Pii: s0029-7844(00)00794-8
Elective Induction of Labor as a Risk Factor forCesarean Delivery Among Low-Risk Womenat Term
Objective: To determine the effects of elective induction on
tions, indicated and elective inductions, and induction
the risk of cesarean delivery in a cohort of women with
techniques. There is continued criticism of the adequacy
low-risk term pregnancies and to evaluate the costs of
of control groups and statistical techniques used to
elective induction services within our hospital system.
evaluate reported results.
Methods: Records of 1135 eligible women with low-risk,
The purpose of this study was to determine whether
singleton, vertex pregnancies at 38 – 41 weeks' gestation who
deliveries with elective induction were associated with
were eligible for vaginal delivery were analyzed retrospec-
tively after elective induction (n ⴝ
263) or spontaneous labor
greater risk of cesarean delivery or higher costs because
(n ⴝ
872). Outcome measures included cesarean delivery and
of increased in-hospital resource use compared with
direct costs. Variables evaluated were parity, maternal age,
noninduced deliveries in a cohort of women with
estimated gestational age, birth weight, prior cesarean deliv-
low-risk term pregnancies, some of whom underwent
ery, epidural anesthetic use, and provider category. Analysis
elective induction of labor.
was by univariable and multivariable regression modeling.
Results: Elective induction placed nulliparas at a twofold
higher risk for cesarean delivery (odds ratio 2.4, 95% confi-
dence interval 1.2, 4.9) after adjustment for birth weight,
Materials and Methods
maternal age, and gestational age. We found a significantly
All 1810 women who delivered live-born infants and
increased risk of cesarean delivery with increased birth
were discharged between June 1, 1997, and January 26,
weight for nulliparas (2– 66.7%). Increasing maternal age
1998, from St. Joseph's Medical Center were identified
increased the risk of cesarean delivery in all parity groups (P
< .05), but particularly among nulliparas (3–26.3%) (P <
through the hospital discharge data system. We ex-
.001). Electively induced labors that ended in vaginal deliv-
cluded women with multiple gestations and women
ery cost $273 more and required an average of 4 hours more
with gestations of less than 38 or at least 42 weeks.
in the hospital before delivery than did noninduced vaginal
Women were considered ineligible for vaginal delivery
deliveries (P < .001).
if they had primary or secondary
International Classifi-
Conclusion: Elective induction significantly increased the
cation of Diseases, 9th Revision7 (ICD-9) codes of placenta
risk of cesarean delivery for nulliparas, and increased in-
previa or abruption (641.0 – 641.23), vasa previa
hospital predelivery time and costs. (Obstet Gynecol 2000;
(663.50 – 663.53), cord prolapse (663.0 – 663.03), or breech
2000 by The American College of Obstetri-
or transverse lie (652.0 – 652.33). Women who had in-
cians and Gynecologists.)
duced or cesarean deliveries also were excluded if chartreview revealed active herpes, history of classic orvertical incision, more than two prior cesarean deliver-
From 1983 through 1996, induction rates worldwide
ies, or abdominal delivery without signs of labor. We
ranged between 7.5% and 26%, with trends of increas-
also excluded women who had scheduled primary or
ing rates in the most recent years.1–6 In our hospital
repeat cesarean deliveries if they had refused to deliver
system, the rate for all inductions was 23.2% in 1997.
vaginally after a previous cesarean delivery or if no
Studies of induction have continued to combine low-
attempt was made to deliver vaginally. Women who
and high-risk pregnancies, preterm and term induc-
had cesarean deliveries and were included in the studyhad no prelabor indications for cesarean delivery and
From the Departments of Obstetrics, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and
had abdominal deliveries because of nonreassuring
Clinical Outcomes and Quality Improvement, Franciscan Health Sys-tem, Tacoma, Washington.
fetal heart rate tracings after labor had begun or because
VOL. 95, NO. 6, PART 1, JUNE 2000
of failure to progress after a course of labor was
delivery dates and times were abstracted, and an
admission-to-delivery time in hours was calculated for
Women were considered ineligible for elective induc-
each patient. That calculation was compared with the
tion if they had primary or secondary ICD-9 codes of
hospital system's electronically derived admission-to-
pregnancy-induced hypertension (642.30 – 642.74), insu-
delivery time.
lin-dependent diabetes mellitus (648.0), gestational di-
We used SPSS 7.5.2 (Statistical Package for Social
abetes (648.80 – 648.84), fetal growth restriction (656.50,
Sciences; SPSS Inc., Chicago IL) for analysis. Categoric
656.51, and 656.63), oligohydramnios (658.00 – 658.03),
relationships were analyzed using the 2 test. Catego-
polyhydramnios (657.0 – 657.03), chorioamnionitis
rized variables such as age and birth weight, which had
(658.40 – 658.43), prolonged rupture of membranes
a direct relationship to risk of cesarean delivery, also
(658.20 – 658.23), anemia (648.20 – 648.24), or Rh isoim-
were tested for significance using the 2 test for trend.8
munization. Two women who had vaginal deliveries
Differences in averages were tested using the
t test
were excluded because of chart-confirmed complex
where appropriate (age and birth weight) and the
medical conditions (endocarditis and severe psychosis).
U test for nonnormally distributed vari-
Inductions were identified among all deliveries using
ables (parity, gestational age, cost, and inpatient prede-
the induction logbook, hospital discharge data (ICD-9
livery and postdelivery lengths of stay).
codes 73.01, 73.4, 96.49, and 73.1), and charge data on
Stepwise logistic regression model analysis was used
induction agents (dinoprostone, oral or vaginal miso-
to create a final model of risk factors for cesarean
prostol, and oxytocin). We reviewed the charts of all
delivery, with a significance level of
P ⬍ .05 for variable
eligible women. Labors were classified as inductions
entry into the model. After the final model was pro-
only when the induction agent or method was admin-
duced, a second check of interaction terms of all vari-
istered or performed before there were contractions 2–5
ables was done, with a significance level of
P ⬍ .01 for
minutes apart and before the cervix was dilated less
interaction terms. The Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic for
than 3 cm. The resulting cohort comprised women with
goodness of fit was used to test the model.9 With that
term pregnancies who delivered singleton infants in
test, a model is judged to fit sufficiently well if the test
cephalic presentation, without indication for induction
assumptions are met and the
P value resulting from the
and without prelabor indications for cesarean delivery.
test is not significant (
P ⬎ .05).
Parity information was collected from Washington
State birth certificate data. Inpatient charts missing that
information were reviewed and parity was recordedfrom prenatal records. The hospital's discharge data
Of 1135 eligible subjects, 263 (23.2%) underwent elective
system provided histories of cesarean delivery (ICD-9
induction of labor. One hundred seventy inductions
code 654.21), age, actual direct cost, attending provider
(64.6%) were done with up to three doses of oral
type (certified nurse-midwife, family practitioner, ob-
misoprostol 50 g, 70 (26.6%) were done by oxytocin
stetrician), and admission, delivery, and discharge
infusion, 20 (7.6%) by artificial rupture of membranes
dates and times.
only, and three (1.1%) with only prostaglandin (PG) gel.
Actual direct cost was determined by the hospital's
Eighty-two (48.2%) of 170 misoprostol inductions also
decision support department using Eclipsys (Eclipsys
involved oxytocin infusion, and three of those also
Corp., Delray Beach, FL), a cost-accounting relative-
included use of PG gel. Three (4.2%) of 70 oxytocin
weight method that summarizes direct costs for each
inductions also included use of PG gel.
patient based on clinical and ancillary resource con-
Women who underwent elective induction tended to
sumption. Actual direct costs represent all nursing and
be older, were more likely to have had prior cesarean
supply costs generated by all contributing departments
deliveries, had longer gestations, were more likely to
that provide service to the patient; not included are
receive epidural anesthetic, were less likely to be treated
nondepartmental capital supplies, hospital administra-
by midwives, delivered larger infants, and had signifi-
tion costs, nursery-related costs, and anesthesiology
cantly higher cesarean delivery rates compared with
women who did not undergo induction (Table 1).
All records with invalid data on hospital admission-
Although the average and median birth weights of
to-delivery and delivery-to-discharge times were
infants of women who underwent induction did not
reviewed to determine true admission, delivery, and
seem clinically different from those of infants of women
discharge dates and times. A quality audit of
who did not undergo induction, the infants of women
admission-to-delivery calculations was done using 73
who underwent induction were statistically signifi-
randomly selected charts from the study period. Moth-
cantly heavier and a significantly larger proportion of
ers' admission dates and times to delivery and infants'
these infants weighed more than 4000 g.
918 Maslow and Sweeny
Elective Induction and Cesarean Delivery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Table 1. Characteristics of Women, by Induction Status and Parity
n ⫽ 263)
n ⫽ 872)
n ⫽ 103)
n ⫽ 349)
n ⫽ 160)
n ⫽ 523)
Gestational age (wk)
History of cesarean delivery
Certified nurse-midwife
Epidural anesthetic use
Cesarean delivery
Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or
n (%).
P ⬍ .05.
P ⬍ .001.
P ⬍ .01.
Initial analysis of cesarean deliveries by parity re-
underwent induction and whose infants were heavier
vealed an almost three-fold increased risk among nul-
than 4500 g. Two of the four nulliparas who did not
liparas whose labor was induced compared with nul-
undergo induction and whose infants were heavier
liparas whose labor was not (relative risk 2.9, 95%
than 4500 g had cesarean deliveries. Separate regression
confidence interval [CI] 1.6, 5.2) and a two-fold increase
models for nulliparas, primiparas, and multiparas were
in cesarean deliveries among parous women who un-
constructed based on those findings.
derwent induction compared with parous women who
In the final multivariable logistic regression model
did not (Table 1).
predicting cesarean delivery, induction remained a sig-
Those data showed important differences in risks of
nificant predictor of it (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.2, 4.9), after
cesarean delivery based on relationships between parity
adjustment for the other important predictors of cesar-
and birth weight categories and parity and maternal
ean delivery among nulliparas only. Excluding all nul-
age categories. Birth weight and maternal age appeared
liparas with infant birth weights greater than 4000 g
to have more pronounced effects on the risk of subse-
resulted in a model in which elective induction and
quent cesarean delivery for nulliparas than for primip-
gestational age were the only significant predictors of
aras or multiparas (Tables 2 and 3). Although nulliparas
cesarean delivery (
P ⬍ .01 and ⬍ .05, respectively;
who underwent elective induction and delivered large
model not shown). The unadjusted risk estimate for
infants were not at statistically significantly greater risk
cesarean delivery among nulliparas with infants who
for cesarean than nulliparas who did not undergo
weighed more than 4000 g was the following: OR 4.2,
induction and who delivered large infants, small num-
95% CI 2.3, 7.6 (data not shown). A revised model that
bers in the high birth weight categories might have
included all variables in the final model (Table 4), plus
prevented finding such an association. Cesarean deliv-
the epidural anesthetic and provider type variables, did
eries were done in the case of both nulliparas who
not reduce significantly the association between induc-
Table 2. Number of Cesarean Deliveries per 100 Deliveries,
by Parity and Birth Weight
Table 3. Number of Cesarean Deliveries per 100 Deliveries,
by Parity and Age
n ⫽ 452) (
n ⫽ 395) (
n ⫽ 288) (
n ⫽ 37) (
n ⫽ 1135)
n ⫽ 452)
n ⫽ 395)
n ⫽ 288)
n ⫽ 1135)
Significant for nulliparas (
P ⬍ .001, 2 for trend) and all women as a
Significant for nulliparas (
P ⬍ .001, 2 for trend) and all women as a
group (
P ⫽ .003).
group (
P ⫽ .021).
VOL. 95, NO. 6, PART 1, JUNE 2000
Maslow and Sweeny
Elective Induction and Cesarean Delivery
Table 4. Logistic Regression Model for Cesarean Delivery:
nificantly longer for noninduced labors that ended in
Nulliparas Only (
n ⫽ 452)
vaginal delivery than for induced labors that ended in
vaginal delivery, the average difference of 0.3 hours (20
minutes) is probably not important clinically or finan-
cially (Table 5).
Induction (yes, no)
Birth weight category*
0.45 (0.30, 0.67)
0.64 (0.48, 0.85)
Despite suspected widespread use of elective induction,
(41 vs 38 – 40 wk)
we found only ten published studies (MEDLINE search,
OR ⫽ odds ratio; CI ⫽ confidence interval; NA ⫽ not applicable;
1970 –1998, using the terms "labor," "labour," "induc-
NS ⫽ not significant.
Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic with 8 degrees of free-
tion," "elective," "techniques," and "management") in-
P ⫽ .80. Both linear variables (birth weight category and age)
volving more than 100 subjects that addressed elective
P ⬍ .001 for linear-by-linear association with delivery outcome.
induction and a variety of outcome measures since the
* Ordinally categorized as ⬍3000, 3000 –3499, 3500 –3999, 4000 – 4499,
and 4500⫹ g. Risk estimate is interpreted as incremental increase in
advent of continuous fetal monitoring and controlled
risk with each increase in birth weight (eg, risk of cesarean delivery
oxytocin infusion.10–19 "Elective" was often defined in
among deliveries of infants ⬍3000 g ⫽ 0.45; risk for 3000 –3499 g
different ways, and consistency of findings varied ac-
infants 0.90; risk for infants weighing 4500⫹ g ⫽ 2.25).
† Ordinally categorized as ⬍20, 20–24, 25–29, 30–34, and 35⫹ y.
cording to whether nulliparas were evaluated as adiscrete group. Studies that examined cesarean deliveryrates without regard to parity for women who under-
tion and cesarean delivery (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1, 4.9)
went elective induction yielded inconclusive results on
P ⫽ .80).
cesarean delivery rates between subjects who had in-
There were 27 cesarean deliveries among 683 parous
duced labor and those who did not.10–12
women. For that group, the only important variable that
Studies that evaluated nulliparas as a discrete group
predicted cesarean delivery was prior cesarean delivery
consistently found increased cesarean delivery rates
(OR 38.1, 95% CI 14.5, 100.3). Excluding nulliparas and
associated with elective induction,13,17–19 although these
women who had had prior cesarean deliveries (
n ⫽ 607)
increases were not always statistically significant.13,17 In
resulted in no variables that were significant for pro-
those studies, the cesarean delivery rate for nulliparas
ducing increased risk of cesarean delivery, including
who underwent elective induction was between 6.2%
elective induction.
and 11.7% higher than the base cesarean delivery rate
Elective inductions that ended in vaginal delivery
for nulliparas who had spontaneous labors. In the study
cost $273 more (
P ⬍ .001) and required an average of 4
by Yeast et al,18 197 nulliparas who underwent elective
hours more in the hospital before delivery than did
induction had a cesarean delivery rate of 16.2%, com-
noninduced vaginal deliveries (
P ⬍ .001) (Table 5). The
pared with 7.9% among 4086 nulliparas who labored
additional direct cost for elective inductions translated
spontaneously. In that study, labor induction among
into $63,882 for those that ended in vaginal delivery
nulliparas (indicated and elective) was the most impor-
during the 8-month study period. The additional ex-
tant predictor of cesarean delivery, after adjustment for
pense and in-hospital predelivery time associated with
age, birth weight, and membrane status. By compari-
elective inductions that ended in cesarean delivery
son, risk of cesarean delivery among multiparas who
compared with noninduced labors that ended in cesar-
underwent elective induction was not significantly
ean delivery were not statistically significant. Although
higher than for multiparas who labored spontaneously.
the postdelivery in-hospital time was statistically sig-
Macer et al17 described a subset of 24 nulliparas with
Table 5. Average Costs and Lengths of Hospital Stay
Noninduced labor,
Noninduced labor,
cesarean delivery
cesarean delivery
n ⫽ 234)
n ⫽ 835)
n ⫽ 29)
n ⫽ 37)
Admission-to-delivery time (h)
Delivery-to-discharge time (h)
Data are presented as mean (standard deviation).
P ⬍ .001 for induced labor compared with noninduced labor by the Mann-Whitney rank-sum test.
P ⬍ .05 for induced labor compared with noninduced labor by the Mann-Whitney rank-sum test.
920 Maslow and Sweeny
Elective Induction and Cesarean Delivery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Bishop scores less than or equal to 5, who proved to be
Another weakness of this study was incomplete as-
at increased risk for cesarean delivery. Although 12 of
sessment of induction status within the spontaneous
24 subjects with low Bishop scores required cesarean
labor group. We reviewed most charts, but not for all of
deliveries, nulliparas with Bishop scores greater than 5
the subjects in the study. All charts for women who had
had a cesarean delivery rate not statistically signifi-
cesarean deliveries or electively induced labor were
cantly higher than that among nulliparas who did not
reviewed, which left 835 women who had vaginal
undergo induction. In a population of nulliparas with
deliveries but did not undergo induction that would be
unfavorable cervices who underwent elective induc-
noted by our detection methods. If elective inductions
tion, there was a significantly increased risk of cesarean
were missed in that group, and the misclassification
among those who underwent induction before 42
was large enough, that could explain the increased risk
weeks, compared with those who underwent induction
of cesarean delivery among women who underwent
at more than 42 weeks' gestation.19
elective induction. To estimate the misclassification
Another key finding of our study was the $273
error, we studied a random sample of 219 women who
additional cost per elective induction. For our hospital,
had vaginal deliveries and no induction. Applying our
that translated into $63,882 in additional costs for
definition of elective induction, we found eight subjects
women who underwent elective induction and had
misclassified as having had no induction, a misclassifi-
successful vaginal deliveries. With our MEDLINE
cation rate of 3.65% (95% CI 0.55, 6.35). Charts for a
search we were unable to locate other studies that
subsample of 70 patients were reviewed by both au-
focused on the cost-effectiveness of elective induction.
thors to check interobserver reliability, yielding an
Our increased costs were principally the result of in-
observed agreement of 98.6% and a statistic of .793. If
creased rates of epidural anesthetic use among subjects
we assume a maximum error rate of 6.35%, that trans-
who underwent induction and the approximate in-
lates to a shift of 55 subjects from the noninduced to the
crease of 4 hours of predelivery time in the hospital.
induced vaginal delivery group. Our revised cesarean
Many studies reported shorter labor times for induced
delivery rates would be 9.2% (induced) and 4.2% (not
deliveries compared with spontaneous ones. Our study
induced), still statistically significant (
P ⬍ .01).
did not measure time from induction of labor to spon-
As it is practiced currently in our hospital system,
taneous delivery and hence could not produce those
elective induction resulted in higher direct costs per
patient and increased cesarean delivery rates for nullip-
Unmeasured or unvalidated variables related to ce-
aras with term pregnancies who underwent elective
sarean delivery are other weaknesses of this study. Low
induction, regardless of age, birth weight, provider
Bishop score was one variable we were unable to record
type, or epidural anesthetic use. Thus, elective induc-
and that has been associated with increased cesarean
tion of labor in nulliparas should be discouraged.
delivery rates.17,20 Significant associations between epi-dural anesthetic use and cesarean delivery–related vari-ables were reported recently in nulliparas who had
spontaneous labors.21,23 Data on epidural anesthetic use
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922 Maslow and Sweeny
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Source: http://www.nurturinglife.com.au/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Elective_Induction_of_Labor_as_a_Risk_Factor_for.26.pdf
College of William and Mary A Quantitative Analysis of Insulin Signaling in NeurodegenerationElise M. BraatzCollege of William and Mary Follow this and additional works at: Part of the nd the Recommended CitationBraatz, Elise M., "A Quantitative Analysis of Insulin Signaling in Neurodegeneration" (2015). College of William & Mary UndergraduateHonors Theses. Paper 119.
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