"D" - Health Articles:

Metformin & pcos

Metformin & PCOS The key clinical features of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, acne, alopecia) and menstrual irregularity with associated anovulatory infertility. 1 The consensus definition of PCOS recognises obesity as an association and not a diagnostic criterion1 as only 40–50% of women with PCOS are overweight. Ovarian hyperandrogenism is


Volume 3, Issue 4 January 2010 Inside this issue: July 2010 Guide: Eliminate temporary hearing loss Guide: Eliminate Temporary Hearing Loss Closed Captioning 2 When the hearing goes, it does not—luckily—have to be permanent. Blocked ears, sinuses or fever reducing medicine can also be the cause.


David Nierenberg, M.D.: Pharm stand By Jennifer Durgin There are two sure ways to get pharmacologist David Nierenberg, ing. By the time he was 15, he had taken all the science courses that M.D., fired up: take notes with a drug-company pen or mention his high school in Chappaqua, N.Y., offered. So, in 1965, he enrolled DMEDS, the Dartmouth Medical Encounter Documentation


Oilfi eld, Tubular and Valve The place to go to get MSDS and TDS sheets, new product information, company news and key product information. for e treme Through more than 65 years of research, Table of Contents development, testing and manufacturing, Jet-Lube has developed a broad line of grease products for


INSTITUT DE FORMATION pour les personnes atteintes de la maladie Mémoire présenté pour l'obtention du Diplôme d'Etat d'ergothérapeute Sous la direction de Bruno SCHMITT et Marielle DELLESTABLE, ergothérapeutes au Centre Psychothérapique de Nancy, maîtres de mémoire. Je tiens à remercier : - Mme Anne BARTHELEMY pour ses conseils avisés et sa disponibilité tout au

Removal of estrone from water by adsorption on zeolites with regeneration by direct uv photolysis

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Removal of Estrone From Water by Adsorption on Zeolites with Regeneration by Direct UV PhotolysisHuajing Wen John A. Bergendahl Robert W. ThompsonWorcester Polytechnic Institute, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Suggested CitationWen, Huajing , Bergendahl, John A. , Thompson, Robert W. (2009). Removal of Estrone From Water by Adsorption on Zeolites withRegeneration by Direct UV Photolysis. Environmental Engineering Science, 26(2), 319-326.Retrieved from:


Contemporary Restoration of TREATED TEETHEvidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Nadim Z. Baba, dmd, msdProfessor of Restorative DentistryDirectorHugh Love Center for Research and Education in TechnologyLoma Linda University School of DentistryLoma Linda, California Quintessence Publishing Co, IncChicago, Berlin, Tokyo, London, Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Beijing,Istanbul, Moscow, New Delhi, Prague, São Paulo, Seoul, Singapore, and Warsaw


Personalised, Serendipitous and Diverse Linked Data Resource Recommendations Milan Dojchinovski and Tomas Vitvar Web Intelligence Research Group Faculty of Information Technology Czech Technical University in Prague Abstract. Due to the huge and diverse amount of information, the ac-tual access to a piece of information in the Linked Open Data (LOD)cloud still demands significant amount of effort. To overcome this prob-lem, number of Linked Data based recommender systems have been de-veloped. However, they have been primarily developed for a particulardomain, they require human intervention in the dataset pre-processingstep, and they can be hardly adopted to new datasets. In this paper, wepresent our method for personalised access to Linked Data, in particularfocusing on its applicability and its salient features.

Microsoft word - proyecto framacias

Modifica la ley orgánica constitucional de municipalidades para permitir la creación de farmacias comunales Boletín N°10360-06 Que, es constante la preocupación por el excesivo valor de los remedios que existe en la población a nivel nacional, donde las diferencias de precios en relación con otros países son alarmantes, cuestión que afecta el presupuesto

Application for dealership


Malaria case management



The Economics of Diabetes: Human and Social Effects The global diabetes epidemic has devastating personal and social effects, far greater than most people imagine. Surprisingly, the highest costs of diabetes are not the hundreds of billions spent on complications that could have been prevented, although these expenditures are large, but the suffering imposed on families (death, disability and economic stress) and the resulting large annual losses in economic growth that harm everyone. Diabetes harms all people in society, not just those who live with diabetes.

Difesa sindacale

Comunisti Anarchici e Libertari in CGIL n. 34 Gennaio 2016 Proposta ai militanti della lotta di classe. Un unico obbiettivo, una sola grande battaglia. E' una semplice riflessione che può servire di collegamento sia per i militanti comunisti libertari sia con le altre opposizioni presenti nella CGIL così come con eventuali settori del Sindacalismo di Base. Nel corso di questi anni abbiamo con una certa continuità analizzato e documentato, in particolare nel nostro paese, lo sviluppo del conflitto sociale, i rapporti di forza fra le classi, le conseguenze e le ricadute inevitabili fra ciò e l'andamento generale delle stesse relazioni sociali ed individuali; cosìcome molte volte abbiamo scritto e verificato che a fronte della perdita di "potere" e di egemonia espressa dal movimento operaio organizzato si sia diffusa, in tutti gli ambiti sociali, una cultura sempre meno solidaristica e uno sviluppo di comportamenti e pratiche sempre più individualiste. E' evidente, almeno per noi, il collegamento fra l'andamento della lotta di classe, la sconfitta che il movimento operaio organizzato sta vivendo, con la totale assenza di vincoli solidaristici fra generazioni, fra i generi, financo il diffondersi, a livello dell'intera società e nei rapporti conviviali, di un certo stato d'animo generale sempre più malevolo. Così come, seppure fortunatamente non ancora maggioritario nell'opinione pubblica, il manifestarsi di una accentuata xenofobia con vere e proprie manifestazioni di razzismo, nei confronti degli emigranti e dei rifugiati politici. Per chi avesse la bontà e la voglia di seguire questa nostra traccia, che ha origini lontane e precise, senza voler qui sintetizzare i vari e periodici accadimenti che hanno testimoniato tale declino, indichiamo la lettura dei nostri attuali siti: Comunismo Libertario e Difesa Sindacale Dando,quindi, per acquisito che la "cifra" oggi della nostra classe, del movimento operaio, è la sua totaleframmentazione, la totale incapacità di incidere sulle realtà produttive e sociali, l'assoluta inerzia a fronte di una rinnovata capacità di protagonismo da parte padronale e governativa, che testimonia lavolontà, espressa per altro sempre più esplicitamente, di recuperare totale discrezionalità sulla forza lavoro (1) spostando l'orologio della storia agli albori del capitalismo, occorre risalire la china. Il protagonismo da parte delle nuove generazioni, storicamente sempre necessario per una reale trasformazione degli ambiti sociali, politici e culturali, è assente; sono, ahi loro, "affaccendate" a sopravvivere fra disoccupazione, lavori precari, temporanei, nuova emigrazione. Per chi come noi ancora si ostina ad essere partigiano della lotta di classe, seppur sconfitto ma senzaalcuna intenzione di ritirarsi a vita privata né di abiurare convincimenti che altresì ci appaiano ancorpiù necessari a fronte della barbarie che oggi il mondo capitalistico vive, esiste l'obbligo di tentare di creare e di fornire, ad eventuali altre generazioni che si affacceranno da protagoniste nel divenire sociale, un possibile terreno di iniziative e un crogiolo di idee su cui tentare di far riiniziare l'ascesa alla nostra classe.


General Quality and Testing Regulations for Furniture Protection of the Environment and Personal Health Quality Assurance RAL-GZ 430 Dated: January 2016 DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR GÜTESICHERUNG UND KENNZEICHNUNG E.V. Protection of the Environment and Personal Health (RAL-GZ 430) Quality and Testing Regulations for Furniture RAL-GZ 430


CANAZEI, VAL DI FASSA, TRENTINO La Val di Fassa si sviluppa per una ventina di chilometri nel cuore delle Dolomiti ed è un autentico concentrato di meraviglie naturali. Un tripudio di vette che da Moena a Canazei lasciano letteralmente senza fi ato. Roda di Vael, Catinaccio, Sassolungo, Sella, Marmolada e Monzoni sono solo alcune delle cime più famose della Val di Fassa. Una


Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2004, Vol. 16, 589–604 Cellular Localization of GABAA Receptor a SubunitImmunoreactivity in the Rat Hypothalamus: Relationship WithNeurones Containing Orexigenic or Anorexigenic Peptides M. Ba¨ckberg,* C. Ultenius,* J.-M. Fritschy† and B. Meister**Department of Neuroscience, The Retzius Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.†Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zu¨rich, Zu¨rich, Switzerland.


Etwa 32 Mil ionen Deutsche leiden unter einer Venenschwäche. Krampfadern (Vari-zen) sind die am häufigsten vorkommende Beschwerdeart: Bei ungefähr der Hälfte al er Mitteleuropäer im Alter zwischen 25 und 74 Jahren treten sie insbesondere an den Beinen auf. Meist erschlaffen hierbei die Venenwände in Folge einer Bindege-websschwäche, die Venenklappen können nicht dicht schließen und das Blut fließt als Folge nicht mehr ausreichend ab. Stattdessen staut es sich in den oberflächlichen Venen an, welche sich durch die dauerhafte Erweiterung deutlich sichtbar bläulich bis lila unter der Haut entlang schlängeln. Im Gegensatz zu Besenreisern – kleinsten erweiterten Venen, die ähnlich der Form eines Reisigbesens durch die Haut schimmern (lesen Sie hierzu auch unseren Patientenratgeber zum Thema) – stel en Krampfadern nicht nur ein ästhetisches Problem dar, sondern können auch gesundheitliche Beschwerden wie etwa geschwollene Füße und schwere, schmerzende Beine verursachen. Es ist daher sinnvol , bei entsprechend auftretenden Symptomen möglichst frühzei-tig medizinischen Rat einzuholen. Schwerwiegenderen Komplikationen wie dem Entstehen von Venen-entzündungen, Geschwüren oder Blutgerinnseln kann so vorgebeugt werden.

Government of nepal

Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Planning and Works Department of Roads Environmental & Social Management Framework A guide to the environmental and social issues associated with new road construction and upgrading (Final Version) April, 2007 ANNEXES Annex 1 The Consultant's Terms of Reference for Preparing the ESMF


Stellenwert der extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung bei schwerst traumatisierten Patienten mit ARDSN. Madershahian, U. Franke, T. Wittwer, S. Sakka, K. Schwarzkopf, M. Kaluza, T. WahlersFriedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Klinik für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, Jena Das ARDS infolge eines schweren Thoraxtraumas ist mit einer sehr hohen Mortalität vergesellschaf-tet. Die extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung (ECMO) könnte als ultima ratio das Überleben dieser schwerst traumatisierten Patienten sichern. Häufig stellen schwere Begleitverletzungen aufgrund der notwendigen Antikoagulation eine absolute Kontraindikation für diese Maximaltherapie dar. Anhand von 3 Kasuistiken soll der Stellenwert der ECMO bei Patienten mit Polytrauma dargestellt werden.Bei Pat. 1 wurde nach schwerem Polytrauma (Schädelbasisfraktur mit Schädelhirntrauma, Thorax-trauma, stumpfes Bauchtrauma mit Milzruptur, Unterarmfraktur) ein Hauptbronchusabriß rechts diag-nostiziert. Bei foudryanter Entwicklung eines ARDS musste zunächst die ECMO implantiert werden. Die Oberlappenmanschettenresektion erfolgte an der ECMO. Pat. 2 und 3 entwickelten bei Polytraumatisie-rung ohne wesentliche Lungenverletzung ein ARDS. Bei einem Oxygenierungsindex < 70 mmHg und schwerer, therapierefraktärer, respiratorischer Azidose wurde die Indikation zur ECMO gestellt.Die ECMO wurde für 116 ± 30 h aufrechterhalten. Es traten keine ECMO-assoziierten, thrombembo-lischen oder Blutungskomplikationen auf. Alle 3 Patienten konnten erfolgreich von der maschinellen Unterstützung entwöhnt und nach 34 ± 26 d in die Rehabilitationsklinik verlegt werden.Der Einsatz der ECMO ist bei Pat. mit posttraumatischem Lungenversagen als ultima ratio Therapie möglich ohne zusätzliche Komplikationen zu verursachen.

Microsoft word - dsd352.docx

Dear CM/PLM Professional, Please find enclosed DSD's newsletter, addressing news in CM, PLM, ERP and Process Improvements that we thought might interest you. We would appreciate receiving comments and suggestions to make this newsletter more helpful and interesting. We encourage you to send us news you hear that might be of interest to others of the CM community. Subscription to this newsletter is free-of-charge. To subscribe to our mailing list please send us an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE in the subject. If you do not want to receive further issues please send us an e-mail with REMOVE in the subject. CAD AND DESIGN TOOLS 1. ANSYS Reports First Quarter 2016 Financial Results ANSYS, Inc. today announced its financial results for the first quarter of 2016. The Company reported GAAP and non-GAAP revenue growth in constant currency of 6% and 5%, respectively, and GAAP and non-GAAP diluted earnings per share of $0.63 and $0.77, respectively, for the quarter. Recurring revenue, which is comprised of lease license and maintenance revenue, totaled 78% of revenue for the first quarter . 2. Gerber Technology's Digital Solution Links Data, Smart Machines to Drive Mass Production and Mass Customization Gerber Technology is showcasing its Digital Solution at the Texprocess Americas show in Atlanta. Apparel and industrial companies are under significant competitive pressures to design, develop and produce their products faster and more efficiently while ensuring they get the right products to market at the right time and at the right price. Whether producing volume for the masses or customizing small lots, companies are struggling because of an inability to move data from process to process and machine to machine. At Texprocess, Gerber will demonstrate each step of its Digital Solution to illustrate how companies can network their software and smart machines to form an end-to-end solution to help meet the workflow challenges of mass production and mass customization. 3. FARO Reports First Quarter 2016 Financial Results FARO Technologies, Inc. (FARO) today announced its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2016. Sales for the quarter ended March 31, 2016 were $75.7 million, up 8.3% compared with $69.9 million in the first quarter last year. Excluding approximately $0.9 million of unfavorable foreign exchange impacts, first quarter sales would have increased approximately 10% as compared with the first quarter of 2015. The Company's sales growth was driven primarily by higher metrology sales within the Americas and Asia-Pacific regions. Gross margin for the quarter was 56.3% compared with 56.6% in the prior year period with product and service margins remaining relatively consistent with the prior year period. Operating income for the quarter was $4.3 million compared with $1.9 million in the prior year period, reflecting increased sales volume partially offset by a modest increase in operating expenses. 4. Cadence Expands OrCAD Solution to Address Flex and Rigid-Flex Design Challenges for IoT, Wearables and Mobile Devices Today at CDNLive EMEA, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. announced the OrCAD 17.2-2016 release with new capabilities for OrCAD® Capture, PSpice® Designer and PCB Designer that address challenges with flex and rigid-flex design as well as mixed-signal simulation complexities

Ley orgánica 2/1979, de 3 de octubre, del tribunal constitucional.

Ley Orgánica 2/1979, de 3 de octubre, del Tribunal Constitucional. Jefatura del Estado «BOE» núm. 239, de 5 de octubre de 1979 TEXTO CONSOLIDADO Última modificación: 5 de noviembre de 2010 DON JUAN CARLOS I, REY DE ESPAÑA, A todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, Sabed: Que las Cortes Generales han aprobado con el carácter de Orgánica y Yo vengo


SPT and MPT 31x series SSBL Positioning Transponder (SPT)Multifunction Positioning Transponder (MPT) Medium deep water use - 1000 m rated Units and options The medium frequency Kongsberg Simrad SPT 31x The transponder consists of the following main com- and MPT 31x series of transponders are the subsea and seabed elements of the Kongsberg Simrad under-


Final Accepted Version C-00463-2003.R1 Characterisation of T-type calcium current and its contribution to electrical activity in the rabbit urethra J. E. Bradley, U. A. Anderson, S. M. Woolsey, K. D. Thornbury, N. G. McHale & M. A. Hollywood Smooth Muscle Group, Department of Physiology, The Queen's University of Belfast, 97Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7BL, N. Ireland.

Microsoft word - dynz camp guidelines final 240511_ electronicversion

Diabetes Youth New Zealand National Diabetes Camping Guidelines Diabetes Youth New Zealand National Diabetes Camping Guidelines The Organisation and Management of Camps for Young People with Diabetes, and their Families Produced by Diabetes Youth New Zealand in association with the Starship Paediatric Diabetes Team and the Diabetes Nurse Specialist section of the New Zealand Nurses organisation, and


The Effect of Principal Component Analysis on Machine Learning Accuracy with High Dimensional Spectral Data Tom Howley, Michael G. Madden, Marie-Louise O'Connell and Alan G. Ryder National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland This paper presents the results of an investigation into the use of machine learningmethods for the identification of narcotics from Raman spectra. The classificationof spectral data and other high dimensional data, such as images, gene-expressiondata and spectral data, poses an interesting challenge to machine learning, as thepresence of high numbers of redundant or highly correlated attributes can seri-ously degrade classification accuracy. This paper investigates the use of PrincipalComponent Analysis (PCA) to reduce high dimensional spectral data and to im-prove the predictive performance of some well known machine learning methods.Experiments are carried out on a high dimensional spectral dataset. These ex-periments employ the NIPALS (Non-Linear Iterative Partial Least Squares) PCAmethod, a method that has been used in the field of chemometrics for spectralclassification, and is a more efficient alternative than the widely used eigenvectordecomposition approach. The experiments show that the use of this PCA methodcan improve the performance of machine learning in the classification of highdimensionsal data.

Company note

Equity Research Investment Research Post-results note 30 October 2015 Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Denmark Next stop: US Tresiba launch Volume growth in the insulin market is still 5%+ and we expect Novo to gain Target price, 12 mth (DKK) † market share through the launch of the Tresiba family. The pricing environment

Microsoft word - article_v3n4_2.doc

Volume 3, Number 4, 2010 INTERNET AND CELL PHONE BASED SMOKING CESSATION PROGRAMS AMONG ADOLESCENTS Purvi Mehta, Manoj Sharma Abstract: Smoking cessation among adolescents is a salient public health issue, as it can prevent the adoption of risky health behaviors and reduce negative impacts on health. Self-efficacy, household and social support systems, and perceived benefits are some important cessation determinants. With the popular use of the Internet and cell phone usage among adolescents, smoking cessation programs are beginning to adopt these new delivery methods. The purpose of the study is to review interventions between 2005 and 2009 that used the Internet or cell phones for smoking cessation among 11 to 19 year olds. A systematic search of the CINAHL, ERIC, Google Scholar, and Medline databases was done. A total of 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. Interventions mainly used the Internet as a form of assistance to enhance the effectiveness of the program. One intervention used text messaging through cell phones. Self-efficacy, household and social support systems and perceived benefits were found to be significant predictors. Programs with multiple approaches, using the Internet as an adjunct were more effective than programs that solely relied on the Internet. Future research is needed to verify its success in cessation practices. Recommendations for future research are provided.


Manual de Ceremonial y Protocolo UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA Los actos y ceremonias que se realizan en la USM, requieren estar dotados de uni- formidad y revestidos de la solemnidad correspondiente a su prestigio e imagen institucional. Por ello, la Dirección General de Comunicaciones (DGC) presenta el Manual de Ceremonial y Protocolo, con el objetivo de ordenar y orientar su elabora-


Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (2009) 36, 312– 318 DOPAMINE D2 RECEPTOR STIMULATION INHIBITS ANGIOTENSIN II-INDUCED HYPERTROPHY IN CULTURED NEONATAL RAT Hong Li,* Sa Shi,* Yi-Hua Sun,‡ Ya-Jun Zhao,* Quan-Feng Li,* Hong-Zhu Li,* Rui Wang† and Chang-Qing Xu* Departments of *Pathophysiology and ‡Clinical Laboratory, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,

Informationen für unsere myanmar - reisenden

Info-Broschüre Myanmar 24 Tage 2007 – Djoser Reisen GmbH Informationen für unsere Myanmar - Reisenden (24 Tage) Das ‚Land der 1000 Pagoden' galt einst als das reichste Land Südostasiens. Kein Reisender wird je genügend Zeit finden, alle Pagoden zu besuchen, denn neben diesen religiösen Schätzen der Vergangenheit entdeckt man in Myanmar außergewöhnliche Naturlandschaften und unberührte Strände. Das Wertvollste jedoch sind die Menschen, die durch ihre Wärme und Gelassenheit diese Reise zu einer ganz besonderen Erfahrung werden lassen.

Social mishap exposures for social anxiety disorder: an important treatment ingredient

Social Mishap Exposures for Social Anxiety Disorder: An Important Treatment Ingredient Angela Fang, Alice T. Sawyer, Anu Asnaani, and Stefan G. Hofmann, Boston University Conventional cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder, which is closely based on the treatment for depression, has been shownto be effective in numerous randomized placebo-controlled trials. Although this intervention is more effective than waitlist control group andplacebo conditions, a considerable number of clients do not respond to this approach. Newer approaches include techniques specificallytailored to this particular population. One of these techniques, social mishap exposure practice, is associated with significant improvement intreatment gains. We will describe here the theoretical framework for social mishap exposures that addresses the client's exaggerated estimationof social cost. We will then present clinical observations and outcome data of a client who underwent treatment that included such socialmishap exposures. Findings are discussed in the context of treatment implications and directions for future research.


Dep FR:Info Park ETE FR-Final 10/06/09 2:55 PM Page 1 SOCIÉTÉ PARKINSON DU QUÉBEC Vol.9, No.2 Été 2009 Je marche, c'est super ! Calendrier et détails, p.13 Mot de la rédactrice en chef Congrès CHUM – SPQ 2009 Plusieurs avenues de communications et d'activités de relations publiques sont Formation sur le Parkinson retenues pour assurer la pérennité de la Société Parkinson du Québec. Les

Docob l03 texte v3x

Document d'objectifs NATURA 2000 Secteur biogéographique atlantique Document opérationnel issu de la révision du docob Site Natura 2000 FR7200712 « Dunes modernes du littoral landais de Vieux Boucau à Hossegor » Nom abrégé : L03. Zone spéciale de conservation (ZSC)


USER MANUAL MAIN FUNCTIONS: • Jump start: Motorcycles, Cars (up to 5L - 5000cc gas engine and 2.5L - 2500cc diesel engine), and Boats… • Charge: Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, hd action cameras, music players, wireless speakers…) • Light: 3 Modes (normal, strobe, SOS) Thank you for choosing the Power Box by BS CHARGER™ Jump Starter ! Always follow basic safety precautions when using electrical boosters. Read all instructions carefully, please keep this instruction manual for easy reference.


Hindawi Publishing CorporationISRN PharmacologyVolume 2014, Article ID 575423, 5 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/575423 Research ArticlePromotive Effect of Topical Ketoconazole, Minoxidil, andMinoxidil with Tretinoin on Hair Growth in Male Mice Muhsin A. Aldhalimi,1 Najah R. Hadi,2 and Fadaa A. Ghafil2 1 Department of Dermatology, Kufa College of Medicine, Kufa, Iraq2 Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kufa College of Medicine, Kufa, Iraq


William E. Seidelman MDScience and Inhumanity: The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society First Published in: If Not Now an e-journal Volume 2, Winter 2000 Revised February 18, 2001. One hundred years ago this past December a German scientist by the name of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck gave a lecture in Berlin to the German Physical


Curr Surg Rep (2014) 2:50 Treatment of Unresectable Liver-Only Disease: Systemic Therapyversus Locoregional Therapy Jean M. Butte • Chad G. Ball • Elijah Dixon  Springer Science + Business Media New York 2014 Most patients with colorectal liver metastases has decreased dramatically; nonetheless, an important present with unresectable/disseminated disease and are

Neighbor stability-based vanet clustering for urban vehicular environments

J Supercomput (2016) 72:161–176DOI 10.1007/s11227-015-1517-6 Neighbor stability-based VANET clustering for urban Jung-Hyok Kwon1 · Hyun Soo Chang2 ·Taeshik Shon2 · Jai-Jin Jung3 · Eui-Jik Kim1 Published online: 11 September 2015© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Abstract In this paper, we propose a neighbor stability-based VANET clustering(NSVC) that can efficiently deliver data in urban vehicular environments. The salientfeatures of urban vehicles are their high mobility and unpredictable direction ofmovement, so vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2X) communicationshould take into consideration the frequent changes in the topology of vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs). These technical challenges are addressed with NSVC byincluding a neighbor stability-based VANET clustering scheme and the correspondingsupplementary transmission scheduling method. Thereby, NSVC supports fast clusterformation, minimizes the number of cluster head elections, and moreover guaranteesthe reliable delivery of data for emergency messages. The results of the simulationindicate that NSVC achieves better network performance when compared to existingapproaches.

Topical metronidazole (10 percent) decreases posthemorrhoidectomy pain and improves healing

Topical Metronidazole (10 Percent)Decreases Posthemorrhoidectomy Painand Improves Healing Thomas J. Nicholson, M.D., David Armstrong, M.D. Georgia Colon and Rectal Surgical Clinic, Atlanta, Georgia INTRODUCTION: Oral metronidazole has been previously improved, compared with that of carrier controls. [Key demonstrated to decrease postoperative pain after open dia-


Curr Oncol, Vol. 20, pp. e442-447; doi: http:/ dx.doi.org/10.3747/co.20.1497 DENOSUMAB AND GIANT CELL TUMOUR OF BONE R E V I E W A R T I C L EDenosumab and giant cell tumour of bone—a review and future management considerationsS.F. Xu md phd,* B. Adams md,† X.C. Yu md phd,* and M. Xu md* specimen revealed a tumour mass with histologic


Secures Their Electric Transmission Facilities andalism, theft, and the poten- ITC Holdings, Inc. has taken extraordinary steps tial for sabotage or acts of terrorism have to protect their physical and cyber assets in order to motivated the electric generation and maintain the integrity of their bulk electric system. Vtransmission industry to seek viable Headquartered in Novi, Michigan, ITC builds, main-


IPS e.max – one system for every indication all ceramic all you need IPS e.max − one system for every indication Dental patients of today are looking for more than just a IPS e.max allows you to offer your patients exceptionally healthy and functional restorative solution. Esthetics is beautiful restorations which also demonstrate high