luteum at the start of
pregnancy – enriches the uterus so it can sustain the fetus
hCG test can be used to see if a woman is pregnant or as part of a
screening test for birth defects
Produced by some cancerous tumors – can indicate cancer of the
testes in men or abnormal tissue growth in the uterus in women
Similar to luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by the pituitary gland
in males and females
Prescribed Uses of hCG
Because of it's similarity to LH – used
primarily in fertility treatments
To induce ovulation in the ovaries To increase testosterone production in the
hCG Use as an
Anabolic Adjunct
Used in combination with various anabolic steroids – usually
used at the end of a cycle of steroid use or between cycles -
can be used during a cycle
Because the uses of steroids causes the body to shut down its
own production of testosterone – hCG is used to maintain or
restore testicular size and normal testosterone production
mimics LH and triggers the production and release of
testosterone by the testes
Sub-Cutaneous Injection -
28, 29, or 30 gauge insulin syringe 1cc or ½ cc Alcohol swabs Vial of sterile water for injection or
basteriostatic water
Sharps container
* basteriostatic water is sterile water for injection with 0.9% benzyl alcohol
added as a peservative
Sub-Cutaneous Injection
A subcutaneous injection is given in the
fatty layer of tissue just under the skin.
Sub-Cutaneous Injection Sites
the back of the arm
the side of the arm
Sub-Cutaneous Injection Sites
Sites on the abdomen
The front of the thigh
Sub-Cutaneous Injection
1. Clean the top of the vial and the injection site with alcohol swabs
2. Invert the vial and daw up the solution
3. Remove any air bubbles
4. Hold the syringe in one hand like pencil or a dart.
5. Grasp the skin between the thumb and index finger with your other
hand and pinch up.
6. Quickly thrust the needle all the way into the skin. Do not "push"
the needle into the skin slowly or thrust the needle into the skin
with great force.
Sub-Cutaneous Injection
7. Insert the needle at a 90 degree (right) angle. This angle is ensures
that the medications wil be injected into the fatty tissue (if there is
lit le SC fat on thin skin, you can use a 45 degree angle)
8. After the needle is completely inserted, release the skin that you
9. Press down on the plunger to release medication at a slow, steady
10. As the needle is pulled out of the skin, gently press with a cotton
ball or tissue. Pressure over the site while removing the needle
prevents skin from pulling back, which may be uncomfortable (also
helps seal the punctured tissue and prevents leakage)
12. Dispose of the needle in a sharps container
How to Make NEPs
User Friendly?
Who uses steroids?
• Predominately male – although some female body builders • Age – Varies from 16-50+ • Most are amateur or recreational body builders • Some competitive body builders • Athletes – all sports – football, hockey, weightlifters, etc • Professionals – where physical size and strength matter (i.e.
police, corrections officers, bouncers)
Age - Steroid Exchange
Contacts Halton - 2012
Concurrent Problems
Body Image problems Body Dismorphic Disorders- generalized or specific Eating disorders – nutrition obsession Anxiety disorders – GAD, OCD History of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse History of bullying Steroid use post-injury – i.e. auto accident prescribed steroids Cross over with opiate abuse and IV drug use
The Halton Experience
Providing NEP Services to Steroid Users,
Initially developed NEP to include the needs of
people who inject steroids
Targeted promotion to steroid users (steroid
pamphlets, promoted program to gyms, body building community, supplement stores, etc)
Adapted program on an ongoing basis as
Growth of Distribution of IM
Needles for Steroid Use
IM Needles
34686 33892
25763 30231 29485
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The Ottawa Experience
We have been recording services to
steroid users since 2007
Started to notice an increased need for
steroid specific resources and equipment
2010- we started a Performance
Enhancing Drug Special Initiative
2010 - Ordered 5 different steroid
resources from the UK
The Ottawa Experience
Similarly to Halton Region we targeted
promotion to steroid users (safer steroid use pamphlets, promoted program to gyms and supplement stores, as well as information booths at the 2 University and 1 Collage gym in Ottawa)
In 2011 we developed our own safer steroid
use pamphlet- we have since partnered with CATIE to take our resource National (it should be ready for distribution across Canada this spring)
The Ottawa Experience
Injecting Performance Enhancing Drugs
# of Client Interactions
In 2012 we distributed 38,376 needles to people who inject PEDs
Making NEPs User Friendly
for People Who Inject Steroids
Stocking a range of IM needles/syringes Stocking a range of needle tips for draw up Ensuring sufficient quantities of IM needles Educating staff on IM injection Being open to teaching and providing IM injection
Enquiring about problems clients might be having with
their injections or injection sites
Safer Steroid Use
Questions, Feed-back, Discussion …
USER MANUAL MAIN FUNCTIONS: • Jump start: Motorcycles, Cars (up to 5L - 5000cc gas engine and 2.5L - 2500cc diesel engine), and Boats… • Charge: Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, hd action cameras, music players, wireless speakers…) • Light: 3 Modes (normal, strobe, SOS) Thank you for choosing the Power Box by BS CHARGER™ Jump Starter ! Always follow basic safety precautions when using electrical boosters. Read all instructions carefully, please keep this instruction manual for easy reference.
Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs The Icarus Project and Freedom Center This guide brings together the best information we've discovered and lessons we've learned at The Icarus Project and Freedom Center. It is not intended to persuade anyone to stop taking psychiatric medications, but instead aims to educate people about their options if they decide to explore going off.