Family planning in india --issues and challenges
Family Planning in India --Issues and Challenges
Dr. Rajiv Gupta1,
*, Dr. SK Raina2
1Professor, Community Medicine, GMC Jammu 2Associate Professor, Community Medicine, DRPGMC Tanda.
India is the second most populous country in the world after China. India is in dire need of
controlling its burgeoning population otherwise all the developments made since
independence would go waste. National Family Welfare Program which was started after
independence has not lived up to expectations. A variety of reasons like male/son
preference, non-inclusion of males in family planning decisions ,emphasis on permanent
methods (Tubectomy), poor quality of services etc. have been ascribed for this. The need
of the hour is to focus on optimum utilization of contraceptive methods, using the right
mix and including new methods as and when available along with improving quality of
client-centred services.
Key Words—Family Planning methods, Quality of services, End Users
India was the first country to launch National Family Welfare Program way back in
1952 and since then, the nation has been consistently working towards improving health
and reducing fertility for sustainable development .Despite the efforts of last six decades,
India is yet to attain that elusive replacement levels of fertility. Family Planning is the
surest and the quickest way to better the physical and economic health of a nation.
Family Planning is increasingly being recognized as a cost-effective development option,
one that improves the health of the people and consequently the labour force, boosts the
economy and opens lot of opportunities for the females in particular.
As per estimates, only one fourth of total contraceptive users practice modern spacing
methods like pills ,condoms, injectables and IUDs(Intra Uterine Devices) (1), and it
results in high rates of unplanned pregnancy(2) , inadequate birth spacing with
concomitant increase maternal and infant mortality in the country(1,3-6).
Estimates further show that 46% of eligible couple do not practice any of the methods
of family planning and 21% of the births are unplanned every year. NFHS-3 data shows
that two-fifth of all women in 20-24 year age group had married before legal age of
18 years and less than 10% of these young couples had used any contraception.
Regarding unmet need among married adolescents, it was 27% and one quarter of this
need was for spacing methods. 45% of India's maternal deaths occur in 15-25 year
age group where 52% of country's fertility is also clustered reinforces the importance
of contraceptive methods. Among the reasons for unwanted births, the preference for male
child more so in the rural areas still remains a cause of concern. It has been aptly reflected
in the declining sex ratio.
Demographers have stated that if all unwanted births were eliminated and the unmet
need for contraception was met, total fertility rate in India would drop to
replacement level(1). Improving the access to quality family planning tools and services
is central to improve the health and well being of women and children ,families and
communities across India.
In the London summit on Family Planning in 2012, the outcome was in terms of FP
2020 whereby the governments made commitments to address the barriers in access to
contraceptives .India had also committed to reaching 48 million new users in addition to
sustaining the existing users of family planning. The introduction of inject able
contraceptive DMPA- better known as Depo-Provera by Indian Government into the
public health system this year is a positive step which will give the women free access
to this reversible method of birth control. The focus in the country needs to shift to
spacing instead of limiting methods to meet the needs of India's young population
reaching its reproductive years. We need to strengthen infrastructure, human resource
management, accountability and governance of the public health system which are some
of the impediments in the effective delivery of family planning services.
Although the national program is supposed to offer a variety of choices (Cafeteria
Approach) to the clients, yet the female sterilization has been the mainstay. Despite
simpler method of vasectomy being available, the contribution of males to the program
has been bare minimum. So the need is to devise strategies to increase male
participation in family planning but success in this endeavor has not been fruitful so far.
The need for integrated approach where other health problems besides contraception and
reproductive health problems are taken care of would be a logical step.
While devising integrated approach, lack of women's autonomy in reproductive decision
making as well as lack of men's involvement in sexual and reproductive health matters
has to be kept in mind.
On the research front, a number of new contraceptive technologies are being developed
in India and abroad to make contraceptives easy to use, more effective and more
acceptable. Developments of late have focused on effective reversible methods of
contraception mainly to improve ease of device insertion and removal, the target being
the young and nulliparous women. There is compelling rationale for immediate postpartum
and post abortion access to IUDs and implants . There is now convincing evidence that
immediate post partum access to highly effective reversible contraceptives leads to a
reduction in subsequent unintended pregnancies (7,8) and repeat abortions(9,10,11).
It has been widely believed that new technologies would act as magic bullets to provide
a quick fix but experience over the years has shown that technology alone can not
address complex health and development issues. If contraceptive technologies are designed
with an understanding the context in which they will be delivered keeping in mind the
needs of end users, it is likely to be adopted by the service providers as well as the
clients. It is pertinent to add here that while developing new contraceptive technologies,
all the stakeholders including scientists, implementing agencies and end users are crucial
and a dialogue must be concurrently promoted amongst them.
Last but not the least, no program can succeed without political will and support how
so ever well it has been conceived.
In this context, India needs to raise health spending which was only 1.04% of the GDP
in 2013-14 while China spends 2.8 %, Russia 3.6% and South Africa 4.1% of their GDP.
The effect of not spending enough on health and family planning in particular can be
seen in high maternal and infant mortality rates India faces. The same is also reflected
in poor infrastructure, insufficient access and poor health care services. Further, 70% of
all out of pocket expenditure on health by Indian people is in the private sector, driving
nearly 50 million people into debt and poverty every year.
India with a population of more than 1.21 billion needs to take urgent steps in improving
the quality of family planning services in particular to attain the much desired fertility
levels of replacement. Significant unmet need for both limiting family size as well as
spacing births needs to be catered by informed contraceptive choice and appropriate mix
of the available methods.
1. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), 2005–06: India: Volume I. Mumbai, IIPS:
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How to cite this article: Gupta R, Raina SK. Family Planning in India—Issues and Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health 2016 ;1(1):8-14
Address for correspondence: Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Professor, Community Medicine, GMC Jammu
Date Received: 27th June 2016 Date Accepted: 30th June 2016
AKTIENBRIEF Eine Publikation der DZ BANK und der WGZ BANK Ausgabe 30 / 1. August 2014 Überreicht durch Volksbank Schnathorst eGZuständige Aufsichtsbehörde: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ANLEGER SOLLTEN SICH VOR DER FED NICHT FÜRCHTEN Der S&P-500-Index konnte in der vergan- anderen Seite existiert eine Vielzahl von sich die Arbeitslosenquote zwar zuletzt
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